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tv   [untitled]    September 5, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm AST

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with exclusive interviews, support, i'll just be around teens on the ground with intensifying rain. people here appear that these are temporary solutions to bring you winning document trees and live need. ah, this is al jazeera, ah, this is a news hour on, i'll just 0. i'm fully back to life from our headquarters here and go are coming up in the next 60 minutes. the heavy gunfire near the presidential palace in guineas capital khan, a creek. several presidential gods reportedly injured. the whereabouts of the
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president are unknown. renewed, tried taking up counties, johns found g. valley overshadows the taliban efforts to form a new government. the resistance forces oppose its rule. also this, our protest fans, old bronk failed to stop the non curation of the you had bishop for the serbian orthodox church in montenegro. i thought it was the phone as i hung up. and it's for wilma, when she policy is out of the funnel grand slam of the season deal straight and has been beaten in around 3 of the us open by home shelby rogers. ah thank you very much for joining us. we begin with breaking news from guinea in west africa where heavy gunfire has erupted near the presidential palace in the capital
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con crate. the in the military has been deployed on the streets and is urging people to stay home. it's unclear who is responsible for the gunfire. report say, several presidential gods may be wounded. this is the presidential palace in the car loom business district in conner, cree where heavily armed soldiers have been seen guarding the area. some reports say president of con day was near the presidential palace hotel, car loom as bringing west africa correspondence, nicholas hoc was following developments from senegal. he joined us on the line from the car, a very fluid situation. nick today in connor cree. what's the latest you're hearing? well, i mean that the question of the all people, all citizens of guinea are asking themselves right now is who is in charge of the country. there's been numerous pictures circulating online that haven't been to verify that portray a president of the con day surrounded by soldiers that appear to be members of the
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red bray. the red bray is the presidential guard meant to protect him not to arrest him, but he appears on this video on the picture appear to be under arrest, but these are all unconfirmed. meanwhile, the gun fired continues to resonate throughout the capitol. the special forces are also involved on the ground. so in this district of column, you have the most well equipped and the strongest fighting forces in guinea where, where, where all the fighting is taking place. and it's unclear and there has been no statement made neither by the presidency nor by any member of the government about what's the situation. and that is really put the people in the capital guinea in a state of worry would they, they're seeing troops gather around the capital using allowed speakers to ask
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residents to stay indoors. and so obviously there's this doesn't come as a surprise because there has been a previous qu, attempts that have been supported in the past against the alpha convey but nothing like we've seen here today. and could i creep, indeed, as you say, they've been previous co attempts against south county who serving his 3rd term as a president, very controversial 3rd term. what could be behind the current tension and the unrest that we're witnessing today. there's been a growing sense of discontent spent specifically among the armed forces last week. the parliament voted it decree that but that allowed an increase in paid for members of the presidential palace and a decrease in pe among members of the security forces and of government officials.
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and when he tweaked the constitution, allowing him to run for a 3rd mandate. there was already quite a lot of division among the government workers, but also specifically among the military that he counted on to be on his side. there's also an ethnic element to it. you know, in the run up to the election, the un office for the prevention of genocide had warned also conduct to tone down his ethnic rhetoric in this country where the salon is of the majority. but have never, never had the flight come to power where the been didn't hold a substantial power, at least in the government, and in the high ranks of the military. meanwhile, during the rule, it also can do this. this cor country with enormous wealth has seen dramatic increase in revenues, but that hasn't filtered down to the population, nor to those that worked for the government. norfolk. so those in the security forces a lot of division within the framework of power. but also
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a lot of resentment towards con, day, among the population. and as you were speaking, nick, we were playing all kind of pictures of president of our county, standing alongside the french president demand you, michael france, of course, a former colonial power day. we also saw images of fi county with chinese government officials. tell us about the importance of guinea. i mean, a number of countries have been trying to establish themselves in this west african country. why is what happens in con creek and in guinea overall of significance? not just to the region but internationally. because one simple fact fully they are the brick biggest producer in the world of or, and aluminum, a key component to make vehicles cars. to equipped electric cars, we know that in europe all vehicles quickly switched to electric vehicle. and all of that is being extracted from this country where people are in poverty,
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but has enormous mineral and bulk site available in the country that has yet to be exploited. and there are several countries that have been trying to set yourself a home day in many ways. i mean, you know, there's china, there's russia and from the former colonial power. all trying to, to, to, to have their hand in this, in this well, in this country. and caught between this tussle to try to get hold of this of this of this well, are the people of guinea, who have largely lived in poverty where the security forces, according to human rights groups, including the international, have used to arbitrary detention shots on protesters. but those that are protesting against the government, and this is a country that surrounded by, by senegal, that shares border within a go and with, with going to be so, and up until recently that border with because african they successfully was
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unsuccessful in trying to maintain good relations with its neighbors. and so there's a sense among many giddeons that he had simply by tweaking the constitution by staying into power. he had to be stepped over and, and just over stayed in the presidential palace. so there was mounting grievances against this president who was a formidable opposition leader who was able to negotiate all the divisions and, and not just is that our ethnic but also regional divisions that make up guinea. but now it seems that the battle field, the battle ground has become the presidential palace and the question that everybody who's in charge of the country fully who is in charge and where is president if i county, of course, nicholas hart. thank you for that update. we will keep a close eye on the situation in guinea for you and bringing all the latest updates
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with nick hack was keeping an eye on the situation there for us. mm hm. and negotiations are underway in afghanistan to finalize a new government about the taliban is facing strong resistance to its role in a region north of the capital capital. it's been heavy fighting in the montana spongy valley where opposition forces are battling taliban fighters. the national resistance front is made up of militias and former gun security force members. both sides claim they inflicted heavy losses atop us general has warned. there is a chance of a broader civil war as bringing chinese stratford who corresponded in couple. first, what's happening in pans here? charlie cleans encounter crazed by the 2 sides. what's the latest you're hearing about the fighting? that's right. well we understand that has been heavy fighting of the last 24 hours
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or so. we've spoken to sources in that area. they're telling us that the, in our, if a saying that they have taken captive hundreds of some of the bon prisoners, apparently there is no way that we can independently confirm this. the solid bond were taken by surprise. having crossed the bridge in an, an area called don suck, at which point, according to the saw saying that they were then surrounded by the n r f. and the bridge was blown up. we had no comment from the child, a ban on these claims. what we do know is that some of the n r f are very well armed. we were there the day before yesterday speaking to locals. you said the to the build up to the thought about taking control of cobble. they had seen lots of weapons go into the valley. analysts say that the n r f, which are predominantly made up of as you say, form and a i see i've got national army soldiers, militias,
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and an ethnic minority in that valley bite up of topics. and these analysts to saying that these build up a weapons has been going on for years, their growing phase about the estimated 15200000 people inside the valley. and all communication has been cut off. right? so know that the thought about so we'd be told to talk about the electricity as well. so it is very difficult to get independent verification of exactly what's going on. and what impact is, is fighting in pan chair, having charlie on the taliban efforts to form a government. it's been there's been a few days, not for a few days now. we've been hearing as a new government will be announced soon, but it's taking time. that's right. repeated announcements from various taliban officials in the last week or so that they were close to announcing
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the formation of an inclusive government. we've seen quite a lot of diplomatic activity in the last 24 to 48 hours yesterday visit by the cut . a special in boy will talk been measured l car tawny. he said that he was here to engaging to ensure a peaceful transition of power for an inclusive and effective government. we know that the categories have been a lynchpin. they've been crucial in trying to repair the airport. we've seen another a flight could sorry, a flight arrived today. so for the countries very much engaged here. we've also seen a visit from the pakistan's pakistan's head of intelligence fight hamid he was in cobble yesterday. of course, focused on has huge interests being such a large neighbor, a border of 2500 kilometers. huge security concerns amongst the focused on a government and concerns about refugees as well. around 33000000 refugees,
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african refugees already an afghan. is that now the pakistani have been criticized by many western governments. wisdom governments saying that there are elements within the pakistani military and intelligence establishment that over the years of actually supported the tal yvonne. that's something that the pakistan is, have always denied, but there's no doubt that pakistan is very much engaged. one would think and has a role in, in trying to come up with a solution and help that's all a bond for this in government. the government that they have probably spoke the ap games and the rest of the world will be inclusive and transparent. but back to your original question, what kind of impact they spiting in the punches valley has on this formation? certainly the announcement over formation of the government remains to be said, certainly at least the saying that might explain the delay. charlie, thank you for that child stratford live forest. erin campbell bench moore,
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head on this news hour, including assessing the damage in the us. the cleanup after hurricane is being complicated by problems with housing and infrastructure. i'm poor reason the arctic in northern norway where and a lack of interest in drilling for new oil in the foreign c, a case in the european court of human rights and green policies of the norwegian election could me in the country is finally falling out of love with oil and inform a golden finish for the house as the tokyo paralympics come to a close. aah! the rock now where they've been to attacks on security forces blamed on ice or at least 12 police officers were killed when their checkpoint was attacked near the northern city of care. coke, 3 soldiers were killed in a separate incidents near mosul. mama de la had has the details from baghdad. there
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is heavy military presence in russia area and southern cook following the attack. the to an attack by eisley in the area that killed 12 federal police, individuals injured the others and one for the police individual is still missing this according to security sources and can cook. now the area in there are a shad is very difficult which help isolate launching multiple attacks taunting for the police. and also that follows a sweep operation by the federal police that led to the apprehension of military commanders isolate commanders in the area. and that's probably the reason why they came in under under attack by iso militants in the area. remember this area isis ice, the militants have been launching multiple attacks, talking security forces including federal police and also
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a popular mobilization forces in the area over the past 2 years of inaugural ssion of an orthodox church leader in montenegro has gone ahead. despite protests against the move demonstrators blocked roles and font with police before the ceremony opponent and see the church as a symbol and a sign of creeping serbian info. and 15 years after montenegro was independence, famous ravi reports, police and protesters fight in the montenegrin capital, opinion, demonstrations against the duration of the new head of the serbian orthodox church . fascism, fascism, pure fascism, their sectarian gang, colorado. this was the true tear diverse. it's all for no reason. they were not over 50100 of us in the sense that in front of them, one of 3, they threw tear gus all the time and we didn't see anything. montenegro declared independence from serbia in 2006 following years of ethnic violence and political
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turmoil triggered by the breakup of the former yugoslavia. but the serbian orthodox church still represents the country's dominant religion. and the 10 year old, serbian capital remains a cultural center for serbians inside months of the ceremony to inaugurate a new church leader. reopening old wounds. it's difficult to find the serbian priests who kill have of yugoslavia. montenegrins who opposed ties with serbia say the serbian orthodox church does not serve their interests and is influenced by belgrade, protest or set of roadblocks to the monastery, to keep church and stay dignitaries away, but failed to stop the ceremony. the new church leader acknowledged the deep divisions on boston. forgive us for a lot of inconvenience and divisions seen here since last night. these divisions were artificially provoked, and we have done everything to prevent them and to remove. but it will take us
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a long time. nearly a 3rd of montenegro, 620000 people consider themselves serves. some, refused to acknowledge montenegro independence and oppose montenegrins who want an independent orthodox church to replace the serbian rival political parties. stoke tensions by backing activists on either side of the controversy. the ascension of a new religious leader. now a flash point for ethnic tensions in an ongoing conflict over national identity is in basra. b o. 0. early i spoke to lat call. we have a chose a professor of political science at the university of montenegro. he says there is the political element which is driving opposition to the bishop seen argue ration. this is for example, what was happening in the 2nd year today. and yesterday, he's just new match, you know, serious between the pro ration and serbian forces,
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one side and problem can even invest the forces on our side regarding the future of the country. because being or to the church, the strongest proxy of russia to new york. and prostate russia, in to be in the original problem edition of the increasing detention in the country in demeanor, is that in order to, after the latest elementary election controlled the government that talk to the churches leader one or 2 joined that is not accepted by other or surgeries and struby and, and actually the, the nurse position, the current government. they actually said openly that the serbian or to the church was a part of the director can be. but also about it was part of negotiation about the, the government who is going to be the minister,
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and actually the city not to church control, the mean number of the ministers in the government. so actually the president is right and she says that actually the church is controlling and the government hundreds of thousands of farmers have rallied in northern india, calling on the government to repeal laws, which they say are damaging their livelihoods. it was the largest in months of demonstrations pharmacy. the laws introduced last year, failed to guarantee minimum prices and leave them with little bargaining power against big retailers. through the government have failed to break the deadlock by me. midtown was at the protest in the god its own about politics and i know 2 ways about it. more than 100, the houses are far beyond the choice. the venue is significant. receive a standard with the nation going to election next in about 70 number, which is where this is the head. i had meant that you,
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you see the city is too large community, the muslim now decades these 2 communities coexist peacefully, but 8 years ago, right? real cause and this benefited to be to be immensely nearly 70 percent of the he has a boat which is a pgp. hey, of the way from the movies, the prime minister, 2014 in 2017. the time to go to this is about the gap community communities such as of egypt, the that the trying to men bridges with them with them trying to be difficult calculations ahead elections into this in the us. the cost of damage from
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hurricane ida and its aftermath could reach $95000000000.00. most of the devastation was in the north east and a part of the country that suffered heavy rain and flooding. dozens of people were killed when either made lamb full in louisiana for the clean, i've been hampered by problems with infrastructure and housing cable is on the re for some washington security cameras record the moment a basement in a home starts to fill up with the rainwater and then water pressure from hurricane is too much to bear, and the walls give in the family was able to escape. they were lucky. in new york city, many were not 13 people were killed. after being trapped inside the basement apartments, they ranged in age from an 86 year old woman to a 2 year old boy and both his parents all found dead and flooded basement apartment . they were unable to escape housing experts say up to 300000 illegal basement
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dwellings in new york city may not conform to safety codes and don't have proper drainage or escape routes. many of the people who live in them are on low incomes and often immigrants who can't afford to live anywhere else. the city doesn't have exact numbers of illegal basement dwellings, but the governor said floods are the new normal. so they need to find answers with the higher elevations now, where the flash floods which were unknown before this is the 1st time we've had a flush, a flash flood event of this proportion in the city of new york. and in the outlying areas we haven't experienced before, but we should expect that the next time in louisiana recovery efforts are hampered by power outages and continued flooding. residents of a senior living community were evacuated after living without power for several days. the staff had all evacuated days before leaving residence alone and in the dark. no, nobody showed up. so body,
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not one person showed up to come check on. all 8 electricity transmission lines feeding southwest louisiana were knocked offline by ida official say power won't be completely restored to many areas until the middle of this week, and the hardest in areas until september 29th. it's clear after hurricane item something needs to be done. and president joe biden is looking towards congress to take a more action on his multi trillion dollar infrastructure plan that he says will make the us better prepared for extreme weather. and climate change. biden is planning to to are the hardest hit areas in new jersey and new york on tuesday. gabriel, joe, i'll just either washington and 7 nursing homes in louisiana have been ordered to close following the death of some of our residents. 7 patients died after they were vacuum to a warehouse which was being used as
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a temporary shelter before hurricane ida. hit official say the conditions at the facility where a danger to the public life health and safety, brazil's worst route in nearly a century is drying, oppressive wise and threatening if energy supply water levels in many, hydro electric dams have dropped to record lows. the government says it may have to start rationing electricity. emily fuel reports, this is the furnace reservoir, next to one of the main hydro electric dams in the brazilian state meanest arise water levels. there have dropped 15 meters since last year caused by the worst route brazil has seen and more than 90 years. resident say there's barely enough water for boats to operate. that was marsha, by certainty. the water level has gone down a lot. several sandbanks like he's in the canyon, so there's no space for the boats to maneuver. when one boat enters, the tourist will take
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a picture and leave. so the next boat can enter because there is no space for all the boats to enter together. record low rainfall is also affecting fish farms in the region. beg, looking to be c, v. a used to catch 1520 fisher day, now it's been reduced to 5 or 6. and now the draw a squeezing energy supplies in a country that relies on hydro power plants for 2 thirds of its electricity. the government has warned that rationing could be next problem. i said, the problem is serious. i appeal to you at home. i'm sure that you can turn off a light now, turning off one light helps, it saves energy and water for hydro electric plants, the water levels are at 10 to 15 percent. and most of these hydroelectric plants were at the limit. some will stop working if this water crisis continues. consumers already feeling the impact power bills are going up, as well as the prices of basic goods such as grains and meet him and put his little buggy. in december, my electricity bill was
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a 164 dollars this month. it's $235.00 using the same number of phrases without changing anything for the price has gone up a lot. it's hard to work like this. the drugs also devastating coffee crops, brazil is the world's biggest exporter. production is expected to fall by quarter this season. a situation made worse by cold snap in july. experts say amazon deforestation which has accelerated under the bowl. so narrow government has played a role in causing the crisis and with more dry weather expected throughout september, life could get more difficult for brazilians. and the 20. 1 of the most dangerous wildfires in canada this year has been brought under control. the blaze at white rock lake burned for $52.00 days in british columbia is stretched across more than $80000.00 and hector's huge areas of forests in several properties have been destroyed. canadians are calling on their leaders to tackle climate change
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after some of extreme weather. now warm in the west. cool in the east, his jeff with more on the weather divide in europe. oh, hello. there are good to see. we've got some thunderstorms popping for southern areas of italy over the i and the and see effecting a southern sections of albania into greece. and there are weather alerts in play for southern sections of italy and greece that some of the cells could produce some flash fighting after turkey. and we may catch a thunderstorm through its stumble. but i think the bigger story is really there is brisk winds blowing through the black sea and the boss for is. so for example, the next 3 days we'll see those winds 5055 kilometers per hour. but your temperature is exactly where it should be. temperature is above average as we look toward iberia. so cordova, 38 degrees on sunday. but i think in the next few days we may nudge up the 40 temperature is also on the rise for western parts of europe. we'll talk more about that in a sec. but toward the east, we've got a cool pool of air, thanks to
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a north when really dragon down temperatures helsinki at 15 degrees. but now to the good stuff, london, an abundance of sunshine, your temperature up to 28 on wednesday. your next rain risk. i think will be on thursday gutter storms through western sections of africa, but particularly heavy as we look toward equitorial, guinea cameroon. and nigeria. a boucher has a high of 30 degrees on sunday. that's it for me. bye for now. jeff, thank you very much for that. still ahead on the news, our more shelling inferior rebel held enclave are derived despite russian brokerage p fire agreement. we'll look at what's driving the ongoing fighting, why china is imposing new rules aimed at removing celebrities from the soft bite. and in toward that goal for who's on target point $15000000.00 pay day with ah,
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they wanted $43000000.00 pounds worth of weaponry. that was 6000000000 pounds in commission. there's no hope of any more because there's always a small car. most people for really, really good live in athens, we in the united states have privatize the ultimate public function war shadow on al jazeera, the, until the story. ah, we speak when others don't. ah, we cover all sides no matter where it takes a police fin here, guys my empower in pasha. we tell your story. we are your voice. you knew your net.


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