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tv   [untitled]    September 5, 2021 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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mental disaster and investigation. south africa, toxic city on al jazeera teaching, those you can watch out for english streaming live, and i do channels plus thousands of our programs award winning documentary. and to get new support, a scribe. you choose dot com. forward slash al jazeera english. ah, hello, i'm marianne timothy and london, a look at our main stories. now. a qu appears to be underway in guinea video has been released, showing ties in african days, surrounded by special forces personnel, the african union, the un of condemned to take over and call for days immediate release. because i wanted to see about today, we have decided to dissolve the constitution because we will write a constitution together all of guinea. we will bring together the 4 regents to the
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diaspora and have inclusive consultations to decide the future of this country. out there is nicholas hackers following events in the car. what happened last week at the, at the parliament where some had a salary increase, others had a cut in their wages. was just the drop that made the cup spill. there was a lot of people disgruntled with the current economic situation and their circumstances. and this really started last year in the election in which president of a con, they had tweets the constitution allowing him to run for a 3rd man. they despite widespread protest across the nation and we saw security forces, then use heavy handedness, fight shooting, live rounds towards protesters. and these are protests or members of civil society, the opposition, and just regular get in. and so these, these are the scenes of,
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of the security forces shooting on protest tours just for meant that even more discontent among people. and despite his assurances that he would lead dialogue and conversations and try to unite the country, it seems that this country is ever so more divided 1st on the ethnic front. co days . a 1000000 k was a 1000000 k hold senior position in office in a country where the philosophies make up the majority. and in fact, the united nations office for the prevention of genocide had had really warned and asked the president to tone down his ethnic rhetoric. but then there's also, quite frankly, a division between those enriching themselves in a country where most live on less than $2.00 a day. now in our headlines, the leader of an afghan opposition group resisting the taliban says he's willing to stop fighting. if the groups stop its attacks and national resistance,
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front leader, my food says he welcomes proposals from religious scholars for negotiated settlement and the fighting. cha, stratford is in campbell. there has been heavy fighting the last 24 hours or so we supposed to sources in that area. they're telling us that the in our if a saying that they have taken captive hundreds of some of the bon prisoners. apparently, there is no way that we can independently confirm this. the solid bond were taken by surprise having crossed the bridge in an an area called don suck. at which point, according to the saw saying that they were then surrounded by the riff. and the bridge was blown up. some of the rif, very well armed we with the day before yesterday speaking to locals. who said that to the build up to the thought about taking control of cobble. they had seen lots of weapons go into the valley. analysts say that the n r f, which are predominately made up of form and a as the afghan national army soldiers,
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militias, and an ethnic minority in that valley made up of topics. and these analysts to saying that they build up a weapons has been going on for years. they're growing phase about the estimated 15200000 people inside the valley. and all communication has been cut off. we also know that the child about, so we be told to talk about a cut the electricity as well. so it is very difficult to get independent verification of exactly what's going on. and at least 3 civilians have been killed in a syrian government attack on the rebel house. if you have data and follows a 3 day seas 5 broke by russia after weeks of attacks truce was meant to allow aiden. but people in the city say supplies haven't arrived and they choose government forces of trying to take control. i'll be back a bit later. witnesses the program coming up next.
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i me. and the last 8 days, i have been at the hospital 5 times until 345 in the morning. i'm with people who have tried to take the lives. i have received 6 good bye messages from people, some of whom i know, many of whom i didn't. i have literally had to restrain someone who was trying to take a life. i had been on the phone to someone else who was about to take the lie. that has been one of a wait. ah, i was once the person on the other side. i was once the person wanting to jump off
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the bridge. i tried multiple time. i planning how i was going to die, walking down the street, seeing trees and literally just saying it's off hanging in them. that's what i used to do. i was consumed by that 247 ah, the voices of her platform that we created and where people can share the stories. the stories with depression also aside the stories and how they got sure and how they are now free of hi, how are regionally reached out to me when she thought my story and she was like all i really want to share my story with your voice is a heart and then i got a message from her and she was like, i am really sorry. i don't think i'm strong enough to to do it. i've just been in
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the hospital for the last 2 weeks off the trying to take my life. we. she was struggling, which was every day she would meet me, she would call me if she was having panic attacks. if she was wanting to hurt herself, she would context me. she asked if i could promise her that one day when she was free from her pain, that you know that she would be able to tell her story on voice as hard. and i, she, she whole heartedly at that point. wanted to be here to do that. thank you for the opportunity to patch. i am still in. don't go to church. i'm pitching away theories about suicide in my framed chase. i know that this is a hard subject in story tell. but one that people my age want to talk about. you may, if there virtually i was just going to tell you a story for film go. we had to do this kind of big project at the end of the year. and so when the opportunity came to pitch theories,
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i didn't really think i was going to get through or anything. somebody from museum . i may have heard recently a story about a young girl who was on the staff motorway bridge. the comments, if you go to the 1st slide, some i'm going to read that back from the east, so traffic can get going. if she was serious, you would have done it by now. she just wants attention. hopefully 50000 bolts. were that being arranged? the stigma around there was, i mean to health is that you're teaching speaking the purpose of this change, the stigma was terrified, but i wanted to how she says story because she was one that girl she was on the girl standing on the motorway bridge and people want to see change. so my question is will you help me make that change the he's muscle. yeah. he's actually run the 24 hour down here so that we can run off
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that timeline. yeah. without having to do that. the good by nice for chain reaction of what my mom cools pretty straight. i knew that i needed to find the experience produces to help me people that would read the story. that's the hard story. to tell it in a way that wasn't glamorize and it was vital to me because i had never done anything like this before. what do you think it is about chase? because you she was someone who contacted you at the time you were putting together stories. i remember one of your takes, she seemed to be great to get used to collecting story. what was different about she made parallel. wrong. so parallel. i've never heard anything that was so similar and i think i just thought me,
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i really saw me me. my name's jazz in this is a story about suicide. me, but this isn't my story. delay your video. it's the story of my friend jesus. this is jayce dad and her story doesn't in the same way that mine has so it just won't be easy to see. i did mention that she put a pe ford and that she'd been successful with that. that we theories about go ahead and, and she asked if we would kind of be okay with fish in the city and the head history of it just knew she has the struggle. so it wasn't like stranger, i feel
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a huge responsibility for james and, and, and telling the story. and i think chip post because i'm directing it. but also because i knew her, i remember a conversation that mean and had, and i don't think she me anything by that time. but jason ran away and she was like in the forest area and i had to go and get her out and pull her out. and as the 1st time that i've probably had like a real good conversation with and she said to me in so many people have come into her life and have tried to save her. and i haven't been able to, but i really think you might be able to be the one that can save her. and i obviously couldn't the when i was 12, i made a decision to try and in my own life. now i don't know,
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i said the 12 year old i knew that if i didn't do that i would need that white copy . to be honest, i really don't think i kid. i wanted the pain admiration is sitting here like where the we're the ones that are dying, where the ones that are losing our friends were the ones losing our brothers sisters and, and therefore we have to be the ones that will stand up and solve it because no one else is going to so it's a 16 year old, i made this decision. i was going to do anything with my lie. i needed to get all the place that i was and i needed to get out of the town that i was there. i stayed up, i really feel open. i didn't know anyone kind of flat on trade me. i enrolled myself in high school and things are going well for like for like 2 weeks and i was like, this is amazing. everything's changed. my life is great. i mean, and then i realized that, that i could, i couldn't run away from my situation, but i couldn't run away from myself wherever i was there while i was the right. and
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we don't shy away from the truth is what we've been through when we were younger. i mean, i know that i have the passion behind it and the ability to kind of how a story that people can use to fight to help team 1000 to help change the life. i was in the 6 weeks fighting for my life, but you see when i was sitting in that unit, i mean oriented and he came into the thought unit. he's looked gorgeous. why do i just her and i'm just tired. and she looked at me and guard jed, i don't think that you're fighting, i think you're only surviving, and that's only when you learn how to fly. that the change that you're longing because he's going to change everything. this is the place. one of the things he says he's about to tell us how she's been
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notified over ages. yes, she, i don't know if she's well as so she, i was just in a meeting and i've already been out of my phone, but she just takes me exciting. i'm sorry, yes. if i knew down a country this anymore, i'm sorry. i like you. why was like the last i worry about her not worry about what we are all and backing on. putting her back in that place, making her talk about thing reset or about jack, but it was about her and she's the only person. so could tell the story of her and she would want to do it at home so that his family. sometimes i get caught out a little bit on timeline, realizing just how close jazz to the christ points in her own story. she's 22 and we're talking about suicide attempts and periods and hospital that were only 2
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years ago for her. and she's really put herself out, they were the voices of hope. and because young people identify with her, they contact her constantly. she's very expose and it makes it even a new vulnerable. so i find myself trying to read her to see if she's okay. and i think about it late at night on the final reading and we've only just begun i, i don't think i would have gotten into that. i could think of been at the same time she may have gone as far away from the house is possible. again, because she doesn't know why she knows why, and i think she's like
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well, you hadn't remember much a local papers written a story about what i'm doing and the title kind of sensationalize is suicide. i went on to the last night and like 90 percent of the comments were just like her. if people say that i'm going to kill myself in the doco or like the team coming to adopt any you ah, what people say ah, the women are being supportive and the guys the troll. yeah. no disrespect and great job by becoming your demon. for 14 a team. where do you think it come from? for only thing that seems to happen on social media, particularly when it's about suicide? i think it just comes from a mess of lack of understanding. i think that the people who are writing these
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things they have never had experience and at all they have enough last someone and may out very better about it and angry them and think that they were selfish for doing it. knowing that this is how people are reacting from this. i'm nervous as to what the reaction is going to be when the thing actually comes out to us, why we will that throughout with it's all good. you can totally told course about what you want to. we can talk about yeah, no, i did. you, did you see there's one on twitter from the he'd like, not immediately know i saw them when the cuff raised them with me. he'd line obviously need to draw people when, but it's literally sensationalizing suicide. and that's something that going into the series we have to ensure does not happen that people's lives are not quick when
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the particular topic the lives in the story can all be clipped back. we thought we had very tight guidelines and certainly about social media and how we handle stories about mental health and suicide that are not to say that they can't be reviewed moments now just in time. and in this case with site and things up there that i was devastated, you know, i'm so that was a lot worse for you, but i just, it just be so much that something i've been involved and we've been involved in kind of the outcome, a car about this, well, almost everything else he did while it was like for you to heaven did not want
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to attempted suicide many, many times and and in a lucid moments when she wasn't in crisis a couple times, she told us that she didn't want to be here she didn't want to love any more. was too hard. as a hell of a thing. has this? we did everything wrong, so we would say, well that's just selfish. you can't do that because what about? what about me? what about and what about your brother? what about the cat?
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what are we going to do? so it made me feel like an absolute failure, and that my love wasn't enough to keep her here. oh jones and you become aware of the room and everybody and everyone in the room. but yeah, it was, it's hard. ah, she takes me like the room and she started up. she had gone in the place
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where where the path to reapply because we don't know where you know where she is. she's ok and then she went, she did, she did take her back itself back to her mental and she was with him. so she, she knew she had to go there and that was fine. that i think for us, it's really hard for us to know if we don't know where she is really hard for us to judge if she's okay. if jane is going to, to put herself in any kind of danger, we need to stop us and white and gives her time to figure out how to work with us to keep her safe. if it's kind of the way it just has to be, i
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my biggest fear is that i'm going to do it wrong and that will lead to someone watching it. and then taking me like i know 100 people who finally kind of watch it. i know it because then i always suicide. while i was watching things on youtube would hide just to try and understand what was going on. i am terrified of not doing jesus story justice. i don't want to do one thing good ah, jacket. and jane gave way past the james and then have sat in on a couple of interviews. they've really wanted to young people that were being
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interviewed and they know jameson as well. and i want them there as well. i religiously for the people message me and other people saying like i'm so glad she died. she does the and also like why would anyone say that we're working with the therapist as well. yeah. and you need to put it as if you don't contact her directly, but obviously it's something that, that we're providing. and yeah, and i would really encourage you to do that. what was she like when she was like a young kid was like growing up. i mean, to very close kind of, we hung out a lot of the time together and everything and there was a concert,
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things like us, ours and now ours. and when we get in and sit down and watch and p i those team minutes jim, in the what thoughts the going through your mind when you realize that she's gone? i think i think i'm sorry there's so much in you said the 1st one is when i'm 3 and at phase ah
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yeah. i kind of graphic it's basically saying that the complaint relates to a disclosure made by her 3 year old daughter with me regarding to an allegation that a man i don't say it's garth has done stuff and yet prize, making the complaint the place my mom advised the abusive partner of it and the person, not the allegations. mom did a police report originally and how she was putting an api on me and noticed stuff wasn't right. as a 3 year old. it seems clear. exactly. that really is so
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as an open, closed open closed 4 times. i've been quite up because it was how does the stuff me feel about him? it's hard because it's point blank obvious. and she had, you know, she had met now that it is, but the reality is that she had a worth i bringing than i did. so she really didn't know any better. she really didn't. she did say she could, but unfortunately, the basis she could kept me in the me. this is a history of suicide teams. why we see suicidal? that's always a tough question. the reasons why some people get to this place isn't as simple psychological equation world some of different lives. but he's had told me about
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things that hurt her, that she was struggling to make some calls in her head. to get a bit of bad attitude and fight and generally care as much. and at the time we just thought being a teenager, and that is what it is. we didn't find out collateral on who, why, why that behavior was evident. i voice at home and i received a phone call from chase. she was in the counselor's office at school. she said that she had something to tell me and that hed had been touching her inappropriately. that's our thing, the hero. hello thing. i
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just didn't know what to do. i went to the toya, cried and really angry. and i want to, i wanted to hurt someone. i could just remember looking at jason. it's feeling really guilty that i hadn't particular as a father should me up to more than a decade of civil war. life remains a challenge sincerely. we follow the citizens of this war to the nation because they pushed the limits for supply.
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risking is the earlier on al jazeera september on tuesday ra russians closed in parliamentary elections imitates the president putin 21 year grip on power. the listening post dissects the media, how they operate, the stories they cover. and the reason why the 911 attack also the world 20 years on the war that followed had finally ended, and i've done it. but that's what caught, this didn't real, obviously, unique, attractive on us can help you and history through the eyes of the fearless and vision. we still make it. germany goes to the poles and elections of the angular merkel replace. after 15 years in power. what will the results mean for german and european union? september on al jazeera, on accounting, the costs, china's designs on the indian
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o should be james investing millions enforcing laws in august. can india count to china? geo. political and economic might last a referendum in berlin to strip the landlord of tens of thousands of hope. counting the cost on al jazeera. oh, hello, i'm marianne was in london with a quick look at the main stories. now, a qu appears to be underway in guinea has been video release showing president of con day. the country's 1st really elected lead us surrounded by special forces personnel. not clear away. he's being held african union in the us of condemned the takeover and court for days and media release. a group of armed soldiers has appeared on state television to announce the steps they.


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