tv [untitled] September 6, 2021 2:00pm-2:30pm AST
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corner, every house here has someone who has made it to the top of ever as not just one, but several times. program that open your i to not punitive you today on algebra. ah, taliban declared it has taken control of the laws province resisting its rule. the rebels called a national uprising. ah, i owe money by this, is there a lie from? doha was coming up. the celebrations and parts of guinea, also to depose controversial president of the day. but this uncertainty over what happens next. israel launch is a massive search after 6 palestinians dig
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a tunnel and escaped from a high security prison plot. under unhindered and chicago were film researchers have found a lost treasure, a film that been missing for nearly a century. ah, we began in afghanistan where in the last few minutes, the leader of the resistance movement in afghanistan, the pantry valley has called national uprising after the taliban and took control of the last province opposing its rule battles of rage for days in the mountainous region. north of kabul, the town of bottom says it wanted a peaceful outcome, but face continued defiance. what earlier was this and forces announced they were ready to negotiate an end to the fighting. but i am a little high in a bus than when now delegations went there,
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they received negative answers and they couldn't resolved matters through negotiations and dialogue. so the islamic emerett decided to st. military forces to get rid of this violence, nest of terrorism. we want a peaceful country, and if anybody causes problems or causes insecurity anywhere in afghanistan, the islamic emerett, if i've got a son, will make a decision and not allow anyone to congregate and act against the government. that's going straight to correspondence, charles strafford, in kabul. charles, good to see you again. so we're hearing now from the pantry resistance lead. just in the last few minutes calling for this national uprising in our got his down. what should we read into those comments? well yes, we received a message from his spokes person a, an audio message. now we cannot verify when this was recorded, or indeed where it was recorded, but certainly a message of defiance. so i'll read a little bit more out you. it was an audio message in diary that we have translated
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purporting to be from a pseudo says i'm not only upset for my people. and for all the families and all the relatives and their loss of respect and their religion in afghanistan, i fought and resisted. my dear countryman, whatever is going on today is a small picture of the future for up can is he then goes on to say, my dear countryman, wherever you are inside or outside are gone, is done. i want you to start and uprising, do whatever you can do, stand up and raise your voice. so yeah, the message is a lot longer than that. it goes into some detail, but certainly a message of defiance that we, we do not. we do not know where the leadership is. what we do know is what certainly we people what we've been told by the taliban is that they believe that the leadership is left. the country. certainly vice president for the vice pres. sorry. i'm role a sala who was believed to be in the punch valley in recent days. the talking about
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saying they believe he is in the stuff that has been over a huge concern for the 152200000 civilians in the punch valley. talking about the spokesperson, which i had earlier saying that they hadn't been a single civilian casualty. and he called on all danny's to to respect punch punch series, as they called with the same respect that they would treat any other afghan. he said that food had run out of food was running out. they've been shortages in the valley during the fighting. he said that the food was going to be sent in. and he said that telecommunications communications and electricity was also going to be restarted. but there was some fiery language from him initially as, as you heard describing this battle with the self declared or self, and read the national resistance front. that's all about describing this is a victory over the last nest of terrorism in the country. whilst at the same time
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calling for unity. so yeah, i'm sure those words are going to be looked chats and interpreted by obviously worried, concerned games and all the c concerned members of the international community to what we do know seemingly, is that yes, this is a historic day in afghan. tyler bond seemingly having taken full control for the 1st time of the punchy of alley. charles, we've been waiting for some days now for the announcement of what a taliban government could look like. whether it would be an increase of government or not, have we got any more clarity on when we will get information on that? no more clarity at all. nothing came out of the press conference today. michelle here was, was, was asked about when this government was going to be announced. we've heard repeatedly that it was close. we have no idea on the structure. or indeed the,
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the people who are going to make up this government. they keep saying that it will be inclusive, that we're hints, however, in this press conference that the taliban, it may well be some sort of interim government. let's have a listen to some of what he had to say about that a compliment that i did. once we announced the government, then we will give you detailed information about the structure of the government and it will be an all inclusive government because changes need to be made. hopefully i will be able to add some more about this question after ryan up the government. somebody who was you had also interest in the say that they may well be changes to the constitution. that may be adjusted, but he said that that would come after a new government was announced. and he said that any constitutional changes should be islamic, and strong and all inclusive and will be known in the future. well,
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the world and i've, ganesh now looks at the top to see just how inclusive this government is going to be anything for that stuff. and that for us in couple of a de la by here is enough, gone political and list on a lecture transitional justice at the american university. if i got to stone, he says it's still unclear what political political direction the tell about it will take. you could see that they keep on buying time about the issues that were brought up with regards to the flag issue with regards to the government issue. the pilot plan, keep reiterating that there is no government. once the government is published, you will know more. the idea is that if the government is going to be dominated by the pilot bond and the taliban should already know what they have in mind with regards to all these different issues. and that's fine off apprehension for the population as the taliban aren't very clear about what they want or plan ahead,
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then it might be something that they're worried would get to reaction out of the population. there's quite a difference and disparity between what's being said and what's being heard here with regards to what the international community expects out of the taliban with regards to inclusive with the there have been statements from apollo, but we regard inclusivity as including people from all that they said that does not necessarily mean accommodating different political parties, so they might just have tyler bond represented in parts of a fun. it's fun which really doesn't satisfy the whole idea of passivity as well. get his new military rulers have reopened the land border and s space a day after overthrowing the president. soldiers have detain off the con day, the bulls are dissolved the constitution and imposed a nationwide curfew. the west african economic block eco s, had condemned to take over is threatening sanctions. let's go straight to nicholas
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hock, who is watching developments from neighboring and i go bring this up to date. so what's the very latest? well right now we're seeing people answered the call from the crew leaders. they said at 11 o'clock local time that members of the previous government or the government that was in place and, and minister should make their way to the people's palace. that's the national assembly. if they didn't do so, then they would be treated were treated as an act of rebellion overnight. despite the nationwide curfew, there's been several arrest made amongst top ranking commanders of the security forces. and we hear too that there may be a prisoner release. international says over $400.00 political prisoners are currently in detention. many of them opposed to alpha con day and that would be seen as a measure put forward and supported by those that default alpha day
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during the last election. when, when we tweak the constitution to remain in power, but this is a nation that has woken up to a new leadership under the leadership of normandy, dubia, who is now the person in charge. she went on national television and we saw the special forces taking control of the presidential palace and detaining alpha cohen . they take a look at this report not in his usual presidential attire on this mobile phone video. the 83 year old president appears the shoveled. he's being detained by the countries special forces. men meant to protect him. now hold him in custody. one soldier asks him, have you been beaten or injured? no, he says. on national television, cooley, tre. maddie, doomed to young. a former french legionnaire, now head of the country, special forces says the borders are closed and the constitution dissolved con day
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has been deposed. that one is actually last week of the personalization of politics, of political life is over. we will no longer entrust politics to a man, we will entrust it to the people. there were celebrations in some neighborhoods of the capital before an overnight nationwide curfew was put in place with the military, patrolling the streets, coolly. doors have removed regional governors and replaced them with military commanders. the military has asked civil servants to return to work on monday and all former ministers and government officials are expected to gather at 11 am at the people's pallet. the crew leaders say any defiance will be treated as inactive rebellion. earlier, gunfire and explosions were heard around the presidential palace with men in uniform, asking residents to stay in doors. alpha con, they won last october's presidential election amidst widespread protest. he amended the constitution allowing him to run for
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a 3rd mandate. the outcome was disputed by the opposition and members of civil society. ah, purity forces, fired live rounds to disperse the demonstrators. they have been accused by critics the corruption and profiting from the mineral rich country while leaving the citizens in poverty. last week also, they asked the parliament to raise the budget for the president while reducing budgets and wages of the civil serv and members of the security forces. the united nations secretary general has called for the immediate release of the president and condemned to take over by security forces the african union. an echo was, have also condemned the coup with a west african block threatening sanctions. if the elected government isn't reinstated after 11 years in power, in wording numerous cou attempts, alpha con day appears meek and humiliated no longer in power in a country and chaos faced with uncertainty. nicholas honk al jazeera
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and so the new strong man of guinea want to restore order and want to ensure a level of stability, not only to reassure inter, now show the actors and people within a guinea, but also the markets. guinea is the biggest and the largest exporter of iron and or, and just as the cool half and just after the cool happened the, the value of i know and or on the international market, hit an all time high in the last decade because that's half of china, the import of iron and, or comes from guinea, it's an aluminum that's used in telephones and mobile phones, cameras, television, all sorts of electronics. and it's reliant on this stability in the small west african nation. but many of the much of that wealth has not trickled down to ordinary, get it. and that's what people want to see. they want to see more of that wealth
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and more of a, of a government that serves the people back to you. money. thanks for that. fill ahead on al jazeera on the campaign trail, we look at how the current of ours is costing is shonda morocco's general election . and an overcrowded community in australia where the current of ours has taken hold on what's being done to try to stop the rapids spread. ah, it's another beautiful sunny day at 35000 feet. the weather sponsored by cattle airways, boated world's best airline of 2021. hello, good to be with you. thank you for tuning in. we've got a run of rain through the korean peninsula. this time mostly impacting the north. so young. yeah. you could see anywhere from about $50.00 to $60.00 millimeters of rain on tuesday, dry for now in tokyo. but this weather will swoop in as we head toward wind state,
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further toward the south rounds of rain for indo china, but particularly heavy falls thailand rate into laos. on tuesday. next, up to the philippines, we've got a tropical depression, one level below, a tropical storm. it is expected to make landfall into northern lose on, in the days to con, but for now, heavy rain for northern. see bu on tuesday now for the sub continent heaviest. rain can really be found toward tailing gonna over to buffer astra. go right down to your nets, and so we do have weather alerts in play, amber weather alerts, and that's just telling us we have the potential to pick up about a 100 to 200 millimeters of rain over the next few days when this weather report and pakistan things are dry, both to the south and also to the north crash. we've got you in for 30 to 36 degrees and if we look toward the north, maybe some mon sooner moisture toward the foothills of the himalayas. the horse has a height of 35 degrees. that's it for me. see soon,
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the weather sponsored my cattle airways. boated world's best airline of 2021. this isn't my story. it's the story of my friend, jesus. i'm. she told us. she didn't want to be here. she didn't want to live anymore, was too hard. a survivor dedicates her life to educating and saving others from suicide. we are the ones that are dying, where the ones that are losing our friends, and therefore we have to be the ones that we stand up and over because no one else is going to where there is hope, a witness documentary on a just, you know, the the me
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you're watching, i'll just remind death. our top story is this our to me to a fee with this movement in a gun, the sounds punch of valley is calling for national uprising. also the taliban took control of the last province opposing its rules. battles raged for days in the mountain region, north of campbell. the taliban said that once in a peaceful outcome that faced defiance from fighters in pantry valley need it also say that getting close to unveiling afghanistan's new government, getting new military release have reopen the land border and as face a day off the overthrowing, the president soldiers have to take off the conduct of dissolve the constitution and imposed a nation wide carefully. at least 6 palestinian prisoners have escaped for the high security is rarely present. they dug a tunnel under the guild bow, a prison just north of the occupied west bank skates like this. a rare one of those who managed to get out is zachery. as a baby, a former field commander with
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a fatter movement or a force, it has moved from outside the gilba prison in northern israel. it's a huge security lapse for israel, one official telling the local media. this was the grave as such incident in recent memory and what took place. it's for the most part, less of a tunnel digging than making the most of flaws that a preexisting in the structure of the building behind us here. now you can probably see if i step out a frame. there are a couple of vehicles there, a white van and a black pickup truck. they are right in front of the emergent hole where the 6 people came out of in the small hours of the morning, or at least overnight, early hours of this morning. it's right underneath the wall of the prison. it's right underneath a watchtower. so we're just talking about a few meters, potentially from the cell, the prison service as was just 30 me to the so from the so which they shed. now
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this is a prison which was built on top of sink holes. it is one which was supported by columns, so there was a previous attempt to escape by a different group of prisoners in 2014, utilizing those same structural flaws if they could get through a gap in the structure beneath that so that he get underneath the body of the prison and try to get out that was prevented from happening and they tried to pull in more concrete and so and to make it more secure. but the public security administer. he was saying that there seemed to be defects in that remedial work. there was still some gaps that could be exploited. so the actual tunnel, if there was one, was only what they needed to get out to the road right outside the prison. here. as for the personalities we're talking about 5 members of palestinian islamic jihad, 4 of them facing life sentences, the killing israelis. one of them had been since 19961 on administrative detention . and this senior member of the likes of martyrs brigade, the fata fighting wings,
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is a courier zabeda. the corona vars pandemic is casting a shadow over campaigning ahead of morocco's general election. people go to vote on wednesday. the 3rd election since the new constitution was introduced in 2011, jamal shall reports from casablanca, with restrictions binding large scale gatherings, still in place. political parties and morocco are limited to holding small street to street. congress is, as the vine for support of wednesdays elections. this year's polls are very different to previous ones. election billboards are few and far between. there have been no big rallies and there is an evident lack of excitement amongst many americans. much of this down to the impact cove it has had on the country, particularly its economy, a key and tear and alarm. there's no doubt the pandemic will impact these elections and the entirety that they won't just the large scale protest voting. but i also expect many people to choose to abstain because the standard mac has dented the
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people's confidence in the political process. the miracle is currently trying to stave off another wave of the virus. and although it's done much better than its neighbors in combat, in cove, it, in terms of hospitalizations, it's economy, particularly the tourism and hospitality sectors. have been hit hard at this coffee shop in the area of casablanca business, it's slowly picking up. but the on a tells me there's still a long, long way to go. and why did i employ 11 people? and so i had to let 9 goals. and because of the pandemic, i have lost around 80 percent of my business with the national curfew binding people from going out doors after 9 pm. it's businesses like these that have suffered the most as they're unable to make money during peak times. when coffee shops are usually up there, busiest correctly did all the decisions the government took have been destructive to businesses. we expected them to introduce policies that would ease things for us, but they didn't. so my vote will be a protest one. the government supporters,
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however, will point to the fact that more than 40 percent of the population have now been vaccinated and that while businesses have suffered its restrictions that have helped save people's lives. but in the end of the day, many voters costs their bandits based on how good or bad the economy is doing. this is the 1st time the fish on will be old enough to vote. he makes a living washing cars that the small garbage and one of casablanca suburbs he makes roughly, just over $2.00 a day. he said, he hasn't decided who to vote for yet, but has a simple request from those seeking power. had been called them all the i wish they look at what the people need, they need to address not only the panoramic, but the economy as a whole. we all want the best for our country. morocco has dealt with the panoramic far better than many countries. the country has the highest vaccination rate in all of africa, but still are threats while the economy is gradually recovering and streets and
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markets like these are getting busier. there's no doubt that the current of virus comes on. there will be a major factor where americans come to vote on wednesday, jamal i'll show you on here. so blanca, the heads of key international organizations are meeting in the netherlands to decide on a clear call to action. well, leaders ahead of a major climate conference. the global center on adaptation summit in rotterdam is being chaired by the former un secretary general banking moon. it comes 2 months ahead of $26.00. the us climate change conference in glasgow because so the accelerating climate crisis, as was reported by i p. c. c. recent assessment report that we have already general point 4 degrees celsius, not 1.5. we have already consuming the 1 point one degrees on to 2050. can we
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do that or less? we raise our ambition live and just make sure that political lead us as soon as you need us shank soon. and then when you're ready to go, he goes, you've been coming to us about liberation court has sentence and opposition process leader to 11 years in prison. maria color miss cove was a key figure in mass demonstrations last year against president alexander lucas. shank, she and fellow activists. maxime zach were charged with extremism and trying to seize power. both deny the charges, saying that said is training. government is hoping the arrival of half a 1000000 doses of the 5 vaccine will help efforts to deal with its west wave of corona virus. but the premier of new south wales has warned the west is yet to come . and some indigenous communities are struggling to deal with a rise in cases. sarah clark has the details. this little town in far, westy,
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south wells has been hit hard by the deal to variant who kenya has a population of around 800 people. more than half are indigenous around $100.00 residents have now tested positive. and there are concerns about the towns ability to safely isolate people from infected family members. living in overcrowded dwellings. motor homes have now arrived and will be used as temporary accommodation . yay! recorded family and tam once one get a deny about our community. it is friday. that is, the south wells continues to record more than $1000.00 cases a day. the states premier says modeling indicates that the worst is yet to come. we entered the pipe, i peek in cases in the next fortnight, so the next fortnight is locked to be worth in terms of the number of cases, half a 1000000 doses of the 5. the vaccine arrived in australia on monday. the 1st batch
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in a deal with great britain. that's in addition to deal struck with singapore and poland, the booth supplies as a nation battle to slow the rapidly spreading build wrap, right. which started in sidney in june, pfizer swap deal, which will see $4000000.00 doses of pfizer come to australia this month. which will see us double the 5 dices that we have during september, the prime ministers hoping the states will end the pen to make locked downs. once 80 percent of the eligible population has been fully vaccinated. but that could be some time down the track with less than half of a strolling residence. and ocoee lighted its promising new new zealand, which is recorded 20 cases for the 3rd day in a row with the virus numbers falling restrictions in regents outside open will now be sir clark. audi 0 prison, australia, hundreds of supporters of 2 canadian men who were detained in china march through
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also were demanding they be released. i hope michael favor and michael coverage have been held for 1000 days on what canadian officials describe as false charges. the 2 men were arrested in december of 2018 accused of espionage also says its retaliation for canada as detention of a prominent chinese national highway executive men, one jew and he's 3 people have been killed when a building collapsed in you got this capital come parlor the full story block, the still on the construction when it came down during storm 2 children have been rescued and taken to hospital a nearly 100 year old film rail from the solid era has been discovered in the us city of chicago. the masterpiece was discovered thanks to the current of ours pandemic. john henry explained, a man in his dog murder, a mustachioed villain,
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revenge into climactic twist ending. it's all captured in this 98 year old silent treasure called the 1st degree. last like most silent films for decades, i did scan the 1st degree on the machine, then came the pandemic, which gave olivia babbler time to view 5 unexamined reels of film and the chicago film archives. the 1923 silvers green classic had been sitting there since it was donated in 2006 in pristine condition. miraculous considering where it was discovered, it was being stored and peoria in a closet next to a water heater and nitrate film stock. which is flammable, so is certainly not meant to be stored in the fluctuating temperatures. then she checked the u. s. library of congress list of last films. the 1st thing i did when i was researching the film was checking that list and it was a bit nerve wracking because to know that you have the only copy of something that
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is, is totally unique and very old. discovering last films is a rarity, 3 and 4 of the thousands of silent pictures ever made are fully or partially lost. relics of a bygone era, including classics like the 1917 film cleopatra, a few stills and 20 seconds remain. 922 sherlock holmes. some of it still missing. gold diggers of broadway from 1900. 29. the 3rd warner brothers film shots in technical and long chinese. 1900. 27 london after midnight. destroyed in m g. m. vault fire before the hollywood era, many films were made outside of california places like s n, a studios in chicago. films with stars like gloria swanson and charlie chaplin. that era is now last like half of the films made before 1950. those that revived now live frozen in time in temperature,
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controlled film vaults some with titles. you'd never see today. incredible visual documents of arrows on by and you know, big films like hollywood films, tell us one version of the story. but then other kinds of works like documentaries, or industrial films and things like that, show us another part of society that otherwise would have been completely forgotten . still somewhere in musty closets, dusty attics in archive shelves here and around the world. there are surely many more big screen treasures waiting to be discovered. john henry and al jazeera chicago. ah.
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