tv [untitled] September 6, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm AST
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greenish fleet and sky. more than an award. it's a responsibility to continue to provide the very best, but each and every one of our customers cut our ways you can rely on us. mm. this is al jazeera ah hello, there, i'm a and this is the news out live from our headquarters here. and so coming up in the next 60 minutes, the taliban declares it taken control of the last province. resisting its rule for the rebels called national uprising. the celebrations of guinea, the military coup, overthrew controversial president out the conduct. israel launches a major man after a group of 6 allison in tickets tunnels and escape from
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a high security prison. on john hinder and in chicago were film researchers have found a lost treasure of film that's been missing for nearly a century. and in sports, a world cup qualify between brazil and argentina is a brand and just minutes after kicking off, presenting health officials claims some of the origins, famous players broke cove. it 19 quarantine roles. ah, well the need of the resistance movement in afghanistan, the pan she valley is calling for a national uprising. that's also the taliban took control of that last province opposing its rule. battles had been raging for days in that region. north of couple . the taliban says wanted a peaceful outcome that faced continued defiance. now the other resistance force as announced, they were ready to negotiate and to the conflict. but they also insisted that
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weapons would only be put down if the taliban pulled out of the province. that mountainous area was successfully used to resist the soviet forces back in the 19 eighties and then the taliban in the late 1900 ninety's. this is the 1st time in recent history though that it's been over run. meanwhile attention is turning to the announcement of the taliban new governance. the group says will be revealed soon. when i speak to charles stratford, he's in cobble for us. charles, can you talk us through the significance of this taliban victory? and can she do? we expect a resistance to actually continue well, certainly it's a very significant moment in this country's recent history for the, for the taliban and argument for the french series as well. which is you say something about a failed until today and gave a complete control of the punch about the so did the soviets, realistically, those fiery statements that we understand. we cannot independently verify were made
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by the leader, the so called all right. and all ref masoud, those statements calling for people to pick up arms and resist the thought about what we do know though is that that was released by so by, by one of these spokes people we can verify where or when it was recorded. and interestingly, subsequent to that release, that's been a letter a script released to the media on heavy, heavy paper by the and i'll read from that is a little this little a little as far as a little bit more conciliatory if you like. i'll read you some of our it said that yesterday the ref declared full support for resolution by the council over the lemma. now these are religious leaders that met yesterday. we understand calling for a cessation of violence, yet that's all about revealed that true nature and do not respect shari'a law. it also goes on to say that in no way will military pressure on us or territory. we
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can resolve. and he says that those who joined the china by and can correct they weighs and paints or rather bleak picture, according to their interpretation of the future of this country. it seems unlikely at this stage that any meaningful resistance can be made against it's all about because it seems to be a very convincing victory so far. but it's obviously important to remember some of the statements that the side of and spokesperson is. that was yahoo was making this morning reaching out to punch series, which we know, i think be changing by majority. he said that had be no casualties. we kind of independent lever, verify that no civilian casualties. you said that food shortages there were food short uses in the valley and they were being dealt with. he also said that electricity communications that had been cut off were being set up again. and he said that punch years should be treated with the same amount of respect as anybody
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else in afghanistan called for national unity. but i think some of the foreign language that we used to try to buy and spokesperson was when he describes what he described them as a new of terrorists, referring to the leadership of the self declared organization, which of course will worry international community worry many people here in afghanistan as well, but yeah, as i say at this stage, it seems inconceivable that any serious opposition to the taliban could be mounted in that area. plenty of eyes will be on the taliban saying they can. we can all expect an announcement to the new government soon. how soon as soon chosen, what's the hold up here? what we've heard these statements repeatedly from various ton of on officials. it was repeated again by which i had the spokes person this morning, and he gave it very no more details. he said that again, it was evidence. he said that it would be inclusive. interestingly,
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he did hints that this administration might be a transitional, while it might be some sort of interim administration, but again, no details. and he also said that the constitution may well be changed. but that would come off the announcement of a formation of a new government, but he said that any constitution would be islamic strong and inclusive. well, yeah. many people in fact, all about getting stand, no doubt is looking. i'm the rest of the world, the international community to see just how inclusive that government will be. indeed, charles trot for there with all the nations forth from cobble. thank you very much, charles. well, meanwhile, iran has said it's strongly condemned. the taliban is offensive in pan share and a statement, the foreign ministry spokesman also said foreign interference and i got to start must be investigated. well, let's bring in ali akbar dirani. he is a research at the algae or
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a center for studies and he joins us now from care on ali. i recall when the taliban took over iranian state, media was referring to it is transformed. more moderate than before. i leave rome's embassy and cobble and the county that inherent. they do remain open. so is this now a change in towns position on taliban control? i do not see any major changes in iran policy. tale bond, iran position remains unchanged. the afghan installed has been taken over by the tale bon, give out. without much bloodshed, many afghans did not fight the tale bond because the again government was a corrupt government. he was not a true with people. so did the tale bomb took over many parts of afghan is fun without blodgett. but now there is c c s fighting in pan sheer valley and this
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is a great consent, a festival because of major i casualties an african being killed in this. in this conflict, that's why iran is condemning option and on conflict in pan. sure valley, but the runs position remains on changed. iran is concerned about the future of its relations with afghan hassan. but what iran will do next will largely depends on what the target bond is going to do, and whether it is going to cheap it's or not. sure, well i know some of our viewers will recall that the 2 countries nearly went to war back in 1998 because of the murder of iranian diplomats at the hands of the taliban . do you think we could see a resurgence of sony? she attention to afghanistan
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today is very different from 2 decades ago. iran and they told me they bond went to debris firstly, because they david hotline elements killed the rain and diplomats, they slaughtered the african people, especially she, i and they, this afghanistan historical site. now they are a different color, bon days, plane that they have learned from the past mistakes and they, they are adopting new policies for, you know, i do not trust that they probably bond have changed their identity or remain on change. their ideology remain the change, but the tactics. so iran, iraq payment time, understand it, tommy bon is is the political reality enough chemist on the part of
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iran reaction would have been different if afghanistan had fallen to the ices. but there is a big difference between the ices and they probably bond because they come from the national tribe. they are often people and iran does, you know, is not seeking to create enmity on it's on its eastern borders on this. and i do want to ask you that because you mentioned earlier that the iranian position hasn't changed. and the statements we're hearing about punch here is because of the potential of africa, bloodshed. i mean, this is also a relatively new government and terror on. and they seem to have made this immediate region. i'm not bored at area priority. and on saturday we saw president rice calling for elections enough canister on and now the statements on punch it. do you get a sense that iran doesn't necessarily want the taliban to take full control of the
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country? ah, iran is not going to interfere in iran enough because but it's what it likes to see. a broad base government's being established enough. chemist on iran want their own wants to have extensive economic relations with african it's on no matter who is the power in cobbled so iran is concerned very much about if iran security, political and economic interests are endangered on the tale bonds then iran will react differently but as long as the toilet it promises iran will to fire political engagement rather than you know, military conflict to deal with the future government. iran also
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knows very well that the americans would love to see iran being in a protracted war with the taliban. a. this is not a trap that iran will fall into iran is by enough not to fall in this trap. so iran will wait to see how are they going to act if they're going to slaughter the, the asking if they are very slow to the she i, if they're going to close the border with iran and top trade transaction, a strong action again. iran definitely iran will react strongly. afghan it's done is going to turn into paradise for terrorist organization. indeed, i'm not sure everyone will be watching all of that very, very closely. indeed, randy the research at the al jazeera center studies speaking to us from terror on
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thanks so much, holly. well, plenty more ads here. this news are including putting pressure on wildly this to acts on climate change. key international organizations need to decide on a call to action. new zealand announces another 20 percent of our cases, all and its largest. se 104 will hear from the canadian teenagers celebrating a career high after us. ah. well, members of guineas, outgoing cabinet, have gathered at parliament after being summoned by the crew leader kennedy de boy told ministers that refusal to attend would be considered. rebellion can easily special forces arrested president, also con day on monday on nickos. hock is watching developments for us from dot com and neighboring senegal. nick, also those dramatic scenes broadcast yesterday. now just a day later,
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we're seeing borders. reopening. some of the cafeteria is being lifted. the crew lead isn't moving pretty quickly, that they are indeed, i mean, they call the all of the ministers and members of a candidate government to the people palace or to the national assembly assembly. and it was quite interesting to see the prime minister entering this assembly and somber mood, surrounded by soldiers, as well as key members of the, of the cabinet from the defense security minister to the foreign minister. all present to hear the new leader of guinea as it appear. mamma, the w to express what his vision of, of giddy and what the future lies, especially for them. he says there will be no witch hunt, but their passports, members of government will be taken away, so it will be their vehicles. they'll be forbidden from leaving the country. he
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says that also they will be the government of national unity, but he hasn't put any timeline to that. fill in detention though is the president of a comm day and his wife being detained by security forces, despite condemnation international condemnation and calls for his release. take a look at this report. not in his usual presidential attire, on this mobile phone video, the 83 year old president appears the shoveled. he's being detained by the countries special forces men meant to protect him. now hold him in custody. one soldier asked him, have you been beaten or injured? no, he says on national television qu leader, maddie, doom blue young, a former french legionnaire, now head of the countries special forces says the borders are closed and the constitution dissolved, candy has been deposed lapse. definitely just showing it up when people, the personalization of politics,
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of political life is over. we will no longer entrust politics to a man. we will entrusted to the people. there were celebrations in some neighborhoods of a capital before an overnight nationwide curfew was put in place with the military, patrolling the streets coolly. doors have removed regional governors and replaced them with military commanders. the military has asked civil servants to return to work on monday and all former ministers in government officials are expected to gather at 11 am at the people's palace. leaders say any defiance will be treated as inactive rebellion. earlier gunfire and explosions were heard around the presidential palace with men in uniform, asking residence to stay in doors. alpha can de one last october's presidential election amidst widespread protest. he amended the constitution allowing him to run for a 3rd mandate. the outcome was disputed by the opposition and members of civil society . ha, dirty forces,
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fired live rooms to disperse. the demonstrators has been accused by critics of horror option and profiting from the mineral rich country while leaving the citizens in poverty. last week, also con they asked the parliament to raise the budget for the president while reducing budgets and wages of the civil servants and members of the security forces . the united nations secretary general has called for the immediate release of the president and condemned the takeover by security forces. the african union. an echo was, have also condemned the coup with a west african block threatening sanctions. if the elected government isn't reinstated after 11 years in power, in warding numerous attempts, alpha con, they appears meek and humiliated. no longer in power in a country and chaos. faced with uncertainty to me, boy, on the sidelines of the people's assembly on the national assembly spoke to
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journalists and thought really to reassure the population. he called for the political lead to and, and business to lead to put their egos aside and for getting a chance to work together a very much a different tone from previous cool leaders or people that have perpetrated truth in guinea and a very different tone from alpha con, they remember during the last election, the office of the united nations, i'll fish for the prevention of genocide that pointed out that alpha convey should calm or tone down his ethnic rhetoric that, that with causing division in this country where the philosophy make up the majority, but the med dinky, a hold key position of power. so he has a very different tone, but a tone similar to someone that we saw take over power just like him. a member of the special forces in neighboring molly just a year ago, colonel, and see me go into the head of the special forces there, did exactly the same thing. and it seems that he's acting upon the same playbook to
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try to reassert of the population. but also international actor, he's told people in the mining sectors to go on with their business. that guinea is open for business, the airports are open, the borders are open, but there will be accountability for though, that have been involved in corruption but know which hunt next step is to see what will happen next. with alpha condo himself, the president who is still in detention as nicholas a hot across all that for us from back. all very interesting indeed. thanks, nick. well, actually i spoke to a manual quote, the awning, he is the director of academic affairs and research at the cofi and on international peacekeeping training center. nice as those coolie does have a short window to and that to any change. this prototype is most unfortunate, but not wholly unpredictable. and i think the previous present titian has laid out the basis. but what happened, i mean, the structural difficult you,
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the issues of corruption divesting of natural resources and incomes the exclusive use of those monies. but i think that to pinpoint really was when the point to sheen was changed basically to allow the to run and then we can grow disrespect or start to treat, you know, process it. but the window for change to take place is very short. the demo guthridge of guinea, and that's a hell in west african state. most ensure that people are losing fish. and so the military region have no more than $6.00 to $12.00 times that it will have that note of time to government to chemistry that they receive a rising from the ion exports from some of the fisher
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and i've been trying to improve. i think that's the state of any field to deliver throughout the course of its independence and optimism. what's which content was worked at the hour in 2010 us to tell if it's about are moving on and at least 6 palestinian prisoners have escaped from a high security prison. and israel, they dug a tunnel under the gilbert prison that's just north of the occupied westbank and escapes like this. a fairly rare one of those who did manage to get out of the korea. you baby, a former field commander with the fatah movement when it speak to harry force that he joins us now from outside, that prison in northern israel. how is we've been st. sounds very dramatic. can you tell us exactly what happens? it is. it's not just dramatic, it is a major security breach, one of the biggest lapses in recent memory,
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according to some unnamed officials who've been quoted in these really media. and it did take place here overnight in the prison behind us. and if i step out of the frame, you can have a bit more of a look just where those 2 white vehicles are parked. that is the opening of the tunnel that emerged here just next to a field directly under the prison wall, directly under. indeed, a watch tower, so it's just a matter of a few meters that they had to get out. and what is interesting is it is not really a tunnel in the traditional sense, maybe the last few meters by having to emerge here. i'm going to step back into the frame, but they seem to have made the most of a structural floor inside the, the prison itself. something that was attempted back in 2014 and prevented by another group of prisoners. there was remedial work done, but this prison is built on top of an area of sink holes. there is supportive columns there avoids underneath it. and whatever concrete they tried to fill in the
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gaps and prevent this happening again. it seems that wasn't enough because of the head of the northern commodities. very prison services saying that they seem to dislodged or had moved a tile. and they managed to get into the drainage system in the void underneath emerging in the dead of night, it was 4 o'clock in the morning when a headcount was carried out. they realized that the 6 men were missing. the public security minister for israel has been here as well, promising a major man hunt, which is already on the way. he said it would take a day, 2 days, 3 days, whatever, whether they would recapture these 9. he said he didn't know yet where they were, whether they were headings but the jo damien border back to the occupied west bank to the town of janine from the surroundings. and within the time with all the 6 men from 5 of them, a members of palestinian islamic jihad, 4 of those serving live sentences with the attacks on israelis. one of them, as you say, theory as obey to you as an extremely interesting pause. one of the israel most wanted men after the 2nd intifada, he was given clemency in a deal,
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then he was captured and detained by the palestinian security forces at one stage, suspected of being an israeli collaborator, and then back in israeli prison from 2019 on trial for multiple attacks. so these are the kinds of men who are now lodge. there is major celebration going on both in gaza and in the occupied westbank come us policy news. i'm, if you had both celebrating this, calling it heroic and brave. and in the town of janine as well, whether from what of course could follow though, may be very major israeli military operations within the occupied west bank is the hunt continues that could always lead to friction potential violence. but for now, there is a major going on here and big questions being asked in israel as to how this could have happened in the 1st place. i'm sure harry, for the outside the gilbert prison for us in northern israel. thanks so much harry . of course, in better ruth has sentenced an opposition protested to 11 years in prison. maria
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class. nicole was a prominent figure in those major demonstrations last year against president alexander lucas shanker. she and fellow activist, maxine mac with tod charged with extremism. i'm trying to seize power. both of them deny the charges, saying they are absurd. while the heads of ki international organizations are meeting and the netherlands to decide on a clear call to action for wild lead is ahead of a major climate conference. the global, central and outpatient summit, and rotterdam as being shared by former un secretary general banking moon and comes just 2 months ahead of 26 c u. n. climate change conference in glasgow because of the accelerating climate crisis, as was reported by i p c. c. recent assessment report that we have already 0.4 degrees celsius, not 1.5. we have already consuming the 1 point one degrees on to 2050. can we
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do that or less? we raise our ambition level. just make sure that political lead us as soon as you need us strength to me and then when you're ready to go, he goes, you've been coming to my house steadfast and joins us now from rotterdam was she's keeping an eye on the meeting step. i know this often plenty of talk of cutting emissions, but this meeting is also about how we cook with the damage that's already been done . and i know those debates can also get quite heated. absolutely, this is basically, you know, phase and his whole global warming debate. so we're moving away from mission cuts not only moving away. i mean that will be more focused on adaptation need it. that's what these global lead us here are playing for during this meeting. so far, only a fraction of the money for climate finance goes to adaptation, while many countries already been dealing with for
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a very long time. so i'm torn here by president odyssey. now he's the head of the african development bank. thank you so much for joining this program. we have seen flaps and forest fires here in europe, and it's basically a wake up called for the rich nations as well that the climate change is real. but of course, african countries have been dealing with this much longer already. is this call for much more money and more focus on adaptation not too late? well, you know, we, it is a lot of problems that we have in africa. you do a lot of drought, a lot of floods fill on site loans. so what happened? it was and b is in by way, malawi and a lot of it also happened this year. so the low cost swarm, so we had a nice africa. this caught down the a lot of production. so yes, the impacts are massive. africa loses today. $7.00 to $15000000000.00. a yeah. in terms of climate change. and if that doesn't change is going to be about $50000000000.00 by 2040. it's never too late. what africa need is to mobilize
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resources to allow pharmacy, to allow the rebuilding of infrastructure to make it more climate residents. and to make sure that we have, you know, better and systems that can resist. many of the challenges that we have today, which nations already pledged $100000000000.00 us dollars a year, 12 years ago and they haven't paid up? are you still optimistic they will? well, you know, they lead separate general bank. i mean that the piano and told me is that the only thing that matters is the promises that i kept so promised that something but promises have to be kept. i think that there's a lot of momentum to be being able to do that. everybody realizes that the crisis of trust, so we've got to make sure the $100000000000.00 is paid. and i think that, you know, they cop 26. we have no choice to make sure they want to be on the line. he's on the table to support climate adaptation to support countries to build up the capacity to support and that transition that they have to do. yes, absolutely. we have to build trust. i'm make sure that money is actually that you're sounding very convince. you're going to make sure that it will pay up. how
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are you going to do or absolutely, because we are all in this class together. you take a look at the international report that was produced by the ip c c. just last week by report shows that it's not just an alarm bell that we have. we have a disaster bill, right. the wall, he's heating up very, very much africa in particular, it's heating up more than anybody else. and so that's it, that, that's an issue of joint responsibility. and so i believe that in terms of political will, in terms of mobilize ation of resources, everybody knows we all have to do what we can to make sure we have the resources to support developing countries in particular, africa, to adapt to this climate change. and that's why, for example, the african developing, we launched the african adaptation acceleration program to mobilize $25000000000.00 to support africa in climate adaptation. we've already put $12500000000.00 on the line. and myself and the un secretary general bank, you are working together to mobilize the additional $12500000000.00. and that's why
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we have, despite the global crisis, i'm hopeful words here from my president madison. i thank you so much for joining us. that the president, director of the, the global center on climate adaptation here behind me, i think for, for you and earlier that we last 10 years. so there's a lot of catching up to do just 2 months ahead. but it's very important climate meeting in glasgow. so a lot at stake here and a and step out there for us in rotterdam. thank you so much step. while speaking of adaptation to climate change, there are currently whether allowed across southern india warning of flooding rain . jeff has the details for you in the world, whether update. hello, good to be with you. we are dialing up the intensity of the seasonal rains in india . so here, let me show you specifically for the southern indian states of tailing, gone right through to go up here not to go and also caroline and talking about taylor gonna for a 2nd so far from june 1st to see.
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