tv [untitled] September 7, 2021 8:00am-8:31am AST
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actual news channel one, they will be very proud of. when we covered the napoleon wake of 2015, a terrible natural disaster stuff. and a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be that the tell the people story was very important at the time i colds or national uprising enough pianist on out of the taliban and claims to overcome the last pockets of resistance, ah, alarm diamond jordan, isn't there a lie from also coming up guineas to need as ban government officials from leaving the country and order president out to come to the soldiers to join them?
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me and mas position government declares make calls a people defensive war against the ruling gender. and is bitcoin the future of finance. and salvador becomes the 1st country to make legal tender. ah, the leader of gun histones resistance movement. in punch valley estimate, my food is pulling for national uprising. the taliban says is taking control of the province, which was the last hold out in the country. the mountainous areas known for successfully resisting soviet forces in the 19 eighties and the taliban in the late ninety's. and this would be the 1st time in recent history that it's been overrun with charlotte balance, joins us live now from cobbled. charlotte, so the world health organization we're hearing now is warning that health care in afghan has done is on the brink of collapse. just how serious is the situation now? to give you some numbers. they're saying that of 2300 health facilities,
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90 percent have been, could close eminently because there has been a funding. so the funding poor by western dorna since the taliban took over and to give you some more numbers. the 2300 health facilities, both a weight 20000 and health work is in last year. they treated 13000000 people, which is 3 quarters of the population. we have been watching this kind of the marine crisis behind, behind all the fighting in the politics wondering what's going to happen because of course, this country largely relies on international aid and don't tell about took over a lot of that has been stopped. and now we're starting to see from the civil household, and i say sure what that means to people on the ground to be the women. that means to start a woman's healthcare. they've also said that if these facilities close, that would only leave 3 percent of coven, i lation bid functioning. it also goes to what's coming down the pipeline. for example, they project, but half the children under 5 will face, you know,
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nutrition this year. so it will be helpful to leave close who will treat those children they have been trying to get in some humanitarian or health supplies. they've been flying in a to missouri sharif in the north from the ellis. we know that just in the last few days, some i got into problem. oh sorry. but in terms of funding these health facilities, it's very unclear how that started to move forward if wish to join us and not able to provide any funding for them. it's not the or any humanitarian crisis that is simmering away in the background. a lot of people are also worried about pension. talked about that since the last, it was the last pocket of resistance just north of cobbled to the taliban. they said that they, they took over the area, i guess today, but the people in the and it's very unclear what type of situation they are living in now. communication down, he's not report from the pen. she,
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a valley a learned the taliban has never controlled until now. this was the last pocket of resistance to the groups rule in afghanistan. less than a week after the last us troops departed. the taliban now says it controls every warner of the country. when as the taliban a prison and pension of province were engaged in the purging pension, the capital pension was under the control of the taliban. the enemy suffered a lot of damage, but we didn't don't suffer any damage. after the taliban took cobble, 3 weeks ago, full no vice president, umbrella selah flayed to pen shear. joining local resistance leader ahmed masoud, another soldier to refuse to surrender. they called themselves the national resistance front. the group and the taliban fluctuated between flexing and negotiations until talks broke down last week by hum, but i am
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a little higher now. delegations went there, they received a negative answers and they couldn't resolve matters through negotiations and dialogue. so the islamic emerett decided to send to military forces. busy to get rid of this violence, nest of terrorism from the taliban launched an offensive into the valley with communications down both sides. launched a propaganda war, claiming de, we're winning the fight for another time over in our positions and fighting is ongoing. with the enemy has been terminated. i took this weapon from a taliban fighter. motor dead bodies are spread out on the ground. the pantry valley was used to successfully resist. soviet forces in the 1980. and the taliban in the 1990 s and early 2000. and one of the united states biggest allies during that era was northern alliance leader on the charm. as soon as he was assassinated by a kind of suicide bombers 20 years ago, 2 days before the 911 attacks in the united states, his son armored masoud was the face of this generations resistance to the taliban
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voice, nor was sent out by his spokesmen on monday, oh, jazeera could not verify when it was recorded. how much panama, my dear countryman, wherever you are, inside or outside canister on me, i want you to start an uprising, you know, whatever you can do, end up and raise your voice. on the 3rd with that voice, nor do you win on to say that if you cannot fight, please let your voices, we will amplify. your voice is really calling for some type of resistance to the taliban and neighborhoods across across afghanistan through projects mainly. and then last night we did actually see that resolves in some provinces and a handful of provinces. there were some small and to tell a bomb produce, including here. and i saw that balance life. i stay in the afghan capital college. charlotte. thank you. denise military rulers of bod, government officials,
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and leaving the country coolly the colonel, monday to summon cabinet ministers and told them to hand over their passports and official vehicles. the former french leisure. now officer lead a military coup which aston, president, alpha, convey on sunday nicholas our reports and the people's palate is also known as the national assembly. members of president of alpha conveys to government derive after being summoned by guineas who leader lieutenant colonel, mama de doom brianna was behind closed doors. he demanded their passports and told them not to leave the country, but also said to be no witch hunter, he outlined a path forward. it was not to be stopped consultations in order to put a framework in place for this period of transition. and then the government of national unity will take you. i mean, the last one you left on sunday when president kennedy was driven away from the presidential palace in custody, crowd chanted freedom. it was on the streets that alpha come. they had ordered
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security for it's a fire for testers with live round scores were killed in almost 400 people were arrested when it, they don't need that much of a blue the we were really in a savage state. there was no more security, no more just confused financial state. everyone was doing whatever they wanted. so i think we're, the rival is the best things like any. because more than one this piece, like animals, children could. you have no idea. i am relieved. getting vast mineral wealth includes the world's largest reserve of box site and or refined into aluminum. the takeover triggered world condemnation and sent global aluminum prices soaring half of china's imports of the element come from guinea. despite this mineral abundance, the west african country remains, one of the world's poorest states says the corrupt economy must be overhauled on father would be glad to know that we will not give you a history lesson today. but i just want to remind you that our country has suffered
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from the disreputable behavior of it. so could a lead. we found ourselves the situation of injustice and corruption, nepotism, and the deprivation of freedoms. a common place for gloria in guinea. the pressure is on to explain how he will begin over turning a system he says has stolen from the people for too long. nicholas hockey, al jazeera, now me and my shadow government has declared what it's calling a people's defensive war against the military. the national committee government is made up of politicians deposed in february, a dollar nearly as this is a public revolution and all the citizens with me and mar revolt against the rule of the military terrace in every corner of the country. what's called the join me live now from the ty capital bank of scott. so what more do we know about this people's defensive war against the gym? and what does it actually mean? well, we know that, you know, there is this announcement today. now this is the,
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the strongest announcement when it comes to going against the joint and the forces of the genta from this body, the national unity government. in the past, they've said this is what they were going to do. this is what they were going to try to do is to fight back against the joint and unseat that. just what you can look at it now from this message is that it's a literal call to arms. that is to be ethnic armed organizations that are along the border that have been fighting the me in my army for decades. but obviously that is ratcheted up since the, the co back on february 1st. but it's also there calling for soldiers and border guards that do work for the just to also turn their guns around and go against the just the obviously that's a tall order. it'll be interesting to see how coordinated this is. but it's also a call to political arms. they are telling bureaucrats who been working for the job, who might support the jump or who were from the previous government, but still have been going to work if you will. they're calling on them to quit
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their job. and turn against it, so there and what i think we're looking at is, you know, this is kind of the next step for the shadow government. they've been organizing, they've been recruiting people to join their side if you will, or at least come up to, to this organization that's going to go directly against the agenda. so this is their next step. they've always said that they will probably resort, have to resort to you know, to picking up arms. so this is that, that's what we're seeing right now. exactly how that's going to unfold. that's a big question. we've been speaking with some people on the streets and yeah and gone. and they say that there is not, you know, a massive movement of rebels if you will, coming onto the street. but what they did say there, there is more security forces on the street. and the protest movement has been peaceful for the most part through these months. so we're not seeing them picking up weapons right now. but so right now, the way i think you can look at this is it at the call to arms. it's called a political arms to really kind of step up that countering to the job and what they've been able to accomplish of these last several months. but right now,
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on the streets of young gone, at least in the mar, we don't see that there's anybody actually picking up arm and trying to attack people right, right now, not yet there. scott, thank you. now that you in the u. s. are both condemned and 11 year prison term given to a prominent opposition leader and bella luce, maria collison, cova was a key figure in mass demonstrations last year against president alex on to look a shanker. she was convicted in a closed door trial along with fellow activist, maxine the mac was handed a 10 year sentence, both denied charges of violating national security and trying to see power to do this. verdict is unlawful and not based on evidence during co proceedings. culpability was not confirmed, no, with the charges. the defense will appeal within 10 days. the defendants, i think, will appeal as well. lots more. so to come here and just here, including a well 1st in cuba, rolls out corona, virus, vaccines for children of young tooth. and brazil,
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president signs of degree change in internet rules are allow people to re post band contest mon up ah ah, hello from dell has plenty of hot sunshine to go around in the middle east. then what do you say about humidity? you like it? we'll focus on that for the forecast. specifically, we will talk about doing just a 2nd, but a slight shamal is spinning around the sand and does as we head toward the northeastern portion of saudi. talking about that humidity now for the relative humidity, 80 percent on tuesday. 85 on wednesday. that's not to say all day it will be $85.00 . the highest humidity is in the morning and in the evening, but the heat index will feel about 52 on wednesday for pakistan settled in the south and also the north. although we may see some weather just up against the
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foothills of the himalayas on tuesday. the biggest story for turkey is really those winds blowing through the boss 1st is stumble, $24.00 degrees and i think 5055 kilometer per hour winds are on tap on tuesday through sudan, 13 of 18 states have experience flooding as the nile river rises rapidly, and its tributaries, and we've still got the storms coming and going through the tropics, further toward the south and settled for the eastern cape rate into durban. and in fact, durban could get about 40 millimeters of rain. this eventually moves into johannesburg and it will drop your temperature is big time. the on accounting, the costs china designs on the indian ocean bay. james investing millions in forcing yan last lunch in august on can india account to china? geo political and economic might last a referendum in berlin district for landlord of tens of thousands of hope. counting
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the cost on here ah, holding the power to account as we examine the us this role in the world's own al jazeera. oh, a welcome back. come on about top stories here on here. the leader of afghanistan's resistant movement in country valley is calling for national uprising follows a taliban announcement that has taken control of the area. guineas military rule is about official. i'm leaving the country a coolie to kind of mama the to some of the cabinet ministers and told them to
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handle their passports and efficient vehicles on me. and my shadow government has declared what it's calling a people defensive war against the military. the national unity government is made up of politicians deposed in february qu, calling an old citizens to join the resistance to the military. crackdowns. now france is top criminal court of appeals expected to decide whether one of the country's biggest companies could be investigate the freight role in a syrian war. cement, make a left fars, continue to operate. an area is controlled by iso between 20122014 is accused of being complicit in crimes against humanity. natasha butler has more from the factory and nor the serial. once run by french, the meant giant lafarge, 2017. the french judges have been investigating whether the forge paid armed groups, including i saw $50000000.00 in protection money to keep the pulled running between 20122014. at the height of serious civil war. also lethargic fluctuated its foreign
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stuff. syrian employees including mustafah, had to keep working, kept the longer. we asked the company to stop the work, but they didn't stop the company, birth responsibility for all those. what arrested killed them or kidnapped to get their this man blames the company for his nephew's death. yes, in the holy several bishop my nephew. yes, it worked for the the hours. you went from here to good to his work and i said, arrested him and put him in jail. after 4 months we went to see him and asked about us in the opened his file and told us, executed him about the fall. she also accused of failing cement for i saw an obtaining war materials from militants. the company which merged with swiss firm wholesome. in 2015, has admitted some mistakes, but denies. most of the allegations investigators are examining charges on the farm, finance terrorism, violated sanctions, and endangered peoples lives in 2019
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a french court dismissed an additional charge of complicity and crimes against humanity. now from the top criminal court of appeal could overturn that decision. the proceedings against the far out the results of the complaint followed by the french finance ministry 11 form assyrian employees and 2, and jose provide you could to doug. so it's not only states that have responsibilities. companies who move to countries because it's profitable for them, can also end up contributing to international crimes, including crimes against humanity and financing terrorism. and tell it to the far she is decision to stay in syria when the danger seemed clear as damage the company's reputation. and raised questions over the role of the french government at the time. if judges decide lafarge can face charges of crimes against humanity, it would be the 1st time that accompanying the european union would face such an
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investigation. natasha butler, al jazeera paris. cuba has become the 1st country in the world to vaccinate children as young as to against coded 19. the vaccines used haven't been recognized by the world health organization. but the government intends to inoculate all children before the reopening of schools. china, the u. a and venezuela are also planning to vaccinate younger age groups with dr. eric final thing is an epidemiologist and seen a fellow at the federation of american sciences. he says cuba has plans for banks made some children is a good move. pediatric cases of co good are on an all time high record rise in many parts of the world. and p as hospitalizations are soaring as well. and with the delta, very children are not immune. whatever people previously said they are wrong. and so with that, children, vaccines are become ever more important. now, granted, the cuba is vaccine, has good efficacy,
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anywhere from 62 percent for 2 doses 91 percent for 3 doses, but they haven't been peer reviewed. so this now comes down to individual countries . risk are willing to basically go forward before the complete data here. but one thing we know that precaution principle and basically looking out to protect more people use the general. ready better direction in this kind of support. so i think overall to great, i think this is definitely the trend and i think more country should do it sooner given that delta range, his children very hard children are very much effective in very high hospitalizations. in many countries. so i think this is the precautionary thing into the risk benefit. you should definitely back to the children, including the u. k. they need to definitely get a move on to back to the children, regardless of what some of their policy experts are. controversially thing about withholding. ready documents for younger children, young children definitely need to be protected. facebook and twitter have
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criticized a decree by brazilian president j both scenarios that changes social media rules. it aims to combat the arbitrary removal of certain accounts, profiles, and posts. the president's office says the decree protects free speech and gives people the right to re post band content. but facebook says the measure will make it harder to limit abuse on platforms. dunham simon was following developments from argentina's capital when his iris. he certainly saying i'm doing all the right things, freedom of speech, who wouldn't want that more clarity with the use of social media again, most in brazil with welcome not yet job. also now or has a long record of using and abusing his social media. his songs have been investigated, setting up fake news accounts during his run, run up the election in 2018 organizations. let reports with our frontiers have criticized job was an hour of attacks using social media on the media itself in
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that brazil. and just last, human rights watch were criticizing jabal son, our oath blocking the accounts of anybody who criticized him. journalist opposition that politicians commentators were being, having their accounts closed down to all the start to be freedom of the press. clarity in the way social media is used in brazil will come as a surprise to many of the say, i think many will be suspicious. it's happening now because tens of thousands of his support is a gathering in brazil and in cell biology. the political and economic capitalism, brazil, the independence day celebrations on tuesday to mark 199 years since declared his independence from portugal. jungle scenario is trailing badly in the opinion. polls the next presidential election to the left wing present. good enough, you'll feel about. no one is lula. many
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a seeing this show of strength to show that you still have substantial support. a bus plunged into a ravine in central bolivia, killing at least 21 people. it happened on a road in the and these mountain range. a dozen others were injured. police are investigating the cause of the accident. the disappearance of bolivia, the 2nd largest lake, is leaving indigenous people in the area struggling to survive by cooper once covered. 2 and a half 1000 square kilometers but has been reduced to a wet land. the people who depend on the lake make spiritual offerings in the hope the waters will return a san to say, climate change and the diversion of water for farming. i've made recovery, unlikely. got the most embarrassing percentage. and i went nearly 85 percent of water in the pool lake of athletes very quickly. it's a very structural problem. and obviously climate change is another center problem. because today we are experiencing a terrible drought here and there are region that's due to very little rain and the
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increase of temperature, the increase and temperature makes it so that the level of, of operation is killing the lake popo. now on tuesday, el salvador becomes the 1st country in the world to adopt bitcoin as legal, tender. the president has declared that the future for the country, but economist a warning that using the volatile and unregulated crypt, a currency is a big risk. john hoffman reports now from l. dante setting town, where a bit coined pilot project could forecast was to come. this is where i sat with those big coin experiment. again. it was on the small side with 3 years ago and anonymous don't like a local people, digital it with the crypto currency. now the country is expanding the experiment nationwide. side with those about to become the 1st country in the world to use big coin as legal tender it will run. it's another option alongside the current currency us solar. we traveled 12 on tape to find out how the pilot program has
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gone and what it could mean for the rest of the country. we found plenty of infuse, just like 70 percent of people in el salvador doesn't have a bank account. he's big coin. well, it's a way for him to put some money aside, but i have a low income. i don't move much money a little i have, i spend on food. so with bitcoin, i can save up and that's the big coin is going up in value, is seen as smooth savings going to the problem is the big point swings down as well, at times heavily of the people here are set up with that as a p c, it's tough because it's unstable. for example, if you take a surf class and pay with bitcoin, i can accept it. but the next day it goes down and there are losses for me. it's the same for the bar, the shop everywhere. and imagine that volatility nationwide, one of the poorest countries in the americas, it can make the government's decision, seemed like a blind bet. a recent survey shows many people here might not take that,
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that 2 thirds say they don't want to be paid in big coin. and the facilities, the government hardly putting together the new currency, might not convince them where you want to cash out your big quizzes, the actual dollars. you have to use one of the special atm and the government says it's setting up $200.00 of these across the country. so let's see. do this. ok, and then the money should come out. the only ticket here is that these actually charge about 5 percent of commission to do the service that's already been enough to put of someone else on why not just use dollars. one group who might see the benefits of the system, commission, or know a criminals who will see an unregulated state sanction currency. that has been one of the advantages of bitcoin as deanna and emitting, but for regulators. that's one of the risks. so the worry is that l, salvatore turns into
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a fiscal paradise for those who want to launder money from drugs or corruption. the president has been emphasizing the positives big coins will bring jobs, financial inclusion, and investment. he says, especially as salvador will be the 1st to use it. the question is, will the country become a trailblazer will simply sink john home and how does it say el salvador now adapting to climate change must be as important as cutting c o 2 emissions. that's the message from more than 50 global leaders gathering in rotterdam, diverging rich nations to provide billions of dollars to developing countries. steadfast resource floating in a dutch city that lies under water. and you, you and climate office symbolizing that global warming is happening and its impact in nations worldwide have been enduring, disastrous, and extreme weather. scientists have attribute to average global temperatures that are already more than one degrees celsius higher. because so the accelerating
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climate crisis, as was reported by i p. c. c listened assessment report that we have already 0.4 degrees celsius, not 1.5. we have already consuming the 1 point one degrees on 22050. can we do that or less? we raise our ambition level to want. it's gone down for action to month before the cop $26.00 climate summit in scotland. while the nations are under pressure to deliver on promises of $100000000000.00 a year for developing countries to help them deal with the change in climate. 100000000000 contribution from rich nations is gonna be the live most death for glasgow. will they deliver the half from us in 2009? they have promised this in 2015 now is the time to come through. he says the floating global center on climate adaptation shouldn't be seen as
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a sign of the feet in cutting emissions and stat unnecessary defensive measure against rising tides, especially in low lighting netherlands. the urgent need to help nations worldwide to deal with the impacts of global warming. not only shows that we have moved to a new face in adjusting to a change in climate. it also makes clear that response by rich nation through this changing reality has been far too slow. i, it's hope somewhat of a time disastrous european weather has risen the sense of urgency that action is needed now. we are behind as richer world promises to deliver to the developed world. however, it's changing now a little bit and it's also a little bit might not be enough. know, i agree, but i hope i have some hope it's changing and i some hope the 26 will be good on that. and the credibility of the richer countries is at stake here, with all eyes on glasgow in november, leaders of developing new and say,
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failure is not an option because lives and livelihoods of billions of people are already at risk. floating offices may work for a country like that, but the santa, for global adaptation opened by the dutch king. we'll also have to come up with global climate solutions in the years to come, steadfast and al jazeera brought to them all the news, of course, on our website, there it is on your screen. the address just 0 dot com. that's contra 0, dot com. ah, the type of krycek headlines here, this are the leader of gun stones resistance movement and punching valley's. calling for a national uprising. it follows a taliban announcement and it's taking control of the area. meanwhile, the world health organization says 90 percent of hospitals and clinics in
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