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tv   [untitled]    September 10, 2021 1:30pm-2:00pm AST

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a secure location we were told initially was that some more del, now he was transferred to another location. they also shuttled to meet with delegation from civil society as well as the opposition or by the way. yeah, a year ago. why not happy with the performance of the reaction of economic community to west africa state for turning a blind eye when i was tweaking the constitution for a long time. meanwhile, on the homefront, the military has frozen all government accounts. no financial transactions is going to take place on such accounts as well as the account of the post president and for conduct. that's the situation right now and we expect also we hear that the delegation will only spend a day unless something comes up. i made thank you for the update on drink reporting their line from guineas capital con a cree series of protest planned in the occupied palestinian territory to support palestinian prisoners in these really jails organize the inmates of facing further
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punishment after 6 prisoners escaped on monday for me high security facility in northern israel. we've got to correspond in keeping an eye on the protests for us shortly. we'll be speaking, ty, 4 said, who's in ramallah in the occupied by bank, but 1st to human outside in gaza. you know, a lot of anger way you are about the way palestinian prisoners and their families are being treated yes only. well the policy functions have pulled out for today friday to be a day of great support of the palestinian prisoners. not only those who have caved, but for the policy and prisoners in the prison who are now being subjected to punitive measures by the israeli authorities that include the dispersing of all the prison prisoners and the decreasing and minimizing of the recreation time. and also the cancellation of all family visit to the palestinian prison prisoners. the
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policy today has how the friday prayer here in front of the i c r c. headquarters in garden city and have moved to friday prayers in the street to show support to these prisoners here today in god's that and the rest of the policy encouraged. thank you for that. you guys are left over to ramallah now and harry for say to hurry demonstrations all for expect to be late that with israel time and time again, being accused of violating international law with its treatment of palestinian prisoners. but yes, and here we just on the outskirts of ramallah, close to the illegal sediment of l. it's an area which is often a friction point on days like this so far. it remained quite just off to the end of pres, but we are hearing from the northern west bank, near janina of a few dozen protested marching up there already. so we are on stand by to see what
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happens during the course of the day. the prisoner issues, as you says, as human a was explaining, is a very sensitive one. it really crosses the entire political spectrum. it's an issue of consensus among palestinians that there are real sensitivities about the treatment of prisoners and the kinds of measures that so human was just explaining are things that cause real anger and distress. not just of course, in the population, but among the prisoners themselves. never been more reports of fire size being set to one cell anyway in the southern prison of rum on. and when you consider that's what that means. burning what little a the prisoners have already. that is a fairly serious measure being taken at the same time. the hunt for the 6 continues the israeli defense minutes too many gaps as it should quite interesting statement saying that israel has to be prepared to deal with these 6 men and anyone who's been helping them in a way that doesn't upset the regional balance. so i think there is
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a tacit admission that if this ends in a very violent confrontation of blood boss, with multiple people being killed, that could box further destabilization across the region policy that makes it hard . which claims 5 of those who have been have been on the run since monday is threatening to, to retaliate if there is any bloodshed. hurry, thank you. hi faucet. in ramallah force. me tough. new rules are being rolled out in the united states for workers who refuse cove in 1900 vaccine. they include mandatory vaccination or testing for some and disciplinary action for others who don't comply. as in joe biden, this republican rivals are planning legal action in response, she returns he has more from washington. d. v. my fellow americans, joe biden, announced a 6 point plan to deal with code 19. well, the white house called a puff out of the pandemic. if we implement, i believe,
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and the scientists indicate that the months ahead, we can reduce the number of on vaccinated americans. decrease has hospitalizations in depth and allow our children to go to school safely and keep our, our economy strong by keeping businesses open. federal employees will no longer have the option of regular testing instead of vaccination, they and government contracts will have $75.00 days to get vaccinated or face disciplinary action. all 70000000 health care workers work. institutions that receive federal funding will have to be vaccinated. all employers with workforce is over $100.00 must ensure their employees are vaccinated or regularly tested will face a $14000.00 fine for each violation. 300000 teachers who take part in federal programs will have to be vaccinated. and the president urge states to insist on facts, native stuff in their schools, in all it's estimated that up to 2 thirds of the u. s. workforce may be affected by the plan. however,
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legal and union challenges may delay some of the provisions. the washington post reporter for the us postal service would be exempt from the mandate, some 500000 people. but this wasn't just a clinical outline of the administration's aspirations. throughout his address, the president tried of the 25 percent of americans who have yet to get vaccinated. over 200000000 americans have gotten at least one shot. even patient that our patients is wearing thin. and refusal has cost all of us whole so that the majority of americans are blaming beyond vaccinated for continuing con, demik restrictions. but they also show waning confidence in the president handling of the pandemic. this was a clear attempt to firm up his base and a clear message. it's not my fault. what you heard from president biden today was clearly the growing frustration that we have, the tools we have the science, we have the incentives. and yet we're not seeing necessarily the behavior that we would hope from
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a large minority of the population an all american summer. but critics contend the bible administration has been confusing the public with its messaging. for example, it was joe biden to announced a summer free of covert in early june and held a large july 4th party at the white house to prove it. just as the delta variant was taking hold in the country, since that announcement, daily infections have risen by some 300 percent. there is no doubt that more americans have to be vaccinated if the u. s. is to return to any normality but study shows a variety of reasons for vaccine hesitancy. some say it's because of a distrust for the u. s. government that has misled the public so many times in the past. others because of their political hatred of joe biden. it will be interesting to see where the button's approach this speech will now win them over kept the facts she ever times the al jazeera washington. it was half organisation anticipates african countries will receive 25 percent fewer cove in 1900 vaccine doses unexpected. this year, it rains,
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wealthy countries that in phase are delivering on promises to share jobs with or, and middle income nations, from governments want to offer booster shots against the w. h. o advice. lockdown for being lifted in parts of australia as most populous, safe, even as daily infections reach. a record high new south wales. we quoted more than 1500 new cases on friday. but restrictions are being eased in 12 local government areas where no new cases have been recorded in 2 weeks. now they've been concerns about the effects cobra 19 could have on people mental health and as the world mark suicide prevention day. let's take a look at the challenges so many face. more than $700000.00 people take their own lives each year. it's the 4th leading cause of death among people age 15 to $19.00, about 3 quarters of suicide, very low and middle income countries. while the link between suicide and mental health is establishing high income countries,
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many happen impulsively in times of crisis, the world health organization has highlighted ways to prevent suicides. these include limiting access to weapons and some medication, as well as identifying suicidal behavior early and offering help. early assessments indicate there hasn't been arise in suicide linked to call the 19. and that's been helped by support for people coping with stress of outbreaks. then lockdown. jessica baldwin has already rose patterson seemingly had it all a big job. she raised 3 children, had grandchildren from the outside, all appeared. wonderful. but rose had a deep hidden sadness and in june 2020, couldn't bear another day and took her own life. her husband, a long time member of parliament, has become a prominent advocate for suicide. prevention is really important talk so that people are looking out for people who might be anxious and my wife is anxious,
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i would call her depressed is also very important for those who are anxious to realize they might be in real trouble. and to talk before they take this terrible permanent step. while there have been thousands of individual tragedies like rose patterson, early statistics show no spike and suicide rates during lockdown. researchers believe the increase things, dieting and fear of the pan demik was offset by protection. people talking about mental health, family, friends, and neighbors, more alert to warning signs and checking in on people to provide support. also, more and more charities are stepping in charities like the matri house in north london, the only residential suicide respite center in the u. k. staff, they're welcome to figures, but worn rates could rise social sciences kind of say, you know, that when the collective emergency a collective crisis is addison. so you're not in it on your own. you know, we're all in it together. it's called a social cohesion effects. you know,
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so that is a theory and we'll have to see if that bears out in the long run in the next 3 to 5 years. the may tree can be found on hub of hope. an app listing, all mental health resources by neighborhood. it's the brain child of a liverpool stand up comic who tried to take his own life 8 years ago, cavities and just being created because with mental health awareness going up and people are more aware that they can take action and is definitely a real people power that's going on at the moment. wonderful people experience mental health issues each year. investors from chasing the stigma training on how to spot warning signs of suicide and what to say. you see chain getting the word out, letting people know it's ok to ask, are you thinking about suicide? mental health professionals say that is the only way to break the stigma and try to prevent someone from taking their own life. jessica baldwin,
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i was just sarah lever for let's take a closer look at the situation in india and speak to dr. mia perry, goes a psychiatrist and director of the 40 national mental health program. he's joining us 5 time from new delhi. thank you very much, dr. for, for being with us, the won't have organization say suicide is emerging as the most serious public health issue in india. tell us 1st, what impacts the pan demik and related economic will have had on incidence of suicide in india. i think the right way to look at this is to say that the been nimick would have already had an impact on the side. i think that's the big too soon because of the, for us to ignore the impact which results into effect on 2 sides will take a lot more time. having said that, the mental health interference, of course, we're not any, been there. maybe there's something that needs to be appreciated because 1st and
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foremost, district level is rental. now our district is non disease, but district very much is a mental health concern. no way that included jobs, economic education has lost one job, could change in life, try the alignment, the adjustment to life. and so all of this has an impact and which also has acted into what we are talking about mental health, right? but i also need to add here and get the addition of tele, medicine has actually made a very positive impact. but what it got done and that people are not able to access mental health very clear the reach was and then be accessible. it was in there right now because of the digital digital and you know, what is happening is that you can reach a professional vendor, but you are across the country. that's interesting because i was going to ask you what, what has been done to tackle the mental health impact of the virus and what's been
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done to take time the measures yes, i mean a few years back that new mental health act also came a few years back the be criminalization of suicide. again, law was also boston because she that is an integration with primary healthcare that's been in the process. and like, like i said, the most important change that happened during golwood was the permission on tele medicine. now what that was my, me a lot for going, can you get those already hackman and for, for your dog the, the router. oh, but divide slash. so she may not have access for children might not have access of it but, but dr. very still with the issue or stigma, as you said, suicides, where decriminalize in india, in 2018. do you think that created more wellness and helped reduce some of the stigma associated with it and mental health in general?
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yes. not just, i think a lot of people are talking about good prominent people talking about it, increase conversations in the social mill. you have also started using the stigma you have a long way to go from most of the country. the main concern is that because the number of experts less accessibility has been less over the. so what happened is that even though you may think it may be less concerned because you don't get the head, then you end up taking the, the, the st. george and i think that's why it's important to continue to keep talking about that. it's not merely about what she said prevention, the mental issue will be 365 years of thank you so much dr. perry for talking to the doctor. some of her from the 40 national mental health program in new delhi serious outbreak of dang gave fever, has taken hold in northern india. more than 100 people. many of them children are
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known to have died in the past 2 weeks. are india correspondent, elizabeth random, reinforce. the desperate parents carry their children to this hospital and fiddles above in order for the state. for the past 2 weeks, it has been enough dated the children suffering from high temperatures and other symptoms of den gave fever. the mohammed, the 06 month old daughter, anya has tested positive for the mosquito borne virus. he says his 3 year old nephew office has also been unwell of a lot of the lady. she has had a fever for several days and has been taking medicine. when he conditioned into booth, i brought her here, but it took more than 3 years for them to look at her. it is difficult for a common man to have access to doctor i. most of those who have died from doing a fever, the past 2 weeks, a children definition patient was out in the records room and
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the numbers, anything anything the dominant age cases of the virus, usually vice during the monsoon season in tropical climates. but health officials say the outbreak is particularly bad this year. oh, municipal workers, the spring chemicals to kill mosquitoes in the cinema nugget, neighborhood push painter lost his 6 year old son crishna to the den, gave virus of buddha marleni fully, but themis aluminum hood. but a lot of children who are seeking on the hood, some of a, some fever, half of the children from here and hospital just recently a child right opposite the house was admitted to children who lived there on hers, update days, transmitted by mosquitoes, which breed in and around stagnant water and many parts of photos about people live next to alternate drains and more than one 3rd of homes and indian cities. waste
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water is released from the house through an open drain. it's system health experts, the drains of a breeding ground for diseases, but that spraying isn't a long term solution. they say the government needs to do more. if it was about the chief medical officer told al jazeera was to the outbreak is over. but that wasn't the picture at the city's biggest children's hospital. elizabeth moran and al jazeera thought about that for dish. the former head to venezuela's military intelligence has been arrested in spain. hoboken harley's wanted by the us on drug smuggling charges, spanish police say the 61 year old was found in madrid. he had been on the run since 2019. still ahead on al jazeera holly feels return to the rain gets an added twin. that's coming out to stay with
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the news. the news news news with me.
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ah ah. ah, i'm not his jo falling. thank you. well, let's start with an incredible story. at the us open tennis i 2 teenagers, have made it into the women's final britons, m a radical new and canadian layla fernandez both continued their impressive runs in new york and will now face each other for the title on saturday. david stokes reports emma ready, connie was 18 years old and playing in her 1st us open. he was up against greek 17th seed, maria secaria in the semi finals,
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but didn't seem phased at all. the british play a runaway with the opening set 61. it was a little more competitive in the 2nd, but right economy again came out on top to take the match and secure her place in the final. he reached the 4th round at wimbledon earlier this year, and the 1st qualified to ever make it this far and new york remarkably, she hasn't dropped to sit yet. and if she does go into the trophy, she be the 1st british woman to win a grand slam. since virginia wade win wimbledon back in 1977. i wanted obviously to be like be playing grounds, flowers, but i didn't know how soon that would be and to be in a grand slam final at this stage of my career. i. yeah, i have no was in the final right. economy will be up against fellow teenage star, layla fernandez. the 19 year old from canada course and even figure upsetting her semi final knocking out the 2nd seat arenas of
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a lanka. the favorite combat route was clearly wound up after throwing away 3 love lead in the set. there was some suggestion that fernandez was getting coaching signals from a team in the stands, which is not allowed in tennis for the pilot, didn't see anything. and the youngster ranked 73 in the world heading into this tournament. when talk to win in 3 set. how are you way about to win man in be in the us open? finally, i have no idea. i don't know how i got the last point, but i'm glad that i'm in the fernandez with like a tennis program. it's 7 years old and told to forget about being pro on saturday. he'll play in the final the us open, but she invited con a going to the 1st major title, and a witness check a $2500000.00. they types out there are no mercy is overtaken pele to
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become the top international go score and south american history. he's go to hat trick to an argentina. serino, winner for bolivia in the world cup qualifier. that takes time to $79.00 overall for the national team to make it more special for the 1st time since the pandemic began in argentina, $20000.00 fans were allowed to watch the much missing. the teammate celebrated the game by lifting the corporate america trophy. we say one in mc stadium back in july, the 1st major title in 28. you aren't 100. second in the south america qualifying table behind brazil who also want on thursday. they beat peru to know with goals from edison, roberto and naima. but name was also book, which means he'll miss the next qualifying, and venezuela in october. from a germany and by an munich player jerome both hang has been found guilty of domestic violence against his former girlfriend. the 33 year old has denied
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injuring the mother of his twin daughters during a holiday in 2018. she told the court that he has so hard that she lost breath. he's been ordered to pay her $2100000.00. just hours before it's due to start. the 5th cricket test between england and india has been cancelled because of a coven 19 outbreak. can be india camp. head coach, rubbish. just re tested positive during the last march and another member back from self contract to the virus on thursday. they now cannot fail the team because they fear it will spread england initially said india had forfeited the test, but later retracted that. india with 2 were not heading into the final game. afghanistan, crooked air, a sheep con her step down as captain of the t. 20 woke up scored. his announcement came less than an hour off to the teams named for the tournament, for she says he stepping down off to not being consulted on who made the squad. george russell says he's excited to be joining mercedes f one team next year and is hoping to learn from 7 time world champion. louis hamilton,
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23 year old russell moves from williams to replace, fell through both us. he clenched his 1st have a podium finish. second at the rain hit belgian rome, probably 2 weeks ago, russell also underlined his credentials when he stood in for hamilton last year to k chrome pre off of world champion contract. if we know how from lewis's and in my opinion, he's probably the greatest driver of all time. you know, he's a 7th homo champion for a reason. so i think coming an incredibly fortunate position that i can go in and learn from the best when that is a part of that younger group. i think the young talent that's coming through is so great for the sport and is the future of the school. i think new fresh blood enough in our team is going to be great because on the already there and i think that definitely will energize the whole team. ellen big spring champion, elaine thomas hara maintained, had domination of the track. at the final event of the diamond lake. calendar 10200,
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meet the teacher goldman. i don't a victory of athena just me and they'll pump a in 0 in a meat record of 10.65 seconds in the mens 100 meters american fred, curly beats under the grass and competitor money. baker. the graph. the 2nd in the 200 meters and well behind another american printer, kenneth, but merrick, the curly finishing and rushes. angelica the rover, made history becoming the 3rd woman ever to clear. 5 meters in the pole vote with a diamond li record of 5.0. 1 books or vendor hurry field so he's still in shape and ready to fight ahead of his bounce against c champion for to bel 4th. on saturday, 58 year old holly fields stepped in as a replacement for hoya, who spent 3 days in hospital cove. it takes place in fort lauderdale, florida, on saturday. also want to think you're just going into this. it can be hard to box
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mean, you know, and i'm not in m a m a, i wouldn't do that because i know he's probably hurt me about it box. so i'm always doing a to do my bench. that's reason, that's me. and i can do this in a short period time. i've date here though, but i'm in shape and i do well for my well, there's another twist to this fight. former us president donald trump will provide alternative commentary alongside his son donald junior. and he called into the news conference, talk trash against another current problem. i had a box somebody, anybody? i think probably my easiest 5 would be jo buttons because this would go down very, very quickly, very, very quickly. and a one said, oh, i'd like to take him behind the bar and he'd be in big trouble. me every day. i think by and he would go down within the 1st few seconds. all right, that's you spoke now fully job. thank you very much. massage. yeah,
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it's coming up next on al jazeera with more days. thanks for watching. ah, ah, ah, ah, the it show the world and change the us forever. but after a vengeful war and africanist on how much has changed and at what cost? al jazeera looks back on 20 years since the $911.00 attacks. my name is sandra ball. i'm the person that can find out
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al jazeera, when ever use all, ah, me a call for the well tonight from canister on the un warns it's on the brink of an economic breakdown which could push millions more into poverty. ah, hello there, i'm the stuff you pay. this is out there. life and also coming up hoping to reset strange ties. us president joe biden.


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