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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2021 9:00am-9:31am AST

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segregate to say the re saying this is extremely important service as it relates to the city. we need to take america to try to bring people together and trying to deal with people left behind. ready the hello, i'm emily anglin, in jo. how these are the top stories on al jazeera israeli police? of course for the 2 of the 6 palestinians who escaped from a maximum security prison on monday to more remain at lunch. the men had escaped by tunneling their way out of bow, a prison in northern israel. hurry force, it has more from west jerusalem. one of them was, zachary is a baby who is the highest profile of the 6 and the only one,
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not from palestinian islamic jihad. he was a senior commander in the alex martyrs brigade had a pretty check it and colorful life, both in israeli and palestinian detention up until this point of the last 2 years or so. he's been in this very high security prison in july and joined the other 5 in the so before this jailbreak it was he and mohammed our day who discovered at around 5 o'clock this morning. it's just after 8 o'clock local time right now they were discovered, east of nazareth and the town of shipley, according to reports spotted 1st by military and police, and then a special forces or, or specialist units came in to take them into custody. similarly, a few hours earlier, the late on friday night, the 1st 2 of the 6 were captured. our day said to be the ringleader of the escape plan. and another 1000 islamic jihad prisoner yucca country. they were discovered
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in the southern area of nazareth, as you say, interesting things about these recaptures, seeming to buttress reports, that they had split up into 3 groups of 2, but sort of fighting against the idea that there was some huge coordinated operation with help from the outside, it seems they have been discovered very much on their own. still inside is ready territory. really not all that far from the prison itself. the world food program is warning that nearly all afghan families are going hungry with many going into extreme measures to survive. you and says not have percent of the population could be living in poverty within a year. is calling for urgent efforts to boost the economy. international aid has been cut since the taliban took over. and new york times investigation is casting down on the target of the u. s. drawing strike on cobble in august. the report claimed that attack killed 10 civilians. the military says it was targeting, i filled charlotte ballad has more from campbell 5th drove and strike happened on
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august 29th one day before the us left ending gets nearly 20 year war. and 3 days after, you might remember that deadly i from bombing at the airport, the killed 175 people. now, the pentagon target at a car inside original residential compounds near the a port they said that was striking that i saw the target that they believed was going to try to conduct some type of attack at the we know that civilians were killed in that attack bought this new york times investigation has taught her more than a dozen family members and employees that looked at cctv pottage and discovered that the main target of this joined strike was actually a worker for us aid organization. and that in fact, he was loading water canisters into his car and explosives, as the pentagon has alleged. now, the pentagon has responded to this, this new york times investigation saying we are assisting results of the strike. we were hard to prevent a civilian casualties. and we were operating on good intelligence at the time,
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but this was the last drone strike. last is striking in the us war nearly 20 years . and i got a son and an afghans was saying, this is really symbolic. not only civilians were killed, but now there are many questions about whether they had the right target in the 1st place. it's been 20 years since attack is flew planes into the world trade center and the pentagon in the u. s. i remember ceremony has been held at the pentagon to honor the victims of the 911 attacks. only 3000 people were killed, telecom billionaire, nadia. but mccarty has become livid on the new prime minister. the previous government resigned after the massive port explosion, more than a year ago. mccarthy's cabinet faces an economic meltdown with fuel shortages and power. cars and morocco has a new prime minister, brilliant fuel tycoon, as is her nose. it was appointed by the king on friday. those the headlines. i'm emily anglin. stay chewed for witness.
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ah . i lose . good morning, sarasota moore ever good morning. newtown it shipboard garage wake up. wake up september 11, 9. let me new day camera. stir something up and me. i'm pretty sure it's very something new. where were you on that day? a new or our mother. we're sitting in the kitchen, you can use dictionary breakfast and you sat and watched her to play and she's in
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between towers 6 blocks away from fear. president bush was going to be sitting in a classroom at m e book or being read to back know through like school. wow. and it was exciting but you know, what seems to be forgotten today was supposed to be about a focus on their hopes in, during the masturbation of a breach. and they got eclipse. i tragedy this day here, i'm dedicating this day to the children who are in that classroom reading the person to a different how much you choose
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. ah, i actually don't even remember this. this is crazy. this is huge. this is a huge moment for me. and you know, the rest of my classmates. so here i am over here in the corner. wow. these are my babies. my students are killed where i am, where i go, where i see them. it's just like we're in 2nd grade. is from
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a time stood steal i on i fell in love with the kids. they were eager to learn. they wanted to learn. they were like little sponges and anything you gave them, they sold up. they were coming from maybe a home that did not have a father, maybe a home. they did not have a mother, maybe at home. they didn't have a father and mother and they will be raised by older siblings. many of these kids came to the school without knowing how to read. the school adopted a very prescribed reading program that showed tremendous success. the teachers worked incredibly hard. we were at the bottom of the bottom of sarasota county.
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and because of the reading program that our principal implemented into the school, our score sword, they made the highest reading gains in sarasota county. ah, one particular thing that i remember from the day how beautiful did a will. i never forget this entire day was sony. it was a special day actually on that day was like getting ready for the seas and everything like you just knew you are going to be famous me tonight today is the day i'm going to be the president. yes you are. i said, do you need me to be there with you? she let me. now moms. now you know i got there.
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my grandmother pressed a uniform bow extra hard that day. my mom cut my hair so that was a nice little treat. well, my grandmothers were very crazy and protected and very loving of me. so in preparation for that reading, it's spring spray me down with a lot of perfume. okay. i know we have to wake up extra early and gets the school and i just remember pulling up and it felt like a movie or something. there was a lot of police officers like walking around. there's a lot of police on horses thing of the flavor on the roof. dogs obviously as well. the school is pretty much unlocked down. getting to class news, cameras, everything everywhere. obviously something big going on. so my eyes are just like, wow, what is all, is this goal of transform?
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it looks like a whole different school. you had to go through the secret service to get in the school from the secret service you had to go around about so it's so i don't know, i guess my 1st, it's been like a celebrity. they were letting us know ok. air force one is landed at the airport. he is a rival, should be in about 1015 minutes. we were told the president was going to be in classroom and everyone's like president, i really know what prisoner was. i just knew it was the big man. i didn't even know what president meant as a very well behaved it started out in a very, very good. i have 16 darlings in front of me and i was keeping them ready to receive the president. i saw the long black limousines and literally felt like men in black. the motorcade came up,
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he got out what i really just the whole classroom is full of cameras and just he just here just the cameras going on quick like i just want to president 1st came in the room natalia and daniel shook his head. they were the ones closer to him where he's going to be seated in. he introduced yourself, even though we knew we were already rachel. hi. greg made it make you really get ready to be these 2 words? the best way to get ready? ready? ready? wow. yes, ball. get ready? yes. yes. the take advantage to be the words on page to
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get ready? yes. ready? yes, playing, get ready? yes much, daniel. be going to pick up our books in this he told us was stored, we're going to read, which was the pet go i my for someone approached the prison and i knew that was not happen. i noticed something was wrong when a guy came in with a suit and whispered something into the presence ear, what did he say to again, that's what a president looked like, a blank stare in his face. he mentally left the room. the story, the fact that as a reading i took a quick glance now saw the president's faith was really flush red. i
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the ring, hans, and it's kind of like, he was in another world like he was there wasn't really, you know, tuned into what was going on. that sal rack even thought that he had the p. i had to go to the bathroom and so got his whole face shave like he went from listening, you know, into a like yeah. who it just got there. it was one of those moments like you can actually build the fierceness in the world. i could read very and you also right, not showing that your sales product is reading more than they was told that your chairs are much
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more talking about like like you can and what happened did i do something wrong? did i say something wrong or? you know, i didn't know. i didn't know what to think. you're all cell phones and pagers are off at the time. thank you for placing gentlemen, this is a difficult moment for america person. the only thing was wrong wrong. and so he addressed the nation when he came in. that's when i think the whole row got the news of what happened today we've had a national tragedy to aeroplanes. have crashed into the world trade center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country,
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the order that the full resources, the federal government go to help the victims and their families and the, and to conduct a full scale investigation the hunt down and to find those folks committed to back i think the question that a lot of us ask why or why it, why there, why here? what was the point of it? terrorism against our nation will not stand. and now if you join me among the sounds they will, carefree innocent children. we went from the victim high emotion that morning to low emotions to be on american if you didn't
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feel like you had been violated in the worst way, if you didn't feel like the people in new york or your brother or your sister, they're not as you are you whom that would be my question. are you really human all now live in miss daniels was really, really hurt all she was like just cry but i remember she play this all call hold all the changes going to come. she played it a whole day. mm. oh. oh, i did thing with them as a conference. not only for them, but as a conference for me as well. the oh. the be
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terrible. it is the worst you could imagine. hold on. hold on, the change will be oh, i don't to quit because this is not the quitting time. this is time. hold on title to hold on. it's not going to be like this. always. this is just a part of your journey. this is not your food your oh, change i oh yeah, the whole thing. oh yeah. if you know ration is very special because of all that they've been through.
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after $911.00. you get troops going to war the you got to collapse through the economy. 2000 river brock, st. obama to solemnly swear. first black prison social media mom barton was so much not guilty. the racial divide, starting the rear patriot bigotry, as well as on many day grew up with all that i am. that's how you don't think me. i am 24 years old. well that's, that's how you thank you right there. to tell you was super sweet. is a very loving person full of life. energetic,
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sometimes you want it to be my ball. that was my little crushed back in the day. i thought she was pretty in. she always made me laugh. she was funny too. oh my god, looking me. ready for it. hello. see there it is. the gate is ready from birth. i feel like i was born. it's a greatness. i feel like i've always been that person that supposed to be in the limelight as opposed to, you know, thing that's always had their face at the front of always of something. well, so. 8 who feel is fairly cool. 2 babysitting service is called an italian babysitting service. what emotion? no way you want to own my own actual daycare. you put your mouth and your mouth. wow. keep my peer ears. i want to see whether it's on me when you robi, tommy,
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even though i still have my 2 kids. i have my mom and my sister who helps me out. so i kind of do get a breather in between. you know, it's not all work, work, work, work, work. she will fight for her. she stands up for her sisters. her brothers don't mess with a breath. that that would be the wrong thing to do is to hurt her burn. if you could travel anywhere in the world and do any fun activity in the world, where would it be and what would you do? i'm probably gonna take a cruise ship and just tell it the whole world. jerry. he went in his i graduated early. he was his football team of that year. they went to, they have one stay. he had 31. how is average right now?
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this point my family is going to a trying time right now. the brother was shot, but police. he's just been in the car. an early morning shooting that included to sarasota police officers. the driver, jeremy troubles junior jeremy was in a car. the car was parked and the officers believe that they were involved in some sort of illegal drug activity. they approached the car, jeremy sped off and the officer ended up having his foot run over by the car. he then shot into the car at jeremy several times. they were in shooting with the intent to kill. yeah, you got 2 bullets and it's just they fill in a day. if they remove the boat, they killed. so they have to leave him. then he, he got shot in the hand, his whole hand is shattered. and his p,
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he's pinky is gone. he added get his whole hand reconstructed. trebled is now charged with aggravated battery, with a deadly weapon. that charges aggravated battery and a police officer. so that's pretty serious. it's typically 3 to 15 years out. my mom can't even imagine her 18 year old. i just graduated from high school. he didn't me. it took everything away from didn't get one class the didn't get to go to prom because it's one thing we just have to wait and let know we could do car situation. ah . yeah, sure. one of the riches counties in the united states got to be retired. senators, congressman,
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somebody wishes to go with the financial disparity between the rich and poor. so great newtown shows off. the black community is only $10.00. why know? right? from myrtle, already to 10th, street 10th street back 3. 0 one. all black. no. like it's very, very separated. you can see the actual difference between or just on this side of the street to this side of the street. when you get to the railroad tracks. if like you walk back in town soon as you walk to the neighborhood, it's up on or it looks like it's been there for a long time. it's almost like he was like a time gas or electric bill, left behind the
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my name is tyler edkey and i'm $25.00. this is tyler rag. my venture form. remember the key in the class file. oh my gosh tyler, a key right here. tell ricky. oh my god, the most crazy is crazy. where i know he's the always are you every day is every day because they might have had a question on him. but ill tell you why the way that my found it out. get ready? yeah. what miles we are unlike losing, you know, i'm a big math. i mean like, winning a lot. you know, i don't like losing so and it just felt like, you know, our class was winning because, you know, we were like the best readers, you know,
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in our grade, within the state or something in the county or something like that. you know, we were the fastest readers in the best readers. we got good test scores, you know, i just felt like we were winning. i loved his sports. these are all callous trophies. this is somebody show fees that he got when he was doing b makes by he was actually number one in the state. he was in football, piano lesson karate, to get tested for gifted. his academic level was like very i as he got older and smiled anymore on any of the pictures i want to be like have much a kid like, i'm not going to smile in 10th grade. i kind of veered off into live in industry, you know, fast money, that type of stuff. me leaving their father. that took him a,
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took him up and asked when the change happened. and i couldn't pull him back. and i lost my son to the streets. i fell in love with getting fast money and hanging around a certain lifestyle and i just wanted to be in that lifestyle. and i got into a fight. i got stabbed. i got stabbed in the heart teen. here's my left alone. so health and heart surgery and i was 18 i was on bed rest like 6 months. this kinda went downhill from there. and i just didn't have self esteem. like i can do nothing, no more in life like all my chances were taken away. so instead of doing something to better myself, i kinda went more downhill in and i get in to a lot of trouble. ah,
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my roommate to be enjoyed at jeff king m d m a which is equity. and i'm going to take a plea to day. i guess right now my greatest worry is lose my freedom. wow. yes, story. get ready. when you look at things right, then you can describe and know smiles is potential and they get this look of inspired me. the brightness in the eyes of like tell me more and give me ms. hughes. ah, how many nukes is too many new america has in many ways driven the arms race parties are much more like the british parties. there are fewer regulations to own a tiger than their our own a dog. how can this be happening?
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your weekly take on us politics and i see, and that's the bottom line. i can unlock my phone with my face. you can access your bank account with your voice unique algorithmic measurements of us that are revolutionizing the process of identification, biometrics, a fall from perfect convenience and see me. infallibility comes across. most crucially, our privacy. in the 4th of a 5 part series alley re addresses the appropriation of our most personal characteristics. all hail the algorithm on jazz, who the conflict between the if you can government and the regional take great people, the directions fund has kill thousands and internally displaced more than 2000000 over the past 7 month. 350000 people in the region are facing families according to the united nation, which says that starvation is being used as a weapon for those who managed across the border say it's not because conditions
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have improved back home. they say to grants, continue to be targeted because many of properties are being reported and when they come taking refuge conditions. here are some ideas. oh no. i'm emily angland in jo. hi. these are the headlines on al jazeera israeli police of quarter for the 2 of the 6 palestinians who escaped from a maximum security prison on monday to more remain at lodge. the men had escaped by tunneling their way out of the bow. a prison in northern israel, but y'all break from to the lodge scale man hunt by the israeli army and law enforcement agencies. hurry force, it has moved from west to.


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