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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm AST

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need to remember those who lost their lives on september 11th, 2001 biden isn't expected to make a speech. but alice called for national unity in the face of adversity. george w bush was president at the time of the attack and says he shares the son of people who lost their loved ones. he spoke with a memorial in shanks from pennsylvania, praising veterans who fought in the so called war on terror. i want to bring in stephen's sort of, it's in new york, new york, new jersey. he was a supervisory special agent in the new york f b i office on 911 and he responded to the attack. it's really good to have you with us. and i'll just say to, so thank you very much. indeed. i was doing a quick calculation to find a standard correctly. your office was maybe just 7 blocks away from the twin towers when the attack happened. just talk us through what your memories are of that day on that day it was a clear day. it was a tuesday morning. i went to the office that day and i started the day
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a usually with a run. usually i ran over the broken bridge are in a gym we had on the 6th floor, so i was running on a treadmill. and it was about $845.00 or so. and i felt the building said it was a loud and boom in the building shock. i thought there had been a bomb, went off in, in the building. i immediately set up the treadmill. i took a 32nd shower. i came out and someone told me that a plane has flown into the north tower of the world trade center point. i went upstairs to my desk when my agents were gone, they were out of the office and i was thinking that it was playing tray or should seem unusual. that is playing with crescent to the trade center. and then i heard another boom about 15 minutes later, and that was the sound. and i felt the building sake, and that was the sound of another plane hitting the be the south tower. i
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immediately went downstairs and i saw another agent by mahoney, and he told me that we were setting up a command post forward cp, close to the trade center site. so i walked down to the trade center sites with him and we could see the buildings a flame. we were in church and bessy about one block north of the buildings. and i saw one of my agents who was on medical disability at the time right by the north tower. and i walked over to him, told him he should get further back. at that point, i felt something to my face. it was a small object and i didn't think that much of it. i walked back to where other agents or congregating about 20 agents. and one of my agents there, jim ryan, and they told me i was bleeding. so i picture that i had a small cut on my face, and then i went in to speak to ken maxwell, who was the a sack who was sending up
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a command post. and guess me to, to make a list of all the agents that were there. so i decided to work back closer to the north tower and work my way back. and i thought i was close to the north tower. i spoke with a police officer whose area in to be sure any agents with re jackets on. he said no, no one would be allowed into the building. ron was leaving. and then suddenly i heard a rush like a locomotive and a big rush of wind. and guston particles hit me, i thought the building was was collapsing. and i kind of cringe thinking the building was going to collapse on me. and then i felt this rush of wind and it was the south power that had had collapsed, not the north tower. so even though the north tower got hit 1st, it was a south tower collapse 1st and had the north tower collapse 1st. i would've been
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killed, along with perhaps a few other agents that were close to the north tower. so it pushed me. no, i think i covered in that white kind of concrete dust and certain all my side to breathe. my. i was hard to see. i had contact and design and it was hard to see. my eyes are burning. i made it no f, 3 church street to the building where we'd been congregating. i couldn't find any agents there. i made it back to the federal building and i went to the basement where i had a change of clothes and the tracking my car. we have a go kit in the f b, i had to go right away. they have a most agents have a suitcase packed and ready to go. so i opened it up, i cleaned my eyes with contact when solution and and at that point i put a re jacket on and i went back to the site back with my rate it set up the necessary
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. let me, let me, i did forgive me for interrupting you, but i, i want you to help me with something because the pictures of course, that we have seen of the incident that happened on that day. what have been round the world. they have shopped so many people, they're reacting to the pictures that are on t, v. but if you can talk to us how it actually felt, what your reaction was when you stepped out and you soul the devastation that was in front of you. because apart from those who are on lucky enough to be there on the day, it's very difficult, i think, for people to really understand the, the scale of what happened on that day. well, after the feeling that i somehow had been spared death from being at the north tower by just by 10 to the south or collapsing 1st. when i was back at the site, it was just what's under destruction. it was like a bomb, had gone off,
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it was at war zone. there still was a lot of dust in the air. there's concrete dust in the air. there were a lot of firemen at the scene and police officers and, and other people. they had it hoses, trying to put out the flames. and, and i realized at that point there wasn't much i could do there. but it was a scene of heart was a scene of the scene of death. you knew that hundreds of thousands of people had been killed. i didn't know how many agents might have been killed. i actually thought, you know, we lost one agent at that time who was in one of the buildings. but i didn't know how many agents had been killed and it was a sense of loss and, and, and, and, and the fee in the sense that the f b, i hadn't stopped with something that we hadn't known about to plaintext one into the building. i walked back to my office and learned that when i was at my office
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that another plane hit the pentagon and it was a feeling of okay, we have to get to work now because we didn't know if the federal building was going to get hit. we didn't know how many other attacks when, when becoming and then the sort of change to we have to get to work and we have to stop any further attacks. so i felt that at that point, the rescue efforts at the scene were being done by the firemen and the police officers and others. and i spoke with a, with, with, with a morning told me we were setting up a command post, perhaps at a hotel. i mentioned the garage i had on our 26th street, and then i later learned were shutting up a command post of the intrepid museum. and i was told to go up there and help set it up. and mr. sarowitz, i'm afraid you're going to have to forgive us because we have slightly run out of
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time, but we do want to appreciate that to say that we appreciate you joining us on al jazeera, particularly on this day. because clearly the memories for you are still very vivid still sort of it's thank you very much indeed for your time. so thank you very much . iraq is hosting an international conference on counterterrorism and cyber security. international companies and delegations from more than 50 countries are attending the event. in fact, i'm not going to under will head reports, the tactical weapons, and se, but technology equipment from foreign providers are being shown in by the dad as part of an international exhibit nation. not how we are keen to obtain the latest equipment to combat terrorism. also, cyber warfare is as important as filed war. this exhibition provides an opportunity to exchange expertise with foreign companies. diplomatic missions representing 55
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countries are seeking to improve their defense capabilities. it's a multi $1000000000.00 industry. my company we provide and we export all defense equipment from the united states with us. the problem face approvals, we bring with us a host of teams on around the world to help provide other solutions that are not available. united states, how do you know, mileage and samples of almost group i use a locally manufactured captured weapons would also shown experts say this can also help develop defense tactics. iraq became a home for a number of armored groups including eisen since the us led invasion in 2003. but this why it's the feed in 2017 ice in the brazil still pose a threat. taken advantage of
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a lack of security and several parts of the country. iraqi forces to strive to eliminate the remnants of ice, which have claimed responsibility for numerous attacks on both security forces and civilians. by the end of this year, the u. s. military mission in iraq will shift to appeal really advisory rule. but the iraq remains one of the countries mostly affected by attacks from on with groups. and that's mainly due to instability, an internal conflict with ab drew a heads l 0. but that violent attacks and eastern democratic republic of congo are continuing despite the government declaring the state of emergency. united nation is refugee agency estimates the more than 1500 people have been killed this year. most of them by fighters from the allied democratic forces. catherine saw,
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has this exclusive report from benny in north keeper province. was on the or you began me cuss her wreck is in pain. he recently arrived at this government hospital in benny, innocuous province after being attacked by rebels at he's village of nobility at the border with uganda. a few bags away. another man is back from theater. his leg is infected. doctors hope they won't have to amputate. the hospital currently has about 20 patients, most suffering, gunshot wounds, doctors could not see it. kamala, cutting his leg, his village was ambushed in me to go to the house at night. we just had gunshots and started hunting. my nearby and i are the only ones who got shot. neither could carlindo jeanette foot be saved. i just was gonna talk with you guys
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. we got to get the on the wall from a market. then they got in the middle of a road and then they want to try to feed them everywhere. the people injured. several people was killed in dozens of armed groups in north cuba province have been terrorizing villages for yes, but there are lights, democratic forces, or adf, is the most viet, it's fighters, use, machete guns, and other crude weapons. the group is said to have killed nearly $500.00 people this year alone. this is despite a state of emergency declared by the government in north keeble and it, tory provinces, zada is of been affected by the sensitive valuable. we are going out then of compensation and malarial. so there's a lot of
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a lot of problems you can do that all together. can you see the adf, with roots in uganda, established a base in this part of the d. r. c. about 20 years ago. and has killed thousands of people. they say they're fighting for islamic crites and have been linked to the islamic state. government forces, and one of the largest un peacekeeping missions of the world have struggled to contain the balance when you have seeing them, they are minting themselves and they are going everywhere. so which also in terms of tactics is more difficult because then you have to deal with more local move. nimble more flexible health workers in this hospital say not much has changed here. they still often treat victims of armed groups in water appears to be an ending cycle of sphere and
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violence. catherine soil, i'll just 0 last q will province in the eastern democratic republic of congo. at least 20 people have been killed me and martin clashes between troops and a local armed group in the western mug way. region countries been in turmoil since february coo and a military cracked on descent, has killed more than a 1000 people. and some areas people have formed local defense forces. i mean themselves, with homemade weapons to fight back against government soldiers. more processor planned in thailand, calling for the prime minister to step done prior shanisha has survived his 3rd vote of no confidence, but his troubles are far from over. scott, iowa reports from bangkok with his political position borne out of a 2014 qu, thailand's prime minister, pro 10 or char, is now facing more opposition as he enters the last 18 months of his elected term. this discontent,
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stoked by accusations that is administration bundled the delayed vaccine roll out and failed to contain the country's most severe cover. 1900 wave that started in april. the simmering pro reform movement that took root before the pandemic has returned in force. now protesters are more focused on ousting the prime minister earlier this month, pre faced his 3rd no confidence. he passed easily. so he's using that. but for the 1st time there are a handful of defectors in his own political party. he realizes that if he doesn't allow more input from others who are actually supporting his power, it could become a problem. and this time you could clearly see that he was not that, you know, either like many said to the base that we have before this time it was really sacred. while the number of defectors within the prime minister's party are small, they still send a signal. but there is no question that the number of protesters is rapidly growing, including some who used to support the prime minister to not ton of kit um the way
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was part of the political movement that led to the qu, that catapulted proved into power 7 years ago. but he's now part of the st protest seeking to kick the pm out of office. he was blinded in one eye during a protest or modern 100 percent certain that people's will fall. true democracy has never been stronger. and also just to really serve the people you really have to listen to all the voices law, but with a post kill constitution written to give the former general and his ruling. pauling prop party a strong advantage in parliament. most allies are confident his rule and majority control will stay in place until the next general election in early 2023. comin was some issue before the recent sense to debate. some m. p. 's were not happy about the situation, but the lady of the potty general was the one mentioned herself. the issue and every one will follow the parties guidelines. the p. m says he won't resign and it
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appears that more protests on the streets. and even from his own party will have little impact. it seems the main pressure he's concerned with is from the power. where for now, he has the king support. got hiler al jazeera thank off the find a peruse is shining past rebel group. i mean, the grossman has died at the age of 86. he was captured almost 30 years ago, accused of causing the death of tens of thousands of people in the 19 eighties and nineties on a sanchez looks back in his life. the most violent conflict of recent history i be mailed with man led the shining path rebel movement targeting police and the military bombing indiscriminately sabotaging infrastructure and causing the death of thousands of peruvians in a war with the state that laughter 2 decades in the groups. first attack, in 1980, imposed an era of terror invaded equal experience. he used terrorism extensively
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to accomplish his political purposes. maybe his political objectives will be forgotten. he wasn't interested in money or drug trafficking, but in a very radical extreme version of communism. we mailed was man used guerrilla warfare tactics to take the government by force. part of his narrative was following on chairman mouse cultural revolution, while also converging, stalin and lenin's ideas into his own. thousands of young and mostly peruvians were convinced that the philosopher in university professor held what was described as a baton of justice and his views. although extreme or unquestionable what me know, what he implanted the ideas and was successful in the face of a completely surprised country that didn't understand what was going on, who was fighting and how because the insurrection was completely different from any other in latin america. many killed others without knowing why they were killing
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and many die without knowing why they were dying. the conflict turned fratricidal, most attackers and most victims were poor. andy and peruvians. guzman lived in hiding for many years. that helped create the mississippi was invincible. but then police arrested him here, a safe house in a middle class neighborhood in the center of the capital, very far away from where most of the armed conflict was taking place. because men and members of his central committee group were arrested together. this was the 1st time peruvians ever saw the most wanted men in the country. his capture in 1992, marked the beginning of the end. when the him by now, it was as if he captured the queen be then total disconcert ensued. confusion followed, and with that came the implosion of the movement. the moment he was captured, the shining path, which depended mainly on him last for males man was sentenced to life in prison for
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treason and many other crimes. the war left more than 60000 dead, and thousands more remained missing. those who survived still bear the scars of one of the darkest periods in peruse history. sports next on all, just getting an incredible attorney, folks channel rinaldo at manchester, united. all the details coming up with jemma ah, take the worst possible material uranium. grind it into dust comparable to flour and make a whole lot of it and put it into a place where people live. often bad. for many people, this is the file and what does it make you feel like you feel like a murder? we have created an enormous environmental disaster and investigation. south
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africa, toxic city on al jazeera. ready too often of cornerstone is portrayed through the prism of war. but there were many of thanks to the brave individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction. an extraordinary film archives funding for decades reviews the forgotten truth of the country's modern history. the forbidden real part one, the birth of a dan. it's done on a just oh a
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type of sports he's gemma. thank you, rob. it was a dream return to manchester, united for christiana. now day he's called twice and his 1st match for the club. since leaving it 12 years ago, he started the premier league game against new casa, and i said one of the just before half time, newcastle equalized that we're now to restore that lead before his international teammate, bruno fernandez made it 31, jesse, and god added a 4th, in stoppage time as united me to the top of the table and he's been expert. there was loads of expectations, obviously this afternoon on the team and on him, on his deliberate. the big thing about we missed the census the big moment. you know when to arrive in the box and when to running behind and i thought we played the game very mature. simple. didn't give too many balls away. i think he gave one away one when he was very efficient with his champions. manchester says he made it 3 straight wins by beating laughter, but not
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a silver school. the only goal of the game in the 2nd half. that's a 3rd clean sheet to the right. so city, excellent performance, us international regulars. you have dobbs, but the mentality of the group of players was incredible for them for the minutes and then also have their 1st when and 1st goal in the lake this season captain america bombings scored it to secure a wonderful victory over norwich. it ends a run of 3 straight defeats, and these also off the bottom of the table. well, i must say that probably been the best 1015 days i have ever had since i've been in football worked. i'm not saying that there were the easiest, but probably the best because you have to find a purpose why you do what you do, why you have my decision to be a football player i coach and all makes sense. and glad to get in the last week or so. romilly caucus got his 1st have
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a goals that stand for the bridge and chelsea's 3 now and i've asked him villa putnam last a 3 now to crystal palace ending that 6 thought to the season. bryson b. brent said one mill west time it through no now with south hampton, but remain on basin and was one to know what fits which is code sundays us open final, arguably the most important match of his career. standing in the way of a record breaking 21st major types land 1st calendar slam in 52 years is done by evidence. here's how they both got that. know that joke of it. she's on the verge of something special. he's already won the australian open french open and wimbledon this year. and now he's just one match away from completing the set at the us open. getting to the final was tough. those he was up against alexander baron, in the semi the many minutes of the took care were lympics and it was very one, the opening set. 6 games, the full joke of which recovered in typical fashion. no winning the next 2 sets to lead the match very refuse to fade. he was going to 16 much
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winning street and 10 years younger than joke of ich chasing his 1st slam. and he managed to force it into a starting fit set. but as he's done so many times before, just which came up with the goods on big points, he's dominated the closing stages, 2 in the sense 6 to securing his 27 straight victory and flam. this year. 3 sets away from doing something that was way back in 69. there's only one much less exactly. all in all isn't okay, let's do it. i'm going to put my high school in my body and my head into that one. i'm going to treat the next match. like it was like it. the last match of my career is in the final he'll be up against russia's will. no,
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but to dental met the death he dominated, his semi final beating. felix. those. yeah. i'll be a seem in straight sets. it will be made for the 3rd major final having lost the previous to the joke, which at the australian open and rough and dow, that the u. s. open back in 20. 19. the more you lose something, the more you want to we need to the more you want to gain it and take it. i lost 2 finals. i want to win the 3rd one. that's danish. we have 2 players, only one going to win. you never know what's going to happen, but i'm going to try and more than i did the 1st time. so it'll either be a 1st major title to met with that, or a groundbreaking victory for joke, which one which would put him ahead of that down and federer out on his own with $21.00 grand slams. david stokes al jazeera in just over an hour. the women's decide between 19 year old layla fernandez, an 18 year old and a connie is the 1st time 2 teenagers will contest a usa and singles final since 1999. when submitted williams beat martina hingis.
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connie was the 1st qualify in tennis history to reach a grand slam, final informal one max of staff and will start from po, position for the italian graham print mom. the championship need to finish the 2nd in saturday. sprint race behind bathroom process, but the bas eighties drive it will start sunday's race from the back of the grid because if the engine changes, so it will be the stop at the front alongside daniel ricardo with launder north champion. he was homeless and had a full stop before his way back and we'll start on the 2nd route. the grid in for the last is italian grand prix. when ashley didn't manage to complete a single laugh off the crashing out early on in qualifying for the amazon may say g p in spain, a packet, but not mashed the record, which to fix is to secure poll for sundays, right ahead of kathy t makes jack miller championship lead up fab a quarter. alright. completes the front. right. and that is your fault for now. i'll be back with more a little bit later to see you then. gemma,
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thank you very much. indeed. you can find a lot more of course the website, the address for that is all 0 dot com. bob sarah is gonna be here in a couple of minutes with more than all these stories and buckets, and thanks for being with me. goodbye. ah, ah, ah ah, government support, swindling russia, elementary election take place in september. but as opposition leader alexia found the remains in prison. and to finalize a band from taking part, could the do to the currently be wide open for another clean sweep? in supporting the special coverage on al jazeera,
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when freedom of the press is under threat, you know how you just con thought, genuinely about your thoughts toward the bacon government step outside the mainstream. the has been a all is implement here, some of access points shift the focus, the panoramic that's turned out to be a handy little pretext. the prime minister clamped down on the press covering the waves. the news is covered, the listing post on a just meet the young river traders of resume. they can neither read nor write that they know how to code their reading seizures again with their he'll do anything. just freaking you know,
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when else ah al jazeera when ever use all the news. ready and market 20 years since the deadliest attack on us soil, sombre ceremonies are held to remember the victims of september 11th. ah, hello and barbara sarah, this is al jazeera life from london, also coming up the.


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