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tv   [untitled]    September 13, 2021 10:00am-10:30am AST

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side story on al jazeera part of the time we are, the was grappling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. ah, me, i've got his son's health care system in need of a lifeline. the un is hoping to raise $600000000.00 for a void area fight. ah, lo, this is al jazeera alive from the surely by people also coming up. north korea says it successfully launch a new kind of long range crews may size. japan warns it's the threat to peace. the calls to brazil surprise event to step down grow louder.
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protestors are angry about trade will scenarios handling of the 19th and demi and indonesia steps that bit vaccination drives, but getting the corona virus job to isolated communities is proving a major challenge. ah, thank you very much for joining us. i've got is fun, is at risk of a humanitarian crisis. that's the warning from the un, which is seeking to raise $600000000.00 during a deal donors conference on monday. it's happening less than a month after the taliban seize control. un secretary general antonio terrace. is worried about the threat of a total collapse in basic services. half the population is dependent on aid. the recent conflict is being compounded by an economic crisis. severe drought and coven . 19 millions of people have been displaced from their homes. on top of that,
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after the taliban over the u. s. rolls more than a $9000000000.00 in assets, and the world bank also wholesale funding. now many hospitals, enough gannons fund that rely on humanitarian aid is struggling to provide basic services. i'll just here is charles stratford visited a hospital in couple the 16 months old school soon has measles and pneumonia. doctor said she was too weak to be vaccinated against measles because like many children in this cobble hospital, she's suffering severe. acute malnutrition, they are fighting for their lives. 5 months old carson was born with jaundice. he's very on the weight too weak to cry. his mother cannot afford to feed him and she is distraught. even then he stopped urinating and he had diarrhea and he was in pain crying all day and night. i don't have money to buy him
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milk so brought into the hospital. indira gandhi children's hospital receives up to 1300 patients a day. sometimes children have to share beds because there aren't enough 9 months old. dora is also suffering from pneumonia. his mother struggles to give him oxygen to amass the hospital doesn't have the money to fit a central oxygen system. the world bank is suspended funding for about 2300 medical facilities like this one since the taliban retook power in afghanistan at the hospital entrance. families wait for news of the young ones inside. the conditions at this hospital are shocking and staff predict that the situation could get even worse in the coming winter months where normally rates of pneumonia among children increase. the un says 1000000 children under the age of 5 could suffer severe, acute malnutrition,
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a life threatening condition. if international donors don't step up, the world bank or the international institutions and governments say they want proof baton bonnie sticking to its promises on human rights before releasing money to treat children like these. there's also the issue of channeling money to a country where the new government includes taliban officials on un sanction lists . this hospital has faced shortages and supplies for years, but the situation could now get a lot worse. as moon shuffle corner failure, we're trying to renovate to me more space, but we don't have a budget. we've had problems with supply and medicine show for 4 years. and we're afraid that if our staff continue not to be paid, they may not be able to afford to come to work. un says government and international donors have to put politics aside. the international community knows
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how to do that. we've done it elsewhere in the world, if it can do the same thing. and i've got this done. the international committee has done it in syria, in yemen, in other parts of the world. and we begs, and we pledge the and we urge the international community to apply the same principles of generosity that we have applied elsewhere, newell, that's where we are appealing for our, for i've got this done today for the children, if i've got it. so i've got this done already, has one of the price child challenges rates in the world without international help . the u. n says many of the estimated 10000000 children here who rely on humanitarian aid to survive will die. charles crawford al jazeera, called kat, our foreign minister has met with taliban leaders to address humanitarian and security problems. enough. ganawe's, mom had been under a man l. funnies, the most senior official from any country to visit since the group stake over. he also met former president time because i and former chief executive of de la de la
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chatter has helped in the reopening of company or allowing flights to resume and back signing to national airlines has become the 1st commercial flight in chicago. since italy band take over the fright non did it. how many cars i airport a short while ago, the fame is loaded with vaccines and is due to return to pakistan with passengers. in other world news, the united states military says that miss on tests conducted by north korea over the weekend post threats to a countries neighbors and beyond. north korea state new service reported the country, testified a new long range. miss cruz may solve. victoria gates be report photo is released by north korea state raw media, reportedly show a test that took place over the weekend of a new long range cruise missile. it said to float 1500 kilometers and hit targets in north korea's territorial waters. yeah. described as a strategic weapon, it's foolish, provocative,
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and the ballistic missiles nor careers tested in the past and isn't subject to un sanctions, but seems intended as a reminder from north korea of its military strength and its enough to make its neighbors worry single cattle if it's true that north korea fired a missile with a range of 1500 kilometers. it's threatening the peace and safety of japan and its surrounding region. we are highly concerned about this. for contact is long as i pass. there was a question about whether we were notified by the north korean military about the massage. i will answer the question by saying that, as you know, the south north military communication hotline is not working there's been gridlock since 2019 over talks aimed at dismantling north korea's nuclear and ballistic weapons program. in return for us sanctions relief. but some political analysts say north korea isn't a priority for the biden administration on negotiate when our group and very, very tricky. united states and south korea for several decades. anyway, you're buying, you're looking at co bid. and again,
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it's dan and all these other issues, and i think the buy people just don't see. north korea is really a sort of a pricing issue. and so it's further back in the chain. kim jong admitted she months ago that north korea was suffering from the worst food shortage in a decade. a situation compounded by existing un sanctions and self imposed border closure due to cave in 19 and say this weekend shows strength may have been partly for domestic consumption. victoria gates and b al jazeera, the head of the un nuclear watchdog has returned from toxic terrace with an agreement that nuclear inspectors will be allowed to access facilities. as i found big reports, the move is being held as a step towards easing international tension over iran's nuclear program. months of no movement, but now a small break through iran has agreed to allow inspectors to change memory cards and cameras at some of its nuclear facilities that came a, c, u, a nuclear chief, made his 1st visit to the country following presidential elections and
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a new government taking office, the continuity of the operation of the agencies equipment here, which is indispensable for us to provide the necessary guarantees and the information to be a and to the world that everything is, you know, their inspectors access had been restricted by iran following this estimation of its top nuclear scientist, most in fact is i did better on november last year. the decision by iran came after 8 years board of governors were set to meet and discuss censuring iran for non compliance. iran had threatened if he had been censured, it would not return to negotiations on the 2015 nuclear deal. well, yes, it's enough to avoid censure. it doesn't do anything else. hardly. i mean, it just,
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it averts a crisis. that's the big step today versus crisis. it doesn't solve anything. i think it's just that they're going to be able to replace the memory cards and service the equipment. make sure it's all working. i don't think they will be able to take back the, the old, the old memory cards, the 2050 nuclear deal or j. c. p. o, a. it's still stalled. and although there's a new government in the her on, headed by conservative abraham, right. you see the rain and policy hasn't changed that ultimately decided by the supreme leader. iran has always made its demands clear, the lifting of both sanctions imposed by former us president donald trump. the united states is willing to live all the sanctions that would impede implementation of the j. c. p. away. but not things that are extraneous, like sanctions or human rights totally relevant. there are couple of other sticking points. i think they, they can be negotiated if there is a willingness to be flexible questions remain over iran's nuclear program. traces
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of nuclear material found that undeclared sights dating back to before the agreement still haven't been accounted for. according to the i, a e, a, the standoff isn't completely averted yet. many obstacles remain including regional opposition to resolving the dispute. we have been clear and said that we have doubts about the nuclear deal with iran, and we feel that there are not enough inspections. we want there to be an agreement on the iran nuclear issue. existing agreements have many flaws and threats from israel already blame for sabotaging uranium facilities, as well as the assassination of factories a day. to go on and said bunny, was there any nuclear project at the most points since its inception, this legacy that the government carries? and now we are the guardians. we are obligated and will confront this project of him. but it seems this opposition doesn't carry as much weight as it did during the trump presidency. talks between iran and european powers are set to resume in
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october. when it is hoped by many the nuclear deal can be salvaged. as a big i, j, a 0. feel a head on al jazeera, the government of borges have little to celebrate knowledge and tina, as the right makes surprise. come back in congressional elections. a calling for aid in the don after flood this joy dozens of villagers during the reign. ah, and quite a few people in europe who claim has not been a sum of this year, particularly in northern europe. so they will be very pleased to see this is a slow descent into cooler wet or whether they're lazy, low city of scandinavia, bringing lower temperatures, re not so much winds just yet. but there is still an area across the middle of year stretching from romania across the balkans. a good part of italy into central fonts
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for teachers on the high side can pay. but the average by about 5 or 6 degree doesn't apply to most of us have to say, and there will be a significant j. don't spend in portugal in the near future. but here's the line of warmth. and it is really if it stands out and the say the balkans, hungarian plain temperatures 566 degrees above average, the border maybe represents that bought a francis dump best and he's still hot evening. sun has told me that that really is summary. whether not, what's hunger weather buttons to say autumn is coming and that's particularly true for portugal. then spain having had almost a dr. really recently, this rain is going to be that extensive, but pretty heavy. where it does fall. it still leaves italy hot, the showers have gone from here across, draws from greece towards turkey. and his heavy rain in the gulf of guinea heading up slowly toward sudden lodge area that will be particularly wet the
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it was meant to be that day. just here the car was going quickly, but a project attack stunned the world and the u. s. president, a guy came in and whispered something into the presence ear. what did he tell fatal for the school children present? the events of september, the 11th defined the world. they grew up in just a huge moment. these are their stories. 911 witness on al jazeera. oh, the me watching al jazeera my from job. a reminder of our time stories unit has warned
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that those are 1000000 children enough. guns are facing the threat of acute nutrition. un secretary general is holding a donors conference, helping to raise $600000000.00 to avoid a humanitarian price. about cosign international airlines plane has landed at capital airport. it's one of the 1st 5 seem to have gone is done in the band to control plane is noted with vaccines and is due to return to time with passengers. and japan says north korea is threatening the regions, fees, and safety after a test, a new type of cruise missiles, several flu, as far as 1500 kilometers during the launch on the weekend. now, brazil's president has seen his popularity a promise, tend repeated calls for his impeachment because of the handling of the corona virus pandemic. now, from available scenarios, former supporters, a turning against him when he came here, reports the brazil prison. j e is both so narrow. it's used to having crowns to
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support him, re edition nero's copper cabana beach. but this time, many of his voters have turned up to demand his impeachment. philip woke up, also nero said he had 28 years of political experience, but had never been painted by corruption scandal. i thought he was the man who could change brazil. i was mistaken. brazil's political movements, both on the right and the left, have joined forces against both so nat'l, pushing for his impeachment. so far when 230 requests have been made and ignored by congress. this is useful ma, as we decided to set aside our differences as left as parties and some of the efforts with brazil, sprite wing supporters to find both scenario who represents a threat to our democracy. yet nothing impulse shobel, so not a trailing former prison. we've seen nasa, luna silver ahead of next year's presidential election. many brazilians who are
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protesting here, do not want lola back. they were happy to see lula behind bars and corruption charges, but after seeing bill, so now to threaten the supreme court during the september 7th independence date celebration. they've changed their mind. a number 7 was clearly supposed by the president and his followers to be at the beginning of the movement, to stage a coup. and to close the supreme court, or at least out some of the justices from this group, what it backfired. ah, he was far more isolated and weakened after the events, especially the, the rally in football. and he had to, to make a strategic retreat. brazilians are unsatisfied with rising
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inflation and poverty rates, as well as the handling the corona virus pandemic. so it's almost 600000 dead brazilian has the 2nd largest cobra, 900 death toll. after the united states, monica, and i guess i'll just 0 argentina's white wing opposition has dealt a blow to the ruling paradise party in the congressional primary vote. surging inflation and rising poverty rates have damaged public support for the government. despite some signs of economic recovery and fewer corona virus cases traceable re for someone to sign the. now me a vote against the government. if i were to go for a man this shocked argentina after sundays primary elections, the results were unexpected and show how the opposition is regaining strength since their defeat or former press in multi feel motley 2 years ago. it cannot take a couple of things. now tonight we are saying it's enough through the polls enough
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to abuse tonight, more than 7 out of 10 people elected a new puff. and our pot was the chosen one. and it's not only happening here in witness iris, but all around the country. i mean the at the ruling parties headquarters, there was disappointment. i will be, nobody says, the government needs to analyze what went wrong with the government lost the capacity to convince the loss of people. i'm an activist and will always support the government. but there needs to be a change of how the handling things, maybe more determination and transformation. that's what we want. as well to fun man. this came to power almost 2 years ago. he's part of a center left coalition and was hand picked by the former president. christina fernando vickers. now, this election, you will get dropped on the ruling party ahead of november's legislative election very fast. so many people in the country are not happy with the economic crisis.
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with a government handling of damage, and that's why they're demanding change. the legislative election are only 2 months away to book or whatever sort of the elections won't solve the problems people have been facing this year. the problem is that because of the pandemic, psychological problems and uncertainty with a government that can't get one thing right, there are problems with our economy and a lack of jobs. this helps people ventilate, all the troubles they face. for them is implemented. one of the world to test coven 19 quarantines last year. but argentina has one of the world's highest death rates from the virus. the locked down had a huge impact on the troubled economy. this election we solve sent president over the phone, and then there's a clear message. the question now is how he will respond. that is, i will,
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i'll athena, when a site is engineering. teams has started tracking security at all is really prison . the inspection follows an escape last week when 6 palestinian inmate tunnel their way out of the gate. both prison in northern israel for the prisoners were caught over the weekend and have appear in court. the search is on for 2 others who are still at large heavy rain and a flash floods in sudan have destroyed dozens of villages. more than 70 people have died. agencies are asking the government to get people to safety. he but morgan reports from one of the worst effected areas in white nile states. this is what's new ella village in sudan state of white mile now looks like from above. it once had more than 80 homes, housing, dozens of families, but heavy rains in the east of the country resulted in flash floods that left the houses in ruins. le, right, gone in these houses belonged to me and my children. then the waters came at night about a week ago and started studying the village. they just moved in,
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but now everything has gone. i've managed to save the cupboard, but it's destroyed. i don't know what will happen next. the only way to reach new ala now is by boat, and many of the villagers are using them to pick up whatever they can salvage heavy rains incidence and neighboring if you mean more water is flowing into the nile river. a few 100 kilometers away. people here say it's the worst flash floods they've seen in years. more water came from the valleys and stream than previously . the rain thought it in late july, and dozens of people have died. and more than 800000 have been effected across the 15 of them. 800 states. i'm on how much shows us how the flood destroyed his village of about 15 kilometers from nowhere now. he had to carry his sick mother on his back to safety. going with us, it was better if we've lost everything. we've lost the homes of farm lance. the most of us only came out with what were wearing did. we don't have anything and the government has yet to provide us with any aid. and those villages are not the only
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ones to suffer more than 50 villages have been destroyed by heavy rains and flash floods in whiteness, states alone in the past week, thousands of people have been displaced as a result. and many now live in be open. many like basic necessities such as food and clean water and with more heavy rains expected in the coming days. they are concerned about the spread of what's a bond diseases. those displaced in the state have called on the local authorities to provide assistance. but they say they have limited capabilities and need help from agencies. while i let them in the lumen one who have distributed tents by the are not enough for the people affected. so we need 8 organizations to assist us in the response because beneath a huge need for most q 2 i made was made defense an additional 10. we are trying to help as much as we can, but the people affected are too many with any high it in there are 3 weeks to go before the end of the rainy season and to thousands of people displaced by the floods. don't know how long they'll have to wait before they can return to their
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villages and rebuild their lives. he but morgan august 0. joe white mile in indonesia has been grappling with one of the worst coven 19 outbreaks in the world, and is now scaling up vaccination efforts. it's hoping to vaccinate more than 2000000 people every day. but what, but with its population spread across thousands of islands, that effort has come with challenges. jessica washington reports me in indonesia is east of the coast of congress island. this is one of indonesia floating vaccine hubs. it's intended to reach fishermen and others who work at sea. yeah. really. i de la the only way to access this area is by sea. yeah, we have faced some difficulties getting here such as the current law. we allow many of the fishermen here live far from health services and are often away from home
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coming south scholarly. and we are thankful that the police came to see to give us vaccines because we didn't have the chance before the loud. most of these areas do not have reliable electricity. i mean, we're not going bock, we use a cool box to maintain the temperature of the vaccine. if we have issues, we also use ice to maintain the cold chain. i mean by the government aim suplex unaided, at least 208000000 people by the end of the year. that's more than 70 percent of the population with its population spread across more than $6000.00 islands. that comes with some logistical challenges. these health workers breathed heavy storms to reach this village on the island of borneo. along with some of the only option is to come here via the river and today it was raining and the waves were strong. but after we saw the enthusiasm of the people, it all paid off. how do you know in the weeks leading up to the vaccine dr. local
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leaders have been sharing information about the vaccines to help combat hesitancy. what we know is we can't be afraid of the vaccine we have to get vaccinated to avoid spreading kobus and the vaccine is hello. president joker, dodo has stressed the need to speed up the vaccinations and provinces outside java to avoid another search in cases. after week says the global epi central virus transmission has started to flow, and life is gradually returning to normal. for many indonesian city authorities, hope the celebrated destination drives love that process to continue this month to vaccinate more than 2000000 people every day. just for washington, the al jazeera chicago, the u. k. government has rolled up plan 3 introduced more locked down to find the pandemic in england. the health minister says vaccine fast force to get into night
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clubs and large events will be scrap the government hazel in fed relying vaccination then testing or in scotland. the scheme is going ahead starting on october. the 1st at the world's 1st ban. demik institute has opened its doors in the british city of liverpool. it's aim is to help the world prevent, prepare and respond more effectively to global outbreaks. need vodka has more from livable the bacteria in this dish can kill strep to caucus pneumonia is a major cause of chronic lung conditions. scientists are trying to understand how immune systems respond to infection with the findings, helping on knowledge of other respiratory illnesses, such as coven 19. also in the lab, ongoing trials of the oxford astrazeneca vaccine. there is a small corner of the world. first end to end, pandemic institute, aim to helping the well prevent, prepare and respond to the worst. someone that i know said was you don't build
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a fire brigades after the fire has started, and that's what we're trying to do here. we really need to develop new platforms and model. so when should we get the next virus coming through? we very rapidly can develop the vaccines and drugs to tackle that. there's a huge breath of clinical academic and data driven expertise here. the pandemic revealed huge cracks in our ability to deal with a global outbreak. time now to strengthen our defenses against what could come next week. in another part of the city, the panoramic institutes, new gleaming headquarters, the projects the brain, shout, professor matthew baylis. whenever something is decided about pandemic, it would have been better to have decided it earlier. in which and speed really is of the essence. and i think in some cases they were the steps that we've taken in this country, which in retrospect would have been better to have taken earlier. the test can be
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easily used without the need of additional equipment underpinning efforts. a 14000000 dollar donation from in of a medical group. the u. s. start up quickly became the world's largest supply of rapid cove at 19 tests, making billions of dollars and government contracts in the process. we feel that the needs to be a better. ready cohesive response globally to how our economy's countries and continents respond to the pandemic. we need to continue to make investments into the pandemic research. not only here in liverpool, but globally at other institutions, which will be a collaborative effort so that we can get other countries and other other communities involved. the institute will be under scrutiny to ensure were carried out here, benefits poor countries too. we need to add that the global community and share resources because in a global situation, you are not dealing with the problem as a whole. if you find them donations, as long as they're mobility across countries,
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they probably will not come to an end the pun, damage, turbo charged innovation with scientific research. now released in torrance, there's too much at stake to stand still. no room for complacency. leave bulk al jazeera, liverpool, novak joke of eggs, hope so very rare. tennis feet have been crushed to the whirl. number one has been beaten in straight, stretched by rush, and danny met the dead and the us open. finally, it means joke of h. misses out on winning all 4 grand slam tournaments in a calendar year. maybe they have battles cramps and his legs as the kills about the my 6 or 6 for me.


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