tv [untitled] September 15, 2021 4:30am-5:00am AST
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well, ali re explores how designers are manipulating our behavior in the final episodes. all hail the algorithm on a job. oh and have no he didn't don't have the headlines on al jazeera 8, he's probably minister aerial own re has sent the chief prosecutor who wants him charged for the fascination of the precedence. jovan and louise was murdered in july. court documents say the prime minister was formed by one of the main suspect after the shooting. secretary of state hansley blinkin has testified for 2nd day, but the military withdraw from us. galveston and the collapse of the washington banks, governments. it all before relations. can we see the rapid fall of cobble took us intelligence agencies by surprise. we collectively over 20 years
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invested as coronary amounts in those security forces and in that government, hundreds of millions of dollars, equipment, training advice support and based on that, as well as based on what we were looking at real time. again, we did not see this collapse in a matter of 11 days. the taliban has promised to distribute more than a 1000000000 dollars of age directly to afghans who needed. the money was raised to you and donors, conference on monday of ghana, son is heavily reliance on external help and the televisions take over his height and fears of economic collapse. voters in the u. s. face of california, deciding the face of governor gavin newson in a recall election, the republican led push to hold. the votes was filled by anger. over a nuisance handling of the corona, vars. pandemic. critics also blame him for high taxes, rise and crime, and
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a search in homelessness. 3 former us intelligence offices have admitted providing sophisticated hacking technology to united arab emirates. the men have agreed to pay the $1700000.00 in fines to avoid prosecution. they're accused of conducting hacking operations for the u. v. working managers at a firm in the gulf states and a suicide bomber has killed at least 9 people and injured 16 more in these somali capital markets issue. the explosion near t sharp targeted soldiers and civilians. fighters from al chavez, the claimed responsibility group has been fighting the somali government for many years. and those are the headlines now. it's back to south africa, toxic city. the
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hundreds of strange mountains lie scattered around johannesburg, south africa's most populous city. but they on natural phenomenon. they are mine tailing, waste heat left over from south africa, hugely profitable golden destry. many also said to be dangerously, talks like a wash with heavy metals, poison, and radioactive debris. with expert help, french journalists, math time to do is getting the content line typically analyzes could one night while he waits for the results, he gets a mysterious voice mail message. hello my. i've heard that you are interested in the mining legacy around 200, but mine dumps. well i work those in a little mental geologist awhile so i would very much appreciate if you can, if you can come around if we can have a word about it. thank you very much. the message is from a geologist,
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eagle club chic. after 20 career in the mining industry, he's now left it disgusted by the industries clearly to had his warning about dealing with it twice. i'll tell you what i find particularly scandalous to take the worst possible material, which is uranium grind it into dust comparable to flour and make a whole lot of it and put it into place where people live. this is a cause colossal you bad idea. when you, when you said that women were you doing reports where you listen and that's fine. i have written lots of reports. i must have some sort of recording and answered emails, probably over over a 100. so after a while, you know i was explain, look what you are proposing costs money. i mean, 1st of all you have to become the contaminates the land. that is number one, number 2, you can actually pump tailings all the way back when you got them from them with
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a just a few percent of cement. and you can get rid of tailing this way. you see it basically put it to normal. you put it back to where it was, how does it make you feel when you see it is local communities complaining about their, their health problem. what does it make you feel like you feel like a murder? what we have done, like i said, we have created an enormous environmental disaster. if we let you know growing potatoes and we made environmental disaster along the side, it will be different. we will say, okay, we are feeding the nation. what did gold mining industry do in reached a small percentage of people? so we have produced gold, which is the most useless thing in the whole world. it feeds human greed. it has no uses. and yet we have made and probably one of the biggest environmental disasters in the world. so yes i do. i do feel like like
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a murderer. as eagles disturbing. one thing can you mapped out heads back to see pharma, eric from go mark, he's going to the signs of radioactive poisoning. now the test results for the animals of being delivered in person by frank vendor, the johannesburg professor of a foreign mental studies out. so i wanted to know about what we're doing. my name is frank, like when the professor has come to see eric livestock fan, south c as. 7 in the test results a clear material from the nearby mind tailings has contaminated eric's on the other line and uranium isn't the only problem. for example, manganese would be quite significantly elevated in your, in your water sample over 2000 times. what would, what you would find initial water source us redo her. we do have nico being
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elevated a 1000 times of often they get this elevator 50 times ends in as well, 1500 time. ok the most, let's say indicative metal for mining impacts that is uranium in those tailing. so that is about 10 times what you would see in a natural environment 10 times as much. so what you, what you analyze in your water, you did about a 100 times more than one would find his unpolluted natural 15 water source in a farm surrounded by pollution its animals badly contaminated it's disturbing news. the hair of your goat shows the highest level of or so overall analyze metals. okay. you see uranium is 60 times for elevator, but all the lead is elevated to 80 times the mean almost 100 times above what's normal? it's the same was cobalt. the same was also next and
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a $600.00 times for nickel. but maybe if you need to know and know, all right, i can have all other. yes, you can. it's all yours. mazda was out of when elaine dow, at right for flemming, farm y, livestock die prematurely, ah, township, where children have near a logical disorders and suffer from terrible coughing fits. but all the medical links between poor health and mining. so clear cut staff at this free local health clinic might have some among the patient is julie zulu, its the 3rd time this month that the youngest son has taken the the
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me i knew this was a little nothing my is not in the go to stella because one of because number no new they will. yeah. for how you got your the baby has called bronchitis was into both. so sometimes we see what you get a child with a quote like the one that i just saw. she was having a test in drawings because of the something that you will see on the
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average. yes, you have a number of cases. luckily, there should be a like you mentioning is that people who are leaving their minds if we get a lot of those we, i think definitely do we have to do in astonishingly. the south african state has never conducted a study to understand the impact of mine tailing on the population. but my can catch up with too lazy to again back and her township at the foot of the mine and out collecting water, i get a good all right, very heavy. so you have to do this every day. this is your house. okay. julie shares this is chuck with her 4 children in lan le cordon alert magazine. i ramey
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is lena la. isn't in as zing live? i live fuzzy says, be able to play linda. i'm up on the corner. quintinella the j couldn't. i couldn't laugh. you'll get up to say they were this tiny cabin, provide some shelter from the rain, but not from the pollution truly zulu. and her children live only a few dozen meters from the mine dump. where earlier, the master had measured radioactivity levels 28 times higher than the norm. she agrees to provide her sample to test what level conformation to. okay, now super glenn center giving you that a new one. so penny, director of the institute for research and scientific expertise stroudsburg comes online. you will do it on camino just give all going to the underneath commotion to pool or north and i'll just see
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low number. i don't. 1 want it to think what i'm going to do is yes, you could just really kind of go over measures generic or they told me that i don't know what about right concern. alright, let's should be more than enough in school. both excited. you sounds good, more fascinated image football advisors to more linear we're pretty sure we don't like this official can do
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it. but all right, perfect. the matter has also taken a half from atlanta check. and we mag a little girl suffering from you. look at us, but i've taken done. i still look beautiful. ah. yeah . and then more 10 in total from other residents living near the maintaining and sent them by express mail to professor penny in france. once again, there will be a few days of waiting for the results. in the meantime, martin is looking for gold. some of south africa, the most profitable export, is used in the electronics industry. some of it is used for investment,
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but most of that ends up is jewelry. yet the websites of the world major luxury brands, a curacy file and about the sources that they're gold you know, from us, once you get off new or any of them came to respond to questions. sure. but it hasn't been called the cut, the your, my job to communicate. you don't know how good it was during your visit from us on monday. that's almost if you don't see it. but again, in a community really don't want. i've been putting more money. you said to put it down, do indeed not one jewelry brand agrees to provide details of where the gold comes from. military giving you call. but the only the most italian brand agree is the 3rd largest dealer in the world. and it certainly seems to be using a loss of gold. it's time to go shopping. book res
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headquarters. johanna are located in fountain city, among some of the most expensive real estate on the african continent. in a luxurious shopping monee by the company displayed one of its finest pieces. a gold and diamond necklace, costing almost $70700.00. but again, no one here seems to know where the gold had been, so we want it, you know, we do cheer in the gallery. you knew where the goal comes from. if you talk about it of gold, gold, gold, you know, jewelry a, know i don't, you're thinking kind of surprising that you don't know where to go from something that should be okay. or, you know, the of the consequences of mine, mine, for example,
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the main cities do this when you're driving in the job. but that just isn't that just stuff. i perfect anyway, thank you very much. you're welcome. ah, back in a world overshadowed by the way stump, the south africa, the vast gold mining industry. when people are gathering in a charge call a tiny, the activists has come from table with you. so to have all the children whose has company must have taken protesting, ah,
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ah, what has spread and even the national media present in the everyone wants to know what the scientists have computed. and thank you so much again for being here today. i really appreciate the fact that you've come a long way through to be sure must run through the result cleaned from soil water and go samples. so then he calls in a struggle in charge of analyzing the levels of heavy metals found in the human, had to gather what they thought a lot on it. even though it's a huge re other go to the bell founder does your daughter i renewed it. sure. was really additional job. roy would go back to the show you do do do
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don't do you next guy that they don't do what you would expect. your call is important. you would explain that to them. don't. don't, don't do to know when you sit down. it's cuz i want to respect was it really all these findings could help south african doctors give them a tandem better diagnosis for her disease or the other little thing for your own people, which i don't know who i guess we'll talk again. it was taken together, the results and deeply disturbing the soil gathered by my from the mine tailings is
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full of heavy metals. the level of all snake, for example, is $330.00 times higher than the norm. the water is full of uranium, $100.00 times the international limit. the goats are infected that contains 83 times more lead than those living far away from the mine tailing. and as for the residence, some of the children show $64.00 times more exposure to lead 5 times more exposure to uranium and food times more exposure to authentic than the average french person will be sent to the tv in a dollar for the car. so what can we do for you about the about the usually don't do. do you mean miss?
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sure i the the i don't think it was normal and this is not my or don't people that's it might be something needs to be built in. we've had enough of this man's exposing us so, so we a billing now to everybody once again to make sure that you're saying that there was that you know, we flossing because of the fish and ever the know would been documented to be busy or doing no it will lead to the universe. people know what they've been. thank you
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very much. why does again my life as residents begin planning the next move, including a possible legal claim against the mining companies. nafta obtains an interview with the chamber of mine. the industry's association for some of south africa, the most powerful mining consent truly pretty don't 6 if there are some would mean louis the mean and i think you should similar amen. eckstein to put it on your phone complex. almost a 120 years later. stephanie mood out run that we're going to say, sions until pollution,
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department offering for those issues. that the goal producing firms do not want to address individually or regarding the environmental impact of the mining industry. do you think it's it's going in the, on the right track on the good we years the if significant good progress achieved the fall in terms of mining companies dealing effectively with environmental impacts. has the chamber of mine ever convicted human health impact assessment regarding the tidings mine tuning? not, not that on my way off. ok. so we've done some a some, some smack done then shows her letters the same scientific analysis that he has shared with the residents back in the town. shad we, we never heard about the loan. ok. what does that make you think now it's, it's quite containing for me and i think something should be done. do you think
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that the mining industry that you or presents have a responsibility in these numbers? i think it is. we our member companies mine? yes, we do have the responsibility. do you live close to the maintaining? why not? if i may i mean most of the it's, i mean most of the, i mean those guys they fall in the table or not the other way around. so they chose to go and they do you think that people believe around the pe, the stating it's huge turnings around jennifer, do you think they're safe? they're not. they're not at all. there's a lot of environmental risks as well as safety risks. and why do you think it hasn't been clean over all the years of years to something should be done for detailing that? our own val. number comes in when, when you say something, do you think it's something where, what, what is it about eating me the teams and rehabilitation of those should get rid of
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this disease? i think we need an all that all management strategy as the industry and obviously in partnership with government. the so what does the government have to say? south africa environment minister declines to be interviewed. and his office said that the subject is not his area of expertise. the ministry of health, on the other hand, is very interested, but can leave a casting director of the national institute for occupational health 1006 and a mentally. this is of great importance to demonstrate that the levels so much higher
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and that there will be negative health effects on the children. and really one of the real tragedies is that their study and why the money has not been prioritized. we need to make sure that mines and other workplaces don't continue to contaminate the living environment for communities and so on. and you know, would you like a copy? oh, we would absolutely love to have a copy because you see be, don't have to be, we'd be, be, don't have it in. and then we can go in with our medical teams and perhaps have a sample of those who have got higher levels of these different heavy metals and, and, and geranium, and go in more physical examination. do blood test to urine tests and monitor their oh,
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the south african government will soon begin a major study on the health impacts of mining pollution. but time is of the essence . and 2017 mining companies extracted 130 tons of gold from south africa. producing 27000000, 600000 tons of supplementary waste. the more waste will be produced next year. and the next one and the one after that. there are still 35 years remaining of exploitable gold results in south africa. ah, how many move victims will they have to be in that time? so people realize that life is more precious than gold. ah ah
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ah ah ah ah hi there. here's a headlines for the america as we had nicholas made landfall as a category one storm toward the texas gulf coast. we saw a storm surge, but 100 more than a 100 millimeters of rain leading to scenes like this is the situation on wednesday, moves further toward the east. this becomes a story for the wheezy, anna, with some heavy pockets of rain to be expected here toward the eastern portions of north america. some big storms that were over, the great lakes now pushed into the board. the ne. and a few days ago we had some tornado warned cells in here when they were over in northern ontario. places like sudbury, for example, off to the west for just talking about rain here. it starts to dry out for
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vancouver with a high of 17 degrees. are also starting to see a dry out for large portions of mexico. you could time will have a few showers and we can see some concentrated rain for the pacific coast of mexico in and around. acapulco stop and south america. you guessed it. we still got our storms falling through the amazon basin here, but further toward the south, a vigorous, sad disturbance, a cold frontier. it's going to slide its way into rio de janeiro, drop the temperature. so if i show you the 3 day forecast, look at this, we go down to 24 by the time friday, growth around. that's it for me. see you soon. the l g 0 recounts the shocking story of the assassination of counts for cabana dot. the 1st you an envoy trying to bring peace to the middle east. how is negotiations with himmler helped save thousands of jews from nazi concentration camps and how
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these mediation skills put him at the vanguard. and the quest for peace in the middle east. killing the count on elder there. ah, the prime minister ariel, long re fax, the country as chief prosecutor charged over the july assassination of president shipping invoice. ah, how are you doing this is al jazeera live from dough home, also coming up.
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