tv [untitled] September 17, 2021 5:00am-5:31am AST
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on the mountain ridges, trying to surround this area in order to isolate to school with detailed coverage, real power, fill live, and my how much sick he takes all the major strategic vision from around the world . the water rose so quickly at this new jersey apartment complex. it caught many people off guard. ah, the you in the pacific security packed under the spoke plate that will unite astray, lee of the u. k. the us the couldn't right and older alliances. ah, a little bit, i'm how he's been and this is al jazeera life and so hum also coming of west
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african leaders and pull sanctions on kenny's military movers that demands in return to democracy. within 6 months, a broken justice system, the united nations accused and spent his wayland officials torture, sexual violence, and arbitrary killings. out of focus on the force, the royal tide police are facing several high profile scandals. ah. the u. s. the u. k. and this trail you have defended there and you and joe, pacific security alliance after it came under attack from china under the agreements. this trillion governments will get you clear pirates self. marines. it's seen as an efforts the kinds of waging is influence in the pacific that china says it will only intensify an arms race was in jordan reports now for washington, dc. the u. s. u. k and australia reportedly agreed to form
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a new defense alliance on the sidelines of this year's g. 7 summit in england, washington and london will help it by a fleet of nuclear powered submarines. the main reason for the alliance containing china, we spoke in detail about china as the stabilizing activities in beijing efforts to course and intimidate other countries. contrary to establish rules and norms, we will remain clear eyed and review a beijing's efforts to undermine the established international order. we discussed the competition of china at a number of levels that require us to respond and to increase resilience. this does not mean that there are not constructive areas for engagement with china straight. it continues to sake dialogue with china without pre conditions. not surprisingly,
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beijing condemned both the alliance and the submarine deals. war war, li archive who turned to the export of highly sensitive nuclear power submarine technology by the united states and britain to australia. once again proves that they are using nuclear exports as a tool of geopolitical games on adopting double standards, which is extremely irresponsible. which in washington, journalists pummeled the ministers with questions about the security pack. is check in china's efforts worth offending it or offending long standing partners. this is about enhancing our, our cooperation, our work together, ultimately about enhancing security stability in the pacific. it is not aimed at any country. it's certainly not aimed at holding anyone back. the announcement of this new alliance could signal that the u. s. president joe biden has decided to
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reshape american foreign policy, bolstering new alliances to deal with new threats. while telling old partners that change is not a diplomatic death knell. rosalind jordan al jazeera, the state department, the new alliance means paris is for a multi $1000000000.00 deal to build submarines forestry earlier. the french government is angry, accusing the australians of stopping them in the back. natasha butler reports the french president. a manual micro greeted angler merkel. they leased a palace for farewell dinner and she prepared to step down as german chancellor. but he chose not to mention the diplomatic crisis to the shaken his government, leaving fat with foreign minister to them all, both as we say in france, it's radius dive in the back, we created a relationship of trust with australia and today that trust has been broken australia has pulled out of a 5 year old multi $1000000000.00 submarine deal with paris of to signing
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a new defense packed with the us and u. k. aimed at counter in china's influence in the indo pacific region. the white house says discuss the defense packed with paris before it was announced by the french authorities contest that disunion, lateral, brutal, unpredictable decision reminds me. a lot of what mr. trump used to do. biden's decision to sign the pact and exclude key allies is likely to further strain transatlantic relations. it may also both the growing sentiment in the e u that the u. s. as an increasingly unreliable partner and the block must become more autonomous. today, do you adopted and delicious 1st in the strategy, which is a straight to that's your bands. want to tell you wrong in that region. and france is katie driving actor in that matter. it's unclear what action the french government could take over. cambra scrapping of the contract,
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the agreement with known in france as the deal of the century, which is why its collapse has left paris feeling particularly angry and betrayed. natasha butler, i'll just sarah paris. the taliban has denied reports. his leaders are in a major power struggle. the group says its propaganda and the stabilizing f. galveston and discrediting the movements. hush ma about a report, some couple pledging allegiance to the taliban tribesman, dignitaries, and members of the former government in under ha, the birthplace of the taliban. and the seat of bala, a show of unity at a delicate moment for the group that swept into the capital last month. but the taliban is now denying rumors of a possible power struggle and in fighting among its senior leadership. we both also suggested deputy prime minister will love the honey brother was sidelined as the
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rumors spread. the taliban dispatched one of his officials. and that's how connie with one message to convey the taliban is more united than ever. more, la brother, later appeared himself in a video explaining why he hasn't been seen in public for the last few days. most a problem or the cover letter i was traveling from cobble. so i had no access to the media in order to reject this new. we assure the dentist on nation mature her dane, elders and you not to worry, there's no reason to worry. but many lines we're, we're, they fear a prolonged leadership crisis that may create more poverty and uncertainty was wrong on the boot crowd. in the past, there was peace and people had their jobs. now people are hungry and many are anxious about what may happen next. that is when we see the joins at the taliban 3
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years ago. my hopes were prosperous and peaceful are gone. us down. this is my biggest wish. as winter approaches, tens of thousands of people who fled their homes. recently. we need food, shelter, and stove. the un has wound the country may phase a severe humanitarian situation. if a does not arrive soon, but taliban is now back. empower buddies, challenges are far from over. the group is facing mounting pressure to pool and inclusive government and he's desperate for international recognition and financial assistance at the moment. when 2 thirds of the guy need help. hush about just the ra capital. leaders from the west african economic location was of impose sanctions on guineas military rulers. and this among the elections be held within 6 months, and he was suspended for me last week after a military coup removed,
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president also con day from tar, especially un representative for west africa. and this hell says the body will never endorse unconstitutional. changes of government. hello, got amongst them across the united nation opposed to number of values. it is democrats, automation, we condemned to detach in any conditions, and therefore we will never endorse unconstitutional changes. and the united nation is clear on this would simply hold that what has just happened in getting your money our mishaps and will be very quickly rectified. my dream has more from cannot cree. the most surprising aspect for the military here in guinea is the short notice. the short deadline took for transition to civilian rule 6 months. not the least. they expected. many of them were probably looking at the molly model. by the way, they copied the molecule in total, they have the depos president still in custody, hoping to use him as a bargaining chip. now,
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of course is coming with this idea of 6 months transition to democratic rule. so the other thing is the functions imposed on the military rulers. very few of them. guineas agree have accounts or businesses outside of the shows of guinea, so that will not be much effective on them. but again, this is a government, this is june tab that has taken over power nearly 2 weeks ago and is still yet to form a government. they are still holding consultations with their stakeholders, religious leaders, political leaders, activities and civil society, minors and business community. in order to form a government and also approach the transition program, they have not concluded that consultations yet. yet a course came with this with this new sanctions on them. again, we expect the course delegation to be here very soon to deliver the message of the lead us of the west african region of buck, economic community or west african states through the lead us. yeah. and the
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military leaders here in guinea, their response will be very interesting to hear and to see how they respond to the new development from a cra a you and report says furnace where the judges and prosecutors are not upholding the law and to being used as tools, estate repression. investigators say justice officials are playing a significant role in serious violations and crimes against opponents of the government or latin america as to the see in human reports. charges of human rights violations in venezuela, unknown new. but the latest report by you, in fact, finding mission pinch oblique picture the report from october 2020 to august this year focuses specifically on what the mission described as a judiciary system. fraught with systemic impunity lack of due process and pressure against judges. and prosecutors by high ranking state actors form
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a judges in prosecutors interviewed, reported that day and their family members had been subject to a threat and intimidation, nearly half of the form of judges and prosecutors interviewed by the mission left and as well as due to 50 constrains according to the report security, unintelligence forces continue carrying out arbitrary arrests, brutality and even killings against real or perceived government opponents. or those who question there we can normally interest and abuses of power. it adds that instead of providing protection against violations and crimes, the venezuelan justice system is acting as an accomplice. special concern to the mission is that when that we continue to document serious allegations of torture, sexual violence, and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, perpetrated grin during the arrest. all. and then she's in 67 of these.
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they 3 nice appeared in court with clear marks of miss treatment report, specifically single south venezuela's, chief prosecutor. today, sab, for declaring the judges and prosecutors are in positions of trust, thus infringing on their independence. the un mission lament that in the last 2 years, the venezuelan government has refused numerous requests for information or access to investigate within the country. while there was no response to our request for comment, venezuelan government officials have repeatedly denied charges of impropriety and systemic abuses of human rights. to see a human, i'll jazeera fil a heads on all to fear anger on the streets of when assigning claims the president will deliver on his economic promises scrap paper into bob. when artists find value in bank notes.
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ah, it's another beautiful sunny day of 35000 feet the weather sponsored by cattle airways booted world's best airline of 2021. hello there, let's have a look at the weather in east asia where watching tropical storm shampoo. is it find the pool away from the east coast of china? it's moving across the east china see toward south korea and on to southern japan. and now it is going to bring since a v a whether with it. if we look at the projections for friday, we're seeing wind gusts of up to a 100 kilometers per hour system. rough and dangerous. see, we're also seeing rain about $250.00 millimeters in south korea, but we could see up to $200000000.00 to fall over 24 hours in parts of japan. now it's going to work its way across key. you shoe in tissue, cocoa and on to han shoe, and we have got
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a flood warning out. we could see land slides and mud slides as it works its way across japan. and by the time we get to sunday, it will edge out into the north pacific. now as we move to south asia, it's a very wet picture as well. for india, we've seen flooding up in the north east, thanks to the monsoon range. as we go into friday it's going to be the northwest that sees a lot of that torrential rain. we have got amber alerts out for raja san an monte pradesh, but it is looking a lot dryer along that west coast with sunshine in new delhi, thats your update. the weather sponsored by cattle airways, boated world's best airline of 2021. china has been very strategic in the way to expand biggest reach in indian ocean. what is it? and we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in without the international aid. what do you think is going to happen? the kind of common counting the coast on al jazeera. we know what's happening in
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our region, we know have some get to places that others and as far as i said, i'm going the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. ah, ah ah, this is al jazeera, a quick reminder over hope stories for you. this are the u. s. u. k and australia have defended their new security alliance. it'll allow the history of government to acquire nuclear submarines. it's seen as an effort. the counts are china's influence in the pacific. the taliban insists it's more united than ever after report that its leaders are in a major power struggle. the group says the claims are aimed at these stabilizing
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the country just weeks after it's who control a you and report says venezuela's judges, prosecutors are being used as tools of state repression. investigators say justice officials are playing a significant rule and serious formulations and crimes against opponents of the government. protest is in argentina or demands in job send an increase in social aids, this anger over rice and poverty and high inflation. the government of president of fernandez, has been blamed for failing to deliver on promises to prove living standards, terrible reports. and when osiris were thousands of people to the streets, they took over the center of when a site is demanding jobs and food assistance. thousands of people from the poorest areas of when a site is roxanna, be care says she has 3 children and no work good. and i'm going to,
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the last year has been very difficult. my husband got some work and construction, but with the soaring prices, we cannot pay for everything. i didn't 100 government have increased cash handout and aid to assist the poor. but people here say much more needs to be done at the inflation continues to force prices up every month. yeah, pretty good. going to, but the government is trying to implement austerity me just and pay the i missed at the cost of the working class. we are the one suffering the crisis and need a genuine jobs with decent salaries. the economic situation and the handling of the pandemic has put a huge dent in the government's popularity to put us in. last sunday, the parents party last in 17 province is doing this country's primary election, including at the stronghold the province of one site is. the last has exacerbated the big divisions that exist within the administration,
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especially between president of man this and his vice president. christina fernandez the gerstner on wednesday, the minister of interior and other left leaning government officials close to christina for a man this offer their resignation to the president argentine as currently negotiating a 40000000000 debt with the i m f. and the president is trying to reduce the deficit and organize the economy, but he's, vice president is not going along with it. it's, he'll do about this young guy, even instead, he wants to increase social spending to both the parties chances of winning on november's legislative elections. economy say the dispute is having an impact on argentina's chances of recovering from the pen. demik will sell that with you to go to one thing is putting some money on the streets to improve their chances. and remember what the issue is, whether you're going to do that and not deal with the message and continue printing money. nobody is going to benefit from that. and the crisis generate
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a lot of hernandez road on twitter. this is not the time to race disputes that divert us from our pass argentina in the middle of an economic and now political crisis. and why the ruling coalitions continue to dis students struggle over how to find a way out. there are millions of people who are filled with uncertainty about what will happen with the economy, with their income and their lives. very simple as a feeder when a fight. if the 1st polls have opens in elections to the russian parliament known as the duma who sings taking place and for eastern regions, many candidates who are opposed to president vladimir person, i've been excluded from the ballots. voting will take place over 3 days. demonstrators have been gathering outside the defense fair in london, protesting against the sale of arms. israel. they say the weapons are being used to terrorize palestinians. the 40 events brings together manufacturers, arms,
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dealers and government representatives. these several high profile scandals submit a spotlight on the workings of the time police force, which is directly controls by the prime minister. it comes at a time when pro democracy protests to find a new momentum. a warning virus may find some of the images in scott high. those reports distress him. he had to sock age upon is an officer in the royalty police, but on the weekends he's a cattle farmer on my ball one and i don't make enough money as a couple. i have 2 young children who do in school. i've been living paycheck to paycheck, mom, even though i'm a car, if i don't have a 2nd source of income, i won't be financially stable yet soc is not a unique case. senior ranking officers in bangkok admit that rank and file officers are grossly underpaid. and that leads to bigger problems, including an erosion of public trust. you've got to put the right amount on the
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right up then $11.00 issue in order to put the vinyl on the wifi to see if you've got the proper pay for him. who's going to perform a duty without any pay or with low pay? no, no way back probably for, for decades the tie police force has had a reputation problem from use of excessive force on protesters and accepting bribes for fictitious traffic violations to major scandals. the latest came last month, it involved the police colonel known as joe ferrari, nickname for his more than 2 dozen luxury sports cars. this while only earning $1300.00 a month. but the scandal is more than just the cars. leak cctv footage appear to show him taking part in the torture of a suspected drug offender by putting plastic bags over his head. but it's alleged that the group of police officers were not trying to extract information. they were demanding $60000.00. the suspect died. joe,
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for i was arrested after the video went viral with millions of views. the national leadership for the royal type police is the centralized here at the bank hawk headquarters and ultimately answers to the prime minister. that's unlike many democracies around the world where police forces are insulated from political influences. the police dawn upon the pewter coon used to teach it the royal tie police academy. he resigned due to what he said was a lack of academic freedom. saw doors, wind power, actually the one tool, the form, the real type, or if you're not the was they will let them intend to power that one power. that a one to give the power tool to public as a whole, right? but they're willing to use the police as a political tool, promises a police reform have been made repeatedly over the years. there's now a draft reform bill in parliament waiting for a 2nd reading. but the question many in the opposition are asking,
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does the ruling party have the political will to push it forward? got hyler al jazeera, bangkok, nigerian soldiers are deploying in the state of bordeaux following a deadly iso affiliate attack. at least $800.00 soldiers were killed in an ambush on the convoy. and look at some wooden se area has been at the heart of bloody 12. your conflict kills 40000 people, displaced 2000000 and at least 9 civilians have been mistaken. the killed in a 9 cheery and military air strike in your way states 23 others, including children, were injured in the village of warry, therefore, initially denies involvements, but since taken responsibility. a tamara family has been given a temporary reprieve and their bid to seek asylum in australia after the immigration minister granted them a 3 month extension on their stay to say the family could be tortures if their
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return to sri lanka. sarah clark reports the plight of the move up and family has made headlines around the world. they've been to seek asylum and thinking. the strategy was denied in 2018, and the government attempted to deport them. that to get a public outcry and a community in a small room town of bill wheeler with a family had been living right, a social media campaign to protect them. we want to just bring this family in just to, you know, until they actually we have schools that are ready to welcome to go, sorry at home. just once this, not me to be or eva on thursday, the families legal fight to remain in australia returned to the federal circuit court in melbourne. mother, pre a father a days and sister copico and now emerging visa's in community detention in perth for your target. visa has not been granted. the immigration minister alex burke has
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now grown to the parents and eldest daughter, a 3 month extension to the breaching phases. while he considered the case there at great risk, really of potentially being re detained in an immigration facility or otherwise have been put into community detention. or worst case scenario would be that they would possibly be supported from australia. deportation poses risk according to the refugee groups to argue those who fled the military returned to lanka could be targeted because of the public safety that they have received. there was a higher risk of them being subjected to arrows, arbitrary detention, you know, false disappearance. that isn't prim regarding federal lanka arriving illegally by boat to a trailer in 20122013. they met and started a family while their applications 1st solemn,
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was being assist. federal government. there's anyone who comes by boat should not be granted asylum. applications for the protection of this family have all been rejected, and their appeal through the high court and the federal court have also filed the future of the gulf and family now lives in the hands of australia, immigration minister, he's expected to make a decision on the vases by christmas faircloth out 0 brisbin, australia. the will old prince phillips, the late husband, britain of queen elizabeth will be sealed. i'm from a private for at least 90 years. a judge at london's high court made the order to preserve what he called, the more dignity the convention dates back to 1910. the president of the court family division says he's neither custodian or the safe containing more than 30 wills oils. since phillip died at the age of 99, in april the remains of a nearly 1000 year old church shipping phones inside these things and the discovery
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and buckingham sure was made as the ground was being dug up to lay. and you, well, well line our killer, just for the structure to be a church tower, a coin dating back to the early 11th century has also been found at the site as have artifacts. from the time the woman rule symbolically has a long, painful history with hyperinflation. many old bank notes in that time and worthless, but one artist has sent away to make them useful me. fokker has more finding value in something worthless artist prudence to me, to our turns unloved. zimbabwe and bank notes into works of art depicting the daily lives of women and life during the corona virus pandemic, and subtle. then the great thing for people to see you teeth on things. so when someone looks good and then they will get that the
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pain, the thing that is called them a decade ago bobbins watched this hyper, inflation obliterated the currency as national debt. sword robert mcguffey is government responded by increasing the money supply, printing bills of ever increasing value, including a 100 trillion zimbabwe and dull and note, when the economy crash, the bill became worthless. many was simply thrown away and other people, when they see it, they've all been better action. most of the time they get most people get in a lot of people, a lot of being if you could just wake up in the media, you know, is no longer functional. the days of out of control price increases and long gone. the international monthly fund has almost doubled zimbabwe economic growth forecast this year. time now hopes this is to reclaim the past and heal the present. i don't
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believe barker al jazeera bitcoin has taken a di recently, but artists and hungry have given and sees yes of the crypt currency, something to smile about a statue honoring bit coins finder that's been unveiled in budapest. it's over his figure. and that's because the real identity of the developer, he goes by the season in the to she also is unknown. that coins become increasingly popular last week. el salvador made it legal tender. ah, this is al jazeera and these are the headlines, the us, the u. k. and australia has defended their new security alliance is a little low. the is trillion government to core nuclear power submarines. it's seen as an efforts to cancer paintings influence in the pacific,
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