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tv   [untitled]    September 17, 2021 9:00am-9:31am AST

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ah, al jazeera as a whole has become a dangerous business. one or one east, and those who refuse to be silent. now is there a hello, i'm down jordan, joe, how are the top story 0 now to 0. the us you can us trailer have defended their new strategic alliance. after was criticized my china under the agreement yesterday and government will get nuclear power submarines and seen as an effort to counter beijing's influence in the in the pacific region. a china says it alone intensify an arms race rather than jordan reports. the u. s. u. k. and australia reportedly
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agreed to form a new defense alliance on the sidelines of this year's g. 7 summit in england, washington in london will help it by a fleet of nuclear power submarines. the main reason for the alliance containing china, we spoke in detail about china as the stabilizing activities in beijing efforts to course and intimidate other countries. contrary to establish rules and norms, we will remain clear eyed in our view, a beijing's efforts to undermine the established international order. we discussed the competition of china at a number of levels that require us to respond and to increase resilience. this does not mean that there are not constructive areas for engagement with china straight. it continues to seek dialogue with china without pre conditions. not surprisingly, beijing condemned both the alliance and the submarine deals war, war,
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or the lee archive who attended the export of highly sensitive nuclear power. sibling technology by the united states and britain to australia. once again proves that they are using nuclear exports as a tool of geopolitical games on adopting double standards, which is extremely irresponsible. attending. and washington journalists pummeled the ministers with questions about the security pack. is check in china's efforts worth offending it or offending longstanding partners. this is about enhancing our, our cooperation, our work together, ultimately about enhancing security stability in the, in the pacific. it is not aimed at any country. it's certainly not aimed at holding anyone back. the announcement of this new alliance could signal that the u. s. president joe biden has decided to reshape american foreign policy,
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bolstering new alliances to deal with new threats. while telling old partners that change is not a diplomatic death knell. rosalyn jordan al jazeera the state department. but taliban says it's more united been ever after reports, it's leaders are in a major power struggle. the group says the claims a destabilizing the country, just weeks after it took control lead us from the west african economic blog echo as that imposed sanctions on guineas. military rulers, that demanding elections beheld within 6 months, guinea was suspended from echo as last week. after the military coup remove president of a candidate and power. special you and representative for west africa. mister haled, says the body will never endorse unconstitutional changes of government. hello, democrat, the united nation opposed to a number of values. it is democrats, alternation. we condemn the dat in any conditions and therefore we will never endorse unconstitutional changes. and the united nation is clear on this would
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simply hold that what has just happened in getting your money our mishaps and will be very quickly rectified. folds of opened in moscow was russian's vote for the national parliament known as the duma voting started earlier in the far eastern regions. many candidates who are opposed to president vladimir putin have been excluded from the 3 day ballot. hate his prime minister has dismissed attempts to link him to the assassination of the former president. governor movie says based us in the window on tuesday area, laurie fired a public prosecutor who was in charge of alleged calls. he made a, they suspect, hours after my niece was killed last july. and health officials in china say they fully vaccinated, more than a 1000000000 people against the corona virus. that's more than 70 percent of the population. china reached a milestone while battling a new outbreak of the delta variant in the southeast and the province of fuji. so those are the headlines. news continues here on knowledge 0. opt out of the
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world. thank you. thanks for watching bye for now. ah ah . ah me, these are lakes is lee and lake just lives in the high atlas mountains of morocco. there is a story that the recreated by 2 lovers from opposing tribes and that their waters
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are cheers off long i. the legend has an unhappy ending and the couple of threw themselves into the 2 lakes when they realized that their love could not overcome the conflict between their to try. but in reality, there was a simple but fascinating scientific explanation for the origin of the lake. you are to heater real consecutive the energetic somebody the chef and the web for today to have you kind of in natick or colleen of it and not to miss her machine dismissal. co had music had from she know a 50 marking of deafness and them. and i did. oh, men have been don't get that be. it was a news. thank you us for somebody in the house and look at it to come and talk. ha,
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inadequate fear for what is a key and i don't that can be, it could be a question of you enough is g, u c h y l 14. he is a king size bed show shuttle. this should have indicated that he needs needs that i, in i mean you're right, there's a small piece of rock from another planet which survives entering the atmosphere and lands on the surface. in meteorites are extremely rare, but they can be found almost anywhere on earth. however,
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more samples have been found in morocco than most other countries. partly because the shiny black rocks can be seen more easily on dry mountain landscapes. i so been trying to figure explanation for the tumor. rock and lakes got around 40000 years ago. a 100 meter wide asteroid was hurtling towards earth. it broke up into several large pieces which landed in the high atlas mountains, causing these massive craters. the nomads in this remote part of morocco have learned to live with unrecognised meteorites remain. these ancient rock carvings show that they witness their impact thousands of years ago. i,
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but far from fearing meteorites, the moroccan nomad, see them as gift from this guy. the international rock and mineral dealers can sometimes pay good money for meteorites, fines, and that can be valuable extra income for a mountain. herders like a moroccan nomad, ah, there will be, but it isn't going to be there with it when they can open them either by fans. i was some of your mac. i'm in mac. i will let them know what it does. so i can assure you, i'm almost done, i would have so where are you in this week where they knew most kind of thing was
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the local by the the and i was said because she was me that can come out of her. but in for food i can come and know shall love can finacialow that is not the latter and the religion that the fear. linda, who are in america edition, she and liberal leisure, knock on the sofa and to check the letter to suck with a dis nozik and had been sad the length of their lives. the lim, when leak and wishing is the la customer and as the la and the g a n. and this is kind of how to come to us look and see said gladly and the way it does and why has said that what was said leo.
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ski said he had had me down the road confound his medication in nevada too. oh, i mean, i'm sorry, as a fisherman turn professional meet you're right hunter. oh. in the snazzy, which was said, can to model bumper to head to the why the side of it has to say what kind of service the english doki solar to deal with living there. okay. you know what they, what they thought the sooner the less human to cut him up. mally smith. okay. so
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we'll need to met him and to my house with him. get to miss. not the toner immediate home we will mail doesn't the lay in toner. emily at home, is it okay? and then we'll hand it had to hustle keisha, fully or had can level melinda, she turned with the, with the can easy. the sure figured leah loafing the cricket off one day i think attachment and there's a lot liking she saw the color loss above him. issue sophie c. las clinic in the us of a machine was can i lou and salazar could the under the the house still decide capital for me under the she shift and live interest review . sure. the last
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person was enough. lou kane, in the early in the new window in lula can okay, you should do. what can we get home? i can. okay. i'll hook you up. and as he will be able to have that, he will be able to help you with the could look at my school as you've been with him at the uni, lemony, and also level that he does things that you do need to get up to the philosophy because with the oxygen over the summer mckenna, so they'll need to make in as well of when do measure lead to endo due to any any because sticking to them is not any. and those are stock and they can look to come up with some authority for some gloves our day and walked on. and the transport surely would be
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well, i think i could know cologne thinks the slick to an end to keep it up . people up even a computer was timing me. enter the la salem, there's ah, ah, the couple associated ticket, any off the for the plus mckinley. what was up to the news that you didn't, that american can be to look up? she has, it could not them support the income and she hasn't had been in the past because of the amazing, ah,
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them regarding the desert for me to write fragments himself, but also talks to local people about where the best findings might be in the middle as in the mclension dixon book, because when i don't to him, us cut him, she live the next. i think so. come here, lola. that sewell ended the hill handler, ballasa. lowercase in cain, in any case, federal mm. okay. can for them. okay, with that. so we'll do, can this alicia formula wishing that she signed up? she has, i know she has a she will look at what a home of some of the ladies and any from them. but we only anytime usually feel
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no good. we can certainly do. so i think setting up a little matter when i was in the middle of the gulf, your home, if you really need to get a little man to give up and whether that was the real question because i was of the season. another little hungry little coffee in demand when i
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saw you some, a lot of these are the benefits which we have and the other nurse. so when all of those are inducing the level of detail, deep turning comes lump isn't because i'm going to lunch and usually we look, i'm sure i'm the doctor. man. if he is leading moroccan authority on meteorites, he teaches as i've been to her university and i get here on the atlantic coast. ah, he began studying meteorites in 2002 and has built up a network of contacts for sourcing and studying. these extremely rare rocks as you know, bob, music own is when. oh,
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forgotten. just yes. you have any of the key? fancy lam and then oh lane. i'm not going to miss them. cannot cannot. we can move music in a couple of or you can sure you where does she for? what's a good listen to this and you know, back in middle as real, right? if you're still not going to the know header a mere cash deal in below, that's what me ask, you know, was an investor loan michel scope when she, when it came, i looked the key been tested for linda. i'm taca book in the bed. let's look for a miracle on a clear story night in july 2011. the villagers and cheese didn't in southeastern morocco, saw the fireball shooting across the sky than falling to the grounds. ah, the keys in the media, right. as it's now known, turned out to have an unusual back story. a larger meteor had hit the planet
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mars and knocked off a large chunk of martian rock. that fragment had then remarkably made its way to earth and crashed into the moroccan desert. nomads discovered the rock console, the 2 dealers who then cut it into smaller pieces. some of these remained in morocco, while others were sold abroad, including the largest weighing over 1.2 kilos. an anonymous donor gave this to the natural history museum in london. its exact value is unknown, but meteorites from mars can attract up to a 1000 us dollars per gram action. but the nomads who found the cheese into media right and another called the black beauty only received a fraction of their value while dealers in north africa, europe and the u. s. took their own cuts. there is no legal framework governing
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these discoveries and morocco. so prices are negotiated according to how much wealthy collectors will pay brockovich him. and as a woman, melissa tim and you know that after him and his you know, what are what i don't know what the when, when, when he didn't and from us it's a movie and then met go a little bit. nicole, when you feel fucking of an a master, what can feed mac, do you all do much. greenwich, german. oh will nice. and now coming near you can look if you know him, a little calmer. oh my real quick. yvette benjamin. when these exhibit or 30 miscue would look for noah dulu noah dulu smiled so far and neither could we meet then can good man you should have been in. cocoa bought it. who will cook
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of me who i should be? should i did? she didn't know how we're in my room. she let. let me go ahead. oh, the in doctor laboratory and i guess it's quite well equipped for media right analysis, but lacks the technology. if you're repeating and american labs, which can truck incoming meteorites approaching earth, i o. the eyes and ears of local people do that job. the one with a teachable america to over other when it can, it couldn't. and is it could be all upon move out because if he doesn't come in that community, don't come in a hustle, which i'm sure dokie could do
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a duty. i am rich to to bird. you had to nick buck and fuck come in to dinner instead. oh, marking, been gloom was come in to lo moderately rather than to be taken by the me for the no man's in the rocking deserts. and the high atlas mountains finding meets your right fragments is a way of generating some extra income. they've been treating meteorites with dealers and researchers for over 20 years now. and so many have become experts in identifying the rocks, geological properties and mesh as you said, that i had made amazed rec, in my case,
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let's see how can, how can i know? and she has of the day and they can so can helen and look to like she, she knows acres in the code had a film residue which were less likely made lou you didn't have enough. ah ah, with the the with
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re issue which was a little bit for the which is a can be good don't live in other pieces we sort of like look out for sure. sure i ah ah, i think yeah. yeah. like i said, like i said we minutes
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yes. in the map because lynn well enough i kinda had an issue of not saying i should not have a lot of you was you know later my. busy records and
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my income was in school, but he said his kids are for new because of this month. sheesh we're, that's what that and then there's a reason but i feel sweet as well. and she has a lot about the land and said it was, i mean it's home with a few get their local. she had that less. yes. hello. medical vertical in allows you went to, was it in this is, you know, whatever, because i need a good answer for c c. and this is just a minute because, you know, yeah, that's good. that's good. let me
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get into as a place yet that to said, mean the, i wish you would as soon as you said to me, this means this is mr. shed the could look at the dealer for stuck to my station to me and that mission and let him know we're going to get that to submitting. so in this case with mon, on the road, and this gives you a little this message is the 20th michelle williams, that one at the school got a note in the cable or no, let me know then what can i do to send in to send them in or let us let us know, should i have to submit a rebuttal? should i miss? she has a m. uh huh. and that's actually a event. look at, look,
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children don't know, you know, if she needs them, she might have on the spot and then finish our lunch and share that with you because it was a little, yeah, this is coming up morocco's meets, you write hunter's had to remove dest location. ah, will they find any elusive extra terrestrial rocks or will they return empty handed? ah. ready too often of canister, unless portrayed through the prism of war. but there were many
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thanks to the brave individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction . an extraordinary film, archives planning for decades reveals the forgotten truth of the countries modern history. the forbidden real part one, the birth of afghan cinema on a with more than 200000000 cases because of 19 worldwide government backing to fight fresh wave of the virus and newberry. and there had been a 3rd and the number of people working vaccination appointment from human cost to the political and economic pool out. i'll just bring you the latest on dependent mac. this will have vaccinated more than 1100 people here, all of the migrant farm workers, people on home testing because they think that there is the risk to democracy. special coverage, and i'll just 0. i'm russell, buried in southern england where to farmers 10 safari park, pioneers of fits the attractive nature in the driving seat. i was just absolutely astonishing the life,
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the poor back even that the very 1st and last and i miguel sophie, i santiago when one by in the company revolutionizing this was the same thing planned and artificial intelligence here in flight. you have science, you have a technology rise, bono jazeera, me hello, i'm down, joan and i want to cook my mind of a tough stories here on our 0. the u. s. u k, in austria, have defended then you security alliance. it'll allow the australian government to acquire nuclear submarines. it's seen as an effort to counter beijing's growing influence in the pacific. a china says and learn intensify an arms race. well, the new alliance means paris has lost a multi $1000000000.00 deal to build submarines for australia. the french
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government is angry at choosing us trillions of stopping them in the back. leaders from the west african economic.


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