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tv   [untitled]    September 17, 2021 1:00pm-1:30pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] ah, this is al jazeera ah hello, welcome to new kim vanelle and go up coming up with just doing what we need to do to keep the straightened sites and protect the national interest. australia prime minister dismissal time is outraged response to a new security alliance with us. and the regional security block led by china and russia, which is going to sound newly due to follow what it's called a moderate russian head to the polls for parliament reelections. but many
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opposition candidates are excluded from the banish. m u. s. move closer to introducing cove at $900.00 booster vaccination despite the w, i chose warning that it's unnecessary and irresponsible. i'm doing. so with this for free, for says the survey shows fund support to more frequent well come as it pushes on with controversial plans, hold it every 2 years. ah, china has it use the us and estrella of colluding to smear its reputation. and the latest fall out of the 2 countries joined britain in a new alliance. the us secretary of state and defense, met streaming and officials on thursday, and accuse china of making expansive and illegal maritime claims. many seating you security agreement as part of f. it's by the way to contain china is growing, influencing the region was really,
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as prime minister is shrugging off beijing's anger. we just found doing what we need to do to keep the straight insights and protect our national interests. i mean, trying to do the same thing. they have massive investments in the military capabilities, including the in this area and strike doesn't rise issues around that. all countries will take decisions in the national interest. we believe this will lead to the police instability and security of the region. and that is, i think, a view that is widely shared about the impact of this arrangement. and we encourage all countries in the region to engage in that way was trailer will also tear up a contract for french made submarines in favor of psalms with us developed nuclear power. and that's riled paris, which is also angry about being left out of the new alliance. rosalyn jordan reports now from washington dc. the u. s. u. k and australia reportedly agreed to form a new defense alliance on the sidelines of this year's g. 7 summit in england,
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washington in london, will help it by a fleet of nuclear power submarines. the main reason for the alliance containing china, we spoke in detail about china as the stabilizing activities in beijing efforts to course and intimidate other countries. contrary to establish rules and norms, we will remain clear eyed and review a beijing's efforts to undermine the established international order. we discussed the competition of china at a number of levels that requires us to respond and to increase resilience. this does not mean that there are not constructive areas for engagement with china straight. it continues to seek dialogue with china without pre conditions. not surprisingly, beijing condemned both the alliance and the submarine deals. war war. the lee
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archive who attended the export of highly sensitive nuclear power. simmering technology by the united states and britain to australia once again proves that they are using nuclear exports as a tool of geopolitical games on adopting double standards, which is extremely irresponsible. agenda. diesel and washington journalists pummeled the ministers with questions about the security pack. is check in china's efforts worth offending it or offending long standing partners. this is about enhancing our, our cooperation, our work together, ultimately about enhancing security. stability in the, in the pacific. it is not aimed at any country. it's certainly not aimed at holding anyone back. the announcement of this new alliance could signal that the u. s. president joe biden has decided to reshape american foreign policy, bolstering new alliances to deal with new threats. while telling old partners that
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change is not a diplomatic death knell. rosalyn jordan al jazeera, the state department is go live now to katrina. you who is in beijing a katrina. so trying to has already condemned this alliance. where does this leave things? i'm wondering between china and railey a given how tens relations were before all of this while relations between by doing camera are in very bad shape. an analyst that i've spoken to here says that this really is the nail in the coffin, that if there was any opportunity for the relationship to improve this really close that off. and we do expect the relationship to remain full, stay for at least some years to come. and china's relationship with these other countries through the u. s. and the car also worsening. china has repeated its rebuke. of this security impact accused these 3 countries of harboring a cold war mentality of creating an exclusionary block and of interfering in
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china's internal affairs. let's have a listen to what china's foreign ministry spokesperson had to say earlier today on friday night. i was sure on the south china sea, taiwan and hong kong china, the position is clear to us, most railey, are colluding with each other and for selfish geopolitical gains. are smearing china, their interfering and chinese domestic affairs. as facts of proven china, not only a major engine for economic development in the region, is also for stability and peace. china development represents a force for peace in the world and the regions development and we had a new statement released by the chinese embassy in australia earlier today. and in that statement, it said that a strategy should handle its relationship with china in a genuinely independent manner. meaning to say that aging series, australia is acting as little more than a porn of united states in the region. and it seems that reflected in this trade
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back in this exchange of this nuclear submarines. we also had very strong comments from china state need a newspaper the global times here, which is known to be in quite as sensationalist tabloid, but still it had a front page article where it said that a strictly is basically labeling itself as an adversary of china. in this move and that it could be making itself vulnerable to nuclear attacks in the future should be an occasion of open warfare. now of course, that is quite an extreme viewpoint, but it does reflect the fact that this move is seen by many in china as a provocation at worst and as unfriendly at best. and it does reflect this back da killer unraveling of the diplomatic relationship between cambra and aging and 2014, which wasn't that long ago, less than a decade ago. we had chinese president, she jan, paying visit australia, taking pictures with wallace attending sporting events. that really seemed to be
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a high point of the relationship. but since then we've had various moves that have reflected the deterioration in the relationship in 2017. the former strictly and government introduces anti foreign interference war industries in politics. it was clearly aimed at beijing in 2020 last year. we had the government in cambro, criticize china's handling of the pandemic in demand and international investigation to the origin of the current of ours. and that really led to this freezing of diplomatic contact between the 2 countries and the subsequent economic measures where china and these trade restrictions that did a lot of damage to australian export of the various products for example, wine and beef. so we have seen the deterioration of this bilateral relationship, and it will be interesting to see if it can worse than any further, i guess the only bright spot is that strictly a and china will, china remains the biggest trading parlor forestry alia,
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and it does continue to trade in ion with the country, so that remain stable or fall. thank you. extra new in beijing. speaking of trade, china is seeking to join a regional free trade pact that was originally set up by the united states. the trans pacific partnership was fair headed by washington in order to count the chinese growing economic influence in asia pacific. but former president, donald trump withdrew the us in 2017. the 11 nation trade pact includes agreements on market access, movement of labor and government cooperation. chinese president, teaching thing is calling for a smooth transition in afghanistan and urged the new government to follow what he called moderate politics. asian leaders are meeting energy cost on the capital to sean. back to discuss the taliban take over. the shanghai corporation organization is the 1st major summit of regional countries since the group seized paul last
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month. mistakes have expressed consent about an influx of refugees and the risk of attacks which all strat his life for us. now in kabul, charles, walk us through what we've heard from trying to present. she ping say so far on the issue of upcoming stone. that's right, this is according to chinese state media saying that the chinese presidency gigi paying might be statements by a video link. as you say was calling on members of the shanghai corporation organization to help drive smooth transition of power in afghanistan. he also said that the members of the organization should guide off can extend to develop an inclusive political structure and follow moderate internal and external policies. he called on the afghan parties. by that one can only imagine he actually means to live on because there are no political parties involved in this new tale into, in government. but he called on, i've got
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a policy issued eradicate terrorism in the organization. he said that, sorry in afghanistan, and he said that external forces should never be allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of this country under any pretext. now, to put to put this in context, this organization does now is 20 year. we're celebrating his 20th anniversary during this meeting edition by. he's very much focused on trying to bring together the countries, the border this, this country i've got to stand to better improve coordination and cooperation as we go forward and trying to dig afghanistan out of this crisis. they all have very real concerns. as you mentioned about refugees and security, most notably russia, who is a member of the seo and to pakistan. we also understand that iran that was invited to this year's meeting as a guest or as an observer has now be made a fully fledged member. that's our understanding. of course iran has huge concerns
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with respect to consider security and a massive influx of refugees across the board. so so very concerned about the sheer minority population of going to. so yeah, it seems very much as expected that china is taking the lead in this meeting, calling with some sort of unified response amongst neighbors around off going to stop charles as well as our concerns about security. i mean, there are economic interests here too, isn't there? china has a lot of interest in, in afghanistan, walk us through what china interests are in the country. yes, china has multiple interests in afghanistan. it's noteworthy to remember that the taliban were invited or delegation. it's out of bob were invited to shina in july. that's well before they reach to control all the gun it's done and we understand the high level meetings were held with chinese officials that was back in july. we
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also know that the chinese have big interest with respect to the belt and road initiative. this multi $1000000000.00 plan that the chinese are putting together to better improve trade ties with the rest of the world. i've got to stand peaches very much in that plan. china has very real concerns also about security, as i mentioned most especially in the northeast. although the gun is done at border area along with the, the chinese area was chinese province jang, where the chinese say no words they're fighting. what they describe is a terror organization, the chinese wanting assurances from the taliban. they in no way will stoke up problems in that area. the telephone to be very forthright in saying that they will not allow this country to be used as a launch pad for attacks on other countries. and then of course, there are huge, great mineral interests, interests in this countries vast,
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great natural resources that we understand that we know that china has to make sure that those resources could stretch into over 3 trillion dollars worse. so it has gotten very, very strong interest in things like copper lithium, which we understand are going to be very bold with respect to the advent of electric vehicles. in the coming decades, we traveled to low ga province, which is south east of the capital. and it was there that we saw, we found evidence of just how great a china is interest in this country. are we follow the telephone guns on the motorcycle up through the gorge to a platter high in the mountains of lucca province. this barren, isolated place in eastern afghanistan is believed to hold the 2nd largest copper or
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deposits in the world worth at least $50000000000.00. the chinese flag flies over a make shift mining camp. in 2007, the former african government signed a 30 year lease with a console team of chinese state owned companies to start mining work here. it never did. and the taliban is in control now. that ed morgan, who of the yellow, our country is economically very weak. we hope the mine will help the whole country . if the work is not beneficial for all that guns will restart the process and give the contract to someone else on the taliban fighters. this is through the gate with god working for the chinese companies refuses to let us film. coming said i look, look at our camp, but you cannot record the last chinese stuff to flee. what became a fast deteriorating security situation left in early august. but years of fighting between the taliban nato forces and the afghan army is not the only reason
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why excavations have not started yet. this valley is absolutely full of history, buddhist zoroastrian archaeology, se stretching back to 2000 years, the taliban say they're going to do all they can to protect the archaeology. here, before mining for copper on the other side of the mountain stops, these ancient ruins were once a thriving city on the silk route between china and europe. its inhabitants were mainly buddhists. with the article the tower were nomads. when we were traveling through these mountains for years, says this man, the surface was smooth. we had no idea. there was an ancient city beneath. come yet a local taliban official guides us into tunnel is to show where afghan and foreign, archaeologists have been working for years to remove artifacts before the mind
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starts. but just like the chinese miners, the archaeologists also fled when the taliban arrived. we walked to hot, so on a cliff where he reveals one of the estimated 500 buddhist statues, was carved into the mountain side in 2001 the taliban caused international outrage by blowing up giant buddhist statues in the clips of bombay on. so we'll do something like that here to that for normally when i was a 2000 years old, the chinese made an agreement, the artifact have to be taken away and protected. if we wanted to destroy them, we would have done us when we took control. but we didn't protect the family, its unsure when the archaeologists will return an expert say until china recognised the taliban government contracts signed with previous afghans administrations are
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all on hold. these mountains could unlock immense wealth. afghanistan, taliban says the archaeology will be moved and protected 1st, afghans and the world watched to see if the new rulers of this country keep their word. cha, stratford al jazeera. miss isaac, i've gone, it's not among the stories we have coming up. the west african leaders imposed sanctions on guinea military rulers at the fist on a timeline for elections in force will hear from 7 times to 4. when at home, brady, weather, he thinks he can play until the age of 15. so i will have the details coming up. i know open across russia for parliamentary elections. people have 3 days to cast their ballots for representatives and the duma support for the governing united russia party. is that an all time low? that's according to recent polls. however,
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many candidates who are opposed to president vladimir putin have been excluded from the ballot. and it's been joins us now from moscow outside of polling station bonus . so if the opposition is being ham strong, will united russia be able to keep its majority it's what the colonel and hoping for the hoping it will keep it super majority, which gives you enough power to change the constitution through parliament. this pulling station, this q behind me is very unusual. the key of the polling has been, is a 3 days to avoid the sort of queues, but the kremlin. he's hoping that the supporters will come out in force to vote to now hoping for voter apathy to stop our position. supporters coming out to vote now while brought him a few tins, support remain fairly robust. sort of about 60 percent approval rating. united
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russia is down in the mid high twenty's and that is because russians offer straight it with poor infrastructure corruption, low living standards, $0.20 of 20 percent of russians living below the poverty line is fed that those frustrations will be taken out on united russia that said there are lots of people here queuing to vote. they're all working age. friday is a working day already 2000 people have gone through here. as i say, unusual to see that why is it other polling stations than in moscow? it's very, very quiet. i bet it's been there in moscow at a public station. thank you. let's bring in alex on the soviet. he is a former chairman of open russia and a fall assistant to russian opposition needed to be 3 good coffee joints. now, law from kear, thank you for your time. as we heard there from a correspondent that the 3 day voting is intended to avoid cues, but,
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but you say there's more to it than that. the 3 day voting is not being designed for voting. the cues has been designed to make the falsifications easier so that they don't happen in one day. it's easier to hide them. and well, 1st of all, you avoid discontent. discontent of the, of the citizens who see all the falsifications when it used to happen in one day. that was quite obvious. and when it's obvious that makes people anger and they don't want anyone to have any protests or even thinking of proteins. so this 3 day voting has already been tested on the previous year, and it showed that it's almost no chance to have any control over the result or over the county. you want to run in these elections that you decided against it. why is that? while i was forced to leave the country because i well there are plenty of criminal cases. i don't even know the exact number where i'm
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a witness and it's super easy to change the procedural status from witness to do a suspect. so that's basically what happened to me to good golf as well. and to a lot of candidates who just announced their plans to run for parliament allowed. that fact was already enough to jail people to fabricate criminal cases against them. and a friend of mine has already fund on the day do a lot of has already spend more than 100 days in russian jail just because he was also planning to become a candidate. so the majority of independent candidates whom they perceived authorities, whom they perceived as a threat to them were. ready either forced out of the country forced to leave the country or were jailed basically. so there are few of independent candidates, but not sure that at least anyone would be elected because now elections are being
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100 percent control of special services of f s b. and the so called to be not even under a presidential administration, that means that led them to put in only listens to his in a circle like his form up, his former body guards or something like that. all right, thank you for your time. leave it there. alexander, throw v of a former chairman of russia. cuba has expanded its mass vaccination drive for children as young as to it's the only country in the world backs and children that young that comes as health officials report a search of delta infections among young people. keeping authority say the locally produced cove in 1900 vaccine is safe. children, france suspended around 3000 health care workers. so failing to comply with cove at $900.00 vaccination orders, there are reports that lead to surgery being delayed at hospitals. an occupation
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was made compulsory for health work in july. the deadline was september 15th, at one of several measures aimed at increasing vaccination numbers of the us food and drug administration is due to hold a meeting on whether approved booster shots produced by 5 by a tech, a panel of independent vaccine advises will vote on whether there's a need for additional doses for people aged 16 and older. top health officials have warned that some fully vaccinated people may not have enough immunity to cover the 19th and spring in dr. bought outs for connie or he is a senior clinical lecture at the university of exit a medical school joins now from boss in the u. k. thank you for your time doctor. what does the science say about who needs booster shots and how quickly immunity wayne's for the general population? this is a very important topic, and the signs on this is not clear and robust our toll. so whilst we know
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that the immunity starts to decline after 6 months or so, of any meanings ation, it doesn't mean that the immunity has now gone and it will be effective. so there is a lot of unclear science and the measurement, the measurement of looking for antibodies is also not a precise science. ok, is it harmful then to get a boosted, if you're young and you don't have any underlying health conditions? no, not at all. the boosters are not going to harm people at all, so i want people to feel reassured that boosting is not going to harm you. my contention is that rich nations like the united states, european union, u k. r racing i had with giving boost, says when the rest of the world has not been immunized and the science, the evidence, the need,
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the absolute desire to give boosters is not at all robust. well that was my next question is the w i tell has asked, as you said, wealthy nations to hold off on boosters until more of the world is vaccinated. i believe the continent of africa is still it just 2 percent. if you look at it as a whole, i mean what impact will those have going ahead with boosters in some countries while other countries have very small amounts of their population vaccinated? so with respect to boosting, you may be protecting some people and so the gain is very marginal. on the other hand, we are ignoring countries like africa, american parts of asia, where the, the infection is uncontrolled and extensive. and with extensive replication of the virus where there is a lot of infections, you can also get the emergence of variance and these, these very and start to bypass vaccines, etc. it would be a step backwards. so a better public,
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how the global intervention would be immunized the rest of the world? why is it that different countries going about biggest is in different ways. i mean, the us food and drug administration is about to vote on where the people above 6 dean should get boosters. but if some countries already going ahead with any one of the 50 others, any one of the 40, i mean, how do they work that out? it's not a precise science, as i said, and it depends on, i believe, a lot of it depends upon the supply of the vaccine. so if you think about it, if you haven't got the vaccines to boost 16, you're not even going to consider it. and the u. k has gone on the 50 and above my view is really we need robust evidence before we go down the boosting way. and in the meantime, please donate joe back seems right. thank you very much for your time talking about
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connie. we appreciate it. thank you. much more still come tie downs attempts to reform the police, who faced accusations of brutality, corruption, living and fear, migrants in mexico desperately trying to avoid duplication. and joe will be here with all the actual police where the title favorites were involved in an exciting encounter. ah, let's go at september 17th. here's her weather for europe and africa, more flooding once again. this time in northern italy scooping up 87 millimeters of rain. so we had flooded our streets here around the airport of milan. more than 30 people had to be rescued, so dinging boats were dispatched there. and you know what? there is the threat of more thunderstorms over this area through central parts of
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italy as well. the eastern shore of the atria, see, and then themselves, through hungry. so vakio, poland, and ukraine. big thunderstorms on tap for friday. what weather through the northeast black sea region in turkey, pushing into georgia, but otherwise smooth sailing at the says high of 33 on friday. but we'll crank that up to 37 crease on saturday with an abundance of sunshine. also sunshine for iberia, save for northern parts of portugal and the northwest of spain, where we do have somewhat weather pulling in north western europe. a run of rain for the republic of ireland and the united kingdom. not everyone will see if it's still the thread of it. cloud cover for central parts of europe and look at minced only 10 degrees on friday, off to western africa. and our storms, not falling at the same intensity that they have been over the last few days. average on has a high of 26 season. the
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frank assessments, by way, it is a lesson freedom, surprising informed opinion. what you saw happening is come on to it was what it was for. petune is the critical debate that we are here. it's not between kula and any other group that we have compet here. that 4 years re running to keep people in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on our jazeera, examining the headline. we can have a political the census, but i think a difference should not be the reason to kill other human investigative german


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