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tv   [untitled]    September 17, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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time, you know, bobby fan is going to suffer. you had to trust the obstacle. this has been opera, mrs. walker to needed and brian, mr. one, our chief executive has promised use a security the should've listened. but anyways, we help you in about as many times, you know, but this time when needed help, but you didn't never been there for us. and at the same time, you know, left us with a lot of embarrassment. ah, it is good to have with us hello adrian. so they can hear it though. have a headlines on i was 0. the u. s. is threatening more sanctions if violence continues in. ethiopia is northern to region. the by the ministration is looking to put pressure on all warring parties too and the fighting thousands have been killed since violence broke out into last november. the un security council has extended the mandate of its mission and i've chemist on for a further 6 months. the vote was unanimous, they settled on
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a temporary extension because of uncertainty since the taliban takeover diplomat to get it to james bays has worn out from the un. it's the un assistance mission for afghanistan and it's been in place since 2001. but actually the un in some shape or form has been in afghanistan since 947, a range of roles that they've done over the years. some of them i think, are not going to be ones that can be performing anytime soon. for example, promoting democracy and arranging elections has been part of their role helping the african government with that, clearly, i don't think they're going to be lecturing anytime soon enough kind of stuff. but there are parts of the mission, which i think you're going to be greatly increased. for example, the humanitarian assistance in afghanistan, china has accused the u. s. and destroyer of seeking to smear its reputation out of the 2 countries joint britain to the new military alliance. under the agreement, austria will get access to us technology from nuclear power submarines. a study as
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prime minister is down playing paging. zango. russians have been voting and parliamentary elections. they have 3 days to cast ballots for representatives in the duma, but many opposition candidates have been excluded from the ballot. several leaders from the west african regional block echo was, are in guinea a day after they imposed sanctions. that meeting leaders of the military coup under demanding that elections be held within 6 months. and the us food and drug administration is beating to decide whether to approve booster shots produced by 5 . a bio in tech. a panel of independent advisors is expected to vote on whether there's a need for additional doses for people aged 16 and older, and both of a headlines, but he's continuously announces era after today's inside story coming up next. me
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us this strategy and the u. k. have announced a major defense agreement in the asia pacific. many said as an attempt by the west to contain china's influence in the region that will it work and exists in echo of the cold war. this is inside story. ah, ah, ah, hello and welcome to the program. i'm emily anglin. it's a new military lines that's got reaction from around the world. china has strongly criticize the us astray alia and the u. k. after they nouns to new deal, that will see camera get nuclear powered submarines. but the alliance is pushing
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back against by jing the us, secretary of state and defense, have met a strongly and officials and accuse china of making expansive and illegal maritime claims. many see the new alliance and the asia pacific as another attempt to contain china's influence in the region by ging has accused the 3 powers of having a cold war mentality. astronomy will become the 7th nation in the world to operate nuclear power submarines will bring it out. guess in a moment, but 1st rosalind jordan fall. this report from washington. the u. s. u. k and australia reportedly agreed to form a new defense alliance on the sidelines of this year's g. 7 summit in england, washington and london will help it by a fleet of nuclear powered submarines. the main reason for the alliance containing china, we spoke in detail about china as the stabilizing activities in beijing's efforts
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to course and intimidate other countries. contrary to establish rules and norms, we will remain clear eyed in our view of beijing's efforts to undermine the established international order. we discussed the competition of china at a number of levels that requires us to respond and to increase resilience. this does not mean that there are not constructive areas for engagement with china straight. it continues to seek dialogue with china without pre conditions. not surprisingly, beijing condemned both the alliance and the submarine deals. war war. lee, who attended the export of highly sensitive nuclear powered submarine technology by the united states and britain to australia. once again proves that they are using nuclear exports as a tool of geopolitical games. on adopting double standards, which is extremely irresponsible which entities in washington journalists,
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pummeled the ministers with questions about the security pack. is check in china's efforts worth offending it or offending long standing partners. this is about enhancing our, our cooperation, our work together. ultimately, about enhancing security stability in the pacific. it is not aimed at any country. it's certainly not aimed at holding anyone back. the announcement of this new alliance could signal that the u. s. president joe biden is actively reshaping american foreign policy, bolstering new ties to deal with new threats. while telling old partners that change is not a diplomatic death knell. rosalyn jordan for inside story, the. let's bring it out. guess now in los angeles, we have paid a matthews,
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a professor of political science and international relations at cyprus college in cambra, michael, she bridge the director of the defense strategy and national security program at be a strategy and strategic policy institute. and in beijing we have an italian, a china, political and economic affairs, common type, specializing in by jing gentleman, thank you so much for joining us. i'm going to start with you paid. as we heard in rosalind package, the us secretary of state says this move isn't aimed at any particular country, but clearly this is in response to beijing and it's moves in the south china saying issues with taiwan. what's your reaction to those comments by the secretary of stage? everyone knows that there's been a tension about the south trying to see, see with the states in beijing and the country, the neighboring area. and this time to get australian law with nuclear power. it certainly is the 1st time is a very serious attempt to push back and balance power. so balance of power principle, the us felt that the chinese were going all too far and taking care of the islands
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and expanding summer in trying to control that area. and they wanted to make sure the ceiling will be left open and it's very important seminal action. so i think what are the major impact in the whole region also globally, it's going back to the balance of our principal. basically, i know from a chinese perspective, this partnership is a why to counter beijing's grow and influence in the asia pacific region a is this orcus likely to change beijing behavior at all? this is just going back to the colonial area era gunboat diploma with a little cold war for era. soviet type of sauce put on top of it. you know, the real issue here is, i wonder how, you know, the people in different countries. there are viewing this earlier in your, your piece, you talked about the u. s. representative said the china was violating the international norms and posing as well on people. you know,
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it's kind of ironic is the us and great britain talking about this after what's happened and i've got a son and in the middle east, i think as far as beijing concern that age of hypocrisy, self righteous epoxy. and it's not going to change the behavior, they're going to continue to do what they do. and it's going to be more in trade and less in tribes in terms of trying to match up with this kind of war games mentality. i do want to get to the timing of the of this pat shortly. but michael, what's your reaction to what i said and does his pack make strategic sense for a strongly well, i think a lot of what we heard it's really distraction. that's like magic is all about mr. action. aging has been the master is saying, is everybody else's actions? not aus that are causing the environment. but it's quite clear that asians coercive
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uses suspend, retrain this maritime militia. and it's growing military power has led to this reaction and this powerful response that's creating incredible deterrents. so let's get away from distractions about is this some kind of glenda makes those other soviet approach and imperialism and see it is a real hard power response to beijing use of hot power. that's what this is about and it does reset the military balance, northern beijing's favor. and i think that's why we're hearing these strange, angry reactions from beijing come on. i mean, us have suddenly to nuclear power attack submarines. china has 6 there now and listening australia at the tune of about $3400000000.00, a piece for virginia tax submarine with all the goodies. and that doesn't even begin to clued what it's going to cost. and by the end of 10 years,
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plan and get more than a few of them, given that your military budget is about $35000000000.00 a year, you're going to be committing a tremendous amount into that. you know this, this, this thing that somehow it's all self righteous. nonsense. i mean, what it, why would trying to close down the she legs, get 80 percent of their oil, 40 percent. it goes through the c length. how would that actually work would be pure suicide. so all this stuff about balancing and marbles in your mouth about, you know, this isn't, you know, this is a credible and their church is nonsense. this is an economic war. australia doesn't have a foreign policy of its own and is just relying on the u. s, which is only concur her concert with being king of the hill, making sure that it has the jeremy and keeping china away. ironically, china is an interest in that a german power that everyone says that it once paid out or bring you in here,
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your reaction to ana, to. let's keep in mind that china has been very successful economically and growing as the economy and reaching out to the belt road program to other countries. and this is concerning the u. s. which i don't think it really should because he should be working with china to help develop other economy and focusing on the civilian development human beings as opposed to just escalating a possible new cold war as well. there is a danger there still is and don't forget the us trying to have about $700000000000.00 and trade, which could be enhanced if they with it. so as long as present bite and does it makes it clear, this is not an offensive position. is strictly defense, but it appears to china, other country that could be seen offensively. it's nuclear power submarines for the 1st time. in the case of australia, your country that used to do that is britain, us in britain have nuclear power, joint submarine activity. but this is really serious answers on the situation. i think with me very careful that we don't start a new cold war,
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which china and make purely defensive situation. i think both sides, both german people talking minute ago. it had both really good points from different perspective. of course, michael, how important is it for a strongly a to clarify its national interest in all of this? well, i think that's pretty clear, right now. as we speak, fishing is actively by central policy direction. coercing is strategy and through tried around $20000000000.00 of annual trade as direct coercive decision making from the machine. and the other big problem, the aging has a whilst trust globally as collapsing is this enormous gap between its words and actions. so we hear why on earth, the beijing want to constrain maritime passage through the south china sea. right at the time when the china has empowered it's heavily on the coast guard to use
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lethal force. where every claims jurisdiction, which is a great expense of the south china sea, and where it's now requesting information from vessels transiting us for regions, but on it's so this would action gap has led to this collapse and trust and really this strengthening of military to terrance in the region is welcomed quietly . i'm much of the region at no, i patient. i know how likely is china going to use this alliance to justify expanding its own military? well, i don't see that china is going to be putting more effort than it already is. into its military budget, there could be a call from yes, i can, i there might be calls from the war ox to try and have budget happen. 800 juncture chance. not in return to this, but recently that is going to try to join the a former t p p. so i think china is response is going to be economic in terms of australia,
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this idea that australia is being constrained. actually it's, it's a monetary account is better than ever due to iron or exports to china. there are other areas that have been in fact and then we'll gentlemen, do you have any response to what he said, this should not ask into a total new cold war or even a shooting match, which would be devastating in that part of the world. if there is any kind of attempts with taiwan where china has already established sovereignty over territory around those areas, and they work out with hong kong, for example. then if us intervened, militarily, australia will be obligated to get involved maturely because of this deal with nuclear submarines. so we could get a very dangerous position. i think all 5 should keep cool had this and really work things to come out as much as possible. i think the res, real room to clarify the understanding that we have a bache other because there is a tendency talking past each other here and some of that can be
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improved by a little more self reflection. i think certainly of bashing knows it's breaking world trade organization rules with it's towards if i can only ivy or against a failure. and we heard the motivations. they things like the fact the destroyer would like to know how the global pandemic started so that we can prevent future ones. so this is all public knowledge directly tries back to beijing statements and actions and a little bit of acknowledgment of a gap between words and actions would be a starting point to dialogue. ok, let's put the politics to aside. now i want to talk to gentlemen about the nuclear power submarines themselves, and specifically michael, i want to talk to you about some of the concerns around that. scott morrison, the prime minister said a stroller is not seeking to acquire nuclear weapons or establish a civil nuclear capability. i mean, how dangerous is this going forward?
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and what are some of the ramifications of establishing nuclear powered submarines? why this is going to be done in close partnership with the us and u. k. ensures that the us in your cable keep meeting their obligations around not proliferating nuclear weapons. and it's certainly not as failures intent as a prime minister said to nuclear weapons. nuclear powered submarines, an extremely powerful military technology and they do add to the deterrent power in the in the pacific which is a positive regional security. the safety and environmental aspects of having nuclear submarines will be carefully managed. building on his trail use capacity to have visits of nuclear war ships and submarines already and with the
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close technical corporation with us and new partners. so i think the nuclear power aspects of these are entirely manageable within the framework of international obligations and will be really made effective by the council partnership, the u. k. and us, i know i noticed he was shaking your head there. the chinese foreign ministry spokes person said that to export highly sensitive nuclear powered submarine technology to strategy. it is extremely irresponsible double standards. do you agree? well, i have a slightly different take. i mean paging is saying that they don't like this. obviously it's going to take 10 years to deliver the one of the subs. they're going to have a leader could take more. and quite frankly, during that time, i think drones will proliferate and become more sophisticated. so for the price. so
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what did i say? $3400000000.00 per se. you could probably create a fleet, couple 100000 submersible drones. i could literally wait outside harbors, identify any passing submarine. it's not cling to them. there. it would be, it would be laughable. and in 10 years, quite frankly, from a technology perspective, to have these behemoths wandering around the virtual dinosaurs. but the issue for china's perspective beijing perspective is a see this as a entree into a cold war as a kind of world war one scenario where the u. s. is creating packs and obliging itself to get it built and the danger of yours that you said $11.00 tinder sets off a world war 3, which is what nobody wants. and i would agree with my other counterpart on that and he'd be talk, but you can't talk about saying, oh don't we're not starting
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a cold war when obviously you are peter, what's your take on what i said? and also i just want your thoughts on the fact that, you know, the, you can, you, us have previously only shed stories about their nuclear defense technology with each other. and now there's the shift. how significant is that? this is a huge step up. you can say because now for the 1st time, a 3rd country, australia has been sharing is to change technology. and it is, it can be seen certainly by china as being something that's a little dangerous for them. because china is not a strong on nuclear or anti submarine nuclear submarine technology. and in a nuclear submarine area, it will be a real problem for china. and i think this is where i think the trillion person said that it's important to turn the tone down the rhetoric and to have not talk past each other, both sides but said talk to each other about this and then restrain themselves. they don't want to new arms rates like we had within the us and the soviet union
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which had to be brought under control with a lot of effort. you don't want to have that again here and also forget wars can start to miscalculation while war one is barbara tuchman said the story, and we start to miscalculation misjudgment. and this can happen as a tinderbox situation could arise here. so i do believe that it's important that we to make sure that both sides and the leadership of diplomats work hard on this to ensure that this does not get out of control or spark something that we would never be able to bring back to control on that michael, is there an expectation that if there is some sort of major conflict over taiwan or the south trying to say that these units would be deployed in the midst of that think, does any dowse really, if of aging, acted to use force to try and change the status of a warm that america and partners and allies, including his trailer, you would become involved. and that's a matter of national interest and regional security. and i hope that's understood
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in beijing. in fact, it's these kinds of scenarios that are leading to the some fortunate made to increase military terrance. but i wanted to mention one point about the idea that firstly nuclear submarines is somehow going to be guided technology. i think that's a scenario, but there's no real evidence to show that's the case at this partnership. the failure you as you can, partnership has near term capability. benefits to including in the under see domain which is in error is advantage for pricing. so in the interest of not having miscalculations, i wouldn't on aging thinking that near term additions to take a guilty on happening under these topics should they will michael just on the discussion around time lines for my prime minister, kevin rod says, and i quote,
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a strongly or is being left strategically naked for 20 years because some suggesting that the submarine program may not be available until until 2040. do you agree with the sentiment that will will be left strategically naked for 20 years? no, i don't. i don't think the sooner these submarines content data, but as i say there will be a series of other important capability improvements. well before that time prime, including in the under siege on mine, i would be shocked not to say affective on may and under c capability shared between these important partners. and indeed also i would expect to see them in the, on partnership. an important trial actually like us and one and of course for south korea. so there's a growing range of capabilities, the enter, the deterrent picture. now, rachel, and that's well before the 1st b,
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supper ends turns up. i know china has told the lines to abandon its cold war mentality or risk coming its own interests. is that a direct threat? no, i mean they see it as a cold war. other it's going to be a response. it's probably going to be in trade, but i think what it means is that trying to pursue its economics more regionally, and that will have an effect. remember, it's the largest market out there. australia depends on it. the u. s. needs, europe needs it. great britain needs it or that you think they did, but i mean, politics has played a role here. you know, obviously australia's the prime minister is, is reeling from this scandal involving one of his ministers and some mysterious money that showed up for his legal funds. boris is re shuffled his cabinet biden is
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under attack because of the handling of the afghan war. so, and you know, things, but there's one other aspect that i want to mention here. i mean, pores johnson made this thing about 3 english speaking nations getting together. i don't know that that's going to say, well, not only with china, but with the rest of us. see on this idea that somehow english speaking people, i have a you know, some sort of superiority and should be taking on the world and teaching. everybody smacks with colonialism and racism while we only have one minute to go off the program. so i just wanted to get some final thoughts quickly paid your response to honor and perhaps a solution going forward. absolutely, we need to avoid that impression and i think was john to statement was not that well taken. and instead, there should be cooperation, diplomacy and a handle on not talking past you mentioned before, but talking with each other,
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both sides and to ensure there's no miscalculation. and this is a very serious stepped forward that went and it has to be brought under control. so i would say look forward to that. well, we appreciate all of your insights in this robust discussion as always, thank you very much to our guests. we have paid matthews, michael shoe bridge and i'm a tang and them and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com, and for further discussion, go to our facebook page that facebook dot com forward slash i j. inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. handle is a j inside story from main, emily angland and the entire change, the class in the me i
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feel like your caged animals. things like that. my child shouldn't go through the program that open your eyes to tennis. if you were to day on algebra, ah, me all this is al jazeera. ah hello, i'm adrian again. this is are, these are live from coming up in the next 60 minutes. the u. s. threatens more sanctions for all involved in ethiopia is conflict if they don't negotiate and in to the violence. the un security council extends its mission and i've got us on the part of the resolution, referring to women and girls, was watered down before the vote. the family of a man who died of colbert 19.


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