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tv   [untitled]    September 18, 2021 10:00am-10:31am AST

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coverage serial power fil live and how much the thick he takes all the major fatigue from around the world. the water rose so quickly at this new jersey apartment complex. it caught many people off guard. ah, it was a mistake and i offer my sincere apology. the us admit that it killed civilians instead of ice will fight us and it's lost and strike enough. can i stop? ah, hello, i'm a 3. and again, this is al jazeera alive from dough home. also coming up, france reacts with anger to the scrapping of a submarine deal with a stray. leah recalling
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a time passes in camber and washington divide. that administration has planning a mass deportation of thousands of patients, migrants from a texas border town. and algeria, the longest southern president of the disease, beautifully town has died at the age of 18. ah, the us military has admitted a drone strike and i've got tom's capitol last month, mistakenly killed civilians instead of ice will fighters 10 people including 7 children, died of the attack in cobble, and saw us commander, apologized for what he called a tragic mistake. andy galico reports reduced a twisted smouldering wreckage. this is the call. the u. s. military deems an imminent threat on august the 29th west of cobbles, international airport, us intelligence officials say the vehicle monitored for 8 hours,
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suspected of picking up explosives and seen at an eyesore k compound. now one of the us military's find elections of the 20 is enough. galveston has been called a tragic mistake. let me thoroughly review the findings of the investigation in the supporting analysis by interagency partners. i am now convinced that as many as 10 civilians, including up to 7 children, were tragically killed in that strike. moreover, we now assess that it is unlikely that the vehicle and those who died were associated with isis k or were a direct rep for us for the us. drone strike happened just days after attack at cobbles, airport killed at least a $170.00 afghans and 13 us troops and mid frenzied evacuation efforts. initially, us officials called the strike, a righteous blow against specific threats to the us military. now they've admitted to killing us a worker, maria marty, and 9 members of his extended family. 7 of the victims were children, the youngest,
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just 2 years old. on offer that you say, for america to time and here and the husk, david, things with me. i am ready to respond to dame members of the marty family. had been planning to relocate to the us to start new lives. now they say they're living under a cloud of suspicion and fear. the u. s. military says it will launch an investigation into the drone strike. but the loss of innocent lies now calls into question the u . s. his ability to carry out operations and strikes remotely, a key part of the policy towards i've got a son. now that us troops have withdrawn so called us over the horizon military strikes already have a check, had passed implications experts, they will have serious consequences enough gannons done in the past. the u. s. had an extensive presence with lots of local partners,
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the afghan government and its various subsidiaries. but that's not the case anymore . so that this remains to be seen as to how the united states will be able to conduct the operations. as if kennesaw begins its next difficult chapter, one of the last acts of the us military will leave a dark stain on an already chaotic us exit. to galico all does 0, washington. france is recalling its ambassadors from the u. s. destroyer, after what it called a stab in the back. it's part of a dispute over a new security packed in the pacific. under the deal, australia will be able to acquire nuclear power submarines built with us and u. k. technology. but it's come at the expense of france as a multi $1000000000.00 agreement to buy french submarines is being canceled. the u . k, the u. s. and destroy the deal is widely seen as an effort to count of china's influence in the region. i'll just here as phil laval reports out from washington. we've just heard from the americans. it's not an apology,
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but it's probably the nearest that piracy is going to get sward that direction. anyway, the american saying that they regret this decision by the french and they will engage in the coming days to resolve differences. clearly they are aware just how lifted president micron is here to try to lower the temperature somewhat. that's probably a more muted response compared to some of the language we've heard out of paris over the last few hours last day or so. was like, i quote here. betrayed, tried, awful partnerships, ruin stabbing the back, lack of coherence, angry and bitter, and then the realtors. hunch, here towards joe biden, the foreign minister of foreign minister said this brutal an unilateral decision resembles a lot of what trump is doing. of course, nobody here in washington dc in the white house watching tv compared in any way to the former president of the united states. but we know how the president micron is absolutely furious. this is coming straight from the top. the official line is that be some bus, it is a being recalled for consultation. that means that they're not walking out,
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slamming the door, saying that never coming back. this is merely the making a point. they are saying that they are not happy. they are showing that they are not happy. this is the 1st time france has done this in modern history. and we know that there are a couple of other things that the french are doing as well to show how angry they are. we know that they canceled a reception at the french embassy. they have scrap their participation in a naval commemorative event with the americans, cuz this is about more than just wounded pride. the french are going to take a huge financial hit here. this was worth some $65000000000.00. tried us straight back newspaper global times as described australia, a pool of the us and gullible for buying into us cold war strategy. the chinese president has warned against what he calls interference from external forces. and his address, the shanghai cooperation organization, jevar, general jones, we should maintain firm confidence in our systems, reject condescending,
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lecturing and firmly support countries and exploring development pods and governance models that are compatible with their national conditions. we must never allow any externally. interference in the domestic affairs of countries in our region, under whatever pretext, in short, we should keep the future of our country's development and progress firmly in our own hands. john blackland is an international security, the intelligent studies professor at the study, a national university. he joins us now live from the camera goods heavy with his john study says it regrets frances decision to recall its ambassador. it's not often the destroyer finds itself at the center of a diplomatic storm. had it anticipated this sort of blowback? i suspect it probably did, but i don't think it's handled it very well and to be fair. the french will within the right to do what they've done. but look at the novel group. the french company
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is not actually playing sheet of paper here, other than about group been been been challenged about it's tardiness and it's of a budget performance for some time now that the competitor, compounded by the fact that you know what the french head was, a nuclear propulsion submarine, the barracuda, for which they had proposed to take out the nuclear propulsion, putting a diesel, electrical, tentative, which destroys request, and then it's trading changes in my mind. so perfectly understandable for them to be quite moved at what a straight is done. but it's very interesting because the dynamics have shifted, and you've touched on this to the point about china. and, you know, president ga, well within his rights say what he does to the shanghai corporation organization. but let's not forget its chinese expansion, its exponential growth of military capabilities including dozens of submarines, literally dozens of submarines manufactured in recent years. coupled with demonstrable rhetoric, goal bob's that are aimed at countries like australia,
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korea, japan, canada, the united states. anybody who days to cross china cross and chairman g for his remarks. i mean this is, this is what's driving the change. britain with braxton has looked for a way to ostrich position in his relationship with united states. it's focused on the in the pacific and of course, natural partnership there with the old former empire partnership with the strider. it's completely understandable on one level, but what we're seeing is the united states also more vulnerable than in the past will past the uni paula moment when it didn't need help from others. now very much more dependent on support from the u. k. and from our allies like a strayer, as well as quad partners like japan and india. so the dynamics have shifted and particularly since the, the, the current of ours, emanating at a whoo han and the obvious cation and deflection. that's a merge since then,
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that has really crystallized in australia, a sense of china and president g, not to be trusted. and this is really quite a transformative, a phenomena and that's changed the way the government can operate. and of course, in the liberal democracy, a government may operate on its electro mandate. and we've seen a massive swing against showing up over its actions in, in, in, over the doris. it's actions in rhetorically, it's, it's cyber attacks. it's foreign interference, let alone it's actions in the search on the see the himalaya as the east china sea and elsewhere. so you put it altogether up and it crystallizes into this august moment if you like. i tell you something we haven't heard a lot about, and that's public opinion there in australia. we've heard a lot about that. the diplomatic fall out. how has the government sold it to people that in australia with somebody cities at the moment under lockdown? it's perhaps difficult to gauge people's opinion off of the deal and how,
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how do they feel about the implications of the steel for that country? so it's, it's early days and it's really hard to tell exactly, adrian, but it's very interesting that the labor party, the principal opposition party in australia is basically going fairly quiet and softly on. the said does not want to be waged by the conservatives over their position. in relation to traditional allies, the united states, you know, the great and power from brains of austria, the u. k. in the us. it doesn't want to do that. it knows that, that's, that's out. that'd be on a, on, on a, on a, on a, you know, losing trajectory though, to take that part. so that speaks to their estimation of what the polls would indicate as well. there are these broad consensus that these trillion people, the electric, broadly speaking, is sympathetic to this line and also concerned about the pretty cavalier approach we've taken to defense procurement in the past. you know, the,
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the post cold war uni paula moment in which we really let, let the united states do much of the heavy lifting that moments past and the last 2 decades of the so called global war on terror. which saw the united states effectively spend its trillions of dollars in the same of the middle east. was trying to build the b, r i and expanded its economy. this is, there is a sense all in this is an inflection point, a sense of dramatic change will be required to reverse the slide. if you like. the united states seems to recognize that he can no longer take this approach. this kind of uni directional approach where it cause all the shots and the u. k is more important to him as his destroyer than ever. i was trailing his long beard. the united states didn't need it. now that's quite the opposite. now there is a real, palpable st in australia that we are actually quite critical to the equations chunk
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. it's been really good story here, professor many, thanks and date john blacks on that. thanks for having me, adrian. elsewhere in the region, chinese military plains have flown anti one's s space a day out to taiwan, announced an increase in its military spending. the island says that it will spend $9000000000.00 to upgrade its weapons and purchased you miss files to push back against threats from china. also on friday, the us battleships sailed through ty, ones, waters for the 9th time since president biden took off his china called the move provocative and accused washington of destabilizing the region. well, got a weather update, maxine analysis era, then what peru is decided to do with the remains of a man who founded one of latin america's most violent rebel groups and attempting to speed ahead in the new space race chinese as most returned to us to helping build a brand new space station. ah
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so now sir, here's her weather forecasts for saturday, september 18th. most of the action will be around the eastern portion of the adria to see some intense thunderstorms here, and we do have weather alerts in play for just how bad they may be. also a run of rain through central parts of ukraine. but next i want to take you around the mediterranean. we've got some exceptional heat here in athens at 37 degrees. show the next 3 days and where are high fridge temperatures should be about 30 and we're going to keep that heat going into the start of the new work week. ok off to iberia. we've also got plenty of sunshine here, but have you falls in and around barcelona on saturday, of course we have seen flooding through northern portions of spain, so we got to be on high alert for that. so again, conditions through france, run of rain through the republic of our linda and the united kingdom. windy
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conditions for the baltic states look at minsk 8 degrees. i think that's bad. here's a 3 day forecast for moscow. only 5 on monday. really ra, conditions of bretzky's when and what, whether speaking of white, whether those storms over western africa, the bulk of them have pushed out toward the atlantic, were they could cook up into tropical storms or hurricanes. banjo. the gambia has a high of 30 degrees on saturday. that's it for me. the news this is helen rose. this is where the slightest error means a one way ticket over the edge. we have what is that? remember, come back to or homes may not need a breathing tough condition facing death every time they'll gamble with their lives, just to uninstall risk and it's all on the
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a again, this is roger at the main years. this, the us military is admitted. a drone strike, it kinda sounds capital last month, mistakenly kill civilians instead of ice or sciences. 10 people including 7 children, died in the attacking cobble top u. s. canada has apologized. frances recall a get some messages from the u. s. and straight up to what it called a stab in the back. francis angry after us trailer cancelled a multi $1000000000.00 submarine contract to enter military alliance for the u. s.
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the u. k. china has flown its military jets across taiwan space on the same day. the u. s. battle ship sailed through the taiwan strait for the 9th time this year. china called the move, provocative by ministration is planning the mass deportation of thousands of haitian migrants for board of town in texas. most of the people a staying at a make shift camp under a bridge in del, rio to 0, victoria gate, and be reports. these are some of the more than $10000.00 migrant sleeping on the ground and desperate for food under a bridge in del rio in southern texas. officials on both sides of the us, mexico border say most of the migrants of, from haiti, a more expected to arrive in the coming days. the mayor of del rio has described the situation as beyond surreal, and says the authorities are struggling to cope. the migrants are getting agitated, the board, but you can't keep up with, with feeding. during lunch time,
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the facilities, the quality of life, the standard of living is all being stretched beyond capabilities. many of the migrant say they've not come directly from haiti, but have made long and harrowing journeys through mexico and central and south america. president j biden's pledged a more humane approach to immigration than former president donald trump. the situation in del rio was giving ammunition to critics who say biden's policies have encouraged migrants. they have told us that the people who are under that bridge right now are going to be relocated by the united states department of defense. some are going to arizona, others are going to california, others may be going to, laredo, we were told. but one thing that we know for a fact, and that is there is nothing but uncertainty and indecision by the, by the ministration about exactly what they're going to do. haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. in july, the president was shot
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a native and in august, a 7.2, magnitude, earthquake and a powerful storm hit the country. some legal, expert, se, sending migrants back to haiti cannot be justified by the administration. they know the legal, but they're doing it any way because they're worried about criticism from white supremacist advocates in the united states who are whipping up hysteria against against all kinds of immigrants, especially immigrants of color, the migrant say they want a better life for themselves and their families, but with more people on the way, the situation is growing, humanitarian and political challenge for the president, victoria gate, and b al jazeera. an expert panel in the us has rejected government plans to roll out cobit 19 booster shots to all americans, age 16 or the older it size of the lack of safety data on extra doses, and doubts about the value of mass boosters. but it endorsed extra 5 bio intake
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shots, so people over the age of $65.00 and those of high risk of severe disease. the vote is not binding though. police are pronounced enforce straight as 2 largest cities as protested, run it against corona virus restrictions. hundreds of demonstrators march to the center of melbourne, even though the cities business history has been put in a locked out. bodies were also called in sydney last month, hundreds of protests as for arrested in confrontations with the police algeria as longest. subbing president emsella sees beautifully car has died of the age of 80 fall. they struggled with health issues for years after suffering a stroke, beautifully car step down in 2019 awesome ass, protests rejecting his plan to seek a 5th term or to 0. hash alabama looks back at his life. april the 2nd, 2019 algerian president abdul aziz, beautifully car resigned following weeks of massive street protests rail.
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unable to walk or talk, and rarely seen him public following astro, his suffered into a 1013 with a political bound to prussia from protector and the army chief. this is the moment, have resigned and handed over power to the senate speaker, who became the enter him head of state. an undignified exit for the man who played crucial role in algeria is more than history, which is considered a national hero by his porters who fought on the battlefield. during algeria as will be in dependence from france, then served as 40 minutes until 1979. in the early 19 eighties, he was accused of corruption and went into self imposed design. the charges were later dropped and of the end of the civil war in the late $990.00 is that claimed the lives of thousands one an election with the backing of the military. the
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position said the vote was ragged with a flipper one praise for restoring stability that led to an economic boom and major development project nationwide. they also managed to hold the country together. during the spring, there were protests in january, 2011 against poverty and unemployment. the government responded by creating thousands of small business opportunities with generous incentives to young entrepreneurs, reducing food prices and ending decades old state of emergency. despite the initiative bias continued after winning a 2nd mandate in 2004 with a fleet car change the constitution to run for the 3rd term. and despite deteriorating health, he changed the constitution once again to secure a 4th term. what's the leaders considered him an important ally of the fight
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against groups in north africa, but i had 0 tolerance to was than others. his have handed this link to that approach is blame for costing civilian lives in $21330.00 foreign workers were killed when would order the army to storm a gas plant in the algerian desert. the aim was to rescue hundreds of hostages, held by an armed group affiliated to al qaeda. critics said the president could have saved lives, have he go. she hated a se, exit for the hostages, or plan the counter attack. more carefully. what a fleet does grip on power was started to slip when he announced his bid to run for the 5th term in february, 2019 hundreds of thousands of jury as poured into the streets in the biggest
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demonstration scene. since the independence in 1962, for 5 weeks, the protest, the demands of the president and his allies resign, would have a 1st try to locate, protested by reversing his decision to stand again and postponing the election. saying he'd stay on until a new constitution was adopted. but it wasn't enough to stop the reward. the protests continued. disease, but of late fate was sealed when the army chief stepped in, forcing algeria the longest serving president from power 3 chinese astronauts had returned to earth after a 90 day mission to help assemble the country's 1st permanent space station. it was the 1st time that china had sent astronauts into space in nearly 5 years. miss barker report in a cramped returned module,
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the 3 astronaut ne hi shang lou bombing and tang hung bow landed safely in in a mongolia northern china. shan jo. 12 is the 1st 4 man missions planned over the next few months, as china assembles its 1st permanent station when at home. if he's really good to be back flying just base, felt great. this time during a 3 months base mission, we accomplish a large amount of construction work of the space station conducted a large number of scientific experiments, and marveled at the vastness and magical univers enough. bedtime, the benign today mission was the longest stay in space by chinese, esther north of the space station. cool module, piano china staging 11 missions in total as it completes the space station including launches of the stations. 3 main modules after an authorized back in the capital, beijing to a hero's welcome, and a pledge from the chinese government to expand its mand,
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exploration of space. from woodland tissue. java, china will continue to increase at depth and breadth of international cooperation and exchanges, and make the chinese space station a space laboratory for the benefit of mankind. shyness, space ambitions have accelerated in recent years, setting the stage for a new space race with western countries. beijing pants to st. his 1st crude mission to mars. in 2033. the welcome to 0100. before person, the civilian crew of the commercial space ex rocket, have been enjoying the view of their unusual trip before that return to earth on sundays for the 1st time. a space ship, a circle, the earth with no professional astronauts on board. hey everyone. so what we're looking at is the earth from our perspective. so we are flying this huge window, the biggest window that's ever been flown in space and look in the window. we can see the entire parameter of the earth,
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which is so beautiful. and so i hope that you're getting to see what we see, which is passing over some really beautiful water in california launch wildfires, a burden to at least 4 groves of gigantic, ancient squares in national parks and forests firefighters. haven't yet been able to determine how much damage was done to the groves on friday. cooler weather helped crews to keep the wildfires away from a famous cluster containing the was largest tree by wrapping fire resistant blankets around it. the general sherman is more than 2000 years old. the remains of the man who founded one of latin america's most violent rebel groups. the shining pass will be committed through congress reached the decision following days of heated debate over concerns with his graveside could become a rallying point for supporters. marianna sanchez reports from lima. the, the body of former shining path leader of the males man remains in the morgue for now hated by so many do, branded
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a terrorist and genocidal his death became the subject of debate for nearly a week. authorities denied his wife, illinois, also serving a life sentence for terrorism. permission to decide his fate. instead, precedent brutal castillo enacted a bill. taylor made for guzman in congress. the orders his commission for you have left your name for national security. the public prosecutor's office will cremate the corpses of the leaders of terrorist organization, or those who committed crimes of treason whose monday, an armed conflict the last 2 decades, and lift more than 60000 peruvians dead. many of his followers were imprisoned, but some still support his ideal. if one dies, this remains in others, and this will never be arranged, said guzman, convinced his legacy would lavonne. many peruvians worry that he won't be forgotten . i'm not going to get up. i do not believe his death will solve the problem of
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terrorism because there was to be people who follow his thinking. the rebel leader had a dominant presence in the country for the past 40 years. authorities want to prevent followers creating a shrine for pilgrimage. many people say they won this month, ashes to be dumb to beyond the 200 miles of pacific ocean that belong to pay to. but the question for many years will end the chapter of avi mile, which month for us to new york by saturday stay sodium lulu sugar land joined the shining path. when he was 12 at 14, he was captured in the battlefield. he turned his life around and now works as a professor, he says, goose month's death is not the most important issue and believes the country is still in the face of posttraumatic stress from the armed conflict a lot, right? you know, and we carry off suffering inside the trauma of the horror. we live through those
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wounds, don't just heal. we need to talk frankly, sincerely and acknowledge and recognize victim. i know the truth and reconciliation commission says guzman is responsible for most of the killing. thousands of her died in the hands of the army and police authority say the location of his ashes will remain a secret, as thousands of peruvians continue to cope with a painful part madana center. so just see that lima beatles ah, it's good to have with us. hello adrian. so they get here in the headlines and i was 0. the us military has admitted a drone strike and i'm going to storms capital last month. mistakenly killed civilians instead of ice will phases. 10 people including 7 children, died in the attack and campbell told us commander has apologized for what he called
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a tragic mistake. i am now convinced that as many as 10 civilians, including up to 7 children.


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