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tv   [untitled]    September 18, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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to read, asked, lamb is helping the pakistani community to find a voice. the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live them, undocumented and under attack. this is europe on al jazeera. the news trinity is constitutional crisis draws photos and to the streets protest as opposed the seizure of moving powers by president side. ah madison. this is just a lie from the house or coming up we with deliberately kept in the black. we where there are with the war and frustration among allies funds recalls. if
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somebody goes to campbell and washington after was dumped from a multi $1000000000.00 submarine deal, a top advisory panel delivers a setback to president bivens plan to offer vaccine booster shots and talk about those only for the elderly and those at risk of severe disease. thus we may be experts rushing to save coal reefs on the coasts of katara before it's too late. ah, we're going to start and she is here where sizes have taken to the streets of the capital. and the 1st major demonstrations, as president said, have seized ruling powers and dismissed parliament in july. opponents are calling sides move and organized to the president has indicated he plans to amend the constitution, but unit is powerful labor union. i'm the biggest party in the dissolved parliament, have come out against it. said has rejected accusations of a qu, support,
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say he wants to purge corruption with chin is yeah, facing an economic crisis. rather, barlow, he's a journalist based in tennis and she says she is in so protesting for the sake of their country's future. 50 days after the tumble of the government, there is no government for no road map and now for the future of the country. that's why 2 reasons gather from this morning you know, the couple of capital in tunis to protest against prison. i have a decision and, and now they are describing his decision. a the violation of the constitution in the lucian street in the burg yuba avenue demonstrate there's no shunting school going down the coo and we want the return of the legitimacy and also save our. a democracy at the same time and
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a few minutes go account or demonstration started, something that people want to do so all the parliament. so know exactly. now we have 2 camps of demo situations in should be able to, but we have people who are against business and in the other, in the other side, we have people who are grow the business decision at the same time with me think a big police presence a presence around this people keep avenue and let's say this is the biggest, the most ration seen the announcement of president i saw you in the, in the 24th. a of july fox is recalling it from bassett us in the us industry after what called stop in the back. it's part of a dispute about a new security packed in the pacific. under the deal, australia will be able to acquire nuclear power submarines built with us and
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u. k. technology. but it's come to the expense of france as a multi $1000000000.00 agreement to buy french submarines has been canceled. the deal between the u. k, the u. s. and austria, as widely seen as an effort to counter china's influence in the region. frances recalled ambassador to a study says this country has been duped and betrayed by allies. we were deliberately kept in the black. we where there are woods, lee, you can north and you can realize our deep we feel about such a thing. is it possible that you ignore? you don't even mention you, don't you even refuse to discuss with a trusted partner like france and for you know about such an issue. oh, could it be possible,
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rory challenge has this update from london fronts of rice over the u. k. has been fraught for a number of years, not the disastrous, but certainly fraud, mainly because of breakfast. and france is key role in decision making within the european union has also meant that over the last few years has locked horns with london over numerous things. we've got the disagreements that have been hatched over for a good many months and years to do with northern islands to do with access to the european marketplace tice bracket and currently to do with immigration. there are people who are coming through france leaving french shores in small thing, ease and coming to the beaches of southern england. that's a, that's another issue between the u. k. and france. they're having to deal with the owner bilateral level this latest route. i think although the u. k is not
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absolutely at the heart of it, it certainly is not going to help this difficult relationship between france and the u. k. and it's not going to be good for either side. it's not good for the, for the british side is not gonna be good for the french side. they will try, i think, to find a way of getting passes. but because the french are not pointing the finger of blame at the u. k. as much as they are against the united states and australia, they're essentially saying that the u. k was not much more than an intermediary and this kind of matchmaker between australia and the united states. if perhaps it will be easier for the front to get over this hump than it will be for the united states and australia to say chinese state bank newspaper global times as described estrella as a pawn of the u. s. and gullible, for buying into us cold war strategy. the chinese presidents warned against what he
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calls interference from external forces in his address to the shanghai corporation organization. javert usual, jones, we should maintain firm confidence in our systems. reject condescending lecturing and firmly support countries and exploring development pods and governance models that are compatible with the national conditions. we must never allow any externally to fear and in the domestic affairs of countries in our region, under whatever pretext, in short, we should keep the future of our country's development and progress firmly in our own hands. john black slend is an international security professor of the trillion national university. he explains how china's exponential, military growth is changing the dynamics between regional powers to be fit. the french are well within the right to do what they've done. but look at the novel group, the french company is not actually playing sheet of paper hirata the nevada group.
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it's been been challenged about, it's tightness and it's all over every budget performance for some time now. but it's competitive compounded by the fact that you know what the french head was, a nuclear propulsion submarine, the barracuda, for which they had proposed to take out the nuclear propulsion and put in a diesel, electrical, tentative, which at his request, administrative changes in my mind. so, him perfectly understandable for them to be quite moved at what astride is done. but it's very interesting because the dynamics have shifted. and you know, president gee's, well within his rights. so what he does to the shankar cooperation organization, but let's not forget it's chinese expansion. it's exponential growth of military capabilities, including dozens of submarines, literally dozens of submarines manufactured in recent years. coupled with demonstrable rhetorical bobs that are aimed at countries like australia, korea,
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japan, canada, the united states, anybody who days to cross china cross. and chairman g for his remarks, i mean this is, this is what's driving the change elsewhere in the region, chinese military, plains of phone. and ty, one's aerospace, a day off to taiwan, announced an increase in its military spending. gotten says it will spend $9000000000.00 to upgrade its weapons and purchase new missiles to push back against threats from china. also, on friday, a u. s. battleship sailed to taiwan waters for the 9th time since president joe biden took office. china called to move provocative and accused washington of destabilizing the region. hundreds of police officers have been deployed around the us capital for raleigh planned by fall white groups. police have detected some threats of violence ahead of the march in washington, dc. organizes of the justice for j 6 rally, say they want to show support to those arrested for taking part in the capital. why
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it's in january hundreds of people breached the building in a bit to overturn former president donald trump's election. defeat an expert panel in the u. s. as reject as a proposal to roll out covered 19 booster shots to all americans. age 16 and older . excited a lack of safety data on extra doses and doubts about the value of mass boosters. but it endorsed extra pfizer biotech shots for people above the age of $65.00 and those at high risk of severe disease. however, the vote isn't binding. dr. amish dodger is a senior scholar with johns hopkins center for health security. he says it's likely that the 3rd dose could help prevent hospitalizations. in some cases. in some of those higher risk groups, those that are elderly, there seems to be some benefit. i don't think in the united states that the question of supply, i think we have these vaccine doses are already there on hand for people to get. but i do think, in general, if, when you're looking at the trajectory of the pandemic, it's 1st,
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2nd doses that are the most important. 3rd doses are, are less important than those 1st 2, especially if you're trying to keep hospitals from going into crisis. but that's why this is a narrow recommendation from that f d a committee based on where there actually was evidence not blanket, it's not going to be something that changes. really. the transmission issues with the, with the virus, i think it's really circulating amongst the unvaccinated. as president biden said, this is a pandemic of the on backs needed. what that 3rd dose will do is protect some people who are at high risk for severe complications from needing hospitalization. so it may have an impact on hospital capacity in some parts of some parts of the world. but in general, transmission that, that issue is going to be solved with 1st and 2nd doses. 3rd dose is less important when it comes to transmission, but more about protecting those individuals who have higher risk for disease. we've seen some de munition and protection against serious disease with the vaccine because of their age because of their high risk conditions. are still ahead and i'll just say they're getting military rule as talk tough and refused to let
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detained president of con. they leave the country off the last week and of judy as long as serving president abdel aziz booth africa has died of the age of 84. he was forced to resign in 2019. not a mass protests. ah hello, good to see you. here's your update. on the monsoons across the subcontinent, 3 problem spots. we're going to focus on sri lanka toward the sand. also the northwest. so 1st re longer and northern parts of the country picking up a $126.00 millimeters of rain around the bare bank. all we had a disturbance, its now shuffled toward the west, so heavy rain for westbank all into o. disha on sunday. then there was that disturbance. it was over the pradesh. it's now sliding toward the south, the southwest. so it's over. roger. stan and gutierrez, in fact,
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booter out over the past 24 hours scooping up about 50 to 60 millimeters of rain. and i think we'll see much of the same on sunday, off to southeast asia. and we have driving rain in the forecast for central and southern parts of vietnam. also pretty good batch of rain through central areas of the philippines. another area we're going to be watching closely is from the yellow river valley down toward the gang, see as young jo, to will look at $135.00 degrees, but with a heat index. feeling about 43. so a lot of humidity, a lot of moisture to sparks and very serious storms here. tropical storm sean to move out toward the pacific on sunday. so we're left with a lot of sunshine tokyo, 27 degrees. so saca will also be dry on sunday. the on air or online, the parts of the debate or pacific people, the ocean is our identity and the source of well being. we are the, when no help,
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they get off the table shoot inside atmosphere. people are demoralized. they're exhausted and many health care workers are experiencing p t f, d like symptom, jump into this dream. and julian, a global community. if you online on youtube right now, you can be part of this conversation as well. this stream announces era, ah, the me you want to go to 0 reminder about top stories. this thousands are taken to the streets, which news use capital. and the 1st major demonstration after president case said, and seized powers and dismissed parliament july. that opposed to the president's plan to amend the constitution,
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frances recalling it some basset as to the us and destroyer after what is calling us fab in the bag. frances angry officer miss tony a cancelled a multi $1000000000.00 submarine contract to enter a military alliance with the u. s. and the u. k. i start tunnel and the u. s. has rejected the government plans to roll out corporate $900.00 booster shots to all americans. age 16 and older, but it's endorsed extra pfizer biotech shops for people over the age of $65.00. okay, let me take you back to our top story more in those mass process in tunis. william laurence is professor of international relations at the american university is also from us diplomat engine. is it? he's joining us by skype from washington. d. c. good to have back on august. you know, thanks very much. indeed. we were hearing from our, from a journalist by louis who is on the streets of june, esther, in the middle of those protests. and she was telling us earlier in the program that the, the call that people are making today is for more information. they want more clarity
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about what the president is doing. why is it taking the president so long to put the forms in place? well, there is a number of issues at hand. first of all, he and now he 1st right after the july 25th seizure of power that he would announce a prime minister and a government. and he has yet to do that in part because very few technicians want to work for him. he's fired 3 prime ministers. he's been blocking many government ministers through his entire period president and for the last year and the idea that someone would want to join an interim government. it's so fraud. and in this circumstance, given all the pressures on the government and all the failures by the government, no one i think really wants to work for him. he also announced that he would have a roadmap and all of my sources in can you just tell me that several roadmaps have been offered to him and he's rejected all of them. in part because there wasn't
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much creativity there in terms of what he was looking for. i didn't really match the vision and he doesn't really have the bandwidth or the staff to develop a roadmap. and then of course he, he's making lots of promises on anti corruption, but he shut down the corruption commission. he's making promises on economic deliverables, but he's not delivering and, and no one really seems to be able to help him in that regard because he fired his economic team. and so this is just a massive failure of governance. and, and the fact that he and also he fired most of the buyers prior to that. so he's, he's, he's sort of created a recount around self. many layers is security around the presidential power. i stop talking to the 2000000 people and mostly just talks the foreign delegation coming through town, telling him that you need to get back to democracy. is there a suggestion that given the fact that the president previously had a reputation for being a very practical individualist,
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let me put it like that. he had a very low key image. if you like. he took a very mechanical approach to many parts of his office and in fact, that's partly what surprised everybody when he took the action he did back it back in july. is it a lack of understanding or a misunderstanding of what the people action is? you actually want, do you think when he is possibly concentrating on the logistics in the mechanics without realizing how important it is to communicate what he's doing politically to the people in his ear? well let me start by saying i agree that he's sort of clinical and technical and also no key, but he's not really practical. he's a utopian and he wants a completely different constitution based on sort of cutoff you'd like present principal of direct democracy. and a misreading of the american constitution, and it's a presidential thumb that he's been arguing for since 2011 and no one really agreed with them. and he said, that's going to fix all of his problems, including the economic ones, which it won't. but so he's sort of a utopian,
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not very pragmatic. he is populous that he does understand that most nations wants the economic deliverables more than anything else. but junior, was on the verge of signing a major agreement with the i a mass that's completely on hold. now because you fired the whole negotiating team and terms that i cannot make progress, he doesn't seem to really understand, no economics work. so he went to the employers association that i want you to lower all the prices which they did for a few days. but in the context of the economic crisis that could be sustained and then all the price went higher than they even were before. so he knows what you're complaining about, but he doesn't seem to have the ability or the vision to meet what they want. one of the issues about these particular demonstrations, given the scale of them is of course, how the security forces are going to react to this. because the big that will give some indication how they may well react in future if it comes to defending the
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office of the presidency. people are gonna be watching this very closely on the yeah, and this is a huge issue because he didn't trust his own presidential guard, which is why he deployed the military around the parliament that the beginning. but the military didn't want to be part of a cruise to base, been clamoring to go back to the barrack from the beginning into a large degree of started to do so. so if you approached the presidential policy junior right now, you go to ring after ring of security with lots of different parts of the security forces that are as seemed to be as much keeping an eye on each other as actually providing protection. and so it's, and they don't even talk to each other in terms of radios and stuff. so it seems to be the president mistrusted everybody in many respects. that raises a lot of questions about what the security forces will do over the medium and long term. it's really good to get your thoughts on. this is always william laurence. we appreciate it. thank you very much indeed. well, in afghanistan,
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local officials say at least 3 people have been killed and 21. others have been injured after a vehicle belonging to taliban forces had a roadside mine. it happened in july, but in the eastern province of niagara guineas military leaders say they will not buyer to international pressure to lead to change president off a con. they fly into exiled west africa. regional block echo was expelled guinea after conduct was overthrown during a military takeover. earlier this month, president of ivory coast in ghana asked for con days release during a one day trip to chronically on friday. a block has already imposed sanctions and demanded elections be held within 6 months. no, no, said don't. we will not yield to any pressure on con, they will receive humane treatment proper to his rank in his country. all julia's longest serving president douglas is with us. has died to the age of 84. he
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struggled with health issues for years after having a stroke. was like a step done in 2019 after must protest rejecting his plan to seek a 5th time. i should talk about looks back at his life. april the 2nd, 2019 algerian president of the law. these beautifully designed following weeks of massive street protests, frail unable to walk or talk and valley seen in public. following a stroke, his suffered into a 1013 with a bound to prussia from protector. and the army chief, this is the moment he resigned and handed over power to the senate speaker, who became the entering head of state. an undignified exit for the man who played crucial role in algeria is more than history, which is considered a national hero by his porters who fought on the battlefield. during algeria as will be independence from france,
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then served as 40 minutes until 1979. in the early 19 eighties, he was accused of corruption and went into self imposed design. the charges were later dropped and at the end of the civil war in the late 1990 is that claimed the lives of 1001 an election with the backing of the military. their position said the vote was ragged with a flicker one praise for restoring stability that led to an economic boom and major development project nationwide. the also managed to hold the country together. during the spring, there will protest in january 2011 against poverty and unemployment. the government responded by creating thousands of small business opportunities with generous incentives to young entrepreneurs, reducing foot prices, and ending
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a decades old state of emergency. despite the initiative bias continued after winning a 2nd mandate in 2004 with a fleet or change the constitution to run for the term. and despite deteriorating health, he changed the constitution once again to secure a 4th term. what the leader considered him an important ally of the fight against groups in north africa. but if i had 0 tolerance to was ty than others, he had handed this link to that approach is blamed for costing civilian lives in 201330 foreign workers were killed when would leave the order of the army to storm a gas plant in the algerian desert, the aim was to rescue hundreds of hostages, held by an armed group affiliated to alti. the critics said, the president could have saved lives, had he go. she hated
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a safe exit for the hostages of plan the counter attack, more carefully with a fleet as a grip on power started to slip when he announced his bid to run for the 5th term in february, 201900. the thousands of jury as poured into the streets in the biggest demonstration scene since the independence in 1962 for 5 weeks. the protest, the demands of the president and his allies resign would have a 1st try to locate, protested by reversing his decision to stand again and postponing the election, saying he'd stay on until a new constitution was adopted. but it wasn't enough to stop the reward. the protests continued disease, but of late as fate was sealed when the army chief stepped in, forcing algeria the longest serving president from power
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to california. now were large. wildfires have burned into at least 4 groves of gigantic, ancient clothes and national parks and forests firefighters. haven't yet been able to determine how much damage was done. the groves on friday cooler weather helped crews to keep flames away from a cluster containing the world's largest tree by rubbing 5 resistant blankets surrounded with constant warnings of a climate catastrophe. many governments are struggling to balance economic pressures with the need to protect the environment off the coast katara. one projects is underway to help the ecosystem by restoring called leads to wolf reports. petro range spends most mornings out of c, off the coast cutter. he's joined by a team of marine biologists from all around the world to explore a region they say is under study fits right. so what our car research facing right now is 2 different types of threats. we have local threats such a sedimentation,
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such as pollution such as over fishing, and we have global threats and this is what is associated with the global climate change. and with these threats. right now we cannot solve global climate change. that's a bigger problem that needs countries cooperating right now that are not cooperating. but what we can do is we can reduce the local stresses on our, you know, squirrels are in much better condition to withstand the issues from global climate change. and it's those local threats, these marine conservation and research team members are out to combat they're working to protect carl reese, restore, degraded ones, and provide alternative habitat for marine life. and they're using this underwater, carl, nursery, and an on shore coral farming facility to do that. many call it the rain for a still the see. and while coral reefs cover less than point 2 percent of the ocean
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floor, their home to more than a quarter of the world's marine species here and they are raving and gulf c. temperatures are warmer than anywhere else. and the rising inside to say that soon, even the world's most resilient karl that's found here, will find it impossible to survive. back in the labs, petro explains what's been happening under the water chemical. when it turns white like this to regain its color, it can, it, can, it can, it went from being a healthy colony to being completely bleached and particularly that colony in 15 days. so we see really literally the reef going in front of all right? so if we don't do anything to prevent this, i'm not sure what will leave to the next generation. several solutions he says are reducing over fishing and pollution while increasing the size of protected areas where fish can flourish. this is just one example located 50 kilometers
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off shore. this fish farm uses floating cages to provide cutter with high quality sea bass and other types of fish. the aim is to preserve fish stocks and increase the country's self sufficiency. environmentalists say more projects like this will be needed in the future. with the next century, we are expecting 2000000000 more people on the planet. and with the increase in the consumer behaviors towards the sea for this is a big challenge in terms of how we can increase the production in terms of not affecting or harming the environment. while initiatives like this may seem like a drop in the ocean on a global scale here in the gulf, it's providing a positive step toward addressing one of the most pressing issues over time. gillian wolf, l 0 to the chinese version of the popular short video sharing app, tick tock has unveiled new rules to restrict access for younger users. those under 14 can not only use the app for 40 minutes between 6 am to 10 pm. company says it's
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time to shield the young from inappropriate content. critics say it's and other staff and the chinese government ongoing cracked down against tech companies, an online content that violate its socialist values. ah, this is all 0, these are the top stories sizes are taken to the states that soon as you capital on the 1st major demonstration after president case, i had seized powers and dismissed parliament in july. and it is powerful labor union and the biggest party that opposed the president's plan to amend the constitution 60 days after that tumble of the government there's no government for .


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