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tv   [untitled]    September 19, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm AST

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leaders, brian: oh no, just 0. ah. did you know you can watch out cuz they were english streaming live on? i do see channels plus thousands of our programs. award winning documentaries and get you to a subscribe to. you choose dot com. forward slash al jazeera english. ah, this is al jazeera. ah, hello, i'm about this and this is the news are live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any police of detain? the last 2 of 6 palestinians, who escaped from a high security prison 2 weeks ago, the un urges the taliban to reopen schools for all girls enough to stand.
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washington south, south africa to deport thousands of mostly haitian migrants across into texas from mexico. and splashed on the 1st all civilian crew returned to us after spending 3 days in orbit. i'm sure i'm sure i'll go with us for liverpool. the new english premier league leaders off the hammering crystal palace reno fast and more later in the program. ah, me is ready please have captured the last 26 palestinian prisoners who escaped from a high security facility police arrested i home common gee and what else? yes. and janine, in the occupied west bank ending a 2 week man hunt, among those who tunneled the way out of go ball prison was as bady,
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a high profile figure in fat as wing is really, prosecutors want each man to spend an additional 15 years in prison on charges that they were planning a new attack before the men were found residence of jane, fort israeli soldiers who arrived in large numbers to continue their search. one, palestinian was injured. janine residents say that since the jail beg thousands of law enforcement officers and military troops being deployed in their city, army forces is injured in the occupied. why spike? how 1st of all, just talk us through. what's been happening with these arrests? well yes, these last 2 fugitives, these last 2 prisoners who escaped in this extraordinary escape. the monday before last from gilbert prison over night last night they were in this building behind us here in easton jeanine. what via the military and police are saying is that they dispatched quite
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a large number of troops and security personnel into the center of jeanine. and there were some confrontations between palestinian protested and those israeli forces. and it was at that point that they dispatched a small number here to this location. the idea being that it was a decoy operation in the middle of the city. and then the actual team to come to, to recapture the men came here to the street, slightly to the east. now what we're hearing from the father of one of the 2 men is that he was called by his son shortly before the recap. just saying that his son had decided to turn himself in because he was worried about the possibility of civilian casualties in this area. if there were some kind of contested recapture and re arrest. and israeli military is saying that in total 4 people were arrested at this address. the 2 escapees. plus 2 people are suspected of aiding them and sheltering them during their escape. the already public security minister had said
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on saturday night, did they believe that there was one of the 2 escaped prisoners inside the occupied west bank one and still inside israel. still, he is now saying through his spokesmen, that was not the case that these rady forces knew very much that they were in the area around jeanine. but that was a deception operation. and that it was a combination of a few days of planning that led to their re arrest overnight would imagine that the israeli security forces regard this as a success now that they've re arrested all the prisoners. but it is nevertheless, still an embarrassment. the fact that the prisoners were able to get out in the 1st place, any signs about how this is going to play out in the next few weeks. well indeed, i mean the, there are 2 concerns. i think one, the immediate one being that how this might all and that if there was some kind of major fire fight with the death of either or both of the escape, prisoners potentially wider bloodshed that that could have triggered a much bigger round of violence. both in the occupied was bank and potentially with
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gaza as well because 5 of the 6 escapees. both of those arrested overnight from islamic jihad palestinians. i mean you had and they've been, there been rockets fight out of gaza off the previous 2 rounds of arrests that didn't happen so far. so i think that will be aside relief on that front from the israeli front. but there is also this very huge embarrassment that this security breach took place at all. the fact that they managed to get through during the course of many months, this concrete slab underneath the so into avoid space under the prison, which was known about before. there had been an attempt to get into it by another team of prisoners before in 2014. and that they were able to get out very much under the noses of the prison guards. that is something that the prime minister natalie bennett has referred to as part of the speech marking the young people war earlier on sunday, saying that it was an embarrassment. it was
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a systemic breach. it was an intelligence failure. but that it was important that be corrected. investigated and fixed going forward. he said that what to place over night here of course was one of those immediate measures. but i think more widely across the occupied west bank among palestinians. this escape has been very broadly celebrated and has engendered a huge amount of sympathy for the 6th prisoners involved and also has sort of reaffirmed the the solidarity with prisons more generally. how are we? thanks very much. that's how you force live for us in jeanine in the occupied weiss bank. while the still no word on, when girls are going to be able to return to secondary school in afghanistan, boys were back in the classroom on saturday after an order from the taliban. female students were mentioned in the taliban announcement. the girls have been able to return to primary schools. the taliban spokesman says, plans are being made to reopen high schools to girls, but no date has been given us your nation. i'll girls haven't come for classes yet
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. the spirit the down and then waiting for the government's pronouncement, so they can resume studying. the death of the education of girls is fixing a generation so that the education of boys may affect the family and proceed. education of girl affects society. we are closely following the matter, so that girl can complete the study, which i was top is joining me live now from campbell in one respect were in the same situation as we were before when the taliban was making announcements about possibly including women in the government. yes, it may happen, but there is no specific date. that's right, rob. yes. we know. a statement was made by the time on yesterday as you refer to there by the spokes person's behold mosher hate. and he said that the girl schools will open soon. he also said that officials were currently working on the procedure and how to separate the classes and the division of teachers of girls schools. we
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understand that the taliban have a concerns about male teachers teaching female students and female teachers teaching male students. we understand that their interpretation of sharia law will have a huge impact on girls education in this country. we know that the universities are not open yet. we made some calls to become universities today. then although we also made some calls to a private universities, one of which said that they had opened and that they had said segregated girls and boys and they were functioning. and they told us that this was happening with the blessing of the taliban. but yeah, very real concerns, as you say, why the un, i'm the international community because potentially so much hangs on this issue. the international community demanding that they want to see taliban proof from the tyler bond. the women's rights and girls education is protected because of course,
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so much funding has been froze, so much. i've gained funding that is stuck in us banks around 99500000000. we understand also funding has been held back by international institutions such as the world bank the, it's actually community want to see proof that women's rights girls education is protected, potentially before any of that funding is released. and of course, it also has potential impact on any future recognition of the interim taliban government or a permanent government. when indeed that is announced that we have no indication as to when that will be. so yes, there are millions of girls in this country and a lot of people in the, in the international community who know clara as yet as to when there will be any real announcement on the future of girls education. and i've counted as child shop
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firms talking to us from couple charles, like the own agency for children says the humanitarian situation in afghanistan were worse. and because of severe drought farmers in agricultural regions that once produced nearly 50 percent of the country's g, d, p. and i was struggling to find water, come hide our reports. weird and nodded, and dob, riley widgets, famous forage fresh fruits and register bows such as boehmer greenwich and grapes. now agriculture constitute almost 25 percent of the country g, d, p. and the 1970s agricultural produce earned almost 48 percent of the revenue and discount re oregon dog, one cash flowing river. but now people are dig a deeper and deeper to find gum water and died. a problem that there's
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compounding marquez, the fact that the water act before the drain, we've talked to the old farmers hare. ok. i've never been this bad guy when i got that there was that one does not suffer. although we had a few good years of rain. the past 2 years have been terrible. as you can see, there is no water running through the channels that the river has dried up. now you can see with your own eyes, we're pulling ground water through water pumps. if the international community a serious or try to head the outline people it might bring in head by offering better seat quality and go ahead and farmers to be able to do in their per acreage in the international community. we'll have to take note of that because the country had now limping back to normality and people head a. what is that? a pro long drought means that they have to now dig deeper and deeper to find ground water. the act before of course, are drying up and it is
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a huge worry that most of these orchards could be turned into waste land. and he cut off the w h o director general ted. those had hung on the braces, has been visiting one of the compounds hosting african refugees in the capital. doha cut out has become a major transit point for refugees fleeing the country and facilitated the evacuation of about 50000 people. now after the taliban took over last month, some of the accommodation being used was built for the football world. trump next year, dozens of undocumented haitian migrants who crossed into the us or to be deported. an estimated 13000 people staying to make shift camp in the texas border time to deal. not as john home and reports thousands more are waiting to enter the u. s. from mexico. from the mexican side right now, the rio grande. they've got the river that separates this country from the united states, and we hear because more than 10000 people, most of them haitian,
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cross the river to get to the united states and establish a sort of make ship camp wanting to be given asylum and to be able to stay in the united states. many of them travel through south and central america to get to this point. they flee poverty and years of political turmoil and natural disasters. back home, i did pass out the remote or not. i'm really scared. you know why haiti had enough quick, we were left with nothing, no home, no food, nothing. almost all my family died. and if we don't go across where we go to go, we don't have a home. that's why with searching for a better future. the flow of patients crossing to the united states at this point suddenly turn into a torrent of the last week or 2. but now it's slowed again. people have heard the plans from the u. s. government to fly many in the come back home. so don't yet we scared that if we cross don't just report a specter haiti and it will be west for us. those we did see crossing the river.
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when made me bring food and water to those on the other side. i asked this man how people were doing on the other side. my son was up with somebody in there. okay. but sad because maybe tomorrow they'll be deported. conditions in the camp, reportedly tough with not enough food, toilets, or water. but we couldn't verify that. earlier in the day, we tried to enter the camp by the front door in texas. we just tried to get into the camp by the u. s century. and we were denied that we now just crossed the river and tried to get in through this century. and we'd just been denied by the food of trauma. and that you can see behind me to say that we're not allowed in other journals, said the same. the us authorities a blocking the media from talking to those inside. meanwhile, they faced with the problem that were test any administration may shift shantytown, suddenly springing up on their border with thousands, desperate to say,
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john home. and i'll just say i cool. yes. next sunday, morehead on the news are including we have deep and grave concerns that the capability being delivered by the a tech class submarine was not going to meet our strategic interests. stillia insists it was protecting your defense interest by canceling a french submarine deal in favor of american british technology plus ties between china and latin. america has entered a new era budget and she's paying person a virtual appearance and a latin american summit, that excluded the united states. and the german champions are in 7th heaven with their latest leave. when that's coming up with showing sport, ah, voting is underway on the 3rd and final day of russia as parliamentary elections.
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450 seats are up for grabs. more than 100000000 people are eligible to vote. united russia party, which banks president vladimir putin, is expected to keep its majority. most kremlin critics were barred from running after a year of crackdowns abundance. smith is joining us now. live from moscow were getting lots of reports from an independent monitoring group of attempts to interfere with the ballot. what are they saying? these reports are from a group called goal us, which has got to observe as, as many places that can manage across this vast country. now it's reports over of overnight stuffing of balance of people melting voting on multiple occasions in areas where they're not supposed to vote. as video cameras being turned off overnight and ballot boxes allegedly being interfered with over night and uncontrolled electronic voting. that's been more widespread across russia this time
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round in moscow, the reporting and 90 percent turn out of people who voted to vote electronic electronically. having captured the vote on the q that we saw on friday, around some polling stations in russia, described by gall us as a clear demonstration of a level of administrative coercion. now, i should say that this sort of reports are not unusual in russia and elections. what is unusual, this time round is the scale of them. and the fact that these irregularities are being reported in areas particularly moscow, where they have not been so widespread in the past. and i should also say though, this particular boating station, where we are, we've been welcomed and have no particular indication of any irregularity out this one. we mentioned just a moment ago that the united russia party, which supports the president, is expected to keep its majority. what would the united russia party regard as an acceptable result in this what united
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russia wants to do is to hold its super majority. this allowed to change the constitution. anything less than that would be seen of some sort of a failure of the system to maintain its dominance. the failure of vladimir putin to retain his dominance over russian politics. they still remain the largest most individually the most popular party they had about 27 percent support behind them, the communists, another an a nationalist party of a still their position groups hoping they will, that support is to come out and vote as late as possible. today, i want to vote as late as possible today because they say the later you vote, the less chance there is of the ballot being interfered with. now we will get an indication perhaps by the polls close this evening prompts by later tonight we'll get an indication with exit polls. how it looks, with a clearer picture, evolving by monday we were just talking about the fact also that many of the
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critics of president putin and the united russia party and the government have been been tracked down on. they've been locked up, they're unable to take part in, including of course, alexi, nevada, who is spend time in jail. how are russians, do you think, viewing this election? is there any sense that all that they're going to regard the end result as well? bring in fair well, i think we've had a lot of support opposition. the opposition group election violence group saying vote. they've issued a list of candidates that they want people to vote for in a tactical voting campaign to try and get the opposition support to coalesce around candidates in particular constituencies, best placed to unseat united russia. candidate. we'll see further on towards the end of the day, how successful are tactic as beat and driving those votes towards non united russia
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candidates, most of them actually the invalid, the supporters volunteer group has backed the communist party supporters. it's very difficult though, for opposition supporters to manage to, to, to, to understand where exactly to cast their vote. there was an app that's been blocked now by apple and google taken down off the play store, google document access and telegram access to the lists created by an invalid. the supporters has also been blocked. so the hope is that those people knew before it was blocked. which was sort of late on thursday, who they should be voting for in that particular areas. depending on how russians think, of course, it depends who you ask. reunited rough remains individual, the most popular party, although it's support slumped. i'm bloody, may, putin, as president himself remains very popular, enjoying, perhaps just around 60 percent approval rating. but the criminal move on the kremlin will want united russia to do well,
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to show that the party invited me putin as a legitimate and enjoys general widespread support in russia and boundaries by bringing up to date from pulling station in moscow by the thank you. study as prime minister says he understands frances disappointment about the cancellation of a multi 1000000000 dollar submarine deal, but he insist the move was in the best interests of his country. france accused of failure of a breach of trust when the submarine contract was scrapped after it's, julia did a deal with the u. k. and the u. s. instead, they had, would have had every reason to know that we had deep and grave concerns. that the capability being delivered by the a tech class submarine was not going to meet our strategic interests. and we had made very clear that we would be making decision based on our strategic national interest. francis recalled at envoy is to the seller and the u. s. as a result of losing the submarine contract, re challenge has more leaving the embassy for who knows how long frances ambassador
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to australia stopped his car for a few words to reporters. i think this is deena hughes. we fake a very, very bad handling of the partnership. it was not the contract was above the ship at 1st the ship's up supposed to be days on the 1st disbanding and also above the sea bass of infinity. wilson is the result of the french. then it was to sydney airport for his flight home, empty of sam baset to the french embassy in washington, d. c. this is an unprecedented move by france, the united states oldest allies. you have to go back to the, for the president of the united states. that's george washington here to find the origins of the alliance between france and the u. s. just 2 years after the u. s. declaration of independence in 1778,
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france formally recognized the strange new nation. and in fact, it and its war against the british. in all of the years since then, this is the 1st time for french for a ministry it ever recall? if ambassador to the us it's proof of how angry francy is right now. and this is why and so friends, august is bull. a new enhance trilateral security partnership between australia, the united kingdom and the united states. on wednesday, australia the u. k and the u. s. on vell orcus, it's a defense agreement aimed at countering china in the in the pacific. bought it, cuts france out of a 2016 deal to build diesel power submarines for australia in favor of nuclear power tech from the u. k. and us it li, frank, tens of billions of dollars poorer, and it's being seen by paris as a gross deception by friends and allies. you muscle, the therapy lies. yeah,
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there has been duplicity. there has been a major break of trust. there's been contempt. so it's not going well between us, not at all. still there are those who think parents is overreacting last year. i think, you know, it was not necessary. i mean, we have never recalled. previously, i was better from washington and it's really very bad manners from the americans to, to was wrong. i mean, really, america as been treating my call, i can and the dog and song, but it's only bad manners. and i think that vengeance is a meal that should be served cold after you. k or francis sped london, the sting of pulling home it's ambassador. instead, french ministers have tried something more withering. they suggest it's not worth bothering with junior partners. and that's all the u. k is to the u. s. will reach
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helen's how to 0 london. well, the chinese have made clear their anger at the new us alliance and the pacific on saturday president using paying made an unexpected virtual appearance in what is often been seen as a u. s. sphere of influence isn't a video message to a summit of latin american and caribbean leaders in mexico. on rapids reports from mexico city. on saturday, more to fort summit of the community of latin american in caribbean states, or seller. and this years international dialogue held in mexico city was full of surprises. you are starting with the unexpected appearance of venice. well, as nicholas margotto, who arrived unannounced overnight de la costa and i want to know the visit place mother across the table from other leftist leaders, had a summit that excludes the participation of the united states, then that emma. so if you can pick it out, if we have enough stones to throw out some of you, we didn't come here. cro stone,
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we came to extend a hand and word to her. not everyone at the 2021. select some. it was welcoming of the venezuelan delegation, but ascension at that number to my presence at the summit and in no way represents a recognition of the government of mister nicholas was in. my government has not changed its position. and i believe it is between gentlemen to say this face to face, drawn out why and she another unexpected appearance was chinese president. she jin ping who sent a pre recorded message promising more cooperation between china and latin america. drawing loc ties between china and latin america have entered a new era characterized by quality, mutual benefit, innovation, and well being of the people are nearly 20 heads of state participated in the summit, including cuba began b. s can, in the cuban leader called for an end to us sanctions and was among many who criticize the organization of american states. calling the
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o. s. a tool of us interests in that area. it is the o. s, at the service of the united states that supported attempts to isolate cuba, military interventions in latin america and the caribbean, government overthrows and military dictatorship. host, mexican president and british manuel lobbies over the board went further saying latin american and caribbean nations should aspire to form a regional blog. similar to the european union in these times see like, can become the principal instrument to consolidate relations between our latin american, the car, to be a nation. unity was put into it, but why? despite moments of contention, there was also agreement among select members, including building on a regional strategy to face the challenges of the corona virus pandemic, and a minus at a minus and establishing a regional fund to serve as relief during natural disasters linked to climate
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change. the 2021 cell conferences seen by many as an opportunity for mexico to position itself as a power player and a regional mediator working toward restoring multilateralism and ending the diplomatic rift that exists between the united states and left us latin american countries like cuba and venezuela monroe drop a little al jazeera mexico city. still ahead on, i'll just say that we're going to be talking to unicef about the demand for the taliban to reopen the schools for old girls changing their ways how kata, the farmers are adapting to climate change in one of the hardest places on earth. out of college football player refused to defy gravity was one of the greatest catches we've ever seen. coming up with jill sports. ah
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hi there and i see you getting going on sunday, september 19th. here's what you need to know. we're going to get down with some heavy rain for northern parts of italy. the potential is seen some flash flooding here and we have weather alerts in play for just how. while this weather could be also a stiff wind toward the northwest, then we've got unsettled conditions across the bulk in some thunder downpours here, you know, some of the best weather across the continent can be found in greece. 35 degrees on sunday. the other day we were near record breaking temperatures for september, but of course what goes up must come down. and by wednesday we're at more average temperatures of 2 iberia. there is sunshine here except toward the north. we've got some what weather and that's energy from transferring from the pure and eas rate through to the alpine region where we will see some driving rain really on all sides here toward the east. we've got a north and northeast wind in some unsettled condition. so moscow of illness to minsk low temperature is here really raw feeling too, with those blustery east winds. and also rainy conditions were
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a good 10 degrees below average on wednesday. here we go for western africa, unsettled across the gulf of guinea, pretty much from cameroon rate. through to senegal and the gambia banjo has a height of 30 degrees. the frank assessments by way, it is again freedom, surprising informed opinions what you saw happening get from market. it was what it was was petune is the critical debate here. it's not between kula and any other conference here for 60 years, rather than to keep them people in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera. this is held through this year where the slightest error means
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a one way ticket over the edge. we have what is that? remember, come back to or homes may not meet on children. breathing tough can.


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