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tv   [untitled]    September 19, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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in paris, shooting down into the atlantic, shortly before sunset, with its jovial crew exiting the craft less than an hour later. what's being called the 2nd space age is now underway. alexander bryan elgin's era. ah, the dogs are, these are the top stories, and unicef is appealing for help is melner as children and many infected with measles fill up hospitals across half canister on its morning that many of them could die if they don't get urgently needed. health supplies. there's still no word on when girls will return to secondary school enough going to stun boys were back in the classroom on saturday after an order from the taliban girls have only been able to return to primary school to the stage. the u. s. is preparing to the port thousands of undocumented haitian migrants who cross the border from mexico and estimated 13000 people standing and it makes your company. texas ton of del rio
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israeli police of detained the last 2 of 6 palestinian prisoners who escaped from a high security facility. please arrested him, come on g and met a deal in viet engine in on the west bank. and you get to search is more full out from australia, cancellation of a multi 1000000000 dollar submarine contract with franz president to manuel macros is due to speak by phone to us president joe biden. soon, micron is expected to demand clarification about the new defense back to the pacific, which resulted in australia's scrapping of the deal. frances left out of the new alliance between us history and the u. k. because you know, by doing that done on the, on the president biden asked to speak with the president of the republic, and there will be a telephone discussion in the next few days between them to move forward. because what's at stake with this issue with this crisis, as you said, is a strategic one more than a commercial one. what's at stake here is the presence of forces. the balance in the, in the pacific region. we're part of our future relations with china is at stake.
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poles a close across most of russia, after the 3rd and final day voting and russia's parliamentary elections, $450.00 seats are up for grabs. more than 100000000 people are eligible to vote. united russia, which banks president vladimir putin is expected to retain its majority when its criminal critics were barred from running. after a year of cracked philippine boxing icon. many patio says he will run for president to the 2022 election. patio is now senator. he was dominated by faction of the ruling party. this comes after rival fashion, named the senator, and long time aid of president rodrigo to tirty as its choice. they also named to 30 as it vice presidential nominee i up to date with headlines here and i'm sure got more news coming up right after we go to the inside story. news.
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news, news. news . the 1st major protesting shanicea presidency is executive power. 2 months ago. 100 announce what they call a site supported phase carrying out of people's well, what's next question is yet is it like a welcome to the program. i'm in ron con. it's in his years, political and constitutional crisis began in july. when the president sacked, the prime minister, suspended parliament and assumed executive power. case side insisted, it wasn't acute and said the measures would only last 30 days. but 2 months on,
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he still hasn't appointed a prime minister. he hasn't revealed plans for reform, and he's extended his emergency powers until further notice. on saturday, opponents vented their frustration at the 1st major protest against the president. but side supporters were out in force as well. now we'll bring it out guess in just a moment. but 1st, this report from dorothy jabari the array show of public dissent against president case in the twenty's in capital. thousands of people rallied in the center of tunis on saturday, chanting shut down the coo and we want to return to legitimacy. we followed the path of the revolution with its negatives and positives for 10 years. but what happened on july 25? took us back 50 years to talk receive, which we tried with dba and benignly, but the policy is what a failure. and we couldn't advance on july 25th president. so you dismiss prime
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minister, who shall mate she, she froze parliament and seized additional power, insisting it was not a qu, but others called it a threat to the region. few democracies said, supporters held accounted, demonstration, chanting. the people want to dissolve parliament cabinet and we got the, the opposite side took advantage of the chaos pulling the schism and conflict between state agencies. they are the ones that went out to demonstrate today. on the other hand, we are the ones who consider ourselves supportive of the july 25th decisions and therefore support place. we came to preserve the state, the president said, called the move to seize executive power and exceptional measure. a response to an economic and political crisis. the former constitutional law professor justified his decision by citing emergency measures in the constitution that his critics, and many legal scholars said did not support his intervention. political leaders
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have complained about the constitution since it was agreed in 2014. they want it to be changed to either a more directly presidential or a more directly parliamentary system. the president said, says he plans amended that a powerful union and trainees, his largest party, have objected to changing the constitution, said is still to appoint a new prime minister while millions struggle under economic and political stagnation dorsey jabari al jazeera. ah, let's bring in our guests in tunis. i'm l as who's a political scientist and a member of chinese is and other party in syracuse, new york, my. how many dia, how mommy, a political science research. syracuse as universities, maxwell school, and also in june of sherry for the a political commentator, a warm welcome to you. all. i'd like to begin with you in tunis at some point.
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we're going to have to start to call this a qu. we haven't heard from chi side in a major way since this began. there's no reform plans that have been announced and that doesn't seem to be any movement. it has to be now a qu. so if your question is, in the way we describe what has happened, is it cool or not? i can see i can tell you that even the new colors, i mean each of law in our university, there is a real controversy concerning what happened. some of them would say that this is a mere interpretation. ok, so it's a kind of giving one's self the, the through get to, to interpret the text, the institutional text, the way he sees it. however, there are other school, there is another law law teachers. and professors would say, this is a cool, a cool in the and the sense in the, in the legal technical,
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formal sense. he's a fool if he won't. so if you can see that, that monopoly of, of powers, of authority in, in one hand countries what we wrote of 2014. and i was one of those who adjusted the constitution of 2014 a visit. that is a huge and a ben just and a very important violation of the constitution of the january, 2014. so as an understand it and know you are stopping short of calling it a qu yourself. i b, i told you i told you that this is what is being called diversity myself. within what i've been telling you, even in the sense and the technical forum, a legal says the way stuff i it has interpreted and has behavior and has monopolize its power. since july,
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the 25th. we can all try to describe it differently alpha as soon as sharif car, they often when we look at chinese in politics, we understand that it's a system of dialog. dialog does take place between all of the different parties. oh we in a moment where there are negotiations going on, we just simply don't know what they are so far and according to what we in hearing or listening or even the reading from, from analysis for me on a list here. it seems pretty obvious that there are no kind of dialogue or no kind of what should consensus to the next few days or weeks. maybe we should still wait for the next upcoming days in 2 weeks, even though we are waiting since july 25th, which is quite a long period especially this has been reflected on the recent folders when prism saw you as those at least 10 percent of his popularity, but still a very popular denisia. but for
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a dialogue i think that this is one of the issues we are facing. there is no dialogue whatsoever so far in addition to statements and declaration that there would be no dialogue with corrupt politicians or corrupt elite, or what he, he called the market and lobbies to wear and control. busy before july 25th because being the, the position of cy, of separate isn't even before july 25th. so for the, for the lee is so far there are no signs of potential diet. and we are waiting for the next steps now from prison side. since he's, let's say, the head of the executive and by the fact to the head of some sort of just a branch or to just to see the staging by a presidential decrease or prevention orders so, so far, no dialogue. i haven't,
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i'm going to come to you in just a 2nd. bo want to put that point to a male in june as also, i don't know, dialog dialog. i don't really agree with you, i guess from my tunis and i would say the but he's sort of services these last days at the beginning. yes. so will this kind of surprised or shocked what you what, whatever you want. but these last weeks, i think, and i can see figures, i can see activists, political activists from all the political sections coming together. they are trying that out. of course, it is, but a beginning of a dialogue also from, from the, from the organization of civil society. but especially when it's the least from political law. so i can see that there is a think things are starting to change and people who have come together before
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20112011. don't get up to 2011. there were associations, 2013 to big assassination. but if i thought that the political plus had been able to come together, i say i think that these same people who were successful to come together trying now to come together and i'm giving you facts. i'm not just analyzing, i'm giving you the fact that the political activists and the events yesterday events, while the one among you can see many of these political activists coming together in that symbolic event in front of our shuttle and be able to give you i haven't in syracuse, a case i'd running out of constitutional cover. he gave himself the deadline of 30 days. no one forced upon him. he said to himself,
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i've got 30 days. i'm going to announce reforms again, that's new leadership that hasn't happened. are we getting to the stage now where it's simply illegal, what he's doing? i think 1st of all, we should make it clear and july 20th, if he did not announce any intentions. and that's actually one of the major problem that we've been facing last year. we didn't, we don't have the original, what would. and during the next few weeks, i'm only for how long this fucked up last regarding your question on the galaxy. i don't think it's one of any more in the discussion isn't nearly as many as a kind of the fact to discussing the new constitution. so whether or not it's legal, i think there is a wide company that the article 80 does not allow the president to spend the parliament or the executive,
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or even i'm in the constitution in fact. and i honestly the only author of our president side when he was back in the days a professor of law known as for his opinion on how we can use it. and this is an exception. so, so far the article 80 is use it is being used aside to more like a justification for his actions than anything else. why it's not dangerous precedent by having it if, if there's silence from qualified himself, there's no real reform plans. as you say, the very beginning went announced here we are 2 months later, still no reform plans is not dangerous precedent that he's simply just trying to wait this out. well, no, he was just about doing reforms economical, social be. we know that this wasn't b as we're getting for the change up to the constitution or the sort of their
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action the form of with korea gene where the powers would. because of the same time the legislative body would be left very and you know the way hypo, the centralized process and in that elections and even people who aren't supported, i cited right now on the recent actions against a few actors or use the parliament. i'm not supportive of the the system in the centralized system is advocating for so what is actually more concerning is not what he wants to do is what i like you said, absolutely. any vision on how to address the major issues for which has been
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but the thing like meetings, more specifically an environment and poverty and social kind of issues. sure. if these were, this was a major protest, but it wasn't as big as we've seen. introduce yet, in the past it was in many ways restrained. it was much more about putting political pressure to come up with an announcement all was this, the beginning of a new movement in june is here. well, let's say it's a big protest maybe for, for the media or for, for the to say extra from the extended point of view about what happened yesterday . just, i mean, only hundreds of people gathered in downtown june is the best 1000 people gather, gathered to, to oppose side decision. so this could be, of course, the beginning may be of the. busy off the news officer eyes of other brought this
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across tunisia or even of the same place since the capital. but actually, i don't think that would be just but this for the upcoming weeks. this won't be, i mean us because we may be, would like to seem to seeing or would like to to, to say, because it's pretty obvious not the people that gathered yesterday. they were rejected or they are rejected. even according to recent polls, they are just rejected by the population. and that's why they are supporting president, president 5 decisions they are wrote to support a prison fight, maybe program or vision of already present boats of democracy or direct democracy as we may call it. but they are just supportive of theme because he simply letter lies them. if we can say this way, so they are 40, they are seen as the core up what it's going to need,
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who faded to address the the problems of the real problems, often asia in terms of economy in terms of reforms. when i, in terms of reforms of the judiciary, the history for the, for this reforms. and of course, in terms of the economic forms because what we were facing before, right? when you say and even know what to a certain extent, is that okay, we have free comes, we have free elections or some sort of free elections, but it's still different currently. and this is was the resolution was about what you haven't. people were 1st protesting for they're going to make right for the social surplus you're putting to in also. busy into this we seem to be hearing that, you know, he hasn't addressed the real problems of chinese. yes. structural problems. ginger, which aren't going to go away over night. but he is popular. is he listening to
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these protests, or is he ignoring them because he feels he has the political and popular support? let me source the ball, tell you that it has become clear that all that mr side has wanted to just to do or to people. and he'd like to do, he didn't, he was unsuccessful to do it or to realize or to achieve it. and he put i myself, i wrote this, he would have been all of these promises. he would have relied to them and achieve them in a very, in a, in a much easier way and within, within the context and the frame of the constitutional legality. i can tell you, he would have presented them and the constitution gives him the strike. and this will get the presenting initiatives, etc. what happened yesterday, however,
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the only other day for mr. fired was a, this is the, when people popular when i'm behaving in such a way, because this is how people who wanted to be it's people who wanted me to, to, to behave in such a way. the importance of what happened yesterday is that very this message, this involved regardless of the member of those who were there because this is a strategy not calling people in a huge member was meant we are not in front of showing. or if you want exhibiting a certain power, no, we are giving people who better just today are trying to give a message that yes, there are people who went out on july the 25th. but there is also another part of people who went yesterday to the street, who said to and to say something else to, to, and this is change the, the, the equation. and this show that a part of the street if you want. and the people consider is what happened on july
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the 25th, who and he asked for, and yesterday's, the slogan. they said that they wanted the state institutions back, they won't constitution back, they won't belittle back, they won't, legality and legitimacy. both of them, if, if you'd like to go into this dialogue over to missy and technology, they want everything back. so i guess what happened yesterday shows that no budget incentives yet could do anything in front of all these challenges. political, economic, social challenges, no one alone can do anything, including mystified as a president of the republic including majority, terry and parties. so the only solution as i keep i can see is not individual. the solution should come in a sort of a consensus, a dialogue consensus,
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a national dialogue within and end of the umbrella of the constitution in syracuse. what do you think of what they just said? is there a potential for dialogue? so far inside was isolating? he did not mean we've made this since july when, if it's something that we're talking about the labor union. however, there are other words, we are not seeing any data right now. it may happy the future, but we're not there yet. however, regarding yesterday's brought this i do think, i think it's important wasn't for me because it visibly show that there is some level of content from what i was doing. oh, not extract late from the start and assume that they are pretend to what all conditions want or some actors in both the balls and the company to declare ation.
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so the public, nobody know the masses and it's part of the ration of people. actors show that there is little interest in the return of the pre july 25th situation. all those who are in favor of return to wisconsin uses orders are not in favor of affal. i think most of them aren't in favor of constitution amendments. we send that know exactly what these constitution. i'm look like. my people weren't not satisfied from acting this tuition the way before july 25th. so we should not read that much into yesterday's progress. sharif in tunis, also one of the biggest weapons that the case i had has in his also right now is the fact that unions has been through so much and the fed up with the current politicians mismanagement. and he's using that to justify his actions in this
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constitutional crisis that it's under is a case that jenny genes are just simply credible. and they don't want to come out in the streets and they just want some sort of stability, which is what this is offering them. somebody. yeah, and this is, this is true or partially partially a true denisia. they want stability, they want economy to farms, they want democracy about delivers from yesterday's protests the, the main lesson. but we know that we've so far as to protest freely in june us and to express the opinion. the ones opinions, despite the differences, is still some sort of normal thing indonesia for 20. so far, whether we are in favor of spice, oregon decisions, whether we are in favor of the former parliamentary coalition or note, this is quite normal and this is no need some, some,
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some sort of income chastain intonation. 3 about free speech. a free protest are some normal thing concerning your question about whether conditions are fed up. yes, they are fed up. that's quite august because when we haven't even started from the 2019 elections, the voices for a person of the political sphere and the classic up the classic. what is running out to talk that i would like you to come to a mil just for one final question. at what point does the other party just put pressure on him to come up with something to come up with some sort of announcement from some reform plan. what does that happen? it's already been that it's already been over the 30 day limit. i don't think, i think not by now is behaving within, within, of course a, a, a sort of coalition or at least the other parties trying to,
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to work or to behave within and trying to also to collaborate with the political plus existing now and who are really willing to, to, to get into a front, a collective front said democracy in is the, to save the positions of the edition. and apart from that, i and i can see any, any in all, it's from any case, it's being asked to mystify it, to, to view and to get back to the constitutional legality. but at the same time working with the other representatives of the political and the social spectrum, if you want to and to can cheat to, to, to get out of this deadlock that he's, that law just if you allow me to interact a little bit with your guess judy, if i think that he's, i do agree with him, the reason that law the deadlock, is that the food on the table is missed,
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the fire today able alone to provide. and these challenges the socio economic challenges to fight corruption on his own. this is the greatest question of the greatest challenge, the answer for me and for all who are following. of course, i would say force not as the problems of physio tractor on problems i've been in the assembly. i've been in the government in 2015 and i know, i mean what i'm saying, nathan, is his problems are, are structural and deep. and they need, they, they, they need a national dialogue or which, as i told you earlier, and nobody even, even if we have the elections and we have the majority carrier party, i don't think a majority, any party alone or who might just standing part is low and would be able or could
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be able to solve these problems. so we have no other chance that people are working . i know the horizon is not clear enough, but there is a way and i do believe in us. and this will of national democracy, democratic people, this will to overcome this crisis. and when it, whenever there is a will, i'm sure there will be away and a way out and a solution. i want to thank august as well as is a dia, hi, mommy and sheriff county, and i want to thank you to for watching. now you can see the program. anytime i was thing, all website al jazeera dot com and for further discussion, go to our facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. and you could also join the conversation on twitter. we are at a inside story for me and ron kon and the entire team hit by finish. the
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news news, news, news, news. the city of couple has experience so much evil for decades and they says another change to get used to. and one that's far from easy situation and now it's not clear. the people are just lost and confused. there are deep rooted fears about the erosion of basic price in particular for women and girls, despite assurances from the taliban and about to return to true punishments for certain crimes. everybody will be safe, nobody's kid will be kidnapped again,
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parental now together. that feeling that way forward into the new reality the. ready news this is al jazeera, ah mccloud, vis is in your life and coming up for the next 60 minutes. an emotional appeal from the you and mel, nurse children, fill up hospitals across africa and stuff. if there was no life at the end. at the end of the tunnel we will not be here.


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