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tv   [untitled]    September 22, 2021 12:00am-12:31am AST

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you for every one. ah, ah, this is al jazeera. ah, hello, i'm barbara sarah. this is the al jazeera news, our live from london. thank you for joining us. coming up in the next 60 minutes. i'm here to sound the alarm. a call to action at the un general assembly with a warning, the world must wake up to the triple threat of climate change conflicts and the corona virus. thousands of haitian migrants face deportation from the us without
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the opportunity to seek asylum. the un says that might violate international law. law continues to flow from the volcano and spain on the island, engulfing everything in its path. and the failed coo in sudan more than 20 people are arrested, including senior members of the military. uninstall manchester city have eased through to round for the english lea camp. the defending champion is advancing thanks to a $61.00 when of a whitcomb wonders ah . the warnings about corona virus, climate change and conflict have set the tone on the 1st day of quino speeches. at the you in general assembly, more than a 100 world leaders are appearing in person after most the state away last year,
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due to the pandemic and the world's response to over 19. it was a key point for secretary general and tony good parish. he criticized wealthier nations for the obscenity of letting poor nations struggle for source vaccines. us president joe biden spoke of a decisive decade pledging to increase funding to fight climate change. but he steered clear stokeland tensions with china saying he was not seeking a new cold war when. meanwhile, china's leaders, you're paying and didn't address the u. s. head on them. but the key message from his speech was the disputes between countries should be handled through dialogue and cooperation. the strongest words of the day though, came from the se secretary general himself, our diplomatic editor james bay's report from the us. please think you'll see. this is gathering of world leaders started on a some, but note the un secretary general highlighting the growing less to global problems
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. covey 19 the climate crisis and conflicts. all of them. he said, getting worse. i'm here to songs the alarm. the world must wake up. we are on the hedge of an obese and moving in the wrong direction. our world has never been more threatened, or more divided. we faced the greatest cascade of christ in our lifetimes. this was the 1st un general assembly, attended by president joe biden speaking just weeks after the taliban, and take over and cobble a war that in effect led to a u. s. defeat. he laid out his strategy on future u. s. military involvement to u. s. military power must be our tool of last resort, not our 1st should not be used as an answer to every problem we see around the world. we've ended 20 years of conflict and have gas than and as we close this
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period of relentless war, we're opening a new air of lenders, diplomacy of using the power of our development aid to invest in new ways and lifting people up around the world. as he spoke, there was just one mid level french diplomat listening france incense, while straight is decision to buy nuclear submarine technology from the u. s. and the u. k. after his speech biden met with australia's prime minister scott morrison saying the u. s. had no closer or more reliable ally in his speech, president biden didn't speak much about the way forward in afghanistan on wednesday, the foreign ministers of the g 20 group of countries, and then the 5 permanent members of the security council. therefore, ministers will discuss how to deal with the taliban. the reality though is the international community has very limited leverage on the new rulers in cobble, james space al jazeera at the united nations were joined now by mike hello,
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who is at the united nations force. and mike, all eyes were on how the chinese president would react to that controversial security packed. we heard about a few days ago between australia the you can the us, i guess by all accounts his response was quite measured. it was indeed one could describe it as highly restrained given the comments that has come out of china in the wake of that alliance, basically words use like cold war ideology, a return to the past. yet the chinese president stayed clear of any direct criticism of the united states and its allies. but he did make clear that the way to get resolution is through dialogue. this is what the chinese president had to say. go, you go up differences and problems among countries. hotly, avoidable need to be handle through dialogue and corporation. on the basis of
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equality and mutual respect, one countries assess does not have to mean another country's failure and well is big enough to accommodate common development and progress of all countries. we need to pursue dialogue and inclusiveness over confrontation and an exclusion. well, you heard there that president biden met to the australian prime minister off his speech. and in the course of this afternoon, the president has gone back to d. c. where he'll be meeting the british prime minister. these are the 2 allies in that very controversial alliance. that was announced in recent weeks, but criticism of it continues, particularly from france and from its european allies. they continue into inserts that the u. s. is operating on a unilateral basis, cutting out of the loop. its traditional allies like the e,
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u and nato. something that president biden in his speech attempted to push back on yet also this week president biden's going to be meeting with the quad yet another alliance that the nato and the you would see as a unilateral operation at the time the quote will be meeting face to face, so while president biden continues to push back against criticism of unilateral action in terms of forging the alkalis alliance. at the same time, it appears that he's pressing ahead with what appears to be a new and critic say, somewhat unilateral global strategy. my can with the latest from the un, mike, thank you. coming out for on the al jazeera news, our u. k. police charge a 3rd russian with the attempted murder of a former spy on british soil 3 years ago. $300000000000.00 in that. now there are fears of another financial crisis if
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a chinese property from collapses bush question for one of your new boys. almost mrs. is 1st big appointment at golf friday. ah, the united nations says the policy of the united states to the port haitians crossing the border from mexico could be against international law. this comes as the white house has criticized border guards for using horse rains as whips to threaten people from haiti seeking refuge in the united states. out there. a footage shows mounted agents charging refugees and migrants near a camp on the border. also reports of officer is striking, one person's face with a rope. practical hand is more now from washington d. c. there is growing outrage to video captured by al jazeera and the texas border
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that showed border agents on horseback using their animals and the rains to try and force back haitian migrants who had crossed the river in search of food and water, while thousands remained stuck under a bridge in texas, now it did come up at a senate hearing with the secretary of homeland security. he said, you found the video appalling. so there is an investigation promise that supervisors have been sent to the site to basically make sure nothing like that happens again. but they're still promising to deport the thousands of patients. what they're doing now is they're loading them on planes and sending them to different processing centers, and then they will send them back to haiti. the secretary says that should be done within the next 10 days. the biden administration is continuing a process set up under the trump administration, which says, because of the pandemic, they can simply deport people right away without even giving them a chance to ask for asylum. there has been political pressure from the president's own party, but his administration doesn't appear that it's going to change course. and if it does, it will likely come much too late for the thousands of patients. on the texas border
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. lizzy heard thousands of ations who crossed the mexican border into the united states are being sent back home. many of them had been staying at a makeshift camp at a texas border town, where conditions are said to be going from bad to worse. as john holmes reports now from aconia, many are crossing back temporarily on to the mexican side to avoid deportation. inside the mate ship camper more than a 1000 people, mostly haitians in the rio texas. they crossed the river illegally and we're hoping the u. s. would let them stay most of the shelters, it just blanket plastic and even river. it's propped up by sticks together with a lot of rubbish, but little water or food. someone inside the count film, these images for us, us authorities of largely blocked the media from seeing it. and now they are entering the place. irregular migration poses
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a significant threat to the health and welfare of the welfare of border communities and to the lives of the migrant themselves and should not be attempted. if you come to the united states illegally, you will be returned daily flights of taking off from the us, sending people back to haiti to avoid deputation. some people like vicky, have crossed back into mexico. we found them in a park with these 20 month old son, adams, but he still hasn't given up on his drink. i'm 30 years old, and i don't know how many years i have left before i die. but my dream is to enter the us. if i cross today and they send me back to haiti, i'll try it again. welcome and asked him why was already talking about dying. he told me he'd been deeply traumatized by parts of the 5000 kilometer journey. get this for me to help him, lawyer. many people died in the jungle. you could be waiting through the water,
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and the river would take you away. a pregnant woman hungry people who couldn't walk and died in the forest. i saw many things. and these images haunt me. most stations we talked to had similar stories. and now mexico isn't a safe haven, eva. authorities rounding up migrants here aiding the u. s. f. in essence, the now trapped, i guess it was. here we are prisoners. nobody knows what to do. some people have decided to go to haiti, but if they arrive like this with nothing, it's going to be very tough with the poverty, the crime, they'll just get even poor. so instead, june was hoping for the best had him back to the us in the camp of getting nappies and milk for his son. we left him as he waded into the river, crossing between 2 countries, neither of which was him. john holman, al jazeera, aconia, mexico. joining us now by skype from san antonio,
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texas is nicole morgan. she's a lawyer with the refugee and everything center for education and legal services, which provides free legal services for vulnerable immigrant families. madam, thank you so much for being with us on al jazeera. i mean, i guess before we get into the legal details of this, what was your initial reaction when you saw those very shocking images. all of these guards on, on, mounted on horseback, effectively whipping the immigrants that were trying to cross i was horrified, it harkins back to a very dark time in american history during slavery, in terms of slave patrols, as well as a quick plan using horseback and things like that to terrorize black people. and the fact that during that time it was also state sponsored government sanctioned terrorism. and the fact that in 20 and 2021 that this type of behavior is still
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going on, oppressive behavior and disheartening and devastating. do you get the sense that this is a con? don't you know that this is perhaps a one off, or are we seeing more of this, especially and now with the latest case, perhaps of thousands of ations tried to cross the mexican border into the us. no, i don't believe this is a one off. i believe that this was the 1st time it was caught on tape. the fact is that black immigrants suffer brutality m. s. treatment by c p p, and ice all the time. it's the 1st time they've had to attract it because it's on teeth and that the world has now seen it. but no, i don't believe this is the one off. it's a systemic problem, that the buyer and ministration needs to take a hold of incorrect. i mean, you mentioned the bite and ministration, rightly or wrongly, perhaps people might have been less surprised if they've seen these images during the trump administration president drunk, but the time was always very strong against the immigration, is certainly what he deemed a illegal immigration again were you surprised to see this under the buys in
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administration, or do you think that actually things haven't changed that much? i was shocked by this continuing under the, by the ministration because they made promises on the campaign trail. they promised fair and humane treatment for migrant and then once an office, they reneged on their promises. it is shocking for them to talk about bringing back the banner of american values and showing the world who we really are and then continuing the barbaric mistreatment of migrants who legally have the right to come to america to ask for asylum in other deportation. at least that can only be gotten if they're on american soil and to deprive them of that goes against our american values. something that they promise to uphold the issue of immigration into the us is huge. i suppose. right now we're looking specifically at the situation in haiti, you know, people that have suffered 1st devastating earthquake and then you know,
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mud slides. i mean, a obviously has been particularly difficult time. now the question is whether this behavior is actually illegal, the you and says that the porting haitians right now could go against the international law. but even a federal judge in washington, d. c. has said that this was potentially legal for legally speaking. where does the bible ministration stand? so legally speaking, the divide administration has decided that in order to negate our laws, they are prohibiting people from entering into our country. right? because like i said before, in order to apply for asylum in the united states and other deportation relief, you must be on american soil including t p. s. so they're preventing people from actually accessing the very m, a migrant immigration protection that it put in our log. and it told the world that we will protect people who are being persecuted for their
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relief, their gender, their real, you know, their religion, their political opinion, and then we turn them away because we don't want them to actually access it. i do believe it's the legal using t $42.00, which is the cdc guidelines that had nothing to fight with. forgive me for interrupting just to clarify for our international audience, because a lot of them will not necessarily know the ins and outs of the american legal system. will you call the p 42? that's title 42, and that is the key issue that are federal judging. washington said might be used in any legal matter, so just explain to us please, what kinds of 40 to actually years. okay, so title $242.00 is a guideline by the cdc that talks about keeping out immigrants that have a rare or novel disease that is not in the united states. right. and so it is to prevent a novel disease from coming into the united states. but it does not have the impact
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of law. it is not immigration policy. it is a health policy. what code it is not a novel disease that is not in the united states. it was already heap. and they're using this provision within the cdc to deny people their right to enter to ask for science. they're not testing to see whether or not the people are positive. they're not giving the, or issuing giving them the vaccine. they're just looking at them, declaring them to be having a novel disease to deport them to negate our immigration system, to deprive them of the opportunity to apply for asylum, which under our law they have the right to do once they get on our, for the immigration issue in the states like in a lot of other places, very divisive, often very partisan as well. a view. what do you make of the reaction across the country to again, these white shocking images that we've seen?
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do you think people have noticed enough? i hope so, that is our hope in the immigration just as movement because this is not a one off there. so systematic abuses within the immigration process from the time immigrants encounter the government and enough is enough. and in order for us to get the, the humane and fair treatment, we believe all people deserve. there has to be reform. there has to be an outcry from the american people saying, this is not who we are. these are not our values. people who are seeking refuge can get refuge here. and that needs to be, but the american people take away from this. this is not new. this is not a one off. this is what happens to people every day who are running for their lives, trying to get freedom from the united states. nicole morgan, that lawyer with the refugee and immigrant center for education and legal services . speaking to us from san antonio in texas. madam,
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thank you for sharing of use with us. thank you so much for having me. authorities in sudan have blamed the members of the military loyal to the former president for a foil, the coo, 21 officers, and a number of soldiers are being questioned after an attempt to gain control of government institutions including state tv. it's the latest threat to the countries tentative moves towards the moxy hebrew morgan reports now from her to them and to dance capital her to a nearby city of man. tuesday morning started with reports of intense military activity and closure of bridges across the river. and according to government media, group losses were trying to take over the state media building. the military set measures were taken to contain the situation. the use of the attempted school 1st broke on faith media, the thought to reassure the public. how does it collab the failed?
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coo attempt clearly indicates that it's necessary to reform the military and security apparatus it colson, all out. reconsideration of the transition process and the necessity to forge a partnership based on the values and principles of the revolution would towards a civil democratic transition only to dance military senior army officials were behind the coup attempt and 21 of them. and the number of soldiers from the army corps were arrested and would be interrogated. hours later traffic appeared to be flowing smoothly in central, hard to, including around army headquarters that officials, they had been targeted by the plotters who dan has been unafraid. elpac to democrat, a cruel, and it's long time ruler. i'm going to be. she was removed from power by the military, april 2019. following 4 months of protests, the country is now ruled by a joint civilian and military governments. both sides of the transitional government have reiterated that the power sharing deal is the unique model and
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provide the best way for them to transition to democracy. but it hasn't been free from tension between them. well, let's go farseason runing coalition. he was the military of holding too much power, and the military has repeatedly hinted that their civil income was the reason to dance economy. growth has been slow. some analysts say the whole government is to blame for jesus events. it doesn't seem that this is a government because there aren't any thinking to put together a law for elections, a law for them, because the census has to be done mentoring for it to be designed. so a see that even the public is now very few years. the transition authorities say the attempt is not the 1st challenge that they're faced and foiled or detected linked to fractions, learned to be here. and as a sense of insecurity information,
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already facing high inflation and shortages of goods and services, he will morgan onto the ra cartoon. more people have been forced to evacuate their homes after a volcanic eruption on one of spain's canary islands on sunday. authorities say the neighbourhood of the can down to is the latest in the path of flowing lava. more than 160 homes on the left, alma has been destroyed. this is the 1st time the volcano has rusted in 50 years. so i fear of being urged to stay away from the area. well, nicholas hark is live for us in la palm mon, nick. i was going to ask you how things were going there, but i can see it right behind you that the volcano is still a rough thing. that's right, i mean quite a spectacle right behind us. and in fact, behind the camera, there's people who have gathered in this eerie. com, watching what we're seeing behind us. it's a scary spectacle. in fact,
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because what we're seeing is essentially liquid mac ma rising up in the air 20 to 30 meters up into the air. and then right below it you see to tears forming. and that's what scientists and people authorities here are, are looking at. because be on this is of course this lava that's flowing slowly, but surely into the ocean a lot that's at the temperature of a 1000 degrees celsius. and what scientists are worried of, or the authority here are worried of as the point of impact when this will land onto the ocean. what will happen in explosion? we know that there will be some sort of chemical release that will happen already since this reduction that happened on sunday. there's been 60029000 tons of sulfur dioxide released into the air and we were just there lowered down to as close as we could get in till the spanish authority stopped us. and you can really
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sense the air really filled with this ash, essentially this ashes made of these tiny small, jagged pieces of rock from the volcano when, when you inhale them, we can just choke you in the thirty's here are trying to really to, to secure the area no there's, there's this secured several, or they're evacuated, several people around the area and some of them that are under the state authorities. we've met people who are sleeping rough sleeping in their cars, watching what's unfolding and unfortunate watching their being destroyed by this by this what we're seeing right now. i mean, this hasn't happened in 2 generations, and it has really caught people here by surprise. it was expected, but many people didn't expect that it was going to happen in their lifetime. barbara does look after the extraordinary and nicholas you, you mentioned that state officials are on the island offering their support. and i
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guess, trying to help the many, many people who are now homeless, but faced with the power all the volcano of the option doesn't mean realistically, what can they do is their plan. i mean, this is what's so interesting. i mean, the scene is a very resourceful country, and yet faith with this, well, they are not sure what to do. they're trying to evacuate people to let the lava flow and try to manage the population, but they can't manage what's happening right behind us. and it's a reminder of the strength of nature that it's facing, humanity. and when we talk to people here, i mean we spoke to one lady who was sleeping rough and who was saying like, i'm going to stay here until until this erection stopped to see what has come about to our homes. we've seen today the minister of interior visiting from madrid, coming here,
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visiting those boards to be able to have been deployed to help the population. here the, the queen of spain is expected in today's to come and the one after the other officials are coming. but the reality is beyond the show of people coming and shaking hands, there's little that can be done. no one knows how long this erection will. then one knows how much mag my there is in the mental. this is the, the part that just underneath the surface of the earth, how much memory is being pushed out. and so, you know, there's been media from across the world that has come descending on this place because also scientists who are observing and see what happens. the fear is, is that if this continues that, that could cause some sort of landslide and following that, there's the issue of whether or not there will be some sort of wave effect a to know me and some trying to say that it's not a question of if it's a question of when the size of that, and i mean no one really knows for now,
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and that's what's so interesting and what we're seeing right now. there's so little that science know about this full change. in fact, this island is usually used to observe the sky and what's happening up above. and last week we saw people flying up in space, but people know very little or scientists know very little of what's happening beneath the surface of the earth. and this event is really resonating because it's allowing this curiosity not just from on lookers, but also from scientists of what lies below the surface of the earth. and what could happen if there are more explosions like this. now this, during the, the course of this time as, as since sunday, since that explosion has it, since the reception has happened, we've seen the, the land, the surface of the earth in this area. in fact go up a few centimeters. it's, it's the magma underneath the surface of yours is actually pushing the, this part of the island up. and that's because this part of the island is
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a 120000 years old. and it's still considered as a younger part of land. and it's still growing. the question is how long will grow and when will this corruption end? at barbara nicholas, you were mentioned there, the curiosity of onlookers. i have to say it's absolutely mesmerized and just watching it behind you and terrifying as well. just give us a sense of how far you are from the volcano and the kind of distance that he's making sure that people safe from it. especially as, as you said a couple of times, it's just a very unpredictable eruption. absolutely unpredictable. and so that's why it's a moving situation and we've seen the court and move are moving slowly, but surely away from, from this area. i mean, we're not very far from here. i mean, we're a few kilometers off, but i tell you what barbara has really surprised me. is the sound of this volcano.
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these allowed russians this regular russian, that is tonight, keeping many people awake. many people are still hold up in their homes. unwilling to, to leave their homes despite the fear or the sense that this could destroy their home . and so there's a sound, there's a sense of unknown of what is going to happen next. but there's still this all about about what's happening behind us. this is volcano that remain silent for almost 50 years that has now decided to make itself heard. and, and now we can see that both authority, scientists and people living here are observing what's happening behind us quite closely. barbara, the word all that you use best think is one nicholas hard with the latest from the problem. a few kilometers away from that volcano. nicholas space. thanks. thank you . so for come on al jazeera, this news our, the.


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