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tv   [untitled]    September 22, 2021 4:00am-4:30am AST

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us is always of interest to people around the world. people pay attention to this on here and it's very good that bringing the news to the world from here. ah, hello, i'm down. jordan, with a quick reminder of the top stories here on out to 0 heads of states around the world are addressing the un general assembly in new york among them the us president joe biden delivering his 1st speech to the global body or diplomatic editor james base report leads that you'll see. this is gathering of world leaders started on a some, but note the un secretary general highlighting the growing list of global problems . coven 19 the climate crisis, and conflicts. all of them, he said, getting worse. i'm here to songs the alarm. the world must
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wake up. we are on the hedge of an obese and moving in the wrong direction. oh, well, there's never been more threatened or more divided. we faced the great this cascade of crisis in our lifetimes. this was the 1st un general assembly, attended by president joe biden speaking just weeks after the taliban takeover and cobble a war that, in effect, led to a u. s. defeat. he laid out his strategy on future u. s. military involvement. right? u. s. military power must be our tool of last resort, not our 1st, that should not be used as an answer to every problem we see around the world. we've ended 20 years of conflict gas than and as we close this period of relentless war, we're opening a new air of letters, diplomacy,
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of using the power of our development aid to invest in new ways, lifting people up around the world. as he spoke, there was just one mid level french diplomat listening france incense while straight his decision to buy nuclear submarine technology from the u. s. and the u . k. after his speech biden met with australia's prime minister scott morrison saying the u. s. had no closer or more reliable ally in his speech, president biden didn't speak much about the way forward in afghanistan on wednesday, the foreign ministers of the g 20 group of countries, and then the 5 permanent members of the security council. therefore, ministers will discuss how to deal with the taliban. the reality though is the international community has very limited leverage on the new rulers in cobble james base al jazeera at the united nations. meanwhile, the taliban has asked to address, we're lead is that the un general assembly this week though? hot base spokesman, the hell shaheen has been named as the african i'm baffled to the us. the invoice
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seat is contested by google and i saw a representative of a gallons down government out of last month. a committee will decide who to accept that condemnation after a video of us border patrol agents on horseback, aggressively pushing back to margaret's went viral. un says the white house policy of supporting haitian could be a violation of international law. so downs governing sovereign council says, foil the crew attempt. it says 20 officers and the number of soldiers have been arrested. not being questioned. they tried to take control of several government buildings, including state t, v, and radio. the european court of human rights as rule that russia is responsible for the 2006 killing of alexander and ben young code. it was a former russian spy who defect to britain. he died after being poisoned with polonium 210 red radioactive substance. russia has always denied involvement. police in the u. k. say that charging a 3rd russian suspect in connection with a nerve agent attack on another former russian agent in england for my spice script
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and his daughter eula were targeted in the city of sol rates in 2018. more people have been forced from their homes after a new volcanic vent blew open on one of spain, canary rivers of lava and flying across lapel since interruption on sunday morning . 190 homes have been destroyed. residents face threats from toxic gases. volcanic ash, earthquakes and rain candidates prime minister says he is ready to cooperate with his political opponents after fighting to win an outright majority in monday, not election. just intruder has been rejected for a 3rd term, but provisional result say he's fallen 12 feet short of a majority. those are the headlines and he's continuous here on 20 off the account that you that's watching by for the me.
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ah the smallest street north of jerusalem. me today it's derelict and offend. but for years columbia red port was the gateway to palestine. ah, on the morning of the 17th of september, 1948, a fighter plane carrying un and red cross markings landed here with the 1st arab israeli war, already raging across palestine. the un mediator count font kept my daughter had come to do if i
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choose that same afternoon. as it passed through the israeli controlled part of the city. his convoy was ambushed, one jeep blocked the way, and 3 guys with machine guns came out to other went up to the 1st cor. 3rd one went directly to the 3rd shot through the window. by 5 pm, trump, bernard, was dead. ah. the assassination was carried out by an extremist desire. lackey, fighters for the freedom of israel. i don't think anybody in
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israel shed a tear about them or the turn to be and then the state of israel and of design streams. yes, only 3 years earlier, bernard arts had made another flying into nazi germany on the biggest humanitarian efforts of world war 2 key would save more than 30000 prisoners from the concentration camps. the 3rd of june, the adult was not an enemy of the jews, and there is nothing to suggest anti semitism in his entire record. this is the story of how peace can be frustrated by extreme
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cow assassination can turn the tide of history with consequences. but still the middle east with this is the story of killing the crew. the villa diesel in the french would be the winter home of camp. bob hill. youngest son of count fulton ah, loves this place where his father and mother 1st met in the late 1920 the the,
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the era was and still is a favorite holidays estimate from the rich and titled, and royal families from around the world. in the winter of 1928 can go stuff. the king of sweden was spending his holiday. but at the back of his mind, he had a widely nephew for no dogs. his uncle was the king and them he was every year down here on the bridge. and he had met what he thought a very nice american family that had a young daughter. my father was by that time over 30 and i think his uncle felt it was time that all got married. so he sent for him and they were put together and my mother told me it was a big success from the beginning. and it became like positive boston sometime
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and proposed to me that's how it started. ah, in the autumn of that year, folk across the atlantic in the company of friends and relatives from sweden's royal family. ah, this was big news in america. the 1st wedding of european royalty on american soil . ah ah, in poker ben adults, a destiny man. when merited on the 1st of december 1928 unpleasant new york.
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1500 guests attended the wedding party on the private estate of astellas, a millionaire american industrialist. ah. the holder of the bride home with reading and quite a few of his friends came over the editor re print stuff, although he was there and some of his brothers was at the wedding and other friends . i thought of it, and of course not to the american wedding party after the wedding, as stone, sailed to europe with funky to live with her new husband in the swedish capital stock home. ah, this was the world that forged a talent for mediation,
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a talent which would take him to the center of world politics in the same city almost 34 years. count photo burn adults of these 4 had been born 2 days into the new year of 18. 95, his father, prince oscar, that an adult was the son of king oscar. the 2nd king of sweden and norway, ah, at school in stockholm focus showed himself to be practice rather than intellectual . a gifted linguist, he spoke fluent english, french, and german. it was a talent he would put to good use in later life. i in 1918. he graduated from the military academy of calvo,
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a skilled horseman. he rose to the rank of major india elite dragoon cavalry unit. me, but not long after his marriage, he was forced to resign his commission on medical grounds. ah, shortly after, when the boots were absorbed in the swedish army, banner dodge decided to rent the dragoon garden is units form a headquarters a spell. the millionaires daughter transformed this military office into a luxurious home fit for a prince. oh but in 1934 family life that dragoon garden was struck by tragedy
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couples. 3rd son, frederick died shortly after his birth. 2 years later, the eldest son, gustav died. he was just 6 years old. ah, after the last 2 of his son's camp, an adult decided to see can you goal in life in 1937. he became the head of the swedish scout. you had to use it is to guide your life. the 1st was we have not come to this world to be happy ourselves,
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but to make other people happy. i thought i would stop and the 2nd one was, what is possible is already done, the impossible has been done. my good causes became the new focus of been adults life, god know about oh the yeah. yes. the utopian world, erna dobbs, and sweden were living in was about to end. the, on the 1st of september, 1939. the 2nd world war began when german troops invaded poland
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the following year, hitler turned to sweden. ah, by the summer of 1940 the nazis had occupied. both norway and benmark, king of sweden incredibly active at the age of 70. 1, attended the reason maneuvers held by his army. swedish forces were put on alert. freedom threatened by the nazis and the russians looks the defensive. mm. soon bernard was mobilized. aah!
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and with his country in fear of invasion, he began working to integrate the scouts into sweden's defense plan, training them in anti aircraft web, and us medical assistance. but sweden's defenses would not be put to the testers. jelly did not invade sweden for at least 2 reasons. sweden was not of very strategical importance . the 2nd reason is that sweden was quite willing to supply the german armaments industry with the necessary raw material. i am in particular and sweden, everything. the 1st part of the thing was leaning towards the not to be even allowed german navy to cross swedish water the
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allowance of german airplanes to violate the space so efficiently there were neutral meaning to with germany. and that was easy for the agenda. i mean, they got almost everything. they weren't the. but during 1943, the tide of war would change dramatically. the seemingly invincible nazi germany now found itself losing on several from ah, the allies had been victorious in north africa and had landed invasion forces in southern italy the me on the eastern front. the red army had begun the huge counter attack. the pushing german troops by west
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from 943 onward. the soon as the swedish government sent are recognized that germany is going to lose the increasing lean towards the allies. so change in the switch attitude. the in october 1943. the swedish red cross by now under the energetic command of folk dot, organized a prisoner of war exchange between the western allies and nazi germany at the swedish port of gothenburg. ah, a year later, similar intervention brought the central prisoners re penetrated to over $10000.00
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on the way home at hotmail tanks. and you were just waiting for the vital played by that country in the organization of the good news. folk had been adult, had successfully established sweden's role as an intermediate demo. but in germany, there were other prisoners in even greater need on the swedish count skills as a mediator allied naval forces supported by wrong air forces. we got a lot of big allied armies. this morning on the northern coast of the the as allied troops pushed towards berlin from east to west. they began to encounter concentration camps,
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o and tens of thousands of prisoners living and dying in desperate conditions. mm. of january 1945. so the troops entered the largest center of the nazi industrial killing machine. me rumors were circulating, the hitler had given orders to heinrich kimbler, the commander of s. s. troops. for the liquidation of concentration, camping nights. there was to be no evidence left behind. no prisoners to tell the tale. quick and decisive action was needed
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through 6 years of neutrality during world war 2, sweden had remained a country at peace. unlike its neighbors, norway and denmark. nothing has been able to stop the danish sabbath does look continually blowing up factor buildings. darting 5 d reading trains and those court resisting the nazi occupation had been removed to concentration camps in germany in the resisting ideology of national socialism. they were a reason, as long as they were not jewish people who had been put to germany into concentration camps out of political reason. because they resisted in norway or in denmark. they were a re, in the eyes of the us and they were ok. many of them were able to understand and to
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talk german, which made them more human to the s s, because they could talk to them, they could give them order. they were understood exploiting this special status and her daughter and the swedish red cross had already managed to get more than $70000.00 parcels food and clothing to scandinavian inmates in nazi camps. the danish government had lists of the prisoners that had been brought to german concentration camps. the list was a privilege because people in denmark knew where who was in which concentration came. and this meant that the relatives knew where their loved ones were, and that the government was able to send packages, red cross packages with food and with clothing to people. personally, if you sent packages to a concentration camp without
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a special name on it, dss just took them and never gave it to the prisoners. but when the official packages from the red cross came, vss gave them to the prisoners and that made danged prisoners. they had more to eat and they had a better situation. by february 1945, all privileged treatment had been overtaken by the threat of total liquidation. as the situation in the camps deteriorated, the swedish government stepped in. those identified as scandinavian in chinese, in german concentration camps, were to be rescued by a swedish red cross expedition. ah champ salt kit. no dance was the man who would leave the ah,
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the relations between sweden and germany had by historical memories been very good before the war. then i think actually that the worst i impressed of a member of the king's family to take on this work. i think there must have been the, the men bene, dot would have to impress was finally him the commander of the ss than the torrijos power. military defense falls, a leading member of the nazi party. he had reasons become minister of the interior . and by now the 2nd most powerful man in germany, hitler's orders. it was him who had set up the concentration camps, controlling them through his s s troops. this was the man with whom bernard dart would have to negotiate to secure the prisoners release. but how to
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reach him. that was the crucial question. felix cast and was him less personal mess. the baltic german physician. he lived in stockholm, but travelled regularly to germany to treat him was chronic, abdominal cramps, phoenix, cason, acted as a kind of intermediary between then ordered him. and as soon as ben dot offered, you know, this kind of neil him a sense that this might be a chance that only to rescue him to save him as a person against revenge of course, but also maintain and even increase his power. he still had power. you have the power over the lives of the prisoners test and gave a green light to stock home. himmler had agreed that sweden could send an invoice
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to germany. on the 16th of february, in 1945, ben adults embarked on one of the most courageous humanitarian efforts in history. estelle accompanied her husband to stock holmes brum airport. as count folk had been adults boarded and german aeroplane to berlin, it was a journey into the situation was desperate from the point of view, the german road unit. from the point of view of the nazis course, ben adults wanted to take advantage of this. and to pressurized the not to lead to concede the relief of some prisoners.
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but to achieve this, been adult would have to take a crucial step ah, negotiating face to face with him. the man who controlled germany's concentration now. ready too often of kindness, diane is portrayed through the prism of war. but there were many thanks to the brave individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction . an extraordinary film, archives funding for decades reveals the forgotten truth of the country's modern history. the forbidden real part to the communist revolution on a janita. the natures news as it breaks. the big concern is that my suits force is
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coming round on the mountain ridges. trying to surround this area in order to isolate school with detail coverage, real power, fill live and the how much sick he takes all the major strategic decision from around the world. the water rose so quickly at this new jersey apartment complex. it caught many people off guard. how many nukes there's too many new america have in many ways driven the arms race parties are much more like the british parties. now, there are fewer regulation to own a tiger than there are a tone dog. how can this be happening? we take on us politics and society, and that's the bottom line. i've worked out their existence, it's launch as a principal presenter. and as a correspondence with any breaking news story, we want to hear from those people who would normally not heard on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud of was when we covered the napoleon
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wake of 2015, a terrible natural disaster. and the story that needs to be told from the hall of the affected area to be there to tell the people story was very important at the time. me hello, i'm down zone in doha. the quick reminder, the top stories here on our era heads of state from around the world are addressing the un general assembly in new york. keynote speech is warned about the current of iris pandemic. afghanistan and climate change among them. the us president joe biden delivering his 1st speech to the global body. we've ended 20 years of conflict gas then and as we close.


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