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tv   [untitled]    September 23, 2021 9:30am-10:01am AST

9:30 am
from parts of them and increasingly migrant farm workers of victims of vicious beatings. jo reed asked, lamb is helping the pakistani community to find a voice. the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live them undocumented and under attack, this is europe on al jazeera oh puts off killing the counts is coming up, but for us to check on their headlines and the united states will donate half a 1000000 more doses of the find the vaccine to developing nations job in making that pledge a virtual covet 900 summits on the sidelines of the un general assembly. united states is vine, another half 1000000000 doses of pfizer to donate to low and middle income countries around the world. this is another half 1000000000 doses that will all be
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shipped by this time next year. and brings our total commitment to a donation of donated vaccines over $1100000000.00 vaccines to be donated. put another way for every one shot we've administered to dayton america. we have now committed to do 3 shots to the rest of the world. us regulators have also approved booster shots of the finds the vaccine people over the age of 65 and other high risk individuals will be eligible for 3rd job. but booster, which can be administered 6 months after the initial 2 dose course. gotta headlines, and the taliban spinning for quick united nations recognition the new rules of afghanistan, the group appointed a new envoy to the u. n. and requested to be allowed to speak at the general assembly. that's how i'm feeling with escalating, humanitarian and economic crises since taking over last month. france will send its ambassador back to the united states after president emanuel macro,
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and spoke to joe biden to come and diplomatic dispute. in a phone call by an in micron agreed, france should have been consulted about a security packed. the years is formed with britain, a straight up under the new alliance. australia will turn its back on a french submarine deal in favor of american nuclear power subs biden. and micro plan to make in october, the u. s. says it will be providing more than 330000000 dollars in age to venezuelans. announcement was made shortly after president nicholas maduro demanded sanctions be lifted. and the tennessee and president sites declared he will rule by decree and ignore parts of the constitution. the new measures go beyond steps he took in july, and 6000 people have left their homes. the volcano continues to erupt on one of the canary islands massive flow of lava. continuing to make its way across the island of palmer to the headlines once again. kim vino with you in half an hour's time and
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i'll see you again tomorrow from over $300.00. gmc this in revenue. brook germany 900 kilometers north of ireland. the. com i o. yes, this name is synonymous with one of the most notorious. not supposed to trace and specially built to house women and children. ah, by 945. over 130000 female prison passed through revenues. i punish women were the largest group incarcerated.
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many of them i, more than 90000, died in robins, of 70 percent of those sent to this day, the deserted houses of the ss gods, remain homes of offices under the command of one of the most feared and powerful men in germany. heinrich himmler, the man with whom count folk are bernard arch, would have to negotiate to secure the release of scandinavian prisoners. on the one hand, ben, a dutch wanted to save as many prisoners as, as possible. on the other hand, negotiating with the leading nazi i came to some extent
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implied recognizing it as a kind of partner. so it's a dilemma if you catch trying to to trace. but for bernard arch, there was no choice on the 19th of february, 19453 days after his arrival in germany, he was taken up and then a sanatorium at home mission, not far from revenue broke. he was brought here to meet himmler that his filler in the sanitarium grounds at the negotiating table. similar, flatly rejected, burned adults proposal for the release of all scandinavian prisoners. but bernard dod achieves one major concession that norwegian and danish inmates
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should be moved to a camp where the swedish red cross would be able to support them. the camp was called night and gamma 9 gamma was the camp which was nearest the danish border. so he hoped that time of the similar with whom he was negotiating would say, okay, take all the scandinavian prisoners back home. and then he wanted to be as near to the danish border as he could. and this was why they chose 9 government as a place. the 3 days after meeting him not been adopt was back in sweden, working hard to assemble a rescue expedition. ah,
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the 300 volunteers were quickly identified offices and soldiers from the swedish army with red cross doctors and nurses among the adults. ah, the swedish transport vehicles were to be allowed in germany to collect scandinavian prisoners from other concentration camps and move them to new income. the allied forces by now in control of the skies over germany, were informed of the plan ah, their response. it gives a whole 10 pain, its name bernard up spoke to some commander of the allied forces and said, okay, we are doing the threat you action and please don't fumble. and then the soldier said, no, we can't guarantee you that. so it's better to take the bus white,
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or if we can see which buses belong to arrest you action. and so they decided on painting the buses. and they decided to put the swedish slack to painted on the roof so that the planes are, these are non german buses, but canadian bus ah, on march the 8th 1945, the 1st column of swedish buses, the white paint, the wet, ordered a fairy in the swedish court of moment. mm. 4 days later, the vanguard of the expedition reached the place, bernard dot had chosen as its headquarters in germany, friedrich through castle. the castle was owned by prince auto from
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bismark, grand son of germany's iron chancellor. his wife and marie tang boom, was swedish by name, whatever his 100 meter, amelia banner dot as williams presented limits. folk who, bernard del, my mother was friendly with the burner don family and especially with an adult who came here a lot to negotiate with the representative of the 3rd reich. when he did that bulk of an adult, always stayed here over night, or to be got on with my mother, or rather with my parents. very well. she said good pushed on from bismark, carpool home at free breakthrough was ideally placed close to the danish border. and just 20 kilometers from 9 gamma o
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device booster. here either 10 tyler, stella ducks, boat as you saw on board. and the white buses were headquartered in the zirrucks in foreign interior in friedreich's room and was sent out to various different areas of germany to pick up prisoners from the concentration camps off to noon and to try wherever possible, to take them back to scandinavian, avi, and simply in the 1st phase of the evacuation started on march, the 15th, the white buses divided into 2 platoons. around 40 ss and gustavo liaison officers were attached to the expedition the 1st platoon headed east to the temper sexton house and over 300 kilometers away.
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steve young musson, a swedish red cross volunteer, accompanied them as a motorcycle escort nearer the compton section, hosting this morning. so when we finally arrived and sucks on 1000 who combed the gates were open to. yeah. and a lot of norwegians came out in a fairly orderly way that normally would, i don't over the fester stage. and when they took the 1st steps more 3 years towards freedom, there were no play with that was an experience stood up lives. huge experience. 30 really
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the 2nd white bus, his platoon headed south to duck ho, shown belk and mount house. they took with them the details lists of danish and norwegian prisoners being held in nazi custody. the list helped the people from the rescue mission to know whom they searched in which camp. so they took the lists and went or drove until the concentration comes and they could read out. mister anderson, mister johnson and so on must be here. so we searched for him and he is to come to the bus and we take him with us. so it made it very easy in that part for the rescue action that the lists were there. but within 2 weeks, the white buses campaign had become a victim of its own success.
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by late march, more than 4500 danish and norwegian prisoners had been evacuated and brought to the noise democrat which was over capacity even before the 1st white bus arrived. mm. 9 gamma had been billed for 2500 prisoners. and at the end, shortly before the scandinavians were brought ya, there were 14000 prisoners. so the camp was totally crowded, and the people were dying because no one had an old bed and there was not enough to eat. and so on. the germans insisted that if the evacuation were to continue, the swedish buses would have to transfer 2000 inmates of noise gamma away to other
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attempts. on the 27th of march, the swedish yielded to the german demand the white buses designed to save scandinavian prisoners when now carrying hundreds of others to an unknown future. as far as we know, not many of them made it because they were so ill and dying that many, many of them died during the transports in this white buses to other concentration camps. and this was a problem for the scandinavian prisoners knowing that those people had been brought away in order to give them space. they hadn't asked for this. they were guilty but, but they felt they were guilty because they are better alive, was made. other people die.
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this terrible task completes the white buses could return to their job of collecting more scandinavian inmates from camps and prisons scattered across nazi germany. and by the beginning of april, 1945, some, 7000 danish and norwegians had been brought together in 9 gamma but the ultimate purpose was still to be achieved, getting all the scandinavian prisoners out of germany, and away to safety and sweden. oh, oh. once more count fulter been adults, the driving force behind the expedition returned to germany. the himmler
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agreed this time to the transfer of the sick and of all females stand to navient prisoners ah, by the 18th of a move and 1200 sick prisoners had arrived in sweden. ah i the following day, which is forces arrived at the river elbow. practically within sight of noise. i find now german control of the camp. right.
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through the rest of the the german soldiers who did i think most of them ran and hit. at that point, when the war was almost over, there was nothing they could do in the lead. what is called all. and it wasn't easy being a german soldier with that with no, not at all. if they were out on the streets, they would tear out with anything which marked them as being a german. the in the chaos now engulfing germany. evacuation of the camp became a matter of logistics rather than permission ah. danish passes, now joined, relieving exhausted swedish volunteers. ah, ah, by april, the 20th hitler loves birthday 4300 norwegians and danes had
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been rescued from noise gamma ah, most were brought to a reception center set up in a spot in the swedish city of ram. ah, today, this memorial beyond the waves in the grounds of the spar is dedicated to the efforts of the white buses expedition but the white bus volunteers were not finished. the bus driver who came from sweden and denmark, they told us that it was very cruel to see other people, other prisoners who were non scandinavians, standing there, seeing the white buses. seeing the red cross and laughing and yelling and thinking
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they would be rescued. now, because breakfast buses were arriving and then they had to say, no, sorry, we are only taking the scandinavian prisoners in. no dot wanted to try to save those. they had been forced to leave behind. the, the to return would mean facing a new danger. allied forces were attracting virtually anything that moved on german roads. on the 15th of april, the white buses left free drew on their most dangerous mission. yet a long trip south to theresienstadt in what is today the czech republic
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natalia, that is the we stayed overnight in that s and stuff and there were $400.00 juice. i think it was, let me families we were picking up there. so we entered there or are there not any other sol? and during the night while we slept at the they loaded up the buses. i think everything was ready and there was, there were some complaints. one baby carriage is what we had to throw them away. that i remember the ah, after a perilous return journey, they achieved what looked impossible just weeks earlier. in fact, you eating 424 danish jews. ah, that you didn't come 1st. misses effect is nothing to mix up because the situation
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was much would understand the situation. germany also under what conditions may could squeeze the ss and himmler done. all that good stuff saying, while i'm coming here to i want to to ask if you could do that. but after, while quite another job, whereas cute me, i been adults. next goal was robins broke and the release of french women held there with the advancing. so via tommy, just days away, himmler unexpectedly agreed to the evacuation of the entire camp. women of over 20 nationalities 3rd of all are, were make your palms corina. well there were many polish women
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notes about it pretty and among them there were 3 women that were awhile up to their pregnancies were well advanced. so the way and some of the fro got in to the someone asked the guards. it was how come there was so many pregnant women born and the chairman said that it was on the spirit and began to do his me. oh no. so we have this chief medical officer with those on hold on with his name. and he told the person in charge that one of them would probably become a mother during the night. a handed in over the over the or enough or do you know they the dome in those kind of a pair of bits. so they put it out a bus, which they called her albin. they figured it out like the maternity ward. and the 3
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women were kept in there with any one on one of them gave birth to a son that night i, in the closing days of april, the white buses transported some 10000 women to sweden. ah ah, at the end of the month with soviet troops battling their way into berlin. i don't
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fit life. can you see the war in europe had just a few days to run on may the 1st, the swedish white buses came home to melbourne. all except one volunteer vent. got rid of course to document that out of it so that it is done. if obviously that if you need don davidson, minnesota, we cannot transport it out. well, nobody got concert classrooms, negative thing. instead of editing that
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a was then you know another of me or add a button here or you, i ended up job a product and then you then change up out of that and then some new more another you me didn't leave a message. ok, after the germans surrender, the buses would return to bring another $10000.00 prisoners to sweden. the 1st 2000 lives saved by the white buses. at least 10000 would use me.
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in the months that followed count folk, abundant dot was honored by countries whose citizens had been saved by the campaign . jewish organizations were among the 1st to celebrate his achievement. banner doubts was now an international star. 3 years later, he was called on again. heading this time to the middle east, which had been plunged into war ah, quite plain with you in the red cross markings was carrying the brave camps. nephew
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of the swedish king organizer of the white classes campaigned on a mission that would seal his fate. the folk cabana adult was on his way to palestine and to his death of the hands of jewish military. i al jazeera recounts the shocking story of the assassination of counts full cabana dot a tossed by the security council to mediate between arabs and israelis. his death would prove one of the darkest days in the quest for peace in the middle east. ah,
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killing the count on algebra. ah . hello there. let's have a look at the weather across the middle east and live. and i mean, got low pressure across the black sea that's bring you some weather to turkey and georgia. some of that rain is trickling into lebanon and into iran, but it is launching hot and dry and settled for much of the region. the shema when have died down that blows down from iraq into the gulf states. so there is plenty of sunshine around with the temperatures down slightly in places like katasha. 7 though is going to see the temperature sit in the high thirties in the days to come . now it is feeling cooler on those coastal areas of oman, thanks to a breeze blowing in from the sea and in western areas of yemen. we are seeing one or 2 showers that join up with the heavy rains across a central parts of africa,
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the tropics, and seen some very torrential rains, which of course, flooding in places like south sudan, and more recently, uganda where we are going to see those storms intensify rolling across the democratic republic of congo. we could see more flooding from that. the rains are also expected to get rhonda heavy around the gulf of guinea. we could see flooding where they do rumble across towards the west, but further south it is looking finer and dryer, the temperatures down in cape town, but it'll pick back up in johannesburg with sunshine. ah, the lord more indians are going under the not to become tall. ah, when i want to investigate the length, some people are willing to go to reach new on al jazeera. i
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will just 0. when i come this must be unjust. and it also is immoral. the crisis of covert 19 vaccine inequality is the u. s. commit defending half a 1000000000 doses for and middle income countries. ah .


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