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tv   [untitled]    September 23, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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those who have been successful agree that it has been a helping hand from german friends who pointed them in the right direction. that estimate the difference step, fasten al jazeera. cyber can. the european commission is planning to impose a universal charge f brown's of mobile phones, tablets, and headphones, and legislative proposals presented on thursday details how they should be charges that works across devices and manufacturers move would likely affect i phone, make an apple the most to charge is a use exclusively for their products. ah, this is out there. are these your top stories? the us special envoy for hasty has resigned over what he calls the inhumane treatment of haitian migrants by the u. s. government. in a letter, a massive daniel foot says
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u. s. policy to deport thousands of haitian migrants and refugees is deeply flawed . can be hawk. it has the latest sort of the obvious hypocrisy is being pointed out with regard to the, by the ministrations immigration policy along the border. number one is that the haitians are being rounded up and set back to their country. well, others are being welcomed in some cases to the united states from central america. and of course, we just see that what are the biggest humanitarian air left out of afghanistan. so reporting or asking, what makes the haitians claims any different parallels are eerily similar. the fact that they are also fleeing failed state status types situations where there is corruption, there is economic oper, there is no economic opportunity. there's gross poverty, a lack of resources. the un secretary general antonia good terrorist, it's hosting a climate unsecured. c ministerial meeting is calling for well lead us to make
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a commitment to tackle climate change and take immediate action. millions of people across the us will soon receive the 3rd dose of 5 years cove at 19 vaccine. on wednesday us regulators approve booster shots, so people 65 and older those fundable to disease. so this in president case said has given himself extra powers, including rule by decree and says he will no longer the parts of the constitution and the measures go beyond the steps he took in july. when he sacked the prime minister for parliament and assumed executive authority. okay, those headlines and he continues here on al jazeera after the stream state with the how many nukes has too many new america had in many ways driven the arms
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parties are much more like the british parties. now, there are fewer regulation to own a tiger than there are to own a dog. how can this be happening? you know, we take on us politics and, and that's the bottom line. ah hi, answer me ok today on the stream, the shift pattern of austria sanchez, conner, a more done. i, italy, the founder of food for so another of contemporary art and music, a goodwill ambassador, the united nations environment program. chow, wrap them up with dora coverage die. you welcome to the stream. so get to see, did i leave anything off that list of important credits that you have right now? what if i missed probably, cause somebody, louisa? well we because of that, then you can replace that we bill. busy up that, you know,
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in the past couple of years and weeks we'll be really close this year, all of us value and it took 5 years to clean all the fields from gimmick. now we can reduce all. busy our, the pressure vegetables, roy that we bought, we pyro barley for, for our restaurant. so last summer, i'm not going to keep you all to myself. we also have people around the world watching on youtube. right now. we have a comment section, it is live, it is open, it is ready for you. in the comment section, you can put your comments or questions for maximo, but poorer, and he will answer them. so getting, i mean, as soon as you can last, well i'm going to start a few years ago. have a look on my laptop this, this youngest to hear you last summer was actually doing social learning. why he's on me. all right. you i think you're 7 that yeah. have had you cooked anything? had you grandma told you anything?
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probably even cause i was born. the lazy may here. so yeah. really i was still 6. think here. oh maximo, what was your nation baker? what was your relationship to food? did you already have skills as a little 6 year old? no, i grew up on the table. you know, i was a younger of 5 brothers and sisters. and i was bending time in the kitchen with my mom and my grandmother in my hand. and you know, from under the table i was looking at the, were the, i was looking, you know, and in the, from a different perspective. and in the meantime, i was feeling that the leaning from from like grandmother crap, you know, there was, there's so many that you have done over the years, which i find fascinating, which is that you've,
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you've led this movement from chefs being in the kitchen and people with my ring, their skills, the coloring skills to being out in the world, talking to the world about important issues. the connection is obvious once you start hearing and seeing it. where did that come from in your life? who gave you that voice? i think the reputation of the shaft is a start growing in the ninety's and all of the of that gas are nami, congress, help us to connect one to another and to connect to each other and that we became friends. that's a movement. the, you know, is be, become a move man, global movement as spanish, french, chinese, japanese americans,
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all together in india, congress in which we were sharing technique, ideas and everything. and locally, we started, we started becoming more considerate in a, in a different way. and that to me, when i see i was preparing a video, i remember there was one moment that i was preparing a video called come back was all about memory, was all about the fishing and the area, the beautiful part of the day. also the book, i found the map that a for the guard that was really mad on that, where we will fill me about the eel, a swimming pool river, and that, you know, so i can, i will keep filming, and i kept that there now. so there's that guard in the shark movie that i was
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presenting in the come clean out to congress at the rejoining media. remind our president and decide to look at the movie and that start talking and discussing with me. and we convinced their regina to invest their 14500000 to clean their old bar code for where they come from, where the economy of their emilio mine is. the clock is of the economy of media. remind me of the deals of the ball of the river. and at that point, as i understood that, you know, i was more than in this some of my recipe. i could be and they did go change.
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and you know, since i was a kid at our region, you understand that stay together and it's more than that. and you get stronger than the talk just about yourself or play with yourself. and, and i, there point to that there was a 2012 when it be to her quick hit, the modern and the costs are still bottom is done, or it came to me. and he said, well, we have a big problem. we, we have a 360000 wheels of periodontal that have damage. you have to add those. so i came out with this recipe called regional castro bit in which i was using a lot, a lot of me generate that with new technique. and, and i create these incredible recipe that i was sharing with all my
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actually the word. yeah. and we start selling part of the general redondo there was damage and put to be in that kilos or double kilos. people from all over the world like that, you know like a magic yeah. buying mcdonough, redondo, and the informa. we saw the 360000 wheels off, but in this we see the all compartment just with the recipe. yeah. yeah. and that to be as a social jester. so from there, after that the universal exposition, in which the theme was feed the planet, and the rest is history. math, now that i'm going to bring you up to the present, i promise you that we will have questions for you. and this one comes from the chef
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manager at in perfecto restaurants. he, she is immediately after she's finished. i would love your reaction and your response back in 2017 i g. and then say they're gonna my feed into the extra ordered movie. and undeniably, was what makes you didn't stand out, was the fact that it said one big family. i knew 12. i was fortunate enough to have a chance must be more non to project food for thought was which nitrogen hungry and high when it's time to share my teaching me the most important lesson, those my legs that are hoping shoring for edward i do should be maybe more than happy and jeff, please, can i ask you one question? how can we need a concept like through successfully and yes. wow.
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that's amazing. you know, feel very good who you are that you know, and i'll, can you make sol? i think, i think 1st of all, you will, you really look at to look at yourself and understand if you really want to do it because it's not easy is not easy because that you have to believe in yourself. you have to believe in the others. you, you really want to ask to want to share your idea of the incredible, you know, strain you have to add to make this app. and then you have to find a partner that is going to take care of that everyday lives. because that's very
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important than our project. is it closer our project is not it charity project. the real heroes of food for soul are the volunteers. they are like, working every day in our repertory, are all over the word after that, you have to call with the market supermarket, and organize that, you know, at the top of surplus food because it is not about food weight. it's about surplus food. and you know that, and we produce food for 12000000000 people every year. and there are a 160000000 people. they don't have aspects to food. they don't have anything to eat. add. we are 7000000000 on earth. and we ways
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$1300000000.00 of food every year, and we are becoming that is 33 percent of the production. and we are becoming the 1st cause of climate change. so bleed, they're more we are, the battery is we are available lucian, that as the buyers will say, as you'll, you want to change that they're all prospective of that india. but if you can change your own neighbor, these is a really great big story. i've learned that through every single reportorial when, when we did this for the 1st time and we created this project on the universal acquisition. i said it, you know, let's try, let's see what's going on. i involve all my friends that are there. isn't that
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designer to create a beautiful place that was that this is me land there. why don't before was lambda and this one is and that, and that for me. and that's like, i would just want to point out because you know how beautiful the spaces are. but the beauty environment is just as important as the right talk to us about that a little absolutely. the beauty of that design, the beauty of that are the quality of the idea, the beautiful or the beauty of the play. the beauty of creativity really can make that differently. life of people, that's why i'm saying is not a chatter. the brother, by the, is there a culture, a project? because we are giving we are fighting food waste, our graph our time. but also we are fighting socially the asia and you know, for the need the yes,
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you can really give the 2nd chance in life for people that really they, they do that they, they, they met the, you know, they are and then they're in trouble. there are they need that they do not have i have more questions for you. i'm going to see if i can fit them in as well. this is said yes, this will. this is an god. listen to and got a lead. please respond to him directly. has a question for you. good, my question is national is what the amount of weight that is produced in color. and what do you propose is the most meaningful solution to address this issue? all of the ways generated enlarge kitchen goes on college campuses. that's very good. that's a very good question. i was, i was invited with not, not the advisor, but we were organizing a big talker with l. a times in los angeles and i did
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a speech at day u. c l a. and i said, guy, we really need to, to do something very special. yeah, this is a perfect place for, for 2 to 2 people. a, these guys, you know, the new leader for the future. so in the campus can be set in every campus. the never university can be that as a kitchen, a special kitchen, in which day they would be the bulk of the years. we could feed them lunch and people who need that in the evening connecting with that special supermarket or market. they're going to deliver their food the next that it would be so easy to do it any would change their mind the millions of the will then they're going to be the leader of the future. i have
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a couple of questions for you, massimo, anew chiefs are going to go live to achieve us right now. this one is from john cooper, within hospitality and restaurant kitchens. what measures and innovations are in place to reduce food waste? is the level food waste within hospitality, comparable with the waste happens at home, maximo. exactly. that's the very that there they, you know, it's a great question because we have we, the places where we ways the most is in our home is not being thereafter and you know, in those 30 for the scanner. yeah, i don't know if you know about that. we have a 3 me landstar like that off of the top of the score rad. but we also have the 4 star that he's the green one is the star of sustainability. and why? because our restaurant is 0 away,
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all our restaurants are like acting as my grandmother would act own. so everything that we have that we ways in our preparation goes to their staff meal. imagine, you know, serial friends is gonna be a $22.00. we 30 gas to every last 30 gas every day, but we have to be that 6 the workers, 6 the all our kid, you know, every lunch and dinner. so it's a big, incredible creative but exercise is stuff meal. and each one of us once a week, as to play where to start as to work on that and to create stuff neil and you know, show how could you know,
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how you are we 5 food ways you know? and then the crazy thing is now that we have an x lamb in our face, the manual that is like everyone wants to pay that plan and we have so much eggplant wave and we are eating a couple of things with the man. you know, the point that you know, but where are we ways the most is in our whole and that's why i said that many times that that key to be in what we did the me and my daughter and charlie during the 1st load down was the perfect example of who are sole i'm going to share with, i'm going to show on your laptop on my laptop, quit your kitchen quarantine because your family at home is exactly as wild as i
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would imagine. it would be to show. just remember, do you remember those pictures of italy during february, march, april, and what was happening there? i'm serious locked down as this is what it was like and maximize home doing quarantine. how look. the i every was handmade and made it on the you know, but the everything inside of them, i don't that the buddy booth you up again. buddy. give me a buzz back about to go in the oven tomorrow and that will be here for tomorrow. okay. one second, thank you. oh,
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there you go in there today. i have to say, i feel like we found a tool. the most important thing is that, okay, educate people out by because you have to buy the right amount of food that, that you need for a couple of days or 3 days. and then you use the that food that we've with and, and that, and when that the refrigerator is empty, you dedicate another an hour to shop. these is the most important thing. first of all, 2nd. and so and, and so dawn shop the for one month, feel your big re, there. we've been greedy and because you're gonna spend more money, you're going to have nothing you're going to eat,
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but you don't take anything because the food they've brought in. and that is not pacey at all, but my suggestion is by seasonal ingredient focus on local ingredients. i add some is not exhaust the tax it. for example, i think about done or dental delta dental can, can how, but please pass that to get perfect. and, you know, just with that is that in natural money, you know, these kind of example know, and that, that point, you know, you're going to stop way if you're going to eat better and you're going to save money and you, you're going to find food way these is the most simple thing in that larger scale. you know, we, what we did the universal exposition and we, how they tell in governance, for example, and the french government to ride
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a little food ways and pass the little about food way. i'm doing a lot of things that, you know, in events that, or like my little thing with the audio, you know, and if we can one day open that $1000000.00 all over the world that you know, we're going to feed the people in need. we're going to buy the old ways of these were the and the planet is going to mild because we are, as i said before, we are lucia. not me, not you, but all together. let me just share this with you because you know, this is coming up and this is new in the last couple of years. the international day of aware of food loss and waste the 29th of september. that's coming up in just
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a couple of days time. why is this important is also part of the sustainable development goals, that development agenda that we have as a whole world. why is that important to you? because that brings in your role as a you knighted nation. if i'm a program, goodwill ambassador that you have to see, you have to understand that, you know, i grew up like this. i grew up in a family with wasting food was like what was not accessible. i couldn't leave that table if i brought the food in my place and i didn't want to have my grandmother what she wouldn't let me leave that table. but you know, we were ok, this is a little bit creepy. instead every we, we are living in more than about just 10 minutes from here. it's country, you know, and there are farmers. and in each family,
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and they were growing pitching and the 8th of december and in our farm, we were killing the big but to celebrate life not to celebrate the death, to celebrate life. why? because that we did was part of the family. most of the time, dad, a name and you know the big was giving us life. my grandmother keep saying to me was giving his life tool to feed the family and they're all here. so you have to pay respect of the any. and you know, use every single bar for every single bone and you know, that the way you respect day that the way you, you, you fight food ways in many different apples. and when you grow like
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that, you know, it's extremely important. because because that inside wasting bread crumbs and is that is like with math. but i could spend the whole day with you, but we have to wrap up what would be the last thing that you would want to say and it's one sentence, one sentence, one is that one sentence, the rep is that with that one is food, the right now is the call to tool. i'm talking about latour a to being a guest on the string. we appreciate you. grad sir. thanks for watching everybody. thanks for your questions. i see you next time. take ah
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stories that need to be told. find a way the opening the window into another life. these are my babies, my students where i go, where i see them. it's just like we were in 2nd grade. when personally endeavoured . epic struggle to collateral sacrifices in individual journey with new showcases, inspiring documentaries, that changed the way on al jazeera with more than 200000000 cases because of 19 worldwide government. about 5 fresh wave of the virus, a new barrier. there had been a 3rd and the number of people looking vaccination appointment from the human call you the political and economic pool out there. when you the latest on depend demik, this'll have vaccinated more than 1100 people here, all of them migrant farm workers. people on home testing because they think that there is a risk to democracy, special coverage, and i'll just, there are across the younger valleys, high above the ground. trouble has taken on
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a different form. people died for they fly. this is no game. it's business, meets the co bomb is hopefully be swinging high across deep valley facing days on every journey. they'll gamble with their lives, just one living. risking it all on al jazeera. i care about how the u. s. engages with the rest of the world. i cover foreign policy, national security. this is very much a political impact here. the conflict, how the wheel is graded? are we telling the good story? will people get what we're trying to do here? they're living outside and make ship. this is not the way any family wants to raise their children. we're really interested in taking you into a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's actually feel as if you were there
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the bold and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on al jazeera. ah, ah, this is al jazeera ah hello from to hi. i'm hello hitting with the, i'll just be right. use are coming up for you in the next 60 minutes. the us special invoice or hey, see resigns in protest over what he calls his government in humane decision to deport haitian refugees. wildfires, flooding routes, and other extreme weather events affecting every county in the united.


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