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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2021 1:30am-2:01am AST

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zation will affect innovation 2 years is not enough time. the youth says they've given the tech industry 10 years to come up with a solution between themselves. and they failed. now is the time for legislation. charlie angela al jazeera london and there's much more here on our website any time the address of that is algebra dot com that they should throughout the day. i want to know top stories on our 0. the white house, as horses will no longer be used by us border patrol after offices use the horses rains against haitian migrants. images captured by honors era and butchers showed us border agents on horseback trying to force people back as they attempted to enter the country. border control chief described their actions is unacceptable. the us special envoy for haiti is resigned over what he calls the inhumane
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treatment of haitian migrants by the us government. in a statement, daniel foot said the policy of deporting thousands of migrants is quote, counter productive and deeply flawed. responding to foot resignation, the white house says he never raised his concerns about migration policies. but 1st sector, jin sack, he added that president biden was taking the issue seriously. what he has asked all of us to convey clearly to people who are understandably, have questions are passionate, are concerned, as we are about the images that we have seen is one, we feel those images are horrible and heretic. there is an investigation. the president certainly supports overseen by the department of homeland security, which he has conveyed what will happen quickly. i can also convey to you that the secretary also conveyed to civil rights leaders earlier this morning that we would no longer be using horses in del rio. so that is something a policy change that has been made in response. a former head of catalonia
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government got as pretty mon, has been arrested in sardinia. he was detained by the police as you arrived on the italian island, which among travel there from belgium. we've been living in self imposed exile for 4 years. accused the catalog, separatist leader of sedition claim. he helped to organize the 2017 independence referendum, deemed illegal by spanish courts and of okay, no on la paul. my, one of the spanish canary islands continues to erupt at the area is covered in smoke and a huge cloud of toxic gas, which is disrupting flights. hundreds of homes have already been destroyed, along with $500.00 hector's banana plantations as anger after a spanish mr. patron courage, so called disaster tourists to visit those top stories to stay with us. 11 east. is that next i for now china has been very strategic in the way to finding a switch in indian ocean. what is it?
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and we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in without being national aid. what do you think is going to happen? the afghan economy? counting the coast on al jazeera, ah, more and more indians, a paying surgeons to make them tall. it is the society which makes them feel that all you are short and that's where everything is happening because you're shocked. everyone on these on notice something which always remains in your head. i guess the leg lengthening surgery is far from risk free. you'd be ready to make the patient have the source. does that make me have one that was a top one is in the looking measure. i want i want to investigate why team views
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a going under the knife to reached new hot me. ah, my name is dr. murray. i'm an orthopedic surgeon. and now i've chosen my special ed day to make people on the operation dr. sour and will perform today involves breaking both his patients legs. it's technically car liberal and getting surgery and i've been doing it for the last 20 years. but there is a tremendous growth in patients and they voluntarily come will become the patients
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believe their heart is ruining their lives. 9 out of 10 of them. i'm in the chart for them. if you are to see your opponent or anybody, whether it is your senior or junior and if you are to look up in new water leak and emotionally already defeated, dr. siren is performed about $400.00 lead lengthening operations. he says, deciding who gets his surgery and who doesn't, can put him in a very difficult position. any of these people who come, they are little bits of balance and emotionally and hurt. and it's very difficult to single. now means they don't accept it, but as soon as can do it in and you say, you know the ideal candidate,
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right. and they get very upset and annoyed. clever fellow in front of me, bro. glass, one fellow to wait on me today. his patient is a student, he 6 year old, south consulting from delhi. he wants to remain anonymous, so we'll call him armies. go, doctor. you're ready for the last. taken me continue back home. that i was i'm it is 160 centimeters told about 17. seem to make it shorter than the average indian mass. he has a new job in the united states, and he's convinced that to be respected. he needs to be told me everyone around me is in a barely $5.00 and $6.00. there is something which always remains
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in your head, i guess me, but now us from professional and carry as i want to do this. john's me i'm it has no family or friends at his bedside. so not a lot of people know about it. my wife doesn't know how invasive this surgery is. his wife thinks he's having surgery, but tennis elbow. once the thing the change has happened, and there's nothing wrong. that's fine, they're all ok. all right, i, we did 200000000 takes anesthesia and preparation for the boat. the legs were big around 40 to 45 minutes for the one leg . they were doing the right leg for us. ok. my read. i said i contact my wife
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maybe photo. so we live access to my show for the new to deal. okay. we will book a trade off anything and as you want us? no doctor. okay, mentally. okay. so. okay. okay. hello. even though the i, the tools required for the surgery sound like those, the handyman would use only schools knox board assembly where they mentally, very big a u. u player in the power to see this is a great we put a nail from here, right on that external device. you can see the less
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and now we drilled into the tibia bone and fix the frames that hold everything in place after the bones broken. after the operation, the rods holding these frames known as distractors, then expanded each day as the bones regenerate to fill the gap. the patient is expected to gain between $7.14 centimeters highs. when you're lengthening, born in the morn, length and very easily the muscle that hard all research has been done, you can lengthen the muscles by 12 to 15 percent of your original length of your leg. ah, the surgery was developed in the study to treat injured soldiers returning from the 2nd world war. the procedure was not designed for cosmetic purposes in some
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orthopedic surgeons think it should stay that way. so it should be offered only, but it is required if needed. so if there's a little length discrepancy you'd have asked would be justified dr. deny j, cooped up from the deli orthopedic association says it is simply too risky to perform the surgery because medic raisins. and then because the low self esteem, or is it really again neat. i mean a person who's 5 feet, fine. emily who wants to go up to 5 to 5 to 54. it's ok. a person has only 56. was to go to 59. there has to be something call any cellular procedure, had it in the thing sort of complications what form. but if you end up with such complications, you won't be able to justify if you were doing it only for the cost. but me as doctor saturn's team prepares
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arm, it's getting nervous now moments when you feel that you know there is no need and why do go through all that has. so maybe i'm right. maybe i'm wrong. i don't know time, but i, dr. sar normally charges $20000.00 per operation. the average monthly wage and india is less than $450.00. but demand is growing very many channels. so now the saw for the 1st a why is inserted along i'm, it's, catherine should be fixed for me and then denial is
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inserted over the while the mail is non in check. i mean this thing in the lab to do this small one that has to be broken. so or the other way to live the bone has been broken and the destructor the widens the gap, a millimeter or the time he's bolted to his arm . it's broken legs and now held together with just rods frames and bolts in with the procedure. he begins to come round.
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okay. yeah, yeah. okay. all right, now the growing can begin. i mean, it will be shown has a length of his legs, camilla mesa at a time. ah, there are no regulations in india about who should or should not get the procedure . it's after discretion of surgeons like dr. siren. so what i do is, i think the all in books that you know where you want, what is the family background, what is this? everything is take. and then i discussed with my colleagues as a psychiatrist and the colleges. can i go ahead with the 30 and if we find any issues here and there, right. we signal even his daughter come now was tempted every week doing that. she's going to be going so far though, so,
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but i didn't come on. and that's really hard because i would go to see a family function and the p. c. and i would be like, yeah, i can change that about my sister was much taller than me. that was always jealous of the fact that she was stolen and i didn't get to be told me. people didn't realize that the more they said it would, it. and the more to taught, it made me less confident about why was boston. and that's when i started feeling like i'm going into the show, men started with joy. and when my dad to mean dad, i mean of becoming goal, i started on them keeping it and i was pretty serious about just now. thank you. if you can do it, but everybody is why not me? me? when she was 1617, and she would every day get of and tell me that. make me make me make me as
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a okay. your financial studies and renewing my father said that we can do it whenever you one. my mom was not okay with it. but then came the actual where he was like, this is what's going to happen. you're going to have to be in bed for a few months and going to have to be your legs when he got there will be beam. and that's when i started thinking that is really what she decided not to go ahead. a few years later, she became a clinical psychologist, now counsel people who are considering the operation ah, which is that a counseling people in order to get it done. so here we have a competition. in my practice, i see a lot of people who are dealing with their i been to be that have been established based on their heights. it starts off as something's really small, as we view comment and thorns into this is functional talk, but it becomes like in combusting thought that maybe something is wrong with me.
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and throughout the day to view the process a lot, if it is building on shading these identities that people have given them, ah, 900 miles to the south, on the outskirts of room by a j. patel's regret. ever wishing he was taller lover should. what made him it operation was noting suddenly bought at least madame, it's telling me that that ah, as a teenager, he had grown to just 1.2 meters tall. and with a phased in high school, ah, in the hay with the mother decided to seek help and referred to an orthopedic specialist, the ex media exit,
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but i don't remember them to make sure you guess if we know what was going on with the rachel, this is danny, it does not do sub whatever but was in the middle of fish. and anyway, so could you give me a coffee at the push them would you but the tele committee boone, we're going to get one guy big a. would you put a plea formula? get the the ministers which i think. so they said, oh, the operation cost to stanley $3000.00, which is what the pay for which domain they made the please my god, to manage the condominium rather than you bought the formula infection love. the 2nd patient we're shipping general patient to be will not coming up even madison with the rain. i still will have to make this or start i could make a middleman. what were that i'm? i mean we're doing was a tough poison,
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didn't give me my job. me 3 years later, i was referred to another specialist that he's 6th operation. when the natural patient auto could chew made it paid on me to failure. kids born join aware article your excel again, did she said to me and then tell me he looked that he's lack of growth was due to a bone not growing properly and his hips and that he should never have had lim lengthening surgery. but doctor and they got committed me morning jokey. teresa said doesn't seem to get to other was there get say today go talk to grow auto medically fast. but he had that did ha, now stands at one major, 52 tall chairs feet apart though, but got yet the police wanted to limit more to the med mental little you may object
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from no, i got to but he got up. yeah, it's come in a danger mclee about nick admitted kalokie naturally hide but he but obviously joy this seems buying. who o docu delhi doctor siren checks on armies as he recovered from surgery. so hard night was the little i find on the left it's a long road ahead. it will take another non wakes of daily physiotherapy before he can walk again. ah, in another ward, another patient is being prepared for surgery doesn't mean he no longer get that again. but it's
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a new procedure. and one that dr. cyrus has never performed before. he's patient is a 32 year old man to protect his identity, who call the roku. there is many course methics sort of belief in the world. the food also very for me like a few days you would feel comfortable, but the most dangerous cause method procedure i would say this is he's already had lin lengthening surgery for his lower legs to correct a birth deformity. that operation left him with the so called l loraina syndrome that forced him to walk on his toes. now he wants to be taller, so he's having more surgery 1st to correct his face and then to lengthen his thigh bones. ah, the operation is costing rubble. $31000.00 i. he is helping good 6 inches and the had to use
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the internet to waste the time because we can use external delays on page like the t b operation and now is inserted into the famous the fibers. and the bone is then broken by a plunger, instead of screws to white in the distance between both pops the bone, a computerized magnet term and how far the 2 ends pull it apart to allow the bone to regenerate. ah, the surgery is due to start f 9. now we have again been when going and so i didn't know if i were doing and by let me know, i think both it with the incrementally need it's electromagnetic minutes,
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which says humans and that is x rays and lenses. it says every, every day one millimeter still lives is taking me . but when it comes to attaching the device to will length and rolls fema this confusion, me the doctor isn't sure just where to break the bond. 15 minutes go by doctor siren eventually decides to make a video call to the manufacturer. ah, so we are looking at $1615.00 or 16. 20 make sense from this the what we don't have
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to look into the magnitude of where we put the current setting the case to the position independent. yeah. we can go above any, any level or the difference? yeah, yeah. we'll get that. that's not okay too many in the incision is made and the nail inserted. ah, dr. sar and assured us everything went according to plan. yes, this sounded like the screws i hear. and then a 5 millimeter, something like that. you've seen the smaller fool is better because
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we are meeting the plan another way and really the thing we plan before we exactly do whatever they didn't. ah, after having surgery, dr. siren patients spend months recovering in this gift town. i hear that they grow tall millimeter by millimeter. i mean top ration was 2 months ago. been having a hard time stop talking to my fast up talking to my friends. because of course, you have to be in that state of mind. so that was my way of dealing with, you know, i get this thing to get this thing through so yeah, so there was definitely more laws than the he had hope to
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speed up his recovery time, but he was gaining less hot. he had expected eventually he asked the frame to be removed a week earlier. ah, lansing was not going on my plan. so i said that you took a decision. it didn't go for the plant. let's take a little bit of attrition. whatever it is right now. let's get this thing to move on before the surgery. he told his wife that it was for tennis elbow and all that, everything. she knows that there was something and then lim, lengthening has happened. so she was asking me the other day and have you gained a few inches or what? so i told her that, you know, i get to know one time walk. so today of course, when i go, you know, and stand up in all the way down the corridor for who is also turned
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a corner every day. i just wake up her breakfast and i do some cycling. ideally as much as you can, but i usually do 20 to 30 minutes. but then more exercise is always better if you can do it. well in the last 3 phase. i mean, most of the other patients you come to me and tell me, or if it's hard thing, is it normal build a couple patients here who have complications, what's the mines? so it's another something they also can bypass the we these physiotherapist by his side. i mean is ready to get that on his face. okay. then you have to have a good
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photo in them in the trunk as you can tell me. that was great and telling you and i was just saying that everything is normal. ah, when born to, you know, was normally in my life and my family now and they started planning and travel here and adding, and i'm so excited me. i'm again 3.5 centimeters and the whole gained 12 centimeters, these procedures. what happens is that you look at it as the easy option. i didn't get a surgery and get it fixed. it's like plastic surgery cost medic surgery for that. but it's coming from a wide within. and if you don't start working on that void within, it could be procedure after procedure and this can become an addiction to some sort
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. you may have what, what you wanted for. so neil and you've got the height that you wanted. if you're still not happy, then one i j patel. his desire to be tall, came at to higher price. me gender, you sent him. what? but what, what, what, what, what can you give me chills they need? if they get pretty big, i think he will not, i need to be there because i didn't read to school because i want him in the game. i don't. how can i reach anybody but me? but about a child just 30 kids your life now give you pension would leave you. but could you people walking in the math, but have you my tv? i
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on the streets of grief and team grin. violence is on the rise, the road you have to go from, i will 20 and this and that this is the from fascism and increasingly migrant farm workers of the victims of the vicious beatings. jo reed asked, lamb is helping the pakistani community to find a voice. the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live them undocumented and under attack. this is europe on al jazeera. ah morning allow government al jazeera as a, you know, my county courses if the 20th century, whose lives were intertwined from outcasts who found an artistic connection in 194010 gene. deuce the both of them were lost. children to a battle of words against the backdrop of
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b. l. d. more independent. i'll just tell stories of complex relationships that sparked, created really a north africa on al jazeera. ah . the us special envoy to haiti resign saying his government's treatment and deportation of migrants is inhumane. and the u. s. will hope to use the courses and trolls me a texas for the town off. the honors here at images of aggressive tactics. ah, hello, i'm down jordan without the allies and also coming up more jets of lava shoot into the sky from a volcano in the canary islands. incinerating houses, schools and crops.


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