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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2021 3:00am-3:31am AST

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ah, ah ah, oh, you want to help save the world. needs into your elbow in . ah, the us special envoy to haiti resign saying has government treatment and deportation of migrants is inhumane. and the us will hold the use of horses in shows me with texas border town opt out was here and images of aggressive ah, hello, i'm darn jordan. this is al jazeera life is also coming up more jets of lava shoot
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into the sky. no volcano, when the canary items incinerating houses, schools and crops, and one to charge them all the moves towards requiring smartphone makers to adopt a single charger. ah, the us special envoy, the haiti has resigned what he calls the inhumane treatment of haitian migrants by the us government in a statement. daniel foot said the policy of deporting thousands of migrants and refugees is counter productive and deeply flawed chaper time. so you have more now from washington d. c. what a letter is often that you read a letter that so dominant it wasn't just about what, what the old way cool the are the inhumane expulsion of patients. many of you have never lived in a she hated potentially dr. haiti, but it was about decades of us policy. and the implication from him was that i was
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brought in and it was actually a request from members of congress to be a special day grade. i was born to look at that look at the underlying causes of instability in haiti and why we have refugee problems every now and then from hating and so on. and the gist of it is, i mean, completely ignored as far as the bite and ministration. it's business as usual, most recently now with joe biden and the white house completely supporting our home re as prime minister, despite so much civil society with an haiti. no, we don't want this man, but once again in the letter, the only way says you're doing this again, you're picking, you're picking your winners for tears in haiti, and that's why we always get catastrophe and hatred doesn't have self determination . so it was a immensely dialing, dialing letter on buttons. why do i have a problem which the invoice says is going to lead to ever more refugees? not just across america, but across the region and catastrophe. i mean, all the white house, as horses will no longer be used by us border patrols in del rio, texas,
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off the offices, they use the horses rains to whip patient migrants, images captured, biologists era. and reuters early this week showed us border agents trying to force people back of the attempt to enter from mexico. us or the control chief describe the actions and unacceptable thousands of patients migrants remain in del rio, your effective state, anthony blinking says, this information is wrong. encouraging haitians to try to reach the us. one of the very unfortunate developments that we've seen is that in a variety of ways and righty of places. some people are misinforming haitians, whether in haiti or haitians residing and other countries that they can come to the united states and in state because of the temporary protected status. that was granted. the haitians who were already here some months ago and that this
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information is very, very unfortunate because it's causing people to make very hazardous journeys to put themselves in danger. what area raised is an analyst at the migration policy institute. he says there needs to be stronger policies to protect migrants embark on perilous journey. temper ticket status is given to people already in the united states. it's for people that have received and have come to nancy after a certain period of time. so the migraines that are actually coming to the board at this point are not eligible for p. p. s. in that sense, they can of course asylum, so therefore they are not eligible for t p. s. they are eligible for asylum. well, right now, the system is still not up to speed and not efficient enough to actually provide these protections for those migrants, not in mexico, and not in the united states. we do need to have protection systems that need to be more open to my friends at the same time. of course we need to continue to happening and better and more professional way. and we need to work and addressing
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them because migration and providing more opportunities for my friends to come from central america from haiti, and from other parts of the world without having to go through such a dangerous journey. and then have better mechanisms to receive them. not like we saw last week or the next quarter. now, like we saw earlier, when we saw those confrontations with some border patrol and asian migrants, we need to have a system that's not just react in what it's actually proactively thinking about. how can we meet the needs of migrants and prioritize those over any policy side that we may be seen on this issues? well, one of the most hiring journeys being made by undocumented migrants escaping poverty and violence involved confronting the most r, a desert on earth. thousands of people from columbia, haiti, peru, and venezuela risking their lives to reach chilly, the sea and human reports from china and chile on what's, what's it like to cross the at a comma? debit. me. this is the oldest, the driest, and the highest non polar desert in the world. according to nasa the at the camera
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is the closest thing on earth to the rugged air terrain of planet mars. long stretches of the at that time a desert are located on south america's and these highlands and over 40000 meters above sea level lamas and one apples who are at home here, despite extreme temperatures that can drop to minus 10 degrees. but for undocumented migrant, it's one of the most treacherous environments on earth. we find the small group of young venezuelans who just made the journey across the bolivian border into chile follow your. you can di trying to hear the cold is indescribable. we had to leave 2 others behind. that may not make it. they were like a math exam or 2. i thought i wouldn't survive. i couldn't breathe. it's a 5000 kilometer journey from the does whaler to columbia than ecuador down to peru . and then from the livia into chile,
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the final destination got to think of it. it took me almost 5 months to get here. i was robbed and had to walk from federal they're grateful for the bag of fruit were able to give them. they say they've had nothing to eat for at least 3 days and almost no water or money. so they keep walking in the direction of chiles. capital trump, the whole another 2000 kilometers south. this is another tell tale sign that my grants have passed by here. it looks like they came here for shelter spent the night in this adobe dwelling that's used by the sheepherders. the lama heard it was during the spring and the summer. what they did after that was to start getting rid of what they were carrying. and we see this all along the road because is simply too exhausted to carry their things any longer. 17 year old horse, she has only kept a sheet. his feet are cracking for walking so much. at the 1st jillian border, towns or chinese, dr. young looked up yet is on call 24 hours
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a day. or 2 men of the migrants osmotic, which causes difficulty improving at these altitude, acute hydrogen and intense cold, and up with hypothermia. who have seen much of a death caused by each end of the victim's death, taking off his or her claws, thinking they are not hard instead of freezing. but there are other hazards apart from robbery. many migrants who can't pay traffickers or bolivian police to allow them to cross into chile say they've been victims of sex abuse once here, the danger isn't over either, says colonel ember. his head in ash had been in smugglers locked up a group of footsteps, venezuelans who couldn't pay in the house 190 kilometers from here. we found them last week and thanks one of the victims, a child who called his mother, who in turn letters and the traffic is by the way, venezuela themselves. the route is becoming
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a magnet for criminals to prey on undocumented migrants who are not legally allowed to be in chile. yet they keep coming, driven by desperation to make money to send to those left behind at home. it's like a gold rush, with no guarantee that the risk will be worth it to see in human al jazeera, called chinese chinney. now, where leaders have been told that a warmer planet would also be a more violent one. the security implications of climate change were put to a meeting of a security council during a general assembly dominated by calls for stronger environmental action. from the un is christian. from flash, flood to drought and famine, the united nations warns that a reckoning is coming for climate change. the united kingdom's prime minister boris johnson came to the general assembly with a message for human kind. it's time for humanity to grow up. it's time for us to
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listen to the warnings of the scientists, and if you look at cove, it, if you want to see an example of the gloomy scientists being proved, right, it's time for us to grow up and understand who we are and what we are doing johnson is trying to whip up support for major new commitments to reduce carbon emissions before it's too late. the international community travels to glasgow and early november for a major climate summit. well, virtually all countries agree that a warming climate is a risk. some are making the case that it's more than just an environmental problem . they say it is also a threat to international peace and security. some argue that means the security council can take action. that's an argument that should have been settled a long time ago. look at almost every place where you see threats to international peace and security today. and you'll find that climate change is making things less peaceful, less secure, and rendering our response even more challenging. china,
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as the world's largest consumer of call prefers to keep the subject off the councils agenda on the way it would be inappropriate and so forth to replace the collective decision making of the international community. beijing has promised to stop building new cold plants abroad, but the u. k. prime minister argues all countries will need to step up even more to keep the temperature rise below the previously agreed 1.5 degrees celsius and humanity on track. we must come together in a collective coming of age. we must show that we have the maturity and wisdom to act. and we can the cop 26 climate conference. his hosting is now just weeks away. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations was also the un general assembly somalia, as foreign minister has been speaking about efforts to hold long overdue elections in his country. in an interview with al jazeera, diplomatic editor,
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james bay's mohammed if the result did not do not running for president himself. as far as i know, the president is standing for reelection. there are also a number of 2 former presidents who are going to stand for this election, their number of other politicians from a prime minister's and so forth. so there will be prime minister. do you think he's a can the current prime minister has said he's not the candidate repeatedly is a good friend of mine and they said that to me, so i have to believe them. i have to everyone. are you a candidate to be president? i was a candidate in 2016. will you be accounted again this time i will be a candidate at the right time when whenever that is whether but what we are looking for really is to avoid any conflict or this whole thing collapse. and so my focus is really garnering the support that we need both technical and financial so that there's elections and i don't want my
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candidacy or anything else to get in the way. so molly comes 1st and we want to have that fortune is in political parties, are demanding an end to what they say is a code by the president. the joint opposition statement says, said has lost his legitimacy. after announcing, he would rule by decree and ignore parts of the constitution. site has held nearly total power since july 25. when he stuck the prime minister unsuspended parliament citing a national emergency to official break here down to 0. when we come back after living in desperate conditions encounter on cobble are told they can go home, but many up nothing to return to. and germany is election contenders faced off in that final tv debate? 3 days before photo society who replace them more than that? ah, it's another beautiful sunny day at 35000 feet. the weather sponsored by cattle
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airways booted world's best airline of 2021. hello, good to see. we have some problem, spots for rain across india. let me show you. it's toward the northwest. so we're talking about the indian state months of pradesh. registered into gutierrez, so over the next 24 to 48 hours, we could pick up to 200 millimeters of brain. we have seen some flooding in addition, but look at this just as scattering of showers on fridays. so it's starting to dry out. calcutta in the sunshine with a height of $34.00 degrees, then there's this batch of what, whether taking aim at myanmar and that could drop about $200.00 millimeters of brain on a show this tropical disturbance climbing into central parts of vietnam through laos. and eventually we'll find a home and central thailand. similar here, we could see upwards of 200 millimeters of rain over the next 24 to 48 hours. we have a solid band of rain over the yellow river valley impacting young jo. but if i take a bit further toward the northeast, beijing also be plagued by this weather look into scoop up about we'll call it 35
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millimeters of brain. meantime, for the eastern portion of korea, we've got a scattering of showers in for the western side of japan. same goes for you, but a big drop in temperature is coming for tokyo. we go from 31 degrees on friday, down to 25 on saturday with the risk of a few showers. that's it for me. see you soon. the weather sponsored by cattle airways, boated world's best airline of 20. 21. little is more distressing for a woman than a month 20 pregnancy going horribly well. aside from then being punished. boy salvatore devotion a lot. i've seen women incarcerated for years. some say they're only crime with a devastating still, but i mean, our story of one woman struggle the ignited miscarriage, of justice, a witness documentary on al jazeera. ah,
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ah, the me welcome back. a quick reminder on top stories here. this our, the us special envoy, haiti has quit. his government's treatment of patient migrants. daniel foot described us deportations as inhumane and counterproductive. the white house has horses will no longer be used by us border patrols in del rio texas to offices they use the horses rains to which haitian migrants the us border control chief described their actions and unacceptable. and the inspector general has warned the security council. the climate change will make the world more violent and unstable . un general assembly has been dominated by call, a stronger environmental action. not millions of afghans are in need of
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humanitarian assistance, including 600000 who've been internally displaced this year. but taliban says now, but this piece people can return home, but years of conflict and natural disasters have left many with nothing to return to some of the ga reports. now, from a camp in campbell, like desperate for hill babies or raw says it would be better to die than face this humiliation. she's been trying to find shelter for nearly 2 months after her husband was killed and conduce. a similar story from northern and central bunstein repeated across to sir, i sure money count in couple many parks and open areas in the african capital are now camps for displaced. people not heard about jamal's daughter has been missing for 6 days. he breaks down, explaining his look for her and police stations are hospitalized. the mortgage. people here surround us every step of the way. you're hoping someone has solutions . even after the fighting is over. this woman has arrived yesterday from
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northeastern to pisa. she wants to attend a spot for shelter. this water is put sanitization, only drinking water is expensive and then your thirsty quality of water isn't a priority. the tank is filled every few days for an estimated $6000.00 people. here. if agencies are philanthropists, don't come. people must pretend to buy the water. besides the washing and drinking is the makeshift clinic, the open air single bed operation is done by warranties. in the last 2 months, they have treated cases ranging from pneumonia and diarrhea, dement and health issues out of 46 pregnancy that the camp they said 26 were miscarriages. with the decided not to leave of guns spun, men, thousands of professions fled after the taliban takeover if the international community and the world has organization is listening to you right now. what will you ask us to dial on the not going to we don't have enough medicine. we don't have
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enough space. we lack food and water. i want to told them the at least some of us gave bath here in this camp. i want the whole well to help people. yes. 8 workers estimate 5 and a half 1000000 people across a lot of sun have been displaced. a large population of adults is going hungry so they can feed their children. that's all about have been in battle for the last 2 decades. but the biggest challenge yet might be fighting hunger, gave them 2000 braves for 6000 people. everyone used to get half a piece of bread, but today they don't have the money to buy it. when it's done faces multi dimensional crises, people have been displaced by conflict, drought floods, and natural disasters. and the taliban government says it cannot help because western powers do not recognize the current government and have frozen assets. in the meantime, agency said they're ready to work with the new administration. part of our responsibility is to not only address these immediate life saving
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interventions, but is to try to work with the in term government to try to find solutions that work ultimately for the afghan paper. the interim minister for refugees told out there about plants 3 hibbon date people create jobs and help restart their lives. but it will be a tricky interaction. but donors such as the un, because highly rep on her body and others in scotland have been sanctioned by the united nations. without that help people here fear their problems will multiply, especially as vendor approaches. now that the fighting is over in hundreds. why are you not going home? no, no, no problem. if you feel like we eat plain bread at night and in the morning, what can i do? if someone helps me, i'll go back. if i find enough money to the transportation, i'll go back. even if i don't have a house i just up and that involuntary return of the displace can only happen if
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and when help arrives. some of the job done to 0 cobble. the un high commissioner for human rights is urging the international community to do more to stop the conflict in me and me are getting worse before it's too late. michel bachelor says the violence that spreads to the countries of coo and february, the showing signs of escalating into widespread and civil war. human rights situation in myanmar has deteriorated significantly. as the far reaching impacts of the some of the military coup continue to devastate lives and hopes across the country. conflict, poverty and the effects of upon them makes armed sharply increasing and the country faces a vortex of repression, violence and economic collapse. fire and lava, still shooting from a volcano on the island of la palmer. in the canaries, 5 days after began erupting walls of lava having gulf to everything in their path, including houses, schools, and banana plantations. nicholas art reports in the village of
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above the picturesque coastal village of does corte is what seems like a looming storm, but is in reality a giant cloud of volcanic ash. the crater has expanded, does the court, it has not yet been evacuated. the villagers, mayor, one coast is not just concerned, but deeply worried. lava is moving 4 meters per hour, and it's less than 2 kilometers away from the village. wondering, what happened this year? i'm concerned this may affect your banana plantations. this is the principal economic activities. people here, so it was a big losses for so many families. 500 hector's, a banana plantation have been universally destroyed by a thick blanket of ash. microscopic volcano rocks are seeping into the crop, making them inevitable amounts of last sized martina to an island that gets much of its revenue from banana production last year. a devastating fire dest toward the crop, followed by a long spell of drought. and now this looks, no, sir,
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i'm so upset, it's a disgrace. what we're going through here. we live off and buy the banana plantations. if we can't work, we are about to lose everything. it's another tragedy of all. a royal visit from spain king to boost the small and remote islands morale. thousands of people are displaced, their homes and belongings, turned to ash the volcano showing no sign of letting spewing a continuous flow of lava. experts don't know if this is going to last for weeks or for months. and so people on this island are learning to live in this new environment surrounded by fire in love and what they describe as an unpredictable and intense climate. can ologist headlong predictive disruption. but failed to anticipate its magnitude there now studying the site for clues for what may happen next. it has left them with more questions than answers. you have
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a person that may happen. right? so we are dealing with somebody in adoption. the nomic of the gusting of the kid when you set up to use a gun to make these kinds of different faces much more process. but this is common to see this kind of changing character movie character. what is this volcano? trying to say wonders, mayor wind. acosta. who fails to see its beauty? he feels powerless in the face of this force of nature at the future of his village, hangs in the balance. nicholas hawk out to 0 lap alma political leaders in germany . have been given one of their last chances to win over undecided voters during their final tv debate. the candidates vying to succeed anglo merkel clashed mainly on debt to foreign policy and taxes on pose point to a type race. medical was down down after some days election, but will remain can't take a chancellor during coalition talks. that dawson has more from 1000000003 days
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before the elections in the back go for who will become the next chancellor as clearly begun. during the last debate, the leaders of the main 7 parties tried to convince 25 percent of the 60000000 photos were still undecided. around 15000000 people was also the 1st time that foreign policy clearly dominated the debate. the main party saying that they wanted a stronger you, but they differed on how to treat china. there's a lot of state during the election and if we may believe the polls, it could be the 1st time in 16 years that germany will be led by your social democratic government, led by the current finance minister. love shows also the full show that i'm going to merkel cd you to kristen democratic union would love more than 10 percent of their seats and parliament for the 1st time in history. this could also mean that germany could be left by coalition government free parties instead of to. so the
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very stable political landscape in germany for the last 16 years on the uncle merkel who look a lot more fragmented in the future. the form ahead of capital only as government has been arrested in sardinia, governance, put them on, was detained by border police on the italian island whose demo travelled from belgium, where he's been living in self imposed exile for 4 years. spain has charge the separatist leader with physician saying he helped organize a 2017 capital on independence referendum that was deemed illegal punish course. so your opinion hopes to impose a universal charger for all brands of mobile phones, tablets and other tech legislative proposal pushes for a plug that most device makers have already adopted. but the main hold out is apple . charlie angela has moved from london a jumble of different charges in a top drawer. many homes have them, and it's a waste the e you want to clean up. the you commission is proposing common u. s. b c, charging ports for all new smart phones. i pads, tablets,
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cameras and headphones on the other issue of the office good. in terms of waste. this is difficult because this measure will allow us to say $1000.00 tons of electronic waste and $2600.00 tons of raw materials per year. there is also the impact on c o 2 emissions. it will save 180000 tons of c o 2 equivalent per year. there's currently 29 percent of all new devices come with the usb cable. the us be micro be sold with android devices. accounts for 50 percent of all charges sold, while the apple, lightening port accounts for the remaining 21 percent. the i did streamline all charges is very popular with consumers. the typical person in the e u currently own 3 different charges, but only uses 2 of them regularly. the proposal fits well with the current drive towards to stay in ability and promises to safe consumers $293000000.00
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a year in unnecessary purchases. the 2nd part of the proposal is that new charges aren't automatically sold in the same box with new electronic devices but both separately and that the charging speed of cables is standardized. move environmentalists a welcoming when it's wasted. a lot of toxic substances in which leach didn't soil into water and the hazardous to the people that are displacing at that waste as well. it's like less than environmental benefit from this movie, any of that, but it's absolutely blow within that model. if the electronics industry failed from proprietary technology and in the lesson, which is why the consumption if the proposal is adopted by the parliament and count so it could be law by 2022 companies will then have 2 years to adopt the devices, the consumer electronics giant, apple says the standardization will affect innovation in 2 years, is not enough time the use as they've given the tech industry 10 years to come up
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with a solution between themselves. and they failed. now is the time for legislation. charlie angela al jazeera thunder for my us defense secretary james not spoken about how he invested $85000.00 of his own money into the failed biotech firm founded by elizabeth holmes mattress. it was also around us, board member testified at home just trial. when prosecutors accuse her a fraud charges that potentially carried decades in prison. around us attracted hundreds of millions of dollars from investors, the promises to revolutionize medical testing. but the technology didn't actually work. rival groups of coca farmers in bolivia have fought with police in the capital pas farmers. so roxanne, firecrackers officers responded by firing t again. the bottoms were spot by month long dispute of leadership of the regional coca pharmacy association. kokanee trade is a legal business in bolivia and is controlled by local union. 17 people have been arrested. south africa's national carrier is resuming flight,
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something being grounded for more than a year. i stop at that african anyways broke into song dogs and one of their planes took off from john is burger port. it stopped all operations last september because of financial problems . the airline received a government bailout and april essay was beset by mismanagement and corruption for years before the pandemic. ah, type of christian headlines here and i'll just say with the us special envoy for haiti has quit over the treatment of patient migrants. daniel foot described us policy deportations as inhumane and counter productive. the white house says horses will no longer be used by us border patrol in del rio, texas. off the offices, they use the horses rains to with patient migrants. the us border control,
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you've described the actions as unacceptable your effective state, anthony blink, and says disinformation is wrong. the encouraging haitians.


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