tv [untitled] September 24, 2021 9:30am-10:01am AST
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the 1st thing you learn, but we, even that the, the government i'm a firm and do any reporting from review, your venti tribe is protecting by diversity pro defending themselves against the legal invaders. brian: oh no, there's 0. ah . we get you back to talk to about the world and just in the sense to check on the headlines, the us special envoy for haiti is quit over the treatment of haitian migraines in a letter daniel foot described us policy on deportations says in humane and counter productive that tensions have been criticized by members of president jo bonham's democratic party is more from chaper tansy in washington. what
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a letter is often that you read a letter that so dominant it wasn't just about what, what the old way cool the are the inhumane expulsion of patients. many of you have never lived in a she hated potentially back to haiti, but it was about decades of us policy. and the implication from him was that i was brought him and it was actually request from members of congress to be a special like i was born to look at, look at the underlying causes of instability and haiti, and why we have refugee problems every now and then from hating and so on. and the gist of it is, i mean, completely ignored as far as the bite and ministration it's business. as usual, the white house also says horses will no longer be used by us border patrols in del rio, texas. after off the, there was seen whipping migrants with the horses rain. images captured by odyssey are and voices during the week. critics say their reminiscent of the historical mis treatment of black americans by hoarse mounted police. i flavor and sell the headlines in the us house committee investigating the january 6 capital right of
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subpoenaed for key members of de donald trump's administration. trump's chief of south mac meadows and former advisor steve bannon, are among those who will have to testify. un secretary general warned the security council, the climate change will make the world more violent and unstable. the you in general assembly has been dominated by calls for stronger environmental action. for my head of catalonia, as government has been arrested in sardinia, county has put him on travel there from belgium, where he's been living in self imposed exile for 4 years. spain as charged the separatist leader with sedition, saying he helped organize the 2017 catalog independence referendum and the flow of lava from that volcano on the canary, on and has slow but there is fear it could cause more damage. instead of the lava just flowing out to see you looking at life pictures of that volcano on la paloma island, which erupt at 6 days ago. hundreds of homes have been destroyed. that's my lot for today, emily, angling with you in half an hour's time and i'll see you again. oh,
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$300.00 gmc tomorrow. 02 related to different stories, both connected by the country. all origin but diverging conclusively in the individual sense of national identity. the country that connects the 2 is algeria a french colony from $1830.00. both men were born there and both went on to become successful writers. but that's where the similarity and how they come. you grew up in the french colonial community and jerry, the so called kit and inherited some of the sense of superiority that went with being the ruling class. but he gradually became aware that there were 2 sides to this story and stuff that something of an identity crisis that would haunt him all his blood on which was inextricably linked to algeria as fight for
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independence from french colonial rule. ah, ah, i live about boon. looks like a move can nail mean i can move my pattern of some pet doors on. again, look at those these. we don't get into look when a capacity pair about some guys, you know, not made home, says promoter pulling out, get, ah woman. she said i can a long, cooper. i wanted to see me wanna see, but i'm about to talk to feel kind of some ashley, ashley who side. but he did you if you today are over 35, will you to me he had and be me mad. we was that we
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can. yeah. i know who yes. 8180 as follows. yeah. you don't want me to unhook welcome. we're shad. what area of the attempts to see the really to was caught to be a see he was 16 years younger than commute and was born into the jury and trembly books of i'm a 0 to send the museum or burbidge with the pre arab people of north africa, he was originally named se counted, but decided to reverse the 2 words to create the name he wrote under. his family was highly educated, and the young carter was brought up with stories of arab achievement and historic
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algeria. heroes. get beneath this men, do i petite to get my dollars, jimmy get me on my nerves basket to supplement. his 5th attitude funny little dog song haunt barely is going to play on. the bishop had been so good as you least of the ones you know, he's some director more keen on a hobb kids don't look at why don't he says he come impacted you funny did it. i don't get off my mind is a thin man. yeah. rita need you serves his been met for a while to get there by physical. come on, you come to live. she's out of your home. if you can go home mailman, don't you don't agree with the fees or come to the g is angenie all to kind of to
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julia can squeeze it in. i think ala and the consequences for how policy did the bill for come to the is actually going to school, or is it the easy demo, even at post 3 or for about to do the don't in of, in a you don't detail said don't, he can avail to come me, ah, national identity shaped county and can be seen lions, me in county case. he looked and spoke like a frenchman, but sorted itself is algerian. he lived to someone of french heritage in algeria growing up. he didn't see any conflict between being algerian and having the clear french identity. contra, be seen, also had his own set of identity contradictions. he was of amazon descent,
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but spoke arabic at home and french at school. they said they can lay the dismal turf or tell mom to the point could mile or the 5 a book to do the that was all set up for get that be can moose on need born memory the more cell in agility, the why was the impact cool, what high school could be she made? see if we thought you had dish amended events off, i'll look at that, but i can see the demo. not on. got have the family call me keep that cook children. the pair me with the division dition mazili did this to keep the us give young the bar buddy don't buy off. they don't call you to enjoy. if you demo visual hot, even
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a v i p to you really don't to t m a z cut tab said electric show this will need not to do, but it's pretty problematic if you did a plea lose lose. you who says key won't, don't ask you, need to show us could get that be the issue. do in fact mean before he says clea gone, then you don't do. you have to have ability when the 2nd world war broke out, and $939.00 over $250000.00 jewelry and men were recruited to fight in the french military, paying against nazi germany. but when france was occupied by the notes in 1940 arians realize the colonizers could be defeated by the end of the war in 1945 nationalism had taken hold across algeria. the french colonial authorities,
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brutally put down protest and del harshly with the demonstration, especially on victory in europe day in may. 1945 in the towns of se, teeth and gal mom who is a junior high school, and i offered the kidney st. that's your guess. you surely tell them, julian, you don't want to leave them on the contrary to whom do surgery don't you don't get the julia and me. these are julia and and jenna was the median. no school now be practically too long. don't feel as soon as you know, knew how bad that you saw treat, you know,
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it was i need to look with what these are julian, the delusional hope in with them on the crate. you know, get to the lisa jimmy us on the mean. i call holly dolly home that i miss hall says you patty sheep, you bet us one that i host it call me teeth. he sucked on macedonia. lou these a scoop the lead with the to a not 100 on last. last sort of a pools dot com says see, do tv don't do dock. lock me home. says love. yes, true. bob. oh bobby promote these. you kick dad. how about getting my is it if who's on the immediate mo, shouldn't get it to college at at 80, but let me call says, and courtesy of a is a man, but the latter is a smaller one. this one fi symbol in knew what was pollution me saturdays in charge of the scene was 16 when the war ended. he was arrested in say,
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chief on the day, 945 and imprisoned for 2 months. he became a deeply committed nationalist on the 947 joined the jury and communist party deals so visited france for the 1st time and began to work as a journalist. kemi was also in paris, mainly writing for newspapers. don't. can you give me a phone call to direct them or not see him later, new latasha got him out in a coma. don't kill. i saw some museum from glass, likely to st. anthony's auto. if she got a mouth piece will a cooper do get him out? can i vick sebo take that extra shot them mother like her to get enough is a stick co boss legit and yeah, she need to pass this gentleman if you need that. barbara, puffy,
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i guess, can you give either the new up, you know, or can you see new hook or new or because this was gonna stay the whole says, well ben newton know if you don't know little j count. wow. if you don't know, no more percentage on the backend, you don't let 100 come on see. don't go to an a harbor. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no power. jamie will read the whole of the school. the chinese 1st noble, late home jane was originally published in french in 1942. the english edition came out 10 years later under the title, the stranger in north america, but was called the outsider in the u. k. the book tells the story of the french
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colonizer in our area who murdered an arab man on the beach. in l. g. extort to express cameras, bleak philosophy about the lack of meaning in life, and was not the best seller of the time. the camera was much better known during this period for his public clash with counted be seen over the future of algeria in the daily newspaper, algae, where they clashed openly over frances continuing presence in algeria cut w, country loving uniform, cut off the top of the shop, you called okay, g g needs to be cut off from met the sack and then can do don't sort of do it. they found that i did, but to tell you left a m a mall. i'll pay you luck. how about you come up there. just keep me up. puppy ortez. yes we do shuttle you back to the fema probiotic
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those you mean it was said that the old school kept deb upgrade. that was all the quite evil over the news. luckily, showed general extremely complex. i'll probably do the mit by when you come back to you know, because it, it, we do don't generate gee and happy weekend even dumber and best can break down. don't get that gets, you know, the hope of that. keep us the demo. g p beaca, me issue to general complex, the post and stuff in money. good up out to get the be seen about you're going to actually about your mom in november 1950 full c, l. jerry and more independence broke count. it lasted a long years and led ultimately to algeria independence from france in march, 960,
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to the french estimate that around 300000 people died in the war. but algerian figures are as high as 1500000. it was during the war that can be seen, published his novel next month in 1956 on the surface. it was the story of a mysterious spirit woman. but it's subtext was about the french occupation of algeria. me can be seen on the cleveland is now municipal 2nd. if you demo creed on context, nita and pine, you do not also do that. that can be powerful city one of the doctor to, to present do the luxury of harbor luther know. don't know how to do, do oh no, get back to get send enough to me to send him home. you shall
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be. don't the initial man to get your team to told me, le, let alone all the little g initially. when i speak to lisa hobson dix, hamilton, she left down dickerson azure duper soon as possible. maybe just, you know, explain it to your local law. she got the horn up a hole in the young man g. different horn up a hopeless, awful thing. don't don't. i know you couldn't do that. i have yet to don't. and if i can lift it at the gate
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2nd, she city in the slot to the come sick and cad don't set has a pretty medical please kept up. d, as it feels, say, poor dear, of heartache i shouldn't see buffy that financial ninja was published in the peak of the cheery and war of independence and was critically acclaimed. some observers argued that its central character directly represented algeria as national identity. the me at the same time, albert county was catapulted onto the global literary stage. in 1957, he was awarded the nobel prize for literature. the 2nd youngest writer ever to achieve the cover to the rule. but being in the spotlight,
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exposed can move to unwelcome attention. animal to me, if you them. okay, do you want to blend these? again, i know you're not going to feel for the moment of song. thanks to cats. can your blend gay identity pretty? as the con, behind it you june, don't sound good policy will go drill. i see. do me more, just suppress on jail journals in me to do my sockets, if i can you, i use that part of it. it's time more to get on the all set. see my married day by example on the suit cause i will do that in the x to the equity mail. ok, this is a dogs f m as high as on home. i'm a offered a leisure dis,
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just was my next on her ledger sees a may have left by taylor holsters was left home, county was caught in a double bind over his stomach. so now you in independence as a left wing, right? you're born in algeria. he could well have sided with the country of his birth, but he argued for a compromise. well sure to full independence. ah, this anger many algerians who consider coming to the band in the country. some even called him a colonial apologist. ah yeah. so this guy that got me, so it wasn't that much to do. it was ranking that i said that she was younger,
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more movies of edition, didn't put that in the service for me. awarding come to the nobel prize for literature was controversial in several ways. first his age, he was 43 when the nobel committee made him a laureate, the 2nd youngest winner, after the british writer rudyard kipling. but it was his cell. now geron independence that caused the most controversy. and car to be seen was one of the most vocal critics. on the night when can we received his prize? content wrote to him directly and it was not to congratulate him. instead he wrote appointed letter that began my dear citizen, a direct reference to come. he was out, jerry and background. carter went on to
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criticize him for his apparent failure to support algerians in their struggle for independence. the letter reminded county of all those who died in the bond and struggle which was still raging at the time. ah, can i might affect timmy lee and was 10000000 ada. i hadn't been lean house on company was me more now. let me let me, can you rick be he where you who had the human am fighting to stand that yet you he what? yes, i have all, i can come see the deity demo from me
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for most to julie, this is don johnson from the please. this is t william nichol massey is mr. g as in when am you can be awesome or can help cook and this is a while you tell me what we have going. what's up on the shed be in my room when the board? no, i'm not telling me i can, but i can who have 10 have had you know as a fellow so some of well, i hope you can call me buddy. and what did, when i went to show when i was the teddy, that there was actually because he at least move on to the lives of al back county and county. and the scene ran in parallel. they were from the same country and both succeeded as writers,
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but their identities were different. and they disagreed fundamentally on the question of algeria in independence. on the 4th of january, 960, how they're coming, killed in a car, crash on the way to paris. he was a passenger in a car, driven by his publisher, who also died. some journalists speculated that the crash had somehow been engineered by the former soviet intelligence agency, the k g b. but there is little hard evidence to support over half a century later, kemi remained the device had figured, some read is fine, truth, moderation, and justice in his writings. ah, others have never forgiven him for his failure fully to support l. g area in its war of independence from from, ah, culture be seen continued to write novels and plays often drawing on his early
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experience as a revolutionary activist in el g area. he died in 1989 in the french city of grenoble, car to be seen and l balconies are both recognized for their contributions to algeria literary heritage. but always, amid the continuing debate over their politics, a national identity. ah, which is a real world, reveals dramatic pictures from garza in may 2021. i lived there for a number of years and if there is no where safe and god account done to his really missile the tax on for time of why we're
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. ah the hello, thank you for joining in we flip the switch for parts of the golf, losing that humidity. we'll talk more about that in a 2nd. but 1st the what, whether through the levant, we still got a scattering of showers. in just sleeping in to northern parts of iraq, a lot of weather up into turkey, pushing into georgia. but did promise we talk about the humidity in doha. so look at this 38 on friday, feeling about 40. so no major humidity here in our temperatures. pretty well where they should be for this year. we've got rain pouring into southern sections of pakistan effect in karachi with the high of 33 degrees. you know what the rain is going to be near over the next few days. so we've got the risk in there in the forecast and high humidity on monday,
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31. but feeling about $41.00 with the heat index. ok off to turkey in a cool pool of air. here it's temple 20 degrees. look toward the east. we may see some high elevation snow through the tropics of africa. here's the situation for eastern parts of the democratic republic of congo. quite soaking. rain western side of uganda. just a little while ago was the eastern side. if you've gone to dealing with that heavy rain and landslides, high temperatures across south africa, johannesburg, 27. but i think for the 1st time this season will get you up to 30 likely. on sunday. the people are much more than to the communities they live in. no matter how much i need to present titian as much as anyone else's going a lot of domains, one of the most polluted part of the night, the delta. and now it's people say they want
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a clean up all that is point and bottom and with immediate love that coverage covers you just when you suffer calamities. i don't think that's right. and that is what i wanted to change. i wanted to go further to cover story stuff, impact the lives of people to, to flip this totally. but i was really passionate about stories with fucked. the government's food rather, keep him in the story stuff, drop the fixed narrative and depend on the reality on the thought is why i became a journalist. i'm how much does, who's the wealth lungs being seized? the amazon rain forest is diminishing the rate of 2 football pitcher a minute to meet the market insatiable appetite for logging mining and farming. as both scenarios, government seek to relax conservation laws and increase production. indigenous
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communities on the brink of extinction. know it's the flight of their life. people empower brazil's amazonian battle on al jazeera, play an important role protecting human. ringback face in the news the u. s. ran south expulsions of haitian migrants despite criticism of its actions on the southern border. ah, hello, i'm emily angland. this is al jazeera live from so how so coming up climate change is again raised by ladies of the un general assembly where the.
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