tv [untitled] September 24, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm AST
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say the painting with scientists to create a new approach to marine conservation thing you learn, but we, even that the government i'm a firm and do any reporting from review. if you're going to try protecting by diversity defending themselves against the legal invaders. brian on al jazeera me . ready ready for talk with conditions, note career announces a court open dialogue with its neighbor. ah, hello, i'm emily angland. this is al jazeera, alive from joe, also coming up a climate protest in berlin just 2 days before jim and go to the post.
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support is a former cadillac late a college puda mon rally outside the italian consulate in boston. lorna bologna, who detention in the island of danielle's and the flowing menace, la palmer's volcanic eruption is slowing their fees about its potential for further damage. ah, the sister of north korea laid it says, p young young is ready to consider ending the state of war with the south, but only of cells, scraps its hostile policies. the statement from came your jung says the declaration of an end to the war is quote, an interesting proposal and a good idea. however, it goes on to say that this would not make sense in the midst of double standards and hostile policies. him, your jung was responding to a cold or the south korean president moon jane, which he made at the un general assembly. hum,
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bundle promotion. 2 years ago in this very place, i declared 0 tolerance for war, a mutual security guarantee and co prosperity as the 3 principals required to resolve issues related to the korean peninsula. last year i proposed the declaration to formerly end the korean war. more than anything and end of war declaration will mark a pivotal point of departure to create a new order of reconciliation and cooperation on the korean peninsula. i once again urged the community of nations to mobilize its strength for the end of war declaration on the korean peninsula and proposed that the 3 parties of the 2 careers, n d, u. s. or for parties of the to create and us and china come together and declare that the war on green peninsula is over. and rub, mcbryan has more in this story from song. it is potentially quite important. give it that it does come from kim jung, who tends to be one of the more critical uncompromising voices of the north korean leadership when it comes to dealings with south korea and also the united states.
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this was in response of course to that a call from moon j in the president of south korea who is desperate to try to restart talks with north korea and sees a formal declaration to the end of the korean war. as a way to do it. describing it as being pivotal for the whole korean peninsula. now he has made these calls before, but a coming with the talks being stored. he really sees this is one of these remaining opportunities to try to restart the go see ations. now, initially, it was treated with some dismissive nus by north korea with a vice foreign minister saying earlier on friday that it was up to the united states to drop its hostile post during his he put it in order for this to new, go anywhere, but then that was quickly followed up by kim jo john with her statement while being skeptical about it and accusing south career of double dealings. saying that it was
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potentially an admirable idea that these conditions were right then north korea, she says, might be willing to enter into a constructive discussion. so this has been treated positively by south korea, which says it is committed to try to restarting negotiations and have good relations with the law. and it's certainly a very different picture to what we were looking at just over a week ago when you will recall that on the same day within the space of a few hours, the military's of the 2 careers were test firing new types of missile. so it does seem to be an improvement on that, at least to europe now in climate change is one of the hottest topics in the upcoming german elections. after july, floods killed nearly 200 people. anglo merkel has been dubbed the climate chancellor during her 16 year term. but critics say her commitment internationally is being contradicted by a lack of action that home step vessel reports. this is lake knight, one of the dirtiest forms of coal mines from
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a 50 square kilometer hole that has swallowed dozens of villages and threatens another 6 in the coming years. the gas while mind providing power to the western, most industrialized part of germany, ice in the same state. would that be flat struck last to lie a result of extreme rainfall attribute to global warming? it cannot advantage for skin. i can't understand why germany continued just policy . they say we will stop in 2038, but that is too late. it isn't thinkable that in 2027 villages will have to disappear to mine coal, the damages, the climate. marita family has been living and cooking for generations. a nearly abandoned village. now since many residents have left due to plants, demolished, the houses are w e. the energy company is expanding mine because according to the coal exit strategy, it can extract lick nitro, 17 more years. the had done was the police actually, most vague merkel has signed the parents agreement. but here we see that the climate goals are undermined it. the mind should stop where it is now. otherwise,
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germany does not stay within the global $1.00 degrees temperature, right? it. while germany can rely more on renewable energy than other european countries, fossil fuels have recently made a comeback to prevent blackouts due to a shortage of wind and solar energy to put pressure on politicians to speed up the energy transition. climate activists have set up camp, the village that is about to be demolished by the mining company. these mines have become a symbol for germany. struggle to move away from fossil fuels. to so much shows that uncle merkel should have done more to this or for title as climate chancellor . but to out of this transition to green energy is going way too fast. the static sound for former coal mine is like you organ yakobelli, who spent 33 years working underground until the last deep cold mine close in 2018 . it was the end of an industry that provide at work for half
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a 1000000 people in the 1950 and how to rebuild germany after world war 2, jacobo to now guide to it, thinks the industry, how built slows too soon. we kind of color, we don't want coal, we don't want late night. we don't want nuclear energy. and with new forms of energy, we can't generate enough power for our economy. so what are we doing now? we are importing coal climate chancellor or not uncle america. lisa mix legacy, looking at policies to reduce emissions. analysts say the next chancellor has no choice but to speed up the energy transition and try to fill merkel fly shoes internationally. angle, american star was also a motor start, so she emerged as a great leader over time. and the only thing what we can hope is that the future chancellor, whoever be the future chancellor is also a leader which it will be respected. germans fold on sunday, which direction they want the country and it's energy transition to go. but many agree, the train moving away from the traditional call industry has become unstoppable.
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that vessel is live for us in berlin at one of the climate change protest. hello. this step climate change is obviously a top election issue. what are these protesters calling for? yes, it's just today for the unfortunate we've just last step there, we will try and cross back to to her in just a moment. rushes election commission has rejected claims of widespread load rigging as it certified the election results on thursday. it confirmed that pro kremlin united russia had won the pole with around 50 percent of the vote. bennett smith has moved from moscow a 2 thirds majority in the state duma, the united russia. but that is only part of the story. opposition candidates, particularly in moscow won't be electronic vote a wanted the electronic vote. i know the 8 of them in seats in the moscow area who
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when the manual was being counted, were way ahead. these was, these were mainly communist party candidates, but suddenly, well, later, the next day when they electronic vote was added and that was added very late. suddenly all those seats were flipped in favor of united russia. now those communist candidates have benefited from tactical voting. after being recommended, as best buys by a system created by lexi nevada, the supporters, as those people best place to defeat united russia's candidates, the election commission says the worst amend regularities, but about 40000 votes were invalidated. but that's tiny. in comparison to the 110000000 registered voters. however, if you take the recommendations of the survey, chappelle kid who is a very highly respected analyst and track of russia elections, it's something very, very different. he reckoned around 40000000 people legitimately voted united russia
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out of a 110000000, but another 14000000 votes were fabricate, with fabricated. and if that's the case, and this is the worst result for the kremlin, since about putin came to power 21 years ago, the flow of lava from a volcano when the canary islands has slowed, but there's fear, it could still cause more damage. the volcano and the palma island erupt 6 days ago . hundreds of homes have since been destroyed. nicholas hark reports from the village of has a coating above the picturesque coastal village of does a corte is what seems like a looming storm, but is in reality a giant cloud of volcanic ash. the crater has expanded, does the court, it has not yet been evacuated. the villagers, mayor, one coast is not just concerned, but deeply worried. lava is moving 4 meters per hour and it's less than 2 kilometers away from the village. one on, earlier this year,
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i'm concerned this may effect the banana plantations. this is the principal economic activity of people. so it was a big losses for so many families. 500 hector's, a banana plantation have been universally destroyed by a thick blanket of ash. microscopic volcano rocks are seeping into the crop, making them inevitable amounts of last sized martina to an island that gets much of its revenue from banana production last year. a devastating fire dest toward the crop, followed by a long spell of drought. and now this looks. no, sir, i'm so upset, it's a disgrace. what we're going through here, we live off, and buy the banana plantations. if we can't work, we are about to lose everything. it's another tragedy of all. a royal visit in spain came to boost the small and remote islands morale. thousands of people are displaced their homes and belongings turned to ash. experts don't know if this is
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going to last for weeks or for months. and so people on this island are learning to live in this new environment surrounded by fire and lava and what they describe as an unpredictable and intense climate. well, can ologist headlong predictive disruption, but failed to anticipate its magnitude there now studying the site for clues for what may happen next, it has left them with more questions than answers. you have a person that may happen, right? so we are dealing with somebody in adoption, the nomic of the got sick of the kid when you set up. so you're going to make these kinds of different faces much more expressive. but this is common to see this kind of changing character movie character. what is this volcano trying to say wonders may or costa who fails to see its beauty? he feels powerless in the face of this force of nature as the future of his village
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hangs in the balance. nicholas hawk al jazeera lewalma still ahead on al jazeera, were wondering troops drive back rebels in northern mos in big local communities, paying the prime. and why the us envoy of a have he has resigned in protest at the treatment of haitian migrants by his compliment. ah, it's another beautiful sunny day of 35000 feet. the weather sponsored by cattle airways booted world's best airline of 2021. hello there, let's have a look at east asia, and we're watching severe tropical storm min delay as it works its way south of japan and east of taiwan. now it's not of concern at the moment, but it is strengthening as it works its way towards. okay. now what we are expecting it to bring the wet and windy weather with it. now ahead of it, it is looking dry of southern areas of japan, if you,
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spotty showers across horseshoe temperature in tokyo, sitting in the mid twenties. and it's a pretty fine picture for much of the korean peninsula that we've got a bit of cloud cover. the wet weather expected to arrive in the mid of next week. but we think some really exceptional rain falling across those central and eastern areas of china. once again fueled by that slow moving weather front. we're going to see it bring some heavy falls to shang done by the time we get into sunday stretching all the way to sit shrunk, but it is looking dryer to the south of this, hong kong liking to see the weather dry up as we go into next week now was moved to south asia. the monsoon rain is refusing to shift is getting heavier in the north west. we've got an ample warning out for heavy rain for good. you're right. we could see some flooding here. and that peters into pakistan where we have already be seen some flooding, we could see more of those floods with that heavy rain. the weather sponsored by cattle airways, boated world's best airline of 2021. al jazeera recounts the shocking story of the
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assassination of counts full cabana dot tossed by the security council to mediate between arabs and israelis. his death would prove one of the darkest days in the quest for peace in the middle east. killing the count on algebra. ah, the hello. you're watching al jazeera, i'm emily angland, a reminder of our top stories this and i'm one of the sisters of north korea late. it says the young yang is ready for talks with so if it's scraps,
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it's hostile policies. the statement from kim jo jung is in response to south korea call for formal in to the korean war. rushes election commission has rejected claims of widespread vote rigging as it certified the election results on thursday . supporters from the russian communist party protested in moscow. widespread claims, a vote of fraud and intimidation and a volcanic eruption on the canary islands have destroyed hundreds of homes in nearly a week. the flow of lava has now flowed on the home island, but there are fees, it could continue to cause damage. wild leaders have been told a warmer planet will also be a more violent one. the security implications of climate change were put to a meeting of the you and security council during a general assembly dominated by cold, stronger environmental action. christian salumi reports from the un
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from flash blood to drought and famine. the united nations warns that a reckoning is coming for climate change. the united kingdom's prime minister boars johnson came to the general assembly with a message for human kind. it's time for humanity to grow up. it's time for us to listen to the warnings of the scientists. and if you look at cove, it, if you want to see an example of the gloomy scientists being proved, right, it's time for us to grub and understand who we are. and what we are doing, johnson is trying to whip up support for major new commitments to reduce carbon emissions before it's too late. the international community travels to glasgow and early november for a major climate summit. well, virtually all countries agree that a warming climate is a risk. some are making the case that it's more than just an environmental problem . they say it is also a threat to international peace and security. some argue that means the security
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council can take action. that's an argument that should have been settled a long time ago. look at almost every place where you see threats, international peace and security today. and you'll find that climate change is making things less peaceful, less secure, and rendering our response even more challenging. china, as the world's largest consumer of call prefers to keep the subject off the councils agenda on the way it would be inappropriate and so forth to replace the collective decision making of the international community. beijing has promised to stop building new cold plants abroad, but the u. k. prime minister argues all countries will need to step up even more to keep the temperature rise below the previously agreed 1.5 degrees celsius and humanity on track. we must come together in a collective coming of age. we must show that we have the maturity and wisdom
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to act. and we can the cop 26 climate conference he's hosting is now just weeks away. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations, was, were wondering, forces have read the northern parts of mozambique, of armed groups in just 2 months. something local forces failed to achieve in use. malcolm web sent these update from cover delgado in mozambique for london. and mose, i'm beacon soldiers and now in control of this town to the wifi and it's on a key road junction. but just a few weeks ago, who was occupied by fighters from the on group house, bob. and you can see the remains of what they left behind. a lot of the buildings have been taught good. some shops have been looted. cars have been set on fire as well in the civilians and the savvy really feared the fighters from this group. then a tourist for the heading, her abducting people, and all of the villages that we passed along the road on the journey here. a still
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completely deserted around a 100000 people have been displaced by the conflict began 4 years ago. as the insurgents steadily took more towns and villages, more people fled lazenby exams, forces failed to stop their advance. rwandan soldiers arrived here about 2 months ago under an agreement between the 2 governments. in recent weeks, they fought the armed group out of one town after the next. and it's fighters have fled into the bush. this small town called him bow was the last town, the armed groups fighters occupied and their leaders were head cold today as well. just a couple of weeks ago, the random forces pushed him out of the following a heavy battle and you can see the remains of it. explodes is blown the roof of the building and the hole in the sheets and in the wall as well. on the floor, you can see the remains of the shopkeepers property. it was one space there before
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fleeing when the insurgents attacked all the people that used to live here. and now wondering if, when it will be safe for them to come home to the us. now when it's ramping up, expulsions of haitian migrants from the southern border with mexico and the department of homeland security says it's conducted 12 people taishan flight since sunday were turning in the 2000 people to hygiene. washington special envoy, a hazy, has resigned because of what he calls the inhumane treatment of haitian migrants by his government. in a statement, daniel ford said the policy of deporting thousands of asylum seekers is counter productive and deeply flawed. al jazeera, 14 showing the mistreatment of haitians along the us border cause the outrage earlier this week, the white house is now banned the use of horse patrols around the del ray or border area. thousands of patients remains stranded there and makes shift cams she have returned the has more from washington dc on the sidelines of the un general
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assembly as we blinking attempted once again to present the u. s. as making human rights central to its foreign policy. when asked about the treatment of haitian refugees, of the u. s. a southern border. the secretary of state blamed disinformation. some people are misinforming haitians, whether in haiti or haitians residing and other countries that they can come to the united states and, and state because of the temporary protected status that was granted the patients who are already here. but there is a fundamental contradiction between the u. s. along haitian refugees to stay in the u. s. under its temporary protective status scheme because of their home countries, instability only if they arrived before the end of july, while deporting those seeking asylum now to a country, it admits is dangerous. it was a question of the white house spokes person wrestled with in washington. we are still under title 42 because we are in a global pandemic journey. sucky neglects dimension is the reason the u. s. is
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still under title 42 is the bite administration has fought to keep it in its place against all legal challenges. title $42.00 is the obscure, 75 year old public health law that was used by the trump administration to reject and deport all asylum seekers out at southern border. at the time centers for disease control scientist said it's invocation of sensibly to prevent the spread of code that had no basis in science. sucky also misstated us an international law regarding asylum seekers. they're not deportations. people are not coming into the country through legal methods. in fact, the us immigration and nationality act is clear that any alien, irrespective of how they entered, is eligible to seek asylum. international law also prohibits will refuse more well the expulsion of refugees to countries where they faced persecution. a point raised at the u. m. the mass expulsions currently underway without screening for protection needs are inconsistent with international norms in may constitute reform
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. in his resignation letter, special envoy, down foot didn't just object to what he called the inhumane counter productive decision to deport thousands of refugees to hazy, but took aim at the bike. the administration's wider policies toward the country, which he said would only worse than the refugee situation across the region. he knows that the administration is supporting aerial home reef as the country's current leader over the objections of civil society. but said it was just the latest floored us intervention, but hubris that makes us believe that we should pick the women again is impressive . he writes the cycle of international political interventions in haiti as consistently produced catastrophic results. the white house as foot never raised any objections. blink and acknowledge disagreements, but said he appreciated foot passion. foot says he was ignored. i'm dismissed. she every time. see al jazeera washington support is a former cadillac later college pre ju mom,
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have rallied outside the italian consulate in barcelona. following his detention in sardinia. he travelled to the italian island in the early hours of friday, from belgium, where he had been living in spain accuses put germano of sedition for a 2017 independence referendum, which was deemed illegal by the court side of it. we still don't know when the date for the hearing will be set. it could be late morning today or tomorrow based on the documents and when they will arrive. we've done the judges and we have to consult with adam rainy's outside the courthouse on the italian island of city, mia? hello there, adam. now before we get to today's developments, what exactly was carlos doing incidentally in the 1st place? well, according to him and his team, they had come to attend catelynn even start daniel cultural festival for our viewers who may not be aware get the the city to which he flew is basically as
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a cadillac minority there. and they celebrate a patron saint every year around this time. it's a week long festival and he was coming. some of the people who are opposed to him would say he's also meeting with independence movement activists here because there is a strong app, small independence movement here inside of sardinia. it is the largest one in all of the regions. young, a bit dependence. here, people been protesting outside the court room on friday because they believe this is a symbol for what's wrong with europe. they say that, that such autonomous independent national movements can be appreciated and not squashed. like this one was in spain, they say, and behind me you might see some flags. just a few moments ago, members of the cadillac parliament arrived your day had traveled as well for this cultural festival. and they are going in to make their case that they think that she should be free should be able to attend this specimen. of course, be free to go home to belgium, where he has his residence right now. after the customer. they say there's no
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reason to hold him if this is a legal they say you're just gonna have to say about that. of course, that was my next question, adam, have we heard from the judge at all or anything from inside the courtroom itself? well, well inside the court room from people who work here were hearing that the judge wants to move forward in the afternoon. the lunch break is almost over here. we did hear of course, from his lawyer. i mean, before you spoke to me saying you didn't have to be on friday or saturday or when, but we're starting to get signal that it might be heard today the case. and if so, might even be the pressure coming in from the the parliament members, some have luna and they're, they're going to make their case. so it looks like there's a very good chance not 100 percent. we can't say that this case is going to be heard and there might be a decision before the end here. and then what about more broadly, what has been the response from people in so dean,
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you're itself well, as i mentioned earlier this, this, this, it's a maybe a minority here, but it's a very strong independence movement. and even those who don't support perhaps political independence, very much support the culture autonomy of the people here and then the people. so then you feel a strong affection and historical high. we've got a linear because of the fact that it's settled, this part are doing it. so what we've seen are dozens of protests out here. all of them same, of course, you should have been arrested then you should be freed immediately. and what they keep telling us is that this isn't real moment an inflection point for europe. if you're start be more open to these groups of people, perhaps wanting political independence or more cultural economy. more for more, some hybrid of that that you will be much more successful. one gentleman we spoke to actually said if they keep squashing these movements,
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what it does is it makes the people push back because what they feel is the yoke of authoritarianism. pressing down on them, so what we're going to see is more protests outside before. and so this decision made whether friday, saturday, or in the day to come because there's this strong feeling of empathy and also cultural connection with the cadillac here. okay adam, make sure you keep us updated adam running there outside of the courthouse in sudden you while bore on the straits of rome have become an election issue in the cities meryl rise. the animals are a common side in some neighborhoods of the italian capital. they've been increasingly drawn to the city and racing years. attracted by pals of rubbish, meryl candidates blaming each other. for the issue. you're probably rough, i'm afraid causes i am afraid. now there are no bull when there are, i'm afraid, and it didn't happen just want it. but many times, once i saw them, i was going to throw out the rubbish. and they came off to me because i was
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carrying a bag with rubbish. i left the bag and went away while boys always drove here, but we are always careful with them. we are not afraid, because we know they went to taco, but we always keep a safe distance from them. because if by chance there is a mother with a pig, let's be rift being a top arg . hello, i'm emily angry. this is al jazeera and these are the top stories. the sister of north korea later says pyongyang is ready to consider ending the state of war with the south, but only sell scraps its hostile policies came, jo jung was responding to a cold weather south korean president, moon j in made at the un general assembly. it is potentially quite important given that it is of course kimmie o jung, who tends to be the more critical uncompromising voice of the north korean
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