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tv   [untitled]    September 26, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm AST

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motion lord, have seen women incarcerated for years. some say their own, the crime was a devastating still. an in house story of one woman struggle that ignited a movement. miscarriage of justice. a witness documentary on al jazeera, l g 0 recounts the shocking story of the assassination of counts full cabana dot a tossed by the security council to mediate between arabs and israelis. his death would prove one of the darkest days in the quest to compete. in the middle east, ah, killing the count on algebra. ah ah.
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the me. again, you're watching out there a reminder about some stories and funerals taking place for 5 palestinians killed by is ready forces in the occupied west bank. these ready storm, several villages to rest. what they called ha, mass operative students. government is one of huge financial losses after protest is brought to oil pipelines in the main seaport, around the gates, a piece deal with rebel groups, which they say discriminate against them. and thousands of people are protesting against each unit president in the capital of life, which is right now in the streets of the capital tunis, supporters of ty said, are also on the street a wednesday. he announced he would rule by decree and ignore the parts of the constitution. we're going to take that story on right now. as your mother shall join me now. you know the area very well. well,
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clearly anger is escalating and did what we're seeing here is that rather than support increasing for the president who initially did have widespread, a kind of a whites proposed to response when he made his decrees july 25th. it's the opposition that is growing towards him and it's because what we've seen is his actions, which he initially build as anti corruption measures as an attempt to try and rectify the failures of successive governments being turned into consecutive power graphs. the later solve them being his decision, as you mentioned that to essentially all but scrap the constitution and walls. he made that decision to then say that he will be ruling by decree within hours. some of his supporters took to the streets and physically burnt the constitution. now this is a constitution that came about as a result of the 2011 our spring. our pricing. many traditions died in that our pricing and specifically in the push towards coming up with
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a civil constitution which centered itself on civil liberties in an increase of a t. m. fluid is the one that gained the consensus across the political spectrum. so that idea not image yesterday or people burning the constitution in the center of tune is in the avenue where a lot of the process took place, the iconic kind of image, that's something that really has to go to thousands of people in the streets as received today, right, so fair to say then the initially back in july, back in the summer, he did have support for what he was doing. but now people think he's just going to fall and do it. i mean, even some of his biggest supporters who were the biggest opponents vocal opponents of the, let's say pro revolution inside whether it was the r t or some of the trade union. so you have people like to be, or in one of the members of parliament, the hearts of not the party that has linked to the old regime. even they have come
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out and said, well, what is happening now is something that is a constitutional cool because what you decided was an irony in its place. value is actually a constitutional law professor, right? so he's come on largely this because he's not a whole new book. i don't need to buy it. ok. what's the alternative? the alternative isn't that he's going to set up some sort of leadership council that's produced that can include different people. the terms of reason that the thing is going to fall from power to the traditional read alternative isn't that he said he will do a transitional government. the alternative literally has been that the traditional will be in his hands. legislation will be in his hands, essentially all power within the country in his hands and his hands alone. so that's cause a lot of anger, the question and why we need to monitor what's happening here very closely is because we need to figure out is the younger, specifically a reaction we one to those decisions? or will this transform into a wider movement that's will recharge,
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may be the arab spring and so far as soon as he is concerned. and there are several factors. for example, this, some of some other party is going through a crisis of its own. it's had more than $100.00 resignations in a post 24 hours. people are not happy with the way. it's really the rational. i know she has been doing things. you have the trade unions which believe that they need to come back into the scene with regards to their position because they were one of the key factors in the pro revolutionary government that took place. and we have the security services. what role are they going to play where the protests are taking place? are stones throw away from the ministry of interior? we're hearing reports that some of the roads are being blocked already, the main roads leading into the capital. soon as i have confirmed that there's checkpoints, there, will there be a confrontation or not? it's not something that people will wait to hear. interestingly enough, is because those crowds are, they're not as big as what they're expecting them to be because the protests weren't called for until about an hour from now. so the,
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this is still the build up to it, right? so how that happens and how that transforms and what kind of response the president has is interesting, and just very christie to i don't to that. one other thing to account for is the comments that are going to come from international stakeholders and the international community already. they've been quietly critical of the presidents and trying to urge them to set a deadline to what these measures are going to be may be. or probably there'll be a lot more vocal in the next day or 2 if this continues show show. well, let's see what happens in the coming out. so time being well appreciate that. thanks so much the on to mati whose prime minister has accused france of abandoning his country. his most french troops prepared to leave speaking at the un general assembly to carla maga said his government is justified in seeking other partners. that's an impairment reference to private russian military contract, which has been linked to the criminal christian salumi reports now from the united nations. france 1st deployed some $5000.00 troops to northern molly in
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2013 a mid worsening violence from armed groups to be on a chair. now, as most french troops prepared to leave, molly's prime minister told the un general assembly, his country feels abandoned and needs to look elsewhere for help with the security level, he does need to laugh and button the new situation, resulting from the end of operation bar cane puts molly before a fait accompli abandoning us mid flight to a certain extent. and it leads us to explore pathways and means to better ensure our security, autonomously, or with other partners. so as to fill the gap, which will certainly result from the withdrawal of bar cain in the north of the country, but and with anti western sentiment on the rise in molly, a shift is emerging away from france towards russia. it's foreign minister, sir guy la, rob confirmed molly, had requested the assistance of a russian military contractor,
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but didn't mention the wagner group by name. he said it had nothing to do with his government, but it will still that he's wrong. that's because it's there combating terrorism incidentally, and they've turned to a private military company from russia and the connection with the fact that, as i understand friends wants to significantly draw down its military component, which was present. and as everyone understood, so you should have been combating terrorists who established a presence in dallas, but they didn't manage to do that from libya to the central african republic. the west has accused wagner of meddling and conflict zones on moscow's behalf. and allegation russia denies. but the european union has worn such a move in molly would cross a red line and threaten relations with the west african nation. these latest maneuvers add to the tensions in a country where the united nation has more than 13000 piece capers. and the security council has been pushing for elections and some military took over in
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a qu last year. kristen salumi al jazeera, the united nations. let us take this home, we can speak to port melli, who is a consulting fellow from the africa program at chatham house. he joins us from and over in the u. k. pro many welcome to the program. first upset with to both agree do think will russian missionary outfits be operating at the pest? the russian government that is very hard to say. as your reporter pointed out, the russian government tends to distance itself from the activities of wagner. and that was certainly the case in the central african republic, but the operations of this private security company have been very controversial. and in the central african republic, it's been accused by the u. n's own group of experts on the country of widespread human rights abuses. so that's one of the reasons why there's so much concern among the europeans, but also we should mention among the west africans,
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out of west africa regional summit. a few days ago. the heads of state to the other west african countries. the echo was blocked to which molly belongs, said that they strongly condemned the transitional god, molly government's decision to hire private security companies had expressed consent that it would make the security situation worse. because given the security come company's reputation for human rights abuse, the heavy handed tactics that could alienate elements of the population of actually push some people into joining. some of the hardest groups that the whole security effort is supposed to tackle, right, which is on every, once we've not just europe, it's word, west africa is very worried about this 2nd lover of russian pharmacists as it is legitimate. is it? well, molly is had
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a french military presence since 2013. when the government took the time in panama, co asked the french to intervene to help quite the hardest. since that time there have been several 1000 french troops there over the whole right throughout that period. and the french presence is being reduced, it's not being completely withdrawn, although they're winding up the actual deployment kobuck cain or backbone. but they're still going to be maintaining $3000.00 troops across the hell. most of those concentrated in ne, nodded a particularly north east. and molly, where the job is, groups remain very active and but possibly the molly in, oh, forties are upset because the headquarters for that new, reshaped french deployment, is going to be in the army. and that's also going to be wild into
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a european deployment. a number of european countries have dispatched special forces to molly over the last year or so. among them, the italians, the checks, the swedes, the estonians, there's a growing european special post is deployment working with the french and all that is closely coordinated with the molly, an army, and with the armies of the other countries in the region became uneasy. this is all a joint security effort and the big concern right across the international community, from the europeans, but also from the west africans. and also, i suspect privately for the united nations itself is this is real effort to develop a coordinated international response. coordinating with the armies of the region could be undermined a further current transitional molly government brings in outside security contractures and let us not to get it pulled. i do appreciate that by just
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running out of time. i do apologize for the break in there, but thanks very much indeed. we the complex situation. in fact, we're pretty well perspective for thanks. thank you. good now to afghanistan, where the foreign minister is encouraging people to develop businesses, assuring them of no restrictions or corruption. the taliban added economic expose to his team of ministers on tuesday in an attempt to revive the economy. it comes also us blogs. the taliban is access to 9 and a half $1000000000.00 in foreign reserves. the some of these let me state is putting the burden of responsibility on businesses. we appointed businessmen as ministers and deputies to help you. now it's up to you, however you want to do it to prosper in trade and help your countrymen, the ground is laid for you to do it. road the open. they are not checkpoints. there are no issues in customs. there are no bribes and no corruption. if someone makes excuses, that's an them. i want to tell this to the world. we are not back in the year. 2000
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islamic state has very deep roots and long relationships. well, the un says i've got this done, is facing economic collapse without immediate assistance and humanitarian aid structure has this report now from cobble know of me as he sold land at home in order to stance off his pixel company. 40 years ago. he says he has since invested half a $1000000.00 in the factory flows. afghan and foreign companies use to buy the clothes and scarf it mates. that business has virtually ground to a halt. in recent weeks, when the tale bonds have control of our gun is done in august, the us throws nearly $10000000000.00 of gun assets filled abroad. and taliban leaders were forced to restrict cash withdrawals from local banks. but the good, because the other palate bond taliban government has to reopen the financial institutes. so people can withdraw enough money to buy materials for their
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businesses. and the international community needs to soften their attitude. this still made bad the effect every day. i've done people, a lot of the counter is one of the factories, few employees who still comes to work on paid. he fought the soviet army when it invaded afghanistan in the 1980s. he never dreamed he would still be struggling to support his family. 40 years later, he saw that it was caught up, the country is in a terrible state. the security situation is improved, but there are no jobs. there's no happiness in life, no joy, the country is amiss. the factory employs around 30 women work in a separate room from the men. some employees fled the country on evacuation flights when the taliban took control and no ab shows me a video of men he used to pay to collect move for him. in the northern city of muslim sharif and so we can't afford them right now. around 80. people are employed
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at this factory. but as you can see, it's just down today to a skeleton staff. and one of the big problems the company is facing. is it one of its main overseas clients is refusing to buy the products at this company makes because the taxes that this company will pay on the profits that it makes. now go to the new taliban government. foreign companies nervous about dealing with the afghan business partners. that's because foreign governments won't recognize the taliban government, as some of its members are on terrorism and un sanction lists. 29 year old entrepreneur of the law, he spent a $1000000.00 on what he says is the largest wool spinning machine. and i've got to stop. he finally got it up and running 3 months ago, but was forced to suspend operations earlier this month because foreign and local clients canceled orders. and some investors flipped the country with their cash. i
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endeavor will be so. i had big plans to buy more machinery, but i am dedicated to my community and but the current situation and hope all my employees are forced to sit at home because i cannot pay them. no ob says he wants to help his work. his families build a new canister for the time being. he and many african business owners like him have no choice but to put their dreams on hold tal stratford down to 0 cobbled in space canary islands. the volcanic eruption, la palmer is continuing to destroy property flights. of grounded and almost 7000 people or be forced to leave their homes. the government has promised aid to those effects it. let's cross to nick hock whose life for la palmer as we look at those live pictures next. ever more dramatic and spectacular. if anything vote tendencies be building and path sorry, it's actually getting louder and louder people here couldn't sleep at night with
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these regular explosion that you could hear kilometers away up to 20, to 30 kilometers at the other side of the island. you could still hear these loud explosions that you're hearing right now on what you're seeing right now. you can see that the crater on one side is throwing up gases for kilometers up into the air and mixture of oxygen, but also sulfur dioxide. the level is not threatening to human, that's what vulcan ologist are saying, but there's quite a lot of of, of stuff going up into the air and that's causing 4 flights to be grounded and for people to be locked on for this island. at the same time, if you look just below, you'll see love a liquid love or fresh lava flowing out. and the danger with this 2nd crater, as you can see, is that it's flowing on top of the existing lava. that was, that was viewed out last sunday and it's accelerating bits, process of bits,
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flow of love, a river of lava going into the ocean yesterday was going at the rate of 4 meters, an hour. now it's 30 to 40 meters an hour and it will take another kilometer before it reaches the ocean. what would happen? there is thermal shock. imagine this lava at the temperature of a 1000 degrees celsius, hitting this ocean around 14 degrees. there's fear that would be even more toxic gas emitted, and we've noticed in the last few days is of course as she longest cloud of provoking a micro climate in the afternoon. there's rainfall, what feels like a rainfall of ash and there's a big blanket of ash covering this city. it says if it's slowly being buried by this, by the thick. so that's what's worrying people here that are in standby. some people don't want to leave their home, they're afraid to get out,
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and others are just fleeing away as far as it can away from this unpredictable volcano. well, well can just say that this is a strong bullying type of volcano, which means that there is a slow flowing volcano. there are measures put in place by the authorities masks are mandatory. so our protection for the eyes, putting thick layers of clothes and people are coming back to the restriction from covered the deal with this natural disaster. next are they will leave that for the time being extraordinary pitches, a force of nature, very much in evidence. now we can arrange i, let's move on to this boat pita standing by. thank you very much. the usa have tightened their grip on golf ride a cup as they hid into the final day with any live and 5 lead of the europe. any just 3 and a half points from sunday. singles matches to when the trophy janet guys are up the ripples with the u. s. a. holding a record 6 point lead. it's hard to see how defending champions europe will be able
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to pull their way back on the final date. but there were some bright moments to them. in fact, today, the spanish pairing of joan rome and sergio garcia kept up their winning streak beating brook. and daniel berger, your only point in the morning session, see a further extending his record of most matches one to 25. that was a little consolation. why? i didn't know. i didn't know what that record. i didn't know. and i didn't care. you know, i just looks like american guys are just plain little bit better than, than us and, and it's, it's a shame. otherwise it was all usa in the morning session is they took 3 of the early point over the shelter the day did belong to europe, who casey, who hated bull unseen from the rough. dropping in for an eagle. yeah. putting some space between themselves and the visitors,
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the americans went into the afternoon session with 93 lead and just as well as jordan speith puts fail struck 12 he and brooks kept her leading to rome and go see a shame. lowery, until also got much needed point. the irishman thing all his emotions don't blame for a few points behind, but i mean, i'm not believing i don't care. i think i'm in the week of my life. her honestly, i really am it's. it's just been incredible. it was more disappointment for european writing veterans, rory mcelroy, and in the postman poultry who failed to deliver, as they love to johnson and collin maria cohen, i just feel so good about all 12 of my guys really. i mean they're just all playing very nicely. but the big part i think, is just the fun we've been having this week as a, as a unit and together and i think it's showed out on the,
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on the course the usa can now clench victory on sunday with just 3 and a half point 3 single matches joint rocha out there. boxing has a new heavyweight champion. alexander music smell holds 3 of the major belts of the unanimous decision. when of anthony joshua, who was fighting of a heavy weight for any the 3rd time off to a decorative korea. as a cruiserweight, this makes the 34 year old, the 3rd man officer, evander holyfield, and david, hey, so one will title that cruiser and heavy weights. not done them. i mean, at this point, yet it was the biggest fight in my career, but it wasn't the hardest one. somebody of me is a true warrior. he is a fighter and he will improve his skills. i cannot really say whether he will be better or not next time, but i think he probably will give me an idea. i would love to have the re match at the olympic stadium in key if i can go back console, that's waste of time. i'm going back to look at ways i can improve straight away.
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i've already been watching the fly and figuring out i could have done that already in my mind anyway. so yeah, i'm not too bothered about one, but about is how much better i can get. that's why i put in my energy. i'm not but my energy into soaking and put my energy in some ways i can improve. in tennis team, europe, all one went away from teaching the labor come for the full time. then he will see me live and one going into sundays rubbers, arguably, the best fixture on saturday was alexander's vetted. contest with american, john is now the german when the 1st fit 7 fix before it took the 2nd by the same school. that eventually fun thing came 8th in the 3rd. liverpool and i'll be grading these primly leaders off for thrilling. $33.00 drawer with brain food benefit took the lead with a little whole turn things around to one advantage. 100 fell out with these 120000000. go for liverpool in 151 games. it makes him the quickest player to reach
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that milestone for the club. when but equalize before the who reclaimed the initiative. but back came brain for the game. substitute un visa made at 3 o level one at the top of the spectacular wilds wild game. offensively. i'm really happy. i think in moments we played some of the best football we played so far the season. we prepare great at the top chances against a really well organized side. but there we were, you good. but obviously we struggled tonight with the long vault. harrison's man have continued a 100 percent winning stone to the current legal season in france with an 8 straight win. on saturday, p s g to k of mom penny a. to know they were with us. blockbuster transfer window siding leon. l messy, but they managed just fine without the origin time on this occasion goes from is reesa gay and usually on the rack for feeling the wind in baseball fiercer strive
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will read the new york yankees that became the boston red sox, 53 on saturday. that was thanks to jen, carla stanton, getting a grand slam home run in the a sitting again. he's an outside with the red sox for the american lead top wildcard sport. mcclellan's land norris will start sundays. a russian grown pre from pole position in searching rainfalls. the final practice session to be cancelled on saturday. a qualifying got underway and the bus driver pulled up a shock pole the 1st, but we, for me, one korea, you'll start date of carlo sign, and george russell will number will champion. louis hamilton could only take full slates on the grid, a mistake, so him hit the wall in the plane and then he finally finally left. i don't know what to say manage session, but it was going well enough you made decision in the end. but i don't know if you ever think you're going to get a poll and you get it and managed to do it. so i'm assuming happy i know that the
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mcgarvey done. amazing job was right on the class, the timing of coming in. so i was really trying to rush to get him in and out quick as possible. and i was trying to pretend my fault research the team knew incredibly disappointed myself. meanwhile, 3 time dec already champ enough lexia and the french co driver. matthew bull, no face being invoked in a crash, and cypress alexia's folks. logan polo ran off the road in the ready on saturday and then caught fire. the rest of the stage was cancelled as the fire brigade put out the flames. the us open of surfing wraps up this week in california. but just north of that in huntington beach, another competition has drawn how of approval, the 12 annual dog surfing competition featured for. he donated rivals from all around the world to show the balance and skill on the waves. categories included solo surface as well as to dog and dog human tandems. and best of all,
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the witness got a child down on their prize. my dog would never make it there. i'm afraid. nick wherever news doesn't be without the casual dog stuffing story. peter. thank you. adrian will be here. minute. really close by the me in on the streets of grief and emigrant violence is on the rise. the road you have to go from. i was 20 and this and that this is from foxes and increasingly migrant farm workers of victims of vicious beatings. jo reed asked,
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lamb is helping the pakistani community to find a voice. the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live them undocumented and under attack, this is europe on al jazeera to know where the fires are and where they are going greeks up to the skies. worrying sign helicopters have been getting closer to major towns and cities. this one is just arrested and become much bigger. and if you can see by the train tracks the fires, climbing up the hill just behind us on the ground, this is what the business of fighting fires looks like. holding back to the inevitability of their nature's fury is dangerous and exhausting. war with them to give whatever the hope is, the fire will stop when it runs out of fuel. but for the moment, the fuel is everything inside the coveted beyond. well, the taken without hesitation,
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so forth and died for our define and all this new babies were dying. i did not think its neglected babies to death. people in power, investigate, exposes, and questions they used to be of our around the globe on out there. ah, thousands gathering that unity and capital fought against president k sides move to consolidate his power. ah, hello, i'm adrian again. this is elsa 0. live from also coming up. funerals are held in the occupied west bank up to 5 palestinians are killed in raids by israeli forces.
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demonstrators and eastern saddam block oil pipelines in protest against the government. peace deal with rebels.


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