tv [untitled] September 26, 2021 4:30pm-5:01pm AST
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the me again, you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories. and a funeral has taken place for one of 5 palestinians killed by israeli forces bodies of the for other to be with health. israel says it soldiers carried out rates to detain a mass offer. it is. sedans, government is warning of huge financial losses of protest is brought to oil pipelines in its main port rally against the peace deal with rebel groups, which they say discriminates against the thousands of people protesting against its units in president, in the capital for the case. also on the streets of judice wednesday, he announced he would ruled by decree what we paid to the chinese and journalist rugby by louis. she says, the protest as a sending a strong message to the country's president. the protest already started in the morning today. present hyde is really under pressure from judy did as he gave
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himself on limited power with his last wednesday. and. d meant the decree, the presidential decrease. so today we are witnessing, let's say a bigger protest than from the law. the last 3 last sunday. a so, you know, people from different age, young people, old people, so, and different political parties. i think some political leaders from, he's dr. both, let's say. so i think the brute, this will be bigger in few hours. this reminder that the process is called by 2 needs in from different political parties, and also from young people who, who are or not, who don't belong to any political partner. so let's say this mixture of attorneys in today who are protesting right now is in be. a will give you is
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a strong message for president. i saw you. they are today calling to, to remove the presidential decree the shelton slogan again, the presidential decreed they want to, to bring back the democracy. they want to bring back the parliament. so i think we will witness big protests today. iceland has become the 1st country in europe to have more women than men in parliament. voters elected 33 female m piece of 63 seats. it follows a general election where the governing left a right to coalition increase its majority left green lida karen, yuk ups da tier remains prime minister. let's bring in to find ya. oscar dot here in reykjavik, she's an associate professor in the faculty of political science at the university of iceland. the funny welcome to the program. so 1st of all, it had looked like the coalition would fall short of a majority, but there was this, this blatant surgeon support. right. post it's, you know,
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that it was very so some wholesale it that the government tell us, but it didn't. but the whole to, for the last 4 years, the government has enjoyed brake support in public opinion polls some tips to 5 to 6 percent of that. people often they follow the same, the support of the government and non right. you know, when people coming to load, i think, you know, the maturity of people are voting for, they've got coalition, but they said i had to to start with, so please go and it's in part that they want to support looking from the outside. let's get straight to the, the headline and all this is more women in parliament than men eisen, of course, right? the most gender equal country in the world. what you to the rest of the political world can, can learn from the iceland experience. well, it's taking, it's taking, it's taking a lot of a decade, but slowly,
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but surely we have made this and by now it's only recognized that a successful country need to win and have lived in all kinds of people, women and men. so well there continue and also the social context on the infrastructure of the country that makes it possible for women to, to, to, to, to lead or have success in the workplace, etc. but also play plus that the case of women and it's female prime minister of course, catherine. yeah. because don't say she's kept a job and she's been instrumental in the kind of recovery from cove it in the excellent vaccination program. the iceland has an indeed encouraging tourist to come back. right, yeah. so the last year was reading chinese thing for iceland because it depends so
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much on tourism. so we have 2nd word recession here, when the economy retracted from 6 on 6. but to we can start to open up again this summer and spring we either experts experts have been doing well because me has started to grow very rapidly. so it's not projects that we will have some economic growth this year, which is a good thing. but there are many challenges i had apprentice, how to sort of put into the green economy that everyone is talking about, and you feel feel t initiatives, et cetera. these important issues the i was to help making sure that the health system, my sons is an actual shape, of course, more comp hours. so making sure that the economy is not too dependent
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on to, to feel rachel, divide, appreciate we have to move on, but we do appreciate that. thanks very much indeed for that analysis that perspective the funny oscars dot here. thank you. well, you're welcome. bye. now molly's prime minister is accused france of abandoning his country, as most french troops prepared to leave speaking the general assembly chug well at color. mega said his government is justified in seeking other pardons. that's an apparent reference to a private russian military contract, which has been linked to the kremlin. kristen salumi reports now from the un france 1st deployed some $5000.00 troops to northern molly in 2013, amid worsening violence from armed groups to be on a chair. now, as most french troops prepared to leave, molly's prime minister told the un general assembly, his country feels abandoned and needs to look elsewhere for help with the security
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level. if he does need to last hand button, the new situation resulting from the end of operation bar cane puts molly before a fait accompli abandoning us mid flight to a certain extent. and it leads us to explore pathways and means to better ensure our security, autonomously, or with other partners. so as to fill the gap, which will certainly result from the withdrawal of bar kane, in the north of the country. and with anti western sentiment on the rise in molly, a shift is emerging away from france towards russia. it's foreign minister, sir guy, la, rob confirmed molly, had requested the assistance of a russian military contractor, but didn't mention the wagner group by name. he said it had nothing to do with his government, but it was still that he's wrong. that's because it's there combating terrorism incidentally. and they've turned to a private military company from russia and the connection with the fact that as i understand friends wants to significantly draw down its military component,
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which was present. and as everyone understood, so you should have been combating terrorists who established a presence in dallas, but they didn't manage to do that from libya to the central african republic. the west has accused wagner of meddling and conflict zones on moscow's behalf. and allegation russia denies. but the european union has worn such a move in molly would cross a red line and threaten relations with the west african nation. these latest maneuvers add to the tensions in a country where the united nation has more than 13000 piece capers. and the security council has been pushing for elections since the military took over in a qu last year. kristen salumi al jazeera, the united nation. i've got a song from ministers, encouraging people to develop businesses, assuring them no restrictions or corruption. the taliban added economic experts to a team administered on tuesday in an attempt to revive the economy. it comes off of
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the u. s. block, the taliban access to 9 and a half $1000000000.00 in foreign reserves. the summit up about 50, those who these like state is putting the burden of responsibility on businesses. we appointed businessmen as ministers and deputies to help you. now it's up to you, however you want to do it to prosper in said and help your countrymen, the ground is laid for you to do it road the open. they are not checkpoints. there are no issues in customs. there are no bribes and no corruption. if someone makes excuses that's in them, i want to tell this to the world. we are not back in the year 2000. these i'm state has very deep roots and long relationship. and the you and says, i've got this done is facing economic collapse without immediate assistance and humanitarian. 8 billions of dollars of afghan assets are frozen in foreign banks. that left afghan businesses struggling to survive. tell stratford as this now from
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the wildly as he sold land at home in order to stance off his textile company. 40 years ago, he says he has since invested half a $1000000.00 in the factory. close afghan and foreign companies use to buy the close and scarves. it makes the business as virtually ground to a halt. in recent weeks, when the taliban took control of our gun is done in august, the us froze nearly $10000000000.00 of i've gone assets filled abroad. taliban leaders were forced to restrict cash withdrawals from local banks. puzzle. good, because the other palate bond taliban government has to reopen the financial institutes. so people can withdraw enough money to buy materials for their businesses. and the international community needs to soften their attitude. the stalemate badly effect everyday people. a lot of the calendar is one of the factories, few employees who still comes to work on paid he for the soviet army. when it
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invaded afghanistan in the 1980s. he never dreamed he would still be struggling to support his family. 40 years later, he says that he saw apollo cut up the country is in a terrible state. the security situation is improved, but there are no jobs. there's no happiness in life, no joy, the country is amiss. the factory employs around 30 women who work in a separate room from the men. some employees fled the country on evacuation flights . when the taliban took control. no ab shows me videos, men he used to pay to collect move for him. in the northern city of muslim sharif and so we can't afford them right now. around 80. people are employed at this factory. but as you can see, it's just down today to a skeleton staff. and one of the big problems the company is facing. is it one of his main overseas clients is refusing to buy the products at this company makes because the taxes that this company will pay on the profits that it makes. now go
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to the new taliban government. foreign companies nervous about dealing with the afghan business partners. that's because foreign governments won't recognize the taliban government, as some of its members are on terrorism and un sanction lists. 29 year old entrepreneur of the law. he spent a $1000000.00 on what he says is the largest wool spinning machine. and i've got to stop. he fight. we got it up and running 3 months ago, but was forced to suspend operations earlier this month because foreign and local clients canceled orders. and some investors fled the country with their cash. i endeavor will be so i had big plans to buy more machinery, but i am dedicated to my community and but the current situation and hopefully all my employees are forced to sit at home because i cannot pay them. no ob says he wants to help his workers, families build
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a new canister for the time being. he and many african business owners like him have no choice but to put their dreams on hold tal stratford down to 0 cobbled in spain's canary islands. volcanic eruption of la palmers, continuing to destroy property with alive pitches, is continuing to expose that extraordinary power ferocity. flights are grounded in almost 7000 people to be forced to leave their homes. because hack has more now from the parlor. the crater on one side is throwing up and gas is 4 kilometers up into the air and mixture of, of oxygen, but also sulfur dioxide. the level is not threatening to human. that's what vulcan ologist are saying. but there's quite a lot of, of, of stuff going up into the air, and that's causing 4 flights to be grounded and for people to be locked onto this island. at the same time it fresh lava flowing out. and the danger with this 2nd
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crater is that it's flowing on top of the existing lava. that was, that was spewed out last sunday and it's accelerating this process of this flow of love, a river of lava going into the ocean yesterday was going at the rate of 4 meters, an hour. now it's 30 to 40 meters an hour and it will take another kilometer before it reaches the ocean. what would happen? there is thermal shock. imagine the lava at the temperature of a 1000 degrees celsius, hitting this ocean around 14 degrees. there's fear that it would be even more toxic gas emitted. and what we've noticed in the last few days is of course as she longest cloud of ash, that's provoking a micro climate in the afternoon. there's a rainfall. what feels like a rainfall of ash, and there's a big blanket of ash covering this city. it's as if it's slowly being buried by
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this, by the thick ash growing fuel and food supply problems of foresee u. k. governments make a huge turn on post breaks immigration policy, more than $10000.00 temporary work pieces will be issued to truck drivers and poultry workers in a bit to ease severe shortages. the visas will run from next month until late december to cover the christmas period. well, it's been 70 years since you have 43 students in the mexican state. guerrero, some remains were found and all are presumed to have been killed. mon or a pillow boats now from mexico city. it's one of the most emblematic missing persons cases in modern mexican history. the forced abduction and disappearance of 43 students from the scene of a teacher's college on september 26th, 2014. some. but not all remains have been found. all 43 are presumed to have been killed. the in the weeks and months following the student's disappearance,
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the calls for justice from family members and survivors who managed to escape grew into a nation wide movement. been mexico? right? yeah, for the billing cruise a father of one of the survivors became a leader in the movement. he says after 7 years of activism, because for government accountability have only grown up for not only will be personally. and that's a big thing because i am the father, one of the survivors. i don't believe a will ever western. do we have trust and justice? i know that those were responsible are punished because for the families continued to solve for the torment every day and night of not knowing where their children are. i demonstrations commemorated the anniversary of the students disappearance are now held every year in mexico. for some, the work of demanding answers from the government has become a full time job. manuel velasquez, one of the students who escaped has also been one of the loudest voices of the
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movement of the after years of protesting against the government. today he serves as a lawmaker in mexico's congress, seeking to reform policies related to cases of torture and abduction, and place more responsibility on federal officials in cases of missing persons. but no, no coming in after him. i never imagined i would be here, let alone evoke social movement where let me come when my family in the town where i'm from, that that are never involved in social movements because it's an already allergic control. the criminals and people don't usually speak up. well, we are not in mosul following a botched investigation. in the case of the missing students and evidence linking their disappearance to members of the mexican military and federal police, mexico's president and this manuel lopez over established a special commission to find out what really happened. mexican authorities recently announced that new forensic evidence has opened another line of investigation. in the case of the your teen up a 43 year. and every year,
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mexico's president continues to meet with the family members and survivors of the massacre. to personally update them on the ongoing investigation as mexico morris is 7 years since the disappearance of the $43.00 students, mexican president under his manuela, is over that will update family members and survivors on the status of arrest warrants that have been issued against federal officials who are believe to participated in a cover up of the missing persons investigation since records began in 1964, mexico has recorded more than 91000 pieces of missing persons. despite a massive social movement and continuous effort to reform the law. it's clear the country still has a long way to go to truly address the challenges linked to force disappearances. manuel up a little al jazeera mexico city. i still had here and i was there a defending champion. europe need more magic like this is
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a trail usa against the final phase action heater will have all the details coming up to me. there are some things you can never forget and there are scenes which will be etched in your memory forever. in syria, we documented atrocities and in the northern city of aleppo, we witness something. we will never unsee the bodies bound and executed their hands, tied gunshot wounds to their heads were bad enough, but watching the relatives identify their loved ones. that's one of the hardest things i've ever done as hard as it was we had and needed to film because maybe one day, those responsible can and will be held to account. it is an honor,
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but at the same time it is a challenge to do this job, to bear witness to history as it's made to make sure what is recorded is accurate and truthful. i'm done other oh a good. thank you very much. we thought was for me, the one and louis hamilton is one, is $103.00 of his career at a wet and was russian grown pre the mercedes drive. it started the race from both. but for his way up the packs matching the lead from lando norris, with to lapse to go with mclean and dr. spun out in the rain. hamilton's title
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royal max to stop and finish. second, having started the race from the back of the good because of an engine penalty for our is call a fine for food that when, but tuttleton top of the drive is temperature, but just 2 points from for stop. and meanwhile, 3 time decor randy champion, i thought the french code, rather matthew, bow all safe. after being involved in a crash and cyprus, alexia folk saw them polo ran off the road in the rally on saturday, and then caught fire. the rest of the stage was cancelled as the fire brigade put out the flames. the usa have tightened their grip on gulf right, a cap as they head into the final day with an 115 lead of the europe. then he just 3 and a half points from sunday. singles matches to win the trophy shaneka. raska reports with the usa holding a record 6 point lead. it's hard to see how defending champions europe will be able to pull their way back on the final date. but there were some bright moments to them on saturday. the spanish pairing of joan rome and sergio garcia kept up their
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winning streak beating brooks. and daniel berger, your only point of the morning session garcia further extending his record of most matches one to 25. that was of little consolation. why i didn't know, i didn't know what that record. i didn't know. and i didn't care. you know, i just looks like the american guys are just plain little bit better than, than us and, and it's, it's a shame. otherwise it was all usa in the morning session is they took 3 of the 4 early point although the shelter the day did belong to europe, casey, who his bull, unseen from the rough, dropping in for an eagle. yeah. putting some space between themselves and the visitors, the americans went into the afternoon session with 93 lead and just as well as jordan speith pot failed struck 12. he kept her leading to rome and garcia,
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shane now re until also much needed point. the irishman thing all his emotions on place for a few points behind, but i mean, i'm not up and believe in new. i don't care. i think i'm out in the week in my life . her honestly, i really am it's it's just been incredible. there was more disappointment for european writing veterans, rory mcelroy. and in the postman, poultry who failed to deliver, as they love to johnson and colon morocco and i just feel so good about all 12 of my guys really. i mean they're just all playing very nicely. but the big part i think, is just the fun we've been having this week as a, as a unit and together and i think it's, show it out on the, on the course. the usa can now change victory on sunday with just 3 and a half point 3 single matches. joint rocha out 0 boxing has
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a new heavyweight champion. alexander music now holds 3 of them. bell saw a unanimous decision when over anthony joshua, who was sick with fighting of the heavy way for the 3rd time, also decorated to be at the cruiserweight. this makes the 34 we wrote the 3rd man. all 3 van holy filled in david hates of one world titles. at cruiser and heavy weight. not done them. i mean, at this point, yet, it was the biggest fight in my career, but it wasn't the hardest one. on buddy of me is a true warrior. he is a fighter and he will improve his skills. i cannot really say whether he will be better or not next time, but i think he probably will give me. i would love to have the re match at the olympic stadium in key. if i can go back console, that's waste in time, i'm going back to look away is i can improve straight away. i've already been watching the fly and figuring out i could have done that already in my mind. anyway . so yet i'm not too bothered about one,
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but about is how much better i can get. that's why i put in my energy. i'm not but my energy into soakin and put my energy in some ways i can improve. in english printing, south, hampton, and wolves are on the field right now on sundays, only the game. it's no, no in that one. later there is a meeting between northland and rivals awful and thought them hufton spook could move to within touching distance of leaders. liverpool with a win while off and we'll get into the top off with victory. both bosses are fully aware of the history of the fixture. while it's most, especially game of the season at home, that's for sure. it's along the way and, and emotionally is a different one to play and we know how much you mean power supporters as well. yeah, you're right, he's not another game. he's a special game, special game for us. special game for our fence. so it's going to be tough much, but no dots. it's a different game. harrison, a man of continue. they 100 percent winning starts of the current legal season in
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france with an 8 straight win. on saturday, p s g took care of montpelier to know they were without blockbuster transfer when they're signing leon l. mfc. but they manage just fine without the audience on this occasion. go from either use a gay and usually under actually feeling the women organized as of next is will come of aust residence of cover to open their homes. the fans, though, match traveling supporters with the locals and residents to give them an option to experience guitar, re, culture and hospitality. fans will also be able to stay in hotels apartments, david camp grounds and on board cruise ships for the tournament, which kicks off in november next year. in tennessee, europe one went away from clinching the labor cup for the 4th time. the lead, the will t me live in one going into sundays rubbers, arguably the best fixture on saturday was alexander various contests with americans . john is the, the american or the german. i beg your pardon when the 1st 76 before is the 2nd by
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the same school that of eventually 2010, a australian, a curio says in said he won't be playing tennis so much longer. you know, the doubles match on saturday. the 26 year old is the labor cup will be his last outing, the year to attend to australia. it's been company, mother week on. well, i'm not one of those players now that's going to go hunting for points or, you know, hunting faculty or anything like that. i feel like of, of enough left to prove to myself. i'm incredibly proud of what i've shaved. and obviously, you know, i'll get my body right. and so my price isn't, you know, spend time with my family for these try and i've been and then go from there in baseball css rivalry, the new york yankees that became the boston red sox, 53 on saturday. that was thank food jen, color spent and hitting a grand slam home run in the 8th inning. the yankees on outside with the red sock for the american leagues. couple wild called spot. that's all the small
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things for now. we'll leave it they. i'll be here again. with more a little bit later on nick payable for to see you later. thanks for that and meantime that is it for this news. i'll be back in a couple minutes, but then a full half hour, you'll probably see that the me on the streets of greece and immigrant violence is on the rise. the road you have to go from. i will turn key and this and that. this is the from part system and increasingly migrant. farm workers are victims of vicious beatings. trevino is helping the pakistani community to find a voice. the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live them undocumented and under attack. this is europe on al jazeera, october now just some growing vaccine inequality to the political and economic
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interest. the latest development at the corona, virus, and damage continue to read across the globe. democracy, major, inexpensive new series explores the ever growing challenges to democracy around the world. former books, president place goes on 5 for the estimation of its freedom of commerce bank context india direct removed by brings insights and perspectives from the world's most populous democracy. your work is due to the home in an election likely to define the country future. october on al jazeera, i'm harry davies and kimberly, in western australia were involved in this community. the teaming with scientists to create a new approach to marine conservation thing you learn when we even that the one about what i'm doing reporting from review. if you're going to try
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is protecting by diversity quote defending themselves against the legal invaders. brian, oh no, there's 0 me morning government al jazeera as a, you know, i thousands are on the streets a june is demonstrating for and against the president's moves to consolidate power . ah, 11 o'clock, this is our desert life and also coming up, funerals are held in the occupied west bank of to 5 palestinians, killed and raised by israeli forces demonstrators in east and sudan,
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