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tv   [untitled]    September 28, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm AST

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salvatore devotion lot. i've seen women incarcerated for years. some say their own the crime was a devastating still. an in house story of one woman struggle that ignited miscarriage of justice. a witness documentary on al jazeera. ah . this is al jazeera ah. hello there on the clock. this is like from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. she needs is opposition. political parties form a coalition against the president. can you said? days after he announced majors to bypass part of the constitution, sudan, top military lead. the addresses divisions in its transitional governments. he says
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the council needs to take a more active role the ton of and says it will reinstate the constitution from 964 and f canister on and apply it version of islamic law. spain declared as the island of depalma and emergency zone as a volcano continues to st larva and smith and i'm, he to stay for the sports. you dropped a legal fight with boss alone, around driven you've been to the there attempts to form a breakaway league at attention because the champions league mfc to return to p. s g as they take on mentor for city. ah, so that a group of political parties, engineers, has announced the coalition to oppose the president. the group says it guy said has lost his legitimacy accusing him of a qu last rate. the president announced he would rule by decree and ignore parts of
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the concentration. his alexia abroad, the dina, and the presenting a united front against a president. they say is illegitimate for political parties. a warning chi said that he must backtrack on his decision to seize executive power. all they'll call widespread protests against him. or if the president has taken everything, he has canceled everything, even the institution for sorting out these problems like fighting corruption, all these entities have been closed by the president. there's no parliament. there's no committee for overseeing laws. there's no government. yeah. demonstrations have already been held against president said last week announced had rule by decree, and ignore parts of the constitution. that's after he sacked the prime minister and suspended parliament in july. on monday, june, as he is foreign minister, told the un general assembly that the president's actions unnecessary for the
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country security that he was acting with the will of the people that i mean when i was happy to dangerous situation, threatening our country and community is attribute to a deeply rooted political polarization and a social comic and health crisis. this is why the president of the republic had to interfere and take his shoes of exceptional resolutions and measures based on our constitution to put the contract back on the right path towards democracy. all the largest political party enact says the president should call elections to prove he has a mandate in after, isn't in the newly formed coalition, but has spoken out strongly against his measures, describing them as a qu. why should one person says that he can embody the will of the piece? so if he is with the will of the people and if he is expressing their will have people he has an offer or for elections and let the people decide local and
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international human rights groups has condemned sides actions warning of a slide towards authoritarianism. while the developments in july were broadly popular to months, own people are growing frustrated and what they see is a lack of progress were planned for reform, endless se that could work, and the new coalition favor. with the typical crisis, we are going to the ethics of it's in the upcoming woodson non they would seize maybe the opportunity to show that affordably even by a power grab even by the gathering or the powers prison fight is unable to find the real crisis of the conditions that are social problems, economy, etc, with an economy on the verge of collapse, many say without political action, the situation can only get worse. alexia brian al jazeera, lets me to course what i'm ben. his message in judas jones is now. is it better?
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what more do we know about this coalition? nick her for main, susan, the coalition and you can sort of refer to them as progressive and democratic style policies. one of them, the democratic stream had initially been supportive, all was present, cause side had done this party, the democratic screen, but been very critical. not to but now they are pushing back. now they're saying that they want the president to appoint a government. they haven't yet done, haven't articulated any comprehensive economic policy or how the government's going to finance, but that none of these questions have still been on for 2 months to present. so i seized power, the parties off saying that i still open for discussion, though, and at the same time today, we've also had a statement from a lot of civil society organizations, very significant groups in,
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in june if you and i also warning the president of the danger of going to fall and taking over power without saying how long he would hold onto the range of power. the civil society groups. i've been particularly critical of how the president doesn't seem to how to count any of those people accuse of corruption. that's been one of the big complaints here and to miss you is a very powerful corrupt beetle, and they say the president still has not done anything about that. do, is it possible to gauge the degree of support the case? so you'd have not easily, no work protests in support of him a few days ago, the weekend when there were other protests against what he's done, the other protest planned possibly for this weekend on sunday for people supporting him as well. so you can, there was a, there was a belief when he took over the reins of our when he suspended parliament 2 months
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ago. that seems to be a general opinion that people were very frustrated with the democratically elected parliament, very frustrated with nothing being made. economy was a lot of trouble, and that had been exacerbated by the prom demik. and so there was people felt that something needed to be done, a massive why it seems of the past 2 months for the president has been given time by these a civil society groups. i'm by these 2 parties to offer some sorts of solution to the crisis unit. the faces find yourself in, but so far the present to haven't done math and this is why people's patients seem to be beginning to run out of anything. so that's a bennet smith in tune it. let's speak now to fidel raisa, who's the editor in chief of a missed call, which is a chinese news. and unless analysis website joins us from june, is also at for deal. first of all, day bennett was saying across one level saying that the president has been given
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time, but now opposition policies are running out of patience. is that how you sit? certainly that's true. we saw not only immediately the, the main governing parties that were sold them themselves lose power when you post the on july 25th opposing the news. we actually have seen other parties as well that initially were maybe on the fence that were sort of capital the or maybe skeptically supportive of july 25th to turn against and, and they're starting to coordinate with one another. more importantly, they're actually coordinating with the course want to just mentioned civil society groups, particularly the u. u t t. the, the main labor union, which count about a 1000000 members out of an 11000000 population. they're very important, especially the bureaucracy within the institutions. they are expecting more and more, they're pleasure with the fact that they are being left out of any sort of discussion
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about where can you go in the future. they're seeing this consolidation of the power? is that the presidency, particularly with new decree, $170.00 and new presidential order. busy the suspended part of the constitution on september 22nd. and they're looking at this thing. you know, the fact that we're not being consulted. the fact that there's a very small group of people just on the president who are being insulted really is a problem for them. so they say that it has losses legitimacy. so this coalition, how much could it all to the game board if you like, how much could alter the state of play? i think as time goes on, there will be more and more pressure on the president, particularly as he has been very slow to communicate his plans. on top of that, we've seen increasing sort of and will of people to go out in the streets and oppose him. the 1st demonstration against them a couple of weeks ago only had about 300 people. but the one on sunday saw close to
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about 3000 people. these may continue to grow larger. there may be more in the street. but again, there may be even opposition from the key political groups, whether they're political parties or the union or other civil society groups. these are the 2 things that have quite a lot of influence. quite an ability to, to really stop the president from, from moving forward on many issues. you can also see the business community working together alongside of the union of workers working together with the business community represented by the main chamber of commerce and utica. so the fact that there's the group sort of call that together and seeing that, they'd like to see some interest from the president. i suggested he's going to have a difficult time going for me to plan to be confused to go. busy alone is a question i have been at the correspondence smith, it puzzle to gauge. do you think the degree of support that the president hasn't clearly had support to the beginning, but as we said,
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people are running out of patience. hey, can you? can you gauge that? can you tell how many people, what kind of division in percentage terms of it's very difficult. we thought early pulling at the very beginning stages that showed widespread support for the president. certainly when he made vision, people went into the streets across the country, you know, at night breaking curfew since then we've seen that seems the deterioration. certainly something is important to become a little bit less on social media. we've also seen sort of counter protesters that these last 2 demonstrations against the president getting smaller number. but we'll see, you know, there's almost always a possibility that we will be able to mobilize the supporters, particularly if a find a particular issue that we can use to, to mobilize them in the past. we really focus on corruption issues. as a correspondent, i mentioned earlier we haven't seen quite a lot tangible in terms of the corruption efforts if he doesn't produce soon that
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may also eating through support among his base. right. interesting, thanks very much indeed for that for the editor in chief of moscow. jordan from to to thanks a lot one of sudan top military lead. it says the transitional government needs to take more active role. general mohammed have done dollar a frequently criticize the government civilian fraction of fading to govern effectively pose cues. the army of trying to seize power and want the administration dissolved. and attempted to last week is worse than tension between the 2 sides. i don't know what that means. they blame us. we are part of the partnership. politics are based on things. i don't like, but i blurred my lessons. i'm a military man. the council was created to have all the decision. and after that, they said it was a counselor consultation only. but if you are a counsel for consultation, you can oblige people to apply and implement your decision. let's be not to me having to do john. just live from cartoon mohammed. would you say that douglas words have done anything to ease tensions on the not a toll?
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actually, the tension between the civilians within the sovereign counsel buffy. ruley said don, as well as the military officers who are part of that sovereign council is an all time high, especially after last week's attempted, coo and we see a situation where the quarrels and disputes between members of the sovereign council becoming more intense by the day of the heart of the dispute is demand by the civilian complement of the sovereign council to reform the military accusing the military of coming in the way of reforms to ensure that people who are part of the former is g, a morale. but she and i think it out of the military. they also the question of arthur recovery and anti corruption with the military council. the military members
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of the supreme council withdrawing the security detail of members of this task force, which is charged with the responsibility of not only pursuing people who are considered to be corrupt and tollen state assets and funds that now has been at the biggest the trigger of the cut into a t if we are seeing between members of the sovereign council. of course, this is happening at the time when the people of sudan are facing the was inflation in a very long time. i was last here around this time last year and then the student is pound last about a 1000 percent to the u. s. dollar. and there is a base shortage of basic necessities and commodities in the country. and minister,
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when you talk to will tell you that the transition is not working as it ought to be . and they are not on truck hamden, they're going to say they are on track to organize the elections, which are supposed to take place in early 2024 or am i haven't leave the month. i'm having to do the speakers from car to tough canister. now where the taliban says it's planning to have meant to constitution from nitty 6 decades ago. the new rulers want to apply it only where it does not conflict with their version. that is lemon law goes straight to hash barbara in cabal and has your 1st up what is the significance of what the taliban seems to be trying to extend an olive branch to the international community by think look, we could have rec to the constitutional declaration of 998 with a tardy by way and power headed up. got it. that is that we chose to go for the 1964 constitution. why that's going to choose. and in particular,
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because it's widely seen as the constitution that pay the way for constitutional democracy protective the rights of expression, the right, the freedom of expression of the freedom of thought established independent institutions with an independent judiciary. however, there's a cap yet to that constitution. 1964 states that the king has the right to dissolve the parliament and appoint the prime minister. under the current situation, it seems that the supreme leader of the taliban, the middle meeting, the commander of the faithful. hey, that's a law will ultimately have the final state. he could be the one to fire the government and point to any of parliament, though, the parliament, sorry, or decide that this provision is in conflict with a chevy law. and therefore it has to be, it has to be changed. and how should, what's, what would you say the reaction to this is likely to be well, nick,
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this is quite an extraordinary moment. hitting up, got to stand the taliban sweep into a paula into carbo. last month has set into motion a series of events that are likely to change the dynamics. the general sentiment among the key players of the international community was that basically following the agreement, the tardy band with fit together with a different factions, agree on a national unity government that could be the way to new elections. and that would look into the bites of the minorities and women in particular that didn't happen. and now the tale by not saying that they are the ones who have the upper hand and they are the ones who are going to move forward. although they've been saying basically that they are going to be forming an inclusive government, the international community does not seem to be really impressed by what has happened so far. and i've been talking to gotten people over the last few days and also see any autonomy, but need it here in the capital capital. the people will tell you that basically,
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doing quite skeptical they would like to see women members avail position different factions of the society represented in the government with the biggest say over how to run the government. this is not happening so far within the taliban leadership, you have 2 different views. those who would say, you know what, we do understand that i've got a set of today's not got it out of the, of, of the past. and that is about time to introduce some reforms other which as you know, we have made massive advices to come to power. we are the ones who have to have a bigger se and remain to be basically still adhering to a very strict interpretation of shutting our law. and this is creating some, some concerns here. among many of the guys we have to wait and see what happens in the upcoming weeks, because these are really extraordinary times here in a lot of time. and they have from birth, thanks very much and has, has some reporting that from carpet. thank you. more still out of the news are including the british armies on stand by its fuel pumps. run dry in the u. k
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because they're not enough truck drivers. china puts on a show with some of its most advanced aircraft, acknowledging weapons on the spot coming up the season is just 3 weeks away. code 900 nations are just biting opinions. peter will be here with that and a lot more. ah, spain has declared the island of la palmer disasters a due to continued volcanic eruptions come brave. a volcano has displaced nearly 7000 people since last week. spain has approved an initial, a package around $12000000.00 or off. his lover could reach the c releasing toxic gases that get the latest to play. nick hackers been observing things in la palmer . so what is happening that can be relentless and has showed no sign of stopping
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were close enough because of, of the wind direction to give you a clear advantage of the volcanic eruption behind me. and you can clearly see in the words of the vulcan ologist, the multiple characters and facets of the whole county corruption. on the one hand, you can see the explosive nature with a lava not liquid by flowing in, in one direction down the slope. and then these gases are reaching 4 kilometers up into the sky explosive and one point a few scythe in the other with a cone being fragile lies by these intense volcanic activity. it's acting like a pressure cooker. and so this plume of cloud is going for kilometers up into the sky and was the airport of la, paloma isn't officially close to all commercial flights. have been canceled, given the situation here. and i just want to take you down the lava flow behind me
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and to show you what is really causing concern. you see billowing be, i mean the distance is not only houses being destroyed by the flow of love, but we can see how closely its edging towards the ocean and right below where there is a plume of smoke is a cliff. and that's where experts believe it or later today they might be a lava fall waterfall, but a lava fall plunging into the ocean. this lava that's a 1000 degrees celsius, plunging into the cold atlantic. remember that below here is precious wildlife. it's considered a hot spot of diversity. you've got pilot whales, you have the blue sharks, all these species that attract so many taurus to the island of la palmer often describes that the hawaii of europe for its diversity. nick, and how is it affecting people, all the houses that have been destroyed, churches, banana plantations, bananas, fusion,
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potent part of the economy. let me let me how they're getting on. yeah. let me spin around and let me spin around and show you this church that's just on the edge that has been evacuated. and on the ground, there's a thick blanket of ash in the houses behind me that have been evacuated. some of the people that live around here have decided to stay on to stay can find and to wait and see what happens. and in the night i was speaking to 2 to one resident here. it's terrifying to explain to their children what is going on. these incessant explosions happening on their doorstep, destroying their livelihoods, the story, generations of memories as the lava behind me and the erupt continues to rumble and gain intensity next and age. all right, and reporting that from the palmer, with the ongoing volcano, france and greece have signed another miniature deal for the sale of 3 warships.
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this agreement is the 2nd between paris in athens. this year, graces build up its own forces. him intentions with turkey and gas exploration writes in these mediterranean a deal is seen as a boost to the french defense industry after the loss of a multi $1000000000.00 submarine order from australia. natasha butler has more now from paris. the joint press conference between the greek prime minister and the french president was very telling because although of course, they announced this agreement for greece to buy 3 french frigates. from frances seemed very much that the 2 leaders were adamant that they wanted to get across a message. and that is that the, you must be more told them is in terms of defense. and all of this in context, when you think about it was less than 2 weeks ago that the office deal was signed this pack to be screening u k, the u. s. and australia, a defense deal, which seemed to be fine to in secret paris says it had no idea that it was
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happening. it also brought about the end of this submarine contract that camper had signed with frauds, all of that made frauds absolutely furious while the french present emanuel macro off to the person during the press conference with the greek prime minister said that the office packed, in fact was assigned to your appearance that they simply need to do more to look off to their own interests, particularly when it comes to defense. the u. s. says a short range missile test by north korea is a threat to the internet. community of missiles fine on tuesday. young young sam baset to the united nations, told the general assembly that nobody could deny the right to test weapons. kim, song called on the us to give off it's hostile policy towards the north. my young, if the year was to see the accordion was the most prolonged and long lasting warning board come to an end. and if it is really desirous of a piece of re consolation on the korean peninsula,
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they should take the 1st step towards the keeping up. it's a hostile policy against the p. p. p. by stopping permanently, the joint military exercises and the deployment of all kinds of those pro, teacher rappers which are leveled at the dpr k in and around to the podium peninsula. china is sharing off some of its most advanced aircraft technology and weapon. it's biggest, it's being held as rivalry with the united states and western countries is intensifying door, but money hence report shows charlie the pool to the air and it's, it's both technology you need to find y'all. you're going? yeah, i think everyone cares most about 820 bomber, but not here. maybe we'll have to wait for a few more years. other than that, if the j 2 in fighter j 10 and j 20 stealth fighters are among the highlights that this says show into high city,
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it's part of beijing drive to compete against western rivals in selling its latest military hardware and technology and ongoing digital. the main feature of the f k 2000 air defense weapon system is that it's a combat vehicle integrated with an air defense system. it has 2 sets of radar. a photo, electric sensor, missiles on each side and 2 anti aircraft guns. it's a show the u. s. is likely to keep a close eye on is signed a security pack with a u. k. and australia that includes providing nuclear power submarines to camera as a deterrent against what they see as chinese threats in the indo pacific region. last week, leaders of japan, australia and india met us president joe biden in the white house. the so called, quote, is seen as a counterweight to china,
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is growing influence and says it's committed to what it calls a free and open indo pacific region. china has also brought military outposts on artificial islands in the south china sea, in an effort to reclaim territory. that's also claimed by other countries in the region. back into high china shows of its prototype of the advance c h 6 drone unmanned aerial vehicles using reconnaissance roles and in combat missions. i think that's where the trend is really heading towards for china, in mimicking the, the, the trends are set by the united states as the leading military power under world. we've seen over the last 2 decades shift towards a lot of autonomous, unmanned and highly intelligent military platforms, on land and in the sea and, and in the air industry experts say, although many of chinese aircraft aren't yet much for those in the u. s. airport
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staging, scaly out to narrow that gap lore that molly out of there are there are certain dangerous weather conditions in north western europe. jeff has a details. hello, they're welcome. see your world update for your pan will also case africa as while and seasons have changed in we can tell toward iceland, look at the northwest here. we've got a blizzard. as we'll see, winds clip up to about a 100 kilometers per hour, and that is going to drive down visibility toward that northwest corner. this is all associated with a disturbance through the united kingdom. once again, we saw a bout of what weather and wind on monday, and here's the repeat on tuesday. eventually we'll side into the low countries and scandinavia, as we head toward wednesday, some storms across the balkans. and this is really going to cool the atmosphere. temperatures have dropped big time in belgrade. sophia bulk area you're up to 20 degrees, i should say up to you've dropped down. and if we look at the next 3 days,
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those temperatures will continue to slide down to 16 degrees. and we could see another bout of what weather there as far. ok for. it's stem ball also seen some showers dance in here. we've got some brisk conditions through the boss. first the g and, and break into the eastern meg. next we'll go to africa and the storms that we have had over west africa. they've slumped further toward the south. but here's these tropical waves pushing out toward the atlantic and they'll likely form into a tropical storm or hurricane in the days ahead season. i jeff, still ahead here and there are some students in nigeria is born, i stated, taking a final exams, but the violence kept many out of the classroom. losing years in bangladesh, we look at how lives in the capital of being cut short by pollution inside afghanistan, cricket training camp to look at the future of the national team in its place, under the time of simple with pete. ah,
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when freedom of the press is under threat, you know, you just cause thought genuinely about your thoughts towards that they can government step outside the mainstream. there has been a implement here, some of access port shift the focus, the panoramic that's turned out to be a handy little prefect of the prime minister to clamp down on the press covering the wave. the news is covered. the listening post on i just discovered a world of difference determination. i'm coming down, we are moving freedom. we saw on the 16th corruption and compassion the l just 0 world selection of the best films from across our network of
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channels. oh.


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