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tv   [untitled]    September 28, 2021 6:30pm-7:01pm AST

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flooding will continue, persists right through until february of next year, further toward the south, disturbed weather for coastal sections of south africa, sue to into durbin, and those winds will pick up as well. let's talk temperature. so i'm putting the colors on here. the darker the color, the higher the temperature from southern and gold right through to central, most and big and johannesburg we can include you in this, but thunderstorms are going to cool the atmosphere here to more average temperatures. later in the week, few soon the l just a real world reveals dramatic pictures from girls in may 2021. i lived there for a number of years and if there is nowhere safe and god account done to his really missile the tax on for time of why we're tired to the families, businesses and media organizations simply below note goes
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a 60 minute warning on jesse around housing has become a commodity instead of a human right. that gives people the ability to take advantage of others. the feel free to violate basic laws, the working classes that have lost a lot of ground in our society. a un special reporter on adequate housing travels the world, investigating a global crisis, but people are evicted to clear the way for investors and properties too often left mc bush, a witness documentary on jesse o, the me
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that you're watching out there. that's remind you about top stories here. the silence tells us military officials are testifying before congress about the withdrawal of truth on the collapse of the african government. the biden administration has been widely accused of being unprepared for the fall of couple wild health organization chief ted ross. i've had them gabrielle has apologized after alleged sexual abuse by stop in democratic republic of congo. an independent panel found at least a few cases of sexual abuse, quite a work as during the outbreak from 2018, a group of political parties. and she nivia is forming a coalition to oppose the president. the group says site has lost his legitimacy and accuses him of carrying out a crew. off medical is an executive member of the enough, the party, the largest party in the developed parliament, which is not a part of the new group. he told us what those against the president plan to do
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next. the asian was the 1st party that declared that i'd have done is it could. and we are more than happy that right now the majority of the country, the n g o. we are standing on the same ground in describing what size is doing. is it cool and that the keys in it and that he has to go back to the chicken messy. he has to go back to the rule of law and rule of constitution where the next move really is that all parties in the concert. hopefully, even with mister, i accept to we need to sit down on the table and decide about the future future for democracy. first of all, we need to go back to proceed because we will not accept the state of dictators. nobody will so or political parties as in deal. right now,
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they need to sit down in a paper and we are on the table. we are part of those was and we will have a dialog before that we need to sort out the social and economic problems which are endangered and got to use this society and which became more problematic after school. now the british government has put its all me on standby as fuel pumps, and the u. k. are running out there aren't enough truck drivers and that means deliveries of fuel and other items are slowing down. people, as you can see, there have been curing up at petrol stations, many of which have actually already brought out. the transport minister has dr. is not to panic by john hall has one out from london. the government has said on tuesday that there are tentative fines of the situation, stabilizing with more fuel reaching for court, will be it not enough yet to have an effect on queues. and you can see a busy petro station in central london here behind me, and cause certainly still queueing up to fill their tanks of the government. and
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the industry believe that much of this has been exacerbated by panic, buying people, putting more fuel into their tanks, that they absolutely need. and that once they stop doing that, the situation will ease within a matter of days. the problem is you can't lay all of this at the feet of public behavior. of course, this is firmly within the overall supply chain disruption caused by a shortage of drivers, in this case, fuel tank drivers that he's having knock on effects across the economy. why the shortage of drivers? well, a consequence, both of brakes it and cosy, meaning a lot of european drivers have gone home and not come back and poor work and pay conditions in this country. meeting british workers on how to fill the gap, the government is doing. it says what he can and number of schemes and incentives under way among them and easing the immigration rules a temporary 3 month visa to try and lose some of those european drivers back. wholly inadequate. the industry says who would give up a job in europe to come here for just 3 months and all of this accumulates to mean
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that while on monday they were heavy denials. on tuesday, the government admits the army is on standby to help with some of its fuel tank isn't fuel tank drivers. and when you add that to the accumulation of other circumstances, warnings of emergency dr. those emergency services no longer being mobile fuel prices going up prices and supply across the economy affected by all of this. add to that even the suggestion of the army getting involved. and you don't spell crisis any better way than that. while the us says a short range missile test by north korea as a threat to the international community, as miss i was fired on tuesday chung young's ambassador to the un was telling the general assembly that nobody could deny it. the right to test weapons comes on cold on the us to give up its hostile policy towards the north. my young, if the years was to see the accordion was the most prolonged and long lasting war
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in the board come to an end. and if it is really desirous of a piece of re consolation on the korean peninsula, they should take the 1st step was a keeping up. it's a hostile policy against the d. p. p. by coping permanently, the joint military exercises and the deployment of all kinds of strategic weapons which are leveled at the d. p. k. and onto the korean peninsula. on china has been showing off some of its most advanced aircraft technology and weaponry added the biggest issue. it's being held as rivalry with the u. s. and other western countries intensifies are about money reports. the charlie, the schools to be and it's, it's both technology. you need to send ya, you're going yeah, i think everyone cares most about 820 bomber but not here. maybe we'll have to wait for a few more years. other than that, j. twin fighter j 10 and j. 20 still fighters
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who are among the highlights at this ash ho into high city. it's part of beijing drive to compete against western rivals in selling its latest military hardware and technology every long to ongoing digital. the main feature of the f k . 2000 air defense weapon system is that it's a combat vehicle integrated with an air defense system. it has 2 sets of radar photo electric sensor missiles on each side and 2 anti aircraft guns. it's a show the u. s. is likely to keep a close eye on. it signed a security pack with a u. k and australia that includes providing nuclear power submarines to camera as a deterrent against what they see as chinese threats in the, in the pacific region. last week, leaders of japan,
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australia and india met us president joe biden in the white house. the so called, quote, is seen as a counterweight to china, is growing influence and says it's committed to what it calls a free and open indo pacific region. china has also brought military outposts on artificial islands in the south china sea, in an effort to reclaim territory. that's also claimed by other countries in the region. back into high china shows of its prototype of the advance c h 6 drone unmanned aerial vehicles using reconnaissance roles and in combat missions. i think that's where the trend is really heading towards for china, in mimicking the, the, the trends are set by the united states as the leading military power in the world . we've seen over the last 2 decades shift towards a lot of autonomy. us are mand in highly intelligent military platforms,
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on land, and in the c and, and in the air industry experts say, although many of chinese aircraft aren't yet much for those in the u. s. airport staging kaylee out to narrow that gap lore that monthly out is there a ha, speaking of weapons at france and greece assigned another military deal for the sale of 3 warships. this agreement is now the 2nd between paris and athens. just the sierra grease is building up its armed forces and had tension with turkey over gas exploration lights in the eastern mediterranean sea. the deal is seen as a brute to the french defense industry after the loss of that multi $1000000000.00 submarine order from st. louis a nice little band, less of keys and 80 loss goodness, europeans must leave behind the naive t. when we're under pressure from powers who harden their approach, we must react and show that we too have power and the capacity to defend ourselves
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and show that we won't give way to any escalation calling this is making ourselves respected. secondly, among the united states is a great historic ally in the eyes of our values and they will remain so. but we are obliged to note that for the last 10 years, us focused on themselves and the strategic interest. some of the pivoting towards china and the pacific ego natasha butler has worn out from paris. the joint press conference between the greek prime minister and the french president was very telling because although of course, they announced the agreement for greece to buy 3 french frigates from france seemed very march, that the 2 leaders were adamant that they wanted to get across a message and that is that the, you must be more told them is in terms of defense and all of this in context when you think about it was less than 2 weeks ago that the office deal was signed this
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pack to between u k. the u. s. and australia, a defense deal, which seemed to be fine to in secret power, said they'd have no idea that it was happening. it also brought about the end of this submarine contract that camera had signed with frauds, all of that made frauds absolutely furious. well, the french president emanuel macro off to the person during the press conference with the great prime minister said that the office packed, in fact, was assigned to your appearance. they simply need to do more to look off to their own interests, particularly when it comes to defense. or ne surgery have stepped up patrols near cos of o's border crossings with salvia in an effort to de escalate. the ongoing license plate dispute, their ethnic subs living in northern cost of have been holding protests by blocking roads earlier this week after costs of a band, the entry of cars with savvy and license plate services. president says he considers that decision by cost of
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a criminal action. right now there are more than $10000000.00 children out of school in niger area because of a lack of facilities, a lack of teachers and ongoing conflict. but now new schools have been built and born states and attendance is increasing and across the country, 9000000 pupils and are benefiting from a free school meals program. i'm to just report from my degree. after years of disruptions, these high school students write their final examinations. 6 years ago, most of them were either displaced persons camps on the street. what little hope of completing high school they were forced from schools like these attacked and damaged by the armed group book. was ideology is to fight west in education and influences. schooling became completely impossible even we didn't my degree. i saw that time because most of the infrastructure schools had become comes. then we had
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to roll in at that time what was called education on that emergency. gradually, we much out of that, you my jesse face, and now we are walking towards the stabilize ation piece. is a challenge, so much of the infrastructure has been destroyed, you know, once it becomes a disaster, it exceeds our coping capacity. this is now the face, of course, in northern nigeria, sport, nor state the epi center of the conflict, old structures rehabilitated and new ones constructed dozens of story buildings like this, have been build tubs of as many out of school children as possible. still tens of thousands more unable to access education. the government is unable to construct or rehabilitate schools in areas whether a significant threat from local school enrollment is up. but the figures nowhere near what it was before the complex, again,
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the united nations children's fun says more than a 1000000 children. what targeted for enrollment in the 1st 4 months of this year. but less than half that number. why able to attend class? because of the lack of facilities and security concerns experts, one that i didn't government to prioritize safety to duty of boss width or tended to be enrolled. that the most important thing that dash is security should be guaranteed. and that of their teachers. you can just give indication to those in the above areas neglecting those in it. so those in the address now of it are going by because they know to fit in that is a short of this. you can, what many schools the niger is not classified as vulnerable to attacks by groups? some parents yet, but don't worry about putting the lives of the children at risk. it reach out to 0
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. my degree nigeria. now the american r and b singer r kelly has been found guilty of sex trafficking and racketeering offences. after a 6 week trial in new york, he is one of the most prominent people, yet to be convicted of sex offences since the me to movement began victoria gating be reports. so he was one of the biggest r and b recording artists of a generation up and now or kelly face suspending the rest of his life in jail. after being found guilty on all counts at a trial in new york, today's guilty verdict forever brand r kelly as a predator who used to fame and fortune to prey on the young, vulnerable, and the voiceless. for his own sexual gratification. the attorney who represented many me 2 survivors, says kelly is the worst abuser of them all. today r kelly has been convicted a very serious federal crime. mr. kelly,
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who wants described himself as a, quote, genius and quote. so one of my clients who testified is nothing but a convicted felon. the 54 year old singer had faced accusations of sexual assault against young women and children for decades, but seemed almost untouchable. the music industry and the media now stand accused of turning a blind eye to allegations made against him for far too long. i would say that he was definitely protected. the boys and girls that he did, you know, sale and right. and i would say because he was protected by not only right, everybody around him, producers, the music industry is so everyone knew this is going on and they protected him so it didn't stop it. increase all kelly will be sentenced. next may and faces decades
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behind boss, victoria gate and b. is there. 33 of 39 minus trapped underground and eastern canada have not been rescued. an accident on sunday had damaged the elevation system. none of the men were injured and rescue crews are using ropes and ladders to get them out. there is a conveyance system or what's commonly known as a cage that carries employees on one level. and then often below that elevator or, or conveyance system, we sling equipment and materials underneath it. and we had a large piece of equipment lung underneath the conveyance system. and it just lodged, carving damage to the shaft and making the conveyance system in operable. stella had here on algebra to gnostics all summer in biles says she
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should have quit well ahead of the tokyo lympics. peace will tell you why. and the news. news. news. news news with
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me. ah, ah, i welcome back time to sport and thank you so much. leah now murphy will return from injury tonight and passenger man hope matches to 30 in the champions league. the origin on forward has missed the last 2 games with the brutes, me, but p. s g fans will be hoping to see him on the pitch at some point. macy has a good record against that. he's boss. he has scored more goals against. pick audio live teams in the tournament than any other player,
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but is get to the school for his new club. since joining and coach motor patina knows it can be tricky for the likes of messy who are under the spotlight of course, but he's, he's under pressure always. of course, the biggest start to feel the pressure or the pressure and for different things. you know, said he have face tfc 5 times before and never lost. i beat them for one on aggregate in last season semi to make it to the final for the 1st time. but gaudio, this is past results are not relevant in the way the team was a type game and even though they miss him, so this is you always since guitar people to cobra to club always is an exception on team winning a lot of titles and then is a huge competitors, so boa season, so elsewhere, ac milan take on typical madrid,
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sport in lisbon face. but if your daughters and they top score earning holland will be looking to add to these tell you $21.00 champions li, goals and puerto host liverpool in group b, european footballs, governing body, you a for has dropped its legal case against barcelona. you ventless and re madrid over their involvement in a breakaway league. the clubs were among 12 founding members of the european super league, which lay to collapse. the 9 others had pulled out earlier in april. a spanish court said you had no right to punish the trio because legal action would go again . free trade laws for time olympic gymnastics champion, some and boss is she should have quit well ahead of the few. take your games. the 24 year old american pulled out of 5 of her 6 finals in japan. she said it was the focus on a mental health. now she has told a magazine in new york that seeing her abuser former u. s. team. dr. larry nasa, in the media for the last 2 years, was too much. biles had been seeing
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a therapist in the run up to the delayed games. but she says, anxiety said in, in tokyo, she still managed to when individual bronze in the balance beam and silver in the team, competition the new in be a season is just 3 weeks away. and off the 2 seasons disrupted by the credit of ours, the pandemic remains a hot topic. but this time when it comes to vaccinations on monday, some vaccinated plays had to sit out for the teams media days because of current of ours protocols, unvaccinated play as a fit to be tested on all practice travel, and game days. even though the vaccine has divided opinion throughout the league, you know, obviously i'm not able to be present there today. but it doesn't mean that i'm putting any limits on the future of me being able to join the team. and i just want to keep it that way so we keep that private. if anybody has any further questions about that, please it be the same response. i would like to keep that private. have county
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found that national cricket team have started a training camp ahead of the p 20 world cup in the united arab emirates and oman next month. but many are wondering whether female cricketers will be blocked from the sport. charlotte bellis reports. africa and cricket is back in the name, but this is a new environment. soon they will play internationally for the 1st time under a taliban government. we haven't seen anything from them because 3 play for the nation. for all of gun it's done. and now also they were a big fan of us because you are playing for the nation. we are not like something politics, anything. because we represent all the country sheriff who dean learn to play cricket as a child in a refugee camp in pakistan. he is one of 20 players picks to take part in the training camp. hit next month t 20 will. camp in the united arab emirates would accept sally, but we have a good record in the u. a. and especially in t 20. i've kenneth's dance team is
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a specialist team and i'm confident we will have good results. but there has been controversy in the lead up russia. hong i've got to sounds most famous cricketer was announced as the captain for the upcoming 2 minutes later. he issued a statement, stepping down from the row. he will not be attending the camp here in cobble. they have also been concerns over female players and telephone official told a streaming media that women would not play cricket as it was not necessary. oh, streaming cricket responded by threatening not to play the means team. the taliban has since backtracked saying they can play if they were a jab, nor female cricket player would come in to al jazeera collette you. the unusual with the, when the news came out, there was some misunderstanding. there is a new government you have can stand for one and a half months when everything gets normal. decisions will be made about women also
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. but there aren't any talk. step female cricket is banned or going to be banned. the players themselves are hopeful, the sport and its participation, who continue as it was pre tannenbaum. they say for more than 2 decades, the sport was one of the few things that unified the country. the only big hope and smiles for the people, the happiness was the cricket. when we were playing all the nation from every community, from every people, women's children, everyone was supporting us. they say the taliban has told them to continue. but with a woman feel they can is unclear. charlotte bellis out jazeera google in the nfl. the dallas cowboys have handed out a hiding against the philadelphia eagles playing his 1st home game in 11 month. that was called back, that prescott returned from injury to inspire. he's in a preschool through for 238 yards and 3 touchdowns. one of the best moments of the
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game for the cowboys was this one, treyvon dig into sipping and running 60 yards for such down final school. 4121. savannah dallas, the cleveland indians played their final home game using their current nickname. the team will be known as the guardians from next season. the name is changing because of a racist connotations. in 2019 the franchise changed its logo from a call to an indian chief to a capital c, cleveland to be the kansas city royals a 3 in the game. hey, got him elsewhere. there was a painful moment for the colorado rockies. second baseman brendan rogers, he was hit on the helmet by washington national fisher desire gray clearly and 92 miles per hour for school for the element is no fun thing for the roger post concussion protocol after the game needed. that's what was supposed to been. i'm
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all coming up a little bit later the thought. yeah, thanks very much pizza. well, that's it for me to pay for this news for don't go away. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with more of today's news to stay with us here on out of use . news. news. news. news, too often of kind of stone is portrayed through the prism of war. but there were many thanks to the brave individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction. an extraordinary film archives fanny for decades reveals the forgotten
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truth of the country's modern history. the forbidden real park free the rise of the machine on a just the conflict between the if you can government and the regional take, great people with the original fund has killed thousands and internally displaced more than 2000000 over the past 7 months. 350000 people in the region are facing famine, according to the united nation, which says that our vision is being used as a weapon or for those who managed across the border. say it's not because they have improved back home. they say to grass continue to be targeted because many of these are being reported and all they come to taking refuge conditions. here are some across the younger valleys, high above the ground. a trouble has taken on
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a different form. people died for they fly. this is no game, it's business makes the cocoa farmers hopefully be swinging high across the valley, facing on every journey. they'll gamble with their lives, just one living. risking it all on al jazeera ah grilled about the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan. us defense officials, all facing shop questions from sentences. ah, hello there, i'm talking, hey, this is all of your life and they're coming out announcing a coalition against the president. a group of political party is bound together in
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june as the beach would leadership. we apologize to these people are women and girls for the.


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