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tv   [untitled]    September 29, 2021 1:00am-1:31am AST

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said they died in calm, but the neighbors and family members, and they were innocent, taken from their homes and executed under pressure venezuela's, defense minister, everybody made it said the armed forces were obliged to defend that country from irregular groups that added the human rights needed to be respected and that the events at the border would be investigated. ah, the fact that the afghan army that we in our partners trained simply melted away in many cases without firing a shot took us all by surprise and but any us defense extra lloyd austin acknowledges miscalculations over the chaotic end to the war in afghanistan. but taliban says it will bring back a constitution from almost 60 years ago. but anyway, there's no conflict with its version of islamic law.
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ah. title says al jazeera live from london, also coming up to new york position parties form a coalition against the president after he gave himself how to rule by decree, class spain declared paula disasters a triggering financial support for an island devastation by 9 days of volcanic eruptions. ah, hello, united states military commander has called the end of the 20 year war and i got a strong strategic failure. general not merely was speaking on the 1st of 2 days of congressional hearings. over the chaotic american withdrew and taliban takeover last month. the boston administration has been widely accused of being unprepared
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for the fall of campbell party call. hang reports are the ones in unusual move the top military brows walking a fine line, but up here into public good question. their boss, us president, version of events in afghan is dan, how you doing president joe biden had said he couldn't recall any military adviser recommending he troops in afghanistan before he ordered the withdrawal. the top military bosses appeared to contradict that won't share my personal recommendation to the present, but i will give you my honest opinion and my honest opinion in view shaped my recommendation, i recommended that we maintain 2500 troops in afghanistan to me. the white house responded, i would know today in the testimony that was given by secretary austin by general milly, they made clear secretary austin specifically said, if he stayed there at a pot force posture of 2500. certainly you'd be in a fight with the taliban. and you'd have to reinforce from the senators dooley narratives over which president is blame for the chaos. donald trump, who made
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a deal with the taliban to take troops out, or president biden, who set the date for removal. anyone who since the last few months were a failure. but everything before that was great. clearly hasn't been paying attention because of the date, certain rather than a conditions based withdrawal. because of a decision that was made by our president. because of that, we left the american citizens behind there. so what went wrong this year and didn't produce any real answers, but the military admitted here something did we help build the state, mr. chairman, but we could not for donation the fact that the afghan army that we in our partner strain simply melted away in many cases without firing a shot, took us all by surprise and it would be just honest a claim. otherwise, the pentagon is conducting its own review of its action, but some sen say that's not enough. they're calling for the creation of an independent commission that can look at what went wrong, not just at the end,
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but during the entirety of america, the longest war particle have al jazeera washington. the prominent afghan politician says his home has been destroyed by the taliban. admiral omar and his family say, members of the group detonated explosives, their property and non ga ha to cause and all the valuables were taken up despite the taliban, reassuring former government officials, when it seized power last month, that there would be no retribution. and i had been part of efforts to drive the taliban out of the district and persuade young adults to join the us backed forces he since gone into hiding. chances explained to reinstate a constitution from nearly 6 decades ago. i've got to songs new router. i want to apply the 964 charter, but only where it doesn't conflict with the strict version of islamic law. the existing constitution was drawn up with the help of the united states in 2004. the taliban says it wants no foreign interference. well,
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the not 64 constitution was doctor 5 kind of stones last king hum into here, shaw. making the country a constitutional monarchy for almost a decade before he was overthrown in 1973. it gave women the right to vote for the 1st time and open the doors for the increased participation in politics. the king could dissolve parliament, but parliament was allowed to pass no confidence votes in the government. and islam was the state religion, but it wasn't mandatory. clarity's role was limited in several areas of society, including judicial proceedings. hoshal barra has more from couple. the taliban seems to be trying to extend an olive branch to the international community by saying, look, we could have rec to the constitutional declaration of 1998 with a taught it by way and power here. got it done is that we chose to go for the 1964 constitution white vaskins situation in particular because it's widely seen as the
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constitution that pays away for constitutional democracy. protective the rights of expression, the right, the freedom of expression of the freedom of thought, established independent institutions with an independent judiciary. however, there's a copy to that constitution. 964 states that the king has the right to dissolve the parliament and appoint the prime minister. under the current situation, it seems that the supreme lead of the taliban, the middle meeting and the commander of the faithful, hey, better law will ultimately have the final take. he could be the one to fire the government and point to any parliament, though the parliament, sorry or decide that this provision is in conflict with a shady law and therefore it has to be, it has to be changed. ah,
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opposition politicians in june. you have warned they'll call for widespread protests unless the president reverses, moves to seize power for political parties, formed a coalition to oppose guy aside, who they say last legitimacy. after carrying out a crew. last weeks i had announced he'd rule by decree and ignore parts of the constitution. but it's miss reports from judith. whether dina, presenting united front against the president, they say is a legitimate for political part is a warning chi side, but he must back track on his decision to seize exec. is it power to be or is this the president has taken everything he has canceled everything, even the institution for sorting out these problems like fighting corruption. all these entities have been closed by the president. there's no parliament. there's no committee for overseeing laws. there's no government. yeah. demonstrations. pub already been held against president saeed. who last week announced he'd rule by
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decree and ignore parts of the constitution. but after he sacked the prime minister and suspended parliament in july, on monday to unity as foreign minister told the un general assembly that the president was acting with the will of the people in without happy to dangerous attrition threatening our country and community is attribute to a deeply rooted political polarization and a social comic and health crisis. this is why the president of the republic had to interfere and take his shoes of exceptional resolutions and measures based on our constitution to put the contract back on the right path towards democracy. all the largest political party, another says the president should call election to prove he has a mandate. why should one person says that he can a body the will of the people? so if he is with the will of the people and if he is expressing their we'll have
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people, he has an offer or for elections and let the people decide local and international human rights groups. a warning of a slide towards authoritarianism. while the development in july were broadly popular to month own, people are growing frustrated by what they see is a lack of progress. analysts say that could work in the new coalitions favor with the different crisis, but we are going to the ethics of it's in the upcoming which and non they would seize maybe the opportunity to show that affordably even by a power grab even by the gathering or the powers, prison fight is unable to find the real crisis of the conditions that are social problems, economy, etc. in the 2 months since case fight seized power, political parties and civil society groups here say the president hasn't approached any of them. now they say they're reminding him again that they're here and that he should talk to them and listen. bernice smith al jazeera julius spain
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declared la paloma in the canary islands, a disaster zone. 9 days after the baby. i have okay now began their opting and the government's aid package will provide $12000000.00 to help rebuild warm $600.00 homes that have been destroyed. these live pictures from the island and the witnesses told the roaches news agency. the lava flow has now reached the cold water of the atlantic ocean, which is expected to produce a huge cloud of toxic vapor and gas. nick hot, cuz we are speaking to residents and emergency workers in the it is down these cliffs that a lava fall is flowing towards the atlantic for the cuba family. the worse could not be avoided. josie, marty, construction, worker listings in horror to the advancing lava. the home he built with his hands, the ones of his parents, sister, aunts, and uncles. all gone loss is all that has been gained from disruption. he said,
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no, we don't. you. he's finding her night, we watch the red lying tammy, as a pond on the little in pain suffering from this disaster roll. while the airport has reopened, commercial flights are grounded, a thick layer of ash hangs over the island. the authorities are asking people to stay in doors where goggles masks and avoid the coastline. the problem that people are facing is irritation in the respiratory tract and the eyes. and of course the contact with the ash, with the skin is extremely noxious. with the law of reaching the ocean, there is a sense of panic amongst taurus stranded on the island. no. on the east side. it was a little bit better now it's it's worse, i guess. so. yeah, of course we are concerned. yeah, i think it's time to leave the island now. yeah. the shoreline of palm eyes. what
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marine biologist describe as a hot spot of diversity, home to pilot whales, manta rays and blue sharks, species that are about to encounter explosive and hot lava destroying some of their habitats from above the extent of the volcanic activity and subsequent damage become visible. vulcan ologist had predicted that there would be interruption, but had not anticipated its magnitude. they said since this all began, the island has increased in land masses as it grow vieira with this rupture and is pulling the island of la paloma out of the ocean. it appears the 120000 year old island is going through a growth spurt. but in its path, it's destroying people's lives as if it's reclaiming. it's right over this land. because talk elgin's the right to the court de la paloma. still to come this. how fast the trying to shows of some of its most advanced aircraft international held in an area where tensions have been growing. plus the
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james bond and faces is tough as mission yet as the nation governor 7 film premiers in london. can you safe cinema ah ah, the still a big circulation in the bite? it stretches clyde was right into the red interior attempt is dropped off the recent quite high values. i have to say. and all his adding to an increase in the heat being brought in. and the marshman brought in a new south wales. i could put a queen's and victorian a c t to means is understood pretty big with i think potentially damaging hail as a result of that that all marches off shore and juice is quite a strong wind to the bath, straight again to some victorian tasmania during says day, the same time pop,
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refuse showers. percy's la clauser at about 23, and darwin's enjoying the tropical, heated and no longer near record value. 33, still very active. whether in the western pacific, this is mindy lay. we think it's going to go towards japan, but not make land contact, but you'll feel the influence, the same time, this belt of whether the plum raise it gave about a 100 millimeters, a movie, steady south with. and as they keep going south of the temperance shanghai come down, the weather behind is dry and then you got to come together over japan is not a good prospect. the full cast for tokyo officers can be western windy that really arrives during friday. the best of days the. ready too often of cornerstone is portrayed through the prism of war. but there were many
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thanks to the brave individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction . an extraordinary film archive standing for decades reveals the forgotten truth of the country's modern history. the forbidden real park free, the rise of the machine had been on a all the a reminder, the main stories here on our 0. america's top military commander has called the end of the 20 year war and i've got to stop a strategic failure. during questioning my sentences on capitol hill, the military's top bras admission to taliban forces advanced far more quickly than
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anticipated opposition politicians engineers have warned the call for widespread protests, and that's the president backtracks. on a decision to tease against executive power for parties are formed, coalition, against, say, it accusing him of carrying out a cruise of spain is declared upon a disaster zone. so $12000000.00 can be marked for rebuilding houses destroyed partly on and erupting volcano and a witness as told which is the lava flows has now reached the atlantic ocean, where it's expected to reach a huge cloud of toxic vapor and gas. while house organization is promising reforms and accountability over allegations of sexual abuse by staff deployed to the democratic republic of congo un agency has apologized to the victims. calling an independent panel report, which described we should described as harrowing. reading the findings detailed, at least 80 cases of sexual abuse by aid workers during the phone about break from
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2018 to last year. it had penetration include both congolese and foreign nationals and at least 20 w h o employees. i'm sorry. i'm sorry for what was done to you by people who are employed by w joe to serve and protect you. i'm sorry for the ongoing suffering that this event must cause. i'm sorry that you have hard to relate to relieve them in talking to the commission about your experiences. haiti's prime minister says he plans to call presidential and legislative elections for early next year. i had all, he dissolved the electoral council responsible for managing a vote in november. instead, he says a referendum on the current constitution will take priority and dismissed allegations that he's trying to cling on to power. haiti was plunged into
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a political crisis by the assassination of its president, drove it in marie's in july, where he had been runing by decrease since 2019 leaving the country without an elected president or parliament. young climate activists from across the world have been criticizing global leaders for their failure to address environmental issues for 100 young delegates from 180 nations or attending the use for climate summit. in the italian city, milan could get a tune berg, who accused world leaders of being all talk and no action. this is not about some expensive politically correct, green as bonnie hugging or blah blah blah build back better, blah blah blah. green economy la la la. mid 0 by 2050, blah, blah, blah, net 0, blah, blah, blah, climate neutral, blah, blah blah. this is all we hear from us,
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so called leaders, words, words that sound great, but so far has led to no action or hopes and dreams drown in their empty words and promises. the british army is now in standby to help with fuel deliveries as the country sees long choose at petrol stations for a 5th day. many stations are closed after running out of petrol. the government says a shortage of truck drivers treated the crisis, which has been made worse by dr as panicking. they'll run out a few. by mister barish, johnson says the situation is improving, but it will be some time before things return to normal. french president, ammonia mc horse as europe must stop being naive about defending its own interests and build up its own military capacity. he was speaking of the greek government, find a deal to buy 3 war ships from france is the 2nd between the 2 nations. this year
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after greece sport, 18 french fighter jets in january latasha, about 2 reports from paris, the french president emanuel my call and greet prime minister carrier kaufman. we talk is a greeted booths, military corporation after meeting of the lisa palace, and called for the you to be more or thomas when it comes to defense. misery talk is said that athens would agree to buy 3 frigates from paris, with an option for a 4th. last year, ongoing tensions between greece and turkey. in the eastern mediterranean sea fled up over disputes about maritime borders and gas exploration. you will be a europe is obliged to have the capacity to independence. me defend its own national geographic trends to europe, p an interest. and that is something it can only do if it is able to operate without necessarily anticipating the contribution of nato or the united nation. as to the sale of the war, ships comes less than 2 weeks off to australia,
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pulled out of a multi $1000000000.00 submarine contract with france off the cambra assigned to defense packed with the u. s. u k. for the indo pacific, sparking a diplomatic route with paris addressing the route. 2 for the 1st time publicly my . 2 girl said, australia as action would not alter the fact that from because they enjoy pacific nation with citizens and treats in the region. he also emphasized his room held belief that when he comes to defense and start. 2 to g, you can no longer rely on the u. s. and he's hoping europeans must stop being naive when we are under pressure from powers. you harden their approaches reacting and showing that we to have power and the capacity to defend ourselves does not mean giving way to escalation means making ourselves respected. we must admit that for more than 10 years, the us focus is a loss itself. and how strategic interested, a pivoting towards china and the pacific is micro regards the aka steel as
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a wake up call for europeans. athens clearly agrees the us and u. k. had also bid to build war ships for grief, but mid so talk is said frances vessels were chosen not only for their technology, but to support an alloy and european interests. natasha butler. i'll just sarah paris. china has been showing off some of its most advanced aircraft technology and weaponry. and his biggest asha, which was delayed a year by the pandemic. it's been held every 2 years since 996 in the city of new high on the coast of the south china sea. that's the region where tensions with the united states and other western nations have been mounting in recent months or about burden money reports the shows surely the pool to the air and it's a technology. you need to find y'all, you're going? yeah, i think everyone cares most about
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a 20 bomber but not here. maybe we'll have to wait for him few more years. other than that, it's to j 2 in fighter j 10, j 20 stopped falling to or above the highlights. so this says show into high city it's part of beijing drive to compete against western rivals in selling its latest military hardware and technology ever get on to ongoing with digital. the main feature of the f k. 2000 defense weapon system is that it's a combat vehicle integrated with an air defense system. it has 2 sets of radar. a photo, electric sensor, missiles on each side and 2 anti aircraft guns. it's a show the u. s. is likely to keep a close eye on it signed a security pack with a u. k. and australia that includes providing nuclear power submarines to camera as a deterrent against what they see as chinese threats in the,
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in the pacific region. last week, leaders of japan, australia and india met us president joe biden in the white's health. the so called, quote, is seen as a counterweight to china, is growing influence and says it's committed to what it calls a free and open in the pacific region. china has also bought military outpost on artificial islands in the south china sea, in an effort to reclaim territory. that's also claimed by other countries in the region. back into high china shows of its prototype of the advance c h 6 drone unmanned aerial vehicles using reconnaissance roles and in combat missions. i think that's where the trend is really heading towards for china, in mimicking the, the, the trends are set by the united states as the leading military power in the world . we've seen over the last 2 decades shift towards a lot of autonomous,
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unmanned and highly intelligent military platforms, on land and in the c and, and in the air industry experts say, although many of chinese aircraft aren't yet much for those in the u. s. airport staging, scaly out to narrow that gap. lower that monthly out. is there a north korean state medias is miss out the country test. try it on tuesday. was a new hypersonic missile. south korea says it was launched from the central north province show gang. shortly after this, all was fonts, young young's ambassadors the un told the general assembly that nobody could deny it. the right to test weapons. kim's own called on the us to give up it hostile policy towards the north. 35 of the 39 minus trapped on the ground in eastern canada have now been rescued with
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a rain they said to be on their way back to the surface. the miners became trapped on sunday after the elevator system that the sun burn nickel mine became damaged. brazilian mining company, vale says none of its workers were injured in the accident and all have had access to food and water. miners had to climb 1.2 kilometers, using a series of ladders to get out. it's a long climb. it's pretty steep. pretty wet that it was a good guy. yeah, we had take couple breaks and whatnot. took us somewhere around 2 hours and hour and 40 minutes, i guess the water, the climate, the long laid premier of the 25th james bond movie. no time to die has been taking place in london. bond back to daniel craig is the star attraction that the will at all in his 5th and final, acting as the same agent. the premier was postponed 3 times during the pandemic. and the box office performance have no time to die is seen is vital to the recovery of the struggling in my industry. in the grand scheme of things that over to over
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low down the list of priorities thought this is really, really needs to be said in the cinema. and i'm just incredibly grateful to m g m and of a whole. and we're just bringing more now and the volcanoes still rupturing in spain's canary islands. nicholas hock is live for us in the pharma, and we're hearing the lava is now hit the ocean movie jones about not well, it hasn't quite hit the ocean yet. it hit, it has hit the beach, it still has a 100 meters to go on flatland before it makes it to the cold ocean. so what we've seen just moments ago here in this support is this little stream of lava just falling off the cliff. and now we're seeing a lava be accumulated on to the beach, the still quiet moments to go before it actually hits the ocean. you have this
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thermal shot that people are vulcan ologist, and people here in authority here are waiting for in the meantime, where we were there was streams of people looking at this spectacle from the distance. and then the spanish largest sea build pulled us out of the area. because in this, in the distance, we already saw a cloud of grey cloud billowing in the distance. and that could be coming from the banana plantations that are just on the edge of this cliff that are burning in contact of the lava. so not just quite yet this thermal shock, but you could see that there's been additional security brought on the ground to manage the population here on the ground. some of people who are here curious, some people here who are watching the volcanoes, but also to ensure that everybody stays safe as this thermal shock is expected to take place some time during the night, didn't still needs to be quite a lot of lava accumulated on the beach for that to move on the flat surface 100 meters to reach the ocean. meanwhile, at the crater, you still have
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a haul liquid magma, spewing out of the volcano. at the same time in the one of the main cones, gases being shot up up into the air. lauren, and given all the risks from these potentially toxic gases, or they can move people further away or even off the on. and do you think it's quite interesting, this, this fine balance that the authorities are, are, are, are trying to take both in trying to ensure people safety not to create panic. and there's a sense on the authorities here. and there's been additional authority, the news, the, the gorgeous, reveal and, and the red cross there on the ground. in fact, there hasn't been so much government authorities on this island for a long time. that's quite remote and far removed from the people here feel far removed from madrid. and so it's quite interesting the amount of people that are on
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the ground to try to manage the situation that those that have been displaced have been put in the south part of the island in tourists hotels. now what we know from vulcan knowledge is just an hour ago, there was a $2.00 magnitude earthquake, a tremor that happened in that area. which means that this suggest that this volcanic activity that we're seeing underground is effecting not just the area of cobra and the beach where there's going to be this thermal shock, but also across the island. so very much people are waiting to see what's going to happen next hack. thank you very much indeed. ah, the main stories for ya, 0, the top u. s. military commander has called the end of the 20 year war enough canister on a strategic failure. and his 1st congressional testimony following the chaotic
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american withdraw last month, the military top bras were being questioned by sentences on capitol hill. the.


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