tv [untitled] September 29, 2021 3:00am-3:31am AST
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his german location, we've gained access to a training camp run by a boy from different corner. i never see. no american dream in america. you just feel like you're caged animal. things on my child shouldn't go through the program that is in your eyes to kind of, if you, well today on al jazeera, the, all the top us military officer admitted to a strategic failure in afghanistan and tells congress he favors keeping a small for say, ah, you're watching al jazeera live from do with me for the basketball. also coming up lava from an eruption volcano on the spanish island of la palmer has reached the shores of the atlantic ocean. i'm sorry, i'm sorry for what was done to you. the world health organization vows to punish
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bath acute sexually abusing people while working in democratic republic of congo. and helping to your back moviegoers the latest james bond film community in london . i sent him a help to bounce back from the cold 19th and i a strategic failure. that's how he top us military officer has described the end of its 20 year war in afghanistan. general mark merely and secretary of defense, lloyd austin, testified at congressional hearings which focused on the key arctic withdrawal of truth and the taliban take over. last month. article henry for some capitol hill are the ones in unusual move, the top military browse, walking a fine line. but if you're into publicly, in their boss,
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us presidents version of events in afghanistan, buddy, how you doing president joe biden had said he couldn't recall any military adviser recommending he keep troops in afghanistan before he ordered the withdrawal. the top military bosses appeared to contradict, won't share my personal recommendation the present, but i will give you my honest opinion and my honest opinion in view shaped my recommendation. i recommended that we maintain 2500 troops in afghanistan. the white house responded. i would note today in the testimony that was given by secretary austin by general milly, they made clear secretary austin specifically said, if you stayed there at a hot force, posture of 2500. certainly you'd be in a fight with the taliban, and you'd have to reinforce from the senator's duly narratives over which president is to blame for the chaos. donald trump, who made a deal with the taliban to take troops out, or president biden, who set the date for removal. anyone who says the last few months were a failure,
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but everything before that was great. clearly hasn't been paying attention because of the date, certain rather than a conditions based withdrawal because of a decision that was made by our president. because of that we left the american citizens behind. so what went wrong? this hearing didn't produce any real answers, but the military admitted here something did. we help build the state, mr. chairman, but we could not for donation. the fact that the african army that we and our partner strained, simply melted away in many cases without firing a shot, took us all by surprise, and it would be dishonest to claim. otherwise, the pentagon is conducting its own review of its action. but some senator say that's not enough. they're calling for the creation of an independent commission that can look at what went wrong, not just at the end, but during the entirety of america longest, more political have al jazeera washington. early i spoke to mark kimmitt, who served as assistant secretary of state for political military affairs. he says,
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it'll be crucial to understand how president biden miss the general's recommendations. the general's made the recommendations probably a national security council meeting. the president may or may not have been there, but in any case, his own staff had the responsibility brief, president biden, on the conduct of those meetings and those recommendations that came from his military and secretary defense. so either president biden was not informed for which some people ought to be held responsible for. he was inform, misunderstood what the commanders on the ground in the us military was saying, i think we've got to stand back and realized. so we thought inside about can span for 20 years. we went into file, kind of, we defeated all kind of, we brought in log in to justice. but with this collapse that we're seeing in our
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can span right now, candidly, all of the successes and all of the effort that we put into afghanistan has now been reversed. the worst possible outcome would be that the taliban allow al qaeda, isis, k and other terrorist groups to come back into afghanistan and take advantage of uncovered spaces within afghanistan to set up training camps and plot future attacks in both europe and the united states. so that's the greatest change in our ability to control that i think general milly was saying is limited in the world news lava from combe brazier have a case on the spanish island of la panama has now reached the atlantic ocean. these live pictures from the area where a huge cloud of toxic vapor and gas has been released into the air as the lava mixes with sea water. spain has declared the island in the canaries or the disaster
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zone. more than a week after the russian government set aside an initial $12000000.00 to help rebuild hundreds of homes destroyed by lava. because high calculators from the problem, the much anticipated thermal shock it's currently taking place with this lava 1000 degrees celsius, hitting the ocean authorities right now, are quickly monitoring the situation and trying to figure out what is this, how is this affecting the population? you have plumes of smoke going up into the air we were just on the port moments ago . and the spanish gorgeous revealed to pursed all of the people that were there to watch the spectacle out of the port. i have told people to stay on log down to where goggles cover their mouth stay close as much as possible, not exposing your arms because in the air is not of gases such as sulfur dioxide. now they're monitoring the level of sulfur dioxide from these toxic gases also is
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hydro gloried and in other gases emitted by this volcano. the head of the world health organization is promising reforms and accountability after allegations of sexual abuse by workers and to fight ebola in a democratic republic of congo for you. an agency has apologized for victims following a report which is described as harrowing and heartbreaking. the report detailed at least a few cases of abuse by w. h. employees and age workers. a separate investigations into the same allegations have been launched by uniform s. and the international organization for migration, i'm sorry, i'm sorry for what was done to you by people who are employed by w jo to serve and protect you. i'm sorry for the ongoing suffering that this event must cause. i'm sorry that you have
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hard to really to relieve them in talking to the commission about your experiences . now this isn't the 1st time you and agencies have been accused of sexual abuse. they've been more than 800 allegations of sexual exploitation or abuse reported in un missions globally since 2010. the most infamous case was a child. 6 trafficking ring set up by shrunken un peacekeepers in haiti between 20042007. since 2014 many abuses have been reported in central african republic, former un secretary general bon chemo called it cancer. in our system. the code blue campaigned by the n g o aides free world is calling for accountability for the abuse. it says the un regularly mishandled cases of sexual exploitation. let speak to paula donovan, who's the co director of the 8th 3 world group. she joins is from massachusetts. thank you very much for being with us. paula. i, let's start with this
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w. a show case in the d r. c. what is your reaction 1st to the findings of this investigation, the report painter really grim pictures fighting, clear structural failures and individual negligence. the tray, the report does, but unfortunately the report was produced by a commission that was appointed by the head of w h. ho, which is the organization that was accused of massive crimes and sexual exploitation and abuse. and the world health organization has no authority to investigate criminal allegations of any kind. and it's preposterous that they should wait after receiving reports of abuse by their own personnel until they live their farm don't investigations to bidders, and hired a firm and appointed their own commission and done some very basic what the
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commission itself called prima pharmacy, or on 1st impression investigating to determine whether or not crimes had been committed. this is this was not a criminal investigation, and it should have been from the very outset turned over to, to legal authorities who can actually conduct criminal investigations. looking at the findings. who does the investigation implicate? for most well, this was only focused on the world health organizations personnel. this particular commission that was struck by the head of w h o. dr. tundras. so they focused on 21 allegations of sexual abuse made against personnel who are hired by w h. whoa. and, and they ignored the rest of the, the rest of the allegations that were brought forward by journalists and,
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and other reporters. but it makes really no difference how sweeping or in deaths for the commission thinks its investigation. was the employer who's been accused of these gross crimes, cannot conduct its own investigation into its own personnel. and then the premise accountability is simply way beyond their remit, right? it is unfortunately not the 1st time that agencies are facing accusations of sexual exploitation, the u. n. has struggled for years with allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse by peacekeepers around the world. we've had, as we mentioned cases in haiti, most notably the d r. c central african republic. what needs to happen polar to prevent this, besides the statements of sha can outrage? she apologies what course of action should be taken by the un.
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so the un needs to step back right now. all the bureaucrats who work for the us need to step down and let the true criminal authorities take over. they should have been allowed to take over from the outset, but the moment the report of a crime, a violent rape or any other crime is reported to the u. n. d u n. has exactly one authority they may go in and investigate to see whether or not administrative rules and regulations has been violated. and that will prompt them to be able to fire the people who are, are involved. and they can also make a determination of whether crimes may have been committed, just a very surface determination to see whether on 1st impression could crimes have been committed if so, and that didn't take long to figure out at all. then they should immediately report one by one, not wait till they have a collection of dozens or hundreds of allegations,
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but one by one. they should report those immediately refer them to, to government authorities with true police investigators, prosecutors and others who can handle these criminal allegations just as any other employer would need to turn this over to be to the, to the appropriate judicial and investigative authorities has ever been any accountability and have they been reparations for eviction? there's never been any accountability through a process like the one that w at joe undertook and then never will be, because it's simply not possible. the w h o cannot hold people criminally accountable, but also the, the w h o itself has been implicated. so the, these commissioners who were again selected, the heads of the commission were selected by the head of w h o himself and, and then they conducted their investigation through people. a firm that was hired
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by w h o. they implicated dr. tedra. they said that he was, and he seemed to be untruthful about when he 1st learned about these allegations. and they also said that they, their evidence showed a suggestions of a network of, of read it. some acts of sexual exploitation and abuse were organized within a network of staff operating through the local recruitment of this w h o opperation. so that makes you think, well, immediately criminal investigators and, and authorized legally authorized prosecutors should have been looking at whether whole range of crimes may have been committed from seriously unprecedented crimes in the un systems from 6 trafficking to record tearing to fraud. to extortion corruption, criminal negligence, malfeasance, abduction,
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violent rapes, misuse of public funds. there are just a whole series of things for the world health organization itself should be, should be investigated for the appropriate part and not by themselves. thank you so much for for talking to us about respond donovan joining us from massachusetts in the us. thank you for your time. you're welcome. still ahead on al jazeera for to nation parties, join forces against the president, accusing him of a power grab and warning that it could spark a civil war. taking on a more on the multi $1000000000.00 military deal agreed by france and greece. ah, it's another beautiful sunny day of 35000 feet. the weather sponsored by cattle airways, boated world's best airline of 2021. it's been lucky coming together to things to
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japan in a few days time. this france going slowly south, cross the korean police towards japan. this ty, food which is a major, tiny food, is still losing a bit of poverty moving north over the same. now what's coming behind the plum range is slightly cooler weather. in fact, the temperance shankar back down to averages, that normally breeze comes in on exactly what you call cold fat cooler than these 2 to come together. that's the plum rain front. this is to tie soon. still it's going to be pretty vicious. but over the water, but look at this, it's inducing big waves and to start to bring the rain in to case forecast shows it more or less at its worst during friday to venture rain. and then the gale force, normally when i'm present conditions gone, very cracked quickly. so by saturday for the south, a massive fair. the big charles's movie crossed sumatra towards good part of borneo this during 30, catching the western side of java not with all the places, ferries. it's all part of a fairly wet system still in the bay of bangor,
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which contains the remains of one tropical storm for tropical depression. that came across the se. this one here of new yeah, behalf. but the wet is weather is probably going to be a good route and roger stan for a while. yet the weather sponsored by castle airways, boated world's best airline of 2021. l g 0 recounts the shocking story of the assassination of counts full cabana dot tossed by the security council to mediate between arabs and israelis. his death would prove one of the darkest days in the quest for peace in the middle east. killing the count on algebra. ah,
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the me a recap of our top stories on al jazeera, america's top military officer has called the end of the 20 year war in afghanistan, a strategic failure. during questioning by senators, the military bosses admitted that taliban forces a band on capital far more quickly than anticipated lava from home by the have. okay, now on the you have a cane on the spanish island palm has reached the atlantic ocean. it's a huge crowd of toxic vapor and gas will be released into the air as a lava calls in the sea water. spain has declared the island in the can. i raise a desire to stone and the world health organization is promising reform and accountability. after dozens of allegations of sexual abuse by work is sent to find people that a democratic republic of congo,
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the agencies hedge has apologized to victor. not to denisia where opposition politicians have warned. they'll come for widespread protests unless the president reverses moves to seize power. for political parties that form the coalition to force, ty said they say he lost the jim a see after carrying out what they described as a call. last week said, announced he would rule by decree and ignore parts of the constitution. when a smith has more from tennis, or the deena presenting a united front against the president, they say is a legitimate for political part is a warning chi side, but he must back track on his decision to seize executive power could be. or if the president has taken everything, he has canceled everything, even the institution for sorting out these problems like fighting corruption, all these entities have been closed by the president. there's no parliament. there's no committee for overseeing laws. there's no government. yeah.
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demonstrations of all ready been held against president saeed who last week announced he'd rule by decree and ignore parts of the constitution. but after he sacked the prime minister and suspended parliament in july, on monday to unity as foreign minister told the un general assembly that the president was acting with the will of the people in without happy to dangerous situation, threatening our country and community is attribute to a deeply rooted political polarization and a social comic and health crisis. this is why the president of the republic had to interfere and take his shoes of exceptional resolutions and measures based on our constitution to put the contract back on the right path towards democracy. all the largest political party, another says the president should call elections to prove he has a mandate. why should one person says that he can anybody the will of the piece? so if he is with,
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with the will of the people and if he is expressing their will have people he has the authority or for elections and let the people decide local and international human rights groups. a warning of a slide towards authoritarianism. while the development in july were broadly popular to month own, people are growing frustrated by what they see is a lack of progress. analysts say that could work in the new coalitions favor with the typical mac rises that we are going to the ethics of it's in the upcoming which and non they would seize maybe the opportunity to show that unfortunately, even by a power grab even by the gathering or the powers prison fight is unable to find the really crisis of the conditions that are social problems, economy, etc. in the 2 months since case fight seized power, political parties and civil society groups here say the president hasn't approached any of them. now they say they're reminding him again that back here and that he
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should talk to them and listen. bernice smith, i'll just 0 jonas one a sedan thought military leaders says the transitional government that took over during the 2900 who needs to take a more active role. and attempted to last week has worse and tensions between the military and the government. civilian faction here, morgan re, for some cartoon, it was supposed to be a speech for the graduates of his para military, rapid support forces. but on tuesday, the deputy head of the dan sovereignty council, once again turned his attention to the civilians in the transitional government a week after an attempted coup tension between the military and civilian type of administration remains at an all time high. i don't know if you'd be the blame us. we are part of the partnership. politics are based on things i don't like, but i have learned my lesson. i'm a military man. the council was created to have all the decisions. and after that, they said it was a counselor consultation only. but if you are
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a counselor for consultation, you can oblige people to apply and implement your decisions. for dance transitional government came to power, month after former presidente all martin bashir was overthrown in april 2019. the power sharing administration was intended to lead the country into democratic system by early 2024. but tension between the ruling political coalition that forms the civilian side and the military have raised concerns about the future of the partnership. for a month, political parties have demanded reforms in the military. they see like other institutions. the army contains members loyal to bashir, to 13, and needs to be restructured. that angered the military and the attempt has further field calls for it through form. i haven't seen, we are committed to evaluating this transitional period. we are capable of amending it, but it's only us who will amend it because we are the ones representing, you know, other person can change this equation aware of war. it's between the 2 sides has
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been followed by the army withdrawing protection from the committee form to dismantle the former ruling party and fight corruption that lead to protest in the capital to ensure support for the civilian leadership. the sudanese professionals association with spearheaded anti government protest that led to the overthrow of president bush. you called for an end to the power sharing agreement. the un has urged both sides to preserve partnership the unknown has it'll shut our car. this partnership model is a unique approach which can lead sudan to a complete democratic transition of civilian rule and peace. sham. i urge all sides to tone down on the media rhetoric and to focus on dialogue and cooperation. political differences are natural, but there must be cooperation for the sake of the country. while tension between the 2 sides remain those who lead protests against the former government have cause for more demonstration against the military. they say that despite any shortcomings among political parties,
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they still want to ensure that civilians have the upper hand in running the country and not the military people. morgan august 0 to haiti's prime minister says he plans to call presidential and legislative elections for early next year. i all, he does all the electro council responsible for organizing a vote in november. in fact, he says the referendum on the current constitution will take priority. and if nissan negations is attempting to cling to power, haiti was plunged into a political crisis in july, following the assassination of its president, driven on more ease. ways had been ruling by decrease in 2019 leaving the country without him elected president or parliament. france in greece have signed another military deal for the sale of 3 war ships. the deal is seen as a boost to the french defense into 3 after the loss of a multi $1000000000.00 submarine order from australia. natasha butler has more from paris. the french president
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emanuel, my call and greet prime minister curia kaufman. we talk is a greeted booth military corporation after meeting the leafy palace and called for the you to be more or thomas when it comes to defense. misery talk is said that athens, the degree to buy 3 frigates from paris, with an option for a 4th last year, ongoing tensions between greece and turkey, and the eastern mediterranean sea fled up over disputes about maritime borders and gas exploration. you will be a europe is obliged to have the capacity to independence. me defend its own national geographic trends to europe, p an interest. and that is something it can only do if it is able to operate without necessarily anticipating the contribution of nato or the united nation has . the sale of the war ships comes less than 2 weeks off to australia, pulled out of a multi $1000000000.00 submarine contract with france off the cambra assigned to defense packed with the u. s. u. k. for the indo pacific, sparking
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a diplomatic route with paris addressing the route. 2 for the 1st time, publicly, my girl said, australia's actions would not alter the fact that from because they enjoy pacific nation with citizens and treats in the region. he also emphasized his room held belief that when he comes to defense and start to g, you can no longer rely on the us is up in europeans must stop being naive when we are under pressure from powers. you hardened their approaches, reacting and showing that we too have power and the capacity to defend ourselves does not mean giving way to escalation means to making ourselves respected. we must admit that for more than 10 years, the us focus is a loss itself and has strategic interest. that of pivoting towards china and the pacific is micro regards the aka steel. as a wakeup call for europeans, athens clearly agrees the us and u. k. had also bid to build war ships,
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the grief but made so talk. he said frances vessels were chosen not only for their technology, but to support an alloy and european interests. natasha butler, i'll jazeera paris, the long delayed from ear of the 25th james bond movie. no time to die has taken place in london bone. dr. daniel craig is the 3rd attraction in the 5th and final outing of the famous figure age. and ever, mia was postponed 3 times because of the pandemic in the grand scheme of things and proven to load down the list of priorities. thought this is a little bit needs to be seen in the cinema. and i'm just incredibly grateful to m g m. and of a whole. and we're here on cinema ticket sales in 2020. we're $12000000000.00. that's just over a 3rd of box office earnings. the previous year film critic rebecca perfect says the popularity around the bond film franchise will give the cinema industry
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a much needed both people from lots of different generations of grown up loving bones that always interested to see what the next bond will be. and obviously this is daniel craig, final outing as well. i think robbie malik, who is the visit in miss lacy french, i just said that the premier, the boned, really the backbone when it comes to historic phil franchises is what we look to as that kind of stella movie. lots of people go, they love, they're excited about. so it's everything from that. gotch, it to the actors, the new actors that come in to the franchise, the celebrity. oh my direct visit, take on the role as well. it got the whole package really, even before the pandemic, we were starting to see some form of decline and send them all because the experience is just was there and was the money in a lot people's opinion. now the positive thing is, is that a lot of the u. k. cinemark associations been saying that the biggest consumers of
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online home content, maybe the also the most frequent ban them all go is as well. so, you know, we're not going to lose them all streaming or anything like that. but i do think that you know, you can go and feel that your way to get your money back. we're going to bring more people back into the cinemas. ah, the headlines on al jazeera, america's top military officer has called the end of the 20 year war in afghanistan, a strategic failure during questioning by senators on capitol hill. defense officials admitted that taliban forces advance on couple more quickly than anticipated. radical haine has more from capitol hill. the chairman, the joint chiefs of staff, mark, milly, say that there was an intelligence failure. and he said one reason for that could be, could be that they withdrew advisors from those units 3 years ago. again that would
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