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tv   [untitled]    September 29, 2021 4:30am-5:00am AST

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needs right now in washington, ah ah . flow again, i'm fully back the ball with the headlines on al jazeera, america's top military officer has called the end of the 20 year war in afghanistan, a strategic failure during questioning from senators on capitol hill. the military's top brass admitted that taliban forces advanced far more quickly than anticipated. particle haine has more from capitol hill. the term of the joint chiefs of staff, mark, milly say that there was an intelligence failure. and he said one reason for that could be, could be that they withdrew advisors from those units 3 years ago. again,
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that would have been under the trump administration. and he said, you can't really tell if people are willing to fight if you're not around them. we can count tanks and we can count guns for we can't know the willingness to fight unless we know the soldiers. so that's really the only clear indication that the military is starting to realize what went wrong in this absolutely chaotic withdrawal. the taliban says it's planning to reinstate the constitution from nearly 6 decades ago. have got sounds new rulers want to apply the 1964 charter but only where it doesn't conflict with their version of islamic law. in other news lava from come review have a case on the spanish island of la palmer has now reached the atlantic ocean. a huge crowd of toxic vapor and gas has been released into the air as a lava mixes with sea water. spain has declared the island in the canary said disaster zone. nicholas hark has more from la palmer. the spanish gorgeous. pursed all of the people that were there to watch the spectacle. out of the port. i have
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told people to stay on log down to where goggles cover their mouth stay close as much as possible, not exposing your arms because in the air is not of gases such as sulfur dioxide. now they're monitoring the level of sulfur dioxide from these toxic gases also is hydro chloride, and in other gases emitted by this volcano. the world health organization is promising reform and accountability after dozens of allegations of sexual abuse by work is sent to find the bowler. in d r c, the agency's head has apologized to victims and a group of political parties. indonesia has the mountie coalition to oppose the president. they say kite said has lost his legitimacy accusing him of killing the count continues next. in the greek island of rhodes.
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ah, a world heritage site today it's one of the most popular tourist destination in europe. ah, rose's hotel is one of the oldest on the island who's in the summer of 1948 count folk of burn adults. the u. n's, 1st mediator for palestine, had chosen the island as his headquarters. ah, the arrival of his american born wife,
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spelled the 2 sons folk to ease the tension as ben about waited for the official response to his proposals too, in the war that had broken out in palestine. i after 2 weeks relaxing with his family, fun adults set out on another round of shuttle diplomacy in the morning one day he came with a red cross uniform in his head and said put these all and i put it on. and then i was allowed to travel with him in the united nations airplane to jerusalem. but i was told to stay the car then adults had come to jerusalem to meet the israeli foreign minister moshe charrette. israel's response to bernard ups plan was total rejection. i think they saw him
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as an enemy of the jewish state. he was going to him reduced by large measure the size of the states the jews were to have. so they regarded him as pro arab, basically. and he was, in some ways a, an agent of the british government were regarded rightly or wrongly by this release as anti zionist, the after the failure of the adults 1st plan. and with a 4 week truce coming to its end fighting broke house again in palestine. the 3 days later, when the dogs accompanied by his wife estelle flew into laguardia airport in new
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york. i think rather than the possibility that he wanted to impress on the security council, the urgent need for firm and decisive action. and the 1st test for my bachelor should mean that united nations will not permit that is trying to reset the values of us. in the 2nd case, the action should be so strong and that neither party would have to run the risk of ignoring all defiant me. i backed in the middle east and with
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a 2nd french royal truce in place. bene, dot began a new round of negotiations. ah, but securing that peace seemed impossible. like i'm sure i didn't have anything that would convince either the adams or the israel, that he had dream authority or love it. so there was a lot of resistance from both sides to his doctor dick and thought that i was in mid august, an exhausted burner dot flew to sweden. he was to chair the international red cross conference and it was a chance to see his family the he took me out for a whole day. we went to the museum,
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move in to us or football and things like that. and i remember afterwards to having my father for myself a whole day was a hey, a fantastic thing to happen. once before returning to the middle east, he arranged to meet estelle in paris 3 weeks later. for her birthday. it was a meeting. he would never make me during the 1st 2 weeks of september, 1948 been adult, spent. what would prove to be the last days of his life? in rhodes, putting the final touches to a revised peace plan completed on the 16th of september. it contained a major concession to his rail, jerusalem, the city would no longer be under arab control. it would be administered by the
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united nations. but this change had come too late. 6 days earlier in an apartment in tel aviv benuya who the st. the commanders of lair, he, the stern gang, had come together to seal the fates of folk, bernard dogs, not an yearly more voted against the assassination of adopt doctor sal dod voted for the assassination. any hot shamir cast his vote in favor of the assassination of the un envoy. so it was 2 against one. that's how the decision was made.
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the on the 17th of september 1948. at 10 o'clock in the morning. count folk. abundant obs landed at columbia ripples north of jerusalem the shortly after is 3 car convoy arrived at the mendel bound gates. the crossing points into the western jewish part of jerusalem. waiting at the gates was a liaison officer assigned to him by the israeli government. captain moshi, hillman, then the count noticed that mister helman was armed with
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a pistol. so he turned to him and said, no, no, no, no, you have to get rid of that pistol, but give it to the other offices here. you are under the protection of the un when you are protected by the un. there are no weapons with no military escort, no protection other than the un flag. and adults convoy answered the jewish jerusalem. ah ah. after a few hours spent visiting the phone, the british governors house, they headed to the y m. ca for the night. ah. as they left andre sent home, a french colonel travelling with the un convoy chillman to do him a favor they mahoney thought she'd been an adult right away. the
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liaison officer swapped seats in been adult to college and goes to sit in another car in the convoy garish to be the new law dot lay adult and switches with colonel said, oh, who asked for the chance to thank the adult for the red cross campaign that had saved his wife from a german concentration camp. the rustic bodies to visit us are all set. rose wife had been liberated by one of the white buses who his gratitude would cost him his life. the heading towards the y m. c. a. the 3 car convoy was suddenly halted, the with an army jeep pulled out from the side street to pull up the road. 3 men in israeli army petite sprang out of the jeep. they blocked the road,
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and then 2 of the assassins come out. steinberg and ben michelle on puncture the tires of the vehicles and from the mission, you know, they don't know which car the counties in. then suddenly the count opened the window of his car so he can see what's happening. his shock from a metal we are sure then the identify him and your horseshoe. a cohen goes to the car, puts his mike to sub machine gun in through the window and unloads on everyone sitting in the rear seat. but most of our 6 bullets, torrence, and then adults left arm, throat and chest. cohen kept firing something 18 bullets into
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kind of sorrow. in a matter of seconds, the assassins had made their escape by 5 o'clock in the afternoon, bernard ots lay dead in hospital alongside him. colonel sorrow. i heard it on the radio, which was deplorable. in many ways, the news had come 1st of all to the swedish king, and he baited with members of the family who would inform the my mother. and that debate carried on so much that the swedish radio assumed that the family had been told. but we haven't, so therefore i came as a bit of a shock. i got up and went to my mother and said something happened to my father. and she said, i felt it had to fit me. she knew that he was in the
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next day, burned adults, body left israel on the same white plain that had carried him in search of peace. i. it was on its way to paris with adults had been due to present his 2nd peace plan to un meeting. ah, and to meet his wife, to celebrate her birthday. ah, politicians and diplomats representing the countries of the un meeting in paris, came to all the airports to pay their last respect. ah. with the assassination of its mediator, the un had failed its 1st great test. that
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evening bernard art body arrived in stockholm and was carried to the family home life all the lay in the room in our house. but them my mother didn't think it a good idea and either deny that i should go in and see him like that. so i didn't never saw me. 5 days later swedes came on to the streets of stock home to bid farewell to burn the dots.
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90 year old king gustav arrived to mourn the death of his beloved nephew. scouts and red cross workers from the 2 organizations. ben adults. chad, let the coffin along its way to the northern cemetery. ah ah. in israel prime minister david ben gurian ordered an immediate hunter to the killers. but it soon became apparent that the hunt was not what it seems. mushy hillman, the liaison officer, travelling with bernard art, had recognised the driver of the jeep, used by the assassins. a v. i left him
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a shed. they shall. yeah, my dad went to machine diane, who was then the military commander of jerusalem and said to him, listen, smockey, but i received a threatening letter that said aleman, be careful. why? because he knew one of them. i do, i'm sure. but he said he didn't want to mess anything up. and diana said to him, you know what, let's leave things in secret for the time being. we didn't hear them. we didn't see no, ah, within adults death, his plan also done right? but the legacy of his assassination had only just begun. israel covertly strengthened during the truce, successfully launched a series of military operations to drive out the arab armies. israel at the end of the $48.00, was interested in retaining its conquests and all the territory which attached its hands which included of course, all of galilee and the nick give. it wouldn't have relinquished them in line with
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what bernard dotted planned him. i doubt it in 1949, a series of arms disagreements were signed in, bernard arts, former headquarters in rhodes, between israel and terror of neighbors. but the solutions, bernard, art, had been seeking and had paid for with his life, remained delusive. to put the jerusalem problems still under resort to this day, bernard appointed the city to be part of the state of or under international administration. the proposal for the immediate return of refugees. if that had happened, the relations between designers and palestinians would have been better and more
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able to find the common future for palestine. philistine with israel victorious ban. gurian announced a general amnesty, burned adults, killers were freed to return to normal life in the new state of israel. yoshio, a kohen would head south to the newly occupied negative, to k boots, cold day, buckhead. in years to come, prime minister david ben griffin would make this place his home. your sure coin was one of the founders of the devil killed. he puts the book fair and was the closest member of the keyboards tubing, graham, they were going together for the morning march in the evening, march, and they were talking and they were friendly. and i thought to myself, well,
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this was the guy who been going on wanted to find any where he wanted to find him to crush him. and now they're, they're friends. ah, while burn adults killer became a friend of the prime minister. one of the men who ordered the killing would eventually rise to that rolled himself when the british government when the right wing swept to power for the 1st time in 1977 men, i hadn't begun. the former leader became prime minister i, shamir, the formula he commander became speaker of the israeli parliament. the kinetic k. i
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been begging resign, show me, i took this is not really unusual. excepted shamir, well and honest to goodness, terrible with the big it was not me able the real tell as to lead personally lead underground operations the under shamir, a palestinian uprising. the 1st intifada provoked a brutal reaction to the ups store all. ready these notices of the gods of flanks don'ts of wouldn't inc. people it's useless.
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yeah, in 1900. 92 is railey politics did sharply left you tact. robin leader of the labor party came to power as prime the quickly begun to secure peace deals of the decades of struggle with the arab but right, we need stream ism was still alive in israel. and in november 1995 while attending a peace rally in tele rubbing like fern adult, paid the ultimate price for the future. he was killed by one of his own countrymen.
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apiece, which had seemed within reach was once again snatched away me ah, in sweden the memory of folk had been adopt, has faded except in the royal palace in stock. i, on the 25th of february, 2012 king called gustavo, of sweden, announced that his new born grand daughter would be called estelle i was the wife and to me at the clear demonstration that they were in
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some way to do honor compatible. and if the baby would have been, boy, i guess he would have the name for the 2nd in line to the throne princess, estelle may 1 day be queen of sweden. a christening has re kindled public interest. invented of my story. ah, but in this house, in gothenburg, there is one man for whom the count story has been a life's work in 1957 when a person was a member of a swedish un battalion, guarding the armistice line between egypt and israel.
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this his 1st contact with the struggle in the middle east, which shaped the remainder of his life. and we had i a
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i that dissertation, mediation and assassination with stops of a nighttime work on a person. books and articles have ensured that folk, abandoned not place in history will not be forgotten. they were the inspiration for this film. i ah, ah, ah
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ah, ah. the trees and changing color the season is changing. you can see the clouds coming in from the pacific, and that's a long time bringing rain and even some spoke british columbia and further south. and as is clad of the ne, in my simulations, thunderstorms were still less in the halter of the desert southwest in the mountains. but the nice tongue of clear sky warmer over the central plains right up into the heart of canada where the capital is katherine will see quite possibly assist you on tuesday. which only certainly gets down to wald. it's average is 15 on wednesday and thursday. that slow change in temperature drop is because this weather is marching in from the pacific, as is 1st of to france. at the same time with inducing moisture and warmth of the
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plane stays, the 2 come together. you get some pretty big thunderstorms in those conditions. hence the orange in the forecast that's potentially super cells. nasty things potentially damaging and slowly batching into the heat but not moving in half the way in. for example, minneapolis at $27.00 degrees as a still tongue was was it was them. so is above average in minneapolis, 27. so for cross desist, they dropped and 22 by saturday. but apart from occasional, thunderstorms is not a dramatic change is just still warmer than average. the when you're from a neighborhood known as a hot bed of radicalism. ready you have to fight to defy stereotype the meeting going to show you the story we don't often hear told by the people who lived in all my joy. well actually
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the sound of the box. this is here on al jazeera. ah, the top us military officer admitted to a strategic failure enough, ganeth san antonio congress. he favored keeping a small force there. ah, you're watching al jazeera live from joe. how with me fully by people also coming up. i'm sorry.


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