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tv   [untitled]    September 29, 2021 6:00am-6:31am AST

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ah, al jazeera, as a you, ah, all stories that need to be tone. find a way these are my babies. my witness showcase is inspiring documentary to change the world on al jazeera. ah, the job us military officer admits to a strategic failure in afghanistan and tells congress he wanted to keep the contingent of troops there. ah, hello, i'm emily anglin. this is al jazeera alive from joe. how are coming up? i'm sorry. i'm sorry for what was done to you. the world health
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organization valve to punish staff and she's been sexual abuse for working in democratic republic of congo or fortune indian parties joined forces against the president, accusing him of a power grab a morning of the risk, the people war and lava from the volcano. when the spanish island palm, i assure to atlantic ocean ah, a strategic valley. that's how the top us military officer has described the end of its 20 year war in afghanistan. general mark miley and secretary of defense lloyd austin, testified at a congressional hearings which focused only chaotic withdrawal of troops and the taliban take over. last month. petty calhoun reports from little him. are the ones
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in unusual move. the top military brass walking a fine line, but up here into public good question, their boss, us president, version of events in afghanistan. buddy, how you doing president joe biden had said he couldn't recall any military adviser recommending he troops in afghanistan before he ordered the withdrawal. the top military bosses appeared to contradict that won't share my personal recommendation to the present, but i will give you my honest opinion and my honest opinion in view shaped my recommendation. i recommended that we maintain 2500 troops and dana, stan, the white house responded. i would note today in the testimony that was given by secretary austin by general milly, they made clear secretary austin specifically said, if he stayed there at a pa force posture of 2500. certainly you'd be in a fight with the taliban and you'd have to reinforce from the senators dooley narratives over which president is to blame for the chaos. donald trump, who made
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a deal with the taliban to take troops out, or president biden, who set the date for removal. anyone who says the last few months were a failure, but everything before that was great. clearly hasn't been paying attention because of the date, certain rather than a conditions based withdrawal because of a decision that was made by our president. because of that, we laugh american citizens behind. so what went wrong this year and didn't produce any real answers, but the military admitted here something did we help build the state, mr. chairman, but we could not for donation. the fact that the afghan army, that we and our partner strained, simply melted away in many cases without firing a shot, took us all by surprise, and it would be dishonest to claim. otherwise, the pentagon is conducting its own review of its action. but some senator say that's not enough. they're calling for the creation of an independent commission that can look at what went wrong, not just at the end, but during the entirety of america,
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the longest war particle have al jazeera washington mac came. it served as assistant secretary of state for political military affairs. he says it will be crucial to understand how president barton missed the general's recommendations. the general's made. the recommendation is probably a national security council meeting. the president may or may not have been there. but in any case, his own staff had the responsibility brief, president biden, on the conduct of those meetings and those recommendations that came from his military and secretary defense. so either president biden was not informed for which. ready some of its people ought to be held responsible for he was inform, misunderstood what the commanders on the ground in the u. s. military was saying, i think we got to stand back and realized. so we bought inside about camera span for 20 years. we went into file, kind of, we defeated all kind of,
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we brought the lighting to justice, but with this collapse that we're seeing and i can't stand right now. candidly, all of the successes. and all of the effort that we put into afghanistan has now been reversed. the worst possible outcome would be that the taliban allowed al qaeda, isis, k, and other terrorist words to come back into afghanistan and take advantage of uncovered spaces with an afghanistan to set up training camps and plot future attacks in both europe and the united states. so that's the greatest stance in our ability to control that i think general know it was saying that the taliban says it plans to implement a constitution from nearly 6 decades ago. i've got some new rule is one to apply it only if it doesn't conflict with their version of islamic law. the current constitution was drawn out with the help of us and 2004. the taliban says he
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doesn't want farming for fear and hash him how barbara has more from carbone. the taliban seems to be trying to extend an olive branch to the international community . i think look, we could have rec to the constitutional declaration of 1998 with a todd benway in power heated up. got it said is that we chose to go for the 1964 constitution. why that's go situation in particular, because it's widely seen as the constitution that pays a way for situational democracy. protective the rights of expression, the right, the freedom of expression of the freedom of thought, established independent institutions with an independent judiciary. however, there's a copy to that constitution. 964 states that the king has the right to dissolve the parliament and appoint the prime minister. under the current situation, it seems that the supreme lead of the taliban,
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the middle meeting and the commander of the faith will have better law will ultimately have the final say he could be the one to fire the government and point to any parliament, the parliament saudi or decide that this provision is in conflict with a chevy law, and therefore it has to be, it has to be changed to the rest of the day's news in the head of the world. health organization is promising. we're forms and accountability after allegations of sexual abuse by work is sent to find a bola in democratic republic of congo. you, an agency has apologized to victims following a report which is described as harrowing and heartbreaking into town at least as the cases of abuse by w. h. o. employees and aid workers separate investigations into the same allegations have been launched by unicef and the international organization. for migration, i'm sorry,
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i'm sorry for what was done to you by people who are employed by w jo to serve and protect you. i'm sorry for the ongoing suffering that this event must cause. i'm sorry that you have hard to really to relieve them in talking to the commission about your experiences. this isn't the 1st time you and agencies have been accused of sexual abuse. they have been more than 800 allegations of sexual exploitation or abuse reported in un missions globally since 2010. the most infamous case was a child's sex trafficking ring set up by shoreline can un peacekeepers in hazy between 20042007 since 24 chain. many pieces have been reported in the central african republic forming un secretary general band key moon coded a cancer system. the code blue campaign by the n g o is a free world,
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is calling for accountability for the abuse. it says the un regularly mishandled cases of sexual exploitation. poet donovan, co director of the aids free world group says the latest allegations of sexual abuse in democratic republic of congo needs to be passed onto the plate. the world health organization has no authority to investigate criminal allegations of any kind. and it's preposterous that they should wait after receiving reports of abuse by their own personnel until the farm dose investigations, to bidders, and hired a firm and appointed their own commission. and done some very basic. what's the commission itself called prima pharmacy, or on 1st impression investigating to determine whether or not crimes had been committed. this is, this was not a criminal investigation,
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and it should have been from the very outset turned over to, to legal authorities who can actually conduct criminal investigation. there's never been any accountability through a process like the one that w h o undertook and then never will be, because it's simply not possible. the w h o cannot hold people criminally accountable, but also the w h o itself has been implicated. so the, these commissioners who were again selected, the heads of the commission were selected by the head of w h o himself and, and then they conducted their investigation through people. a firm that was hired by w h o lava from the volcano in the spanish island. of la palmer has now reached the atlantic ocean. these pictures of where a huge cloud of toxic vapor and gas has been released into the air as the lava mixes with the water from spain has declared the island in the canaries. the
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disasters are more than awake up to the option. the government set aside an initial $12000000.00 to help rebuild hundreds of homes destroyed by the love. nicholas hark has delighted from the poem on the much anticipated thermal shock. it's currently taking place with this lava 1000 degrees celsius, hitting the ocean authorities right now, are quickly monitoring the situation and trying to figure out what is this, how is this affecting the population. you have plumes of smoke going up into the air. we were just on the port moments ago and the spanish, gorgeous he built, pushed all of the people that were there to watch the spectacle. out of the port. i have told people to stay on log down to where goggles cover their mouth stay close as much as possible, not exposing your arms because in the air is north of gas is such as sulfur dioxide
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. now they're monitoring the level of sulfur dioxide from these toxic gases also is hydro chloride, and in other gases emitted by this volcano still ahead on al jazeera wrapping up its weapons program. no 3 says it's tested and newly developed hypersonic and we look at what's next for the last standing rebel grades in columbia. following the death of the top, amanda ah ah, the trees are changing color, the season is changing. you can see the clouds coming in from the pacific, and that's a hard time bringing rain and even some spoke to british columbia and further south . and this is clad of the northeast and my circulation. thunderstorms were still
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less than a halter of the desert southwest in the mountains. but the nice tongue of clear sky warming over the central plains right up into the heart of canada where the capital is. catherine will see quite possibly assist you on tuesday, which only fairly gets down to wald. it's average is 15 on wednesday and thursday. now that slow change in temperature drop is because this weather is march going from the pacific as the 1st to france. at the same time with inducing moisture and warmth of the plane stays, the 2 come together. you get some pretty big thunderstorms in those conditions. hence the orange in the forecast. that's potentially super cells. nasty things potentially damaging and slowly batching into the heat, but not moving in half the way in. for example, minneapolis at $27.00 degrees as a still tongue. i was was it was them. so is above average in minneapolis 27. so for cross desist, they dropped and 22 by saturday, but apart from occasional, thunderstorms is not a dramatic change is just still warmer than average. the
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gotta one of the thought that growing nation in the world, i needed to open and develop the whole entire national shipping company to become a team, middle east, and trade and money skillfully enough re key is up to about filling up from it. the connecting the world connecting the future the got cut to gateway to whoa trade. ah the
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hello, you're watching 0. i'm emily. angling reminder about top stories. america's top military officer has called the end of a 20 year war in afghanistan. a strategic failure during questioning by benefits the military boss is admitted that taliban involves hobble, much faster than anticipated. the world health organization is promising reform and accountability after johnson's of allegations of sexual abuse by work who sent to fight a ball in democratic republic as come by the agency has apologized to victim and lava from the volcano on the spanish island of the home. i have reached the su mantic ocean. a cloud of toxic vapor and gas has been released into the air as the lava water. spain has declared the island in lincoln, mary's disasters on the north korean stay media says the michel,
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the country test fight on tuesday was a newly developed hypersonic missile. these images reportedly show the launch. same media says scientists, confirmed the navigational control and stability of the weapon. hypersonic missiles move far faster than standard ones, making them much harder for defense systems to intercept. for more on this at spring in atlanta, pitt trove. he's a specialist in korean affairs and a senior lecturer at the international college of management in sydney. hello there, atlanta. she said she was apparently the 1st for the new system. tell us a little bit more about what hypersonic nissan is and how dangerous it can be. well, it's the cutting edge of technology in defense. and it's not only north korea who is developing at the number of countries who believe that it's the future of defense system. so we remember president question of russia when delivering his
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annual speech to the russians of parliament a few years ago. even demonstrate that the animated images of russian can joel, this is supersonic file, very proudly reporting that. now russia invincible. and of course, the target for russian weapons of course, would be would be aiming at the united states, the arch enemy of north korea. so it's not surprising that north korea is also following suit and investing into this technology. and interestingly, it's academy of different sciences. so democratic people's republic of korea who is behind this project, i believe that they learn perhaps from russia, from china, the, the states which are also very actively promote this new technology. and it's
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super, super funny technology assumes that the vehicle should travel at least 5 times faster than the speed of the fall. and i dearly 77 times fast. and that's what the american super sony could demonstrate that just a few days ago bits technology permits the rocket, the me file, glide that that's at that speed. perhaps in other countries like australia, also going to have these technology and as me files for preparing for future contingencies, countries which have, which are very remote from and so every of military exercises or potential conflicts should be able to reach the target just within, within minutes the speed of travel is equal to one mile per 2nd.
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so certainly it's a very powerful weapon. the north koreans are very proud to the new was 1st successful beth, which it was not even detected by watchers in the south korea or japan. they, there were difficulties in establishing what type of rocket this was until this morning when korean central new agency confirmed that it was the super sonic vehicle named ha, phone 8. the new 5 of the new generation of north korean missiles. and moving away from the technology now and more about the sort of international one political ramifications. how significant is the timing of this test given north korea repeated, offered to conditional talks with south korea in recent days. box with south korea now and video directly. and also abundant, forgotten, almost immediately. we're not as at the moment, they find me very interesting because the fil,
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new vital administration is still figuring out what to do about north korea and nuclear capability and the long range ballistic new program, while the outgoing south korean administration of president mon g and the preparing for the national election next year in south korea. so for kim john, the leader of re workers party is very important to, to demonstrate the sent the message both across the pacific and just across the demilitarized zone in the you on the korean peninsula. that's not prepared to talk, but the sake are going to be very high. the price for north korean nuclear program and ballistic missile program going to be, well not, not non negotiable, but very expensive. and the price tag is pinched the lifting of international sanctions. security assurance and perhaps diplomatic recognition of north korea
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because p on young is not accept that in, in the united states and also republic of 3 it uses to recognize north korea. so the korean war, korean conflict is ongoing. and the best solution and the solution for the north koreans believe is to negotiation, but from the position of power. thank you very much for your insight. fat leon, a patch of from me international college of management in sydney. thank opposition. politicians engineer have warned, they'll call for widespread protests unless the president reverses, moves to see power for political parties have formed a coalition to oppose. kai said they say he lost legitimacy after carrying out what they describe as a qu. last week said, announced he would rule by decree and ignore parts of the constitution than in smith has more from genius. well, they've been presenting a united front against
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a president. they say is a legitimate for political part is a warning chi side, but he must back track on his decision to seize executive power could be. or if the president has taken everything, he has canceled everything. even the institution for sorting out these problems like fighting corruption, all these entities have been closed by the president. there's no parliament. there's no committee for overseeing laws. there's no government. yeah, demonstrations have already been held against president saeed. who last week announced he'd rule by decree. and ignore parts of the constitution. but after he sacked the prime minister and suspended parliament in july, on monday to unity as foreign minister told the un general assembly that the president was acting with the will of the people that were in was unhappy, too dangerous situation, threatening our country and community is attribute to
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a deeply rooted political polarization and a social comic and health crisis. this is why the president of the republic had to interfere and take his shoes of exceptional resolutions and measures based on our constitution to put the contract back on the right path towards democracy. all the largest political party. another says the president should call election to prove he has a mandate. why should one person says that he can anybody the will of the people? so if he is with the will of the people and if he is expressing their will people he has an offer on for elections and let the people decide local and international human rights groups. a warning of a slide towards authoritarianism. while the development in july were broadly popular to month own, people are growing frustrated by what they see is a lack of progress. analysts say that could work in the new coalitions favor with
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the different crisis, but we are going to the ethics of it's in the upcoming which and non they would seize maybe the opportunity to show that affordably even by a power grab even by the gathering or the powers, prison fight is unable to find the real crisis of the conditions that are social problems, economy, etc. in the 2 months since case fight seized power, political parties and civil society groups here say the president hasn't approached any of them. now they say they're reminding him again, that they're here and that he should talk to them. and listen, bernard smith, i'll just sarah jonas. russia has recorded its highest number of daily corona virus fatalities. since the pandemic began 852 people died in the past 24 hours and more than 21000 new infections. working phone confirmed sally cases started climbing earlier this month after millions of russian students went back to school. and
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university health authorities saying they'll type in controls around mosque wearing to try to stop a 4th wave. the colombian government says it's killed, a top commander from the national liberation army rebel group, and hell, d romero, known by his alias as fabian headed, the western front. he's death is a major blow to the last standing rebel group in the country. as andrew when pierre to report this video, released by colombia army show soldiers carrying on a stretcher on the yellow me at or better known bias alias by b. and he was one of the top military commanders of the 11 or national liberation army. the largest standing rebel group in columbia. he was captured a monday after being injured in a military bombing 10 days ago in the north west of the country. he died in a hospital in the city of calcium tuesday. whether there was a little after 10 days of searching by land and river,
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as evidenced by the work carried out by our security forces. he was located yesterday, wounded, covered with bushes and vegetation. it was very close to the place where the aerial operation took place. last week, subbing was the leader of the 11th western war front in the region of ju call. one of the groups strongholds and one of the country's most wanted men. he was the alleged mastermind of many mergers and kidnappings and responsible for the displacement of thousands of people. despite some respite brought by the 2016 piece deal between columbia, the government, and 5 gravels. the country has seen a surgeon violence. the yelling this in factions of the fire can remaining paramilitary groups are fighting for control of remote areas and profitable illegal mining and drug trafficking. tub yonce killing is a success for the right wing government of president divan. duke, a critic up the cord with promise to improve security,
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something that has proven elusive when support. young fabian was a most important leader of the l and in colombian territory. it is a decisive blow to this criminal structure. fabian's arrest validates the impeccable work columbia as heroes carry out every day, and we will not rest until we dismantle all these criminal networks. the ellen was founded in the 19th sixty's as a leftist rebel group, inspired by the cuban revolution, with 2300 combatants in an extensive support network in cities. it continues to routinely attack soldiers in oil pipelines specially close the border with venezuela, where most of its command theirs are believed to be hiding. attempts at peace negotiations with the group of so far failed. the death of fab yan is a major blow to the organization, but not the last stroke. i listen that i'm p at the al jazeera. they're more than 10000000 children out of school in nigeria because of a lack of facilities,
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a lack of teachers and ongoing conflict. but now new schools have been built in bono space and attendance is increasing as i'm of interest reports. after years of disruptions, this high school students write their final examinations. 6 years ago, most of them were either displaced persons camps on the street. what little hope of completing high school they were forced from schools like these attacked and damaged by the and grew book. was ideology is to fight western education and influences, schooling became completely impossible even we didn't do that time because most of the infrastructure of schools had become comes. then we had to roll in at that time what was called education on that emergency. gradually we emerged out of that you might just see face, and now we are walking towards the stabilize ation piece. is
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a challenge. so much infrastructure has been destroyed, you know, once it becomes a disaster, it exceeds our coping capacity. this is now the face, of course in northern nigeria support no state. the epi center of the conflict old struck just rehabilitated, and new ones constructed dozens of story buildings like this have been build tubs of as many out of school children as possible. still tens of thousands more unable to access education. the government is unable to construct or rehabilitate schools in areas whether a significant threat from both schools enrollment is up. but the few days, nowhere near what it was before the conflict again, the united nations children's fun says more than a 1000000 children. what targeted for enrollment in the 1st 4 months of this year. but less than half that number. why able to attend class?
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because of the lack of facilities and security concerns experts, one that i get in government to prioritize safety, security of those weights or tend to be enrolled. that the most important thing that dash is security should be guaranteed. and that of their teachers. we can just give indication to those in the areas neglecting those in it. so those into a s now of it are going by because they not fit in that is a short of this. you can what many schools the night juris not classified as vulnerable to attacks by groups. some parents yet, but don't worry about putting the lives of the children at risk. it rece i'll you 0 . my degree nigeria. ah,
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this is out there and these are the top stories the south american top military officer has called the end of the 20.


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