tv [untitled] September 29, 2021 12:00pm-12:30pm AST
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now together that feeling that way forward into the new reality. ah, the former japanese foreign minister from your case you will become the next 5 minutes after winning the ruling party leadership vote. ah, i know about this and this is all just alive from dell ha. also coming up allegations of civilians being killed in an i, julian military air strikes near lake chad. the army says it targeted members of an ice linked on group lava from the volcano and hama island is sliding into the
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atlantic ocean. releasing toxic fumes as the candle continues to spew ash and smoke and wipe, palestinians overwhelmingly support 6 prisoners who broke out of him. and is really prison. ah, ah, depends really liberal democratic party has picked its new leader from your tissue that will replace prime minister, use the heaters to guys, form a foreign minister, took the hell off to run off with cabinet minister to kano. so guy is stepping down and also just a year in office, he's faced a strong criticism, was handling of the pandemic and the cost of the olympics for the summer has been following the party leadership race in tokyo. he has to get his my has to prove wrong leadership. that's the thing that many people felt that this has to get locked. so we have to show not only to his members, but also to the public that he's in charge now,
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and he can pick up on the 2nd phase of facing, for example, the court on a virus. the economy has suffered hugely because of corporate 19. and now we have to head the new policies to revive the economy. also has to mean the relationship between japan and south korea to in japan and china just a few days ago and to, to guy he attended the meeting in washington with the us. but then by then with the but i mean off, but i'm if there's of india and the radio. and now we want to see like, what kind of coalition is going to form in this region. and mr. tissue that is very well known as a common voice is not very outspoken, and this lack of a little car is not of the car is not maybe brought to be a challenge, especially that the country is going to head for a general election at the end of october when the turn of the makers and by that time. so now he has not only together the support of his party but also of the job
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. he's public and he has the certainty after his victory. and now he, he made that he made a short speech in which he promised to do so. there allocations, a number of civilians are being killed by a nigerian military air strikes near lake chad residents and caught up on massage fighter jet, targeted the village on sunday morning. the military denies the claims and says $28.00 members of an armed group linked to i saw were killed, incident comes less than 2 weeks after another strike, a village that killed civilians. the interest is in major green is following the story. what more do we know about the summit? rob it's claims and counterclaims, but by both sides, civilians in court and what to double in the lecture region are remote community and electra region. and of course, the response from the german military, especially the air force. now what the air force or the military in nigeria is
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saying, is they targeted a group of fighters belonging to quite a fraction that is allied with islamic state, known as like state in west africa province. and that they killed at least 28 people long with collaborators. they also insisted that fishing activity has been banned in that area. so that claim by the community that they all fishermen, you know, since fishermen doesn't hold the water. now the military uses assist in that as these area they bombarded it's not occupied or it's not a settlement, but an open space. why they notice the gathering of a large crowd of individuals. now, this is not the 2nd, this is not the 1st incident this month. on 16th september, there was a military strike in the north east that killed at least 9 civilians. in the initial, the initial stage, the german air force assistive that they were pursuing members of the board on function. i like to the slamming state in west africa province. and then days later
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after the investigation and after evidence has appeared very come to that story saying that it was a mistake. and i apologize for that. and that is not only the only incident a few years back, there was another incident in run where facility is owned by aid workers and internally displaced persons. why hid now in that area in that area, before the court, i'm more than 2000000 fishermen. farmers and capital houses in that area and most of them have now left. but again, the communities that chose to stay behind prefer to leave alive difficult enough because instead of going to internally displaced persons camp in my degree or any other safe areas. so there are code between the military on one side as well as the book or i'm or miss nomic state in west africa, providence on the other. now, let me see what separate province i swear has levied. these people, farmers,
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fishermen, capital letters, and all those communities living in that area, paying them taxes in order not to be attacked. now they can't afford to side with any of these 2 functions. the book on flexion all the nigeria or regional forces that have been targeting book or fighters in that area. any collaboration with any side will attract stifel penalties or different spots from any of these groups. the military will accuse them of collaborating with terrors, and the ice will, will accuse them of collaborating with the military in the region. so that's the difficult life they're leaving in that area that are more details that are due to come out about this later since than before. now i'm at the address in the very thank you very much. i taught us military officers described the end of the 20 year warren of janice time as a strategic failure. general magnolia and secretary of defense, lloyd austin, testified in congressional hearings was focused on the chaos withdrawal of troops
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and the rapid collapse. so the african army party call haine has more from capitol hill in unusual move, the top military browse, walking a fine line, but up here into public. good question. there boss, us president, version of events in afghan is dan buddy. how you doing president joe biden had said he couldn't recall any military adviser recommending he troops in afghanistan before he ordered the withdrawal. the top military bosses appeared to contradict, won't share my personal recommendation to the present, but i will give you my honest opinion and my honest opinion in view shaped my recommendation, i recommended that we maintain 2500 troops in afghanistan. the white house responded. i would note today in the testimony that was given by secretary austin by general milly, they made clear secretary austin specifically said if he stayed there at a pot force posture of 2500. certainly you'd be in a fight with the taliban and you'd have to reinforce from the senators dooley
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narratives over which president is to blame for the chaos. donald trump, who made a deal with the taliban to take troops out, or president biden, who set the date for removal. anyone who says the last few months were a failure, but everything before that was great. clearly hasn't been paying attention because of the date, certain rather than a conditions based withdrawl because of a decision that was made by our president. because of that we left the american citizens behind. so what went wrong? this hearing didn't produce any real answers, but the military admitted here something did. we help build a state, mr. chairman, but we could not for donation. the fact that the afghan army that we in our partner strain simply melted away in many cases without firing a shot, took us all by surprise, and it would be dishonest to claim. otherwise, the pentagon is conducting its own review of its action. but some senator say that's not enough. they're calling for the creation of an independent commission
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that can look at what went wrong, not just at the end, but during the entirety of america, the longest war particle have al jazeera washington talk about, the spokesman told us here the group will respect the rights of all afternoons in a new constitution, it follows the announcement of plans to implement a constitution from nearly 6 decades ago. but even applied only if it doesn't conflict with the taliban version of islamic law. because in constitution we're going on for the help of the us in 2004 constitution is a need for safety guarantee in atlanta and sunday was what june, because of lack of constitution. now the farmer and kings time constitution announced to be put a to is on 10 k to basis. we will work on a new constitution, m a free at once. the error in an independent applying is done. we are intending all basic rights of the avalon people will be enshrined in the coming constitutions
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. north korean, say media says the project are launched on tuesday was a newly developed hypersonic missile. these images reportedly show the test firing, state media scientists, confirm the navigational control and stability of the weapon. hypersonic missiles move much faster than standard ones, making them harder for defense systems to intercept it. and petroff is a specialist in korean affairs, and he believes the technology came from either russia or china. while it's the cutting edge of technology in defense. and it's not only north korea who is developing at the number of countries who believe that it's the future of defense system. so it's not surprising that north korea is also following suit and investing into this technology. and i believe that they learned. busy perhaps from russia, from china, the, the states which of very actively promote this new technology. and
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it's super, super funny technology assumes that the, the vehicle should travel at least 5 times faster than the speed of the sound. the speed of travel is equal to one mile per 2nd. so certainly it's a very powerful weapon. the north koreans are very proud to deliver the 1st successful test, which it was not even detected by watchers in the south korea or japan. they. there were difficulties in establishing what type of rocket this was until this morning when korean central new agency confirmed that it was the super sonic vehicle named a hoss on 8th, the new type of the new generation of north korean missiles came junglin, the leader of the green workers, party, it is very important to, to demonstrate or sent the message both across the pacific and just across the
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demilitarized zone in the you on the korean peninsula. that's not correct. it's prepared to talk, but the stakes are going to be very high. so i had, and i'll just say to columbia as last rebel group is delta blow, is it top commander dies in hospital. i'm lying in. wait, we'll tell you how the pandemic is helping traffickers. pray on india's children. ah ah, there still flooding on the ground in central time spot. the fact that the cloud is world is disappeared now, but full cost wise, we look to sumatra and a good part of borneo to key satellite for the wet is whether this is doing thursday. know is particularly dry, but job as anything
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a few sharon and same is true of barley points west. yup. it's still fairly wet in australia. the change of seasons or vis. again, from the satellite picture swell of cloud in the bite and that front system moving east. that is damaging, sanders told big hail, quite strong winds and a lot of rain as well. not expect to effecting still queensland new south wales, a c, t and victoria during says the to tend to move off shore. same time. next, it's on its way into perth. perth gets wet on friday and fairly windy some improvement. slow improvement, further east asked for new zealand of the store was actually quite nice when the wind wanting to die down around wellington, the snow was falling in the southern mountains and satterfield. that's gone about trying to get to friday. even the rain for no filings come, even with a suddenly breeze temperatures are in the teens, and you've got almost almost wall to wall sunshine enjoy the. ready
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too often of cornerstone is portrayed through the prism of war. but there were many thanks to the brave individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction . an extraordinary film archive standing for decades reveals the forgotten truth of the country's modern history. the forbidden real park free the rise of the machine on a oh a
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reminder of our top stories. japan's wedding party has picked its new leader me okay. she was replaced by mr. you'll see he goes to sugar is stepping down after only a year and office number of civilians at legend been killed in an air strike. 100 julian military near lake shot. the military denies the claims and says 28th members of an armed group linked to isolate were killed. i taught us military officer has described the end of the 20 year warning of ghana, son as a strategic failure, a congressional hearings. looking at the chaotic with all the troops and the fall of the afghan army lava. from the reaction on la palmer island is hitting the atlantic ocean. as the volcano continues to spew ash and smoke, a huge cloud of toxic gas is being created as the lava mixes with sea water. the spanish government has declared la palmer, a disaster zone. when they come as high as reporting from la palmer,
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the much anticipated thermal shock, it's currently taking place with this lava 1000 degrees celsius, hitting the ocean authorities right now, are quickly monitoring the situation and trying to figure out what is this? how is this affecting the population? you have plumes of smoke going up into the air we were just on the port moment ago . and the spanish, gorgeous. it's pushed all of the people that were there to watch the spectacle out of the port. i have told people to stay on logged down to where a goggles cover their mouth stay close as much as possible, not exposing your arms because in the air is not of gases such as sulfur dioxide. now they're monitoring the level of sulfur dioxide from these toxic gases also is hydro gloried and in other gases emitted by this volcano. in columbia, the government says
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a top commander from the national liberation army rebel group has died of his injuries in hospital. i go for dia romero was captured on monday, his death is a blow to the last operational rebel groups. alessandra on pierre, 2 reports. this video released by columbus army show soldiers carrying on a stretcher on the yellow mirror, better known by his alias by b. and he was one of the top military commanders of the ellen or national liberation army, the largest standing rebel group in columbia. he was captured a monday after being injured in a military bombing 10 days ago in the north west of the country. he died in a hospital in the city of calcium tuesday. this way, the idea that we'll get history after 10 days of searching by land and river, as evidenced by the work carried out by our security forces. he was located yesterday, wounded, covered with bushes and vegetation. it was very close to the place where the serial operation took place last week. subbing was the leader of the 11th western war
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front in the region of chicago. one of the group strong colds, and one of the country's most wanted men. he was the alleged mastermind of many mergers and kidnappings and responsible for the displacement of thousands of people . despite some respite brought by the 2016 piece deal between columbia, the government and 5 rebels, the country as seen, a surgeon violence. the yelling, this is in factions of the fire can remaining paramilitary groups, are fighting for control of remote areas and profitable illegal mining and drug trafficking. problems, killing is a success for the right wing government of president divan. do k a. christy cut the cord with promise to improve security, something that has proven elusive when support. fabian was the most important leader of the l. n and colombian territory. it is a decisive blow to this criminal structure. fabian's arrest validates the
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impeccable work columbia. as heroes carry out every day, and we will not rest until we dismantle all these criminal networks. the ellen was founded in the 19 sixty's as a leftist rebel group, inspired by the cuban revolution, with 2300 combatants in an extensive support network in cities. it continues to routinely attack soldiers in oil pipelines specially close the border with venezuela, where most of its commanders are believed to be hiding. attempts at peace negotiations with the group of so far failed. the death of yan is a major blow to the organization, but not the last stroke. i listened on the al jazeera, nearly 30 prisoners, had been killed in a battle between rival drug gangs in a prison in ecuador and made guns and grenades, and 6 people were beheaded. it took police and military 5 hours to regain control of facility. more than 40 prisoners were injured. i knew postage as overwhelming
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support among palestinians for 6 prisoners. we escaped from a high security is really jailed earlier this month. the group appearing at a court hearing 87 percent of those asked to see the escape as an inspiration towards ending the occupation. it was a rare event, but it wasn't the 1st time it had happened. fossil went to meet a former prisoner with a similar story from 25 years ago. the escape of 6 palestinian inmates from one of israel's highest security prisons prompted shock and embarrassment in israel and celebration among palestinians for her son madame. it also prompted memories. michelle and that can at our feelings, were all over the place. one minute we think we caught and it's over. and then feel more confident, especially after inspections failed to reveal our plan. well, how about calming? how about madame, who was convicted as a teenager in 1990, of stabbing and wounding and israeli settler,
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and setting 2 buses on file. you sent it to 17 years, but in 1996, he and a cell mate escaped. after months of laborious tumbling, yes, it's luck. mckinney small drawers. if there was no room for despair, we used to dig with a nail some days we hardly dug out an ash tray load of concrete. it took us to $54.00 days to get through the slab. we were 4 people, but 2 of our colleagues thought we were closer to failure than freedom. so they went back. we had worked for monica going back was not an option in may on a, an old ability to so much headed to the occupied west bank contacting just one trusted friend who helped sustain them as they hid for a week in a cave home at ali. it was a start of a year on the run before his eventual recapture can at their facade, the time on the run was very difficult. it was nowhere near normal, still, much better than jail where we would wish to sit under the shade of
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a tree. when 4 of the 6 recent escapees were recaptured within days, still inside northern israel, apparently exhausted and unsupported, kind of driven in until they left the tunnel. it was flawless. i can't judge because i'm not familiar with the condition surrounding their escape. but if i were in their shoes, i would have fled to the janine refugee camp and let the israelis know i'm there. everyone would have been held responsible. people would have protected them in the, in the final 2 prisoners, re arrested in jeanine without the fire fight. some had predicted lawyers and family members of 4 of the 6 say they would beat him during their arrest. then question for hours and deprived of sleep. madame, he says he suffered similar treatment. his jail term was extended by 2 years, reject the if i had my time again, i would do it again. no question this. why? because we have a strong faith in freedom to seek it as individuals and as
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a collective. the recent escapees have also said that time on the run short as it was was worth it. israel, his welcome, the end of his latest escape saga palestinians still celebrating that it happened at all. hurry for that al jazeera in the occupied westbank coat. his prime minister says he plans to call presidential and legislative elections for early next year. i already dissolved the electoral council responsible for organizing a vote in november. instead, he says a referendum on the constitution will take priority. he's dismissed obligations. he's trying to claim to power. and he was plunged into a political crisis in july, following the assassination of its president, showing no moisture the head of the world health organization has promised reforms after allegations of sexual abuse by workers in democratic republic of congo, new and agencies apologize to victims following a report which is described as how do we, on heartbreaking detailed, at least 80 cases of abuse by w h. o employees and aid workers during the
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a bullet epidemic? i'm sorry. i'm sorry for what was done to you by people who are employed by w jo to serve and protect you. i'm sorry for the ongoing suffering that this event must cause. i'm sorry that you have a hard to really to relieve them in talking to the commission about your experiences. well, this isn't the 1st time you an agencies a face claims, a sexual abuse, more than 800 allegations of sexual exploitation or abuse have been reported in un missions around the world since 2010. the most infamous case was a child's sex trafficking ring set up by lincoln un peacekeepers in haiti between 20042007. since 2014 many abuses have been reported in central african republic. former un secretary general bank. he moon called them
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a cancer in our system. a group called aids free world lost a code blue campaign that's calling for accountability. it says the un regularly mishandled cases of sexual exploitation. of paula donovan is co director of the age free world group, and she says the latest allegations of sexual abuse in democratic republic of congo need to be passed to the police. the world health organization has no authority to investigate criminal allegations of any kind. and it's preposterous that they should wait after receiving reports of abuse by their own personnel until the farm dose investigations, to bidders, and hired a firm and appointed their own commission. and done some very basic. what's the commission itself called prima pharmacy, or on 1st impression investigating to determine whether or not crimes had been
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committed. this is, this was not a criminal investigation, and it should have been from the very outset turned over to, to legal authorities who can actually conduct criminal investigation. there's never been any accountability through a process like the one that w h o undertook and then never will be, because it's simply not possible. the w h o cannot hold people criminally accountable, but also the w h o itself has been implicated. so the, these commissioners who were again selected, the heads of the commission were selected by the head of w h o himself and, and then they conducted their investigation through people. a firm that was hired by w h. o. activists in india say the pandemic has pushed more families into poverty, and that is putting children at risk falling. incomes advising prices means some parents have been sending their children out to work and human traffickers a waiting for them on the streets. elizabeth put on a joint police and
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a rescue mission. money sharma and his team of rescue workers drive to a slum and the eastern indian city of port nia. they received information that traffic to children being kept they're joined by police officers. they moved through the dark until they find some children hiding and clearly terrified, but as they tried to lead them to safety, they're attacked by a group of men. no one is seriously injured, but in the confusion the children run away. police arrest the man they believe is the ringleader of this child trafficking operation. but the activists leave without the children they came for sunjay, sada traveled more than 230 kilometers from the city of that bunker to put near to find his 13 year old brother don got um, sanchez has gone. got arm has been held in the slam by the traffickers for several months from them. i just got out. my brother is working at the processing unit and
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he has a movie. i like, he's not there on his own. been, even if he or others like him tried to talk to a family member, they're always listening like an increasing number of people in the eastern state of be hard. those in the slammer often forced to work for little processing. one of the regents biggest exports lotus seeds because of the world's largest producer of low to see which are known as fox not once have been roasted. the popularity of the seeds is growling in india and abroad. but children being used to meet the rising demand with more than 2000000 workers aged between 5 and 17. b hard has the 2nd highest number of child and adolescent work as an end. many a trafficked. it is one of the greatest cell in this be facing. see what is happening that this area or near the street is bothering the street, got this ring on it is get sick of the not. so we are facing major issues of child
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trafficking and some of the children are employed in the are the sick also the latest crime figures suggest that human trafficking cases in india declined by more than 20 percent in the past year. but many sharma says, that's not right. as many cases aren't registered, definitely the who are bodies and coming during the band of trafficking has increase. many for it because of the covered 19 people lost jobs and traffic has used it to their advantage. their locals, the identify, paid and lost their jobs, learn their money, and liter traffic the children and push them into child labor. the man rested in the rate on this non remains and love custody while he's investigating suspicion of human trafficking and sean data. but rights group say, until the government addresses the root causes of the crime, poverty,
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poor education, combined with an understaffed police force and the tories, the slow justice system. and these children will continue to be at risk of human trafficking. elizabeth moran and al jazeera pulled nea, be hard on . this is all these are the top stories. giovanni's willing party has picked its new leader for me. ok. she will replace premise and you'll see this sugar. so that is starting down after just a year and also not potty solomon has more from talk you he has to prove he's got his my has to prove wrong leadership. that's the thing that many people felt that those who got lack. so we have to show.
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