tv [untitled] September 29, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm AST
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the purpose and is fueling environmental catastrophe the people in power travelers to gonna to uncover the dirty secrets behind the world. fashion addiction dead wife . man. clothes on. a jazz ita. ah, this is al jazeera ah no clock. this is a new life coming up in the next 60 minute lava from the volcano and la palmer releases toxic fumes as it reaches the atlantic ocean. former foreign minister africa casita is set to become japan's, the prime minister of securing the routing party support. allegations of civilians being killed in nigeria, military asked right near lake chad, the army says it targeted members of an eyesore being its own group. children in
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india at risk from traffickers as a pandemic, forces more families into poverty. uninformed filipino boxing legend mattie pac he was officially hanging up his gloves. 42 year old is ending in 26th year in ring career. a t h president. i'm the philippines. i love it from the rupture on la palmer island is hitting the atlantic ocean. as the volcano continues to spew ash and smoke, a huge cloud of toxic gas has been created as the lava mixes with water. the spanish government has declared la palmer, a disaster zone. let's get the very latest. we can speak now to nicholas cruz in la palmer by the ocean right there. so this is what they are all talking about. what everybody was waiting for. the lava struck missy.
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that's right, the famous thermal shock when the 1000 degrees celsius lava hits the ocean, that's around 14 degrees and the plumes of smoke that you're seeing coming out is not just boiling sea water. it's toxic chemicals from salt fat dioxide to sulfur dioxide to acid lava. that's flowing up into the air. the good news, though, is that there hasn't been any explosion to as it was anticipated volcanic explosion, right. but what we've seen in the last overnight in the last 10 hours, is that the, the, the, the la river or the swelling, the swelling lava that's heading. the ocean right now has swelled up to 50 meters high. so that's really eating up the landscaping. what's interesting to note, nick is despite the modern technology available, the cell, the satellite imagery, the modeling that vulcan ologist had, had,
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had made. they were not able to anticipate the exact location in which the lava flow was going to enter the ocean. it, it came a little bit north to what they expected. and in effect, what we're seeing is a delta of love, a river flowing into the ocean, cutting off last year. and that was in early this morning. there was, again, seismic activity, not just here in the quarter where we stand, but also on the other side of the island. it says if the southern pit southern part of this island, which is younger, 120000 your years old, is trying to separate itself from the older part of the island. that's what many vulcan ologist. our theory is the extent of which there is magma and activity happening in the, under the surface of the earth, in the mantle. 10 kilometers below us. nick is that extraordinary sights, behold,
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isn't it? but clearly not if you're a victim of people now putting their minds to how to come back from this or is it just too soon? no, i mean when people go out and watch what's happening, it's a sight of mourning for people there. there are people weeping, the mayor of look to ya know, which is the time where you see the volcanic activity happened, or the lava flow was crying this morning on national television, weeping. the fact that this law is in effect, destroying his village. and this isn't just effective human, it's also affecting the pressure see life, and that is beneath this ocean. the canary islands is considered a hotspot of diversity, where you have rare species of whales, the pilot whales, right sharks, the blue sharks and other marine y law life right now, and they're experiencing incredible explosion beneath the water as we speak. we've seen also the color of the ocean here changed to a to
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a murky grey. the good news also, the good news though, is the, the wind factor that's happening enormous amount of wind this morning on the island . it's blowing away from a places where the population is living into the ocean. there's a 3.5 kilometer, a radius in which we cannot approach the area where the, where the lava is hitting the ocean. and that's to ensure that the population around are safe, a given the gas in the novices gas that are being currently emitted. nick. alright, make thanks very much for that to make their own lab palmer at sea life and the ocean hotspot. diversity is, nick would say, let's try and see what all. busy this means for marine life. busy we can speak to bon island in the palm, his vulcan ology intended gio. 10 recent organizes scientific expeditions and knows these wars as well. so been 1st up before we start, i understand you witness the moment when the love it the see what was that like?
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yeah, i'm not a good coaching railey, and i we, we've been have over on the ropes and you know, we finished collect max in the nephew see miles in line and then we had so it's called a capable that lead and we could say we could see the lava on, on top of the cliff for my big plate of my coming off and you know, we went nicely so, you know, we've gone in this not because, you know, there's a lot of by coming off anyway from the banana plantation and the plastic tray but then actually we've been that about 10 minutes and yet the day we actually saw the lava defending mcclain and we thought about would be characteristic white cloud
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. yeah that's, that's only the lava hits hits the ocean and tell us about the processes. then what happens when it hits the sea and what does it mean in the for the marine life that yes, so closely when no one comes in contact with a law or a majorly, you know, a price to pay per license plate. you know, create these big players, like if the baby, a gray with right now around that yeah. make a great round of the married life. you know, we say it's not going to be and you know, they, they probably will have a black the area. but what was interesting is,
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but leave the price for the long marine name park, you know, we lost their ups and on like mary island and $11.00 out of the data. and i was like, marino and very similar impact. but we say, hey, on a much from the scale to the, the system and it's all part of it. no, it's all part of a natural system, isn't it? and in the scheme of things, i guess it, it kind of improves and enhances the co system. yeah, it was really interesting for me from day 11 that you know, we then were in silver to the way among the europe, the united l of the marine, coming back and you know, the the, i just phase of the natural place in touch with the how quickly, you know,
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the felt like a waiver, oh my really 3 this to be quite a play and nothing on the some of the deposit on the table from 11 or more time. oh, and i thought now 9 years will be sure your company finally organizes scientific expeditions or part of the, the big tourism industry that the canary islands is famous for an apartment famous for how difficult will it be for the island to come back from this on that front and she has plenty to look for. i may not be so from, hey, you know, has been devastating. i think we were making inherited aiden, you know, from the way it's been, you know, you might think, you know, the whole, the whole island if you'd like to see the lava and the son of
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alon and other angles look as if they need, you know, places like iceland by, you know, like i said, i want her upset, been a really draws a plane and, and get people to come and take over. okay. and i'm sorry, the need to call it and they initially they've been lost food bought things along the cars and they will be better than to there is an upside to what benefits are be will leave it that thanks very much. i've been island. thank you. thank you. your friends, really liberal democratic party has picked it still lead a female can she that will replace prime minister your she'd have to go. the former foreign minister took the helm off to run off with a cabinet minister toto cono. suga is stepping down often just
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a year in office. he's a strong criticism for his handly of the pandemic and the cost of the lympics i. let's bring in that friday. it's a lemma in tokyo. funny, 1st up in his 1st mission is to win the upcoming general election. i guess that the very through mr. tissue, the heading now that of them graphic to find when a unity is a question in this part the mainly because his rival cordele had the support of the younger members in the, in the party while she got the support or more to get with the members there is lots of things going now inside the democratic party headquarters, just behind me. mister kitchen has list in his victory speech at the headquarters that he's going to resort unity inside the party. he's going to refresh the image
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of the party in the public, especially as they are go heading for the general conviction by the end of next month. mythic issue though, wasn't the, the most popular among the japanese public, in most recent opinion, pulls when they off the ship and he's probably co are who would they would like to feed the new environment. so most of the people are short and he's younger, more outspoken, and very close to people through social media. facebook and other means mr. tissue that here to present more, the faction, the politics inside the japanese, the difficult society. so the city sort of the process. so fuck your members. he has also to show more leadership which many just that the funny to go back on. that was the reason why he sit down. many looked us guys,
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an extension of former by mister obvious term as he was his spokesperson for over 7 years. so that was also a foreign minister for 5 years under. but i, mr. the covenant. so he has now to show a new leadership characters and he's going to face many difficult matters. he has to, we have some in the relationships with japan and this neighborhood has also to fix the economy to that going to be that has been hard hit by the band and, and so the band has very short fight to show the leadership and the ability to fix the guy, the economy and everything unity to his party because they are going the most one must report version of election. so it's sort of mission, but he pledged that up to that mission and we're going to see him endorse us next monday or friday. thanks about the dilemma that took him put him off
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till head of news are including y families of the victims of lebanon's port la are again on the streets to push for accountability and inspiration to end the occupation house. the nunes overwhelming these tort 6 prisoners. she broke out of it and it's raining personal because for coming out to sundays, a red hot form, hazel faced collection coming from ah, so russian president vladimir putin is hosting his turkish counterpart in such a wide. and putin are expected to discuss the conflicts in syria and libya, as well as the possible purchase of a 2nd batch of russian air defense miss l systems. it is 1st face to face meeting in 18 months. let's big now will said our who's in stumble as a 1st time president,
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putin and edwin have met since the pandemic started tell us more about what's anticipated. well, it's just happening in an interesting time regarding turkey's relations with washington. just a week ago, prison, there was one was in new york for the united nation general, ask them, lee. and they, the turkish tar sides, requested a one on one meeting with president by then, and by the team refers to grant the meeting to prison at one disappointed and angry by the refusal he, on his way back to turkey, told to the journalist and said that he has managed to work well with the previous present, but not with, by the so far. and that the did the he and by the could not the bridge the differences in a meeting in new york. so just 24 hours after that up there. if prayers in
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a stumble, he went on, criticize in the us present and says that the, the american side is for why does support to terror organization instead of fighting. so this freight, the relations we, us for some analyst is leading turkey more and more towards russia. and also noted that turkey might buy a 2nd batch of $400.00 nissan systems, which the, the us senate on the committee, on the 40 relations immediately after this statement says that per cheese in the russian 400 miss. i mean more sanctions, tolbert turkey conceiving in turkey and us the nato allies. the cost lowes are designed to deter the, the ad. we're cities from the actions hosted action against the usa. so within this
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framework, within these kinds of wideman prison, i want to switch it to it. he is rushing counterparts on the top of the agenda that will be syria. recently. russia has escalated, is attack in which is the last stronghold of the student position. forces backed by turkey and turkey is very much concerned that that kind of full scale war cool kreger, a new way will refugees to turkey with turkey already horse more than 4000000 refugees. another important issue and the agenda in the meeting between add one put in is going to be the y p g presence in north and syria. y p g is a non affiliate group with the p k k. it's on the title of this, all of the yes and the european union, but now mostly they are getting a protection for them. russia and turkey is very much stated by did protection. so
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add one is going to put in also to help turkey to remove y, p g medicines and on groups on man stuff from far away from the turkish border. also, i've got to say was going to be on the agenda and definitely libya is going to be on the agenda as the company set to hold an election in october. but the side so far could not agree on was legal framework with russia and target having the significant presence in libya, they both supported different sides. but have an influence definitely to, to, to get this part is together to, to how a, an agreement or the legal framework or the was so. but on the other hand, russia is asking turkey to, to, to convince, be on groups in nor to sit in it live, to lay down their arms. and that says that turkey has agreed to, to, to,
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to take responsibility during the such agreement that has been signed between the 2 countries in 2019 said, if i go on believers on his statement that turkey mites might buy a 2nd batch of the 400 me styles. definitely this is going to be a blue, another blue on the already freight relations between on credit and washington and definitely most go think that it is worth candle. russell, thanks for that service and sort of a in a stumble as we have a breaking news, a new prime minister in june is he, the chinese president chi site has appointed a natural boot and rem done as prime minister of this is coming for a statement on social media, this of course follows yesterday for political parties in june as yet. and now it's the coalition to oppose president sites move to sees governing powers. so the
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chinese president has appointed a national good run down as prime minister will bring you more in that as the day in the go. un humanitarian chief is warning if he's trigger i reach and is facing the world's worst hunger crisis. must griffith recently visited the region and says people there are starving to death. u. n. has cooled on the european government to allow food, medical supplies, and fuel into to grow. conflict between regional forces in government, troops broke out in november last year. if your peer is, is a stain on our conscience because the, the, the facts show that accessed to gray, where we have been wanting to have a 100 trucks every day arrive in too great to meet the needs of the over 5000000 people there. we've never reached that, we've never had that and it's been about 10 percent of that over the last 2 or 3 months. so the combination of lack of medical care, most of the health institutions that are inoperable and lack of food will mean that
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people will start to die. well, let's bring it in the anchor. she's a spokes person for the africa region at the international, which is red cross joyce's via skype from nairobi. you know, thank you for joining us here and deserve as a modern griffin and spelt it out that the situation is dire. what are the priorities in your view? well, food access to food is definitely one of the important priorities, but there is also access to health, lack of medical supplies. what we're seeing is that there's been increased pressure on hospital with receiving dead and liking supplies and personnel. also, there's not enough this lack of cash, electricity, and other vital supply in the region. it's not for lack of trying and doesn't hundreds of trucks have gone through some like 450 more than 450 trucks of entity. great, but any 30 a have returned. is that all part of the problem?
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i mean, there's definitely not enough vital supplies that are coming in into to cry, including medical supplies and the full supply. so that's been an increasing concern. logistics has been extremely difficult, but also well looking at the shifting crop front lines, they're going fighting and it means that people, i'm not getting the humanitarian assistance that they need. so what has to happen to enable this a to get in? well definitely we need more supplies coming in to try and we and also other neighboring regions because we're seeing that the fighting is spreading to the neighboring an agent. and we're just calling on to everybody who is involved in the fight team and all the stakeholders to do everything possible to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance. i guess the bottom line is you
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need to fighting to stop. and for this a to be facilitated by the government to get in there's definitely like security and security guarantees. the logistics, there's a lot of different conditions that we need that need to be mad for people to be able to receive this by collect systems and how urgent is that. what kind of time scale are we looking at? do you think? well, we've been extremely worried and we have been talking about the worrying and deteriorating nutrition situation for some time now because we are looking at almost a year of fighting that had tremendous impact on the economy and culture and the ability of people to produce food. so now which we see that many people, they only have one mule per day, the quality of their meals have also deteriorated. so it is extremely difficult to
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have at your a doctor about the nutrition situation because this also has been a terrible impact on the health care system. so we just don't have many primary health care centers usually measure these nutrition level. and he is very difficult to have the accurate picture of the situation right now, which is one of the major concern understood. i think one of the problems with a health care is apartment of the else. all the other things is that somebody like 200000 children of mr. vaccinations, which is going to have a knock on effect in the coming months and years. yes, indeed, we are looking and we, we fear the long term impact of the situation. and the role of the primary health care centers is crucial, especially when we speak about the health of children and pregnant and like teaching women and also monitoring the nutrition level. and right now with most of the many of those health centers that close that door,
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which is don't have extremely important data to be able to accurately assess the humanitarian situation. and we appreciate your time and tell me about the difficult situation to integrate elliana yankee from the international committee. the red cross. thanks a lot to lead here and i'll just talk to us ministry mysteries, critique failure enough going is done and tells congress he wanted to keep a small forster. i'm adam rainy on an olive farm and central italy at hundreds of young environmentalist and international delegation gathered a conference in milan. we look at how italy is facing is changing, climbing around, up of tuesday's champions league actually ah
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ah, we are typhoon to watch. as you know, type in mean dooley. it's always way apparently northwards towards japan and it's sort of engaging with what is the end of the plumb rains. the 2 are coming together, so friday is not looking a good day. but what's left behind a fairly dry picture for most of china attempt is coming down to date where they should be still human sherry and hong kong. but what about this tie fee? well, let's look at the full cost tokyo, which brings the worst of it in on friday. but i've only written here normally winds or gale force, or even near gale force with not going the full force of the time. it looks like it stay on the water, you'll get edge affects those so potentially was flooding or land slides for hun shook. there it is as the picture on friday, the heart of a long way show with that orange, representing the heaviest of rain navigate further west to little tropical depressions, both causing trouble in flooding in cold counter. and this thing moving up to be
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higher as the remains of circulation. it's ongoing to the west that flood warnings again for good europe and with good reason. this is a proper tropical cycle in the making is still drawing in warmth from the north. moravian, see the gulf of a man, if you like. and it looks like the next 2 days it'll cause flooding in southern pakistan and then probably cross the border into iran. the l. just a real world reveals dramatic pictures from girls in may. 2021. i've lived there for a number of years and there is nowhere safe and god's account done to his really missile the tax on for time. why we're tired of businesses and media organizations simply below note goes a 60 minute warning. oh no, just the around. across the younger valley,
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high above the ground, a trouble has taken on a different form. people died for they fly. this is no game, it's business makes the co bomb is hopefully be swinging high across the valley. facing day on every journey. they'll gamble with their lives, just one living. risking it all on al jazeera. oh a. are you watching out there? remind about top stories is japan's routing parties. pick it, you leader casita for replace prime minister your she did to get it done off yet
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and offer you and humanitarian chief is boarding is to grow region is facing the world's worst hunger crisis. watson griffith, i recently visited the water region that says people are starving to death lava from a volcanic eruption on la palmer in the canary islands is hitting the atlantic ocean. a huge cloud of toxic gases being thrown up as the molten rock reaches the sea. in lebanon, the families of the victims of last year poured explosion. the staging demonstration and support of the judge investigating the incident. these are like pictures of the assembling crowds on monday to be had to suspend his prob, ostrich complaint by form interior minister. now how much is one of the top officials suspected of negligence that may have contributed to the port explosion that killed more than 200 people?
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less cross straight away, cheap a route to zeno holder. and then a family's clearly showing their support. so the judge, why the well, they believe that he is doing his job, we are outside the justice palace, families of the victims of that court. the explosion believes that thought it be taught is under political pressure because he's doing the right thing in fact or has been under a political pressure locked. * in a political found off with the establishment, both the political and security establishment since july issue the list of suspects, former and current government officials as well as security official. he would like to someone for questioning. he would believe that they played a role in criminal negligence, but since then these officials have been escaping just kind of it's har has not been.
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