tv [untitled] September 29, 2021 3:00pm-3:31pm AST
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swinging high across the valley, facing day on every journey, they'll gamble with their lives, just one living. risking it all on al jazeera, the us is always of interest to people around the world. people pay attention to work with on here, and i'll do this very good at bringing the news to the world from here. ah, i'm the clock in the hotel stories here on al jazeera and june. izzy, as president said, has appointed a new prime minister. his task national a boot in rome, done with a for me, government should be the 1st woman to do so. leave comes after for political parties from the coalition to proceed on tuesday. but smith is more from today's natural boot on ram damn is now going to take on a lot of that pressure. she was until today
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a little known professor of engineering. previously, she'd worked for the world bank and now she's been thrust right into the heart of the spotlight and she's the juniors political crisis. now, ordinarily under the unity and constitutional system, the president appoints the prime minister who then appoints members all cabinet. and this all has to be approved by parliament, but the president has suspended parliament. so he's appointed national buddha. and i'm done as prime minister, but they'll be no parliamentary approval of this. now one of the complaints of the civil society groups and this coalition of political parties spoke on tuesday, was the present chi side in the last 2 months have not spoken to them, had not approached them. i've not tried to engage them in dialogue. we do not yet know what that reaction is going to be to her appointment. whether that will calm things down for the time. be a lava from the eruption on la palmer island is hitting the atlantic ocean. as the
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volcanic continues to spew ash and smoke. yes, a huge cloud of toxic land death is being created as the lava mixes with sea water . the spanish government has declared la palmer, a disaster said mechanic has that when the 1000 degrees celsius lava hits the ocean, that's around 14 degrees. and the plume of smoke that you're seeing coming out is not just boiling sea water. it's toxic chemicals from cell fat dioxide to sulfur dioxide to acid lava that's flowing up into the air. the good news, though, is that there hasn't been any explosions as it was anticipated volcanic explosion, right? but what we've seen in the last overnight in the last 10 hours, is that the, the, that the lava river or the, the swelling the swelling lava that's heading. the ocean right now has swelled up to 50 meters high. so that's really eating up the landscaping. what's interesting
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to note, nick is despite the modern technology available, the cell, the satellite imagery, the modeling that vulcan ologist had, had, had made. they were not able to anticipate the exact location in which the lava flow was going to enter the ocean. it, it came a little bit north to what they expected. and in effect, what we're seeing is a delta of love, a river flowing into the ocean, cutting off last year. and that was in early this morning. there was, again, seismic activity, not just here. and as a court where we stand, but also on the other side of the island, it says if the southern pits, the southern part of this island, which is younger, 120000 your years old is trying to separate itself from the older part russian president vladimir putin, his hosting is tech, is kind of putting such g for type out one on president putin discussing the
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conflicts in syria and in libya, as well as the possible purchase of the 2nd batch of a russian air defense missiles. japan's routing party is picked because new leader from new cedar will replace the prime minister shahida suga cigarettes, stepping down after just a year and office there are allegations a number of civilians have been killed by a niger and military strike near lake chad. residents in court at the bottom, mazata se, a fighter jet, talking to the village on sunday morning. the military says 28 members of an eyesore were killed to 11 and now and the families of the victims of losses poured explosion. stacy and demonstration in support of the judge investigating the incident on monday tart baton. had to suspend his prob, after a complaint by a former interior. all right, you have to date, still the headlines here are not 0 with more news coming up right off the al
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me and i hope beats so motion model, hook it up. we shall middle homo because at one volume to all shallow a must just a slimy. but what does it suddenly something completely column is improving? his substitute culture hum us will talk to be your name on the limb. show me some humid went out there. ah! on the 11th of may 2091. israel launched a military operation against the gaza strip. it was called operation god unit, the walls solid weeks of increasing tension in occupied east jerusalem, and palestinian towns and cities throughout the trail. israel engaged in several
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provocations prior to any rockets being directed to from gaza to israel. those provocations involve the evictions from shake ciara neighborhood in the east jerusalem. and then the were the right wing demonstrations, given police protection in israel that marched through east jerusalem neighborhoods shouting slogans to the effect of death to the arabs and very provocative for leading to palestinian resistance. and then finally, and perhaps most importantly, the entry of israeli security forces to the compound and mass in the last days of ramadan,
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interfering with the worship in this place that is considered a sacred sight. the as part of this operation, israeli war plains bombed and destroyed for tower blocks in garza city, palestinians lived and businesses were based these towers were in garza's, busy remote neighborhood. brimell is a commercial district and a residential area where media organizations and international agencies also have their offices the funny and the
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lady at the bottom of the actual actual module. then we're going to look at that one and then i let them know anyone in the learn them about my la definitely let me just look at that and we can see a month month to remind you how your coffee medina was pilot. must my sister her how little bottom are you on the deal more often a little bit. so can you see her the month to month and doesn't have the ada and help us get amen. and it's the end of the fall hit the jetta you will have that you have the cosign brigades and sariah. you could have an underground network
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underneath the gaza strip. at this point that's been built for 15 years, they have the capacity to keep their military operations and they're planning separate from the largest civilian area in the gaza strip with the least military benefit. because remodeling the furthest from the border. it's, it's the most densely populated area of an urban of the urban environment. it militarily makes no sense. oh, i demolish towers were attracted to businesses because of the services they provided. company requiring stability, rented office space there, knowing that electricity, water, and other essential services were relatively reliable, day and night. ah,
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the hattie tower was known for its c view. at house service hotel style, a pump and a health club, media organizations, technology businesses and residential apartments. jo had a tower. how's the headquarters of several media organizations, including the palestinian national news agency and other tv stations were also restaurants, offices and apartments. oh, shut up towel was in the middle of the busiest street. in garza, it contained dozens of shops, import, and export officers and some local media awe . and there was algernon tower with a bureau of ounces. he remediate network and the us media agency associated prints were based on a close range of business offices while the upper floors house,
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residential apartment i, all these towers are normal going the german whole nother localized but the new modem and it does me a couple of minutes getting my model muslim copy and how we get off. how about the ship? what will be my math and let the how one of them had the i was just like the ability because i'm telling you fast, well they enough to hold up of the system. the shock was it and you couldn't have the show. what is the matter with yet much work? oh, mcafee, the media? well, what i'm going to let you publish away a lot. i'm heading up was my little while back remy heads, euro mediterranean,
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human rights monitor based in geneva. it conducted an investigation into these attacks and garza and came to broadly the same conclusion as the people on the ground at the time that the 4 towers had no military purpose whatsoever. however, the israeli army disagreed, claiming the buildings were being used for military purposes. so where does the truth live? why were these talents singled out? bombed and destroyed? this is exactly one of the of the questions that have has to be asked by whatever inquiry that should be held. what was the primary goal of these attacks? was it really to, to damage military objects that were in those buildings, or rather, a show of force to intimidate the garrison population. and if the laughter and it
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does seem like the latter, and in the latter, that's an illegal attack. and that's unlawful and might amount to work on the fact that missiles from israeli jets struck the towel with undisputed. but what isn't clear is the reason behind the attacks or the process of how exactly a building is selected for destruction. one man who may have an idea is younger on both skill and he's a retired israeli military commander who worked as a special operations officer at the central command of the is railey army. when we know the 1st, when we know that there are you, that there are going to vision, or there is a direct tv and one of the buildings or structures, there is a term structure in guzman. so 1st,
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we start with our intelligent unit and we want to find out if there is the civilians and not in whole civilians in the building or around the building. second, if we know that there is a civil there and we use many kind of ways to check this out. so we warn them, 1st of all, we call them and we asked them to leave the house. so the only one that will be hit it, it will be only terrorist place and not civilians or any other people that are most of all i'm not i'm not in the joke. got the me i there was my love my room as as engine beer. first,
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my dear to those that as a bad push had, you know, and mom smashed and when i was muscle to, john said that as fun gets in, mobile for the last minute. bob musical justin, bob. and he had to go to the voters among and like i said, the ones not that as much odd low i'm a fool would be i wouldn't thought if you was the 2 women that i'm, that has one more. john, the me, israel has always presented its military operations as those conducted by the most marl army in the world.
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law. let me show you a call from the israeli military gave a warning of the imminent bombing of algebra, a tower with the deadline approaching the owner pleaded on the phone for more time to evacuate. what was your phone number? is that what you gotta fill up your mac? i'm with american not to not be have them in on not sure exactly what's going
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i said the them, the, the, the them to be the one about the alina going a young though i'm to should have been mccann heather. her last, last a got an idea about was should it go of the bill of the what i what and i'll be done in florida mobile and bonus for the for the piece. all the previous good 100 voters. and i did look in us for how long my side of circular clicked out a look of of, of vacuum us how that gives us that get a little lobby. you get my credit for the 100,
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a good the all of this little mac and i also did look on the 32nd. is it for the plumbing? very low mcardle. that's all come in my desk and it's high and she'll send them out of us and look for the issue of sheila, she should offset that she that is the it, she's my katrina, our office. she had a little drama and most ah, the israeli army often produces videos about how mass, the palestinian group that has governed garza since 2006. these videos say that hamas uses civilian facilities in garza as what it calls human shields. and this
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claim is used by israel to justify attacks like those on the 4 towers in garza and other palestinian target. the 1st responsibility on the was the come us using the people there as a human shield once the hiding behind the people. so the main thing that you should, those, that maybe the bulb is smart, we use a smart bunk, but the bombs have no values and they have no more out. and she don't want to distinguish between terrorist and non terrorist people, especially when the terrorist use the people of the human shield and high b. i. and i had a problem in if you show up in with any new she was doing the full driver. the scene was still out for the cleaning. he was delicate near chris moved quickly . welcome home. a do show you will i in and but any latina going to be shot on this
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for me? and then what did you get the city there is a wide there, argumentative being presented by israeli spoke. be exposed to people. and that is that god in general, was taken hostage by the hum us and that you know, and that we are fighting an enemy that is, that is hiding in any civilian areas. let's take that argument face value. let's, let's talk about the hostage situation. if guns are hostages, then you should allow yourself to do what you would be doing. if these are these were hostages. would you target a whole house with several combatants or terrorists
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and kill, or the israelis that are being held hostage is there. i mean, if these are really wants to, to argue that that line that the gardens doesn't sit in population was taken hostage by the home us. well, it should treat this situation as a hosted situation after bombing the had 90 al gyla and al jo, how to towers these really army gave its justification for the action it claim those towers house amass intelligence officers. it also accused him ass of using i'll shoot up tower for what it called terrorism purposes. he was a bill in the kind of like microwave. but how much matter kind of what there was some on this last the last the
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israel has planes, at least in one case that i know of that, how much offices and to be precise, hamas intelligence was housed in one of the, of the towers. however, there is another principle of international law of warfare, and that is the principle of proportionality. it's not enough that the target is legitimate. if the expected results of an attack is massive damage to civilians and civilian objects. that outweighs the military advantage of, of erasing the military target. then the attack is also legal.
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in military tunes, the principle of proportionality concerns the obligation to weigh military objectives against the risk of harm to civilians. armies around the world have the use of advanced weapons technology. some guided missiles are able to limit the damage they called, while others are highly destructive. and that includes those used to bomb the residential and commercial towers in gaza. this choice of missiles gives the attack of the option of creating a targeted explosion in one part of a building or launching a high impact miss l, quite capable of destroying an entire tower block. israel has precise munitions and bombs that make the notion of
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a mistaken strife. almost impossible to believe. another word, these missiles and bombs, they're so sophisticated in they're targeting and are linked to gps systems as to guide them precisely to their intended targets. the user in the past has shown that it has this capacity in estimation attacks or what is called by israel targeted killings. we had seen instances where missiles were shocked at a specific window, specific how apartment specific room in part to the human and financial cost of the aerial attacks on the garza towers. the me
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housing has become a commodity instead of a human rights. mag is some people the ability to take advantage of others the lead, feel free to violate basic laws, the working classes that have lost a lot of ground in our society. a un special report here on adequate housing, travels the world, investigating a global crisis. but people are evicted to clear the way for investors and property too often left mc. push a witness documentary on. i'll just, you know, when you're from a neighborhood known as a hot bed of radicalism, you have to fight to defy stereotype. the meeting, going to show the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live know my joy. well, actually the sound of the boxes on al jazeera
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hospitals and clinics across asia battle coded 19 mountains of medical waste piling up the one on 18th to investigate this dangerous pandemic. for one hour jazeera ah, ah, ah, 11 o'clock into the tub stores here and out to sarah, and she nearly as president said, has appointed you prime minister. he's told the natural boot and run down to form a government. she'd be the 1st woman to do say, but a smith is more not from today's nigella. bu, down. rum damn. is now going to take on a lot of that pressure. she was until today a little known professor of engineering. previously, she'd worked for the world bank and now she's been thrust right into the heart of
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