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tv   [untitled]    September 29, 2021 4:00pm-4:30pm AST

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of this conversation. well, this dream. oh, now is there a part of the time for us must always on good luck. we are traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. me this is al jazeera ah, i'm not close. this is a news on life from coming up for the next 60 minutes. june is, is president names nicely boot and rum done as the countries 1st women prime minister and tossed with for me and government? love it from the volcano and la palmer releases, toxic fumes as it falls into the atlantic ocean. russia and turkey's presidents discuss military deals and talk about curbing renewed violence in northwest syria.
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a former foreign minister, familiar casita, is set to become japan's new prime minister of securing the leadership for the routing party alans for and filipino boxing legend, manny pack care was officially hanging up his gloves. a 42 year old is ending a $26.00 here in ring, claire, the president of the philippine ah, so she is, president said has appointed a new prime minister. his task natural, a boot and rum done with forming a government, should be the 1st woman to do so. the move comes after for political parties from the coalition to pay said on tuesday, opposition politicians have warned. they will call for more protests unless he reverses his move to seize power. what mara? a few people with us. this is a historical moment where we see the 1st time ever
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a lady with a prime minister in our country. we will be taking care of our responsibilities in such a moment. it's an honor to tea and fortune. as in women, seeing he was our prime minister. women can be successful leaders just as men can and have a clear vision. exactly like ma'am. i hope with the blessings of god that you can within the next coming days, nominate the proper names. your cabinet, ja. we've lost a lot of time and we need to act quickly with full harmony between members. if your cabinet work hard to fight corruption or that going on with that. well, let's cross over the tune. now we can speak to ben as smith and bennett's. what more do we know about chinese is 1st women prime minister. we know that national vote is a geologist by profession. she has worked a little bit of the world bank but has very, very little amazon political experience. and she's been thrust into the spotlight here in junior geo. right at a crucial moment just as the pressure was building on the president of his failure
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since he sees power 2 months ago. busy to a point, a prime minister and a cabinet, she now goes ahead at a points cabinets which under ordinary circumstances, before the president seized, all powers would be approved by parliament. her appointment would be approved by parliament and the cabinet. would the problem would also prove the cabinet. it seems now the prime minister is serving at the precedence. pleasure, so that it will be a different dynamic kind of different types of pressures on how we know the president's been criticized a lot, but failing to consult. so will the president be willing to consult with this woman? is now appointed as prime minister? will this go any way to play kate? those who say who say that he's fighting to consult while on tuesday civil society groups and the coalition of political parties were telling the, asked the president,
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what was going to happen after 2 months criticizing the seizure of power. and this failure to come up in these last 2 months with any sort of transitional progression from, from the situation to unity. and now any sort of concrete economic policies, because this is what's driving all of this, this economic crisis unit is in compounded by the pound demick and already trinity as powerful labor union has said that that's still not impressed with this appointment. the presidents of failure to consult we, he said we, if he doesn't consult with us, if he doesn't speak was then we will move on instead with our own peaceful, civil struggle or badly my benefit there in judas. let's bring in riyadh valley. he's also in judice and a lawyer and a political activist. read good to have you here. so what's your assessment of what's going on here? new sites motivation to select random ok.
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first of all, i was hearing a bit what, what you was saying and you get to saying and i was almost smiling because come on let's, let's go to things by their names. and let's not me see me see your viewers with the words. i mean it's not there just either we misleading but, but the words aren't receiving when we say prime minister, i mean, it's almost a joke. a miss, danny has absolutely no power, no prayer get you've heard or so the, the word concert. no, i mean it's not about concert and it's it's, i mean the i said is giving orders and i just want to emphasize one thing. i also heard cabinets there is no coming at. i mean, miss danny is just a simpler public servant and i just want to say something. yes,
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if tomorrow if tomorrow i mean the justice will decide if what happened indonesia is a group. so it's a crime. and anybody who will be part of this cry will also be tried because no way to placate that is saying that the president is failing consulting your view. i mean, what, what the appointment to what the nomination know give something to do? nothing. absolutely nothing. i mean, i said, remind the only designer, indonesia, i mean we cannot even challenge his decision. i mean it's, it's nowhere in the word. no, we're in the word, we have something like that. i mean, his decision are even superior to the constitution. so what can you absolutely
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nothing and i do really emphasize when we say prime minister, i mean we do mislead, especially your english viewers because miss and i'm, danny, has absolutely no power. we had the formation of this coalition yesterday on tuesday didn't way. so what will be their responses and how will this proceed going forward? now, do you think the situation is now the situation is now hanging between the hands of the opposition? and the 2nd part, which is the most important part in the story, is the general generation union city and without the union, without you but the, you and your nothing would happen. and maybe your view is doesn't pretty know what things how things are happening in 2010,
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2011. we've been 90. but the tradition revolution at that time we've done a lot of for high, we the, the internet's facebook, et cetera. but in fact, the most important actor for the junior year revolution was the easiest to do the tradition union. and the day where the technician union will go to go on the street . it's over for i said, and now into no, i think the tradition is john still more or less weiss i would have preferred to morrow to see them a bit more offensive but it's okay. it's okay. and they, i will say, i read that i will talk about wisdom. so yeah . very quickly. i mean they, for the, for the 1st statement they were more or less nice. and in their last statement
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they were a bit more severe and it, nothing change. i think they will go, they will go much further. right? it'll be interesting to see how things pan out in the coming days. read your father . we appreciate your respect on this. thanks very much indeed. sure. when it comes lava from a volcano, erupt to your la palmer island in the canary islands, the city, the atlantic ocean, huge cloud of toxic dust, has been created as the molten rock hit. sea water. the spanish government is declared, let palmer a disaster. then nicholas track is in la palmer right now. and nick, this is exactly what everybody was talking about. the syrian a molten lava crushing into the sea. yeah, i mean this is really something that's wearing neighboring villages were in the courts and i just spoke to the mayor here and he told me that he had an evacuation plan since 2014. there was much anticipation that there would be some sort of
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volcanic eruption, but no one knew when exactly it would come when vulcan ologist told me that there were there was helium gas flowing out in 20 and october 2017. it's as if he said, the earth's surface was sending a telegram warning that this erection would take place, but the magnitude of something that no one had anticipated. and despite all the technology advances that we have that image, it's computer modeling the, the scientist, the book on all just didn't anticipate the flow of the lava right now. what we have behind me is it flowing love on one side, and then another on another stream. on the other side. it's becoming a torrent of lava flowing into the ocean, creating some sort of delta by the ocean. of course, the animal, the life sensing danger must, many of them have left the area. but we've noticed that the ocean as change in some areas color it's, it's gotten murky and grey, and well, there's toxic chemicals being spewed inside this ocean also coming out on the cloud
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. there's also minerals, which in the long run, scientists would say, will, will bring more diversity and more marine life in this area. but in the short term, this volcano has called enormous destruction as we saw people. and then i saw this morning, the mayor line us, which is the village where the love is reaching the feet in tear seeing the sheer destruction caused by this volcanic eruption that cease to they seems to be gaining an intensity. rather than slowing down nick the fact that is getting worse, it must make very hard for people to, to put their minds to how they going to come back from this to recover. that's right. and i mean, something to be worth remembering is that not only is there 7000 people displaced, but there's also what the government authority say, 580 official government buildings, churches,
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police stations. so these buildings and over a 100 years old, holding family or land deeds and record that has all gone into flames. and for some people that lived on come to europe, well they didn't have any land deeds. this is something that's passed on from generation to the other and some of the, some of the residents, they were saying like how we were, how are we going to recuperate or land or where are we going to move to. if we have no record of the past, so what's been lost here is not shared destruction home. it's also the memory of a community that lives here in cambridge, europe, it seems as this is happening at this destruction is happening, that it's widening and in scope. it's not only affecting this side and kimbry vieira, it's also affecting the south side where we, where vulcan ologist has picked up the seismic activity deep under the earth's crust in the mantle, 10 kilometers below, and that is gaining intensity. perhaps signaling that there's more magnet to come
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and more upson to come in the days or even months to come. nick, good, thanks for that. and it was hector in la palmer russian president vladimir putin. his host is turkish counterpart. and so she was the top one and put to not expect to discuss the conflicts and syria and libya and the possible purchase of a 2nd batch of russia's s 400, a defense missile. it is the 1st face to face meeting in 18 months. and it's written out to wrestle, said i, who's stumble and wrestle. this is the 1st time they've met, isn't it? since the pandemic start to tell us more about what's anticipated? well, make the meeting as just under way in a time when the turkish american relations are further frayed a to need to allies, turkey and u. s. e 's are are growing increasingly growing apart. just a week ago,
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prisoner was in new york, attending the united nations general assembly, and the turkish side had requested a one on one meeting with president biden, but the by the team has rejected this request so and disappointed. and also angry by did rejection president had one on back on back one way to turkey, while talking to the journalist says that he have managed to work well with the previous president bush, obama trump, but not with by didn't so far. and he also said that he and by the fail to buddies the differences in a meeting in, in new york. and he just one day later on september 24 after prayer in this tumble went on criticizing by the station. i says that the u. s. c. the quantity us is continuous support to total groups. referring to us
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partnership with the y p g, a kurdish on group located in north syria is put in a great place to turkeys, national security. and he also observed that turkey as planning or intending to buy a 2nd batch of $400.00 me file system from russia and that restraints washington. remarkably, because just after this statement, the us senate committee forums nations $130.00 that purchasing the russian made me file systems means more sanctions tube or turkey to cut for low, which is designed to come to the american adversaries. through the functions regarding tricky and u. s. a being nato allies. this is quite exceptional on that family president are going to race with biden. he has said that he has good and honest relations with president putin just before the meeting started today in sushi. well,
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let me put in the president of russia says that our corporation in the national arena continues to be successful. here i am referring to our attitudes to a studio, libya, the russian, turkish says fire cultural center on the border between the b. john and armenia continues, continue to be successful, while president jeff type ones or less fish it's, it's relation with russia and seen that this is a more though, between the 2 countries. so here on the top of the agenda, definitely there are syria and the russian escalation, escalate. who attacks on the lip is a huge concern for turkey. but the main issue, as far as the turkish american nations, are concerned with our support 100 me file systems. if not on believers on the statement that turkey might buy a 2nd batch of that's $100.00 nissan system. this means that the, the,
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the future of the turkish medical nation is also is going to be on line in this meeting. family will have the answer right? after the meeting. right, right. so thanks for that's the rest of said the stumble. 3 more head on the news are including lying in. wait, we'll tell you how the pandemic is helping traffic is pray on india's children. i'm adam rainy on an olive farm and central italy as hundreds of young environmentalists and international delegation gathered a conference in milan. we look at how italy is facing a change in climate. we go for coming up as i loses. red hot form pays off facebook and come up later in the sure ah, to pounds form of foreign minister is set to become his next prime minister after winning a leadership election and the ruling liberal democratic party. fema casita will now
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lead to part in a general election to be held by november. first, maybe as more for me. okay. she there is the new chief of japan governing liberal democratic party. he's also set to become prime minister as his party and coalition partner control the houses of parliament is the 2nd time the former foreign minister has run for the leadership after competing against outgoing premier yoshida to god last year. in his acceptance speech, he should have promised to lead the party to success in next month's general election. but that's why i want to firmly show a reborn, liberal democratic party to the japanese citizens and urge them to support us. from today i will, with all my energy gets straight to work, party members around the country and members of parliament, please work with me. a 1st round vote had failed to produce a majority winner and 2 female contenders dropped out of the race in
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a run off. he should have faced taro, co, no, and outspoken minister in charge of japan's cove at 19 vaccine roll out. who been ahead in opinion polls, but widely regarded as a safe pair of hands. case had the support of lawmakers and beat his rival by 257 votes. 270. analysts say case, she does rise to the premise ship is unlikely to affect defense and international relations. he supports close ties with western democracies to counter china's growing influence in the region. on the economy case, she has pledged to spend big on the stimulus package and emphasized the need to distribute more wealth to households. but 1st he faces a difficult challenge, a general election that has to be held by november. what i expect to see is something ambitious, like a very large stimulus package dedicated to pandemic
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management and the health system in general. although of course, nothing is really going to be implemented. this going to be no evidence of success in time to the election. so when allowed to a large extent key, she is going to be selling hope and asking the electorate trust him rather than demonstrating any concrete results there. can she, there may be seen as a stable choice. but some analysts say his bland image may work against him in the upcoming polls. florence louis al jazeera north korean stay media says a projectile launch on tuesday was a newly developed hypersonic missile. these images reported show being testified, state media says it's science has confirmed the stability of the weapon, them, it's navigational control, hypersonic missiles trouble much faster than conventional ones, making them harder to intercept cut a special invoice. i've got his don,
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it's connie on the international community, not to isolate the taliban in order to help africa. and it's going to start economic and banking system is on the verge of collapse and could west in the place of millions and desperate situations. hundreds of thousands of internally displaced, people living in make shift camps as winter approaches from practical point. if you, i think, says the current government is an effective control of the country. i think they might as well have more engagement with the existing with the, with the country, with the government. that's it. and control the country again. i think we need to have a practical approach to be more pragmatic. and i see there's more engagement from certain international stations, at least certain countries. i believe it's method of activists in india, say the pandemic has pushed more families into poverty. and that's putting children
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at risk falling incomes and rising prices of lead to some parents, sending their children out to work. and human traffickers are waiting for them on the streets. elizabeth ronan joined police on a rescue mission of money sharma and his team of rescue workers drive to a slam in the eastern indian city of port nia. they received information that traffic children being kept. they're joined by police officers. they move through the dark until they find some children hiding and clearly terrified, but as they try to lead them to safety, they're attacked by a group of men. no one is seriously injured, but in the confusion the children run away. police arrest the man they believe is the ringleader of this child trafficking operation. but the activists leave without the children they came for. sunjay. sather traveled more than 230 kilometers from the city of that bunker to pool near to find his 13 year old brother don got.
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sanchez has gone, got arm has been held in the slam by the traffickers for several months from them. or, you know, my brother is working at the processing unit and he has a movie. i like, he's not there on his own. been, even if he or others like him tried to talk to a family member, they're always listening like an increasing number of people in the eastern state of be hard. those in the slammer often forced to work for little processing. one of the regions biggest exports, low to seeds, because of the world's largest producer of low to see which are known as fox not once have been roasted. the popularity of the seeds is growing in india and broad. but children are being used to meet the rising demand with more than 2000000000 workers aged between 5 and 17. b hard has the 2nd highest number of child and adolescent work. as in india, many, a track sect. it is one of the greatest cell in this be assisting see what is
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happening that this area or near the street is bothering district got less than one and it is getting the not. so we are facing major issues of childcare seeking. and some of the children are employed in the sick, but also the latest crime figures suggest that human trafficking cases in india declined by more than 20 percent in the past year. but many sharma says that's not right. as many cases aren't registered, definitely increase bodies. and coming during the band and trafficking has increased many for often because of the covered 19 people lost jobs and traffic has used it to their advantage. their locals, the identified, paid and lost their jobs, learn them money, and liter traffic, the children and push them into child labor. the man rested in the rate on this plan remains in custody while he's investigated on suspicion of human trafficking
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and charm. but rights group, se, until the government addresses the root causes of the crime, poverty, poor education, combined with an understaffed police force and the tories, the slow justice system and these children will continue to be at risk of human trafficking. elizabeth koran m al jazeera pulled, nea be hard let spring, and now suda sean city, he's in new delhi and he's the chief executive officer of save the children. india . welcome to the program set in this situation desperate you really does provide rich grounds for exploitation, doesn't it? absolutely. if you go by your number, every percentage point increases in forward be increases point 7 percent in terms of child labor. but if you go beyond that to sticks and numbers, because those have their own limitations,
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it's about the uncertainty of today and a question mark also i will of tomorrow, which, which is families, they bring their halls livelihood as i drift. there's no way except all hands on the big, so they're big resort to whatever it takes to subway for tomorrow and try liberty as a consequence of it and not the essence of it. but it's kind of 2 things going on here . i guess a child labor is one thing, isn't it? but child trafficking. yeah. it's quite another. yeah. yeah. so whenever the vulnerability is ex intuited and uncertain times prevail, one since, one of the 1st thing that happened in pandemic is institutions have close to learn . now, in bliss, locked been in in slums, in other places where, which are not their 1st safe places. historically, there's shown that bulk of abuse in the thinking happen from plaza home
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disabilities close at home. and when there's been a lack of supervision. so on sequin lee, i think in current circumstances we cannot fully lay on data because access to data has been limited so i would will much more by common friends. back children have been people have been caught off guard. the supervision is not bad. the watch is not bad, the institutional framework is broken down and therefore tell tracking, thinking as a most logical outcome in terms of an increase, what actually happens there are they, they kind of, they could not off the streets what, what happens? so what happened, the 1st phase that happens is that be then in order to be, this kind of went, didn't come. so one of the, as soon as that happened is paid and livelihood has been thrown off gear totally. so they would be looking at doing income in every little farm and anybody's vulnerability enough will be hard with feudal and our next live
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some of the use of weakness and then, but unity for the, for the traffic because this is one of the easiest pick times just when there is a total chaos across, that is no supervision and regular security is absent at back in the traffic because it's the easiest way for them. because not only the children are not in the supervision, but they also are the easiest cheaper labor, cheap labor to access. okay. yeah, yeah, we'll have to leave it there. but we do appreciate you highlighting this for us citizens which from save the children. india. thanks very much. thank you. all right, let's move on to their well, whether his rog, mckelly we should mention this to food min delay. it's moving slowly doors. it's
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quite a major. tar finished. it's just gone past its peak is no longer the equipment of a category 5 hurricane. but it's still, i think you've got super di food wind to 215 kilometers per hour. it is slowly declining, but it is moving north and generating waves of 40 meters. it looks as though heading straight for horseshoe, possibly straight for tow care. and it is, but it's going to veer off the heart of it the worst where they will stack over the open water. which means tokyo get the edge which is persistent rain probably all day, friday, starting on thursday and the strength of wind near gale force. so this is enough to certainly cause a risk of flooding or even landslides, but it's all gone by saturday at 2 other things to look out a tropical depression in this master plenty. another one of a good you're at is already call. studying calcutta is on its way through behind a pradesh, it's not particularly worrisome because it's quite small, but it will piece and flash study. this is a much bigger affair that this will probably be named a tropical soccer,
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even if not, this is forecast for friday, causing studying throughout southern pakistan. and then so saturday and sunday, moving in towards the gulf of oma. thanks rob. i still ahead here now to sarah, has the nigerian military killed civilians again, religion say they were hits for the for says it's tucker nom, group, and inspiration to end the occupation palestinians overwhelmingly support the 6 prisoners who broke out of an israeli prison. and in sports round up the tuesday champions league including a goldfish in portugal. ah, examining the headline, we can have a political defensive.


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