tv [untitled] September 30, 2021 2:30pm-3:01pm AST
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economic growth with the energy demands of the winter months. just ahead. rob mcbride, al jazeera hong kong. lots more. all our stories on our website. the address is out there, dot com. do check it out. aah! this is al jazeera, these you top stories for my french president nicholas because he has been sentenced to a years home. detention corruption, so cozy was found guilty of illegal campaign financing. and his fail 2012 reelection bit, cutout foreign ministers described moved by the taliban on girls education as disappointing and a step backwards. mohammed been up the romano, tawny spoke off to holding talks with the foreign fast chief joseph ro, trying to demonstrate for bought yvonne as as muslim country. how muslim countries
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can conduct their laws, how they can deal with the women issues? we have one of the example is the set of products, which is i'm assume country in our constitution, our system is in a stomach system. why do we have women outnumbering men in walk forces in government and the higher education? so it's very important for the muslim countries to show good examples for thought of on in order to avoid any mistreatment for the women or misusing of yellow israeli forces have shown beds free palestinians in separate incidence. a woman was killed near alex and mosque and ocoee parties. jerusalem also allegedly trying to stand offices. and a 22 year old man died during dorn raids in the occupied west bank as well says he
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was shot often exchange of gunfire. and a palestinian man was shot dead nearby garza, israeli berry offence. the ministry of health and goddess says, israeli soldiers open fire on the 41 year old bed hunter related. died from his injuries. china is washing electricity as a struggle to contain a power crisis. now it's 2nd week, long hours of outages affecting residential areas and shopping factories. the problems caused by high cold prices type supplies, and tough rules on emissions. the death toll from the battle between rival drug gangs at a jail and ecuador has within more than $100.00. the government has declared a state of emergency across the prison system. it took security forces 5 hours to regain control of the facility. a fit for the headlines inside stories next. ah ah,
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ah ah, ah, around the license plates reignite potential between serbia and both sides of deployed soldiers and special police the border. why has one of your gotten this escalated now? this isn't ah the welcome to the program. i am ron con. there war ended 21 years ago, but ethnic and political divisions remain alive between serbia and crossover. and they've escalated in the past week over car license plates. serbia doesn't recognize call so they plates
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a makes drivers by temporary ones while going through the country when cost, if i did the same cost of a subs blog to border crossings and set a vehicle registration center on file pensions worth and when causeway send, special police to the area of serbia, lens and tanks to inside of the border and flu fight digits, overhead. nato peacekeepers have increased that patrols in the area to try and calm the situation. said me not. dead shock. been 7 days of these activities even go to race tensions and threatened serbian people that must be stopped. the situation to return to acid had been before when the circumstances were gone for normal because they have not been nominate for the past 21 years. and then we can sit down and talk you are paying commission president is visiting the region and he's urging all sides to talk. it is vital that customer in serbia normalize relations. we've been discussing the issues. i must say, i'm very concerned about the current crisis. it is important to de escalate and to
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return to the negotiation table to find a sustainable solution. and the only way to do that if you facilitated dialogue, that is the only platform to resolve the current crisis. but off your vehicle, you were last week, serbia refused the dialogue brussels while giving conditions. and this week they refused the agreement proposed by the nato lead peacekeeping classify force. we accepted both of these proposals on the cost of declared independence from serbia in 2000. and 8 of the years of strained relations between the majority ethnic albanian population and minority serbs. the u. s. and major european union countries recognize cost of his breakaway, but serbia refuses to do so. cause for his membership of the united nation is blocked by service. traditional ally, russia. about $4000.00 nato peacekeepers remain on the ground after the military
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lines intervened to end the cost of a war in 1999. the you began sponsoring talks between the 2 sides in 2013, but it made little progress. resolving the conflict is one of the main conditions for both countries to join the block. the that's bringing, i guess, in belgrade, jocko, crash format, deputy prime minister serbia in berlin bota where the senior associate at the democratization policy council and in brussels, peach accept you. policy analyst and editor in chief of brussels report dot you welcome to the program. let's begin in belgrade, where the joker crash, the course of government is accusing your government of trying to provoke a serious international conflict. wasn't doing that? well. it's obviously all based on completely unresolved relations in belgrade. and reached enough for the moment they are more or less frozen. but this particular
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incident has been provoked by the fact that i v as the goal in brussels as some measure of agreement has been achieved, including car license plates, it was a, it was set up and signed by the current president of the problem. the problem is going to be resolved by vs actually expired a few weeks ago. and the prime minister of course will be said ok. now we can resolve in 2 ways, either because from book fox to go through a drive through the respective countries without any restrictions or we will make the st. felicia that serve in the serbian place. we'll have to also provision unfortunately. and then we'll teach and send police
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a special forces at the bottom and teach the president of serbia erected very angrily. and he said basically just holding him, it's not what i think. but basically that's what he said, serbia is the record and i can't remember or q and you cannot dictate that we should change all the lights of play. think what's on the other hand is not fully recognize any country and we are not going to change our position. of course, the big question is why ben this you signed this agreement 5 years ago. and i have also to mention that the course has local elections in a month. so being the prime minister, of course, has reasons to be have. so to say, you know, that way in this particular private, on the other hand, what each one store presents can, soap is thrown. liza and the also has, you know, like 67 months, he has election serbia including presidential election. so in this case,
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we have a conflict to potential at the border or other serious one for no real reason whatsoever. car license plates are such a trivial to say thing and the cause of if you want my personal opinion on, there is absolutely no reason why this with rockwell should not be resolved in a way that also goes to serbia without home or current plates. and number plates and the soviet was 14 years old. only the quickest way of doing that is to recognise cultivate this won't come any time. so you have so i'm exposing the position of my government. my own is that, you know, recognizing the claims illegal to say, a declination of independence. and there is a number of countries in the world did not recognize independent like china, russia,
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many other countries. and i have to emphasize which is interesting that there are some countries that did not recognize independent. so 1st of all, spain, greece, slovakia, romania, cyprus. so you are neither here nor there was certainly a wants be some negotiation sentiment, but i have no idea what this particular government that i do not support. and i, i strongly disagree with these policies. i, it's unclear to me how they see a compromise in, in the case of possible declared independence. i don't see the, i've never seen a real proposal from beggars called the result. but whether in berlin, what is pristina thinking right now is it, as i guessed in belgrade, says a mixture of domestic issues, elections, and talking tough. and the fact that that hasn't been in agreement in 5 years, or is this simply kosovo, now asserting some independence? well, i would agree with my previous censor,
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the one has turned into them one of the most serious clashes and conflict dispute in years between cost one sir bill over in the framework of this is long lasting status dispute serbia, disputing the state on. so as an independent state of called the rustling, of course, the war is really has been a minor issue. this is, let me remind you. it's about a previous, a cream and one off a 2 dozen agreements struck within the context of the so called you will lead political dialogue established between cross was her ability established in 2012. and it is covering an issue of a provisional transitional agreement that started in 2011 was expanded for 5. maria's in 2016. as mr. cortez noted and expired mid of april this year. so this
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on the one hand is a very marginal issue. on the other hand, we have seen of a new government, mr. cortez government, former opposition pro does movement turn power. the government that came into government in power. the beginning of this year, much more research is not only towards serbia but also towards the west and not being flexible and maybe confirmed towards the west as any previous government. but the very fact that this minor issue and the treatment of 2016 left open to review the issue when this agreement expires, which happened on september 14 this year. and maybe to extend it for the very fact that there was no basis on, on the afford banquet and christian at this time agreeing is not only on christian mirrors. the fact that we have seen a political alex set up 201213 by a very strong performing german chance or miracle in cooperation with the entire
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u. n. d u. s. having achieved historic break for a little bit. let's talk about that is a tribal, let's talk about the used roll here is quite crucial. we have in brussels. peter, peter, i mean, where is the you in all of this right now? i mean, it said that in order to join the block, both countries need to recognize each other and they need to sort this out. that hasn't happened in 21 years. no indeed to to accept to it to expect a serbia to recognize circle civil anytime soon. as probably not, not very realistic. i think in general the situation is, of course, very dense. the sculptures go back a very long time. but here, i mean, this is a region we're european union actually does have quite a bit of inference. and particularly on, on course of all over the even can even is playing a role in its,
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its institutions. it has the role in the appointment of judges, for example, a so, so mean if of all the conflicts in the world. i mean, this is actually an area where you could have some pull. now the you has, of course, made an effort it, it has with, with limitations of course try to pacify the situation. avoid the 2 big sites, which i think is very important. it's, it's dangerous to pick a side even if you secretly think one side is more guilty than the other sites. i must say that also on the other hand, in recent years that you has missed certain opportunities. and then i'm particularly thinking of the id that is pushed forward by serbia to have some kind of a mini shing and in the, in west or bulk. and so, so the idea of serbia us to have an area where it's neighbors doesn't know the
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member of the you where they would know not be any passport checks. so i think that's something you would expect you to support. and interestingly, the countries that are most opposed to it or possible and, and montenegro so possible. where do you has most influences and montenegro that is so to speak already most integrated in the west of all the western balkan countries . given the fact that it is a nato natal member states, now they are sort of see this as a grand sir, be an id. i mean, and you can sort of follow the logic. but at the end of the day, the idea is not to have any passport checks so. so this is obviously great for people in montenegro and serbia in albany in kosovo. so perhaps i think that you should have exploited data paternity. the fact that serbia is actually proposing something that is breaking down barriers you saying august in in belgrade,
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one of the things peter cliff is saying, joker crush is actually this is a solvable conflict by the european union has some influence within the region, particularly in kosovo, so wasn't the serbian government, this thing was peace breaking out. you know, i always liked the program. i don't know where from where there is where there is wish me meaning if you really want to do something, you will find the way i keep my life experience exactly that. the problem, of course, is the serbia, everything now sees is a problem. so to say quiet nation of possible allowing strangely, not allowing possible car license plates to go through serbia. i want to explain something giving information to your audience and you 95 percent of the vehicle
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from possible bosses. they just pass or be they don't phase or be they just go through serbia into western europe because serbia is on the north proposal and they need to take this route to go into western europe. a lot of the citizens, of course, work in your country. so they just passed through, it's really a minor from it, but serbia or be able to do government sees this is so many states have agreements that said, usually mutually agreed and they are not to say on the need would be which by the way is not completed, and then i think so this lead that particular mr. today, he made this concept. he will be use of making some kind of major poll, but independent. so course i don't agree personally, i don't degree at all. i think this is the fabricate guy. this joke,
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i know you seem to be saying that this is a minor crisis, but when it comes to things like license plates when it comes to national identity and national is i'm having a little flag on your license plate or having it, it becomes a very important thing for us nations who are trying to stablish the identity base . it is about license plates. this was the spot, but this is much more than just about allowing cars to go through allowing buses to go through serbia. this is about establishing a national identity and the bottom line is that serbia doesn't recognize crossover and therefore doesn't want any cause of ensigns within serbia itself. i mean that's, that's the bottom line, right? but i'm being there, psychologist, fully aware of what you're talking about, the value of symbolic things. the cod license plates in this case are becoming a symbolic base. but the answer to this is they shouldn't because of all the
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vehicles we're actually going through sort of the, with the serbian are so called the temporary license plate. so what the the, the prime minister also wants is to make this with all, there is one problem and we are, i'm sorry to little bit expend, is the base i missed a call the became a prime minister by saying the previous government, the government here, place was actually and i'm, i literally think his, his accusation was illegal because they say bought, or they got on their side some m piece and they have a very minor the former government has a very minor majority. and so he's actually saying, i don't accept any agreement that was signed the brussels that signed by the previous government, which brings us nowhere. i don't think we should go that way because then what
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she's doing exactly the same. he's saying ok, i saw this 5 years ago, you will, you did not for some legation from best agreement on your side. so i'm not going to port obligation. my basically, this cannot go forever. there are special forces, special forces, the subs, sleeping intense. there they are going to for hours blocking. ready and curiosity, these are 2 parties. border passes between course, but one is open and some service claims that about 2000 because actually took temporary personal license plates. so it shows that there reasonable people on both sides of the on site as well. of course it will serve you on site and they know that this rank zone and the crossing the closure of the office will have effects not only political,
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but also economic because no trucks bring food that bring joke out there actually did today's we actually did reach out to the costs of the government, including the promises office to try and get the costs of in response to exactly what you're saying. they didn't get back to us. and in fact, in some cases, i think as you turn this down, but in berlin we do have a web and but you're, you're a teen watcher of the region. one of the, one of the things that we're really talking about right now is this idea of national identity and national identity being important and play through things like license plates. is this an intractable conflict? is this like an 8 at all given the between 2 countries? it's just unresolved both simply because these are 2 very young nation states who are trying to establish a national identity. is, i mean, this kind of rhetoric and narrative about intractable and ethnic nationalist
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conflict. we have seen in the, during the 9900 wars, but they were more re, a reflection of the west liking the political will to serious engage this conflict is all but intractable. let me remind you that in 201213 when, when left by germany, jensen, american, and the u. s. and you pay the use seriously with us support started to deal with the state of dispute. they managed to establish the political dialogue. acosta will serve you will lead they manage to pressure served with their leverage towards recognizing the fact recognizing existence of an independent fate of course with the loss of causal for the state of serbia. we had the april 2013 agreement, which was the fact no recognition through the linking or the conditioning of your memberships. perspective for a survey with the recognizing the reality of on the oven in the pending cause. the way it was only a question of time to follow through with that dialogue,
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whether the you and the west did not follow through the dialogues credibly slept and slipped into prices and turned into your opposite and turned into serbia and costs of all the leaders. exploiting the weakness of the west and trying to turn this dialogue into their pursuit. so for 5 years, this negotiation on crises and the fact that the minor issue of a provisional agreement on license plate, but behind which is the bigger issue of recognition, of course, which i repeat was not an issue. we had a break for a potential one on this 10 years ago. that is, it returned to us in the west. let's bring in people in brussels. we're talking about license plates were much more now we're talking about regional rivalries. every tongue told costs why we talk about the european union. every tongue seems to be serbia. we talk about russia. we're talking about very
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powerful plays backing these 2 small countries. and that's why this conflict hasn't been solved in 21 years. it's just a failure. there right, well yeah, i mean, obviously i think we should always stress that the problem is there, i mean, and whatever mistake that you may have made, ultimately, the problem is with the course of all and serbia. now that sets with a previous guest also mentioned is that the you have to actually follow true on his promises. and i think that's true. you has been making what you could call perhaps false promises a, suggesting that your membership was around the corner. and interestingly, today, it emerged that there were diplomatic reports revealing basically what everybody knows, that there's great opposition in your member states against a rushing to grands membership to these wester bolcom country. so i think the lesson here are to, 1st of all,
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that you should refrain from making or the false promise of a quick you membership. and secondly, they should also have an alternative us, an alternative that does not mean that these countries will never become member of the you, but some kind of an arrangement that already could mean some progress. and there again, i would like to mention this kind of id of a single markets or a michigan passport free zone for des, west or balkan countries are not yet a member of the european union. and i think those are realistic projects that already paid, who we already have to point. i do want to put your point to all of the guess i'm going to start in belgrade. first with a joke. crash joker is e u membership. that much of a deal for serbia that is willing to solve it's complex with cost of in order to get it, or the membership, not even
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a thing that is worth even discussing loca you enough famous for having all kinds of burning soon. agreements that basically say an essence, but the thing is really different. i will give you an example. i'm not sure survey will live up fully recognized score so in depend that back to you can all the science. so for a mutually by being agreed, that's it. so or so we agreed not to block 1st of all, beats to become member of you and so you can always have ways to find the solution. and i'm going to have to cut you off x. i do want to make this point to bother web as well. is your membership important for christina? just very quickly. it is important for both countries until that membership perspective was credible. we were on the path for serbia solving the issue and
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record to we're moving towards recognizing costs. since we have a sped among member states over enlargement. when we have a serious conflict between the french president mcroy, truly being against enlargement and a membership perspective and berlin, this perspective became an credible and the whole dialogue and the solution to work the solution is the status dispute was waning and that's why we would end it in this and if we don't have this membership perspective, we will either solve this conflict and we will move back into open conflict. i want to thank all august jog, crash, but whoever and peter can pay and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website out there at dot com. and for further discussion goes, well facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. and you can also join the conversation on twitter. we are at a inside story for me and ron calling and the whole team hit
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i just found mother box this year on al jazeera. ah, ah, i'm hello, he didn't jo her with the headlines on al jazeera for my french president's week with us. he has been sentenced to a year in homes attention for corruption. so because he was found guilty of a legal campaign financing in his failed 2012 reelection bits, especially butler has more nicholas because he wasn't actually in the court here in paris to hear the verdict. but the judge found guilty of illegal campaign financing. his 13 coach you also found guilty on the.
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