tv [untitled] October 2, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm AST
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those rough seas will ease as hurricane sam moves off to the north east. the weather sponsored by cattle airways, boated world best airline of 2021. ah . this is al jazeera. ah. hi there. i'm can vanelle. this is the news r lied from doha. coming up the next 60 minutes, 4000 refugees and migrants are detained during raids in libya. authority say they'll report as many as possible. the taliban says it's talking to the u. s. on improving relations, but it's made clear it's anger about america's drone operations in afghanistan and of an era, or is it going for the been president when we go to turn
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a says he's retiring from politics ahead of next year's elections. voting takes place in katara and the gulf nation's 1st legislative election and in sport pressure mounts on barcelona. as embattled coach, ronald came in, the dutchman admits rumors that he's about to be fired are probably true as ours prepare space, spanish champions, atlantic madrid later on saturday. ah, $4000.00 refugees and migrants, including women and children, have been rounded up and detained. and libya is described is one of the largest crackdowns in recent years. libya is a transit hub for people mainly from other parts of africa. and i'm at least trying to cross mediterranean to europe. molly trainers live for us now in tripoli. malik, what more do we know?
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well, when the government of national unity, that's the current government in power in libya, when they came into power in march through a political settlement. they started a campaign called renewing life to the capital. that campaign entailed clean up. the city rebuilding infrastructure like parts and recreational areas and pursuing illegal activity. so friday morning, officials said they, they carried out a plan security operation in the area of good gattis and go see now that's an area of known to many, many libyans here as a drug hub, a lot of drug trafficking and illegal activity happens here. they went into, they went into the area and according to officials in the ministry of interior, they arrested over 4000 illegal migrants. now, libya has long been a transit hub for migrants trying to reach your pin shores after the revolution
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that toppled wal mart get daffy and the political divisions and conflict in the country. those numbers have certainly increased just to give you a number or 2021. according to iowa, libya over 25285 migrants have been returned from sea to libya. there are 455. that's the and over $660.00 missing. so, you know, this is a campaign by the government of national unity to crack down on illegal activities and to sort of, you know, polish their image among regular libyans here. they've actually done a quite a pretty good job in, in, in clean up the city. but, you know, now there's parks and recreational areas that have been, that have been built. so i think this is a campaign to sort of, you know, let libyans know, or at least both and tripoli that the government is empowered, they're trying to crack down on illegal activities and,
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and clean up the city. of course, there are critics saying that, you know, there are, there was abuses against migrants yesterday, but we're gonna have to wait and see unless until investigations come out and, and what this means are moving forward. i'm malik trainer. thank you very much for that update. beth turning to afghanistan, where the taliban says it speaking directly to the us about building relations more than a month after american and foreign forces withdrew. but in an interview with al jazeera, the tele barnes foreign affairs spokesman, denounced to us drone operations in afghan as base their violation of our territorial integrity of afghanistan. it is a blatant and a clear violation, or it is against the commitments that the united states of america made her in the doe. her agreement. that though her agreement clearly stipulates that
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to the united states and the other countries as well. its allies will not interfere in the internal affairs of, of the understand they are not only violating their own commitments, but they are also violating international law from on this desk. i live now to hashem armada, who is in campbell hash. hm. so on the one hand, the telephone is denouncing us activity in afghan airspace bit, but it's also speaking directly with washington. what, what, what should we make of all of this? well basically, kim, this, it shows the dilemma that all the parties are facing in afghanistan, the taliban took over the one the war. but suddenly they found themselves grappling with how to run the country. they need resources, they need cash. the need assets are frozen in the us. they need the international recognition to be able to move forward. in the absence of that, they will have
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a huge problem financial and political, and one day they won't be able to feed their own people. and this explains why they are desperate for international recognition. they had high hopes that the americans would step in, but the americans are waiting to see whether the taliban of to day are not the taliban of 1996 with the 1st took over the country. and this explains why on one hand the taliban. i'll upset with the americans because they have intercepted what they say are drones, which have been flag over their space of a virus and they say this should stop. but at the end of the day are we? we've been told by many taliban officials that the direct talks with the americas and the hoping to convince the americans to deal with their taliban for them. that will be a cornerstone that would prove the way for more stability in of one is than hash an innocent. he was also discussed the rights of women and girls and their civic engagement or role in civic society. what was said on that front. well i
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have to say there is, there, there seems to be a divide within the taliban about how to tackle issues, particularly a given women a big it's saying that government women's role and gender segregation and the decision to put restrictions on girls education and to deny female, secondary as students from going to school has back 5 in a way or another, even those have been asking to and the isolation of the taliban like kata and pakistan have been very critical lately of the taliban saying that it's about time for the taliban to understand that there are realities on the ground, they have to lea a just where they have to reinvent themselves to be able to move forward. and this explains why when, when i spoke with other aha bulky, the spokesman of the taliban minister of foreign affairs. he is say exactly that e, we should give the tally than some time to figure out how to before this, listen to what he had to say. we have committed and we have guaranteed
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all the rights that have been afforded to women in islam. that is the right to education, the right to health care, the right to work. and are they the, the process that the world wants us for the steps they once want us to take, we are taking them, we have seen progress in them. we understand all the complexities offer off the of the current world or we understand it very well and we are working. oh, but again, i must emphasize that as the saying sit goes, the room was not built in a day. we understand the weld, we understand the different complex political realities as, as abdel ha ha belle, he said, but then we have to tell our viewers that the 1996 with the taliban took over. there were a different group run by one single person,
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the middle mormon in the commander of the faithful were la alma, along with tribal leaders and clerics. and then they had a different version, a different world view about how afghan should stand. the thought that a puritanical conservative society would be the best way to protect of god is that to day you have different views within the taliban. you have those who say we've been doing business with different key players in the world. and we have to understand that if we don't reinvent ourselves, we will never be able to move forward. but you have those hard line tardy that leaders, those from the 1996 era who still say that if we make confessions with, with comes to identity sherry alo, islamic laws given women more freedom that could in undermine our reputation by the also could create some sense of a discourse among the of the conservatives her remain. i have to say the backbone
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of the taliban movement. will they be able to set aside those differences and move forward? well, i don't know at this particular moment, but from talking to many, many taliban leaders, they do one the stand that this time, the options left for them are very few. and there's absolutely no way they can move forward and get international recognition if they don't make concessions. hash mahabharata. thank you for that update in cobble are going for the pin president, rodrigo de tirty has announced he's retiring from politics. he confirmed, he won't stand for the vice presidency and next to his elections, despite speculation, to the country. the turtle is constitutionally prohibited from standing for president. again, he says there is overwhelming public sentiment that trying to become vice president would violate the spirit of the constitution. jamila eleanor can has more formula whether the terry has claimed that he is going to retire from politics will impact
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the 2022 elections remain to be seen. that is because there is still around 6 days to go before the ending of the filing of candidacy. and there is still up to november 15th, where parties and candidates are allowed to switch candidates. this is a multi party system where you can have as many as 76 candidates in a presidential elections where you can have those backing out, supporting another others pledging allegiance, and pulling out, you know, loyalty and alliances. at this point, it is definitely too early to tell and it was the 3rd it did today. president of the good that there is switching and changing his mind is quintessentially the 3rd day. this is his political fire, but what we mean to be seed is who will field, who will be the administration bet for the 2022 presidential elections. there is still no opposition candidate, and even his former ally boxer manufacturer has already pulled out. so again, it remains to be seen, it will take several months before we truly know who really has
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a strong chance of becoming the next president of the philippines. joining us for manila is criselda ya, this a journalist and author, thanks very much for joining us on the orange is there a news are so today has said that he will quit before. is there any indication that this time will be different? it's really hard to tell because this statement is so well crafted and it doesn't sound a lot like him. and so it's, you know, i would say this with a lot of skepticism and you never really know until the last day of the filing of the candidacy and even wait until november to see if you might, you know, there might be a switch of candidates. so it's, it's, it's really a matter of time. i mean, but i wouldn't like hold my breath. it's really, you know, just waiting to see whether he's going to do it or not. what do you mean by it's a well crafted, d mean there have been, you know, sort of gaps left where one could, could interpret it in different ways. well,
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the thing there is, it's written in a very, very clean statement. normally when this, when the president says something he says during his 9th time addresses so, and he comes out berries when they knew about things. but this one it's, it's a statement, it's a written statement. so we don't really know what's behind it. what made him do it on would it is there like, you know, an agenda behind it? we're with there be other interpretations to it. it's really very hard to know. ok until, you know, like i said, the last day comes yeah. what about his daughter? because there's been some speculation that he sort of paving the way for her waiting in the wings. well, that's the thing, and they've been tripping the highest office in the country like it's a family affair. a few months ago there was
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a cliff over who should run for what she was upset that he was going to run with his own right hand man who is now senator. and then recently she also said that she wouldn't run for office for the highest office if her father is going to run. so it's, it's been kind of confusing and it's becoming like a game almost like a circus. in fact, um, so no one will really know until it's done, you know, and if he says, if it's really true about this, then maybe it's the best thing for the country. sure. they, i say, has given the green light for a prob, into alleged crimes against humanity of the so called war on drugs which killed thousands of people, one risks to face. if he's not the president what a lot. and he could be arrested. and it also depends on who the next president will
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be. that's the way it's going to go. i mean, the reason for him to stay in ball what i mean for him not to be indicted not to be arrested. the best way for him to do to stay out of out of jail is to basically stay an hour. and now with him saying that he's not going to run for office. you know, one never knows what might come out of it. all right, thank you very much for your analysis there from manila, criselda ya, this thank you. lent him are head on the news are included more than 700000 deaths from cove at 19 in the us for the del, for variance spread rapidly among those who have not been vaccinated. the routing volcano, when the canary islands, it shows that even more intensity after 2 more cracks appear and in sport, this tennessee antenna stars bear season,
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yet continues far. i will have the details of the literal ah, george's former president mc, hairless aka surely has spent the night in detention after returning from exile to support the opposition for elections. he was detained just hours after arriving in the country. he was seen smiling as police, took him into custody, soccer shrilly had called on people to vote against the governing party on saturdays, local, and action. then hold street protests. he was convicted in and sent here in 2018 for abuse of power, but insist the case was politically motivated. i did go to him for officer walker who is in to please see for us robin to take us through the last 24 hours. because a lot has happened yeah. well i, i could say that we, we, nobody really was expecting me cossack as really, to just suddenly turn up in georgia. he somehow snuck in under the noses of the
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authorities. i, he, he's accused of illegally crossing the state border. and even when he was here with his grainy footage of him popping up in, by to me on the coast of the black sea. no one really quite believed that he was here and it all day. busy the government's government officials, government party speakers were saying that he's a clown. this is nonsense. he's in ukraine. we spoken to the ukranian authorities. he's not here. and in suddenly, last night, the prime minister of georgia, iraqi, guided by phil, comes off on air and says, we've arrested him. and then we see that footage of him smiling as he was led into detention. and it's interesting that he did have a smile on his face because clearly because really has a strategy and aim and intention to create the conditions for change in georgia.
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he believes that by turning up just before election day, he could somehow shift the balance of power here. and he believes that georgians will come out in large numbers to decisively show that they have lost confidence in the current governing georgia dream party. and what we've been seeing today is at least anecdotally, yes, i'm quite busy a precinct, sir. quite quite a lot of queues at a different polling stations that i passed and been to around the city of tbilisi, at least, which suggested that maybe yes, people have been fired out. the question is whether they've been fired up to come out and vote down these governments, or whether actually many georgians are uncomfortable about me. i'll suck as it is still casting his shadow over the jordan political scene. he's been tried in absentia. he's now in prison. and many of the many georgians,
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remember his time in office. yes, he carried out reforms, but he also was very heavy handed with it. his police, a lot of george's ended up in prison for very minor offenses. so he's a very divisive character. now we're waiting to see once polls close have closed. what's at. busy least a exit polls are gonna get to show us the up, the governing. sorry, the opposition are really hoping that this government, sir, will have fared poorly enough for, for them to be justified in saying it's time for snap parliamentary elections. but again, we're waiting now to see just what kind of an impact nichols, zachary really has had on today's voting and thank you. had aunt robin for us there, walker interval easy. united states has surpassed 700000 deaths from covered 19. it remains the worst effected country accounting for 15
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percent shall feet. 4.7000000 fatality is worldwide. about 67 percent of eligible us adults are fully vaccinated, leaving $70000000.00 who are still not received a shot despite there being widely available, free of charge. as kaleon is an epidemiologist and a national public health official, he explained where vaccination resistance is having the worst impact were seen significant a pockets of course in the southeast, in the, in the mid west. and definitely in parts of, as we say, southern areas of our, of our country, which justly points to the fact that this of sustain activity, and especially the way it's in it's impacting the unvaccinated is, is such a concern, especially as we talk about the fact that deaf rates or deaf counts that we see are lagging indicators. so by the time individuals are dying, we've already gone through a significant progression these,
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which will continue to perpetuate in our, in our society of which the sad part of all this, when we think about data and more specifically around the access are, there are certain countries in the world where people still don't have access to vaccines, the vaccines are readily available, especially in attendance to individuals who may not necessarily be able to build themselves of it. and even so we've seen in this country alone, only about $64.00, roughly 65 percent that have gotten one dose at least one dose. but when you look at the bully vaccinated that that percentage is roughly about 55 percent. so less than half or a little bit more than half, sorry, our population are fully vaccinated. in the midst of a global pandemic, it's totally mystified. california will become the 1st usa to make vaccinations, compulsory for school children. governor gavin use them, wants it to come into effect from january. the mandates for 12 to 15 year olds is
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pending approval from us regulations. rivers of lava are continuing tissue from the convey her volcano in the canary islands. new fishes have been opening up, giving rise to more options. hundreds of homes have been destroyed in thousands of people have been forced to leave thousands more being told to stay in doors to avoid inhaling to thick smoke coming from volcano. let spring in general hull he was on the island of la palmer jona were getting details about the reach of the lather, extending. what more can you tell us? well, i have said all along, this is an unpredictable event. this eruption that is constantly evolving the vulgar balkan ologist of warned people to expect anything at any time. and so it has proven in the past few days. let me step out the way so that you can have a closer look at this extraordinary view of an erupting volcano. here you can see the larva spewing high into the air. there. a new vent that was opened on thursday
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night is now in full flow. it's been described as a new focus of the eruption it's emitting more liquid, faster flowing lava, which is now heading off in a new lava stream, a new direction towards the north. it's expected that the topography of the mountain side will eventually lead it round in a loop to join the original lava stream heading down to the sea. but the war is that in the creation of that loop around it takes in more property, potentially more buildings. and infrastructure in its path that we know that over night, there were more buildings that did so come engulfed by the lover, although at this point were told, houses are not under threat or the head of the local government in a press conference described as a worrying he said this meant more drama ahead, potentially more people who would need to be helped. there are no current plans for
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further evacuation, but of course the worry will be that among $6000.00 people already evacuated, that at least some of them may in the coming days and hours lose some of their property or potentially their homes. turner from what we're looking at, it seems like that the smoke is i thankfully heading in the direction away from you . i believe more people are now being told to stay at home because of potentially toxic gas. just tell us the latest on that front. yeah, although this is a function of the said, a deteriorating air quality as the eruption escalates, and it's in a period of escalation. now it goes up and down, of course. and this has been described as part of the natural pattern of an event like this. but as it escalates, so the air toxicity changes. we're talking about sulfur dioxide being emitted or other sulfur derivatives. also in that smoke behind me very fine particles of volcanic ash and combined these things can have an effect on the eyes, on the skin, they can trouble the lungs and the throat even than so
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a new order has gone out in areas down the western slopes they're down towards the sea, more in the trajectory, as you said, of the smoke, for people in 2 particular communities, 3 and a half 1000 of them to remain in doors at to keep doors and windows shut, possibly even to tape them off if necessary, and avoid using the air conditioning, and that's a goes to prevent bringing outside air into the living spaces. now imagine having to do that to live in an isolated space like that in temperatures of 30 degrees or more pretty uncomfortable indeed, or i thank you for that. and then john hall on the palmer. let's take a look now. the world where there has kara. hello there. the unsettled weather continues, the southern areas of south america. you can see from the cloud cover we've got weather systems pounding patagonia, a wet and windy weather. the southern areas of chile, an argentina, but it swirls out to the east taking all of those conditions to burn. i said as we are going to see the temperature come down here or the next few days as that
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weather pushes further east or to the north of this was he some really wet weather? indeed for parts of uruguay and paraguay, and coastal areas of brazil, we are going to see a lot of the heat knocked out of sao paolo and rio de janeiro. if you look at the 3 day without polar, we are going to dip down to 18 degrees by tuesday. as that wet weather comes into play no further north of this. for the amazon basin, we are seeing scattered showers and thunderstorms, those heaviest, rough northern areas of brazil, and northern areas of peru as well as columbia, where we could see some further flooding in that wet weather pushes into panama and costa rica as we move to central america is something rather wet across much of mexico, scattered showers and storms heavier in the eastern areas. and as we move further east to his panola, we are seeing some very weather coming into play. over the next few days, those rough seas will ease as hurricane sam moved off to the north. east. ain't more to come here on al jazeera. why locals in the small colombian towns,
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a refugees and migrants, mostly from haiti, pricing them out of. how's it? what length and self and frustrating coalition talks mean for the future of european democracy. and in sports, we'll hear from tom brady, the superstar quarterback for parents to make as big returned to new england. ah. on counting the cost under the miracles, legacy and german economy, that is the envy of the world. but unprepared for the digital age, apple kicks out game, make an effort from his app store. is the phone, make it abusing is monopoly and afghan businesses and losing international customers? counting the cost on al, just that. ah, bolden untold stories from asia and the pacific on al jazeera. this is one of the
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most astounding on the logical revolutions in all of the make our planner great. we have to meet the seo tool emission targets electrical newton meter dimension many to be mind can where people are just talking about wind and solar. is it that's going to solve the problem? it won't. the world of business and commerce is driving the energy transition is the promise of clean energy and illusion. the top side of green energy on al jazeera lou ah, ah. watching al jazeera reminder about hauled stories, this all 4000 refugees in migrants including women and children, have been rounded up and detained in libya, the country has
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a transit hub. the people may be from africa and the middle east trying to cross mediterranean to europe. but taliban says in speaking directly to the us about building relations bus, the telephones foreign affairs spokesman denounced to us drone operations in afghan aspects as a violation of international law. outgoing for the being president, rodrigo de tirty has announced he's retiring from politics. we confirmed, he won't stand for the vice presidency and next year's elections, despite speculation to the contrary. let's go back now to our top story. libby is cracked out on refugees and migrants. while a trainer has more from tripoli on why the government is doing it. libya has long been a transit hub for migrants trying to reach your pin shores after the revolution that toppled wal mart daffy and the political divisions and conflict in the country. those numbers have certainly increased just to give you a number for,
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for 2021. according to iowa, libya over 25285 migrants have been returned from sea to libya. there are 455. that's as the and over $660.00 missing. so, you know, this is a campaign by the government of national unity to crack down on illegal activities and to sort of, you know, polish their image among regular living here. and of course, there are critics saying that, you know, there, there was abuses against migrants yesterday, but we're going to have to wait and see unless, until investigations come out and, and what this means moving forward, at least 6 people have been killed in yemen, southern governance is aiden during fighting between local gunman and the u. i. e. back to southern transitional council. separately, the gunman were demanding the release of a number of people arrested during recent protests, demonstrations had been angered fine to terror rating living conditions.
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