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tv   [untitled]    October 5, 2021 2:30am-3:01am AST

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the extraordinary losses to its economy, it's tourist resorts sitting empty, evacuated the question of course is how long is all of this going to go on for? well, the volcano shows no sign of slowing down. no, great surprise there. the average duration of an event like this is $58.00 days. and yet here we are at the empty tables and the empty beaches on day 60. jonah hall al jazeera on la, paloma island in the atlantic ocean. william shatner is boldly going when no other sy fi stars have gone to actual space. and and hero actor famously played captain kirk in the us, sy fi series star trek, and now he will be joining 3 others on board. a blue origin cat show which will blast off from texas next week. shatt now will become the oldest person to go to space so far. ah,
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hello, you're watching out his ear and these are the top stories this. our social media platforms aren't by facebook are slowly starting to get back to normal, having, being knocked offline for several hours. millions of uses worldwide have been hit by the social media outage. rosalind jordan has this update from washington dc. the i returned to service for customers, really just it's just random. some people are getting their instagram back. some people are getting their what's out back. and i think we have to look back at the chief technology officers of statement on twitter that teams are trying to reconnect network connections. and so there is no rhyme or reason as to whoa when people are going to get their access back to their accounts. but it does appear, at least at this point. ah, that as far as facebook is concerned, there's nothing nefarious has happened. a, the oak is prime minister abbey homage has been sworn in for a 2nd term. he bound to protect the country from foreign interference and made
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global criticism of the conflict in the ticker i region. you and investigation says all sides in levy is conflict, have committed violations that may include wall crimes, a days how's accounts of murder, torture, enslavement and bright may be his pain in conflict since the death of its former laid him y mondrey daffy in 2011. investigate is in california trying to find out why 126000 gallons of oil leaked from a rig. 4 kilometers from shore crews are working around the clock to contain the sleek in the pacific and clean up bowls of town on the coast. the mayor of one coast to community is called it an environmental catastrophe. sedans, government has wanted about to run out of medicine, fuel and weight because of the closure of its main port, protest is have blocked roads around port sedan against poor economic conditions in the region. those are the headline states you now for people and power. on
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counting the cost under the marco's legacy, the german economy, that is the envy of the world, but unprepared for the digital age, apple kicks on game make an effort from his app store is the phone maker abusing it's monopoly and afghan businesses and losing international customers. counting the cost on algebraic ah, recycling used clothing unjustly hopes reduced their carbon emissions from the global flesh and business. but what happens to the 2nd hand government donated to charity shops in the developed world? some a re sold in the west. many of them end up in canada where they support a major industry, employing thousands of people, but they are also now creating a toxic environmental ah
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ah, on the coast of west africa, the ships arrive, day after day, with an unrelenting cargo in ghana, they call them a brawny while with the clothes of dead white men and went whipping was shot demik into. whoops. okay. light blue. so this one's way, let me pull it there. the charity shop tossed offs from the western world did
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sweat to see a rubbish. lucky shot. too many of them arrived in unwearable condition while the tried in used clothes has created thousands of jobs. it's also turning parts of ghana into a toxic landfill. the world's unwanted fashion ends its journey here. and it's creating an environmental catastrophe of unthinkable proportions. oh, oh. you know, cra, the working day begins long before dawn with thousands of ghanaians make their daily migration into the center. is this west
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african capital from old father mock across the biggest slum iesha, he dresser, and her 18 month old son sharif, joined the throng, working in the secondhand clothes tried, ah enough, incrementally. well, we can let j b a back it up that was it. m l m o l l yeah. now i have a young boy and i sat down a sorry a samoa starts his day early to he's a successful importer of used closing hours follow my
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broadband class. we are doing business and fortunate to my brother, possibly. so he hand written to me, i'm always and got lots, you know, because you made me who i am to die new battles rav and a salary is checking on his order. anyway. that'd be nice. yeah, and i'm in front of his out of these piles of being dispatched to almost every corner of a cross commercial hot the scrolling can't demand to market so bustling labrenz. we're almost everything. his resume with
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these markets are one of the biggest in west africa. if not the world, and there are central hub, the 2nd hand clothing from here, i get shipped all over africa. for the past 2 decades, the re style of western cast offs has boone t. it's created of thousands of jobs. oh, good luck. these men and women, a retailers eager to see the best clothes from a prize. you buy a 0 friends this morning. there's lots at stake. i got for now. so for the next few moments, the rule. so arch competitors. if they don't grab the best clothes,
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they don't make money. i owe you with, i'm sure is on her way to collect a bile of clothes, from a sorry, the importer, and i will follow, no doubt, shop all white and black and black. so we get it, but close. yeah. she's a car young or head porter. zachary and i have not missed that family and i let them yet. it's both faculty staff is less than mine, donna's ty, women. i usually displaced from the villages in the north of the country by
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conflict or unemployment cargo. but even in a crow, osher is lucky to win $5.00 a die. i did get shocked with the bottle of cleansing. she's carrying twice more than 50 kilograms. it's tough and dangerous work. if your home listed great alpha, no, i don't. when you get my head, not enough for myself, i have put my money. i want it who i'm sad to flee. the tried and used clothing is also risky for importance. they pay up front as much
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as $95000.00 for a container with no guarantee if the clothes inside it are any good i lose. yeah. now i say, yeah, we were looking for knowing that it's not easy. sometimes if you don't have money to do business does business is not easy for you. sometimes you will go and bought, bought sonton, then you caught, you will not get to what you want. then you lose your money. sorry, imports as many as 3000000 items of used clothing every year. most of it from the united kingdom. when he finds western exporters with good quality clothes prophets are there for the taking so if you know inside that this moves his fire now while you are willing to bite, then you get your profit. if you don't know that this boost,
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it's nice that you guys bought in it and a loose your money. a sorry, also sells to other retailers in can't demand our market. western cast offs so cheap that local text all night is can't compete. since the 1980s, their output has fallen by as much as 75 percent. ah! every evening with the markets customers heading home, a clean up operation begins with allie's tools, unsolvable clothing a swept up and bundled into sacks, ready for tomorrow's collection.
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the next morning the she volume of weiss is staggering. ah. that before it's even been driven away. i buy another load of used clothing appears. it is put up to sail. i never really like solomon noy is the city's weist manager. this place is very nice at dumping ground for tech star. we're in the near more for 2nd globin ah. close to 40 percent of what they're buy, shipment. but they are coming on a daily basis and soft to be complete, chopped off,
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no value every day. this truck is food to overflowing with this roughly 6000000 garments every weight that life can to mankind market is waste . and a huge proportion of all of that clothing is trucks, 2 hours north of a crop and ends up being dumped his landfill. ah, the pressure from the used closing industry is relentless. the city of a cra now has to find some way to dispose of more than 160 tons of textile waste.
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every single day. with black christiane miko is a ring. tyler, who sells her stock outside the city and i wanted it to help me. i mean, if i, if i fill a with, with high and a long time and a half with him to mouth
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existence for the single mother of 3, it travels for hours between can't manta market and alkaline villages. ah, she says she fell into the tried after her brother used juju. sorcery to force her off the family farm. not because miss always helpful. let me be that. actually i miss away prius bean, see me quite homework. actually. i mistake on what day it grew say, when in one today as i see, i mean one told me miss amy seek lulu when you feel foolish back. ah,
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had she goes from village to village, selling her clothes. and 2 dollar dresses a, something of a luxury auto better than i thought that was a christy on his arrival is a holiday week. i do, i have to work fine and i can log on and i am on the path at bob. it's saying sold to me. will you be? we, nanny, i'm money you. now will you be to is it is out in return for c g i but it's a precarious enterprise because many of her customers insist on being granted credit. oh mary went this afternoon. why did me, i'm and are you new going all debbie made me breath. i live now. yeah,
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this is that me all these i may by no b i s i will get out and, and i'm up on the, i'm on i'm, i'm back. i'm in president for winnable, we're christiana, works hard to care for her family, but it's becoming harder because the biles of clothing being imported into gonna arriving in worse and worse condition. okay, beautiful. not a net or by g o fine, i would say a more like ah, it's monsoon season in ghana. and when these fees rains come,
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the unwanted closing washes into the cities open suicide and chokes it's more to life. you know? yeah. and the tropics. so we have very high precipitation that form of rapes. well, so and no heavy downfall of reed will get there. are these on colette dead with into the stop and res, which are not covered in a week, and then it gets into the ocean. it means all these layers of texts are without bath sock piling a day, or she embed and that's is working with the aquatic life in bit like that internet bang. so and we've done cleanup here. you can big like 15 feet and still find angles. and these rickets has spent the past decade documenting the impact of clothing waste on john up. that also becomes really dangerous for people
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when they're swimming because they're like going back and forth. and then i'll hit them and then on the fishermen and wraps around their motors. the takes dolls which washed back on shore, become so tangled in the sand. they're almost impossible to dig out the tangled mass flow, then we call them tentacles. this is all tangled that very little the hired for years, eva, when they 1st one watching out there very long. you know, they can be 8 needs 30 deeds and sometimes 3 feet wide. these tentacles have their origins. at kat demantzy market. ah
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a manual. yeah. hello. hey, wow, nice to me. i thank you. my you, a job is another you will find that we i went to think there's been this work. yeah. we want to see what it is to live. is some dick it yeah. and weren't whooping was shot down into groups. okay. until they open the bales. importers have no idea whether they can obtain trash or treasure light blue. so this one is going like the top quality. okay, here we go. well, this one is that going to be robert's? yeah, this is the rubbish. and this one to we'll call it a 2nd one second. okay. okay. this we come with. yeah,
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this one is going to look. it's what it's sort of staying here. no go. it's not good, it's emanuel and his colleagues to spear at the growing number of low quality clothes arriving at ghana or you think of this one? see how it is dated from here or is it sweat to should not put it in the bit because lucky short this is what it is it in europe or yuki and to a sri, america and it think africa here we are. we are known. let women being sold to say that use this because what they are given to us is a lot, even if someone didn't lock your door and you want it, you can not just given, picking something from your desk, been and give to the person. so in this case it's like they are doing this to us by
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all cost emmanuel $92.00 per hour to this wild cider was you can sell. okay. after sourcing the whole bio, you can see he's going to make a significant loss today. 4567, a bit. and how many altogether and about this one was 180 to 200 pieces in the bill. and you funds have if you read about it. so at the end of today, where would you put that? where would throw them low it? now the problem is there is no room anywhere in our crop left to throw this massive carefully engineered landfill was meant to be the solution to accurate waste crisis . should have provided enough capacity for 15 years. but once it started accepting
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quality thing, waste from can't demand time market was filled to overflowing within just 5. now the city's only alternative is a growing network of informal unregulated dumps. along the way is brought here by informal collectors who pick it up at the end of the day. like this one on the age of old fatima the cities biggest to slum it doesn't what is anything wrong with them at all? synthetic textiles can take hundreds of years to decompose this mountain of waste. my cast, it's faded shadow over these neighborhoods for generations to come. i
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think unfortunately, what happened is that the waste, they are blamed for the waste. the people of old pharma are not responsible for this problem, but they are forced to live with it. then this waste and oven places like this where it's used to further disenfranchised people were already living in poverty. to blame none for late that they did not b, won't all consumers be some responsibility for this waste crosses? lose ricketts lies much of the blame at the door of the world's big fashion houses . really it's brands, it's brands that are over producing waste is a part of the business model, a fashion, a lot of brands that are produced by up to 40 percent. so when did they start
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building this? at least 3 weeks ago. much of the unwanted clothing is simply burned. ah, it's not unusual across the sky to blacken with smoke for dies at aton ah ah. but for many who live in old fatima, including ayesha, dra soup the flow 2nd hand clothing into donna has been a lifeline. emma
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d at that fashion than being at that that with there are other problems which is simply more pressing why she lives in this small windowless room with 4 other women and all the world we belong to a. ready landing yet and it's ok. so perhaps it's for the waste in steed to think more carefully about the quality of what we darn eyes. i'm not sure i'd never been conscious to ox. where is the final destination of india discarding by the come here like you've come and see the practicality for years that then there was no doubt no better take care of this din
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within our country and not to ship the problem to adopted with after decades of conflict between successive colombian, governments, and the fox marxist gorillas and historic peace accord in 2016. so a fight has laid down their arm. 5 years on a mit rising defense and fruitful police repression. a new play. the violin has robbed the nation. people and power off if the agreement is failing and what's next for the country. columbia, killing the piece on al jazeera. ah,
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and frank assessments. what's the point of the un if multilateralism isn't part of its dna? we need somewhere. we're sovereign states can exchange informed opinions is focus likely to change by doing behavioral. it's not going to change their behavior. they're going to continue to do what they do and it's gonna be more in trade and less in terms of trying to match with the small games mentality. in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera from the for velez of correct us. so the battle fields around most of our job is to get to the truth and empower people through knowledge. oh, for the congolese, but journey to work or the means unimaginable hardship. i prefer to lie dog,
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interesting to white glove, the captain tooth chancing life and live on a dangerous journey through the jungle. when i fell on to the rails, i nearly died. of our children teeth go to school and live because of the prank. risking at all the democratic republic of congo on al jazeera. ah, facebook reels from a global outage is hip millions of users across is platforms, including instagram and whatsapp. and that's not the only crisis facing the company . an employee turned whistleblower is accusing it of prioritizing profit of clamping down on hight speech and misinformation. facebook has realized that if they changed the algorithm to be saver.


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