tv [untitled] October 8, 2021 2:30pm-3:01pm AST
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children pending the da's full approval. doctor said that's no different from requiring kids to be vaccinated against other routine diseases. this is a vaccine like any others. and, and i think our seats in our school systems will have to think about how that fits into the broader, you know, their broader immunization bands. i feel the f d a will likely decide within weeks whether to authorize the pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11 who number about 28000000 in the u. s. health experts say that will bring the country another step closer to defeating the virus. but only if parents get their children the shots, heidi joe castro al jazeera. ah, and let's take you through some of the headlines hernandez, era. now, the nobel peace prize has been awarded to journalists, maria ross and dmitri morris of committee chair,
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woman. barrett rose anderson commanded them for their fearless journalism. miss reza, and mister murata, are receiving the peace prize for their courageous high, for freedom of expression in the philippines, and in russia. at the same time, they are representatives of all journalists who stand up for this ideal in the world in which democracy and freedom of the press. hayes, increasingly adverse conditions and explosion inside a share mosque in northern afghanistan has killed at least 30 people and wounded a 100 others. it happened in the strategic city of conduce close to the border with tajikistan. ha, shamartha. barbara has more the taliban close versus the bahama?
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was i had said that the taliban of forces the elite unit is there, the ceiling of the whole area and trying to figure out the circumstances of the a blast. what happened? exactly. and who was behind this, but this is something which is definitely going to put further sways or the taliban because they came to afghanistan saying that our biggest asset asset is providing security. that is now being challenged by many groups operating in the country. the un human rights council has agreed to appoint a new special rappel to to afghanistan. they'll be responsible for monitoring human rights following the toner. bon takeover. early voting is underway in iraq's parliamentary election, security forces, prisoners, and internally displaced. people are casting their balance 2 days ahead of the general vote. bozier headlines. the news continues here in al jazeera,
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after inside story. ah, while the waltz focused on vaccines against covert breakthrough has been made in fighting another disease, the w h r has approved a malaria jack. so can i help wife out one of the biggest killers of children in africa? and will it be affordable for those who need it? the most? this is inside story. ah. hello and welcome to inside story on come all santa maria. it kills more than
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$400000.00 people a year out of an estimated $229000000.00 cases. and now there's a vaccine for it. and for once we're not talking about cov 19, it is in fact a malaria vaccine. and the world health organization is recommending it go into wide spread use among children in africa. now obviously there is a lot of optimism about this, but as we'll discuss shortly, there is still a lot of work left to do. most notably funding and the political will to make that happen. well, introduce you to our panel in a moment. first, the support from victoria cation b. it's being described as a game changer for child health, a vaccine that could help save the lives of hundreds of thousands of children each year in sub saharan africa. monica has been with us for millenia. and the dream of my letter boxing has been a long held but an attainable dream to day. the
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r t s. s. money vaccine. more than 30 years in the making changes the course of public health history. the vaccine smith klein vaccine has been given to infants and gone at kenya. i'm allowing since 2019 as part of a pilot program, it was found to be about 30 percent effective at preventing severe cases of the disease which is transmitted through mosquitoes. but that figure rose to around 70 percent when the vaccine was combined with all the treatments, i think eradication is still a quite some time of it. but i think the combination of net chemo relaxes, and dyslexia, and another way seen maybe other vaccines in the future would bring us malaria burden of disease down substantially and africa. malaria causes fever, vomiting, and fatigue, and kills more than full $100000.00 people each year. mostly children on to 5 as well as pregnant women. the r t s. s vaccine,
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also known as muscular ricks has been welcomed by researches as an historic breakthrough. but many on the continent worry about funding and whether a mass roll out will be possible in the wake of cov, 19, and other competing priorities. we've graham and i are being a disease boss, especially i by and large and dizzy as far as sub saharan african children. ah, and given the digital geez, that our countries are facing, which will that be international? we're g r e is going to, i stand out and, and make dyslexia available to with children needed. the world health organization recommends giving the vaccine to babies in 3 phases, followed by a piece to short. but that may take time. the next step is for the global vaccine alliance known as gabby, to look at whether the vaccine is a worthwhile investment. if it's approved, gabby will buy it for countries that request it process that it's expected to take
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at least a year, victoria gate and be al jazeera. ah. so let's bring in our guests and do we have a doctor in the house? yeah, we've got 3 of them in fact, all in africa as well. first of all, in a virgin nigeria, aka color, who's the regional advisor for tropical and vector born diseases at the world health organization, african region, and johannesburg, south africa, helen race, a board member at kathy, which you heard about in that report, the global alliance vaccines. and immunization and in nairobi, kenya of dallas, alba and epidemiologist, and research scientist at the african population and health research center. doctors. welcome to you all. i feel we are in very good hands today. dr. parker. let me start with you in a boucher 39 percent of malaria cases prevented by this fact same and it goes up to 70 percent when it's combined with the anti malaria drugs. are you good with that? 39 percent. it doesn't say that, i mean in fact,
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i think the w at joe says it needs an efficacy, right? a 50 percent, at least for approval. so are these numbers, all right, we believed that every life saved from malaria is what the investment i think labor said when combined with family, uncle boxes, going up to 70 percent is acceptable. we realize that malaria control depends on our mom and it to kid that is full of imperfect dogs. and this was what we are advancing us. technology delivers more tools will keep improving. so welcome the approval to scale up. our g says vox in all of africa because that light, that is still is a life. what city certainly is dr. helen reese. let me get your initial thoughts as well on those numbers. again,
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just explaining to have used the combination of the vaccine and the anti malaria drugs. i did i was number stack up to you at a acceptable well, they certainly do. one of the reasons is that we need more tools to tackle malaria . you've heard the figures and in the african region a we, we estimate that we're losing about $260000.00 children every year from, from this. but more than that is repeated attacks that often occur in childhood. really affects childhood development as well. so it's not just the death that we definitely want to reduce in severe diseases, hospitalization, and has the chronic effect as well. so just bear in mind that if we combine a 70 percent reduction in severe disease is huge, it's, it's, it's a massive step forward because we kind of plateaued with all the tools that we've got in terms of being able to now reduce malarial case numbers. okay. so we needed
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more i was and this is one of them. okay, so let's build on the idea of that. plateauing with dr. bellas. robert in nairobi drop downs as there was been a, a plateauing of that. and also i would not this 6 years, i think it is of tests and trials that have been going on on this vaccine and actually years before that as well as part of the whole development. i'm. is that normal to be taking that long? i sometimes wonder if my covert brain thinks that things should be happening a lot faster now because of what we've been talking about in the last 18 months. yeah, thank you. i think i unknown to a lot of people are who are not close to maria programming and research and not aware that target are dissatisfied. my day of action has been regina for the last her thought he has a laker, bay w 2 executive director mission. so the 60 as you are loading tool is out of something better. now vaccine development has been our customer tool. right now we still don't have any charities, roxanne, and their attempts are still being med,
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so it's not sri or an expected or, and had of. but we are happy that her with good and something at will, can consider to be relatively effective when combined with other existing interventions. it can you say what has proved so elusive in these 30 years? i know with these a long term projects, obviously, but has there been something which has been constantly, you know, proving to be a hurdle? yet the most did the maria, causing organism that is, the plasmodium is a very tricky organism as a proposal that has a different stages, it can hide in different parts of the body, the liver, the, the blood and it has a vector phase. so as opposed to other organisms like vs that enter your body and there are, there can be tracked it probably in one area. this on this protozoa has been or is actually very, i will see that this is causing jam and our we talk about her antagonistic that,
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to the variable, meaning that her, if your target to 7 and again, our property is in a few years time at that want to be effective or that won't work. so the problem has been around how do we target the antigens, those, those entities that can be used to induce in unity and therefore fight a disease when one is ex, close transaction caving dr. parker color in a booty. let me come back to you. tell me about the trials, the places where it happened, ah, the number of people involved. there was even some controversy as well. the british medical journal was saying last year that they said that the deb joke, the w h, i was only using implied consent. it wasn't actually getting explicit consent from parents for these trials. how's it all gone? well, the 1st in a lot of love did by latino do boxes in, in gamma and yeah, and in malawi was allotted throughout the national immunization system.
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the piloting was not to try out the state. try us. i've been convicted and buxton proved if it shows what's the difference, what when a plan almost entered and a trial then. yes, the piloting was to look at a feasibility of using existing routine english, a mechanism to deliver these boston and looking at the impact of it was to was negative on the system. and the result is that the vaccines can be delivered to the immunization system in countries, and it has no negative impact in the system. now that you did disrupt any existing delivery of boxes. so alan brooklyn that i learned that the bus news, if it shows a good show, did you, did you join meeting just don't say jump it on multiple is advisory group approved the why disco use this box? and that's why we're excited that it can be delivered through do system. not the another article system, not it can pin it,
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but routine immunizations to step on. we find out that boxing is so, you know, it's a brand on his own because people know my lydia is deliberately affect the development of the children products and they've fall, we've found up people on their own go for their bucks without much invest, messing in massive communication that is outside the reduced system. so we are excited about some become, are available punters will, i don't do boxes and they live i to those to children and save the children. not just from that, those who saw by hopefully from the chronic impact of my list of malaria on development of the children on standing on, on, on the line shopping for months in schools. right. so you talk about it being picked up and moving forward and actually getting to the paper. that's why i'm really glad we've got helen raced with us today. who's on the board of kathy, the vaccine alliance from what i've been reading today, it now comes to gabby,
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which has to decide, and i think it's december, they're expecting to decide about whether this is viable, whether this can be picked up and moved forward. is there any question that it won't be it? well, i don't want to preem to board discussion. well, what i certainly can share with you is that the gone, the board has been this wouldn't be the 1st on the gov. you would have discussed the millerio vaccine has been following the development of the vaccine very, very closely at gov is an alliance in the aim of garvey is to support the world's least well resource countries in purchasing vaccines and strengthening the health systems to deliver vaccines. and in helping countries have all of the bells and whistles that are required to deliver vaccines, call it. so gobby has had a huge impact and save millions of millions of lives as an alliance through that kind of support to the, the delivery of many, many different particularly childhood vaccines. so this kind of thing,
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which is looking at a disease which has really got stuck but is affecting so many children in some of the poorest countries of the world. and is the kind of thing that garvey would certainly want to prioritize. but obviously in doing that, we'll be talking with the donors who support garvey, to say, how much money have we got? is there a window? can we can this am garvey also depends on w chose recommendations. so yesterday's announcement by dump a chose is a very important milestone in the sort of process towards garvey decision making. but as i say, something like this would certainly fall into a theoretically, would fall into a garvey portfolio. am because their aim is to save lives and particularly in the poorest countries at the risk of oversimplifying. and you did allude to it though, it'll come down to money, won't it? in fact, take o'brien who's the head of the w. i chose department of immunization said, as we've seen from the cove at vaccine, where there is political will,
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there is funding available to ensure vaccines of scale to the level by unaided. that's what it is in the end, isn't it political? will someone willing to step up and say yes, we have to do this? absolutely. one thing i would just comment on though is on the coffee board itself, there are a number of health ministers, including ministers from several of the subs. her african countries are gonna, if yo pia, where you know that this is a problem. and they, that they have expressed extremely strong views about the importance of tackling malaria. so i think it's, it's very likely you'd get huge political support from the leadership of countries that have a high burden of malarial disease. but the support we also need is, is the, those, the fill up to philip philanthropic organizations, the bilateral donors, the, the richer countries to come in with the money. and we recognize that we are asking people also to come in with funds for coven vaccines at the same time. so we recognize that there is going to be a, you know,
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that we're going to have to push very hard to, to get these funds. but certainly in principle that they don't is that i've spoken to and i've heard speaking, what would be in principle, very supportive of this, but it's how much money is in the bank at the end of the day. you're quite right here who says, isn't it a bell? is it over in nairobi? i know that the curve 19 vaccine roll out is a very different based and it's a, it's a very different situation. but what i would point out is that the roll out of that vaccine across africa has been incredibly poor. i think we all know that we can all see that. does that concern you when you think about whenever it is wanting to roll out a malaria vaccine to those who need it? the most lessons need to be learned. yeah, definitely serious concerns around a commitment from government and find out how to put men on the table to secure the vaccines. but probably that is becoming a bigger problem because the current problem that we have resources are being used
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for college and other priorities of revising the economies and all that. so the timing is not really the best if this happened in about 19 a property, a expectations would be different. but having said that, i think i agree. i agree that the update i did the motivation to address malaria as there are as a public health issue, is very, very, where we sit around the world. so if you're doing anything on children, whether you use it, whether your or somebody else going to zation us or addressing the handle of children, you'll definitely need to be part of this. so there's no way cheap are going to look the other way. when we have something that promises to address to one of the biggest kiddos of children on the continent, a packer color, can i get your phone ready to say, i'm quite optimistic? well, good, take good to hear back a, cathy. can i get your thoughts on the, on the same issue, the idea of, of making sure once the money is there,
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once the vaccines that they are actually making sure it gets to the people because that's the sharp end of all of this, pardon the pun. if this is the most important thing, actually getting it into the arms of people when the time comes and, and, and the coven situation, certainly in africa showing us that, that can be problematic. certainly, that's very important. and i was part of that is, but i'm just thinking that i look in the ongoing by a lot in 3 countries. we find out that my little vaccine is being delivered. i the same level as the deputy vaccine or even next sitting in some countries. so we see that people value my little acceptable value in it and i'll prevent malaria. malaria doesn't need that much is not because people at the local level, normally, therefore, we optimistic that weight vaccines are valuable with countries adopting the live. i did that says that there wouldn't be much challenges or that on what estrogen. so
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we are, we are, we are excited. we're optimistic that this to we get out there and that lives with folks. let's look at the measures as a whole because yes, a vaccine is one part of it. and as we've mentioned, there will be anti malaria drugs, which are part of it as well. and then i've done a lot of reading today about mosquito nets and how incredibly potent they are. a dr . parker, a quick thought from you. first of all about why actually maybe you can just explain to have years how important and, and, and what sort of tool these nance are in, in the fight against malaria is excited to goodness, lady lamb implies, ah, mosquito listened dignity would insist when they leave. i use appropriate, they look out to most people, they have prevent malaria. so these are very effective tools, but it, my little we do not have any better to. even demand is impressive. during trials,
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it's barely got to about 50 percent. if he curses. so what we are finding is that we are mount unpleasantness. we are not a pleasant diversion. mother of oxygen, we are adding additional to the government through less use. all of them were applicable unless keep moving forward. controlling malaria and eliminating melissa helen reese, am i missing anything there? are there any other arrows in the quiver when we want her to fight malaria? well, i think one of the things that to this sort of raises again we have we, we're talking clearly about prevention, which is critically important. it's always the 1st to, for any infectious disease. but i think the other thing we should also think about is treatment. because in many of these endemic areas where they've got seasonal malaria and being able to get children into facilities with the facilities able to rapidly diagnose and treat is also extremely important. the same as true for cove
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it. so as we think about the continuum of how you tackle a problem on very important issue is to strengthen health services to chain health care workers continuously. so they're able to diagnose malaria and to give them the tools to be able to quickly treat malaria cases. because as we said, this isn't even with all these tools together, these are not the 100 percent prevention tools, so we will continue to see malaria in these and hybrid districts dr. dallas, do you agree with that? that the needs to be more work down on the treatment side of things and making sure everyone's up to speed education effectively as hunger, the, or a 100 percent. i agree, but are all dig, listing interventions and it's to the needs to be sustained. and the probably been a ramped up to, to sort over how the combo data will probably knockout more media transmission events. and our product can add that the issue around a behavior and interventions that are just talked about. if you use a bed net,
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your behavior has a lot to do with how effective that been. it will be if you're going to take maria tablets, it depends on how compliant that. but your person is going to be to be able to take that medicine. and at that, is it really a challenge for those interventions that are, that are been in use before? so if we have an additional intervention, likely the vaccine where if it's put in your arm are probably there's no, we're going to get it out and they're the only hope and prayer is it lists the effect that we deserve. so that's the reason why with things are going to change because it's going to be really a complimentary additional under our property or supportive of the existing interventions and from their pirates. one of the things that up come out is that are at least from that environment, we've not seen any negative impact on existing interventions. probably that might happen later where people think that go to the job and therefore they are safe. the
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abandon the existing intervention, and i think that will be the wrong thing to do. yeah. and probably the programming should be aware of that and make sure you said priority messaging issue and as sustainable a bit of treatment. sustainable a bit of our nets, because we know these interventions have even went at being provided. feel that they have hidden costs are for example, the distribution of needs in the had it reach areas. how do we trust that people? i work in the decision to reach the what is the village in, in, in the district. so what if the things continue walking together? i think we might end up with better results compared to what that, what has been happening right. i'm with running out of time here, and i just want to ask one more question and permission if you don't mind to ask a rather simple question. what about going off to the mosquitoes themselves? obviously the net help protect from mosquitoes, but is there any way and maybe dr. pucker, i'll ask you of, of, of targeting the mosquitoes in the 1st place if that's where the malaria comes from
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. actually says we documented a lot to in the styling of the dynamics. so it is in molina, but in africa we started mom mode looking at what can we do? different one other things to do differently to mainstream or to say grow up which to malaria. meaning involve the non traditional pattern us agricultural sic, darby completed the road, sick target construction set. but in my past, all new set of who's core businesses contribute to moscow. pretty lincoln to sit down with baby and see what they can do to. i'm a new rate. did they, did they did. they did the unintended effect of your walk on malaria transmission. so yes, we code, but there's an interest in what is the best is to bring in is they put us together and then walk with the communities to see how we work together to ensure that it is a litigation project. it was upgraded of not lead to increasing britting size. i
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believe i did is for mining waiting on the open mining, those are result in bidding size that will lead to increase my my you have transportation. so these are the things we are looking at. we hope that by defense booked on this will bring together the, the 47000000 to live countries. we did not have ministries who have a road to play my leader to look at more district response. we love a few countries out looking at that. so that direction to go, but the exactly what we do with dependent available tools, doctor's i park a color, helen, race a dallas at all. but thank you so much for your time today. we've all really learned a lot from this discussion. thank you. and as ever, thank you for watching as well. remember, we're online about 0 dot com, including in the podcast section, where you can now listen to our discussions when, if you'd like. i also plenty discussion at facebook dot com forward slash ha, inside story on twitter. we are at ha, inside story, and at come, i'll a,
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