tv [untitled] October 10, 2021 11:00am-11:30am AST
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we have to make sure they are surviving to the refugees. striving to co exist with nature. okay, so what's going on? there's, they're assimilating what happens when an elephant thomas life off to conflict on al jazeera ah voting day in iraq. millions of people had to the polls under tight security. ah, electron doha, every one i'm come all santa maria, this is the world news from al jazeera, the taiwanese president, sighing when and said our country will not bow to any pressure from china. it's also coming up a report from nigeria on new tactics authorities, he using to fight against armed groups. i'm the father of a job that gobble that. i'll tell you how thought about fight is
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a converting destroyed helicopters into what the appalling or air force. ah, those things began in iraq to elect a new parliament in a poll. it was brought forward in response to mass protests. iraq's prime minister must the fire academy council, his ballad in bagdad, shortly after the paulding stations opened. there are nearly 25000000 people eligible to vote. authorities of deployed hundreds of thousands of security personnel across the country. so mom made up the wide reporting from baghdad this sunday and how is think, how things going with all this a tight security method. welcome our lead despite that a tight security measures. but yet the turn out is, is still very low. we can notes that in this set up pulling sense of. and also we
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have been getting reports from our sources in other pulling centers and also in other govern rates. the turn out is still very low and that could be also explained due to the kind of disillusionment among people, especially young people. those young people who rose up against corruption, who accused the current authorities of a corruption of mismanagement. in fact, many people say that this election, despite the fact that it has been receiving international and regional concert and despite the fact that it has been prepared or not. so high level is on all levels. but yet not many people are tempted. not many people are encouraged to a go to the pulling centers and cast their votes. as you know that many people here say that the same old politicians, the same old parties, are just re shuffling their candidates up. but yet they still have the same agenda
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. they still have the same policies. a, if you speak about numbers at this election has been especially a what is new about this year's election is that it is for the fittest time excluding, excluding a iraq is abroad. and that has been under he, at the high scrutiny from many people, criticism, the chief commissioner of the independent national commission here today sat that he is up to mistake. and they're encouraging people to cast the votes. and he's apologizing for iraq is up abroad that they're not voting this year because of because of the biometric cod that they don't have. it is essential to catch the votes. and they're also because of logistics and because of the covet 90 restriction. so they could not send staff abroad to collect that data. now hidden it back in a rock, the turnout is still very low and many good rates as we have been hearing from our sources. and again,
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despite the fact that international international observers who are about to 900 international monitors are monitoring this election. and that is in terms of also about 8000 international observers, are also observing this election. but yet it turns out that the not many people are encouraged to come to class vote at least as of yet. okay. keeping an eye on things in baghdad for us math mood. abdulla had thank you that talks between us and taliban officials of entered a 2nd day here in doha. the 1st in person meeting since the army group seized power in afghanistan, back in august, security aid, evacuation flights. the rights of women, they were all discussed on day one. the taliban has ruled out, meanwhile, cooperation with the united states in the fight against i. so that's after a series of attacks, including fridays bombing of
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a sheer mosque in condos that killed at least 60, painful more from natasha. gonna monitoring the totes in doha, she says the town about ego for assistance with afghanistan facing shortages and in economic crisis. the afghan delegation led by the acting foreign minister, american mo mo talkie came here with duelling economic and humanitarian crises at home. on top of emerging and emerging security threat by i saw in afghanistan. and it is clear that it needs international recognition. but more importantly, the money that will flow as a result of that recognition. at the start of the talks, the u. s. made clear that these talks are a quote, continuation of pragmatic in tank engagement with the taliban. and not granting recognition or conferring legitimacy to the taliban that that will have to come with a, quote, sustained track record. so what we heard from the foreign minister because the
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americans are not talking on the record at this point is that we heard assurances, we heard please for assistance and warnings on saturday, saying that no one should d, stabilized the government or metal in internal affairs and that the wishes of the afghan people must be respected on the issue of assisting, honest on with its major financial stressors. the united states government as a means of leverage. once the taliban came into power post. august has frozen about $10000000000.00 in africa and assets and groups like the international monetary fund in the world bank have stopped providing financial assistance. so what the taliban leaders here are looking for is the much needed assistance. the president of taiwan says her government will not bow to pressure from badging speaking during national day celebrations,
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tying when promised to increase tiwana defenses. this is the day after the chinese president eugene ping insisted there would be a peaceful reunification with the island in the past. week in the 150 chinese fighter jets of approached taiwan air defense zone ban j. well, yeah, the relationship between taiwan and china will be achieved by negotiation, which we will keep negotiating and show the world that we're committed to self defense. however, no one can force us to go the pathway that is designed by china, because that road will not lead to solidarity and freedom for the people of taiwan during the following events for us from hong kong as rob mcbride. i think it sort of reflects the current feeling and as, as a taiwan itself where you find, i think the majority of the people at the moment, at least, are equally resistance to all of this pressure that's being exerted from across the taiwan strait from china. and saying, when we've written,
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saying when referred to that directly talking about china exerting this pressure, she said more and more that taiwan could not relax. also referring to the ag increasingly assertive at times, aggressive posturing in the east china. see where a taiwan is located. evidence this incursion, or by up to 150 war plain. so last weekend. so as she said that they had to resist that this kind of pressure that was being exerted by her, by china, and also referring directly to the example of hong kong. where of course we have seen in the recent months with the application of the national security law, various freedoms and rights, which had been enjoyed by people here for a number of years. i have simply been eroded away. china and the government here would argue that is not the case that it still enjoys certain freedoms that do not exist on mainland china. butter. many people here would say that it is,
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they are not getting the kind of rights that they were guaranteed and saying when's warning to a taiwan is that if we follow the same path as hong kong, we too will lose those freedom. so she wanted hong kong to serve as a warning to taiwan. so when it comes to the whole point of re unification, the process. yes, the have been these renewed calls are from cheat in ping of china that there should be a peaceful re unification saying when's a view is that the island of taiwan will determine what each future will be saying that the future of taiwan and our is in the hands of its people. idle cadet. com, known as the father of pakistan's nuclear bomb, as died at the age of 85. according to state, run television and con, passed away after being admitted to hospital for a long problem. the scientist was hailed as a national hero, but was also accused by western countries of smuggling nuclear technology. so called rogue states that these 20 people been killed in nigeria as cekada states
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have to gunman attacked and market on groups continuing to disrupt life from millions in the northwest. and as i did reports from kaduna state governors are now arming local people to fight back. wow, please. a members of what's called the community visual o service and they ought to protect their communities from other gangs. they soon see people with motor bikes. we often used by armed groups and are banned by the state government. they attempt to make arrests that are forced to retreat in the last 3 years. criminal gangs have over on communities in nigeria, especially in the north and with federal forces overstretched, local people like these are being trained and equipped by state government to provide security. this under 10 in the had with the police and with us or ever
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ready to go with it because it has affected them that italy way that italy, they have lost religion. they have less properties, they have lost their houses. so if i my do this, an angry man can do anything when he's 1st, so they're not deterred because of what to do with physically bonded. thousands of people have been killed by armed groups in the region in recent years, thousands more have been kidnapped, including school children, ransoms of hundreds of millions of dollars are estimated to have been paid by state government and relatives of the victims. some states in nigeria, i increasingly turning to vigilantes to help secure their communities, but as the number and sophistication of criminal and growth grow. there are concerns that lightly ambridge atlantis like this may not be a match for goofs armed with anti aircraft guns. people also divided over whether
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to help malicious get better weapons experts won't creating local delicious or so called vigilantes may prove counterproductive. because by the time you are done with am and am banditry and a kidney thinks they will turn to be volatile against the state. by a fighting another cause for them to survive because it's not sustainable. the armies deployed in nearly all of my generous, 36 states dealing with criminal gangs. that work usually undertaken by police. but state governors have little control over federal police and the military. and many say despite the risks building up local malicious is all the way to protect vulnerable communities. ahmed edris al jazeera, katrina checked the world whether next and then people in western argentina, blaming oil companies for rising number of earthquakes. i'm
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adamant as the ins and barbie, a country that has more elephants than it can handle. i've been reporting from langley, where animals and humans finally have a challenge living side by side. ah, it's another beautiful sunny day of 35000 feet. the weather sponsored by cutter airways voted world's best air line of 2021. hello there we've got wet and windy weather clinging to the edges of europe over the next few days. up in the north, we've got a weather system. and down in the southeast we've got this area of low pressure that's continuing to cling on. but there are large areas of fine and dry or weather, lots of sunshine coming through in the west and more sensual areas. but let's take a closer look at that potent area of low pressure. it's clinging on to places like italy, the balkans and grease. we could see more than a 100 millimeters of rainfall in the coming days and we could see flooding around
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areas such as fessler, nicky. but we've also got a bit of a brisk wind blowing down croatia. that's the bar a wind. we have got red warnings out as we go into sunday and monday for that. but further north of this, as i say, a lot finer, a lot dryer. we have got some blustery winds blowing some rain into northern areas of britain, edging up into scandinavia. it's going to get very wet for norway, we could see some localized flooding, and it does turn rather wintery by the time we get into monday now, temperatures are going to come down here. it is going to feel a lot like autumn as we go further into the week by tuesday, we're going to be below average for london. but there is still a lot of warmth around. in particular, for the i barian peninsula for spain, it does look warm in the south with seville at 31. the weather sponsored by cattle airways voted world's best airline of 2021. in the me, the country with an abundance of resource rate, la road walk, indonesia, whose firms for me, we move pool to grow and frock, we balance for green economy,
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blue economy, and the digital economy. with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs investment. let me park linda. this is growth and progress in indonesia now. ah ah. all now to see where these are the top stories this, our voting is began in iraq to elect to new parliament. and the poll brought forward in response to mass protests. prime minister must fall academy was among the 1st to cast ballots, attempted to encourage turnips. here in doha talks between us and taliban officials
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have entered the 2nd day. the 1st in person meeting since the arm group sees power and afghanistan, security aid and women's rights were on the gender of bursting. and taiwan president, sighing when says her government will not balance or pressure from bay ging. she was speaking during national day celebrations in the past week, nearly 150 chinese jets of approach to ty, one's ad defense zone. let's take you to afghanistan. now we're all just here is obtained exclusive access to the billions of dollars worth of military hardware left by the us and coalition forces there. much of the equipment was destroyed bots . now the taliban says it's recruited aviation experts to build its own air force. osama bon jovi as more from cobbles, military air field. the gobble air strip is home to a variety of of gone miller, trees, hardware from american black hawks to russian helicopters are all lined up here and many of them are inoperable. oh,
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oh is it made in the country? yeah, they can it from years leg this banner that i'm glad has broken and we can, we can resolve that i'll out of i've kraft because about 2 or 3 in my 17 as a result of it. and they that he started in the ground in flight also like this helicopter yard. so we completed that up lance, but some met lens. mimi messing to that, just not started. who really tried to me be in 2 days with sort of the row. after all, scattered all over this air field is destroyed helicopters. there's even holes in the fuselage or in the bodies, the ones that are intact, good to come inside them. and you entered the cockpit. there's nothing here but shattered glass and destroyed equipment. although many of these
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technicians have not been paid for months, they've returned to fix what they can. they found some essential items in storage and the restless salvage from other aircraft. they continued to turn up for work, regardless of who's in the government. balaban fight to say they've inherited hangers full of helicopters, which have been destroyed beyond repair. but what they have been able to do is recruit engineers, aviation experts, pilots and convert doors. fuselage is beyond repair and use the parts to convert helicopters like these. a taliban commander in charge of thin air feels told out the 0 at the strength. dear croft, including helicopters and fixing system as have been rebuilt, most pilot stream by us forces of left. but some have stayed and they found dozens of others trade before the u. s. envision in 2001. this is what is left of the cobbled air field. and you can see military hardware which belongs to the americans
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to the russians, to the indians. and what taliban fighters want to do is refurbish all of these helicopters to build their own air force. the outgoing german chancellor anglo merkel is meeting these ready prime minister naphtali banners in west jerusalem. the pair expected to discuss regional threats and challenges. in particular, iran's nuclear program, germany has urged iran to restart negotiations on the 2015 nuclear deal, which of course, israel opposes. merkel had to cancel an august visit to israel because of the us withdrawal from afghanistan or columbia. none kidnapped in molly in 2017 by and i'll kind of linked group has been freed. gloria cecilia, not of i is, was taken by the messina liberation front near the border with picking up also. her release follows more than 4 years of negotiations. it is not known whether a ransom was paid, sierra leone president, as formerly abolished the death penalty on saturday, julius sent mother b o. b o,
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i'm sorry, signed the bill letter ceremony in the capital free. tom will be replaced by a maximum penalty of life in prison. no executions of actually taken place in sierra leone since 1998. but they had been resistant to removing the death penalty with the high on friday with the, with an important and a pass to the usual. the austrian chancellor, sebastian kurtz has stepped down in the wake of corruption allegations. he says, though you'll be staying on as leader of his party in parliament. yes. the public prosecutor's office is investigating hurts for using public funds to gain favorable press coverage at sparked a government crisis center. no confidence motion from opposition. parties cuts though, continues to deny the charges of fuel and in italy, police used water cannon and tear gas to disperse demonstrators protesting against
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an extension of a covey. 19 health pass. protesters approached the prime minister's office in rome, where they was stopped reposing the so called green pass, which will be mandatory for private and public sector workers from october. the 15th govern says it's needed to avoid another lockdown critics. they say it violates personal freedoms. another check prime minister under ibis is expected to meet the countries president despite and narrow election defeat in the parliamentary election. bobby's last it to the center right together alliance, which says it has the numbers to form the next government the prime minister's party. there remains the single largest group, so it's unclear what happens next. adding barbara reports aiming to take power in the czech republic. the today general election has seen a strong showing by the together coalition of conservative and christian democrat parties. its leader, petro fiala,
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says the opposition's ready to form the next governments good of us if you did hold in there for him yet, but a be any. there will be a meeting with coalition of pirates. and stan within 24 hours because we promised to people that were disc wallison we want and we will bring political change. i am convinced the outcome of the election is clear, the democratic opposition till now got the majority of seats in the lower house. and the constitution of jack republic is clear. the vote was widely seen as a referendum on prime minister andry babich and as predicted, it's his centrist and oh, or yes, movement that's coming out ahead of any other single party. the countries president has said that is what will determine the mandate to form a new government. meaning 67 year old babich gets detroit 1st and wound up a flag. i think we're gonna, i've told voters what i can offer them. i'm hardworking courageous, decisive, and i'll look after check interests in europe. the opposition blames babich for chaotic leadership during the covered 19 pandemic. the czech republic has suffered
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one of europe's worst per capita, deaf tolls. the european union has accused babich of a conflict of interest around his former business empire. and recently, he denied reports in the pandora papers that he put more than $20000000.00 into shell companies to buy properties in france, wirelessly. and all sudden were the mcclendon. we voted for one of the democratic collisions, both my husband and i chose to per stand coalition, mainly because they are not the a i now party fish down is a coalition between even barto sion, his pirate party, which already controlled the capital, prague, and the grass roots movement of local mazily dependence. and right, bobby sh is accused per se done of selling out the country by supporting more european integration and eventual adoption of the euro. listen, it certainly should not be the pirates and these coalitions because they are horrible. the outgoing governments worried some vote is by taking on large debts, but it's promised to continue raising public sector wages and pensions. it's not
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clear whether that's enough for it to hold on to power. nadine barbara al jazeera, a russian military plane has crashed in the tardis down region, killing at least 16 people. the aircraft was carrying a group of paratroopers when a, when dumb 7 people that have been pulled from the wreckage to western argentina where people said, have noticed the ground shaking a lot more in the past year. more than 200 earthquakes have been reported in that time. and many geologists blaming the controversial process of packing for oil. theresa bo has this report from south albany to in argentina's neck when province. ah, it's one of the largest shale oil and gas reserves in the world vac. i'm what it is located in argentine us, but the owner region, it covers an area of over 30000 square kilometers and extraction companies have invested heavily in exploiting it the same. this and
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o l has been living in the regional town of south sal, ronnie, dawn all his life. he says, well, he's glad of the new economic opportunities brought by the companies. there we, sol, so a downside earthquakes. the key comes from william intronas burleson. these are not natural movements, i never felt before. i felt for very strong shakes that broke my house. the house started to shake and for a few seconds we all looked at each other and then it stopped. increasingly, locals are blaming the practice of racking for this is miguel 70 fracking uses thousands of liters of water and sent that are injected in the soil at high pressure to push out the oil and gas. scientists continue to debate whether the practice can provoke earthquakes. although a recent study in argentina says, there is a direct link between fracking and sysmic activity right across this river. there is at least 90 sites where oil and gas are being extracted using fracking. people
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living in the area say that the fis mc activity here began when oil company started operating in this area, there's report off i'd least 36 small earthquake of happening in just one weekend to release her go be seen this house has several cracks because of the tremors he says he's hoping or authorities will help him and his neighbors fortify their homes for what is likely to become a regular thing. not any emily, this is we're not denying. there is an increase in activity. the importance is how strong the earthquakes are. and how to prepare the population we need know who was doing it and how and where the population is. we to sit down at the same table and plan how it's going to be done. but almost everyone agrees. argentina's economy struggling and promoting oil and gas extraction is crucial to helping the country recovery yet to for failure. but people like roberto are concerned. he's
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a member of the my 14 dead unit community and is worried about his children's future monitoring capacity of america. there were over sushi wells that have been marked in our territory. they now working on the other side. but imagine what it's going to be like when they come over here. i didn't in as a government is pushing to increase oil and gas production. and hoping to increase investment in back, whatever communities in the area are hoping their interests will be considered to come off. he they said, well i'll just cedar. so sal one he don't ident tina. funny to us. and bob, we were, officials in the national parks receive more than a 1000 distress calls last year from people's whose villages were been trampled by elephants. and so far this year, dozens of people have been killed in such animal attacks as how to me, tulsa reports from honda, national park communities have started relying on their own methods to keep the animals away. when i was anywhere, rose name is amber,
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is scared of elephants. her husband was killed by one a few months ago when he was hurting cattle. yeah. is there any he's? i'm heartbroken. i still can't believe it. i had to identify his trampled body when they found him. not far away from her, gideon dubia is slowly getting used to walking on crutches. the 74 old was trampled by 2 elephants. that he said seemed to appear from no way. upon sierra closer, the 2 elephants knocked me down. i tried to get up, but so my me was broken. when they left, i called for obvious to the road to get help. the number of elephants in zimbabwe is estimated to be slightly more than 100000, up from 84000 in 2014. when the last census was done, the national parks authority says the country can only manage about $45000.00 elephant overpopulated. it's unsustainable. the animals are slowly becoming
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a danger unto themselves. they're destroying their own habitat to the destroying other animals, hydrogen, to bring down numbers. national parks are selling, hunting licenses and considering culling. something's the bobby loss did in the late 19 eighties. another option for park officials is to move the animals to less populated parts of the country, but it's an expensive exercise. a few years ago, $100.00 elephants were moved at a cost of about $400000.00. the national parks authority says he doesn't have the funds to keep doing this. this area isn't the one good national park, the largest gamers of, in zimbabwe, across the road, farmers grow crops. that's how close people and animals are living to each other. here. to protect themselves, people here have made the so called chilly bombs. they say the pungent smell of a mixture of chilly and name leaves garlic ginger, and manual repels wild animals. this area did notated even
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a single case of elephants come into the fields. but however, if you kilometers away from this place where there was, there was no dependent where the number of elephant that were invading the fields to an extent that some of the elephants were short down to ty, integers, the number of elephants come to the fields, the repellant is hung up in villages and fields to water of animals looking for food and water at demand for space and farm and grows. areas where wild animals live are getting smaller. leading to a conflict between humans and wildlife that can only wilson and it's the lasting solution is found harder. matessa algebra, one gay zimbabwe. oh, the headline.
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