tv [untitled] October 11, 2021 11:30am-12:01pm AST
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yeah, just give me a little be sofa noise from the amazon with less than a month to go until word leaders gather in glasgow for the u. n. cop 26 summit. climate active is our calling for more protests in the weeks to come. step, fasten al jazeera in brussels. ah, hello, are you watching out here in these the top stories this hour? the taliban is expected to meet representatives from the european union in cotton capital. after holding talks with the us delegation, while the us still refuses to recognize the taliban government, it's a great to provide humanitarian aid directly to the afghan people. the u. s. in u. k. a warning their citizens of a security threat in afghanistan's capital, they've been asked to stay away from hotels and cobble it follows a recent rise in iceland tanks. stephanie deca has more from the capital. we had
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this to our security alerts overnight from the state department and the british foreign office, something that we've been aware of here over the last 48 hours or so of specific threat to attacks against high profile targets, particularly one where foreigners are present. there's been a beefing up by the taliban with their special forces across certain areas across the capital and they are on high alert. iraq selection commission says initial turn out and sundays parliamentary vote was about 41 percent. that's the lowest in 5 elections in saddam hussein. was deposed in 2003 official results are expected later on monday, still in iraq and the prime minister says i sals finance chief has been detained, was staffer al, cut he me says iraqi security forces arrested sammy, just seem outside iraq's borders without giving further details a large fire has broken out and an oil facility in southern lebanon. these a life pitches in the local media reporting
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a fuel storage tank caught fire at the facility near the city of side on the fire is close to one of lebanon's main power stations which stopped functioning 2 days ago because of the fuel shortage. millions of people in australia's largest city sydney is celebrating. after a strict coven 19 lockdown was lifted. restrictions had been in place for more than 100 days to curve. the spread of the delta variant cafes james and hay addresses have re open for the fully vaccinated, and malaysia has also eased its travel restrictions for those who are fully vaccinated. inoculation rates have reached 90 percent and infections have slowed after a severe delta outbreak in august fully vaccinated paypal. my travel domestically with permission overseas. those are the headlines i'm am language, stick around for the stream and i'll be back at the top of the m i'm causing the cost is the world to dependence on poland are invested. is about get
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a bailout venezuela launcher digital volleyball, and attempt to revive its currency. i'm back to the seventy's. this died patiently and unwelcome with counting the calls on al jazeera. i hired for me. okay. on a mission to add some stimulating conversation to your weekend. i am confident that this bonus edition of the stream was exact on that stand by for the best discussions that i had with. guess after the life i was broadcast. coming up. yeah, me a lady, voluminous nigerian singer songwriter, and you and dp good bill ambassador. performing alright here in the stream studio. i'll also bring you news from the tense political situation into nicea. profess, let's head to louisiana, a state that still reckoning with racism in its criminal justice system. until 2020
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. it was possible for jury anyways, the anna to find someone guilty even if only 10 of the 12 jurors agreed not unanimous jury. verdicts are now illegal, but around 1500 people are still serving time because with up here a guest. jamila johnson, nick castille and jason williams, passionate explaining why they're fight for justice for incarcerated. is so difficult. i tell you a story about betty rod. oh mary, broaden because there isn't enough conversation about women in the unfairness of our system. she was to make that of secondary murder and spent nearly 30 years of her life in jail without the opportunity of parole for shooting and killing a man who threatened to kill her with a gun attacked her and sexually assaulted her multiple times inside of her own apartment, over the course of the night, she got
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a hold of his gun and she was able to kill her attacker. big about that, you hear folks from all over the country, talk about standing your ground. in this instance, she was convicted by nanina, missouri. we were able to address it, looked into all the facts of the case. she should have never been arrested. right? if, if a man was raped in his home and shot his attacker, he'd probably get a key to the city. but doing this work has allowed us to actually dig deeper, not, and just sort of by finding some, some easy cookie cutter approach, but actually building out the entire civil rights division. so we could spend time with each of these folks and their lawyers and their advocates to figure out what really occurred was bron wrote a letter to harry connick. i'm begging him to look at all the evidence in the case . and when she was, when she was free, she said, i wondered if anyone was ever going to look look what thinks in your mind from
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order to have it posted that you've done a still even, even never for that and why? well, you know, net, i think jamila and jason, i'm sure have have lots of, of stories of individuals who are convicted on, on tended to verdicts. um, just earlier this year i was able to go to the legislature and, and watch the hearing that took place that would have would, where they were debating a law that, that, that would have given new trials to these people. and what was an interesting to me, as i observed it is, is it a jemila? was there other advocates were there? there were a number of people who had been convicted on split jury verdicts. ah, who were there? as well as, as, as victims of crimes where the person convicted on had been, had been convicted, anonymous, verdict and, and all these people were giving,
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as is really heartfelt and emotional testimony about the need to, to a, to give new trials to, to these people are still in prison, there was no testimony at all um opposing this law. yet when it came time to vote, ah, it was, it was voted down and it was voted down along party lines. i am in a 17. i've both i believe. um, and all of the republican legislators who voted it down were, were white. and the majority of, of the democratic legislators who, who voted to move on on this law were black. and you know, that, that was striking, given, given the history of this law and, and, and you know, it's not to say that there aren't arguments to be made for why this, this would be a difficult thing to, to, to do. but at that hearing um,
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if they weren't made and it was a, i thought it was a um, it was a sort of a jarring representation of shows how these things continue to play out and the optics of all of it. i think the trying to find the was, well, you're not trying to say they're racist. right. that's that i hear you trying to find appropriate words here. let me just bringing nicholas moscow relo. he's a republican state representative and he was asked about, well, how do you remedy this situation? nikki pointed out the politics at play here. and let's have a look and have a listen to nicholas. it was deemed unconstitutional and we know that is rooted in a racist origin. and there is a, there's 1500 people there that are sitting there. they sleep there at night, and a lot of them are in there for a life. don't they deserve their case to be looked at again, i feel pretty confident in my vote because the supreme court said that the way we
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did it was correct. how was it not unconstitutional for the people there who are there? now the supreme court said we were fine, so i can't argue with, but what do you think? i think what we did was bold, monumental, and i'm happy that we got that push forward. do you think that those people deserve a remedy? i think there is a remedy. what is the remedy? the remedy is the da can review it. but if the da decided not to review, then they don't they don't have a remedy so so callous right? says shock jamila. yeah, i mean, every time i was that clip i wanna say to the representative, know the u. s. supreme court bounded unconstitutional for every one. the only thing that they didn't do was give the remedy and they're, they're counting on us of the state of louisiana. to do that, every time i watch that i just who can bad them
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a how the state legislator could have that grew more than 2 hours of testimony on 2 days from so many people are impacted by the, the issue and not even know what the u. s supreme court did i am jason, i'm still seeing some comments on youtube. i love this one from pizza. piper. pizza says you don't need money to open cell blocks and let people free. it's absolutely right. it's unfair. it's racist. it's unconstitutional. those knows all the things we need to know about it, so there is no option not to act. but the one thing i would say about that legislative that was, that was just on the screen that is very consistent. and the states that have legalized cannabis, they haven't gone back to deal with the folks that were convicted of cameras. that isn't very consistent theme in america. this idea that we correct the law,
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but we don't do anything about those persons and families were harmed by the unfair law. right? so it's easy just to do a thing, right? it, but you know, if you want to have impact in people's lives, you have to do the rest of the hard work, which is addressing it, reckoning with it. and one of the things that i'm surprised didn't say, didn't bring up victims and survivors make. there was, and survivors were also part of that large mass of people that voted overwhelmingly to change this law in 2018. and when i have conversations with them, they didn't realize that that, that berg was now unanimous. and they understand why we are reckoning with it. and so if the, if the, if the persons who are directly harmed and some of those situations understand why we must reckon with this and confront, listen to the past, then they are paid their, their elected representatives. in the state house need them also see that same to
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find out more about non unanimous joins take out the need for lines documentary. it's jim crow convictions. it's now streaming on the phone lines. pals at out vera dot com. back in july to news. yes. parliament was dissolved president chi said is currently ruling by decree. independent journalist sam kimble works into nicea. he took me behind the headlines to explain how people into nicea are living through these tense political types. i was just a few blocks down the street in my neighborhood. it's a largely working class neighborhood. a little bit outside the center of teens. and i was asking the fruit seller and his tiny little fruits and what he thought about the nomination of this newest prime minister and all he did is just raised his thumbs up and say good, good, good, really good. and when i started to ask in
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a few further questions, there was a customer behind me. he was selecting you know, fruits to buy. and he, he couldn't help himself. he kept kind of jumping in with questions until finally he came over and stood in front of me with, with the fruit cellar. talking about how yeah, he agreed with the president's decision since july 25th. then he had confidence in this new prime minister. he has nominated and, and that, you know, even though she's in kind of unknown in politics that would do good thing in the country. but when i asked him about accountability for those who are seen as corrupt and miss handling the the country and especially as well, he said, that's a really good point. yeah, because the, the president i cited had said and taking these measures saying that you wanted to come back corruption and i was going to hold the corrupt was feeling the country's
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well accountable and said, yeah, well, there hasn't really been any, any accountability. i said, well, what will you do if there's not 6 months or a year or 2 years and said, well, you know, we're, we're smart, we're smart, people will, will go out into the street or the military will take over. and then the current circumstances, there's so much desperation that there is a chunk of the population in the military guiding the country at least in some areas as a better alternative to the kind of political tasks and the economic decline that most ordinary tunisians have just experienced a lot of the last 10 years. some i've just pull up a headline. this is from earlier on this month, little bit before that, i'm going to shake him on my laptop. it's about 10, easiest 1st female p n. what would be your sam unfilled to take
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on the piano? what do we need to know? what can you tell us for my sam, unfiltered, take, you know, kind of what i gather from conversations on the street, on the phone, on social media and it, i think that there's a strong possibility that the president, i say it has nominated for this woman knows look within on a university professor with little to no form of political experience and has, has met and put her in this position, which is largely powerless in the with the current status. then as a way to signal to the international community that a defender women's rights and then maybe more progressive than he actually is. so some might say that that's kind of a cynical view, but i've heard, you know,
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numerous more critically minded folks say that even folks who are kind of a little bit supportive of the president's actions and said, yeah, well, you know, i don't know the lady, especially women i've spoken to said yeah, i don't, i don't know her, i don't, i don't know what she can do. she hasn't proved her. her, her ability to kind of deliver on the promise of the revolution or the promises of the president, namely employment that we can make situation that are management of the coven pandemic. the things that affect every day, ordinary tunes and you know, in their majority. so yeah, that's, that's my kind of off the cuff reaction when i see that headline. all right, so i'm going to say the last question is, sam, maybe mildly filtered and you will see why i'm actually going to share something that you read, tweak, which was about several journeys, had to go for cover. they were protesting outside of parliament in the bardo.
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neighborhood of chinese and they were sorted by police. so you are operating as a journalist, i do understand that there are difficulties that you having being totally on fielded about being able to tell the story to needs. what can you tell us about telling the story of teenagers? yeah. yeah, i think telling the story of tunisia after july 25th has become measurably harder for journalists, people who just do public communications and research and reporting i. it's become articles harder for a lot of colleagues or at least some colleagues that i know will be there faced police harassment and violence and are kind of stonewalling. i myself lost just 2 days after july 25th after those extraordinary measures were taken by the president. i lost my wallet and it was my my to impress
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card. so, so all of the reporting that i did on camera in the, in the following weeks, was within the walls of the chinese and journalists, the national journalist syndicate. because that was the only safe place that we thought we could do the work without being harassed or just our it stopped by the police who were kind of waiting on guard outside. thank you. sorry for bringing your reporting to the screen. and now, as previously advertised that behind the scenes conversation i had with one of africa's biggest thing as song writers. please welcome, but for me, 2nd i the queen of afro bates, the alley, no social media, u. n. d p goodwill. ambassador, i a,
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a bit different from my counterparts. it has a mix of many kinds of races. different tribes come together and i'm happy because music, when it comes to music, there is no one language because music itself, it's a language. i love, i'm just going to say this on my laptop cuz this made me laugh. it's one of my face . yes, this is from, from your twitter account. it says in the middle of nowhere. those adams? yes. okay. yeah, there's a back story to that, but this, i'm just gonna say one more picture. people staring at you, but not just starting that you. they are singing. i know and they are now i can tell ya a lot, a find. what is going on here? this is a mixture of cultures. yes. countries, yes. what in your music is reaching out to people? you know, when i 1st arrived at the festival, because actually a festival in north items, massachusetts, i was like i'm on the wrong festival. is i know we actually booked you for
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this. so we love to hear a music. we think that that, but everyone out here should get a piece of yamil or the on like that is all i needed to hear. and so i decided i was going to take them on a journey and the response was beautiful. and like i said, when it comes to music, there is no language music itself. you feel it's, it takes control. i tell you when i look into the audience, that old us ladies, the ones that looked like maybe there was 60, the dance the most just pulling at their own pace. i look at what passed one of them ladies without looking well to problem and giving you a project going on with a dance. it was some jackie shot. everybody was really the energy i to me since they're in a long time. i haven't felt that much energy in for ever. it was so beautiful. i loved it. what is it like when you're saying on stage and the audience is singing back to you? i. it always hits home for me when i see the audience singing my songs back to me means that they have they have literally digested the music, understand it,
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it's part of them is now and their song. and i'm just happy to share that moment with them because that's why i'm actually share the moment with my people. i notice on social fit, there are a number really well known. i do an artist touring the us right now. like, are you going what, what is it a coincidence? is it something about 90 music? what, what is going on? easy a take over you know, i wish there were just one way or just one way to answer that question. but i think that if you check even the previous years, this been every time that i'm toying a lot of other artists also toying. but this time around i think is a bit more special because it's mostly the enduring are out there. and you know, the rest of the world hasn't exactly picked up on toys. and so maybe we're really just enjoying the spotlight. hey, covered i. this is
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a very nigerian thing to do. i have to ask about covey and touring because i was shot when i saw that you were going to be toy you asked me took a while for you to come into the country to get your visa. what is what is that like? because other artists are probably looking at you guy, how do you give me a that a get to talk? how is she doing that in kind of it? so personal in 2020, i got 3 towards canceled, obviously because of my american told my european so. and from the 1st time i was going to asia beverly because i've been looking forward to that. and so when, for to me to came to talk america, i almost didn't want to go. and then i felt an awakening. and once that happened, there was no stopping me. so i did the root necessary applications. my agent filed the necessary documents. i haven't because i was in london for young festival, and i don't know if you're in your london, you need to say another 14 days before you coming to the states. i was privileged to get
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a special kind of visa that allows me to go into any parts of it to come into america from whatever country freshman, because i'm torn and these events can't go on without me. yeah, i'm obviously on a walk. and obviously that also helps the better the american government and the american economy, and also better my, you know, my status and reach out to my people. but yeah, there's one story i'd like you to tell just to end with. and it's a story from your dad, he's no longer with us. that is the story about him counting out themes. they were big beans and little. you know so much for me. i know just enough to tell us that being story, because i think it's a perfect story to end on all my food newsome every now and then my mom's but the was a few days ago and i got her little gift. i really wish that i had gotten to cars because i really wish my dad was there. it should have been some cars, not one off. i miss him and there's nothing. nothing can replace my dad in my life ever. i will forever. i can wait to see him. i'll wait anyways because i need to do
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some things on earth. but their story about bean so i don't know what touch my daddy on this particular debo. he called me into the living room and my younger brother was very distracted. i don't think he remembers the story. and he says near me, come here, come here, bring a couple of beans with you from the kitchen. so daddy for what we've quoted bringing. and then i bring in, i'm all grown, be away. what does this man wants? now? i give it to daddy. and then he says, just watch me. he puts the book aside because they're always reading. he puts his book aside, fix a cup of beans and shakes it. shake fix it. is that we look at, look at, look into the look into this cop. what do you think that is the bill of numbers when i bought it for you? it's a hollow look at it. now describe what you see. i say, i tell him, daddy, i see some small beans. i see on big beans. they're different inside a little more vigorously and says now what do you see as oh, there's only small beans on top now? exactly. that is how life is, doesn't matter if you come from
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a privileged background. if you are big or small, you're rich or poor. as long as you put in them the girls walk to put in every element of yourself into that work. you will come up, you will come out on top. and i think that is what i have applied in my entire career every my life as a person. when i involve myself in anything i give my own and i'm thankful to my dad for, you know, being the perfect example live in until his last day was a very selfish man. very determined, very disciplined. and he definitely and groomed me to the woman that i am today. oh my goodness, what a story. thank you. yeah, me stand for producing such a fabulous daughter. those who say you about a show and that is i show for the day. i will leave you with
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a . oh no, i mean i'm washington dbi. when afghan filmmaker has san for silly catches the taliban, attention, a bounty on his head forces him to flee with his family, desperately seeking sanctuary. they journey across continents chronicling their multi year saga on their phones. midnight traveller, an odyssey of hope resilience and ultimately one family's love for each other. witness on al jazeera, the venezuela columbia border has become a stamping ground for trespasses as desperate people transgress an illegal passage
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ah ah, oh, a tune is used, newly appointed prime minister announces the formation of a new government. ah, hello, i'm emily angry. this is al jazeera live from doha. also coming up, the law was devoted turn out since the fall of saddam hussein. we get the latest from baghdad ahead of results from iraq's parliamentary election. a warning from the u. s. sam, the u. k to their citizens in afghanistan,
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