tv [untitled] October 11, 2021 8:00pm-8:31pm AST
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nasa, one of the fastest growing nations in the world wanted cato needed to open and develop it full into national shipping company to become a key, middle east and trade and money, skilfully, mcdowell, 3 key areas of develop, oh, filling a promise of connecting the world, connecting the future won the cato cutters, gateway to whoa trade. ah, i urge do world to take action and inject liquidity into the afghan economy. a desperate appeal from the un secretary general is a humanitarian crisis, impacts half of afghanistan's population. ah, elegant peaches. i'll be here and know how you all watching al jazeera,
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also coming up. soon as he is president, how you seed on bales and you government. but gives no hints about loosening his divisive power. grap, rebels in ethiopia as to cry, reach and say, government forces of launch that all out ground defensive against them. a highly anticipated assassination trial begins in burkina faso, the former president, blaze computer, who's among the accused is refusing to attend. ah, in the last hour the you and chief said the wealthier to find a way of getting money and assistance into afghanistan. now to prevent a humanitarian crisis, engulfing half the population. and tony garish has praised the efforts of the aid agencies, but he said it's not enough. you meditating assistance saves lives, but if you lot solve the problem, if the economy of afghanistan collapses,
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we also need to make sure we do everything we can to prevent the economic collapse of the country already before the taliban takeover. in august afghanistan's fragile economy, which has been kept afloat by foreign aid over the past 20 years, suffered from the impact of drought and coffee. right now with s, it's frozen and development, age pulsed, the economy is breaking down, banks are closing, and the central services such as l, scared and been suspended in many places. we need to find ways to make the economy but he again and these can be done without violating international laws or compromising principles. we must seek ways to create the conditions that will allow often professionals and civil servants to continue working to serve the african population. i urge the world to take action and inject
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liquidity into the african economy to avoid collapse. live now to the un and of diplomatic added sir james space. so james, how does mister katasha anticipate the world being allowed or getting into re floating the afghan economy? well, the timing for this peter is very important, and that's the g 20 r meeting in extraordinary session. in the next 24 hours, they're going to be having a video conference of g. 20 leaders are they? they're not going to meet in person in rome, in just 2 weeks time and said, that's why you're hearing this plea from the secretary general right now. now what they're not going to do the g, 20 or many of the other countries of the world is actually hand over the assets of afghanistan. thought to be about $10000000000.00 that have been frozen and give that to the taliban government. that is a non starter, i'm told by diplomats they say that the u. s. and many other western countries are
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opposed to that. so what the u. n is now working on is a different plan, drawn the jack money into the afghan economy and what they're going to try and do is use trust funds. what one from the world bank, one from the u. n. development program, for example, but there are others. i'm told as well and don't put the money into those trust funds and that money in those trust funds will be used to pay for vital supplies use to pay for salaries of, of, or of medical workers of teachers potentially without the money going into the taliban. hands, that is what the 2nd general is working on, and that's what he's trying to persuade. the countries of the g 20 to support and trust his idea on this, james many thanks. james bass, our diplomatic editor there. in new york, afghanistan's acting foreign minister has been speaking in doe har about what he calls a new phase and the taliban relationship with the world. he led a delegation to qatar for the 1st face to face meetings with the u. s. and the
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e. u. since foreign force is pulled out of cobble, lemme died, a group of on would agree a new chapter of the positive relationship with the world was opened. the door agreement in february 2020, between afghanistan and the united states of america is defined as good relationships. i believe that the full implementation of the doha agreement between us and the u. s. can tackle any problems. that is why it is important that both remain committed to the doha agreements. we want positive relationships with the whole world. we believe that such balanced international relations can save afghanistan from instability at the same time. so in bas robbie, as our correspondent, following those discussions in the category capital for us, this our zane, every one talking about women's rights in afghanistan, including the un secretary general in the last 90 minutes or so. is the taliban talking about women's rights today? that's exactly right peter. really the rhetoric in new york and in doha has really
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been on point today, the acting foreign minister of the afghan taliban government. mr. mckee here in doha spoke during his speech at a center for conflict resolution about inclusivity inclusivity. he said is not a problem under the taliban. and he boasted about the fact of $500000.00 civil servants there worked under the former government have not been fired, have not been placed under threat, have been told to come back to their jobs and are currently working. he said that passports are being issued again and women are part of that workforce. he was asked point blank in a follow up question. does that $500000.00 strong civil service include women? and he said in one word, yes, he expanded on that then saying that they've been told to come back, those that haven't are still being paid their salaries as a show of good faith, a 100 percent of those that worked in the health care sector are back to work 50 percent of those that work in the education sector are back to work. so again, the rhetoric on point it would seem that the taliban may have turned to page. the rhetoric is very different from what we've seen in the past with regards to the
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role of women in a government under the afghan taliban. so these are potentially positive signals, but we have to remember that have gone on is a difficult some would say impossible. country to govern from a centralized place from what we seen in the early days of the taliban takeover of of gone asked on what main players of the taliban were saying. and places like del, high and cobble wasn't necessarily reflected on the ground we saw in the early days in local communities, in rural areas, in various provinces that girls were sent home from school. young women were sent home from universities and women in the workforce were sent home and told to send men from their household to take their place in the workforce. so these continue to be major issues and the wider world has said that in negotiating with this taliban government, they will look to the taliban actions, not their words. and if that is the case, we've seen a commitment by the time of mind to re insert a strict interpretation of sherry,
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a law of islamic sharia law in their new islamic emirate. of, of garnish down. now for a lot of the people that the taliban will be sitting across the table from in doha, they're from europe. they're from the united states and they will see the implementation of sherry, a law potentially as a direct contradiction of many western standards of women's rights. so the reality is that this remains very, very complicated. and women's rights is one of those things that is likely to remain a major sticking point when it comes to granting both humanitarian and economic relief for of gornstein under the new taliban government. st. thanks so much zoomed us robbie. there i corresponded in doha preliminary election results in iraq point to a strong results for the shia cleric looked at all sutter's party. the election commission revealed the partial figures earlier and also confirmed a low turn out just over 40 percent. that is the lowest since europe introduced its democratic system. after the 2003 us led invasion, our correspondent,
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alhashan joyce's life from baghdad. alley are we seeing clear winners now coming through? does fit, that seems that we have a clear list of windows, the main and the biggest winner to the moment is what are the struggle now it's projected that he is going to get more than 70 seats and then you fall in according to preliminary results. so this is, this is one he won more than 20 to be in the southern provinces and this is the stronghold of the she eyes and iraq. and on the other side, newly magic, you the form of find minutes says it dr. mina says making it come back with 37 seats still good morning. this is at least till now. and these are also, after listening to the preliminary results announced by the electron commission, there are also big noses in this, this selection model, hakeem,
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the fact that alicia that says that it goes through on. so these are, these are the do, there is in this, in this selection for the caught and from there speak up mohammad, how goose also is emerging as one of the big winners with 38 seats. at least also, this is what is being announced, what these are not final results, fill them on. and however, that also some a winners who are not expected. for example, the, the son of the former defense minister during saddam hussein's rain assault on hash of his son charlotte, one in this election is going to be an m p in the cell. and you a following. so a lot for does a lot of loses, this is going to have its impact on the whole situation in iraq. and it will also create a lot of controversy over how the new prime minister is going to be choose chosen.
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who is the king maker? is this going to put once again the ball in the, a court of the external by the foreign powers international regional falls? these are the questions that are being asked right now in, but the only briefly is the center of gravity in iraq. he politics is shifting one way or the other, depending upon who it becomes the face of iraq. he politics, what sort of impact will that have on relations around the region? what region the iraq right now as a point for dialogue? we heard in the past few weeks in iran, a saudi out of ya talking over here. it says that the regional weight is still heavier than the local res. i'm a and the law kill winners. will have domestic winners will have to deal with the regional layers and international players because they have higher leverage on
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their how big influence across the iraq institution. i thank you so much. any hashem, their report in life was this i out of the iraq 8 capital tennessee. as president car you said has approved a new government more than 2 months after he fired the last one. they have been appointed under a decree that k said announced following his seizure of additional powers in july. he is liada. when latino tunisia has spent the last 11 weeks without a government look at them too low until now 30 nozzler bowden who was named as tunisia as 1st female prime minister last month has sworn in her cabinet, which includes $23.00 ministers. 9 of him are women versa, though, had he been dolah, that is the state department's require an assessment, analysis and reconstructing. we aim to rearrange the priorities and regain trust and whole of the objectives of the cabinet team are based on the following points. and 1st to regain trust in the state. in july president,
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i studied suspended parliament in sac, the prime minister. in september, he assumed all executive powers and began to rule by decree. and while announcing plans to amend the constitution of commerce were la shawna and the 25th of july was a historic moment. i took that decision after trying all means of reasoning with them, but it was all in vain. said he'd says he sees power to tackle tunisia growing economic crisis. but his opponents call it a q. parliament should be approving this government according to the new decree. that's not the case, though i know there will certainly be among the president's critics to question the validity of this government. but nonetheless, the, even the supporters of the president said this is the something that he needed to do to sort of name a new government sort of set forth in 2011. tunisia was the 1st country to see large anti government protests that became known as the arab spring. in recent months,
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thousands have turned up to those same streets to protest against what they call a power grab by their president. be fear they may lose the democratic rights they gained 10 years ago. what am i gonna? there is no place for those who have wanted to undermine the sovereignty of the state and the sovereignty of the people. they have plundered a lot of the people's money. they have turned their hopes into despair. i warn all those who entertained the idea of attacking the state and its institutions. we will thought their plans for the coming days. aside from the economy. this new government has many challenges ahead. the president wants to amend the constitution walk to amend the political system and he's planning in bremond other year elections. so i think they, they will be limited by dime and also by power because the president announced that they will burn only and the exceptional messrs. for now, tunisia remains under the power of one man with
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a new government sworn in to back ham. leah harding al jazeera still to come here on out to syrup, a crackdown and indian administered kashmir. 700 people arrested off for a series of targeted killings. oh, and celebrations in australia's launch a city off for a long cupboard 19 lockdown is east ah. hello. they will have a look to africa in a moment, but 1st to the middle east and it's largely fine and dry. across many areas, the temperatures across the region are sitting at where we expect them to be. now over the past few days, we've had a bit of a blustery wind blowing down across some of those gulf states. it is going to ease . but with that we will see the humidity pick up largely dry. we are seeing
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a few showers across those coastal areas of yemen as to be expected because we move over to africa. it's been wet her up in the north, but it has been slightly dryer across those central areas. we are going to see those thunderstorms pick up across lake victoria as we go into wednesday. some of the shop a storms as well, rolling up into south sudan and stretching out into cameroon, as well as the congos and gabon. we could see some flooding from those rains. that was, we had down to southern africa. it's been rather warm across that western coast and go listening a lot of heat as well as namibia and in south africa. well, for cape town, we've seen the temperature come right up feeling rather summary, but it is going to cool and things are going to turn west towards the end of the week for the eastern coast, though, the rain does dry up lots of heat coming in from zimbabwe with herrera sitting at $29.00 degrees celsius ah,
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in the country with an abundance of resource. ruth law firms for me to grow from we balance real economy, blue economy and digital economy with the new job creation law, indonesia progressively ensure the policy reform to create quality jobs. invest, partnering uses and programs. and now, ah, ah, 1717 g m t. these are your top story so far today the u. n. chief says the world
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needs to find a way of getting money and assistance into afghanistan now, and tony quoterush says agencies are doing their best, but they won't be able to cope if the economy collapses. meanwhile, afghanistan's acting foreign minister has been speaking in dough her after talks with the u. s. and the e. u. a mia con, kentucky said instability in afghanistan isn't in any one's interests. and he called for engagement. one of the top story, the tennessee and president, has approved a new government nearly 3 months after he fired the last one. the prime minister, nigella wooden, was appointed by say, last month said the administration's main priority will be to tackle corruption to ethiopia. now where the to gray people's liberation front says government troops of launch coordinated attacks on all fronts, the rebel se, heavy artillery tanks, fighter jets and drones are being used against them. the offensive was launch last week, but it does appear to be intensifying. there's been no immediate comments from the
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philippines government. nearly 2000000 people have been displaced in this 11 months . for samuel, get at you as a journalist in ethiopia, he says, this could be a defining moment in the conflict. you. this was, i mean the i minister with. ready one gun, it's not far away, are you looking for some kind of military support? i mean, this made this conflict or this, this property to be the defining moment. a conflict that really has killed thousands of people that met almost 2000000 people. and we are fortunate 1st year in november we see the story just mobilized. traditionally a non our region. this is supposed to be the defining moment in support of ethiopia . and like i said, you don't, you're using a key point being the defining moment that he saw the
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other by john. and i mean, you know, so this is again a comp, then the conflict is beginning, or we start seeing some of the damages we've been watching from a distance. and again, it's a problem with that you end up saying why people are, if you have and this is what this is to continue. this fascination trial of thomas anchor a revolutionary upon african is to let book in a faster than the 1980. this has been suspended by 2 weeks. he was murdered in 1987 . but the trial began on monday, the former leader blaze computers, who replaced as president along with 13 others as spacing chargers computer went on to government for 27 years before being hosted in a popular uprising in 2014. he's now in exile an ivory coast whose boy coaching the
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trial as this is over a month i. she says it's not fair. it's really not fair that he's not here. he should be here. he should have the courage to be here. but you know, not everyone is courageous. they run from the truth with just their jewish story. this is already a historic day for us because we didn't expect to live a very special day. what are we waiting for? the truth had justice is done and to allow the families of st. kara and his companions to finally mourn. the police. an indian administered kashmir, say they've killed 2 rebels. they've links one of them's the murder of a taxi driver last week. he was one of 7 civilians killed by gunman in separate attacks over recent weeks. elizabeth parent m as more now from new delhi soldiers conduct spot checks on the streets of sheena, the main city of indian, administered kush mead. there is increased security in the region after government killed 7 civilians including minority, hinders in one week,
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something that hasn't happened in years. it has however, led to an all too familiar event. the detention of hundreds of people accused of having links to band muslim organizations were neither boredom and half of it is the duty of security forces to instill confidence among minorities that they are safe in cash meet. as far as the rest are concerned, those who have been detained to have a criminal record or links to militants and look at the gum and wants to make clear that no such thing will be tolerated. good enough. as funerals were held last week, a group called the resistance front relief statements taking responsibility for the killings of 3 hindus, 3 muslims, and to seek the victims include a school principal, a teacher, a taxi driver, and well known pharmacist, mac enlarge. been due with his of the attack on been drew's on the entire society. on on every kashmiri, he always used to help were people, it's very heartbreaking. what wrong had he done to any one? how can you justify his killing or of the st vendor killed in the separate attack?
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i did. the resistance france said it was targeting government, informers, or agents of the hindu nationalist organization that ashley s y m favor sang or are assess the resistance front was formed after the indian government to revoke kashmir autonomy in august 2019. i think it's just the fact that the normalcy that was being said that the novelty hazard darned englishman boast, august 9th, 2019 is not really affect the militancy has still been there. and it is largely i think, growing last weeks, killings have led to protests by hindus and seeks and srinagar and other indian cities of the 28 civilians killed by separate as rebels in the indian. administered . cush meet this year. 21 will muslims, but the worse violence by rebels against the regions, minorities in years, has seen some hindus leaving the kush, meet valley and going to the hindu majority, jam, or region out of concern for their safety. while muslims fear being wrongfully accused,
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entertained some thing that human rights organizations say is common. in indeed, administered kesh meat, elizabeth moran and al jazeera new delhi. the newly elected leadership in germany has resumed. coalition talks with 2 other parties, the vice chancellor, olaf schultz, of the centre left social democrats, met with the green party and the free democrats. the sent to left s t p beach chancellor angle american conservative party and elections last month. but they fell short of a majority. austria's foreign minister has been sworn in as the country's new chancellor. alexander schellenberg takes over from sebastian courts who resigned because of corruption allegations. the opposition has dismissed the move saying courts will continue to run things behind the scenes. he's been accused of using public funds to gain favorable press coverage. tens of thousands of residents in the australian city of sydney have emerged after more than $100.00 days of lockdown
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. the state has reached its vaccination target 70 percent, with the number of infections now on the decline is sarah clock, gray skies and rain weren't enough to damp and the spirits of those and see they came to embrace what's being described as freedom date, filing good to get out and just the baby fray. they my friends and family again. you know, the little things. go get a coffee breakfast. very good. yeah. yeah. glad to be back out and doing some work and i'll get back in the community. being stuck at home with kids and work and house work. sorry. it's just amazing to have the opportunity now to get out. good paul, get my. he caught excellent. on monday, sydney lifted. it's locked down after a few months of stay at home, rules, gymnasiums restaurants, petitions, pump, and head dresses reopened to fully vaccinated residence. private rules had banned household visits, and travel beyond a 5 kilometers zone, separating many families. those restrictions were also removed with the states
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premier declaring australians need to learn to live with the current of ours and reopen the economy. it's been a very difficult time for our state. and as i said the, this issue is not over. there's a long journey ah, in front of our style there will be challenges that come our wide out, but i, we have to wipe it up and, and we have to get people back in a work. well that 70 percent of people in new south wales. i've a 16 years of age have now been vaccinated, wants the target of 80 percent. he's reached mo, regulations will be eased. restrictions are still in place across other parts of australia. here in queensland, the state is trialing home quarantine. but the number of cases here has been minimal in states like victoria, the lockdown continues with a number of infections continuing to rise. and with your in a state like new south wiles, that is opening up to die a slight life victoria that soon will be or arbor in the west or up in queensland
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where the impact of coverage has not during the sign. but still, we need those back sites to when or that when time it inevitably comes that in those states, you will be able to continue on as you have the prime minister has that to lift the caps on international flights for those stranded australians wanting to return home with airlines said to return to the air within wait, sarah clark, how does ear queensland, australia? $22000.00 girls die every year during pregnancy and childbirth that result from child marriages. the figures are part of a report released by a see if the children to mark the international day of the girl. it reveals the pandemic has worse and gender inequality is that dr. child marriage. a global economic squeeze and school closures of left more girls vulnerable an estimated $10000000.00 girls are expected to be forced to marry by the year 2030 is considered one of the deadliest forms of sexual and gender based violence. west on
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central africa have the highest rates of child marriage. around half of all related deaths are in this region. in south asia, there are 2000 child marriage related deaths every year. that's followed by east asia and the pacific with 650 deaths. gabrielle java is a senior gender equality advisor and saved the children. she says the pandemic threatened the progress made and stopping child marriages. when looking at the prospect, the 1st reversal in that downward trend for the 1st time in 20 or more more years, the pandemic poses a kind of a perfect storm of threats to progress for gender equality with things like long locked down, which we know that more risk of gender based violence that's in london. we think that around the world school clothes and of course essential. again, girls education but also providing an essential protective factor in girls lives. and a lot of girls have lost that. and finally,
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economic insecurity is increasing even where we haven't seen high outbreaks in cases and we know that that is a recognize respect for child married for adolescent pregnancy. and in some places we hear that leading to sexual exploitation. girls who i think sexually or different exchange for things like food and period credit, things like that, of course also increases risk of adolescent pregnancy and i games put myself at risk. we know that girls who are in their adolescent, yes, i'm not physically ready to be children, their body, the 2 small which minute, right. a risk of high risk pregnancy and death during childbirth as well as their bodies are still growing. which means that it's the nutrients that they've made, you know, going to growing themselves as well as the baby. putting those 2 things at risk and globally. these places that even before the pandemic had health systems which were really struggling and for now under increased pressure. because they think even
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more barriers to getting the health support, they need their warnings today that a solar flare hitting us could disrupt power grids and satellites. the flu, like the one in this animation was 1st observed on saturday. it causes what's described as a g, a magnetic storm. it could also mean the northern lights are seen in the skies as far south as new york. ah, welcome. if just joining us, it's exactly half past the hour. this is al jazeera, these are your top stories, the you and chief says the world needs to find a way of getting money and assistance into afghanistan now. and tony quoterush says, 8 agencies are doing their best, but wouldn't be able to cope if the economy collapses. humanitarian assistance saves lives. but if you lot solve the problem, if the economy of afghanistan collapses, we also need to make.
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