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tv   [untitled]    October 13, 2021 1:30am-2:01am AST

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in campaign, among other reasons, the election itself had to be moved up after demands from the de shreed movement in nasiriyah. it was originally scheduled for next year. but now the movement is a split between the boy cutters and those who want to engage in the political process . i know that we're who else is 0 in mostly a city, southern iraq. ah, it up stories on out 0. the you has pledged a $1000000000.00 to afghanistan at the money will be given to international aid groups, not the taliban government. to help prevent a major humanitarian and socio economic collapse. the u. n says $600000000.00 is needed to sustain basic humanitarian operations for the next few months before the taliban takeover in august,
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international aid accounted for 75 percent of state spending, but most has dried up. stephanie decker is in cobble the one leverage the international community has, is this recognition, recognizing the taliban as the official government? here in afghanistan, this is what they're using to put pressure on them to form an all inclusive government. at the moment, the interim government is made up only of taliban members. there are a few minorities, but certainly there are no women is countries become 40 dependent on international aid, on to international influx is of cash over the last 2 decades of war here. and that suddenly been withheld. so what you see is a, is a, you know, we'll talk about the economy in free for what does that mean? it means that people cannot feed their families. the international court of justice has ruled largely in favor of somalia in a long running maritime border dispute with its neighbour, kenya at stake is control of a 100000 square kilometer stretch of the indian ocean with prospects of vast oil
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and gas deposits. somalia says the border should go further south as an extension of its land frontier. the new boundary drawn by the court was closest to this line, giving only a slither of new territory to kenya. chinese government is declared a state of emergency following large protests covers the arrow kani, a region where armed members from chillies indigenous may put a group have taken control of forests from logging companies that have been purchased in recent weeks in the capital. santiago, my put sure people are demanding self determination. and as a warning, the economies of the world's poorer nations will recover slowly. and as fac sean's a distributed more fairly international monetary fund has count. it's global for growth forecast to just under 6 percent. warning that lower income nations will continue to suffer those. but for us to stay with us on our 0 democracy maybe is up
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next one years after that china has been very strategic in the way it's expanding its sweet indian ocean. what is it? and we bring user stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in without being national aid. what do you think is going to happen? the afghan economy? counting the coast on al jazeera. ah if i'm on just a moment, a little careless along with a ship bag to love,
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belt the left with feel young and may say pay me and i will make a me an impact on luck. them then mark to rush a whole hour and half or know my a bus with a low you say will be in my with him right away. beside the shift on buffalo that the shipper delayed him. hulu. that's about latino fishermen mafia whatsoever. and what are
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linda muscle allay had done alike? adam reno led the matrimony. i'm madame a, don't me mr. landon and don't. and then shop, but don't know what her comment and miss rema know. ah, buffy murphy, murphy, i made a toll ma, how to rule. i have no way, god dammit, my feet i had mclee rashonna. ah man, nice ally, man dominant. none that to check with 11 on was one of the 1st countries in the region to have a democracy,
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a on victor's. we are a democracy. but in vin life, it's not that b, democracy has certainly been hijacked. it's a resemblance offered them walking. we live on corruption everywhere. now we have one of the oldest democracy in that a book, but the democracy is not functioning well because it's not responding to the benefits of the citizen. oh, we are in an era when a lot of people are angry. ah, there are discontented with their leaders and governments for not being able to
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deal with economic challenges like growing in a money and declining social mobility. ah, and a lot of people are willing to bowl for politicians who don't seem to have a lot of concern for those democratic constraints. ah, a willing when they come to power to ignore some of the limits on their power. ah, and making sure that that house is not. that remains a long standing tension. tomorrow. i have been studying the development of democracies and dictatorships for much of my professional life. ah, we're in a period of what some social sciences call democratic recession. now that
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has to be taken in context because what happened at the end of the 20th century is we had an explosion of transition to democracy, an explosion of dictatorships, that collapse. oh, yeah. how many of those democracy's not surprisingly were quite neat. but saddening . what's also happened is that democracies in places that we took for granted that we assumed were solid, that we assumed were no longer threatened by autocratic tendencies. these democracies have also proved to be much more vulnerable than we thought. ready ready ready a lot of people make arguments about democracy being for sale of being hijacked. it's very hard for me to understand how we can have something approximating political equality with the degree of social and economic inequality
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that we have ah, sort of tragic example of that in the middle east, of course, is lebanon. ah ah i was born in the war when peace came, we were hopeful that something good would come out of a mature, occupied by foreign country by syria. ah, so before this occupation for a long time until 2005,
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when the occupation just left the country and this huge manifestation that took place on the 14th of march, where we actually believed for once that this was our chance to create a country. ah. c and then everything collapsed, the political, it just decided to cut the piece of cake and shirt among each other me. when i was at close quarters, they taught us what the 1st state would be. i can tell you that we are definitely on the last tracks of switching the felt state. lebanon was built as a safe haven for all the persecuted minorities in the middle east. but the problem
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of the system with this countries that we couldn't build a system that answers the diverse society that you have in lebanon. it's about having a diverse society living in a unity system. and the system not answering the needs of the minorities in lebanon . if you ask someone, or would you rather have a leader, few group from your own sex that might be caught up, or somebody from a different sex, but you don't know anything about them. they chose this one, it sits mainly about i think when you understand this and you have descended, the problem is within the system, then you understand why these people are caught up. and when they come to office, they don't work for the better of the states. and the citizen they worked for the method of their booty and data group. ah
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you have a. busy society that's historically been carved up in terms of power and wealth by these different confessional a leads of from these different religious and social groupings. and it just becomes a kind of elite cobol to extract the wealth of the society and serve the different, competing a lead interest, but not the call activity, not the society as a whole. booth . now here in 2021. we are in the 15th consecutive year of democratic decline. ah,
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democracies fail for many particular reasons. ah, they may be extremely corrupt and self serving with the lance that are not governing well in serving the public trust. ah, people get disillusioned with the ruling elites and parties. ah, and when people see that the rulers they have elected are serving their own interests rather than the public and trust. it's very alienating . it's very de molar moralizing. it's very infuriating. ah, people are supposed to be able to choose their politicians, and those leaders and governments are supposed to come to power and put in place
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policies that help make people's lives better. that is what democracy is all about . ah, what we've seen over the past several decades is governments that have been increasingly either unable or unwilling to do that. ah, so if we look at the trends of the last few decades, we can see some very troubling trends. growing levels of inequality. a sense that the future is going to be much less certain than we expected during the post war period. and in these kinds of contexts, people are rightly angry. ah, people become vulnerable to the appeal of populist, illiberal, or authoritarian leaders who say, i'm the answer truck me. and of course them,
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when you trust and authoritarian populace things get even worse. ah, another really critical political trend of the last decade is an unprecedented number of protests against existing governments. whether democratic or undemocratic is for corruption, for lack of responsiveness across the globe. and i think more and more lebanese are recognizing this are seeing verse and wanting a new social and political bargain in the country. oh, toby, 17 was a turning point in my life. that was the chance to people who had fed up because the government to said we're thinking of the forms, we're thinking of adding taxes. we want something new. this is finished with go to downtown, the little square at 7 pm. it will only 3040 people. and so we started, you know,
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getting messages and the people started coming with him. there will 40000 people with, for the 1st time old confessions, or religious effects were on the street. those individuals just voicing did hussar and did anger against a disposal of the illusion. 11 was every one means everyone. everybody needs to be held accountable for every action that they have done and responded to consistent for the past 31 of the 1st demand was for the government to reside and the government resigned. and then we asked for formation of a new cabinet of independent speak with i'm
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going to, i have not come out of the street until the government stepped out. and a new government is going to come up that they are professionals and they don't belong to any sectarianism to any political association with any of the ones that we have currently with one of them that they formed. that's my business, but it wasn't made of defendant and the political class phase 2 gifts with anson now and nothing happened and nothing with . and we thought that we've reached activity that's nothing with us. we discovered that has layers
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ah august 4th explosion came and we lost houses last people and lost oak in the process of ever finding a solution to the problem that you are in the 3rd explosion and the well apparently it comes after hiroshima and nagasaki in order to soothe hassles the city and killed more than $200.00 people and coast, i think $5000000000.00 in losses. so many people, dad and so many tense, if not hundreds of thousands homeless as a result of bad governance because governing really isn't happening. and the logic of rule in
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a country like lebanon isn't to govern. it's to divide up the wealth and power of the country. so it was a corrupt political class that had agreed to put massive explosives and the point of bade was, and that just blew up and nobody to now is, has a town to before this we live in bad smarts, corruption, that even human life is not worth it anymore to those people. it's not just that they failed us. it's that they attribute with i have an angie or so when the explosion took place. unfortunately,
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we had tim's and place for unstructured because you had already done that because you have to know that in lebanon, it's personal initiatives and civil society who does the work of what a state should be doing. because we do not have a state that help with so whoever, so he a for, could um to look in on a list. i mean, i know that will be an issue and it's gonna go so chip or he can hear that good. so how that can and when they know what the month of our most they they aletha near me away the film and saddle. libby coming from us in a open. okay. so hey, that came through the oven muscleteo overland fisher. in as little so little her, you were both of our live amish doesn't on. yeah. ok if interested, alabama. i, nikita rob. i thought her mother and she said that you suck. okay. which will de
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leon and ah ah, with it's fact you're entering in a tunnel which cannot see the lights at the end of it. ah, i don't think anyone hate that at certain points it's bottom. everybody. nevins angry, says uprising in october 2019th. when bank is to be open and people went back to the bank, but had limits on that withdrawn. second talk was the currency started evaluating. they, we had a fixed rate for denise pound, that was one daughters equals $1570.00 some. we ought at $1.00 equals $15000.00. 0,
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to day we live in 11 of inequality and poverty that has never been seen in lebanon . so had inflation price increase courtesy to variation. this is the economy, the more inequality we have, the less democracy behind me. nothing about equality of incomes. it says nothing about equality of wealth, but he does say that every one must be politically m. rather, the problem really is when social and economic inequality seep into the political sphere, there is no doubt that wealthy citizens have more influence over political outcomes . then i'm poor minds. those who are already very wealthy use their wealth to
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corrupt the politicians. so when you have concentrated well on the temptation of the extremely wealthy is to use their economic power to converted into political power through lobbying non political controls so that they can then reproduce their economic concentration of wealth. and you get into a vicious cycle. ah, democracy does not succeed in the ab quit because we do not know how to deal with democracy. we have dictators when they're just people who just want to offend their kits. are 3 different power. who want to oppress in order
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to stay in their seats. that spring was a hope for everyone. it started in taneesha by this decision of this fruit vendor and tenicia, whose dignity had been repeatedly violated and humiliated by petty corruption by the police to emulate themselves by and that was the ignition switch because it spoke to the sense of humiliation that arabs broadly felt by abusive, monopolistic, corrupt authority, to justice and dignity, respect for them as individuals which all of these era
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dictatorships deny, ah, the are bring, this is really quite upsetting to people who study democracy was what was that, that democratic we've had finally come to the part of the world that seem to be most immune to it, but of course, that democratic wave felt these uprisings failed because mainly of the regional dynamics that there were so few democracies in the region that there weren't others that could, could come to their aid. the anger at all, dictatorships was massive, but the ability to build new democracies was not yet there. oh government here, bonds the needs of their citizens. people who think what we learn from lebanon
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is that democratic governments have some legitimacy simply by being democratic rights. but if those systems are corrupt and if they are unresponsive, they will lose legitimacy as well. and democracy will not be able to thrive in those kinds of circumstances. ah, it's my last battle. this is the last time i'm going to fight. and if this does not happen, i don't want to see my children fighting the same battles again over and over again . lee knew me. the solution for me is for us deeper decide to realizing that this is tough, norman. wow, i'm sad. it's like it's typical night that
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a soda boom, that's what we're living and it's not accepted. it's not okay to accept that our leaders just are corrupt, kiddos, and it's high and this is the african crisis where and when you start questioning, it's when we start changing, as long as we're not questioning, we cannot change we still have some to make the change in the country, but every day, oh dreams, i'm coming lower. now our dream is if we can eat more or she can have eaten model, if we can fill out cards was guests. so this is how much the country became a grave for dreams, especially for the you know,
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because the scene was so boldly under colma with only a salmon and events that i, jim, i believe jimmy dunlab is at a gym and he's sort of beat a bit different to paki a. ready ready job. ready but then a letter back later to home. huh. now, but i'm not for my, you know, my son has been down there with
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the venezuela, columbia borgia has become a stamping ground for trespasses as desperate people transgress an illegal passage to feed an emerging fuel trafficking market. we follow that perilous journey unguarded through the line of fire, risking at all then his wayland columbia on al jazeera, ah, now jazeera, with every oh, straight to the citizen, chit thousands of haitian dominicans, a penalized for the heritage, a state sanctioned racism,
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forced them into legal limber a young, a tiny mouth, the grass roots political campaign, advocating for social justice. but can she shine a light on the racial hatred and institutionalized depression that plagues the dominican republic? stateless. a witness documentary on al jazeera. ah, the european union says it'll give a $1000000000.00 to aid groups in afghanistan to try to stop the humanitarian crisis. getting worse. ah, don't know about this, and this is all does the rely from doe hob also coming up tens of thousands of demonstrations support. bolivia as government as it comes under pressure over the new law, which critics say is a step towards
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a police state. ah, chile declares the state of emergency officer.


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