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tv   [untitled]    October 15, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm AST

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profit, anticipate the consequences. the media was complicit in perpetuating this myth. i'm here to tell you that i think that many people die because of the lifting pace, deconstruct the media on out this era. ah, this is al jazeera, ah, hello, welcome, i'm pete adobe. you're watching the news i live from dough are coming up in the next 60 minutes of british conservative m p. david amos is killed. he was stabbed several times while meeting his constituents. a 25 year old man has been arrested. a bomb attack in afghanistan targets a sheer mosque during friday. prayers killing more than 30 people. lebanon in
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morning funerals are held in bay routes after the biggest st. back than more than a decade. and drinking water is flown in to a remote arctic city in canada. after fi is fits, own water has been contaminated with fuel and sport and brazil head for in their latest world cap qualification. match name are among the toys as brazil close in on a place next year. it's fine. i ah 1st to breaking news coming to us out of the u. k. were a member of parliament from the governing. conservative party has died after being stabbed several times. david amos was a veteran member of parliament. he was meeting members of the public when a man attacked him. these are life pictures coming to us from outside, the building where the attack took place john a whole following that story for us here on the news out. jonah, what happened?
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well, about an hour ago now, essex police in southeast england released a statement saying that a man had died of his wounds following a stabbing attack. that man, of course, was david aims, the m. p for south and west in southeast england had been an empty. this is 997, a conservative party in pieces 983 making in one of the longest serving m p. 's in parliament. david amos had been holding what's called the constituency surgery. in the seaside town of lee on see part of his constituency. these are moments when the british public can approach and meet their m. p. 's famously free of security. they meet the face to face, take their problems to them in the hope that those problems can be directed on to parliament at some point during the surgery just before mid day. this is reported. a man with a knife walking into the belfast methodist church where it was taking place and stabbing mister amos multiple times. essex essex police earlier shortly after the
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attack released a statement saying they'd been called to reports of a stabbing there. they had found a man and taken into custody a man and found the knife used in the attack. that man is currently under arrest. he's been charged with suspicion of murder and the statement earlier said, we are not looking for anyone else in connection with this incident. and do not believe there is an ongoing threat to the wider public. that of course, calls into question the motive we simply don't know anything more about the motive . that statement that would suggest that this is not perhaps a terror inquiry all be it counter terrorism. police are involved, i repeat again. we don't know anything about the motive, mister amos by him by no means the 1st m, p to succumb in this way. during the course of his duties. in the latter part of the 20th century, at least 2 or 2 piece were killed by the irish republican army. 3 m p. 's. now
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including mister, i must have died this of the past 21 years, including of course, famously jo cox, the labor party and pe. he was shot and stabbed outside her constituency offices in northern england in june, 2016 just a short while before the breaks it referendum took place, her attacker a far right extremist, was convicted of murder. thank you very much. well, as soon it was mentioning as to david amos is not the 1st u. k. m, p to be attacked was doing his job in 2016, the labor mpg cox was stopped and shot dead by a white supremacist a week before the bricks referendum in 2010. another labor in p. steven teams was stopped twice at his constituency office by a woman opposed to the war in iraq. he survived. and in 2000 the liberal democrat m . p. nigel jones was injured by a man armed with a samurai sword, his assistant, and re pennington was stamped today during the attack. let's bring in alex dean. he's a conservative commentator. he'll say new david amos, he joins us on skype from london. alex, your thoughts at this time?
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well, thank you for having me on. i think this is absolutely appalling. obviously i didn't know it dated that well, but i, but the point about him was that everyone in the conservative party need him. he was a remarkable land. he worked incredibly hard for his party for his constituents at the people he wanted to get on something done in politics. he was a doer, and i simply paid i can't believe that this has happened a company. this happened again, i was at a large formal event in the city of london. in june 2016 on the day, the j cox died in the event was got all to a close, early by the lord mayor of london, saying and ringing times this was never happened again. and here we are now a short time later we've got to give more security to our members of parliament. but we've also, i think, got to change the way that we speak about them. day to day. we still talk about our politicians as if they are some of the worst people on earth. and thing about sir
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david, is that he was one of the best. and he was an old fashioned, knocked down door constituent, c m p wasn't a solid marriage, 5 kids animal rights campaigner, very pro breaks it very, very conservative, but he'd been around for almost 40 years. so he was a stalwart of the late night news shows in the u. k. when the issue dictated it, when it was an issue that he was fired up about and, and primarily an issue as well. that was that, that the played to his constituency loyalties, the man been in m p all my life, he said, and i've really got to know him because at every he was saint saint part of the country as me and at every constituency fundraiser he'd be there he'd be helping people to raise money for a cause or raise money for a party. he'd want to draw the raffle. he'd want to do the auction. he loved doug shouting the lot. he's just an incredibly decent guy. i actually can't leave that this has happened. and he's the antithesis of any sorts of
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a stereotype of the ambitious politician trying to be on the make or make their way he can't say much about his constituents and whoever this person was, why ever they did it. it's awfully unjustifiable. but alex, how do you make british m p 's or members of parliament around the world? safe or safer than they are up to date? because there are many, many u, k m, p 's, who if, if they were joining in this conversation, we're having now they would say, look, we've got to see our constituents. that's what we do every 2 weeks, we pick a location. and unless you're some unlike, i was listening just before we came on out here with the news i to eric pickles he was saying will he always wants to know who's coming to his constituency surgeries? is that the way to go? perhaps? there may be some of that you may have to try and man to book your place to see your member of parliament, which would be a shame because of the tradition that you rightly point to of openness and being able to simply go that. but it can't be beyond the which of man to provide some
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form of security to members of parliament, whilst still respecting that tradition of being able to see your m pay off to rule . we've got 43 constabulary in this country. 43 police forces where that many serving offices, it can't be beyond the weighted man to show you one person to be in the room every 2 weeks when the n p is see neck constituents on it. after all, the point is better. it's on a scheduled an advertised basis. that's how people like this know when they can attack a member of parliament. so you know, when it's coming up, you can roster on a police officer to be in the room if that's what it's going to take. so that person concerned doesn't close a threat to a member of parliament. and you can of course, be pragmatic and realistic about it. and if someone's desperately concerned about privacy in their obviously no threat, then that lease officer might withdrew to another room. but the list person seems to simply walk to the street with a knife to kill a member of parliament. it murder him in the course of him trying to help is
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constituents. and i can't help it feel that might not have happened if there was security. then alex, doing many thanks for joining us from london. moving on security source is in afghanistan say at least that he 7 people have been killed and dozens were wounded. and an attack on the biggest she a mosque in the southern city of kandahar. it happened during friday prayers. there are unconfirmed reports of 3 explosions inside. it follows an attack last week on another mosque in the northern city of canoes. at least 60 people were killed. stephanie deca joins his life from cobbled staff. what more have you been hearing about the explosions to day in kandahar will certainly for multiple eye witnesses also are sources confirming that there seemed to be multiple suicide. explosions. multiple exclusions taking place around the time of friday. prayers. the death toll now reaching over 40. we spoke to a journalist at the time saying that a lot of casualties were being brought in to the hospital and peter,
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significantly kandahar is the heartland of the taliban. this is their birthplace. this is their home said to have an event like this and it's the 1st time that something like this is happened there at is she a mosque is significant. there has been still no claim of responsibility. but the taliban has already issued a statement saying they blame iso in afghanistan for this attack. and as you mentioned, it's just 7 days after the last friday when they carried out a suicide bombing inside and other sheer mosque in the northeast in conduce. so they're expanding geographically when it comes to their attacks, it used to be more east in the area of july, the bad that it moved to couldn't do. it already happened in cobbled multiple times . so there is a concern and i think they are starting to take it very seriously that this is now a new strategy from iso in afghanistan against the taliban to try and really destabilize what is, of course, a group that used to be an inch insurgency. 2 months ago, peter and that is now having to govern and prevent these kinds of attacks. you get
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the feeling that where you are staffed it for the people of afghanistan. this is beginning to look sound and it must feel to them like the old afghanistan pianist on from before 20 years ago. but it's happening to day. so for them there must be a sense of. oh, here we go again. a spot on really i was talking to someone earlier and we were discussing, you know, the tragedy of today. and he said to me said, listen, he said, you know what, this is, this is the same. he just shrugged. and he said it's just, they're just different faces a but you know that the constant death is the same. so i think people will tell you exactly that in general when you, when it comes to safety and security and the taliban, i've always said they're the only ones to be able to ensure that because there is no longer fighting in the provinces. it is comparatively, you know, safer here in cobble in terms of crime and kidnapping something that was a massive issue. it is comparatively safer a. but now you have, you know, a new strategy if you will, from iso cave, belong at odds with the taliban. but for the people, of course,
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they will tell you that, you know, it's just, it's just another face of the same conflict that constantly happens urine. and it's compounded by the fact that now you've got the international community withholding millions and millions of dollars of much needed money here. people haven't been paid. they can't afford to eat salad haven't been paid in months. it's it's, it's a country really, that is disintegrating. ah, gradually, both when it comes to the economy, when it comes to the humanitarian situation, and of course, also precarious security situation. steph, thanks very much. stepped out of the report in life, the usa from cobbler, the russian president vladimir putin has urged regional leaders not to rush to officially recognize the taliban as the new rulers of afghanistan, speaking during a summers of former soviet nations. he want the interim taliban government is not a reflection of afghan society as a whole. russia is set to host the taliban and other afghan factions for talks on wednesday. newspaper got other pieces of it. we shouldn't hurry yet to officially recognize the taliban. we understand. we have to interact with him,
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but we must not hurry in this regard, lima, we will discuss it and do consultations. we should, however, maintain the process of the afghan reconciliation and seek the normalization of the situation in this country. a former taliban commander is appearing before a u. s. court in new york on terrorism charge is had sheet and that she bullock is facing indictments in relation to an attack in afghanistan that took place in 2008 . it led to the deaths of 3 you soldiers, and their interpreter is also accused of kidnapping, an american journalist and to afghan civilians maggi buller was extradited to the us from ukraine last year. kristen salumi, joyce is live from new york christian. just take us through what's been going on in court today. well today right about now. 1 the defendant has inaji beula is appearing before a judge in federal court. here in manhattan, prosecutors describe the 45 year old as a taliban commander, someone as you say,
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who they say is responsible for killing 3 u. s. service members. and their interpreter as well as taking down a u. s. helicopter. but he is in court on those charges today he was actually charged. 5 back in 2000 for, for another incident back in 2008, involving the kidnapping of an american journalist and to afghan colleagues at the time that received a lot of attention in the united states. and the timing of this, of course, is interesting since the united states has just in the last week begun face to face negotiations with the taliban, including the demand that a u. s. citizen be released from their custody. but it should be pointed out that these latest charges were came after naji beula was arrested last october in ukraine and brought to the united states. a grand jury proceeding
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was held here in the united states. prosecutors presented these new charges and the grand jury did find that there was evidence to go forward with the trial. so that's what we're seeing happening here today. the formal presentment of these charges which include material support for terrorism. even if he himself did not commit the acts that took down these soldiers under us terrorism laws, he can be convicted for material support because there was a murder of a u. s. national and deaths of citizens involved in this case. so we do know from his attorneys, they have stated that they plan to enter not guilty please. and this will begin a lengthy preceding towards a trial here in u. s. court. kristin, thank you very much. kristen salumi reporting live from new york. no more still to come for you here on the news are including planning away out of the climate crisis
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. the u. s. president lays out his plans for a sustainable future. another predominantly black city in the u. s. states of michigan is told it's not safe to drink, tap water and in sport. this chin is the intent of star has just hit the korea high in the world rankings. ah, you authorities in the english speaking western cameroon of cold for calm after school girl died when the police fight on a car of checkpoint, a crowd of people later killed the officer responsible. they then carried the girls body to the governor's office. the incident took place in boucher where anglo phone separatists have been in conflict with government forces for 4 years after that address has been following developments from a boucher in neighboring nigeria. well, the situation in bia is tennis and com tense and the says that
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a lot of people expecting things to fly up. this is a city known for its on to government protestant violence, and it's also the capital of the southwestern region of cameroon. remember these and another region neighborhood region, ah, talking about discrimination against the english speaking cameroon. and also this is why the birthplace of the emperor's only movement is saw. the situation is calm, but a lot of people expect things to flap in the next few days or so. a few years ago there was a national conference called by long serving president paul viet ah, autonomy some kind of farm latitude has been given to regions, the governors, regional governors and ministers to do more in their regions to bring government closer to the people. but for many of the practice, many of the opposition, especially in english speaking, cumberland are not happy about this. they believe that things were like, was they want to larger. also let me larger freedoms as well as recognition as top
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the discrimination against what they call the people of dr regions. and this has been going on for a very long time and negotiations so far seem to our field on the part of government. and the succession of movement of bizarre here that refused to come to the table. those that give up their arms and have moved to the government side. i still complaining of being marginalized on the sidelines. and they were not happy now to lebanon, where funerals are being held. for 7 people killed in beirut, worse street violence in more than 10 years, said he was rocked by the constant gunfire for more than 4 hours on thursday. with an identified snipers on rooftops, it began as a protest organized by his bullet and its airlines demanding the removal of the judge overseeing the investigation into the bay route port explosion. a get passed in august. the judges association has rejected calls to dismiss the judge. bernard smith is ly. first in beirut, bernard just give us
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a sense of the atmosphere there. 7 funerals taking place today. peter much quieter in bay route to day since the outbreak of that violence on thursday night much quiet on the road generally because a government is called a day of mornings or most businesses and government offices are closed. as bala has said that it will not be dragged into a civil war, but a senior leader of the group. hashem. sure as a field in sad or at the funerals to day that we will not that the blood of our martyrs be in vain and has bala has repeated the accusation. that cypress, from the lebanese forces her from the christian lebanese forces party ambushed. she eyed his bola, supporters as they came to protest in this part of a route i'm in an area that divides a christine neighbourhood behind me from a shiite neighbourhood. over to the other side, there remains
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a military presence here. pretty lebanese forces have denied it very strongly that they did ambush at these as bowler supporters. but that is what both, that is what has bhalla is claimed and that led to that eruption, a violence which led to the deaths. all 7 people. this time yesterday, bernard, we were just about to hear from the lebanese president, michelle, i own seeing the investigation into the b route court explosion was going to go on . the judge was going to carry on in his job. have we heard anything else during the course of this day to day, from lebanese politicians we know already the most lebanese politicians don't seem to want this investigation to go and they don't just want to eric because removing from his pro, supposed to be leading, investigating judge that on that and trusted an investigation going on because it's
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on billy unveiling unwilling veil some dirty secrets. lincoln corruption and lebanese politicians judge baton didn't only want to speak to politicians allied to his bala. he wanted to speak to christina general, a christie and politician. he wanted to speak to lebanon's a form of prime minister and doubt. so there were a wide range of people. he wanted to speak to miss investigation as a broad support of the lebanese population because they not only want justice, but the people who were killed in last years explosion. but they want this as a demonstration, if you like, that there is still some to some sort of rule of law in lebanon and an ability to hold people accountable. now those who want this investigation to go away get their way through whatever means they choose to try and make this and best to try and stop this investigation. then that will bring no clear indication that the rule of law does not exist. and 11 on not for the society that he's all ready at.
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rock bottom is a very troubling develop. been at many things, but smith correspond to the in the lebanese capital bay would turning attention now to climate change. and the big issue of climate change, the bite administration in washington issuing a report today on how it plans to protect american families from the economic risks of climate change. parts of the us have been experiencing extreme weather, including wildfires and hurricanes in february, a cold snap and texas led to widespread power cons costing an estimated $10000000000.00 in property damage. the 40 page document comes ahead of the you and climate change conference that will be held in scotland next month live now to washington and white house correspondent, kimberly how could kimberly an ambitious plan? it sounds like what's in there. yeah, well what's in there is essentially what the white house is calling a whole of government approach to try and meet the ambitious goal of cutting
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greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by the year 2030. now, as you pointed out, there has been a problem with extreme weather around the globe, including the united states at rise in wild fires and flooding drought conditions. and so this is the by to ministrations plan to deal with that. and in terms of the whole of government approach, what they're saying is this touches every aspect of not just government, but also of as the ordinary americans lives in terms of the money they spend, how they spend in the damages that are incurred as a result. so this is an investment in trying to change all of that in to really help to be more resilient in combat. climate change that we should point out. the criticism has always been the government can't deal with this because it comes with the cost of jobs. so this is also an investment in green energy, according to the bike administration, really, to try and counter that argument. he is hating, of course, to that big climate meeting in glasgow in scotland in a few weeks time,
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a lot of support around the international community. president's prime minister's etc, environment ministers, but at home, is it a different story? yeah, and this is a problem for the biden administration because oh, what they're fearful of is that they're going to go to this international climate conference and really look like all talk and no action. and the reason is that so much of the biden administration's efforts to combat climate change or tucked into legislation, that's not yet been passed into law. and so they had to this a international climate summit with a strong show for us. in fact, we know that 13 members of the biden administration cabinet will be participating to show that all aspects of the u. s. government are engaged in combat climate change. but at the same time, a really just as words without the legislation to back it up. i there is a chance at the,
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by the ministration is going to look kind of empty handed. so this is something they're trying to push. try to push on capitol hill but so far has not been successful. kimberly, thanks so much. kimberly, how could they are our white house correspondent? well, the australian prime minister says he will attend the you and climate summit in glasgow. later in the months. got morrison had initially threatened to skip the call. 26 event in scotland. it comes as his conservative government as spacing global pressure to cut carbon emissions. australia is one of the world's biggest colon gas exports and has long resisted adopting a carbon neutral target. it's not just about hitting that 0, that's an important environmental goal. the, what's important to the strategy is economy goes from strength to strength and the livelihoods in the lives. the distractions now, particularly in rural and regional areas, are able to go full with how and with confidence and that's what my plan will be all about. and i look forward to furthering those discussions in the weeks ahead. still to come here on the news hour travel frenzy gets underway in australia.
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international flight bookings have surged as restrictions are relaxed and in sport did he or didn't t, the moments of controversy that ended this major league baseball playoff series? ah, now for the most part, the heat is easing, the radium peninsula is actually a thin line of clarity, which many would argue as the autumn front ones that go south. temperatures tend to drop away and stay that way for a few months. but if you look at iraq of 41 in baghdad, you think that still on the high side, and you would be right to think that it is on the high side. but when the wind kicks in, we're back down towards normal. 34 degrees after probably a sandy sand stormy day on sundays at wind kicks up on that frontal system. equally
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old, in my mind, is what's happening in the north of pakistan. far north west of india and even parts of afghanistan as snow arise on sunday and monday with rain, but it stretches all the way through the safe and he should not be doing that this time of the year. but more normally, the autumn storm was effecting grease, so friday and saturday by sunday will just be a few showers. and as for those few shares to turkey, so it's of expands itself. and i think they come across towards the coast of lebanon and further south as well, on shore breeze. becky fee cooler in the levant, mostly it's dry now in somali and kenya part for a few showers. what there are masses of shasta in place? i got along. cameroon and dia, congo, this looks wet. ah, it's the world's most populous democracy. diverse dynamic and undergoing momentous
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ah, welcome back. it's approaching. how fast the are you watching the outsider and use our life though? ha, i'm peace. adobe. your top stories. breaking news out of the u. k. the concert of m p, david amos has died after being stopped repeatedly. he was meeting members of his constituency in the church building, when a man reportedly entered and attacked him, security source, his and afghanistan say at least 41. people have been killed and dozens wounded. an attack on the biggest sheer mosque in the southern city of kandahar. there are unconfirmed reports of 3 explosions inside funerals being held for 7 people killed in bay, rooks worth street violence in 13 years. things sissy was rocked by near constant gunfire for more than 4 hours on thursday, with unidentified snipers up on the rooftops. let's get more now on the
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stabbing to death of the u. k. m. p. david a. miss jona hall is tracking that story for us out of our bureau in london. so jonah is beginning to reverberate. i notice on twitter, the prime minister burst johnson's wife, talking about the loss of david amos because they work together because there was a link up there because of the animal rights carried johnson quick off the mark on twitter to express her shock and dismay about the killing of david a miss along with i mean a whole host of his westminster colleagues. of course, as you can imagine, expressing their shock about his death describing him among other things as one of the kindest, most compassionate and well liked colleagues in parliament and the union flag currently flying at half mast over downing street. so yes, this is an event that will reverberate and have an enormous impact on the political life, particularly.


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