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tv   [untitled]    October 16, 2021 12:00am-12:30am AST

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al jazeera english proud recipient of the new york festivals gold koster, of the year reward for the 5th year running. ah, this is al jazeera ah. hello i marianna lisay. welcome to the news ally from london coming up in the next 60 minutes. ah, in afghanistan sheer worship as a targeted for the 2nd time in just days. explosions killed thousands at a mosque in the taliban, hot land. british emp, he dies off to being stopped several times as the police investigation begins. questions, arrays about the safety of politicians, anger,
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and suspicion boil over an english speaking cameroon, and demonstrates his turn on a police officer. they accuse of killing a school go. residents in this us city, a told to turn off, the tabs were years off to lead. contamination was 1st detected in that water supply and in sport channels. super kings. when the indian premier league final plots paras saint germaine struggle without massey, a name are but managed to 8 come back when i hello. welcome to the program, our top story. at least 41 people have been killed and dozens wounded in an attack on worshippers in afghanistan. this happened during friday prayers that the largest shia mosque in the southern city of kandahar. believe there were multiple
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explosions inside the mosque. kandahar is afghanistan, 2nd largest city, and considered the birthplace of the taliban. al jazeera stephanie decker reports now from the capital cobble. ah, the explosions ripped through friday. prayers. reports suggest several suicide bombers were involved in the attack. this alamo, there were 3 people. the 1st one entered and killed the gate keeper, and the remaining to the end of the mosque, they were armed. they opened fire 1st and then all 3 of them detonated themselves together. many of my family members were mounted there than i. wow. ambulance crews rushed to the scene. casualties mounted. this is the largest shia mosque in kandahar the province is taliban heartland in the south of canister on the groups birthplace and stronghold. and this significantly, the 1st attack of its kind here. it's a 2nd on
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a sheer place of worship. in 7 days. last friday, she a mosque was attacked in conduce in the north east of the country. more than 60 people were killed as they to attended friday prayers. and i so suicide bomber entered and detonated his explosive. among them appears to have been an increase in pace and your graphical scope. and attacks carried out by iceland, afghanistan over the last couple of weeks or the taliban is always said that it is the only group able to maintain security across the country. but that premise is now being challenged. and despite the taliban saying it had the idle threat under control just a few days ago, the interior ministry giving a press conference asking taliban fighters to be cautious among their ranks, hinting at concerns of infiltration, the holiday de la de la bar. so that if somebody is found in any of army units linked to i, so let it be known that the unit commander will be interrogated and the unit will be dissolved. hasn't been. it's 2 months since the taliban took control of the country, having to adapt from insurgency to governance. and despite
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a diplomatic push abroad, millions of dollars of much needed international donor money are still being withheld. as the international community demands more inclusive government and the protection of women's rights and those of minorities agencies, morning of the humanitarian catastrophe. as the country is running severely low on cash, salaries haven't been paid in months. millions of people don't have enough to eat and winter is coming. all this compounded by non predictable security situation with new dynamics at play. stephanie decor 0 couple. so more on this, let speak to charlie winter director of research at extract company, which analyzes data and communications related to violent extremism. so have been a number of deadly bombings across afghanistan, particularly in the north and east of the country. how significant is the location of today's attack in the taliban? southern strong?
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it's very significant. i mean, it's important to note that k p hasn't claimed responsibility for this attack yet, but based on data from the last few weeks, based on prevailing trends over the course of the last year. and based on rhetoric from i itself, it seems very, very likely that it is the culprit behind this attack. and if it is the case, then this time it's ever been operationally active in this part of afghanistan. it's, i have kept trying to demonstrate that no matter what the taliban says, no much it's rhetoric has 6 carrots instability. it doesn't have a hold on security in the country and the big promise of security that it's been saying it would be able to bring traffic on a stand for years. it's trying now to demonstrate that that's a false promise. how has i asked, can't be managed to do it to penetrate this, to penetrate kandahar in this way with multiple explosions in inside of this small square families would have gathered for that price. what does that suggest about
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the resources that disposal and recruitment efforts? well, it's clear that there's a network that spans across afghanistan far away from just the eastern reaches of the country. now go, how can our web they've been that kind of historical hope that is support for i s k p in previous years. and what's happened over the last few weeks as finances picked up in that part of the country, the taliban has put a lot of its security focus is really prioritized manga. and his rounded up a lot of scientists and people accused of being associated with ice k, p in that particular part of the country. so difficult for them to operate that. but i think what we're going to see moving forward is a displacement of the i s k p threat. whether that's to the north had of had about the can do the attack last week just now and obviously to day kandahar. but we know
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that there's also a network over inherit in the west of the country as well. so i think that what likely we'll see is a displacement away from just the eastern coast on where i escape has been focused of light. does that mean the taliban? oh they capable then of suppressing the threat from i s k p particularly if it if when they crack down on the group in one area they just sort of metastasize and spread out to these decentralized networks that just go elsewhere. well, i mean that's the whole point for it. i think these networks are already in these places, but i s k p. the whole purpose of the 40 for taxes carried out taliban in the last couple of weeks alone. that's all about trying to draw the taliban into a situation where it's reacting indiscriminately and driving a wedge between it and the population that i've k p is trying to direct support from. so i think the network has always been spread across africa. histone there
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was a pause of about 8 weeks where i s k p activity completely dropped off around the capture couple in mid august. and during that pause b. c. i, system affiliates do this elsewhere as well. whether and serial, where iraq or west africa, there's a period of like an operational refit, where they figure out what the next steps are. they lay the ground and then prepare for the next phase. just to be clear about this, i've kind of stones, has our share have been targeted for decades, they would not protected under the previous us back government in the country. are they even more vulnerable now? what i mean if that had been con, keep a handle on the threat from i s k p then no, no. but the taliban, at least at an official rhetoric level, has been very clear that it wants to look out for the rights and security of shared muslims in afghanistan. that's been quite loss of propaganda from the taliban side
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of things to that particular and. and we've already had a few statements from the public officials of the taliban condemning the attack and saying that they are committed to supporting ship security in afghanistan. and not just a rhetorical level. charlie went her director of research extract. thank you very much. i keep it with the news, our life from london, much more still ad for you on the program. remembering and assassinated president and became a foss over warden 30 years on at justice. still has to wait and you, iron curtain to block off eastern europe. poland gets tougher on my grants, trying to enter the e u barrier could soon get physical and his force an unhappy liverpool manager takes aim at football, governing bodies for not doing enough of play a welfare ah,
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our versus member of parliament from the governing. conservative party has died after being stabbed several times. 16 year old david amos was a veteran politician and was meeting his constituents when he was attacked. a 25 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after the incident at a church in leon. see east of london jona. how now a port in an investigation still unfolding no clear motive has emerged for the attack on m. p. david amos, the veteran, conservative member of parliament, died of his wounds having been stab multiple times during a meeting with his constituents in southeast england. essex police said a man had been arrested at the scene in a church hall in the seaside town of lee on see where the meeting was taking place
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. the 25 year old has been arrested on suspicion of murder. a knife was also recovered. the investigation, is it, it's very early stages and is being led by officers from the specialist of counterterrorism. come on. we made it clear at the time of the incident that we did not believe there was any immediate further threat to anyone else in the area. it will be for investigators to determine whether or not this is a terrorist incident in the political holes of westminster. meanwhile, shock and dismay, david was a man who believe passionately in this country and in its future. and we've, we've lost to day a fine public servant and a much loved friend and colleague, david, a miss had been the m p for south and west of since 1997. the conservative member of parliament in the 1983. he was one of the longest serving members of the house
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of commons talk about animal welfare generally cruelty to animals, a defender of animal rank colleagues describe david, a kind, compassionate and well liked he is said to have been keenly dedicated to his regular open door meetings with constituents, and enjoyed bringing their consent to the floor of the house. amos is not the 1st in peter have been killed in the course of his duties. most infamous, in recent times, was the murder of labor party and p. jo cox in her northern england constituency. in 2016, she was stabbed and shocked by a far right supporter a week before the bricks referendum. the death of david a mis will raise questions once again about the threats politicians face in an increasingly divided political climate. it can't be beyond the wish man to provide some form of security to members of parliament whilst still respecting that tradition of being able to see your m p. so, you know, when it's coming up, you can roster on
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a police officer to be in the room if that's what it's going to take. it is a much cherished tradition. the practice of face to face meetings between citizens and their elected representatives based on openness and trust. now, once again called into question by the deliberate killing of a member of parliament, joan a whole al jazeera london, well nadine baba joins us live now from lee on see and, and it in a more information about the suspect and the direction the investigation will now take to be honest, no marian, as you heard, as it's police, have confirmed the counter terrorism command and out in charge of the investigation . and it's an investigation into that 25 year old man who was arrested earlier on a on suspicion of murder. they haven't told us anything more. busy about him, but that fact that it's being handled by counter terrorism command indicates that
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there will be looking into whether this individual had links to any extremist groups. whether he had a terrorist motive. they have said so far that they're keeping an open mind. they've also confirmed that they are not looking for any one else, then they don't believe any one else was involved in this attack. here in leon, see people have been really shocked and really saddened because david amos was somebody who was genuinely popular with people who voted for his conservative party and who didn't. we've spoken to people on both in both of those categories were spoken to business owners who say that he was often seen around or he'd pop tend to say hello and so on. and he was also very well respected by his parliamentary colleagues as you are hearing maurice johnson, the prime minister, paying tribute, the leader of the opposition kiss, darma saying similar things we've heard or even from the u. s. secretary of state
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antony blinkin has put out a message of condolence to his to david amos, his family, friends, and colleagues, calling him a did a dedicated public servant and lawmaker saying an attack on elected officials is an attack on democracy. well, that's what a lot of politicians here are saying, and they are wondering how it can be made safer for politicians to carry on, holding those face to face meetings with the public, which david amos was so committed to the home secretary, pretty battelle has announced that she's asked every police force in the country to review m p security arrangements. she has already spoken to the speaker of the house of commons, lindsey hoyle, now we know that many m. p 's over the last few months and years have received death threats on line. they have received verbal abuse as they go about their
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business in and around the area of westminster, where parliament parliament is. and there is a feeling virtue. the threats have escalated and looked something needs to be done, given that this is the 2nd time in 5 years now that a serving member of parliament has been killed doing their job. thank you, lie much and lay on sea and a mob reporting to us. now funerals have been held for the 7 people killed and they were it's west street violence for over a decade. a city was rocked by near constant gunfire for more than 4 hours on thursday. 19 people have been arrested over the violence which began when identified snipers on rooftops target had a protest march and march was organized by his bela and its allies, demanding the removal of the judge either seeing investigation into last year's port explosion. i was there as bernard smith is in beirut, for i said more on the port blast investigation,
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and the fallout from 1st day's violence that most lebanese politicians don't seem to want this investigation to go on there. i just want derek baton removing from his pros post as the leading, investigating judge that are interested in the investigation going on because it's on billy unveiling and will unveil some dirty secrets. lincoln corruption and lebanese politicians judge retired and only want to speak to politicians allied to his bala. he wanted to speak to a christian general, a kristian politician. he wanted to speak to lebanon's former prime minister hat and deb. so there were a wide range of people, he wanted to speak to unless investigation as the broad support of the lebanese population, because they not only want justice for the people who were killed in last year's explosion. but they want this as a demonstration, if you like, that there is still some to some sort of rule of law in lebanon and an ability to hold people accountable. a government is called a day of mornings,
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or most businesses and government offices are closed. as bowler has said that it will not be dragged into a civil war, but a senior leader of the group. hashem, just as a field in sad or at the funerals to day that we will not, that the blood of our martyrs be in vain and has bala has repeated the accusation that cypress, from the lebanese forces her from the christine lab is false. his party ambushed, she eyed his bola, supporters as they came to a protest in this part of a route, i'm in an area that divides a christine neighborhood behind me from a shiite neighbourhood. over to the other side, there remains a military presence here. pretty lebanese forces have denied very strongly that they did ambush at these has bowler supporters. farseason english speaking west and cameron have called for com. after a school girl died, when police fired on a car at a checkpoint,
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a crowd of people later killed the officer. they thought was responsible. the incident took price in an area where separatists have been in conflicts with government forces for 4 years and interests reports. now from neighboring nigeria ha, in a city known for protest against the government and values, these images, water officials, i protested, took to the streets, accusing a police officer of killing the 5 year old. of their mother refused to pay him a bribe. b kareka buddy to the governor's office, the letters balance and the lines attend situation in english speaking come rule while government forces are fighting separatists wanted independence. this point, i'm wonder, i'm the mother. if you can get up in the morning. i rachel tag. everything right. i get what you're saying it. no, you're good. i'm fine. you get to deal with
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it. in 2017 separate is from them was only a movement declared independence from cameroon. why more than 80 percent of the population is francophone. that led to a crackdown by security forces. the foyer volumes has claimed more than 3500 lies and forced around 700000 people from their homes. desperate to stop the protest in the city of bureau from getting out of control official promised to investigate the shooting of the school go i, [000:00:00;00]
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i know bureau is terms what call it what it will hold use will be able to keep up with the grease out hundreds of people have gathered and became a foss, those capital to pay tribute to the former president thomas and kara, 34 years to the day since his assassination revolutionary pan african has left the country from $983.00 on monday, 14 men, including the former president con power i went on trial over the killing case has been adjourned to later this month. nicholas huck has moved from walk a ducal. this is an exceptional ceremony given in pomp an honor to a man that has become an african icon. former president, toma sanker,
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who 35 years ago was assassinated in the building right behind me. such events under former president bless compo, who's accused now of the murder in the sas nation of toma san cora would not be possible inside. people were not even allowed to be on the road where we're standing right now to day diplomats and dignitaries from africa and from virginia. far so have gather to pay tribute to to my son cara. it's a moment of history. it's a moment to remember a man that was celebrated because he strive for self sufficiency. he gave burkina, faso and the people here an element of pride in their indignity in their country that they can be self sufficient, less dependent on friends, the former colonial power. now, thomas sanker as trial has just started on monday with his widow asking
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for the for president to not be afraid and to come and face justice. he's the main accused behind the murder of sancho who was murdered here 35 years ago, a long 12 others. it's an important moment for many people here in this country and for many young people. because with this judy of justice, people want to move on and unite this country that is currently under terminal turmoil dealing with arm conflict to the north end, a humanitarian crisis. our residence in a 2nd city in the last day of michigan have been told not to drink their tap water because of lead contamination. benton harbor is a majority black city with high levels of lat than feller michigan city flint had at the height of its water crisis that was detected in the cities pipes 3 years ago . but the state officials say it'll take another 18 aunt's to replace them. john hendern reports in benton harbor. the water is
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brown in people are seeing red getaway. a last lesson while here. so i'll know what to do. i don't know for the 2nd time in recent memory, the state of michigan is taking years to clean up lead, tainted drinking water in a majority. black city, when a visitor complained about the water. reverend edward pinkney had it test it and found high levels of lead. he says there's a reason it's taking so long to remove it. environmental recess just so. what if, if, if oh, a white woman would count was, oh, will you see he see her on a camel with a little baby? she's cry and tell him that the little destroying her baby. there was a, was sent out. the army of fina will be here. all the pentagon would be everybody would be here and they are resolved as pain in less than 6 months. but by. 5 being a black city is a whole different story. 2 years after the majority, black town of flint resolved
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a 5 year long crisis with lead in its water bent in harbours. water is even more toxic. my water sounds bad. does it make you mad? yes, they does. not take a bath in a brush, our teeth and land it is, but with us always in the most tainted samples from homes here contained $889.00 parts of lead per 1000000000. $59.00 times the states 15 parts per 1000000000 limit on thursday with residents lining up for bottled water. 3 years after the city discovered its taps were tainted, the state announced it would replace all of the cities underground, lead pipes within 18 months. this directive ensures that state government has taken a truly all hands on deck approach. the mayor is careful not to criticize the state leaders who have committed to replace the city's lead pipes. but he to raises the spectre of racial discrimination the entire system. quite honestly. ah,
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sits since his inception from the federal and state level has not been kind and friendly to black people. i think that there's been some headway. ah, but quite honestly, there's a long way to go because of the racial, not just insensitivity, but in justice. the average income here is about $32000.00 a year, just above the poverty line for a family of 4. here at lake michigan, the water is lead free. it picks up the lead, as it course is through the cities aging pipe. there's water everywhere. it's just not safe to drink. so far the city has promises of $18000000.00 of the $28000000.00 it will take to replace all of its lead supply pipes. it will have to find the remaining $10000000.00 somewhere to finish the project on time. in 2023. john henry
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l. g 0. benton harbor, michigan. bolan's parliament has passed a law allowing border guards to push migrants in refugees back across the countries border. authorities can only can also refuse the asylum claims of those who enter illegally. the legislation supports a plan to build a $400000000.00 border war. many people crossing from barrison ukraine to enter the european union. poland accused batteries of allowing migrants to cross illegally and retaliation. the e u. sanctions. human rights group say it's a means of legalizing inhumane treatment or poland lies on the eastern flank of the european union, guarding blocks order from that route. and ukraine. government has more than 15000 attempts to cross the border have been made since early august, and it says the number is risen to more than 500 a day in recent weeks. most of the attempts have been from people coming from iraq, afghanistan and syria,
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is move north from turkey or through the caucasus of which actually belsky is the editor in chief of visegrad insight, a polish political current affairs magazine, and says that polish border guards dealing with a humanitarian crisis. the law does not change much in what was happening already. the border border guards based on the government directive were already applying push backs and would ignore the ally as island applications if they were even petitions on the po to sign. but that's not necessarily the case as, as many of the migrants who wanted to get through poland, where actually travin and traveling to 2 locations in germany. these, these are daily buses coming to the border and picking them up whenever they actually make it to, to cross through the green border. so in much actually in, in a twist, you would say that this is about giving a, giving legal grounds for the operations, stronger legal mass with their patients of the,
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of the border guards who otherwise are facing a real human tied in crisis at mounting up on the border, the people are flown into blue bellows and an assisted by the border guards and also abused according to other reports on the crossing of in various unpleasant ways. and also they are put into danger, put into woods in the swamps which are otherwise not. you know, polish cars are not able to control and several dead people that bodies appeared. a peep off of the people who lost where simple lives were lost because of the low temperatures and, and being lost in the woods, not being picked up by the polish guards, is ally from london flatfoot on the plan. a former taliban commander makes his p and in the middle course has the major 3 americans in afghanistan, life at the mercy of climate change. millions of people in northern kenya could go hungry in just weeks. as the rains refused to come. and in major league baseball,
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a controversial finish to the playoff game between the dodges the giants of those details later. ah, hello there. let's have a look at the weather across europe over the next few days and have more wet and windy weather on the way. not just in the north, but also in the southeast were watching that deep area of low pressure sports severe storms to parts of italy and greece as well as the balkans. and that when windy weather is set to continue with, had some torrential downpours cause flooding in athens and some other greek islands . well, that rain will push for the east as that where this is to moves towards turkey. we're going to see some heavy rain as well for parts of bulgaria,


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