tv [untitled] October 16, 2021 4:00pm-4:30pm AST
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take it off the table, it says shoot inside atmosphere. people are demoralized, they're exhausted, and many health care workers are experiencing p t s d like symptoms jump into the stream, and ju, he now global community of hill on line on each and right now you can be part of those conversations. wealth this dream. oh, now to sierra, ah, this is al jazeera ah, it's just gone 1300 hours g m t for pm here in dover. hello and come all santa maria. welcome to the new south. there is a review that's underway has been underway in the last 24 hours the u. k. plans, the security overhaul for m p 's after the fatal stabbing of conservative
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politician david amos. ah, as she has more and they're dead in the kandahar mosque bloss, the taliban promises to step up security for the minority community in afghanistan . also in the news, a snob for the leader of me and miles, june to the block of southeast asian nations as bard men on lie from its summits. later this month, 321. the nasa sends a probe on one of the agencies longest missions towards jupiter's trojan asteroids and his full liverpool are on coast said takes up spot in the english premier league. sanibel strike assario manet opening the scoring against what foot for nail to liverpool. the light disco ah, so the security of british m pays being reviewed after the killing of
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a long standing politician in what police are now describing as a terrorist incidents, david amos was stabbed to death at a meeting with constituents on friday afternoon. the home secretary, pretty petto, said, steps will be taken to prevent such an attack happening again. there are measures underway right now. i've convened meetings yesterday, i've been with this speaker of the house and with the police and our security services to make sure that all measures are being put in place for the security of m p so that they can carry on with their duties as elected democratic members was the home secretary, they're a little bit early. we had the prime minister bars johnson and the leader of the opposition. he a storm of visiting the site to pay their tributes. there was a 25 year old man in custody held on suspicion of murder after being arrested at the same. so let's start things off with rory challenge reporting from lee on see this saturday and behind you. the tributes are bringing
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a moment of political solidarity that you don't often see. yeah, we saw that her earlier on today, and we went, boris johnson and kissed armor. both came down together, 2 men who in their day jobs are on opposite sides of the divide. her quest of each other's motives, questioning each other's integrity. today they put that aside, and i think that's a message that is coming loud and clear from westminster that this has transcended, it's overcome those normal divisions that you see in british political life for astronomy. and said that david amos is one of the kindest, nicest, most gentle people in politics. and that's the kind of message you're hearing about him from all parties and her friends from all the people who knew him the, the messages in the attributes that have been left have a very similar tone to them, essentially saying that he was a kind man. and a dedicated public servant,
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a man who was killed essentially doing something there was integral to his job. he was going out there and he was meeting the public face to face that, that the police are saying, this is a terrorist investigation. now terror investigation is the metropolitan police or that is looking after the investigation. and they have arrested a 25 year old man, as he said, come out. the early investigation, they say, has revealed a potential motivation links to islamic extremism, but that's as far as i going was out of the moment. okay. and then we saw and we heard the home secretary are pretty battelle, they're talking about measures being taken to ensure this doesn't happen again. the fact is, we're, we this, is it happening again, isn't it with him in the name joe cox? it's, it's anonymous of what's happened here. yeah, i mean, to be honest, you can't really stop happening in the future. if politicians, if m pays are to carry on meeting the public face to face, it's an activity that is so crucial to their jobs. it's crucial to how they operate
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as public servants, but it makes them vulnerable ministers. have me particularly the top ministers, have close security that follows them often. wherever they go and pays back, vention pays. they can't really do that. they can't have that. it would stop them doing what they need to do, and most of them don't want to have that kind of protection. so pretty put out in the home office has a dilemma and it will have to strike a balance. the one thing that printed out. but i was saying that was that she's not going to try to stop and he's doing that face to face outreach to the public representation that cannot be taken away from m. p. 's. otherwise the kind of functioning of the parliamentary democracy like the u. k. has but it doesn't really work so well anymore. another thing that is in the news because of this event is and kind of soul searching about the tone in which politics has talked about in the
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u. k. and about whether that is something that has become too he said to that, you know, that can to toxic and whether it needs to be dial down. thank you. or we challenge for those up. that's where we reporting from lee on see this saturday. we want to build on what we're talking about there and take a closer look at the current security arrangements for you. k politicians facade at the top, the houses of parliament way, and p cit, that is heavily guarded. armed police man, every entrance, the public cannot freely enter. you go outside of parliament, only the prime minister and some senior cabinet secretaries have their personal security details. as rory was saying, their regular em pays must rely on a standard police response. they can request equipment like cctv opposing alarms, but really it is up to them to organize their own security measures. so let's talk about this a with matthew goodman is a professor at the university of kent and the co author of national populism. the revolt against liberal democracy. thank you for your time. i don't know if you heard our conversation with the correspondent just before then, but he was saying,
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there is a balance here. yes, we have to protect people, but damn pace have a job to do. and this is an integral part of it. is there somewhere in the middle? well, i think that's absolutely correct. one thing to add to that conversation, and i agree with your correspondence. he made that point dated. i use himself was a great believer in british democracy in the historic link between the vote, a citizen on, on the one hand and the politician on the other. i think to be frank, he's the last person who would want to see that link become much weaker or even blocked. so i don't think there's a case today for not using security to shanta and he's from their constituents. but i think there is a very good discussion about how can we put some measures in place just to
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give and he's going to security both of you and in that constituency offices. for example, having a police member, a member of the police of is present when they are conducting those meetings. that you can you explain for our international audience about this? and it's, it's a curious term they use in the u. k. holding it a surgery. how it operates, i'm sure every m p does a slightly differently, but broadly speaking, can any member of that constituency just roll up on the day? do they have to sort of notifying events? how does it broadly work? yes, actually it is a very regular forum, a meeting went by the local constituents, have an opportunity to type issues, concerns, questions directly to their member problem. it's a very sorry relationship and you might argue with the it's the, the heart and soul of british democracy. whether nellikka in parliament sit down
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with a constituent. it's very easy to arrange those meetings often conducted through the m p. 's office. but i think now it's probably time to have a discussion about whether we could put security measures in place to pass it, not, not remove that function because that would be a disastrous move. i think the british marcus a rather to ensure that at least somebody is present of the security police. going to see that. but even before that, i mean, i don't like using this sort of terminology, but screening people actually taking a list of people who are due to comma, who want to com and actually doing the checks. i mean it's, it's, it's a slippery slope or no. well, i think certainly that will be something a pretty good tell you secretary, secretary will be looking at today. we've also just heard this afternoon, the local police, our offices are conducting interviews with every member of parliament today. you know,
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we tend to discuss what security arrangements they have in place that they're home and at their constituency, opposite offices. and i think that that will continue going forward. we yet to discover really what the motive on the line this is and of course is pointing in that direction of our religious vice full of extremism. this will why use questions like the case outside the houses of parliament? a police officer was, was murdered, i race and i think this will become part of that brought to conversation. not just about how do we protect them, but how do we actually bolster integration and how do we manage counselor extremism involving a lot of places to, to bring together on their look. thank you so much for your time. matthew gordon from the university of kent. we appreciate that 10 minutes past this news hour. here's what's coming up. now. some of the hong kong, post vocal activists, a jailed, sending shockwave to the pro democracy movement. the worst crisis threatening our
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transition. that message from sedans, the prime minister is more protests, are called and spoke the houston astros take some hips game, want to pay a playoff series with the boston red sox. and you see with that at about 10 to the ah, on to afghanistan with a ton of ants, promising to step up security at she moss softer. the 2nd major attack against worship is in a week in was being held in kandahar following a bomb attack on friday. the kills at least 48 people. iceland afghanistan claimed responsibility. this is after a similar attack on the northern city of condos last week. members of the ship community calling for protection, done as long underslung people, our coward enemies, merciless, too old. we ask d as lamar emerett to seriously think about our security,
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because our enemies will harm our society by any means. they can put a hug. stephanie decker and cobble with more on this, any details on this level of security that's going to be stepped up for the cio community. while the kandahar police chief saying that it's going to be special police units assigned to, she are mosques that initially had been now under the protection of volunteers who had been issued a fire arms. and he said that clearly that wasn't providing enough protection. and that is going to be stepped up that's of course because you know, over the last 8 days you've had to attacks on chia places of worship during friday . prayers. one in kandahar is we're talking by the one in north east in conducing the, the faculty so significant about kandahar kamala, that because that's the 1st time that iceland, afghanistan has targeted the taliban heartland carried out this kind of attack to suicide bombers. according to the i, so a statement of the, of the claiming responsibility that 2 men managed to detonate themselves during
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friday. prayers are really a statement to the taliban that you know, they can strike at their very heartland. and i can tell you just from what we've seen, you know, in the aftermath of that here in kabul in the capital particular moving around the ministry security does seem to have been beefed up. and it does seem to indicate that the taliban realizes that now this is something that would have to take very seriously. stephanie, another matter i wanted to talk to you about, we were reporting earlier about the joint strike that happened in kabul in there in the final days of the u. s. troop patrol, 10 people killed and the u. s. the pentagon now and they will be offering some sort of compensation. you've got an update on that. that's right. so we heard the overnights saying that they were going to issue the victims. of course, this was a what the, the leader of centcom in the end called a tragic mistake drone strike on a car that the american said they believed belonged to. i saw that it had visited a safe house, really what it appear to be in the end. what it transpired,
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tragically was a man who worked for us aid organization. and in that drone strike targeting his car, when he came home at the end of the day, 10 people were killed members of extended family and 7 children. so you're now what you're seeing is a claim of certainly responsibility. but again, like we spoke to some of the family members today, whether they thought that this was going to be enough compensation or returning to the you at the united states. and this is what they had to say. well, the cargo starts, the u. s. said they will provide aid and they will compensate us and all that so far. they haven't done any of those. and they said they will take us to the us, but they haven't. no, definitely. we are eager to go because we are under security threats every minute and every 2nd of our lives are in danger. i love, i miss my friends so much. nobody can understand our pain. they have harmed us enormously and ended our friendship. i even dream of them. so it is a statement there that they will be doing, deciding who love to wait and see how it trickles down when they will be getting
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the compensation. and what kind of format comes, how much money it is, but certainly a lot of the family members saying that they actually want to leave afghanistan. and many people want to leave afghanistan, kamala, it's not just the fears of the taliban. it's also the desperate economic situation . here, the fears of a, at the instability. many people will tell you that talent that jeff garrison has been in stable for very long time. but now everyone saying that people i've been speaking to recently, that they simply cannot predict what's gonna happen. also, of course, this is a country that has no more money on the international community is withholding millions and millions of dollars. people haven't been paid their salaries really desperate times year winter is coming and people will tell you that that's going to be incredibly difficult. also with over 3000000 people displaced very little shelter and it gets incredibly cold here. stephanie deca reporting from cobble. thank you, stephanie, and to continue on what she was talking about there, those millions of people have been displaced by let's remember, decades of war in afghanistan really are increasingly concerned about this
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instability, those living, particularly in the makeshift camps, fear they may have to actually stay longer hash mal barbara has this exclusive report from missouri. sharif moment of mohammed, as lamb doesn't have much time before winter arrives. he wants to complete his new mod, brick house of biscuits on the outskirts of the afghan city of mazata chevy. the father of mine, children says they could no longer live in the small towns he erected when the 1st arrived here from a neighboring village. my name is on my them as this is home now at lease, i feel safe by house was destroyed in the war, so the camp has become my home and my children's future home for new clothes. as winter approaches, families become anxious, food supplies have shrunk, and aid has nearly stopped. the few international agencies that have looked after the displaced are struggling to bring aid into afghanistan, but most of the border crossings with neighboring countries are closed,
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and ad deliveries are restricted. bacardi pocket, he all these people are job loss and they cannot afford to buy food and most have been living in tents for months. it's getting cold and people are starting to worry about the future. this school was recently built by an n g o for teachers and students. it offers an escape from life, beset by conflict and destruction. all armies are harrison and like the cam because i don't want to go back to my village this know where to live. there a house was destroyed. i feel safe here. sarah and her family have sought refuge here. she says her house in condos was destroyed and her relatives were killed. she doesn't want to go back, but this isn't the place where she wants to spend her life either. mister glen, american eagle, and that is an agenda my to, to get cold at night. and some of them are thick. i don't have money to buy food. if only i had a place where we can live in dignity, thousands of people,
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half leather villages in northern afghanistan, many of them and it up living here. traumatized by a war that has shuttered lives and separated millions from their families. for decades, refugees, and those displaced by war were told it was just a matter of time before they could get back home. now, many are still living in camps, and some are now married with children. the promise of resettlement and a permanent shelter were always delayed by war and instability to day millions of afghan refugees and internally displaced. may still have to wait and hope that one day that we have a place to call home. hash balboa al jazeera on the outskirts of missouri, cities well protest of the gathering incidents capital to demand greater representation in government. they have made up or they are made up of an alliance of arms groups and opposition. members sit down, remember it's been controlled by
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a transitional, civilian military government for more than 2 years. the prime minister says the divisions between the 2 sides now causing the countries with crisis, yet in its transition to civilian rule about doing, i would not be exaggerating. if i said this political crisis is the worst and most dangerous crisis that threatens the transition and even threatens our entire country and warns of a terrible evil. this is due to the deep splits among civilians and among the military as well as between the civilians and the military. ever morgan's in cartoon for us have a couple of hours since i last spoke to you. how have the numbers increased? the yes indeed. come out, many people have been arriving by buses from various parts of the other part country to take part in this process in front of the presidential palace. now they call themselves the forces of freedom and that's the same name of the alliance that
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let me pick up my protest against the president dominant here, eventually led by the military. but these people, the group that make up this new f a, b, a splinter from the main f s the, they're mostly on grouping physicians. they say that's because the main half of the medical william political parties do not prevent them and have a clue to the group and other opposition parties from coalition and from governance . again, this is a join the military government to william, pardon me, to help me to maintain that lead the i think i'm not the however, the splintered group has signed a lease agreement. many of the, many of the parties in the printer to find that because we met with the transitional government last year. and now many of them pulled in the government. i think it will be in the national assembly, but they say that they're not represented in the states, and that's why they put the thing they calling for why debate for more presentations in all parts of the country. but we keep saying transitional
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government. can you remind me how long this transition was supposed to be? because i suspect that's a big part of what fits people there. yeah . now when the 2nd agreement was signed in august 2019, it was set to be 39 months 21 months for the military and civilian component of the car, sharing government. now a peace agreement with finding october last year, which we set the clock back again to the starting point against another page. my month was not clear what happened to be a month where the military was in control. so the civilians are expecting that it would be divided equally between the civilians and the military. that's something that has not been written about and that has created a lot of conclusion that confusion and that's why them, by my last month with the civilians are political parties. rather, if you think the military being to linear with the security and allowing for them
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to take place, they say that this is the military or not keen on having for the military is not keen on having power to civilian government that they delaying and be reeling the transition, now there's also split among the political parties, some of those who are in the 4th. so if you're doing well, listen, i have said that that the way that the transition is going is not to their liking, participate in the community, come in a heartbeat. others who have as much as it comes down to what's happening during the signs of him to say the standby until elections are held in january 2024. but there is a division that had been widening since they attempted to last month. and between the political parties themselves, say that their base should expand it to this new after the fashion and others say that because there are groups because they have already signed the lease agreement, which guarantees them see and the national government and actually completed with somebody from said that there is no need to, i didn't have a morgan keeping an eye on the protests today and how to sit down. thank you. hipaa
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se, asia's regional block as is excluding me and miles, june to chief from its summits. later this month, the moved by amazon as a rare rebuke to the military rulers who toppled me and mouth civilian government back in february. the armies failure to comply with a roadmap to peace agreed to early this year than the frustrated members of the block more than 1100 people have been killed and more than 7000 arrested since the military seized power. here is some thoughts on debbie. still had heard the founder of old fan berner, a network of organizations working to support human rights and democracy and me. and she told us violence has increased despite the so called roadmap to peace. which military rule is agreed to in the 5 months following the adoption of this roadmap? the 5 point consensus in april was seen any 3534 military attacks. i was targeting a humming civilian, less than 840 percent increase from the same period last year. so we really need
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to start thinking about working with the un security council and other international partners to push the military into a cessation of violence in order for any kind of peace agreement or peace process to be started. this goes back also reminds us of the process back in 2006, where there was pressure to deny me and mother champ, because it was rude by a military winter at the time. and in that situation, the avia rebuked the one time such a re that so i had to say face and withdrawn from the chair. so i think this is also a similar move by making this statement saying that they will not have a political representative from the winter at the upcoming summit. and his gambling on the fact that the senior gentleman on my included was
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quietly withdraw from the sea at this time, get rid of coven news. now. the daily death told in russia has now passed 1000 for the 1st time since the outbreak began. the figure been rising all week with the criminal, blaming people for not taking up vaccination. only about a 3rd of russia's nearly 146000000 people are fully vaccinated. the russian government is rudolfo imposing a nationwide locked down. jamante zealand governments held a one off nationwide vaccination day to try to get as many people in the united as possible. the country had been loaded for its handling of the pandemic. but the backseat roll out has been slow, and its now struggling to contain an outbreak of the delta varied the support from wine. hey. oh, it was cold super saturday and was designed to entice new zealanders to get vaccinated against coven. 19, the goal was to administer 100000 doses in one day, which was easily surpassed furniture on hard to vonn. it's on and i have just made
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really lazy. marietta stephen really helps. why monitors in? yeah. as coven cases rise mainly in the largest city, oakland giveaways and gimmicks we used to persuade people to receive defies a jab, including vaccination st. her sit up on an ann useless plane. there was particular focus on pacific island and indigenous multi communities with vaccination rates. a lower than others. overall, new zealand wants to have 90 percent of the eligible population immunized. it was 62 percent before super saturday at the beginning of the pandemic diesel and adopted an elimination strategy. and for the most part, it's been successful. but at the same time, it's fallen behind much of the rest of the world when it comes to vaccinations and with delta probably here to stay. the government is now racing to catch up. in the meantime, there are concerns the outbreak of the delta variant could get out of control. oakland is still largely locked down, but the government has abandoned its elimination strategy. the numbers continue to
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rise in the australian state of victoria to with almost 2000 new cases, confirmed on saturday and 7 deaths, including a 15 year old. but next week the state government says stay at home, orders will be lifted. if the vaccination rate reaches 70 percent over $5000000.60 victorians are now at least the 1st us vaccinated, or that means that i j. a half percent of the over 16 population. i'm has now had her 1st dose and 64.3 percent of had the 2nd us restrictions are also being eased in many asian countries including vietnam, where people can dine in restaurants for the 1st time in months. but the new freedoms are having an is effect on the manufacturing industry cove at 19 locked downs and human city, many, many factories that supply some of the world's biggest brands couldn't operate. now that they can, they don't have enough workers because many have left the city to return to their
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home provinces. the government estimates more than 2000000 may leave dealing another set back to vietnam's economy and the global supply chain. wayne, hey, al jazeera toner musicians. now what's expected to be nice as the longest most extensive mission has taken off from florida. lucy will be the 1st spacecraft to study jupiter's ancient trojan asteroids. veins to explain the formation of the solar system and warn of asteroid threats to earth. and danica has argued $3.00 to $1.00 nasa says this is a trail blazing mission to seek out answers about the dawn of our solar system. over the next 12 years, the lucy spacecraft will travel more than 6000000000 kilometers to the giant gas planet. jupiter. once there, the tiny craft will study the so called trojan asteroids, cotton upon its gravitational pole. these things really are the fossils of war
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climates form from right. we understand plans formed as these things hit each other and grew and competed. and these are the leftovers of that. so if you want to understand where the solar system came from, you have to go to these small bodies. this is nasa's longest exploratory mission to date with t members preparing for more than a decade. if all goes well, lucy will reach the 1st swarm of asteroids by august 2027. before unfurling it's unique array of solar panels. they will be the largest solar rays flying the largest distance from the sign. and so lucy will be the 1st spacecraft that's flying the further on solar power. it'll be years before we get any answers about these ancient roxanne space, but scientists say understanding them will help protect our planet against rogue asteroids that may head towards the earth. it's happened before most famously in
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2013 when an asteroid crash through the atmosphere over russia, producing a shock wave that caused mass injuries and structural damage is a scenario scientists of long talked about this mission may be vital in protecting our planet. that's easy, crucial components of understanding what fit that goes to our old plan of the earth . we can't defend our self from objects which we don't know anything about next month. nasa plans to launch its dark spacecraft with the intention of deliberately colliding with an asteroid. it's all part of a planetary defense strategy, even as lucy begins, it's years long. search for answers and the gallagher, al jazeera miami, florida. before we hit the break, here is a check on the weather with robin kelly. there was been awful, deadly actually in places in greece with his slow moving storm at the center of low pressure, early drifting study.
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