tv [untitled] October 17, 2021 8:30pm-9:00pm AST
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well, hi leo, what's called some frequency, or to mention of sensations are called dis inhibition. richards, the ability to lose control or to be impulsive. so that personality traits correlates with the person to draw. the horror is a form of escape, horror as a way of helping us connect with others. the verdict is watching someone else go through hell. why just help us feel a bit better? need barker al jazeera london film festival. ah, hello, you're watching out his ear and these are the top stories this our, the saudi led coalition in yemen, says, is killed at least 160 who the fight is in maria province, dozens of air strikes were launched in support of government forces to push back the rebels last month, every these renewed and offensive in the province. at least 16 christian
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missionaries from the u. s. and one from canada have been kidnapped in hygiene. they're on their way to the airport in the capitol porter prince. when they were taken by armed men in the area of gan thea mike, hannah has moved from washington dc. this is part of a pattern that has been erupt. ting within haiti since the assassination of president hoover now boy said back in july in those 3 months since then, more than 280 people have been kidnapped. this is an increase of some 300 percent. just a reflection of power, tenuous, c, law and order system is within haiti. now, just on friday, the un extended its mission to haiti for another 9 months. and in recent days, a u. s. delegation has been in that country, exploring ways in which it can help bolster the haitian national police. at least 19 people have been killed by land slides in floods. in india's careless state
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rescue teams are trying to reach people stranded by the flood voters. these are the worst floods in 2018 when more than 500 people were killed. the african interior ministry says girls will soon return to secondary schools that are only being permitted to attend to primary education since the tele bonds take. thousands have attended a rally in paris to remember the massacre of algerian protested by french police and 961. earlier manual ma chrome became the 1st french president to attend come immigration, but he stopped short of issuing an apology and inter lanka, hundreds of fishermen have been protesting against what they say is poaching from neighboring india. they, when they government to enforce a 2017 law, that would prevent indian fishermen from encroaching in lincoln waters. those are the headlines i'm emily, anguish states. you're now inside story. i'll be back at the top of the hour with morning. ah ah
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ah ah ah, ah, ah, could we see the beautiful game every 2 years instead of for the world governing body fif wants to change the frequency of the world cup? not everyone thrilled by the proposal. what would it mean for players and fan? this is inside story. ah, ah, hello, welcome to the show. i'm sammy's a than the world governing football body fee for is intensifying its push for a world cup every other year. but the proposal has been widely criticized by some
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sports federations football coaches and players. those against the plan, se switching from the 4 year calendar could seriously affect players mental and physical health overshadow the women's edition of the tournament. and the fact the schedules of other sports, both european and south american football bodies have threatened to boy called the world comp. if he decides to go ahead, free for intends to reduce the number of qualifying and friendly matches to keep players from being overworked. a feasibility study is being carried out to look at the practicalities of reducing the world cup cycle. 166, so fif as 210 national associations back the idea of further research into the proposed changes. see for president johnny and santino says the proposal will allow more countries to take part in the tournament. when i picked his younger congress with the law, he had brought up well adequacy from the fif. a coldness of those by 88 percent of
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the members has asked us to analyze the possibility of reform that the national calendar fletcher's, when the national teams have to play. and if it's possible to play award cups every 2 years, we haven't a laser from the point of view of soccer, but of course it's possible. and of course, there are many advantages because we give local charities to anymore counselors to participate at the water level. opponents of the plan of accused fee for putting money ahead of sports. but the bodies head of global football development says that's not the case. i believe after the players want to play be games. what they don't want is to place more game to know and to be competitions. her is something that everybody wants to play. know. if i tell you now you would be worth champion even. it's 14 minutes to read, say yes. and getting more opportunities in today for county doesn't go to work up.
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they have to wait for ages. hello. if a player is injured doesn't play for 8 years, the worker and the so i just believe it's a, a, a re shaping of your mind that because it's unusual. but there's where the perception of time is changed and the younger generation wants to be entertained much more of their one big events. the international olympic committee is also waited on the proposed changes. the i o. c is called for wider discussions over the plan fighting 3 major concerns. the executive board of the international olympic committee takes note of fif is plans to change the football competition schedule. as a whole de woke up every 2 years. a number of international federations of other sports, national football, federations clubs, play is, plays, associations, and coaches have expressed strong reservations and concerns regarding the plans to generate more rates. revenue for fever, mainly for the following reasons. and there are 3 bullet points. firstly,
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the impact on other sports. the increased frequency and timing for the world cup would create a class with other major international sports. this includes tennis, cycling, gulf diagnostics, swimming athletics, formula one and many others. this will undermine the diversity and development of sport, other schools, other than football point to gender equality. the increase in men's events in the calendar were great challenges for the further promotion of women's football. and the 3rd point players welfare plans, in particular, the doubling in the frequency of the walk up would create a further massive strain on the physical and mental health of the players. the see concludes the shares these concerns and supports the calls of stakeholders of football, international sports, federations and major event organizes for a wider consultation including with athletes representatives which has obviously not taken place. ah,
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well let's bring in our guests into the show. now in beirut, we have joining us ilia, troy, of which he the strategic advisor, deli sports. he's also a former consultant for the copper world cup 2022 supreme committee and from london football. right up marcella. more. i'll ho not welcome. you both to the show, let me start with leo. why does fee for in the 1st place $1.00 to make the world comp every 2 years? is it just about the money? i mean, that's the immediate counterclaim. with more games, you have more tickets sold. you have more branding, respond to serves more t v, right? so clearly there is more money with more games, but ours, in designer excise and coach and current title football. global development is actually saying, but it's going to reduce the, the fatigue of the players because essentially it's going to eradicate the
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international brakes which we see every year and september, october, november, and march. so what this plan intends to do is to only have a $4.00 to $5.00 week break in october when qualifiers would be played. and then at the end of every june they would be in a major tournament, be at a world cup or in between world cups. you'd have euros or cup. i'm at the guys, but i'm sure we're going to talk about the calendar in a bit. so i won't, i won't jump the gun on this, but yeah, we definitely will get it on the calendar. but let me take some of those points to myself, so more games, more money, less stress. what could possibly be wrong with a plan like that, a marcella? i think intuitively, i don't, i don't like it. but when i tried to argue rationally about the reasons why or why i don't like it, it's sort of need to position. i think that they are kind of ungrounded to
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a certain extent. clearly the money is a big factor and the world cup is see says, biggest business and its biggest brand. so it would be almost neglectful of them not to try and capitalize as much as possible, especially as other competitions are increasing and popularity in figures and almost catching up with a well cut, one could say. but at the same time, i'm not convinced that this idea that it would be that i think the, the physical pressure on, on a leach professional athletes to compete permanently is, is clearly taking its toll. busy and it has a detrimental side, and i'm not persuaded by this anger argument that it would produce less fatigue. i think perhaps one of the biggest reasons why it's, i wouldn't say a bad idea of it. but an idea was scrutinizing very carefully is this notion that
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the qualify as an international dates will be scrapped because i, i, i think we forget that the world cup is in fact the finals of the, of the kind of ongoing competition. and the qualifiers are part of this thing itself so to suddenly do away with international dates and have qualifiers all squashed into a single week, i think will diminish the spectacle and all so produce quite a lot of stress and fatigue on those. busy players that are summoned for that week, which will inevitably to the best, the best for each country. so i'm not, i'm not persuaded about the logic of this, you know, doing away a live international qualifies. and i think that's my main fear is that will, the world cup will morph into something so different from what you do at the moment, but it will almost be unrecognizable. although i can write why this is going to
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happen. let's take you bank alia, and say, look, when you think about it, in money terms, the fee for have a point, i mean, it makes a loss. typically, 3 years out of 4, it makes money on the 4th year when there's a world comp, l, you know, is this just the way the market is driving it? it has to find a way to stay profitable, more regularly. so from 2017 to 2020. and those 4 years see for generated $6400000000.00 where the revenue, 70 percent of that came in 2018 during the russia world cup. so what you said is, you know, absolutely true. and, and what my, my panelist also said is true. i was just, i was just, you know, rehashing what are some bangers russian. i was for hosting it for hosting a buy a new world. got it's also worth noting that the only people who are promoting this are retired players and the next coach in arson, wagner, most coaches would say. ready exactly what you know, what was said,
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that it's actually going to make players more tired and is going to take away from their, their own downtime. but in the end, you have champ, is leagues every year on. erica is biannual. johnny and santino even try to draw a comparison to the super bowl, which i don't. i don't think so too with real football fans. but clearly it's, it's a way to generate more money. marcella, since 2 fif is most powerful governing bodies. you're a fur and condra ball bear opposed to this proposal. so regardless of what we might come up with in terms of, is it a good idea or a bad idea will for ultimately be able to switch the frequency if 2 powerful government bodies say we don't want this? so i think what's really interesting is that we're seeing a shift empower month,
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the governing bodies, it of football, but possibly in all industries in a we are, we are in the, in a kind of revolutionary movement in our history. culturally, i do think football is part of the entertainment industry and part of the cultural life of as a society and i do sense commercials literally clinging on to it, power based their life at the moment. i think the inequities in, in, in funding and infrastructure in general kind of a commercial mouse and so on, are very tipped in favor of europe at the moment. and, and whereas maybe 20 years ago we were thinking of africa and teacher. busy football, we are now just literally seeing a weakening of comfortable in the south american position. and i think we saw that very clearly reflected on, on the page and in 2018 in the sense that it became quite quickly instead of
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a world cup of kind of purified iraq with, with really mostly european countries and competition from an early, early point earlier than, than other world cups. what will everyone negotiate? will this will come maybe just become, instead of a buy a new world carpet kind of into continental super league or something. well, the champions of africa get to play the champions that you know, there's many permutations possible and there are a undoubtedly going to to come reflected i think what we're really saying and the comparison with the suitable, although it crass is possibly very apt, is a huge move by faith to finally kind of cling is a met north american market and, and be the sport, the north american consumers love and it, and this has been going on for decades. it's not new. but, you know, from moving,
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had called prior to the states to play kate in the states and so on. and so, inevitably comparable at the way. so we'll try and, and, and say no, well, we're not partaking of this until they get a seizure that negotiate enable and it becomes interesting for them, which i think it should be. and it could be if it's done properly. so the might be a way to lou them in, i think is what marcello saying? what about the african and asian football associations? earlier? they seem to be more positive on this idea than the european and south american counterparts. right? that's true. and this is because it gives us a higher chance of actually qualifying for the world cup with not forget the starting in 2026. the world cup is going to be $4800.00. it's no longer going to be $32.00. now just on that subject of changes, you know, big ideas. this is become something of a renaissance, at least in people's eyes. they expanded the world cup. they wanted to extend the
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club world cup. there were, these considerations for shortening matches last summer. and so football isn't the transitory period, but for asian and an african countries, the pro would be yes, but they can qualify every 2 years. and with more teams in the world cup higher representation at the time. and now on the flip side, one of the pros being being floated around is that more countries, especially smaller countries, could host the world if it's over 2 years. but i disagree with this because if, if there's 48 teams who are going to to, to make it in the enter the world cup finals, then the whole country is going to have not only the stadium the the stadium to deliver it. but the accommodation hotel, the roads, etc, training grounds. so i feel like this would actually limit because there's no preparation time into it. so, you know, cut out how 10 years to prepare. and then even when, when,
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when fifo was pressuring cut to expand the world up to 48 teams, because i knew that this wasn't feasible. so i feel like it's a double edged sword for them. that they might get to play more, but you don't do might not have a japan, south korea are or south africa for a lot. all right, ma, so i want to come back to a point that which is, i think you a hint together. the game does need to develop in it and to change. is there any alternative to this way if we're concerned in this show about the stress is going to put on players, the stress is going to put on host countries? can they develop quick enough for that? what is the change? what is the alternatives of this way of change then developing more professional club leagues or some have suggested? well, i think you know that the, the options are infinite, like get the game itself. will the permutations possible? i think what, what the, what would be a very nice thing to see happen. this is
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a lot of this money that the higher echelons of the elite came generate, going back to grassroots so that we continue to see football not just as the as the high end spectacle, but also the, the game that engages people in everyday life. and that, you know, it sometimes works better than other times, but on the whole regulatory mechanisms that, that, that demand that certain amounts of the profits go back to grassroots are very important. and i think we have seen it done quite successful in south america historically and perhaps less so in other parts of the world. but at the same time i do think a biannual world cup is the only option i am. i also think it's symptomatic of the type of thinking among the hire market end of the industry
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as the super league. that blue has failed, but i'm sure it's not the end of that. you know, we haven't heard the end of that approach. so it's ways of thinking how to engage the absolute avid desire of people to consume football, which we've seen this european summer. for example, we had the euro cup and a couple america co existing. and in fact, people watched in a people watch games during the day and during the night, admittedly, in many parts of the world, aided by law and so on, which prevented other activities. but it, but that the desire to consume is apparently infinite. so it would be very bizarre to not think of a way in which this can be maximized, but i think we need to, to my on and sounds organizations can work together with in a sports organizations and, and health experts and so on is on the one hand to not over exploit the athletes
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which i think we again have historically same day. you know, then m decker is very young man and if they frales his condition and on the other not to saturate the marketing. 7 side enter hannah's, keep our respect to law of the game itself. ok at the full french or we're delighted now to be able to bring in to the discussion. danny jordan from johannesburg, dan is the president of the south african football association. and former c e. o. of south africa's world compton. 2010. all right, so danny, thanks for joining us now. we were talking a little bit about some of the concerns. the stress this might put on players. the stress it might put on host. why do associations in africa and asia have a different perspective than those in south america? and europe? are our african associations, for example, not worried about these issues?
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no, on the contrary i say are those are your issues are we must look at what is the cause of those overload on the players and where does it come from? does it come from africa competitions? no. does it come from after bob competitions? no. well, sometimes it comes from the very people are called play of the all the look i'm your now if you look at are all the competition in the different concentration, the highest number of competitions you will find in europe. you a highest where it is 3 competitions now, when in 2018, there was a proposal for a look up every 2 years. there was no objection from europe on the same point
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that the overload on the players. now we don't then expect in 2018 is the same. yeah. you a launch. the nation's league i think is a concept across and you know, for the 1st time in 2018, we have a li that's called the nation. any agenda to under the $46.00 additional match right now where it comes from and that's yes. we have the you know, finance and the nation fund was in the same yes. where there was ok that take that point. if i can let me jump in and bring ilia into comment on that, doesn't have a point that while it's easy to say, oh, you know, making the world comp too frequent would represent the overload. the overloads already there, depending on what region and part of the world you look at. yeah,
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but let's not forget that it's not only europe. why is cannibal also against that? this is because the cult on erica and the european championship and the nation's league, which i'll concede to to, to mr. jordan. i'm not a great proponent of it, but that aside, the cult america and the european championships are way more prestigious, one of them stand than, than the ask a couple of nations, even the cup elevator daughters and student medical as well as champions league, of course. and europe are much bigger than the continental competitions in africa. so then, given what you said, i mean, who makes the money then whether it goes to regional cups. if i'm a months or international ones, if i may, if i may, i think we need to go to the root of this because i'd see those congress and ne, where 166100. $66.00, federations ordered in favor of only $22.00 against or against the proposal. it was,
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it was a proposal put forward by saudi arabia, right? so a month later, saudi arabia contracted boston consulting group to basically help them learn the world cup or table a burden. 2030 with one sourcing to think outside the box. all right, we've got a couple of minutes left. and since danny just joined us, i want to go back to danny and, and asked this question, danny, at the end of the day, what's the bottom line here? if you're a pen and south american football association, say they'll boycott any additional world camps. does that really tied the hands of everyone, including african, are associations? look this concept. we are football is a global sport. the majority of high value players in europe come from africa on yesterday. you saw what your contract said about an african player. i saw sal maryan and sarah and our men, he's been to african association,
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have the clout and, and impacted influence of european and south american associations. now well, let me finish. let me finish. there cannot be the high value grow but an canter clubs in europe. well, out the high value plays in and many of them come from africa, right? so, so therefore, for europe to pick and choose what they like and what they don't like is undemocratic. they must come to the congress and conference, the congress. now, as soon as a proposal is not from europe, it must not even be placed on the table. though it is a 100 years old. what is the legacy of africa? we are now in the body of legation. we are battling to be talk about group. and
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then the 10 group were play 5 to play to, to go to the world. got 5 out of 54 out of this from africa. well, you go back for 32 years. every good did not at the speaker phone another 48 years. africa only had one lives in the world to be africa as high as 30. now is us, the global squad did to one day, right? when i don't even look at what is the model as well? what is the model? what, what is it the same like last? just because that is a baby, but it's not surprising. anyone who benefit from a system over a 100 years. well his us even the concept of a change, right? that new proposals that can be expected. ok. i'm afraid we are out of time. i know this is a really griffin topic. i'd like to continue, but we're gonna have to stop here for now. she'll be back again at some point to
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talk about this for now. let's thank our guess ilia toriana, which danny jordan and marcella morris, idaho, and thank you to for watching, you can see the show again, any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com for further discussion head over to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com. forward slash ha, inside story. can also join the conversation on twitter. our handle there is at ha, inside story. from me, sam is a than and the whole team here for now, it's fine. ah and
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